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    ISSN 0215 - 8250

    Developing Students' Mathematical Critical Thinking Through Problem

    Solving Activities in Mathematics Classroom

    ByI Gst. Putu Sudiarta

    Department of Mathematics Education

    Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education

    IKIP Negeri Singaraja


    The Indonesian's new national mathematics curriculum based oncompetency (KBK) addresses the importance of children's problem solvingactivities as an aid for improving mathematical performance, which includes

    critical thinking and understanding in the mathematical or non-mathematical

    context. Unfortunately, KBK's document does not adequately explain this twoimportant notions; problem solving and critical thinking in mathematics learning.

    On the other hand, the notion of 'problem solving' and 'critical thinking' itself, even

    in research of mathematics education is still confusing. This article discusses

    what is meant by problem solving in mathematics classroom and the effect ofricher problem solving activities to develop critical thinking in mathematics

    learning. Working definition concerning the term of problem solving and critical

    thinking in mathematics teaching and learning is constructed, and criteria toexamine their implementation in mathematics classroom are suggested.

    Key Words: mathematical problem solving, mathematical competency,mathematical critical thinking.


    Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK) untuk mata pelajaran matematika

    menekankan pentingnya kegiatan pemecahan masalah dalam pembelajaran________________ Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran IKIP Negeri Singaraja, No. 2TH. XXXVII April 2004


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    matematika, untuk meningkatkan performance matematis siswa, terutama dalam

    berpikir dan mengerti secara kritis, baik dalam konteks matematis maupun non

    matematis. Namun dalam dokomen KBK tidak ditemukan penjelasan secaramemadai mengenai makna konkret dari istilah pemecahan masalah dan berpikir

    kritis dalam matematika. Di samping itu, dalam penelitian pendidikan matematikaitu sendiri, kedua istilah ini masih sering membingungkan. Artikel ini membahas

    pengertian, apa yang sesungguhnya dimaksud sebagai pemecahan masalah dan

    berpikir kritis dalam pembelajaran matematika, dan bagaimana pengaruh kegiatan

    pemecahan masalah untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dalammatematika. Dalam artikel ini akan dibahas pula definisi kerja untuk pengertian

    pemecahan masalah dan berpikir kritis dalam pembelajaran matematika, serta

    kriteria untuk mengidentifikasi dan menguji penerapannya di dalam pembelajaranmatematika.

    Kata kunci: pemecahan masalah matematis, kompetensi matematis, berpikir kritismatematis

    1. Introduction

    In the last three decades, the school curriculum in Indonesia has been

    changed four times (curriculum 1975, 1984, 1994 and 2002). Each curriculum

    used a different approach and each one was promised as a nice ideal curriculum.

    Curriculum 1984 for example focused on Pupils Active Learning, and evencurriculum 1994 advocated active learning with problem solving. But, in fact, the

    change from one curriculum to another did not result in any significant educational

    improvement. One can mention many reasons for the lack of significant

    improvement (see for example Sudiarta, 2004). Since 2001 again a new school

    curriculum, namely curriculum based on competency or "Kurikulum Berbasis

    Kompetensi"(KBK) has been developed. This KBK may be named as 'curriculum

    2004' and is planed to be launched still in this year. KBK deals with some

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    important issues concerning the change of educational paradigm, especially

    concerning the re-orientation on the concept of teaching and learning as well as on

    the assessment procedure of students' achievement. It particularly advocates that

    mathematics teaching and learning has to move away from a mechanical view of

    mathematics (traditional teacher-centered pedagogy in favor of student-centered

    approaches), to one with an emphasis on problem solving of contextual problem,

    and on reasoning and communicating mathematically with others. In fact, more

    than three decades children have been mainly taught algorithmic formulae. The

    school children have been also repeatedly practiced such an approach, in tasks that

    have been removed from meaningful contexts and with an expectation of working

    individually.KBK is hoped to bring a comprehensive reform in to the school, that is, a

    continuous reform that touches all aspects of teaching and learning in the

    classroom. Through this reform school children are now expected (1) to work on

    problem solving, to solve contextual problems which nearly related to the real-

    world problem situations, in order to develop students' critical thinking and depth

    understanding in mathematics, and (2) to work cooperatively with others to solve

    problems, to trial strategies, and to find effective strategies that work for them. In

    research on mathematics education these two issues, mathematical problem

    solving as well as mathematical reasoning and communication, are popularly

    referred to as mathematical competencies (see for example NCTM, 1989). But, in

    fact, many teachers often do not have a clear idea what is meant by these two

    terms. This article addresses one of these two importance issues, that is, problem

    solving and its potential to develop students' critical thinking and understanding in

    mathematics. Important questions concerning this issue may be formulated as


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    (1) What does it mean mathematical problem solving in the mathematics

    classroom, and how to develop its instructional environment?

