9 frame analysis

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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9 Frame Analysis (Art of Titles)

This frame is the first shot of the film double indemnity, it shows a long shot of a silhouette of a man with titles over the top the titles are bold and shadowed this goes with the dark theme of the film noir genre.

This second shot is an establishing shot of a street it shows complete darkness except the light from the work being done and the car lights. A car comes quickly not noticing the work being done, is then swerves out the way, the car is in a hurry and in the next shot jumps a red light.

This is a two shot of the main man and one of his workers; it shows the man towering over his worker, reinforcing the fact that he is the boss.

This shot again is a two shot of the boss and his worker. The lighting over the male character is dark, where as over the worker it is light, this suggests that the worker is a good man and the boss is not.

This is a high angle shot of the male character looking over his workers; this shot suggests that he is on top. This mood changes when h enters the office alone.

This shot is a medium shot of the male character alone in his office; it shows him in a very dark room with only a lamp so you can see him.

This is a medium shot of the male character again, it shows him unveiling an object, that turns out to be a recorder where his records a confession of a murder the shot is dark to go with the theme of things.

This next shot is a close up of a man at a recorder this is the scene where he is admitting to a murder that has just took place, the shot fades to the next scene.

This next shot is a long shot of a car, this shot will have been done using a crane to get the height and also so that the camera can move along with the car. This is a light shot, this is before the character murders another character this means that this is the section where the character is seen as good.

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