815 google calendar

Post on 19-Nov-2014






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Google CalendarGoogle Calendar

A bridge to creating, viewing and sharing your professional and

personal schedule of events

A bridge to creating, viewing and sharing your professional and

personal schedule of events

In order to access it go to:

In order to access it go to:

Go to your Gmail account and click on calendar in the upper left hand corner.

Go to your Gmail account and click on calendar in the upper left hand corner.

• Or simply go to www.google.com/calendar.

It can be used to post the library’s hours in Public or Academic Libraries…

It can be used to post the library’s hours in Public or Academic Libraries…

Screenshot of Engineering Lib hours

Screenshot of Engineering Lib hours

- or to post Children’s and Adults’ events at the Public Library…

- or to post Children’s and Adults’ events at the Public Library…

Franklin Public Library

Franklin Public Library

Library Staff can use it to organize both their professional and personal calendar.

Library Patrons can view it and quickly discover the Library’s hours or events.

Library Staff can use it to organize both their professional and personal calendar.

Library Patrons can view it and quickly discover the Library’s hours or events.

Please check out my Jing! Screencast on

Google Calendar

Please check out my Jing! Screencast on

Google Calendar

Demonstration Demonstration


Easy to maintain and search

Can be synched or shared


Easy to maintain and search

Can be synched or shared



May not look professional enough

Not the same level of tech support available (as there would be with one of this software’s competitors, Microsoft Outlook)

May not look professional enough

Not the same level of tech support available (as there would be with one of this software’s competitors, Microsoft Outlook)

I would choose Google Calendar…

I would choose Google Calendar…

For organizing my own personal or professional events.

I would agree with the library using it to post library hours, not necessarily events.

For organizing my own personal or professional events.

I would agree with the library using it to post library hours, not necessarily events.

ReferencesReferences Franklin park public library district's

website. (2011, June 20). Retrieved from http://www.franklinparklibrary.org/calenda

r_of_events University of colorado at boulder-

engineering library. (2011, June 20). Retrieved from http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/engineeri


Franklin park public library district's website. (2011, June 20). Retrieved from http://www.franklinparklibrary.org/calenda

r_of_events University of colorado at boulder-

engineering library. (2011, June 20). Retrieved from http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/engineeri


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