89394-pa integration with other modules v1.0

Post on 24-Feb-2018






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  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    PA: Integration with Financial


  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0



    Integration Overview

    General Ledger


    Accounts Payable

    Accounts Receivable Fixed Assets

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle General Ledger

    PA collects detailed project cost and revenue' These costs are distributed to valid

    accounts in the chart of accounts defined in the #$' PA uses AutoAccounting and

    Fle&builder features to derive these accounts' Once distributed! PA transactions are then

    suaried and transferred into the journal iport table' The journal iport process

    posts these transactions to the general ledger' The tiebac costs and revenue process

    in PA verifies that these costs and revenues were posted to valid account code

    cobinations in the general ledger'

    'ata Flow

    Oracle predefines a journal source and several journal categories for this integration'Thejournal sourceis called (Pro)ects*and thejournal categoriesare as follows:

    $abor *ost+

    ,urden *ost Total ,urdened *ost+

    -sage *ost+ and!


  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle General Ledger

    +etup para!eters , Pro)ect Accounting

    (.) /etup0/"ste0Ipleentation Options01&pnd2*osting (Tab Page)

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle General Ledger

    +etup para!eters , Pro)ect Accounting

    (.) /etup0/"ste0Ipleentation Options0,illing (Tab Page)

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle General Ledger

    +etup para!eters , General Ledger


  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle General Ledger

    +etup para!eters , General Ledger


  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle General Ledger

    Concurrent Progra!s

    The following concurrent processes ust be e&ecuted fro Pro)ects! for the data to be

    pushed into the journal iport tables:

    PRC- Interface Labor Costs to GL

    PRC- Interface .sage Costs to GL

    PRC- Interface /otal 0urdened Costs to GL

    1ote-All costs should have been distributed before running these progras

    PRC- Interface Revenue to GL'

    1ote- Invoices should have been generated before running this progra

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle General Ledger

    Once data has been interfaced into the journal iport tables! the journal iport prograust be subitted fro the General Ledgerodule' This process brings the suar"

    PA transactions into #$ and are read" to be posted'

    Once the journals are successfull" posted! the Tiebac processes have to be subitted

    fro PA' The tieback process identifies and updates Oracle Projects transactions that

    have been interfaced to another application'

    To tiebac costs and revenue fro #$ to PA! the following concurrent

    processes ust run: PRC- /iebac2 Labor Costs fro! GL

    PRC- /iebac2 .sage Costs fro! GL

    PRC- /iebac2 /otal 0urdened Costs fro! GL

    PRC- /iebac2 Revenue fro! GL

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle Purchasing

    The integration between PA and PO allows us to view coitted costs of re4uisitions

    and purchase orders within PA' This is accoplished b" entering project related

    inforation into the source re4uisition or Purchase Order'

    'ata Flow

    *oitents fro PO are visible in PA via the Project /tatus In4uir" (P/I) screen'

    There is no interediar" iport or interface table between these odules' 5owever! forproject related re4uisitions and purchase orders! each line ite ust contain the

    following PA inforation:

    project nae

    tas nae

    e&penditure t"pe

    e&penditure organiation e&penditure ite date

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle Purchasing

    +etup Para!eters

    There are no specific setups to integrate these two odules with the e&ception of the

    Account #enerator' Accounting rules need to be set up before charging Purchase

    %e4uisitions and purchase orders against Projects'

    In addition! the following profile options need to be reviewed and set as re4uired:

    PA- Allow Override of PA 'istribution in AP3PO

    PA- 'efault 4xpenditure Organi5ation in AP3PO

    This paraeter allows us to enable or disable a user fro over6riding the accountingfle&field generated b" the auto accounting' The paraeter can be set at a site level as

    well as at a responsibilit" level'

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle Purchasing

    Concurrent Progra!s

    There are no concurrent processes to be run for PO and PA Integration

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle Payables

    The integration between PA and AP allows for three t"pes of transactions to flow

    between the' These are:

    supplier invoices

    expense reports and#


  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle Payables

    'ata Flow Supplier invoicesare sent fro AP to PA' 1ach invoice ust contain project related

    inforation for this interface! as follows:

    pro)ect nu!ber

    tas2 nu!ber

    expenditure type

    expenditure organi5ation

    expenditure ite! date

    $uantity# if setup option 6Cost Rate Re$uired7 is set to 68es7%

    Expense reportsentered into PA for project related e&penditures are sent to AP via theAP interface tables' AP creates invoices fro these e&pense reports using the Invoice

