a cloud theory-based trust computing model in …...entropy article a cloud theory-based trust...

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A Cloud Theory-Based Trust Computing Model inSocial NetworksFengming Liu 1,*, Xiaoqian Zhu 1, Yuxi Hu 2, Lehua Ren 1 and Henric Johnson 3

1 School of Management Science and Engineering, Shandong Normal University, Ji’nan 250014, China;zhuxq2015@126.com (X.Z.); renlehua@163.com (L.R.)

2 Computer Science Faculty, The University of California at Davis, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616, USA;huyuxi@163.com

3 Faculty of Computer Sciences, Blekinge Institute of Technology, 37141 Karlskrona, Sweden;henric.johnson@bth.se

* Correspondence: fmliucn@gmail.com; Tel./Fax.: +86-531-8618-0508

Academic Editor: Raúl Alcaraz MartínezReceived: 4 November 2016; Accepted: 22 December 2016; Published: 28 December 2016

Abstract: How to develop a trust management model and then to efficiently control and managenodes is an important issue in the scope of social network security. In this paper, a trust managementmodel based on a cloud model is proposed. The cloud model uses a specific computation operatorto achieve the transformation from qualitative concepts to quantitative computation. Additionally,this can also be used to effectively express the fuzziness, randomness and the relationship betweenthem of the subjective trust. The node trust is divided into reputation trust and transaction trust.In addition, evaluation methods are designed, respectively. Firstly, the two-dimension trust cloudevaluation model is designed based on node’s comprehensive and trading experience to determinethe reputation trust. The expected value reflects the average trust status of nodes. Then, entropy andhyper-entropy are used to describe the uncertainty of trust. Secondly, the calculation methods of theproposed direct transaction trust and the recommendation transaction trust involve comprehensivelycomputation of the transaction trust of each node. Then, the choosing strategies were designed fornode to trade based on trust cloud. Finally, the results of a simulation experiment in P2P networkfile sharing on an experimental platform directly reflect the objectivity, accuracy and robustness ofthe proposed model, and could also effectively identify the malicious or unreliable service nodes inthe system. In addition, this can be used to promote the service reliability of the nodes with highcredibility, by which the stability of the whole network is improved.

Keywords: social network; cloud model; trust evaluation; reputation trust; transaction trust

1. Introduction

With the rapid development of social networks, they have been widely used in a variety ofdifferent fields, such as file sharing, information retrieval, and collaborative computing [1,2]. In a socialnetwork, each node is independent and contributes two roles: server and client. Different nodes havedifferent service ability and reliability, and the participation of each node is voluntary and random.These characteristics determine that the traditional network security management and control methodscannot be implemented effectively. Therefore, there can be many frauds and unreliable services ina social network, such as document forgery in file sharing systems, and also random events thatcan suspend the services in social systems [3,4]. All these drawbacks seriously affect the networkperformance, therefore, building a reliable trust management system which can significantly improvethe service performance and fundamentally promote the development of peer-to-peer (P2P) networksis of great importance [5].

Entropy 2017, 19, 11; doi:10.3390/e19010011 www.mdpi.com/journal/entropy

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Trust management has been extensively studied in the past decades, and various kinds oftrust models have been proposed [6–17]. Although these models have provided the correspondingevaluation methods or mechanisms to partially solve trust problems in different application scenarios,the description and solution of the randomness, fuzziness and unpredictability of trust in complexnetwork environments still needs to be improved. The randomness, which also called the contingency,is an uncertainty feature which is manifested by whether the result of an event happens or not.The fuzziness, also called unclarity, comes about because of the fuzziness of concepts, so it is hardto confirm whether an object fits a concept or not, so there is no clear definition in quality, and thereis also no clear boundary in quantity. The randomness and fuzziness are often interconnected, andit is difficult to distinguish their independent existence. Human cognition is essentially an imageof the objective world. The uncertainty of the objective world determines the uncertainty of thehuman subjective cognitive process. Therefore, the unpredictability of trust is an uncertainty ofhuman subjective cognition, which manifests as randomness and fuzziness. To address this issue,corresponding solutions that leveraged probability theory [18] and D-S theory [19,20] have beenproposed, where the randomness of trust is emphasized but the fuzziness of trust is not objectivelyreflected. On the other hand, based on fuzzy logic, Esposito et al. [21] proposed the concept of smartcloud storage service selection. The service selection was resolved with the distributed application offuzzy inference or Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. Ullah et al. [22] and Hao et al. [23] appliedfuzzy theory to study trust, and described the fuzziness of trust in details, but the randomness oftrust has not been well considered. Overall, the problem with the above solutions is that they fail tocomprehensively consider the relationship between randomness and fuzziness and draw a sharp lineof equality between them. Instead, Li [24] proposed the cloud model theory that organically integratesfuzziness and randomness. This model better reflects human understanding of the essence of theobjective world. Therefore, our trust model is mainly based on the cloud model theory to constructtrust, which reflects the nature of trust and makes the result of trust evaluation more objective.

In this paper, we propose a trust management model based on a cloud model that uses a specifictectonic operator to achieve the transformation from qualitative concepts to quantitative computation.Our model can effectively express fuzziness, randomness and the relationship between them for thesubjective trust. In the node trust we distinguish between reputation trust and transaction trust, anddesign their respective evaluation methods. To get the reputation trust, we design a two-dimensiontrust cloud evaluation model based on nodes’ comprehensive and trading experience. The expectedvalue reflects the average trust status of the nodes. We use entropy and hyper-entropy to describethe uncertainty of trust. Then, we propose calculation methods to comprehensively compute thetransaction trust of each node. Thus, based on trust cloud, the node can choose a trade strategy.We performed simulation experiments on the Ecological Network Computing Environment (ENCE)platform, and the results demonstrate the objectivity, accuracy and robustness of our cloud trust model.It can effectively identify malicious or unreliable nodes to promote the service reliability of the nodeswith high credibility and stability, so the service stability of the whole network is improved. The restof the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the related work in the areas of cloud modelsand trust models. Section 3 describes the design and implementation of the proposed trust computingmodel based on cloud theory in details. Section 4 discusses the experiments carried on a standarddataset and demonstrates the efficiency of our trust model. Finally, Section 5 summarizes this paperand points out possible future directions of this research.

2. Related Works

2.1. Cloud Model

The cloud model is a qualitative and quantitative conversion model proposed by Li in [24] whichcan realize the uncertainty conversion between a qualitative concept and its quantitative counterpart.It mainly reflects two kinds of uncertainty: fuzziness and randomness.

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It is common that there are uncertain phenomena and things in Nature and human society.How to express and process these uncertain phenomena and things in a better way has alwaysbeen an important research topic in the field of natural science. The main tool to study randomphenomena is probability theory. Probability theory quantitatively describes the likelihood of uncertainevents, which lays a solid theoretical foundation to mathematically understand the two phenomenaof uncertainty and randomness. Since Zadeh created fuzzy set theory and proposed the concept offuzzy information processing methods in [15], fuzzy set theory has gradually become the main tool todeal with vagueness and uncertainty with a considerable number of achievements in both theory andapplication. As a consequence, the cloud model theory is developed on the basis of cross-penetrationof these two theories, which forms a qualitative concept and its quantitative conversion model througha specific construction algorithm, effectively putting fuzziness and randomness together.

The cloud model is primarily reflected by three digital characteristics of the cloud: Expectation(Ex), Entropy (En) and Hyper-entropy (He), which integrate the fuzziness and randomness to reflectthe quantitative characteristic of the qualitative concept on the whole [25,26]. Ex is the Expectedvalue, which is defined as the computed mean value of cloud drops. En is the Entropy value, whichis definied as the degree of uncertainty for qualitative concepts. He is the Hyper-entropy, which isdefinied as the degree of uncertainty of entropy.

A cloud model can better express the randomness and fuzziness of Nature without the need todetermine the membership function through a significant number of experiments and accumulatedexperience. The basis of a fuzzy set is a membership function, and the problem of fuzzy mathapplication is how to accurately determine the correct membership function in a fuzzy concept.Because there is no need to determine membership functions in cloud model theory, it is applicable inmany areas to measure specific uncertain phenomena. In the field of intelligent control, Li et al. [27]discussed the objectivity, ordinary and meaning of uncertain existence in human knowledge andintelligent computing. In the area of network security, Zhao et al. [28] proposed the incorporationof cloud model theory into network intrusion detection methods. Di et al. [29] introduced the cloudmodel theory into spatial data mining and knowledge development for qualitative and quantitativeconversion, concept decomposition and knowledge expression which provides new methods forgenerating concept from data and concept hierarchy structures. He et al. [30] proposed a trust modelbased on a cloud model, introducing the cloud model theory into the trust model and describing thetrust relationship through a trust cloud.

