a member of the marianist family 3rd sunday in ordinary...

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3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time January 22, 2017

Non Territorial Parish 4435 E Patterson Road

Dayton, OH 45430-1033 Phone: (937) 429-0510

web site: www.qac-ohio.org

Pastor: Rev. Tom Schroer, S.M. Pastoral Associate: Deacon Greg Cecere

Liturgies are Interpreted for our deaf community members

NOTE: Nursery Service available each Sunday in Si Lounge! Contact Erica Rudemiller, lerudemiller@gmail.com

A Member of the Marianist Family

We share this bread and cup.... ....and we proclaim our willingness to build a community of love, and to be the holy people God calls us to be.

(QAC Vision Statement)


From a Marianist Community of student brothers open to visitors for Sunday Eucharist, Queen of Apostles Community emerged as a non-territorial parish on August 28, 1973.

Continuing in the tradition of the Marianist Charism, we come together each week as a family of Catholic, Christian believers, to worship our God in the Eucharist with song &

praise and to share in the breaking of the Bread. In so doing, we proclaim our willingness to build a community of love and to be the holy people God calls us to be.

If you are visiting and worshipping with us for the first time, we extend to you our warmest welcome. Our prayer is that your worship experience will be uplifting and Spirit filled.

We hope you will visit us often and worship with us!

(If you’d like more information about us or would like to join our Community, please fill out the form on the back cover and drop it in the collection basket!)

NOTE: If the form on the back is missing, email qacohio@sbcglobal.net with your name, phone number, address and we’ll contact you about joining us.

Marianist Doxology May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places

through the Immaculate Virgin Mary.


“THE SPIRIT” & SUNDAY HOMILIES ON LINE: Visit our QAC website at qac-ohio.org. On the main page, you’ll find ‘The Spirit of QAC’ under ‘Our Community.’ ‘Homilies’ are listed under ‘Sunday Bulletin.’


3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: “He called them, and immediately they left their boat and their father and followed Him.” (Matthew 4:22). Just as Jesus called the first apostles, He calls each of us to follow Him, too. Not everyone is called to leave their business or family behind, but we are expected to put God first in everything. Everything from our time in daily prayer, our talent in participating in one of our parish ministries and our treasure to support the financial needs of our parish mission.

QAC Operating Income Report Note: Operating Income includes regular collection, rental, and interest income.

Income Expenses Difference December 2016 $ 18,435 $ 18,562 <$ 127> Year to Date $106,644 $111,372 <$ 4728>

Our fiscal year is July 1st to June 30th. Thank you for your generosity!

Attendance: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (January 15th) 140


3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Presider...................................... Fr. Tom Schroer, S.M. Assisting...................................... Deacon Greg Cecere Liturgy Planners .......................... Sharie McKenny Music Director ............................. Teesie Chandler Interpreter for the Deaf................Susan Fraker

Isaiah 8:23-9:3: Zebulun and Naphtali were the first of Israel ’s twelve tribes to be conquered by the Assyrians because their lands were farthest north (closest to Assyria). For this reason, the north was traditionally associated with darkness. The mention of Zebulun and Naphtali provides Isaiah with a dramatic contrast to the great light of liberation that has now dawned over the people under their new king.

1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17: It is very easy to put our allegiance in the person or practice that we can see rather than in Christ. And we make this mistake when we choose to live by sight rather than by faith. But Paul’s words wrench us away from such delusions and back to the only foundation solid enough to hold us all—the rock of Christ.

Matthew 4:12-23: Matthew is always intent on showing in Jesus the fulfillment of the Hebrew scriptures, and is also demonstrating that Jesus’ ministry extends beyond Judea into the whole world. We cannot hear too often that the Good News is for everyone of every time and place. Following Christ requires an unhesitating response of the whole heart and mind, body and soul.

Ministers Taking Eucharist to Those Not With Us

Presider: Let us send these ministers to those who could not be with us.

Response: Receive the Body of Christ for the nourishment of those who are not here with us. Assure our friends of our prayers and blessings throughout the week.