    (2) What is meant by critical thinking in mathematics, and how to examine

    whether mathematics classroom environments support the achieving of

    students' critical thinking ability?

    In this article working definition concerning the term of problem solving

    and critical thinking in mathematics is constructed, and a criteria to examine their

    implementation is also suggested.

    2. Discussion

    2.1 Mathematics as Problem SolvingThe Indonesian's new national mathematics curriculum based on

    competency (KBK) has clearly stated that mathematics instruction must focus on

    problem solving of mathematical problems, by means of mathematical real-world

    problem. Those mathematical problems may include both 'closed' problems which

    have a unique solution and also a unique procedure, and what so called 'open-

    ended' problems which may have some reasonable solutions with some possible

    reasonable procedures to achieve solutions. This can be seen on the following


    "Pendekatan pemecahan masalah merupakan fokus dalam pembelajaranmatematika, yang mencakup masalah tertutup, mempunyai solusi tunggal,terbuka atau masalah dengan berbagai cara penyelesaian"

    (Depdiknas,Draf Final Kurikulum SMP dan Madrasah Tsanawiyah Mata

    Pelajaran Matematika, 2003:4).

    On one hand, it must be clearly stated that this issue is obviously not new.

    Polya, the well known father of the mathematical problem solving had proposed

    the problem solving method to teaching mathematics since 1940's. In the other

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    hand, it needs a further explanation and justification what the problem solving in

    mathematics instruction really means, and how teachers can design and determine

    environments that support problem-solving activities in mathematics classroom. In

    the KBK's document these issues are unfortunately not adequately thought yet.

    Indeed, Indonesian teachers may now refers to some related words concerning the

    mathematical problem solving, such as 'contextual teaching and learning (CTL)' or

    'Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education (IRME)', but this increasingly used

    terminology is far from enough to make a clear and precise explanation about the

    definition and 'concretization' of problem solving approaches in Indonesian

    mathematics classroom. For that reasons, in this article it is useful to take a look at

    the mathematics curriculum development in the U.S. initiated by the NationalCouncil of Teacher Mathematics (NCTM) and to point out the concern of

    mathematical problem solving related to those proposed by KBK in Indonesian

    mathematics curriculum development.

    In the U.S. the NCTM has released in 1989 the Curriculum and Evaluation

    Standards for School Mathematics, referred to as 'The Standards'. This is an effort

    to empower students to become critical consumers of information. NCTM

    emphasized that the society has been transformed into an 'Information Age', where

    'knowing how to access and use information' is more important than 'memorizing'

    information. NCTM declared that a climate should be established in the classroom

    that places critical thinking in the heart of instruction (NCTM, 1989). The

    proposed changes are an effort to promote mathematical literacy, including the

    ability to apply mathematical ideas to problem situations and work with others to

    set up and solve problems (Confrey et al., 1990;1991). The U.S. National Research

    Council (1989) also reported the necessity to strengthen the U.S. mathematics

    curriculum, so that it can empower all students to become actively thinking

    citizens in a changing society driven by advances in technology.