2.2. Trust Model

The foundation of a trust model is based on how to measure and compute the degree of trust.Trust is a common phenomenon in society and exists in many fields such as technology, politics andpsychology. Marsh [31] first proposed trust models in sociology and psychology. Although the modelapplies a trust model in the computer related research field, it is too complex with the introductionof a large number of variables and over-emphasizes the importance of the agent (an intelligent nodewhich can make decisions by itself). In addition, it also ignores the evaluation of the other agentsin the network. All these features make it difficult to realize Marsh’s trust model in the current P2Pnetwork structure.

Beth et al. [18] proposed the trust quantification concept by dividing the trust into recommendationtrust (that comes from the third-party node without direct connection in a network) and direct trust(that comes from the direct connection node in a network) and defining the methods of trust computing.However, the shortcomings of this model are two-fold: first, the scale used to define the success oftrust is not compliant with the understanding of trust in reality; secondly, using the simple arithmeticaverage method to calculate trust degree provides opportunities for malicious recommendations onthe recommended path. Moreover, Blaze et al. [6] first introduced trust management jargon anddefined trust management. Based on trust management, various fields have developed differentautomatic management systems, for instance see Schilke et al. [7], Rose et al. [9] and Jairak et al. [32].

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Abdul-Rahman et al. [33] further introduced an approach that can achieve trust in a P2P networkbased on Marsh’s model with a small amount of calculation, but it is time-consuming to maintain andupdate the complex large database of each node and the model has no specific description of how torecommend other nodes.

Das and Islam [34] proposed a trust computation model called SecuredTrust for evaluating agentsin multi-agent environments. By analyzing ten different parameters related to evaluating the trust ofan agent, they proposed a comprehensive quantitative model for measuring trust. This model achieveda good transformation from qualitative concept to quantitative computation.

Chatzopoulos et al. [35] also integrated an incentive scheme and a reputation mechanism, andproposed a framework which addressed any mechanism that considers selfish users. The peer-to-peerreputation exchange scheme showed that the degrees of trust of nodes could be calculated using thefeedback of the other nodes. Chatzopoulos et al. also proposed a reputation middleware namedOPENRP, which provided a unified interface for crowd computing and opportunistic networkingapplications [36]. The middleware evaluated and updated the reputation of participating peers basedon their mutual opportunistic interactions. The influence of reputation is considered when establishingthe node trust. However, the recommendation trust of a node couldn’t be ignored.

Wang et al. [37] proposed a trust reputation model based on a Bayesian network. The modeladopted trust and reputation mechanisms, respectively, to deal with direct trust and recommendationtrust. It focused on solving the recommendation trust, whose theoretical basis is the Bayes formula.However, its reasoning is purely built on a probability model without considering the fuzziness oftrust itself and kept away from the trust management practice. Yuan et al. [38] and Tang et al. [39]considered the fuzziness of the subjective trust by constructing a subjective trust management modelon the basis of fuzzy set theory, and introduced linguistic variables and fuzzy logic into the research onsubjective trust reasoning. However, the predetermined membership function in fuzzy mathematicsmakes the study lack flexibility.

Wang et al. [40] proposed a subjective trust quantification evaluation method based on a cloudmodel. The method introduced three digital characteristics of subjective trust to quantify on object’strust and the changes of object trust were described by a mutative trust cloud. This model alsocombines the fuzzy and uncertainty together, and provides a theoretical basis for trust decisions.

Although trust models have been studied extensively, they all have their own limitations.These limitations are mainly reflected in two aspects: the uncertainty of trust and fuzziness of subjectivetrust are not well balanced, and only taking the nodes’ trust and distrust degrees into account makesany accurate evaluation of the service of nodes unrealistic. In the meantime, the study on cloudtheory trust models in recent years has exposed some problems, such as a lack of trust parameteracquisition methods, over-complicated trust evaluation methodology and a lack of ways to preventunreasonable recommendation algorithms [41]. Other major problems of the cloud theory trust modelare the storage of trust parameters and how to manage and express the entity trust effectively ina simple and accurate way.

3. Trust Computing Based on a Cloud Model

There is an uncertain trust relationship before transactions in social network nodes, which needsto select a target for judgment. We need to construct a model of trust to distinguish the uncertaintyof trust in a way that human minds can accept and evaluate the trust condition of nodes. How toderive trust information effectively and how to accurately express trust information, including thetrust degree calculation methods as well as trust reasoning mechanism is the key issue when buildinga trust evaluation model. In this paper, a cloud model theory is applied in the trust evaluation processof P2P networks, describing the trust information in the form of a trust cloud. The advantage ofa qualitative and a quantitative conversion model has been brought into full play, which allows us toconduct the trust evaluation process more realistically and accurately.

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3.1. Definitions

3.1.1. Definition 1: Node

The node is the provider or consumer who provides or consumes services in a social network.The services in a social network need to pay or not to pay, therefore, it is called a transaction.

3.1.2. Definition 2: Reputation Trust Degree

The reputation trust degree is a comprehensive assessment of a node’s reputation obtained fromother nodes by evaluating all transaction information. The reputation trust degree is expressed bySTrust in this paper, where STrust ∈ [0, 1]. The larger the value of STrust is, the better the credibility ofnodes and the higher the level of trust.

3.1.3. Definition 3: Transaction Trust Degree

The transaction trust degree is a node’s trust degree obtained by evaluating the historicaltransaction records. It provides a basis to predict its future trust status. The trading trust degree isexpressed by TTrust in this paper, where TTrust ∈ [0, 1]. The larger the value of TTrust is, the morethe previous trading behavior is trusted. The transaction trust degree is divided in two parts: directtransaction trust degree and recommended transaction trust degree.

3.1.4. Definition 4: Direct Transaction Trust Degree

The direct transaction trust degree is a node’s transaction trust degree from the direct transactingnodes. The direct transaction trust degree is expressed by DTrust, DTrust ∈ [0, 1].

3.1.5. Definition 5: Recommended Transaction Trust Degree

The recommended transaction trust degree is a node’s transaction trust degree obtained froma third-party’s evaluation, for which there exists no historical transaction records in the past.The recommended transaction trust degree is expressed by RTrust, RTrust ∈ [0, 1].

3.1.6. Definition 6: Cloud Model

The cloud model is denoted as the set T(Ex, En, He). The cloud T′ = (kEx, kEn, kHe) is calledthe product of cloud T with constant k, denoted as k × T.

3.1.7. Definition 7: Cloud Synthesis

Given two trust clouds T1(Ex1, En1, He1) and T2(Ex2, En2, He2), the synthesis of the cloudunion is written as T = T1 ⊕ T2, in which ⊕ represents a logical add.

3.1.8. Definition 8: Trust Clouds

A trust cloud is also called a trust evaluation cloud, which is denoted as the set TC(Ex, En, He).

3.2. Model Design

3.2.1. The Basic Idea

The internal attributes and external manifestations of things are closely related because theinternal real properties are reflected by the external information. The novel trust cloud evaluationmodel designed in this paper is based on a two-dimensional metric: reputation trust and transactiontrust. We leverage the main qualitative and quantitative conversion tool cloud model to effectivelyquantify the comprehensive status and historical transaction behavior of the nodes in order to maketrust evaluations for the nodes in the network. Figure 1 shows the node comprehensive trust degreecalculation model.

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Figure 1. Comprehensive trust model of nodes.

The comprehensive trust degree evaluation method is designed accordingly; when a node p wants to transact with node q, p first obtains the reputation trust degree of q, and then derives the transaction trust of node q according to the direct transaction trust it had with node q and the recommendation trust from the recommended node. The formula of calculating the comprehensive trust degree of p to q is as follows:

pq i q j pqT STrust TTrustω ω= × + × (1)

Among them, is the reputation trust degree of node q, is the transaction trust degree of p to q, and are the weights in the calculation process.