Music: (Service Music - Mass of Christ the Savior) Gathering ............................... The Summons .......................................................... Gather 700 Penitential Rite ....................... Spoken Gloria ..................................... Mass of Christ the Savior .............................................. Handout 1st Reading ............................ Isaiah 8:23-9:3....................................................... Don Rammel Responsorial .......................... The Lord is My Light (Psalm 27) ................................ Gather 39 2nd Reading .......................... 1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17 .................................. Cathy Dempsey Gospel Acclamation ............... Sing Alleluia Gospel ................................... Matthew 4:12-23 Profession of Faith ................. We Believe in One God (Haas) ............................. Bulletin, Pg 4 Universal Prayer.................... Response: “Lord, Hear Our Prayer” ........................ Bill Meers Sign of Peace ........................ Sung ................................................................................... Choir Preparation of the Table ........ Prayer of Peace........................................................ Gather 729 Holy, Holy .............................. Mass of Christ the Savior .............................................. Handout Memorial Acclamation ........... Mass of Christ the Savior .............................................. Handout Doxology/AMEN .................... Mass of Christ the Savior .............................................. Handout Lord’s Prayer ......................... Spoken Lamb of God .......................... Mass of Christ the Savior .............................................. Handout Communion ........................... Lord, When You Came ............................................. Gather 696 Meditation .............................. NONE Sending Forth ........................ We Are Called .......................................................... Gather 718


CELL PHONES: Please silence all cell phones before Mass begins.

EUCHARISTIC TEAM #4: Lisa Measures (Captain), Jackie Andrews, Dan Berridge, Michele Petrie, Toby Petrie, Marie Restivo, Anita Smith, Brad Smith, Kristina Stieger, Cathie Stokes, Roger Stallkamp .




EUCHARISTIC BREAD BAKERS: Pat Weissgarber (Jan 22nd), Marie Ballard (Jan 29th), Marilyn McCrate (Feb 5th), Chris Sitko (Feb 12th), Mary Lou Kramer (Feb 19th), Ruthann Kain (Feb 26th). If you'd like to make the Eucharistic Bread or for info, call Ruby Bauer, 426-7260. Recipes furnished.

CATHOLIC MINISTRY APPEAL: Today we have an audio message from Archbishop Schnurr explaining how our support each year of the Catholic Ministries Appeal is part of our commitment to our faith. Thanks to the generosity of many families at Queen of Apostles, a total of $5,440 was contributed to the 2016 CMA from our parish community. This year, our goal is $8,839. Every registered parish household should receive a CMA mailing from Archbishop Schnurr. Please prayerfully complete your pledge card and return it in the envelope provided, or bring your completed pledge card sealed in its return envelope to Mass. For more information, please visit CatholicAppeal.info. As we begin the annual Catholic Ministries Appeal in our Community and throughout the Archdiocese, we pray that the Holy Spirit moves us to a deep commitment to help others once again this year.

JANUARY is ‘POVERTY AWARENESS MONTH’: The Mass ends with an invitation to go and announce the Gospel of the Lord. Pope Francis takes this calling seriously, saying "all of us are asked to obey his call to go forth from our own comfort zone in order to reach all the 'peripheries' in need of the light of the Gospel.” (Evangelii Gaudium)

‘THANK YOU QAC’: Thomas and I would like to express our gratitude for QAC's tireless support of our work in Northern Malawi. We are very busy getting government approval of the new operating area at Kaseye Mission Hospital. Also, many other projects are underway that are in need of our physical and financial support. Love, Elisabeth & Thomas Hangartner

Birthdays (Jan 22nd-29th)

January 22nd - Barb Hosford, Grace Takacs, Frank Wylie 23rd - Bill Ivory, Erika Jennings, Dan Nagle 24th - Kate Chesar 25th - Laurel Painter 26th - Phyllis Sharp 27th - NONE LISTED 28th - NONE LISTED 29th - NONE LISTED


January 11th - Jackie & Steve Andrews 16th - Janet & Dave Merrelli 17th - Lisa & Ian Berry 21st - Lois & Don Bigler 23rd - Peggy & Gary Cashero Anne & Roger Stallkamp 28th - Barb & Jack Evenson 29th - Nimfa & Jack Simpson

LOW GLUTEN HOSTS are available at our Masses. If you are in need of the low gluten host because of gluten intolerance, come to the Eucharistic minister standing to the right of the tabernacle when communion distribution begins.