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    According to the NCTM's proposal, the mathematics curriculum should

    include the refinement and extension of methods of mathematical problem solving

    so that all students can:

    (1) use, with increasing confidence, problem-solving approaches to investigate

    and understand mathematical content;

    (2) apply integrated mathematical problem-solving strategies to solve problems

    from within and outside mathematics;

    (3) recognize and formulate problems from situations within and outside


    (4) apply the process of mathematical modeling to real-world problem

    situations.In contras to KBK, the NCTM has distinguished two 'standards' of school

    mathematics, namely, the content strands (content standards) and the process

    standards. Mathematics as Problem Solving belongs to one of the fourprocess

    standards proposed by NCTM. The others are mathematics as Communication,

    Reasoning and as Connections. Each of these process standards proposed by

    NCTM is actually referred to as 'mathematical competencies' to be mastered by the

    students after finishing mathematics instruction. From this point of view, KBK

    seems to lack of issuing and advocating the domain of mathematical competencies

    that students should master after following mathematics instruction. Furthermore,

    the substance of school mathematics reform proposed by KBK focusses mainly on

    the achieving students' competencies, without unfortunately making a clear and

    operational definition of what students mathematics competencies to be achieved

    are. This is a very critical point that should be addresed very clearly. In this

    respect, a sugestion may be made to consider and adopt the four 'process

    standards' proposed by NCTM as a considerable definition to students

    mathematical competencies.

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    In this context a clear distiction concerning the the notion of problem

    solving must be made. Since the above notion of mathematical problem solving is

    not just a matter of instructional methods, in fact, it is not an ordinary

    instructional method comparable with some teaching and learning methods

    adopting from psychology, such as cooperative learning, discovery learning

    methods, etc. It represents mathematical students' competencies which must be

    achieved after finishing some processess of mathematics learning.

    2.2 Problem Solving to Develop Critical Thinking

    After the notion of mathematical problem solving is discussed, it is now

    important to address what the roles of problem solving activities in relating withthe students' thinking really are. It seems commonly to accept that problem

    solving promote understanding. Some literatures also describe that problem

    solving activities can develop critical thinking, but what the critical thinking in

    mathematics learning do really means, needs a clear description. At least, a

    domain specific definition of critical thinking must be discussed in order to draw

    connections with research and implications for research in mathematics education.

    First, critical thinking in mathematics education may be epistemologically

    different from critical thinking in other domains (Craver, 1989; Ennis, 1989;

    Kuhn, 1999). McPeck (1981) argued that critical thinking varies from field to

    field because different situations constitute good reasons for various beliefs. For

    example, in mathematics, Ennis (1989) claimed that the domain has different

    criteria for good reasons from most other fields, because mathematics accepts only

    deductive proof, whereas most fields do not even seek it for the establishment of a

    final conclusion. However, technology in mathematics may close this

    differentiation because inductive mathematical explorations using computer

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    software can be used to give intuitive understanding and justify a mathematical


    Although most of the research literature addressing critical thinking in

    mathematics does not define the term, and leaves the assumption that the readers

    understand what critical thinking means, in this article some of the descriptions

    associated with critical thinking in mathematics are discussed. Krotetski (1976),

    Lester et al (1989), and Paul et al (1993) explained that one factor in determining

    mathematical giftedness in the twenties, was the presence of critical thinking that

    is the ability to abandon an erroneous train of thought. He also associated the term

    with solving problems that have multiple solutions as a measure of flexible

    thinking.Pascarella and Terenzini's definition (1991) has implications for statistical

    reasoning when stating that critical thinking is, the individual's ability to interpret,

    evaluate, and make informed judgments about the adequacy of arguments, data,

    and conclusions. Resnick (1987;1988) connected high levels of reading skills with

    mathematical thinking that incorporates alternate and simplifying strategies for

    solving non-routine problems. O'Daffer and Thornquist (1993) constructed a

    working definition for critical thinking in mathematics based on a synthesis of

    research, stating that; critical thinking is the process of effectively using thinking

    skills to help one make, evaluate, and apply decisions about what to believe or do.

    Furthermore, they suggested that the process of critical thinking can involve

    understanding the situation; dealing with and going beyond evidence/data/

    assumptions; and stating, supporting, and applying conclusions, decisions, and

    solutions. Ironically, this definition, processes, and a large portion of their

    literature review on this topic are based on research outside of the field of

    mathematics. They also incorporated mathematical reasoning and proof as

    connected elements.

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    Obviously, one might think of mathematical reasoning as a component of

    critical thinking, if he defines mathematical reasoning as, a part of mathematical

    thinking that involves forming generalizations and drawing valid conclusions

    about ideas and how they are related. One may also consider mathematical proof

    as another component of critical thinking.