    Iport feature! approves and pa"s the invoices and transfers these accountingtransactions directl" to #$'

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle Payables

    'ata Flow 9Cont%:

    The tiebac process is then invoed in PA to ensure that AP transactions have

    been successfull" interfaced' The tiebac process is run after AP Invoice

    Iport has run'

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle Payables

    +etup Para!eters The following profile options need to be reviewed and set as re4uired :

    PA- +u!!ari5e 4xpense Report lines

    PA- 'efault 4xpenditure Organi5ation in AP3PO

    7hen Iporting fro Pa"ables! the Invoice Iport /ource should be 8 6Oracle


    Concurrent Progra!s

    The following concurrent anager processes ust be invoed to enable the interface

    between AP and PA'

    PA: Interface /upplier Invoices fro Pa"ables

    PA: Interface 1&pense report fro Pa"ables

    PA: 9istribute 1&pense %eport *osts

    PA: Interface 1&pense %eports to Pa"ables

    PA: Tiebac 1&pense %eports fro Pa"ables

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle Payables

    For adjustmentsade to /upplier Invoices in Oracle Projects! the following

    processes ust be invoed:

    PA- 'istribute +upplier Invoice Ad)ust!ent Costs

    PA- Interface +upplier Invoice Ad)ust!ent Costs to Payables

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle Receivables

    PA integrates into A% b" generating draft invoices and sending the to A% for printingand tracing custoer pa"ents'

    'ata Flow

    PA loads the invoices into A% via A%s Auto Invoice feature' Project inforation is storedin the invoice via the Line /ransaction flexfield'

    +etup Para!eters

    Most of the paraeters re4uired for running auto invoice is predefined in Oracle' ;i'

    Line /ransaction Flexfield

    Line Ordering Rules 9PA Line Order:

    Grouping Rules 9PA Grouping Rule: Invoice +ource 9PA Invoices:

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle Receivables

    +etup Para!eters

    (.) /etup0Financials0Fle&fields09escriptive0/egents < =uer" for >$ine Transaction Fle&field?

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle Receivables

    +etup Para!eters

    (.) /etup0Transactions0Auto Invoice0$ine Ordering %ules

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle Receivables

    +etup Para!eters

    (.) /etup0Transactions0Auto Invoice0#rouping %ules

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Oracle Receivables

    Concurrent Progra!s

    The following concurrent process ust be e&ecuted for the data to be pushed into A%: PRC- Generate 'raft Revenue

    PRC- Generate 'raft Invoices

    PRC- Interface Invoices to Receivables

    Once data has been interfaced into A%! the Autoinvoice progra ust be run in A%:

    (.) Interfaces 0 AutoInvoice 0 AutoInvoice Master Progra 6 with Invoice Sourceof PAI1;OIC4+%

    Once data has been interfaced to A%! "ou tiebac interfaced invoices into PA b" runningthe following concurrent anager process:

    PRC- /iebac2 Invoices fro! Receivables

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Fixed Assets

    PA collects project related e&penditures for capital projects' -sing AutoAccounting andAccount generator features! these costs are assigned to a *onstruction In Process (*IP)

    account' 7hen the asset is read" to be placed in service! it is interfaced to FA'

    9ata Flow

    7hen e&penditures for capital projects are collected PA! the" are classified as

    capitilaable or non 6 capitaliable' These costs are then interfaced fro PA to FA via theFA Mass Additions Table fro where the" are posted to the FA Assets Table' The" are

    then posted to the #$ via the #$ interface table! at which point the *IP account is

    relieved and costs transferred to the asset account'

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Fixed Assets

    +etup Para!eters

    PA needs the following FA ipleentation features in place before data fro PA can be

    interfaced to FA'

    Corporate boo2

    Category flexfield

    Location flexfield

    Asset 2ey flexfield

    Concurrent Progra!s

    The following concurrent progras are invoed to interface data fro PA to FA PRC- Generate Asset lines for a single pro)ect

    PRC- Generate Asset lines for a range of pro)ects

    PRC- Interface Assets to Oracle Assets

  • 7/24/2019 89394-PA Integration With Other Modules v1.0


    Integration &ith Fixed Assets

    Concurrent Progra!s 9Cont%:

    Fro FA! we have to review the ass additions and update the status of the lines fro

    .ew! Merged or *ost Adjustent to Post%

    The Post

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