COMMUNITY MEETING: Sunday, Jan 29th, in conjunction with Donut & Bagel Sunday. Join us in Si Lounge immediately following our Sunday liturgy for coffee and donuts & bagels as well as discussion and conversation regarding the life of our Community. All are welcome!

CHAPEL PARKING & COLDER WEATHER: During these winter months, it’s time for us to remember those who need to park closer to the chapel because of walking difficulties. So keep that in mind and please leave the spaces on the chapel circle and near the Chaminade Center for those who need them. I am sure our thoughtfulness would be much appreciated. And please be careful walking on hard surfaces (sidewalks & parking lots) on icy/snowy days.

YOUNG FAMILIES POTLUCK: Have you recently found yourself a little sleep deprived and totally in love with your little bundle of joy? Well Queen of Apostles has a way to get the whole family out of the house AND meet other really cool families who are in the same boat! If you have a preschooler, toddler, infant, and/or if you are expecting, please join us for a FREE social event. Last Tuesday of the month, 6:00 PM (Sep-May), Si Lounge (located in Sieben Hall on the Bergamo campus). Next Pot Luck - Tuesday, Jan 31st! Plates & utensils provided. Being your own beverages: Last Name A-I, bring Side Dish or Salad; J-R, bring a Dessert; S-Z, bring a Main Dish. Questions? Contact Kate Chesar, (937) 623-7443 or email KateChesar@gmail.com.

CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD: The children in the Community are invited to participate in Children’s Liturgy of the Word at Mass on the last Sunday of each month. This is intended to help the children pray better and reflect on God’s Word. The children are invited to come forward for a special blessing at the beginning of Mass and then go to the vestibule with their teachers for the Liturgy of the Word...next Sunday, Jan 29th!

ST. VINCENT DONATIONS: Bring any useable clothing to the chapel vestibule any Sunday or drop off in marked cabinets in the hallway near the Teen Room outside Si Lounge. January request: Boxed scalloped potatoes. Contact Margie/Tom Hudnell, tom.hudnell@gmail.com, or 429-0320.

NURSERY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We’re looking for high school volunteers during Mass for the nursery, and adult volunteers on the 4th Sunday of the month. Please contact Erica Rudemiller if interested, lerudemiller@gmail.com.

WEDDING ANNIVERSARY SCROLLS: All couples celebrating their 25th, 50th, 60th, 70th or 75th wedding anniversary during 2017 are eligible for the Archbishop’s Wedding Anniversary Scroll. To receive a scroll from QAC, please email me at qacohio@sbcglobal.net with your wedding anniversary date. Thanks – Deacon Greg

GALLERY SAINT JOHN: Bro. John Lemker, S.M., presents ’Skies of Splendor’ photography exhibit, now through Feb 12th. Gallery Hours are Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from Noon-4:00 PM.


MASS AT THE GLEN AT ST. JOSEPH: Mass is offered at The Glen at St. Joseph, the first & third Wednesday of each month, 1:00 pm. We invite the Dayton area Catholic community to join us for


Mass at The Glen. You will find us at the former St. Joseph Orphanage/St. Joseph Treatment Center, 611 St. Joseph Ave (off Wyoming St just by the Steve Whalen Blvd. exit off US 35). For further information, call Katie Klain at The Glen, (937) 258-3506.

SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY FOR H.S. GRADUATING FEMALES: The Dayton Catholic Women’s Club Scholarship, in conjunction with The Dayton Foundation, was established in 2010 to assist graduating high school women of the Roman Catholic faith wishing to further their studies at an accredited technical school, junior college, community college or four-year college/university. Applicants must be women graduating from high school, who are active members of a Dayton area Roman Catholic Church, and who demonstrate financial need. The 2017 application can be found at Daytonfoundation.org/Scholars. Go to ScholarshipConnect, scroll to the bottom and click on Get Started, Search for DCWC Scholarship link for the requirements. Deadline for applications is Mar 10th, 4:00 PM. If you have questions or are in need of assistance, visit scholarships@daytonfoundation.org or call (937) 225-9955.