3.2.2. The Index of Trust Evaluation

Selecting evaluation indexes that are easy to measure and have strong representatives from a large amount of evaluation information or original data is another major component in the proposed model. We follow the principle of dynamics and diversity on the basis of scientific, hierarchy, computability, maneuverability and competences. We define different trust evaluation indexes for different evaluated objects. The evaluation index means different attributes of node for evaluating trustworthiness, as presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Trust evaluation index.

3.3. Computation of Reputation Trustworthiness Based on the Cloud Model

3.3.1. Trust Classification and Quantitative Description

It is extremely difficult to make accurate numerical evaluations because of the inherent fuzziness of trust. Therefore, it is not necessary to accurately classify the trust level in order to maintain the semantic information the trust itself contains. In this paper, we use discrete values to describe the trust degree levels. The trust relationship between nodes is expressed by the level of trust. The higher the level is, the more reliable and the higher the credibility is. We define five trust levels of nodes as follows:

Level 1: the node’s credibility is quite poor, so it cannot be trusted completely.

Figure 1. Comprehensive trust model of nodes.

The comprehensive trust degree evaluation method is designed accordingly; when a node p wantsto transact with node q, p first obtains the reputation trust degree of q, and then derives the transactiontrust of node q according to the direct transaction trust it had with node q and the recommendationtrust from the recommended node. The formula of calculating the comprehensive trust degree of p to qis as follows:

Tpq = ωi × STrustq + ωj × TTrustpq (1)

Among them, STrustq is the reputation trust degree of node q, TTrustpq is the transaction trustdegree of p to q, ωi and ωj are the weights in the calculation process.

3.2.2. The Index of Trust Evaluation

Selecting evaluation indexes that are easy to measure and have strong representatives from a largeamount of evaluation information or original data is another major component in the proposed model.We follow the principle of dynamics and diversity on the basis of scientific, hierarchy, computability,maneuverability and competences. We define different trust evaluation indexes for different evaluatedobjects. The evaluation index means different attributes of node for evaluating trustworthiness, aspresented in Figure 2.

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Figure 1. Comprehensive trust model of nodes.

The comprehensive trust degree evaluation method is designed accordingly; when a node p wants to transact with node q, p first obtains the reputation trust degree of q, and then derives the transaction trust of node q according to the direct transaction trust it had with node q and the recommendation trust from the recommended node. The formula of calculating the comprehensive trust degree of p to q is as follows:

pq i q j pqT STrust TTrustω ω= × + × (1)

Among them, is the reputation trust degree of node q, is the transaction trust degree of p to q, and are the weights in the calculation process.

3.2.2. The Index of Trust Evaluation

Selecting evaluation indexes that are easy to measure and have strong representatives from a large amount of evaluation information or original data is another major component in the proposed model. We follow the principle of dynamics and diversity on the basis of scientific, hierarchy, computability, maneuverability and competences. We define different trust evaluation indexes for different evaluated objects. The evaluation index means different attributes of node for evaluating trustworthiness, as presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Trust evaluation index.

3.3. Computation of Reputation Trustworthiness Based on the Cloud Model

3.3.1. Trust Classification and Quantitative Description

It is extremely difficult to make accurate numerical evaluations because of the inherent fuzziness of trust. Therefore, it is not necessary to accurately classify the trust level in order to maintain the semantic information the trust itself contains. In this paper, we use discrete values to describe the trust degree levels. The trust relationship between nodes is expressed by the level of trust. The higher the level is, the more reliable and the higher the credibility is. We define five trust levels of nodes as follows:

Level 1: the node’s credibility is quite poor, so it cannot be trusted completely.

Figure 2. Trust evaluation index.

3.3. Computation of Reputation Trustworthiness Based on the Cloud Model

3.3.1. Trust Classification and Quantitative Description

It is extremely difficult to make accurate numerical evaluations because of the inherent fuzzinessof trust. Therefore, it is not necessary to accurately classify the trust level in order to maintain thesemantic information the trust itself contains. In this paper, we use discrete values to describe thetrust degree levels. The trust relationship between nodes is expressed by the level of trust. The higherthe level is, the more reliable and the higher the credibility is. We define five trust levels of nodesas follows:

Level 1: the node’s credibility is quite poor, so it cannot be trusted completely.Level 2: the node’s credibility is poor and the service quality needs to be improved in thetransaction process.Level 3: the node’s credibility is at a middle level, with basic credibility.

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Level 4: the node has a high credibility and trust comprehensive conditions are high.Level 5: the node is completely credible, and one can be at ease with it.

In this paper, we denote trust levels with trust space TS, a set of trust levels. Each element in thisset represents a qualitative notion of trust in natural language. The trust space is defined as below:

TS = “ f ull − con f idence”, “high− con f idence”, “basic− con f idence”, “low− con f idence”, “no− con f idence”

3.3.2. Trust Cloud Parameter Acquisition

We use a discrete interval scale (β1, β2, β3, β4, β5) to represent the value of five trust levels intrust space TS and the credentials of the expressed qualitative concept. The credibility value of a nodeand its uncertainty degree are both in the range of [0, 1], as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Description and scale of credibility level.

Trust Level Trusted State Language Description Trust Scale Times of Evaluation

1 No-confidence β5 = 0 α52 Low-confidence β4 = 0.25 α43 Basic-confidence β3 = 0.5 α34 High-confidence β2 = 0.75 α25 Full-confidence β1 = 1 α1

According to the trust space TS and discrete interval scale (β1, β2, β3, β4, β5), we usea five-dimensional vector VAB(α1, α2, α3, α4, α5) to express the evaluation information of expert A tonode B in the trust assessment process, which is called the trust vector between A and B. The expertnode is a kind of special node to evaluate the services of other nodes, which is an integral part ofthe P2P network. We ask that its trusted state language description be full-confidence. α1 is thetime of full-confidence from node A for evaluating the services of node B, and so on. The evaluationinformation of experts is collected repeatedly on the nodes of given evaluation indexes that correspondto the levels of trust in the trust space. For example, expert A evaluates an index of evaluationobject B for 100 times rating, including 60 times as the basic credible, 20 times as the higher credible,20 times for completely credible. For this index, the trust vector between A and B can be expressed asVAB(20, 20, 60, 0, 0).

Through the reverse cloud generator algorithm [23], we realize the conversion from quantitativetrust vector to the three cloud parameters in the trust evaluation cloud TC(Ex, En, He).

The uncertainty in cloud mode is described by the other two characteristic parameters entropyand hyper-entropy and entropy and hyper-entropy are defined by the standard deviation. Therefore,we use the two cloud parameters En and He in the trust evaluation cloud to describe the uncertainty oftrust. The definitions of Ex, En, He are as follows:

Ex =1n



βiαi (2)

En =




(βiαi − Ex)2 (3)

He =


n− 1



(βiαi − Ex)2 − En2 (4)

These three digital characteristics are the basis of the cloud model, and we finally get the cloudparameter values Ex = 0.65, En = 0.2037, He = 0.02. Figure 3 shows a trust relationship nephogram ofVAB(20, 20, 60, 0, 0).

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= 1− 1 ( − ) − (4)

These three digital characteristics are the basis of the cloud model, and we finally get the cloud parameter values Ex = 0.65, En = 0.2037, He = 0.02. Figure 3 shows a trust relationship nephogram of (20, 20, 60, 0, 0).

Figure 3. Nephogram of (20, 20, 60, 0, 0). The membership degree is the degree of a node that belongs to the confidence interval, in which

it corresponds to the trustworthiness.

3.3.3. Computation of the Trust Evaluation Cloud

According to the trust index assessment system, there are two steps to calculate a node’s trust evaluation cloud. First we calculate the trust evaluation cloud of the evaluated node for each index. Then based on the index weight factors, we combine the calculation of the evaluation value on the same hierarchy by following the steps to a target derivation. Finally, we can get the trust cloud parameter values of the evaluated node through computing. The method to calculate the trust evaluation cloud of an index is as follows:

Let set = , ,⋯ , represent the n expert nodes and = × be the evaluation matrix of m indicators for n nodes to the evaluated nodes. Then is the evaluation value of the jth indicator of the evaluated node B from node ( = 1,⋯ , ; = 1,⋯ , ). So, the Algorithm 1 is shown as:

Algorithm 1: Input: the evaluation value of n experts’ nodes to the jth evaluation index of evaluated B, =, ,⋯ , ; Output: the cloud of trust evaluation ( , , ) evaluated node B on jth index.