    Schoenfeld's work (1982;1985;1989) in mathematical problem solving

    contained another component of critical thinking. It implies that higher ordered

    mathematical thinking is displayed when students use their metacognitive

    strategies to determine if they should apply an algorithm to a particular situation.

    For example, Schoenfeld (1989) reported dismal results when asking students to

    solve, "There are 26 sheep and 10 goats on a ship. How old is the captain?" Astudent using critical thinking skills should realize that there is insufficient

    information to solve the problem. However, over 75% of the elementary students

    claimed to have solved the problem using some form of arithmetic. That means

    that those students tend to believe that all mathematical problems have a unique

    solution and must be solved by applying some necessary arithmetic form. This fact

    indicates that the students lack of critical thinking skills

    The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1989) encapsulated

    critical thinking as a primary issue related to mathematical reasoning. Their vision

    suggests that children need to know that 'being able to explain and justify their

    thinking'is important and 'how a problem'is solved is as important as its answer.

    At a variety of grade levels, mathematical reasoning, according to NCTM (1989),

    should be emphasized so that students can:

    (1) draw logical conclusions about mathematics;

    (2) use models, known facts, properties, and relationships to explain their


    (3) justify their answers and solution processes;

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    (4) use patterns and relationships to analyze mathematical situations;

    (5) believe that mathematics makes sense;

    (6) recognize and apply deductive and inductive reasoning;

    (7) understand and apply reasoning processes;

    (8) make and evaluate mathematical conjectures and arguments;

    (9) validate their own thinking;

    (10) appreciate the pervasive use and power of reasoning as part of mathematics;

    (11) formulate counterexamples;

    (12) follow logical arguments;

    (13) judge the validity of arguments;

    (14) construct simple valid arguments;(15) construct proofs for mathematical assertions (1989, p.81)

    It is important to note that NCTM recognizes that mathematical reasoning

    is not only based on ability, but also on elements of the affective domain such as

    believing and appreciating. Furthermore, many of these desired outcomes often

    take place in problem solving or proving environments, illustrating that reasoning

    in mathematics is dependent on and not mutually exclusive from its context.

    Therefore, the NCTM suggests that problem solving, proving, and mathematical

    reasoning contribute to critical thinking in mathematics, but the extent of their

    contributions to this domain are still unclear.

    Based on the above literature analysis, a constructive suggestion may be

    addressed to KBK. Since KBK advocates the problem solving based mathematics

    learning and teaching that has an orientation on the achieving of the students'

    mathematical critical thinking, it is a need to develop a working definition of

    critical thinking in mathematics. It is also very important to design criteria that can

    be used to determine whether a mathematics classroom environment does facilitate

    students' problem solving activities that promote critical thinking. Based on a

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    synthesis of the ideas discussed and literature reviewed earlier in this article,

    following definition may be suggested to be considered as a spotlight to the issue

    of problem solving advocated by KBK. Critical thinking in mathematics

    instruction (mathematical learning and teaching) should be referred to as the

    ability and disposition to incorporate prior knowledge, mathematical reasoning,

    and cognitive strategies to generalize, prove, or evaluate unfamiliar mathematical

    situations in a reflective manner.

    Based on this definition, conditions for critical thinking in mathematics

    classroom must include, for example:

    (1) an unfamiliar situation where an individual does not immediately understand

    the mathematical concept or know how to determine the solution of aproblem

    (2) use of prior knowledge, mathematical reasoning, and cognitive strategies

    (3) either a generalization, proof, and/or evaluation

    (4) reflective thinking that involves communicating a solution thoughtfully,

    making sense about the reasonableness of an answer or an argument,

    determining alternate ways to explain a concept or solve a problem, and/or

    generating extensions for further study.

    These criteria can be used to identify mathematics classroom, whether it

    explicitly and implicitly incorporates critical thinking in mathematics learning, as

    well as help determine environments that support critical thinking in mathematics


    Instructional design for mathematics classroom which oriented on problem

    solving approach to develop students' critical thinking can be adopted from

    Schoenfeld (1992;1985;1989) and Kauchak et al (1998). A modification of

    mathematics instruction based on problem solving approach has been proposed by

    Sudiarta (2003b) as follows:

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    (1) Problem identification and formulation

    In this phase the instruction should enable the students to construct

    conceptually an understanding of the mathematical concepts related to the

    task. The students should able to use all necessary information and/or data

    from the task and then change the task into complete mathematical ideas.