NEW GROUP WELCOMES YOUNG PROFESSIONALS: Shine Dayton invites you to learn more about our organization - a group of young professionals committed to advocating for the compassionate works of Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley through engagement and empowerment of individuals. For more information on becoming a member or to join us at an upcoming event, email shine.dayton@gmail.com or visit www.cssmv.org/giving/shinedayton/ or www.facebook.com/shinedayton.

KNOW MARY BETTER: Learn about the Blessed Virgin Mary and deepen your devotion to her by studying at University of Dayton’s International Marian Research Institute. Audit individual courses or enroll in the certificate program. Register by Jan 23rd. For more info, visit www.udayton.edu/imri/academic-program/overview-and-courses.php or call Mike Duricy, 229-1474.

THE INTERFAITH FORUM OF GREATER DAYTON invites you to attend our first program of 2017 titled ‘An Interfaith Approach to Building Community’, Sunday, Jan 29th, Christ United Methodist Church, 3440 Shroyer Rd, (Foster Hall - north end of the third floor), 3:00-5:00 PM. Each member of the interfaith panel will discuss the topic from the perspective of their religion for approximately five minutes. Following the panel discussion we will ask the members of the audience to establish a group of six to eight people who they are meeting for the first time, gather around a table, and share their religion’s approach to community building. Dine and Discuss: Community building is frequently developed around a communal meal. If you’d like to bring a side dish to share, please exclude pork or shellfish. Should you decide to bring a dish that is representative of your religion please be prepared to share information during the ‘table discussion.” Bring a list of ingredients in your homemade food for the benefit of those with dietary restrictions. We will place this list in front of the food you brought to share. This timely topic follows the celebrations and reflections after Dr. Martin Luther King Day when we remember his call to create a beloved community. “Our goal is to create a beloved community and this will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND - where married couples can get away from jobs, kids, chores, and phones—and focus only on each other. If you’d like greater depth, growth, and enrichment in your relationship, you’ll like the difference a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend can make! Upcoming Marriage Encounter weekends: Jan 27th-29th (no overnight stay for this weekend, same program format) St. Michael the Archangel, Sharonville, OH; Feb 17th-19th, Holy Spirit Center, Norwood, OH

CHAMINADE JULIENNE: Two Chaminade Julienne a cappella groups will be vying for a spot in a global competition when the Varsity Vocals International Championship of High School A Cappella (ICHSA) Great Lakes Quarterfinal takes place on Saturday, Feb 4th, 7:00 p.m., CJ auditorium. Varsity Vocals expanded their competition circuit last year and reached out to CJ as a host for the quarterfinal competition after learning about the school's renovated auditorium. The school's a cappella groups, Vega and Phoenix, have also previously participated in the competition. Six schools from Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania will come to CJ for the quarterfinal competition. All are invited to attend the exciting and harmonious event. Purchase tickets for the event online at varsityvocals.com/event/ichsa-great-lakes-quarterfinal-chaminade-julienne-high-school/.

WOMEN'S MORNING OF REFLECTION: Join us Tuesday, Feb 7th, for a Morning of Reflection. The theme is "You are my forever love: Husbands and Wives, Mary and Joseph, and Imitation of Our Lady." We’ll have Mass in the Day Chapel at St. Charles Borromeo Church, a spiritual reflection and social time, concluding at noon. Confession will be available. To reserve babysitting for your children please contact Karen, 433-2783 or for further info, Barbette, 293-1438.