(1) According to the set , calculate the sample average value = ∑ , the standard

variance = ∑ − and the sample variance = ∑ − .

(2) Calculate = . (3) Calculate = .

(4) Calculate = − .

Figure 3. Nephogram of VAB(20, 20, 60, 0, 0).

The membership degree is the degree of a node that belongs to the confidence interval, in whichit corresponds to the trustworthiness.

3.3.3. Computation of the Trust Evaluation Cloud

According to the trust index assessment system, there are two steps to calculate a node’s trustevaluation cloud. First we calculate the trust evaluation cloud of the evaluated node for each index.Then based on the index weight factors, we combine the calculation of the evaluation value on the samehierarchy by following the steps to a target derivation. Finally, we can get the trust cloud parametervalues of the evaluated node through computing. The method to calculate the trust evaluation cloudof an index is as follows:

Let set Z = Z1, Z2, · · · , Zn represent the n expert nodes and X =(xij)

n×m be the evaluationmatrix of m indicators for n nodes to the evaluated nodes. Then xij is the evaluation value of thejth indicator of the evaluated node B from node xi(i = 1, · · · , n; j = 1, · · · , m). So, the Algorithm 1 isshown as:

Algorithm 1:

Input: the evaluation value of n experts’ nodes to the jth evaluation index of evaluated B,Ωj =

(x1j, x2j, · · · , xnj


Output: the cloud of trust evaluation TCj(Exj, Enj, Hej

)evaluated node B on jth index.

(1)According to the set Ωj, calculate the sample average value xj =

1n ∑n

i=1 xij, the standard

variance stdj =√

1n ∑n


xij − xj)2 and the sample variance s2

j =1

n−1 ∑ni=1(xij − xj

)2.(2) Calculate ˆExj = xj.(3) Calculate ˆEnj = stdj.

(4) Calculate Hej =√

s2j − En2.

We also develop the method of calculating combined multi-indicators. In the trust evaluationindex system, the process to combine each evaluation index of the same level into a comprehensiveevaluation cloud is called cloud synthesis, which essentially generates the node’s trust evaluation cloud.Because of the weight of each index, in the cloud synthesis process, the weighting factors of all indexesfor the evaluation of cloud should be taken into account, denoted as ω =

ωj > 0, ∑m

j=1 ωj = 1

.According to Definitions 6 and 7, the formula of m index evaluation cloud weighted synthesis is:

T(Ex, En, He) = (ω1 × T1)⊕ (ω2 × T2)⊕ · · · ⊕ (ωm × Tm) (5)


Entropy 2017, 19, 11 9 of 21

Ex = (ω1Ex1, ω2Ex2, · · · , ωmExm) =m


ωiExi (6)

En = (En1, En2, · · · , Enm) =1n



Eni (7)

He = (He1, He2, · · · , Hem) (8)

3.3.4. Computation of Reputation Trust

According to the node’s comprehensive conditions, we use the weighted synthesis formula to getthe node reputation trust evaluation cloud. Under the premise of getting the node evaluation cloud,we compare the trust basic cloud with the node trust evaluation cloud.

Let set TBj(Exj, Enj, Hej

)(j = 1, 2, · · · , 5) be a trust basic cloud and TC(Ex, En, He) be the trust

evaluation cloud. Through the normal cloud generator, we generate the cloud droplets(

xj, uj)

ofcloud TC, i = 1, 2, · · · , N Let set ηi be the degree of the membership for each xi in basic cloud TBj andδj =

1N ∑N

i=1 ηi be the similarity between cloud TC and the basic cloud.The algorithm to calculate similarity between two clouds is given as follows:

(1) Generate a normal random member En′ = N(En, He) in the cloud TC, in which En is the expectedvalue and He is the standard deviation.

(2) Generate a normal random member xi = N(Ex, En′), in which Ex is the expected value in thecloud TC and En′ is the standard deviation.

(3) Generate a normal random member ˆEnj = N(Enj, Hej) in the cloud TBj in which Enj is theexpected value and Hej is the standard deviation.

(4) Calculate ηij = exp−(xi−Exj)


2( ˆEnj)2 .

(5) Repeat the above four steps sequentially until the required N of ηij is generated.

(6) Calculate δj =1N ∑N

i=1 ηij.

The larger value of δj indicates the greater similarity between the cloud TC and basic cloud TBj,thus the node being evaluated is closer to the established standard. The higher trust degree means thatthe node is more credible as the trust degree equals their similarity.

3.3.5. Decision Algorithm of Trust Cloud

Let set TS(Exs, Ens, Hes) to be the trust basic cloud, namely the standard trust cloud andTC(Ex, En, He) to be the node’s trust evaluation cloud. The trust cloud decision Algorithm 2 is thenas follows:

Algorithm 2:

Input: trust basic cloud TS(Exs, Ens, Hes), the node’s evaluation trust cloud TC(Ex, En, He)Output: the value of trust degree

(1)If En/He < σ return 0, which means that the trust evaluation cloud is too discrete. Where, σ is called theuncertainty factor, whose value is generally derived through statistical analysis.


In the case that Ex ≥ Exs: if En ≤ Ens return 1, which means that the trust evaluation cloud is higherthan the trust reference; if Ex− 3En ≥ Exs− 3Ens return 1, which means that trust evaluation cloud hashigh uncertainty, but its total trust value is higher than the reference value of the cloud; in othersituations, we use the method of computing similarity between clouds introduced in the last section tomake a judgment.


In the case that Ex < Exs: if En ≤ Ens return 0, which means that trust evaluation cloud is smaller thanthe trust reference value, the larger uncertainty; if Ex < Exs, En ≤ Ens and Ex− 3En ≥ Exs− 3Ens, weuse the method of computing similarity between clouds. In other situations, return 0. This means that thetotal trust value of the trust evaluated cloud is less than the value of the reference cloud.

Entropy 2017, 19, 11 10 of 21

If σ < 5, the trust cloud is in the criteria of the evaluation node’s trust. If it is greater than thisvalue, the data has a high degree of dispersion, because hyper entropy is a measure of the degreeof the entropy’s uncertainty change. As long as the uncertainty factor is not greatly beyond therange, it generally will not affect the trust judgments. We can only take the expected value of the twoparameters and entropy for analysis. The larger the expected value is, the smaller the range of randomdistribution of the trust cloud is. It is an ideal trust cloud that can reflect the trust information moreeffectively and more stably through our cloud model.

3.4. Computation of Transaction Trust Based on Cloud Model

In the process of P2P network trust evaluation, it is also necessary to take the node’s historicaltrading experience into consideration after calculating the node’s reputation trust degree, which reflectsthe complete credible degree of a node. Obviously, the trading trust degree is a continuous accumulationprocess. Recording the feedback evaluation data of the trading nodes after each transaction and thenode’s experience will become richer and richer as the number of transactions increases.

We then conduct a comprehensive analysis calculation by balancing weights between the directtransaction trust and recommendation trust. In the initial stage, when the node in the network wants totrade with strange nodes, the information of the strange nodes’ trust condition is largely collected fromthe recommendation of other entity that has traded with this node. After having several transactionswith the node, when calculating the trading trust, both the direct trading historical experience withitself and other node’s recommendation are considered. When two nodes have a certain number oftransactions, they establish mutual trust with each other. In this case, we can rely more on directtrading information when calculating the interact trust. The calculation formula for the trading trustdegree is given as follows:

Trustpq = eppq × λ× DTrustpq +(1− eppq

)× RTrustp (9)

where DTrustpq is the direct trading trust of node p to node q and RTrustp is the recommendation trustabout node q. The parameter eppq is called the balance weight, which reflects the experience value ofnode p to q. The greater its value is, the more experience node p has, and thus the more sureness forthe judgment of the trust condition of the node q is. λ is the time attenuation factor.

3.4.1. Computation of Direct Trading Trust

By querying the evaluation records of node p to q in the time window win = [tstart, tend], theformula of calculating direct trading trust is as follows:

DTrustpq = Spq =I(p,q)


Spq(k)I(p, q)


where, Spq =(Spq(1), Spq(2), · · · , Spq(n)

)is called the direct trading trust degree, which is the feedback

score of node p to trade with node q for several transactions in the time window win = [tstart, tend].I(p, q) is the trading times of node p to q. In order to obtain more accurate results, we introduce thefollowing three factors into Equation (10).

