9 frame analysis

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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9-Frame Analysis – Big Combo This shot is the first shot of the film Big Combo. It is the beginning of the opening sequence and the titles. An establishing shot is used in the background; the audience can see that the film is going to be set in a city. This fits with the genre as it the usual setting of a film noir is a big city. This shot is a long shot of the setting to show the audience that it is set in a violent time and that the characters are not afraid of getting violent. The lighting on the arena is high while the lighting around it is low; this draws the audience’s attention to the violence. This fits in with the typical themes of a film noir, as violence is an occurring theme in the genre. The shot here is when the “femme fatal” character is being chased through typical film noir streets. This scenes crosscuts from the boxing arena to the female lead being chased through dark alleys. The lighting of the shot is low so that shadows are created in the alley and there is only one spot properly illuminated which is where the lead female character stands. Along with a low camera angle the scene creates mystery as to why the character is running and who from. This helps to create a film noir, as mystery is a theme that is often used in a film noir.

This shot is of the “femme fatal” and the two who were chasing her. There are shadows cast across their bodies and in the background. The main lighting is on their faces so that the audience can see the facial expressions of the characters. The camera is shot is a medium shot off all three characters. These add to the mystery of the film and the danger that these men create.

This shot is a medium close up of the female character. The lighting dark in the background and a sole spotlight is focused on her. This is used to make her look like the victim and to show that she doesn’t want to live a life like she does. This is often a typical trait in a “Femme Fatal” character.

This shot is of a male and female character. The male looks like he is dominant to her and that she has to listen to him. It is a long shot to show that he is leading her and off their surroundings. The darkened alley way is a usual setting for a Film Noir and is often used when there is something dodgy going on. The lighting is low in the background so that the audience’s attention focuses on the two characters.

This is a long shot of a bar. There is one man serving and another is drinking. The lighting around the bar is low to show that it is not a family friendly place. A bar is a usual setting in a film noir. This adds to the intrigue of the film and would keep audiences interested.

This shot is a medium close up of a man who could be a key character in a film noir – a detective - as he watches the female character being led back to the fight. The lighting on the man is low so to add to the mystery and intrigue of the film, which are common themes in a film noir. This is the final shot in a police car as is pulls up. It is long shot of the so that the audience can see the whole of the car, which fits in with the time that the film is set. The lighting is low in the shot. These combined create mystery in the film and keep the audience interested. Also the darkness around the police car can suggest a common film noir theme of danger to keep the audience interested.

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