“GOD'S MECHANICS: THE RELIGIOUS LIFE OF TECHIES”: Bro. Guy Consolmagno, S.J., Director of the Vatican Observatory, speaks on “God's Mechanics: The Religious Life of Techies,” Wednesday, Feb 8th, 7:30 p.m., Bartlett Pastoral Center, Athenaeum of Ohio. How does religion work in a society shaped by science and technology? How do scientists and engineers practice their religions? God's Mechanics examines the personal religious life and theology of scientists and engineers — “Techies” — based on conversations with Techies in California’s Silicon Valley and a first-person confession from a Jesuit scientist and astronomer at the Vatican Observatory. A native of Detroit, Br. Guy earned undergraduate and masters' degrees from MIT, and a Ph.D. in Planetary Science from the University of Arizona. He was a postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard and MIT before entering the Society of Jesus in 1989. He has worked at the Vatican Observatory since 1993. There his research has explored connections between meteorites, asteroids, and the evolution of small solar system bodies. Along with more than 200 scientific publications, he is the author of a number of popular books including Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial? (co-authored with Fr. Paul Mueller, S.J.). The talk is free and open to the public. Seating is limited. Bartlett Pastoral Center, Athenaeum of Ohio, 6616 Beechmont Ave, Cincinnati.

MARY TEACHES US DISCIPLESHIP AND REDEMPTIVE SUFFERING: Fr. David Endres, Fr. Shannon Collins, MSJB, and Fr. Timothy Fahey will be among the presenters at St. Bartholomew Church, 9375 Winton Rd., Cincinnati, Feb 17th & 18th. Visit www.PresentationMinistries.com click on the Retreat tab to select “Mary Teaches Us Discipleship and Redemptive Suffering” for all


the details and to pre-register! Call (513) 373-2397 or the Retreat Office, (937) 587-5464 if you have any questions. Cost is a free-will donation, so everyone can afford to come. Lunch is included for all pre-registered attendees. Invite your family and friends. You won’t want to miss this exciting new retreat.

THE 23rd ANNUAL ST. FRANCIS WOMEN’S RETREAT: Feb 24th–26th, Bergamo Center. The theme is, “Come to Me, All You Who Are Weary,” led by retreat director, Judith Dunlap, author and speaker. Gift certificates and partial scholarships are available. For more information, contact Joanie Rauch (937) 681-8319 or email joanrauch@gmail.com. Information is also available on our website with online registration at: stfranciswomensrtrt.wix.com/retreat.

THE 3rd ANNUAL GREATER CINCINNATI CATHOLIC WOMEN'S CONFERENCE: Save the date and register! The first Saturday of Lent this year is March 4th and what better way to start lent than a spiritual day of prayer, great talks, and spiritual renewal? This year the theme is: “Lord, Teach Us to Pray.” Registration is available at www.catholicwomenofcincinnati.com. Last year the event was sold out so register early and bring a friend!

FAVORITE QUOTEs: 1)"If the heart wanders or is distracted, bring it back to the point quite gently and replace it tenderly in its Master's presence. And even if you did nothing during the whole of your hour but bring your heart back and place it again in Our Lord's presence, though it went away every time you brought it back, your hour would be very well employed." ~ St. Francis de Sales

2) “And above all, be on your guard not to want to get anything done by force, because God has given free will to everyone and wants to force no one, but only proposes, invites and counsels.” ~ St. Angela Merici

PRAYING to the HOLY SPIRIT: Our faith tells us that the Holy Spirit intercedes and prays for us when we don’t even know what to pray for. In his letter to the Romans (8:26-27), St. Paul writes about this, which you might find helpful: “… the Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groanings. And the one who searches hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit, because it intercedes for the holy ones according to God’s will.” Of course, one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is counsel (or guidance). In this gift, the Holy Spirit helps us to understand right from wrong, and to have the strength and clarity to choose the good. In other words, the Holy Spirit’s gift of counsel helps us to know the will of God.

TOUGH TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS The chef instructs his apprentice: "You take two thirds of water, one third of cream, one third of broth..."

The apprentice: "But that makes four thirds already!"

"Well - just take a larger pot!"



BAPTISMS: Planning on having your baby baptized during Mass? Contact Linda Folmar (439-2630), Liturgy Planning Coordinator. If after Mass, contact Deacon Greg (429-0510). Either MUST be accomplished AT LEAST 2 MONTHS before the baptism date. You must also attend a Baptism class (call Deacon Greg)... you don’t have to wait until your child is born to attend! If no reservations made one week prior, class is canceled.