The first factor is the time attenuation factor λ. The trading feedback rating can better reflect thenode’s recent behavior and trust condition if the time is closer. On the contrary, the trading feedbackrating has a smaller impact on calculating the direct trading trust degree if the time is longer.

The second factor is the volume factor C(i). When the node’s turnover is larger, the feedback scorecan affect the direct trading trust degree more. The volume factor can effectively prevent some nodesfrom using the trust value accumulated by some small amounts in large transactions. In addition, theserious attitude of trading nodes to the large amount of transactions makes the evaluation results reflectthe node’s behavior more accurately. The following formula is used to calculate the volume factor:

Entropy 2017, 19, 11 11 of 21

C(i) =amount(i)

amount(i) + M(11)

where amount(i) is the amount of the ith transaction and M is the control coefficient of the turnoverfactor, whose value is a positive number.

The third factor is the acceleration factor A(i) 11+e−n , where n is the number of failed transactions.

The acceleration factor urges the trust value to drop rapidly when the transaction fails. In order toavoid the situation that nodes are punished because of one or two inadvertent errors, its value willinstead increase rapidly when the number of failures increases.

At the moment t, the assessment of node p to node q is Spq(i), Spq(i) ∈ [0, 1], whose value can be(1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25 or 0). t’ is the time of a transaction in time window win = [tstart, tend]. The attenuationfactor is λt−t′ and I(p, q) is the trading times of node p with node q. Then Equation (10) can be rewrittenas Equation (12) after incorporating the above three factors, which provides a more comprehensivemethod to calculate the direct trading trust:

DTrustpq =I(p,q)


Spq(i) ∗ λt−t′ ∗ C(i) + A(i) ∗ 11+e−n

I(p, q)(12)

3.4.2. Computation of Recommendation Trust

In most existing social network trust evaluation models, the calculation of recommendation trustmainly takes the credibility of the recommended node into account. In this paper, we introduce theexperience factor and time attenuation factor as well as the turnover factor into the calculation process.Assumes that node q has direct transactions with n other nodes in the time window win = [tstart, tend];node q will save n corresponding historical trading feedback evaluation records. The following is theformula of calculating recommendation degree in the traditional model:

RTrustq =∑n

k=1 λkt−t′ × epkq × Crk × DTrustkq


Among them, the time attenuation factor is λ ∈ [0, 1]. The parameter t is the current time and t′ isthe refresh time of the trust value after direct transactions among nodes. Crk is the recommendationdegree of node k. epkq is the empirical value of node k relative to q, which can be computed as follows:

epkq =1π× [arctan

( countkq


)+ arctan(


N)] (14)

where M and N are positive numbers set by the actual conditions. The parameters countkq andamountkq are the trading times and total turnover, respectively, between node k and node q in a certaintime period.

In the above recommendation trust computing model, if the recommendation information has notbeen updated for a long time, its influence on the node’s trust degree calculation will diminish. This iswhy we introduce the time attenuation factor. Considering the total turnover, this prevents the nodes inthe network from accumulating experience values too quickly by using a small amount with high faithtransactions. The experience factor is also introduced in the model, because the experience of a node isricher, the recommended information it gives is closer to the reality, which is more trustworthy.

The reliability of the recommended node equals the recommendation degree, which is calculatedas follows:

T(q, w) =I(q)


s(q, i)× sim(E(q, i), w)

∑I(p)j=1 sim(E(q, j), w)


Entropy 2017, 19, 11 12 of 21

sim(v, w) = 1−

√√√√√∑x∈IS(v,w) (∑

I(x,v)i=1 s(x,i)

I(x,v) − ∑I(x,w)i=1 s(x,i)



|IS(v, w)| (16)

Among them, sim(v, w) is the recommend similarity of node v and w, which is the similarity oftheir feedbacks to other nodes’ trust conditions. T(q, w) represents the trust value of node q to node w.The total amount of transactions between node q and node v in a time window is denoted as I(q, v).The parameter IS(v, w) is a set of nodes that have performed transactions with both node v and w.The nodes with high recommended credibility can be given a high weight for their recommendationinformation. By filtering the nodes whose feedback information has a large deviation from the trustevaluating standard, our model can also resist conspiracy attacks of malicious nodes.

The traditional models of calculating recommendation degree only use the trust degree valueto calculate the evaluated node’s trust conditions without taking the uncertainty of trust intoconsideration. From what has been introduced above, we know that the cloud model can reflectthe trust condition of the evaluated nodes more comprehensively by using three digital characters.Integrating Ex, which expresses the node’s average trust value with the entropy En and the hyperentropy He, reflects the uncertainty of trust effectively.

We then introduce how to use the trust cloud to calculate the trust conditions of evaluated nodeq. Let set TCq(Ex, En, He) to be the trust cloud of the evaluated node q. We collect feedback recordsabout q′s trading conditions from other nodes in the time window win = [tstart, tend]. The node thathas traded with node q for i times is then denoted as E(q, i). The parameter Cr(w) represents therecommending reliability of node w and S(q, i) is the feedback rating of node E(q, i) to node p for theith transaction. Taking the records’ ratings as the sample values, the node’s recommending reliabilityis represented as the weights of sample numbers. The total number of samples is quite large. We thenuse the samples as an input and calculate the node trust cloud based on the following Algorithm 3.

Algorithm 3:

Input: service node p, evaluated node q, total number of samples NOutput: the evaluated node’s trust cloud TCq(Ex, En, He).(1) 0→ SumCr(q) , which sets parameters as zero.

(2)Retrieve Feedback(q, win)→ Feedback , which collects the rating record of node q in the timewindow win.


For 1→ I to Length(Feedback), we perform the following steps: Feedback source ofFeedback(i)→ E(q, i) which collects the nodes that give the rating records; Retrieve Feedbackby (E(q, i), win), which collects the rating records of node E(q, i) to other trading nodes;Compute similarity (q, E(q, i)) by calculating the recommending reliability of node E(q, i);Calculate SumCr(q) + Cr(E(q, i))→ SumCr(q) .

(4)For i→ 1 to Length(Feedback), perform Cr(E(q,i))×N

SumCr(q) → num(i) , which takes the num(i) ratingrecords value of Sum[q, i] as the sample input of the one-dimensional reverse cloud generator.

(5) Output TCq(Ex, En, He).

In the calculation of the above node’s trust cloud, the value of total number of samples N shouldbe as large as possible. It first ensures that the value Cr(E(q,i))×N

SumCr(q) is positive in the algorithm, and thenit can also reduce the errors that are generated by the reverse cloud generator algorithms. To get thetrust cloud’s expectations by this algorithm, we use the following formula:

Ex = X =∑

Length(Feedback)i=1 S(q, i)×




Entropy 2017, 19, 11 13 of 21

The characteristic parameter Ex of the trust cloud basically covers the trust information of theevaluated nodes. The uncertainty of trust is described by the other two characteristic parameters,entropy and hyper entropy. It is essential to build a more robust, accurate trust model to explore thenode’s real trust behavior by fully mining the trust information contained in the three characteristicparameters of trust cloud.

When the total number of samples N is certain, En2 + He2 decides the discrete degree of trust.Therefore, we introduce the discrete factor λ =

√En2 + He2 to measure and reflect the level of

uncertainty of trust. We can use the three characteristic trust cloud parameters to distinguisha malicious recommended node from a goodwill recommended node. The analysis process is thenas follows:

(1) The goodwill recommended node using characteristic parameter expectation value to measurethe trust value of evaluated node is relatively accurate and the volatility of node’s behavior islow, so the discrete factor is small.

(2) The behavior of nodes that sometimes provide malicious information, and sometimes providegoodwill information is unstable with high volatility, so the discrete factor is large.

(3) The nodes that frequently provide malicious information, whose behavior and uncertainty factoris stable, will certainly generate a cloud expect value that becomes pretty low.

3.5. Trading Node Selection Strategy Based on Trust Cloud

Through a large amount of factual analysis, we know that the discrete factor of goodwill nodes isrelatively stable. This factor is usually not greater than a normal number, which is called the thresholdof goodwill node discrete factor, written as ∆. The value of ∆ can be derived from a large amount ofexperimental statistical analysis by using the discrete factors of goodwill and malicious nodes. Its valueshould not be too big as the upper bound of the goodwill node’s uncertain factor. We generally get thevalue according to the actual situation.

