95 theses: part2

Post on 17-May-2015






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People recognize each other as such from the sound of this voice.

Other people can understand the ideas, thoughts, and opinions of someone because after all those things come from a person’s inner self.

Through the ‘human voice’ one can see his or her self from other people; thus they can easily connect with each other.

The Internet is enabling conversations among human beings that were simply not possible in the era of mass media.

Internet made it possible for people to communicate their self to other people more personal and deep.

In the days where mass media rule the airwaves, the conversation of people can be described as somewhat restricted, controlled, not that fun, slow, and expensive.

Hyperlinks subvert hierarchy.

The ‘hierarchy’ here, refers to the line-up of power in an organization.

The characteristics of a hyperlink are it is uncontrollable, it has something to say, and the content it has varies.

It is said that ‘hyperlinks’ can weaken or bring down the ‘hierarchy’ of an organization because it can project an either bad or good image to the company and it can also be used to either smarten up or ruin the image of the company officers.

In both internetworked markets and among intranetworked employees, people are speaking to each other in a powerful new way.

An internetworked and intranetworked scenario makes it possible for markets and employees, respectively, to talk to each other in a casual and profound manner.

This set-up allows markets to freely share opinions, ideas, thoughts or news with each other including employees of a company and vice versa.

These networked conversations are enabling powerful new forms of social organization and knowledge exchange to emerge.

‘Network conversation’ somehow involves the picture wherein people say their comments on what companies do or what happens to the society or to the world. In here, people are able to agree or disagree based on what they see about the actions of the businesses.

In those exchanges of information, people learn and discover a lot of things. In the end, there is the ‘knowledge exchange’.

As a result, markets are getting smarter, more informed, more organized. Participation in a networked market changes people fundamentally.

A person conversing with another person has a bigger chance to learn, discover, and be aware of new things; in other words it improves one’s knowledge about the world or someone else world.

It is because in a ‘networked market’ conversation, that markets are more active; they ask questions, they react, they educate themselves, and they learn to listen.

Markets today become intelligent markets; they know what they want.

People in networked markets have figured out that they get far better information and support from one another than from vendors. So much for corporate rhetoric about adding value to commoditized products.

  Back then, companies do not give importance

to their markets; they lack support and they hide to us whenever we need help.

Markets learn to seek out the help of other people whenever they need to with regard to company products.

Internet made it possible for people to share information and educates everyone.

There are no secrets. The networked market knows more than companies do about their own products. And whether the news is good or bad, they tell everyone.

Whether it is good or bad, markets just speak the truth about their experience of a product.

We critique a product by telling what its advantage, what it lacks, and what it needs to improves; since we are the ones who had use it actually, we really know what is inside and outside of it.

Here, markets are given the privilege to tell the dark secrets about this product and the good thing about it, not to mention that everyone can overhear it .

What's happening to markets is also happening among employees. A metaphysical construct called "The Company" is the only thing standing between the two.

  Markets nowadays are intelligent, active, and lives

to have conversation with other people. They participate to what is happening in their environment, they are aware, and they give out their opinion to anything in it – same with employees.

Employees can freely talk about their opinions towards the company, the management, their life, their experiences and to anything.

Companies create barriers that would separate markets and employees; the reason behind it is that they do not want the markets to see what is inside their company.

Corporations do not speak in the same voice as these new networked conversations. To their intended online audiences, companies sound hollow, flat, literally inhuman.

  Whatever markets and employees says, it is

from within their self, it is not forced to come out, or it is not something reshaped in some way.

Companies should at least reduce the seriousness they exhibit when addressing to their markets and employees. They should have honesty and human like side in dealing with us.

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