    (2) Determining processes and strategies

    In this phase the students should thinks critically in order to choose

    reasonable strategies that can work, and then carry out the strategies

    chosen. The student should able to complete mathematical skills / strategies

    that fit the task, for example, to use clearly pictures, models, diagrams,

    and/or symbols to solve the task.(3) Reasoning and Communication

    This is a very important stage to give the students time to reason. The

    students should be challenged to explain the reasoning (the "why") at each

    step, using pictures, symbols, and/or vocabulary. They also have to reason

    clearly their thinking behind each step, and to present their whole work in

    a logical and coherent manner.

    (4) Evaluate and Interpret Reasonableness

    After solving the task the students should able to evaluate the whole steps

    have been made to construct solution. They should review the work and

    show clearly why the solution is reasonable in relation to the task.

    3. Conclusion

    No doubt, that problem solving activities in mathematics class room should

    be adequately facilitated, since its potensial to promote students' critical thinking

    and depth understanding in mathematics learning. But a clear idea concerning the

    notions, both of problem solving and critical thinking should firstly addresed.

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    Secondly, the most important concerns are then how to develop its instructional

    class room environment for problem solving, and also how to examine whether

    mathematics class room environments support the achieving of students' critical

    thinking ability.

    In this respect, KBK seems to lack of issuing and providing an adequte

    answer related to those questions. Since there is an evidence in KBK's document

    that, the substance of school mathematics reform proposed by KBK focusses

    mainly on the achieving students' competencies, without unfortunately making a

    clear and operational definition of what students mathematics competencies to be

    achieved are. This is a very critical point that should be addresed very clearly. In

    this point a sugestion has been made. KBK should consider or might adopt thefour 'process standards' proposed by NCTM as a working definition to students

    mathematical competencies. In this context a clear distiction concerning the the

    notion of problem solving have been made. It should also be stated clearly that

    problem solving is now a mathematical competence. Problem solving is not just a

    matter of instructional methods, in fact, it is not an ordinary instructional method

    comparable with some teaching and learning methods adopting from psychology,

    such as cooperative learning, discovery learning methods, etc. It represents

    mathematical students' competencies which must be achieved after finishing some

    processess of mathematics learning.

    Based on the literature analysis, there is another constructive suggestion

    may be addressed to KBK. Since KBK advocates the problem solving based

    mathematics learning and teaching that has an orientation on the achieving of the

    students' mathematical critical thinking, it is a need to develop a working

    definition of critical thinking in mathematics. It is also very important to develop

    criteria that can be used to determine whether a mathematics classroom

    environment does facilitate students' problem solving activities that promote

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    critical thinking. Based on a synthesis of the ideas discussed and reviewed earlier

    in this article, following definition may be suggested to be considered as a

    spotlight to the issue of problem solving advocated by KBK. Critical thinking in

    mathematics instruction (mathematical learning and teaching) should be referred

    to as the ability and disposition to incorporate prior knowledge, mathematical

    reasoning, and cognitive strategies to generalize, prove, or evaluate unfamiliar

    mathematical situations in a reflective manner.

    Based on this definition, conditions for critical thinking in mathematics

    classroom must include, for example:

    (1) an unfamiliar situation where an individual does not immediately understand

    the mathematical concept or know how to determine the solution of aproblem.

    (2) use of prior knowledge, mathematical reasoning, and cognitive strategies

    (3) either a generalization, proof, and/or evaluation reflective thinking that

    involves communicating a solution thoughtfully, making sense about the

    reasonableness of an answer or an argument, determining alternate ways to

    explain a concept or solve a problem, and/or generating extensions for

    further study.

    These criteria can be used to identify the mathematics classroom

    environment, whether it explicitly and implicitly incorporates critical thinking in

    mathematics learning, as well as help determine environments that support critical

    thinking in mathematics instruction.


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    Oktober 2003

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    ________________ Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran IKIP Negeri Singaraja, No. 2TH. XXXVII April 2004


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