To select one as the trading object, we should comprehensively consider the node’s recent behaviorfluctuation and average trust condition in the P2P network. How to determine the node’s selectionsequence when there are multiple trading nodes with the same expectation value is difficult. From theperiod theatricals analysis of the cloud model, we know that when the discrete factor of the trust cloudEn + He is smaller, the expectation value is higher. The following gives the algorithm for selecting thetrading nodes.

Assume that the destination node is u, then there are two conditions for u to be selected as thetrading nodes: T(w) ≥ θ and λ ≤ ∆. The value of θ is determined by the judgment of the servicerequest node and the trading risk size. So, the Algorithm 4 is shown as:

Algorithm 4:

(1) Through the filter entity set p, get a subject P′ = T(u) ≥ θ and λ ≤ ∆.

(2)If the set P′ is non-empty, choose the node according to the reputation value from high tolow and turn to the next step. If the set P′ is empty, turn to step (4).

(3)In the process of choosing nodes in accordance with the order, if there are two or morenodes that have same reputation value, compare their λ′s values, preferring the nodes witha smaller λ, and turn to step (2).

(4) Choose the node whose reputation value is the highest as the trading object in set p.

The above node selection strategy is different from the traditional ones, which generally considerthe magnitude of the trust value based on a reputation mechanism by selecting the trading nodes witha high trust degree according to the reputation value from high to low in the trading nodes set. Instead,we design the trading node selection strategy by considering the node’s trust expected value as well as

Entropy 2017, 19, 11 14 of 21

introducing another decision condition, namely the discrete factor, which can reflect the stability oftrust behavior more accurately.

Because the node’s behavior in set P′ has a high stability selecting the nodes with high trustexpectation values from this set greatly increases the probability of successful trading. The discretefactor also solves the problem of how to choose the nodes when they have the same trust degrees.

4. Experiment Analysis

4.1. Experiment Set

To evaluate the proposed trust-aware propagation mechanisms, a simulator is developed onthe Ecological Network Computing Environment (ENCE) platform [42], which has been applied tosimulations of innovative network applications in P2P, grid and Web service environments [43,44].On the ENCE platform the software interfaces, the common structural module, and the emulator aredesigned using Java language, and support “plug and play” and flexible API operations. All the datawas collected from a file sharing system in the P2P network.

Figure 2 shows the structure of node’s reputation trust evaluation index. Based on the data fromfifteen experts, we get the index weight for each indicator, as shown in Table 2. The fifteen experts arethe expert nodes which we selected in advance from the network, and they meet the requirements offull trust. Through the comprehensive calculation, we get the original data in Table 2.

Table 2. Indicator weight.

Indicator Weight

Historical reputation U1 0.36Network speed U2 0.30Trading hours U3 0.23

Hardware reliability U4 0.11

4.2. The Calculation of Reputation Trust Degree

Assuming that relevant experts participate in a node’s research evaluation, we calculate the threecharacteristic parameters through the reverse cloud generator by using the evaluation vector for eachindicator 15 times, as shown in Table 3. According to the complexity of our experiment, 15 iterationscould obtain optimum results.

Table 3. Experts’ evaluation data on each indicator.

Evaluation Index Evaluation Vector T(Ex, En, He)

U1 V1(7, 3, 5, 0, 0) T1(0.7893, 0.2028, 0.0683)U2 V2(8, 3, 3, 1, 0) T1(0.8201, 0.3149, 0.0920)U3 V3(7, 2, 3, 2, 1) T1(0.7025, 0.3121, 0.1034)U4 V4(5, 4, 3, 2, 1) T1(0.6762, 0.3049, 0.0930)

We then synthesize the trust evaluation cloud of the four indexes generated from Table 3 usingthe Algorithm 1, and finally get the evaluated node’s trust evaluation cloud T(0.9969, 0.2503, 0.0809).We generate the comparison chart of the trust basic cloud and the trust evaluation cloud after getting thetrust evaluation cloud, and then calculate the node’s trust degree represented by the cloud evaluationcloud by combing the Algorithm 2.

Assume that the trust evaluation cloud of node A, B, C and D in the file sharing system areTA(0.8, 0.1, 0.01), TB(0.8, 0.4, 0.01), TC(0.4, 0.1, 0.01), TD(0.4, 0.4, 0.01), respectively and the basecloud of trust is TS(0.6, 0.2, 0.01). What follows in Figures 4–7 is a comparison of the trust evaluation

Entropy 2017, 19, 11 15 of 21

clouds and the base clouds of trust. The abscissa represents the trust cloud’s expectations, and theordinate represents the entropy in Figures 4–7.

Entropy 2016, 19, 11 15 of 21

4.2. The Calculation of Reputation Trust Degree

Assuming that relevant experts participate in a node’s research evaluation, we calculate the three characteristic parameters through the reverse cloud generator by using the evaluation vector for each indicator 15 times, as shown in Table 3. According to the complexity of our experiment, 15 iterations could obtain optimum results.

Table 3. Experts’ evaluation data on each indicator.

Evaluation Index Evaluation Vector ( , , )U1 1(7,3, 5, 0, 0) 1(0.7893, 0.2028, 0.0683) U2 2(8,3, 3, 1, 0) 1(0.8201, 0.3149, 0.0920) U3 3(7,2, 3, 2, 1) 1(0.7025, 0.3121, 0.1034) U4 4(5,4, 3, 2, 1) 1(0.6762, 0.3049, 0.0930)

We then synthesize the trust evaluation cloud of the four indexes generated from Table 3 using the Algorithm 1, and finally get the evaluated node’s trust evaluation cloud (0.9969,0.2503, 0.0809). We generate the comparison chart of the trust basic cloud and the trust evaluation cloud after getting the trust evaluation cloud, and then calculate the node’s trust degree represented by the cloud evaluation cloud by combing the Algorithm 2.

Assume that the trust evaluation cloud of node A, B, C and D in the file sharing system are (0.8,0.1, 0.01), (0.8,0.4, 0.01), (0.4,0.1, 0.01), (0.4,0.4, 0.01), respectively and the base cloud of trust is (0.6,0.2, 0.01). What follows in Figures 4–7 is a comparison of the trust evaluation clouds and the base clouds of trust. The abscissa represents the trust cloud’s expectations, and the ordinate represents the entropy in Figures 4–7.

Figure 4. Comparison between and . (The abscissa represents the trust cloud’s expectations, and the ordinate represents the entropy.)

Figure 5. Comparison between and .

Figure 4. Comparison between TA and TS. (The abscissa represents the trust cloud’s expectations, andthe ordinate represents the entropy.)

Entropy 2016, 19, 11 15 of 21

4.2. The Calculation of Reputation Trust Degree

Assuming that relevant experts participate in a node’s research evaluation, we calculate the three characteristic parameters through the reverse cloud generator by using the evaluation vector for each indicator 15 times, as shown in Table 3. According to the complexity of our experiment, 15 iterations could obtain optimum results.

Table 3. Experts’ evaluation data on each indicator.

Evaluation Index Evaluation Vector ( , , )U1 1(7,3, 5, 0, 0) 1(0.7893, 0.2028, 0.0683) U2 2(8,3, 3, 1, 0) 1(0.8201, 0.3149, 0.0920) U3 3(7,2, 3, 2, 1) 1(0.7025, 0.3121, 0.1034) U4 4(5,4, 3, 2, 1) 1(0.6762, 0.3049, 0.0930)

We then synthesize the trust evaluation cloud of the four indexes generated from Table 3 using the Algorithm 1, and finally get the evaluated node’s trust evaluation cloud (0.9969,0.2503, 0.0809). We generate the comparison chart of the trust basic cloud and the trust evaluation cloud after getting the trust evaluation cloud, and then calculate the node’s trust degree represented by the cloud evaluation cloud by combing the Algorithm 2.

Assume that the trust evaluation cloud of node A, B, C and D in the file sharing system are (0.8,0.1, 0.01), (0.8,0.4, 0.01), (0.4,0.1, 0.01), (0.4,0.4, 0.01), respectively and the base cloud of trust is (0.6,0.2, 0.01). What follows in Figures 4–7 is a comparison of the trust evaluation clouds and the base clouds of trust. The abscissa represents the trust cloud’s expectations, and the ordinate represents the entropy in Figures 4–7.

Figure 4. Comparison between and . (The abscissa represents the trust cloud’s expectations, and the ordinate represents the entropy.)

Figure 5. Comparison between and . Figure 5. Comparison between TB and TS.Entropy 2016, 19, 11 16 of 21

Figure 6. Comparison between and .

Figure 7. Comparison between and .

The question is which one of the above four trust evaluation clouds is more reliable? In Figure 4, the expectation of trust cloud is greater than the base cloud of trust and the entropy of the base cloud of trust is greater than ′ , which indicates that the trust evaluation cloud meets the requirements, belonging to ideal state. From Figure 7, we can see that the trust value of trust cloud

is smaller than the expectation value of the base cloud of trust and the entropy of the base cloud of trust is smaller than ′ , which indicates that the trust cloud does not meet the trust requirements. In Figure 5, the expectation value of trust cloud is greater than the base cloud of trusts, and its entropy is also greater than the base cloud of trusts. In this case, we should consider comparing the value of − 3 . Consequently, we obtain a value of − 3 and the base cloud of trust that is greater than the evaluation cloud ′ through calculation. Confronted with such a complicated situation, the conclusion is not obvious from the comparison of parameters. According to the description in Section 3, we use the two-cloud similarity algorithm to judge, in which we obtain a similarity value of = 0.7239. In Figure 6, the expectation of the trust cloud is smaller than the base cloud of trust and so is its entropy. We should also consider the value of − 3 with a determined similarity value of = 0.5865.

4.3. Calculation of Direct Trading Trust Degree

Three factors should be considered while calculating the direct trading trust degree: attenuation factor, acceleration factor and volume factor. Table 4 is the successful trading records between node p and node q in the P2P network. In our experiment, we set = 0.5, ( ) = 0.5, and = 100. These values are the result of several experiments.

Table 4. Direct trading records.

( , ) between p and q

( )of p to q

Trading Time −

Turnover Amount

( ) = ( ) ( ( ) + )⁄ True

or False

1 0.75 1 2400 0.9600 T 2 1 2 1800 0.9474 T 3 0.75 2 1200 0.9230 T 4 0.75 1 900 0.9000 T

Figure 6. Comparison between TC and TS.

Entropy 2016, 19, 11 16 of 21

Figure 6. Comparison between and .

Figure 7. Comparison between and .

The question is which one of the above four trust evaluation clouds is more reliable? In Figure 4, the expectation of trust cloud is greater than the base cloud of trust and the entropy of the base cloud of trust is greater than ′ , which indicates that the trust evaluation cloud meets the requirements, belonging to ideal state. From Figure 7, we can see that the trust value of trust cloud

is smaller than the expectation value of the base cloud of trust and the entropy of the base cloud of trust is smaller than ′ , which indicates that the trust cloud does not meet the trust requirements. In Figure 5, the expectation value of trust cloud is greater than the base cloud of trusts, and its entropy is also greater than the base cloud of trusts. In this case, we should consider comparing the value of − 3 . Consequently, we obtain a value of − 3 and the base cloud of trust that is greater than the evaluation cloud ′ through calculation. Confronted with such a complicated situation, the conclusion is not obvious from the comparison of parameters. According to the description in Section 3, we use the two-cloud similarity algorithm to judge, in which we obtain a similarity value of = 0.7239. In Figure 6, the expectation of the trust cloud is smaller than the base cloud of trust and so is its entropy. We should also consider the value of − 3 with a determined similarity value of = 0.5865.

4.3. Calculation of Direct Trading Trust Degree

Three factors should be considered while calculating the direct trading trust degree: attenuation factor, acceleration factor and volume factor. Table 4 is the successful trading records between node p and node q in the P2P network. In our experiment, we set = 0.5, ( ) = 0.5, and = 100. These values are the result of several experiments.

Table 4. Direct trading records.

( , ) between p and q

( )of p to q

Trading Time −

Turnover Amount

( ) = ( ) ( ( ) + )⁄ True

or False

1 0.75 1 2400 0.9600 T 2 1 2 1800 0.9474 T 3 0.75 2 1200 0.9230 T 4 0.75 1 900 0.9000 T

Figure 7. Comparison between TD and TS.

The question is which one of the above four trust evaluation clouds is more reliable? In Figure 4,the expectation of trust cloud TA is greater than the base cloud of trust and the entropy of the base cloudof trust is greater than TA

′s, which indicates that the trust evaluation cloud meets the requirements,belonging to ideal state. From Figure 7, we can see that the trust value of trust cloud TD is smaller than

Entropy 2017, 19, 11 16 of 21

the expectation value of the base cloud of trust and the entropy of the base cloud of trust is smallerthan TD

′s, which indicates that the trust cloud does not meet the trust requirements. In Figure 5,the expectation value of trust cloud TB is greater than the base cloud of trusts, and its entropy isalso greater than the base cloud of trusts. In this case, we should consider comparing the value ofEx − 3En. Consequently, we obtain a value of Ex − 3En and the base cloud of trust that is greaterthan the evaluation cloud TB

′s through calculation. Confronted with such a complicated situation,the conclusion is not obvious from the comparison of parameters. According to the description inSection 3, we use the two-cloud similarity algorithm to judge, in which we obtain a similarity value ofδj = 0.7239. In Figure 6, the expectation of the trust cloud TC is smaller than the base cloud of trust andso is its entropy. We should also consider the value of Ex− 3En with a determined similarity value ofδj = 0.5865.

4.3. Calculation of Direct Trading Trust Degree

Three factors should be considered while calculating the direct trading trust degree: attenuationfactor, acceleration factor and volume factor. Table 4 is the successful trading records between nodep and node q in the P2P network. In our experiment, we set λ = 0.5, A(i) = 0.5, and M = 100.These values are the result of several experiments.

Table 4. Direct trading records.

I(p, q) betweenp and q

Spq(i) ofp to q

TradingTime t− t′

TurnoverAmount c(i) = amount(i)/(amount(i) + M)

True orFalse

1 0.75 1 2400 0.9600 T2 1 2 1800 0.9474 T3 0.75 2 1200 0.9230 T4 0.75 1 900 0.9000 T5 0.5 0.5 1500 0.9375 T6 0.5 0.25 700 0.8750 T7 1 2 1100 0.9167 T8 0.25 1 1500 0.9375 T9 0.25 1.5 1000 0.9090 T

10 0.75 1 2000 0.9524 T

We can calculate the value of the volume factor C(i) using the turnover amount and the tradingtime t− t′ in Table 4. Let the number of failed transactions be n = 2, we can then calculate the directtrust degree of node p to q using Equation (12) and we obtain a value of DTrustpq = 0.8512.

4.4. The Calculation of Recommendation Degree

To calculate the trust cloud of node q, we first collect the rating records of the other nodes thathave transactions with node q in a time window win = [tstart, tend], as shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Score records of recommended nodes.

RecommendedNodes E(q, i)

The Score to Node qs(q, i)

Credibility Cr(E(q, i)) ofRecommended Node E(q, i) Ex = X

a 0.750.9


a 1a 0.75

b 0.750.8b 0.75

b 0.5

c 0.5

0.5c 0.5c 0.5c 0.25

Entropy 2017, 19, 11 17 of 21

We first collect the feedback score records of the nodes that have transactions with node q ina month and use Equations (11)–(16) to calculate the recommendation reliability of the node E(q, i).Then we calculate the node q′s trust cloud by using the Algorithm 3. Taking the value of trust ratings(q, i) as the sample value and the weights of sample numbers as the node’s recommendation reliabilityCr(E(q, i)) , assuming N = 100, we generate the trust cloud TCq(Ex, En, He) of node q and obtainRTrust = 0.8726 after inputting the data to the one-dimension reverse cloud generator.

Below we use the expectations and discrete factors of the trust cloud to distinguish the goodwillrecommended nodes from malicious ones. For the evaluation, we choose three representative nodes:first one is a goodwill recommended node good-Entity, whose service is reliable and whose expectationdiscrete factors are respectively recorded as Ex1, λ1; the second one is the unstable recommendednode with 0.1 small probability mal-Entity1, whose expectation and discrete factor are respectivelyrecorded as Ex2, λ2; The third one is a malicious recommended node mal-Entity2 which alwaysprovides false information and its expectation and discrete factor are recorded as Ex3, λ3. We thencollect the score records of the nodes, which have transactions with the three nodes in two months anduse Equation (16) to calculate the recommend reliability of the three nodes. We also calculate the threenodes’ trust evaluation cloud by using the trust cloud algorithm and the one-dimensional normalreverse cloud generator, denoted as TC1(Ex1, En1, He1), TC2(Ex2, En2, He2), TC3(Ex3, En3, He3),

where λ1 =√(Ex1)

2 + (En1)2, λ2 =


2 + (En2)2, λ3 =


2 + (En3)2.

The result of the calculation is presented in Table 6. We obviously notice that the trust cloudexpectation of goodwill node good-Entity is high and its discrete factor is small, which indicates that ithas been providing good service information. The unstable node mal-Entity1 trust cloud expectationis high as well, because the service it provided is alternatively good and bad, while the value of itsdiscrete factor is large. The malicious recommend node mal-Entity2 always provides false information,so its discrete factor is small and the trust cloud’s expectation is the lowest. It is also quite easy todistinguish various types of nodes through the trust cloud, especially those malicious nodes thatintend to achieve high reputations by using unfair tactics.

Table 6. Parameters of the node trust cloud.

Node Good-Entity Mal-Entity1 Mal-Entity2

Trading Circles Ex1 λ1 Ex2 λ2 Ex3 λ3

20 0.8875 0.1244 0.7250 0.3025 0.1125 0.147440 0.8250 0.1146 0.6000 0.3825 0.0500 0.100060 0.9250 0.1146 0.7375 0.3305 0.1375 0.147480 0.8500 0.1225 0.7250 0.3527 0.1250 0.1250

100 0.8375 0.1193 0.8125 0.2607 0.1500 0.1225120 0.8500 0.1225 0.6250 0.3212 0.1250 0.1250140 0.9000 0.1225 0.7250 0.3527 0.1000 0.1225

4.5. Calculation of Trading Node Selection Strategy Based on Trust Cloud

In this section, we compare the Algorithm 4 based on the trust cloud with the one solely based ondegree of trust. We allow nodes to sometimes provide good service and sometimes provide maliciousservice varying from 30 times to 70 times, which can effectively verify the advantage of the tradingnode selection strategy based on cloud theory. Figure 8 shows the influence curve of the tradingnode selection strategy proposed in this paper and the traditional strategy to the node’s successfultrading rate.

From Figure 8, we know that the traditional algorithm has a greater influence on a node’ssuccessful trading rate when the recommended node shows unstable behavior. Our proposed nodeselection strategy is based on trust cloud and has a smaller influence on the trading success rate.This indicates that the proposed and novel algorithm can effectively identify the nodes with unstablebehavior and simultaneously improve the node’s trading success rate.

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it has been providing good service information. The unstable node mal-Entity1 trust cloud expectation is high as well, because the service it provided is alternatively good and bad, while the value of its discrete factor is large. The malicious recommend node mal-Entity2 always provides false information, so its discrete factor is small and the trust cloud’s expectation is the lowest. It is also quite easy to distinguish various types of nodes through the trust cloud, especially those malicious nodes that intend to achieve high reputations by using unfair tactics.

Table 6. Parameters of the node trust cloud.

Node Good-Entity Mal-Entity1 Mal-Entity2

Trading Circles

20 0.8875 0.1244 0.7250 0.3025 0.1125 0.1474 40 0.8250 0.1146 0.6000 0.3825 0.0500 0.1000 60 0.9250 0.1146 0.7375 0.3305 0.1375 0.1474 80 0.8500 0.1225 0.7250 0.3527 0.1250 0.1250 100 0.8375 0.1193 0.8125 0.2607 0.1500 0.1225 120 0.8500 0.1225 0.6250 0.3212 0.1250 0.1250 140 0.9000 0.1225 0.7250 0.3527 0.1000 0.1225

4.5. Calculation of Trading Node Selection Strategy Based on Trust Cloud

In this section, we compare the Algorithm 4 based on the trust cloud with the one solely based on degree of trust. We allow nodes to sometimes provide good service and sometimes provide malicious service varying from 30 times to 70 times, which can effectively verify the advantage of the trading node selection strategy based on cloud theory. Figure 8 shows the influence curve of the trading node selection strategy proposed in this paper and the traditional strategy to the node’s successful trading rate.

Figure 8. Comparison of two different selection strategies for a node’s trading success ratio.

From Figure 8, we know that the traditional algorithm has a greater influence on a node’s successful trading rate when the recommended node shows unstable behavior. Our proposed node selection strategy is based on trust cloud and has a smaller influence on the trading success rate. This indicates that the proposed and novel algorithm can effectively identify the nodes with unstable behavior and simultaneously improve the node’s trading success rate.

Figure 8. Comparison of two different selection strategies for a node’s trading success ratio.

5. Summary and Prospects

5.1. Summary

Social network security is of high relevance and interest in the research community, and hasbeen one of the most important factors impacting the application of social technology. A varietyof different trust models have been developed and thus greatly promoted the development andapplication of social networks. However, trust in social networks is strongly subjective, which alsomeans that it is difficult to measure accurately. Most of the current trust evaluation models in socialnetworks fail to take full account of trust’s inherent attributes such as the subjectivity and uncertainty.This disadvantage prevents us from making comprehensive and accurate judgments on a node’s trustconditions. In response to this problem, in this paper we introduce a cloud model for trust evaluationin P2P network systems.

We have designed a two-dimensional trust cloud evaluation model. Our model is based ona cloud model and integrates the structure and characteristics of a social network. In addition, ourmodel considers both nodes’ reputation trust and historical transaction trust in order to ensure that theassessments of the nodes’ trust conditions are more comprehensive and accurate. Our experimentsdemonstrate that our model effectively solves the problem of trust’s uncertainty by leveraging threecharacteristic parameters of cloud models that better reflect the overall trust conditions of nodes.

We also presented a method for calculating a reputation trust value based on a trust cloud usingan index and the corresponding index weight. In the trust decision mechanism, the node’s averagetrust condition is described by an expected value Ex, and the uncertainty of trust is expressed by twoother parameters, En and He. This method offers more advantages in the retention of uncertaintyinherent attributes of trust compared to the method of using a single datapoint to represent a degreeof trust.

When computing a node’s trading degree of trust, we propose a calculation method based ona trust cloud, which can identify those nodes with unstable trading behaviors by using a discrete factor.Our approach effectively prevents and suppresses dishonest or malicious nodes.

By combining the trust expectation value and the discrete factor in the trust cloud model as thedeciding conditions, we discuss our trading node selection strategy, which takes into full considerationa node’s stability and trust conditions and solves the puzzle of how to choose between nodes whenthey have the same trust values.

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We applied the trust evaluation model constructed above in a typical P2P network file sharingsystem and conducted a sample analysis. The result reflects the objectivity and accuracy of our modeland proves the basis for selecting reliable trading nodes in the file sharing system.

5.2. Research Prospects

Not much research has been performed on trust evaluation in the area of cloud models.Considering the factors impacting trust evaluation, we applied the cloud model to social networks forthe evaluation of trust degree. However, our model is not very mature. We are interested in furtherstudying and exploring the following few aspects of this research domain:

In social networks, recommending nodes usually need to get trust evaluation information fromother nodes by using layers of recommendation trust generated from a trust chain. The attenuation oftrust information and synthesis calculation in the process of dissemination in the trust chain needs tobe further investigated with the use of a cloud model.

Furthermore, a punishment mechanism and an incentive mechanism can be introduced into theproposed trust evaluation model proposed in this paper, which would generally punish the maliciousnodes and reward the ones with high credibility.

Finally, we believe that the comprehensive application of combining a cloud model and othersecurity technology is also of interest in future studies. For example, we can use a Bayesian feedbacktrust cloud model for updating the trust in social networks.

Acknowledgments: This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 61170038, 61472231), the National Social Science Foundation of China (No. 14BTQ049), and a project of InternationalCooperation in Training of Excellent Backbone Teachers for Advanced University in Shandong Province.

Author Contributions: Fengming Liu conceived and designed the experiments; Lehua Ren performed theexperiments; Yuxi Hu analyzed the data and contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools; Fengming Liu andXiaoqian Zhu wrote the paper and Henric Johnson revised the paper. All authors have read and approved thefinal manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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