Classes for 2017: Feb 19th Mar 19th Apr 16th May 21st Jun 18th Jul 16th Aug 20th Sep 17th Oct 15th Nov 19th Dec 17th

NOTE: NO BAPTISMS during Lent or during Mass in Advent (before or after Mass in Advent is still your option)!

*** *** *** *** ***

MARIANIST L.I.F.E. (LIVING IN FAITH EXPERIENCE) NOTE: Snacks/Social 6:30-7:00 PM; Meeting/Prayer 7:00-9:15 PM, Si Lounge

(unless otherwise noted)

Jan 22nd - Grace and Danny plan Jan 29th - Sam plans Feb 5th - No Meeting—Super Bowl Sunday! Feb 12th - Nicole plans Feb 19th - No meeting—President's Day! Feb 26th - Grace & Claire plan Mar 3-5th - Spring retreat! Mar 12th - Prepare for Spaghetti dinner! Mar 13th - Spaghetti dinner (Saturday) Mar 19th - No meeting Mar 26th - Megan—’Intro to Social Justice’

Welcome to L.I.F.E.!

Looking for a place where you can come, be yourself and feel connected with others and with God? Then look no further. Join us Sunday evenings, 6:30-7:00 PM, when we have social and snack time, and then from 7:00-9:15 PM, for our youth planned and implemented meetings. In Marianist L.I.F.E. we build a community, we share, we grow, we support one another on our faith journeys. Contact Emmy Hamilton, (937) 654-1573, ehamilt1@ashland.edu QAC LIFE also has an Instagram. Follow @QACyouth to stay up to date on all the fun things LIFE is doing.

Next Week (Jan 29th) Presider: Fr. Tom Schroer, S.M.

YEAR A - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Zephaniah 2:3, 3:12-13; 1 Corinthians 1:26-31; Matthew 5:1-12a

Visit: http://www.usccb.org/


If you were Peter or Andrew, James or John, would you be able to follow Jesus with abandon? Do not let anything hold you back. (Matthew 4:12-23)

Please pray for vocations to the lay ministries, priesthood, diaconate, dedicated religious life and dedicated single life.


QAC INFORMATION PLEASE … .. Pastor/Priest Coordinator: Fr. Tom Schroer, S.M., tschroer1@udayton.edu .. Pastoral Associate/Secretary: Dcn. Greg Cecere (Office: 429-0510), qacohio@sbcglobal.net. Office Hours: Tues & Thurs (3:00-7:00 PM), Wed/Fri/Sat (8:00 AM-Noon) .. Adult Faith Enrichment (AFE): Kelly Bohrer, kbohrer2@hotmail.com .. Altar Server Coordinator: Sharon Herbert (256-6417), sharon-herbert@sbcglobal.net .. Baptism Coordinator: Deacon Greg Cecere, qacohio@sbcglobal.net .. Communications Coordinator: Mary Rice (426-1941), Brice1746@aol.com .. Community Coordinator: David Jennings, djenningsoh@yahoo.com .. Community Ministry: Terri Blanken (374-0696), terriblanken723@gmail.com .. Crossroads: Violet Hutchison, (215-4672), youthministryqac@gmail.com .. Director of Music: Teesie Chandler (305-7996), tlchandler1120@yahoo.com .. Hospitality: Marti Quakenbush (429-9224), marti.quakenbush@gmail.com .. Eucharistic Bread Baker Coordinator: Ruby Bauer (426-7260) .. Eucharistic Minister Coordinators: Amie Herbert, amherbert@sbcglobal.net and Lisa Measures, lisameasures@gmail.com .. Fellowship: Donut & Bagel Sunday - Gary & Peggy Cashero, pgcashero@gmail.com .. Finance Coordinator: Tom McCrate (848-7712), thomas.mccrate@gmail.com .. Futures Committee: Bob Brookey, Bjsmcc@yahoo.com .. Interpreter Coordinator for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing: Michelle Petrie, (409-2992), mpettree@aol.com .. L.I.F.E. Group: Emmy Hamilton, (654-1573), ehamilt1@ashland.edu .. Liturgy Coordinators: Linda Folmar, (439-2630), Linda_Folmar@sbcglobal.net Bob Buescher, (294-7746), rabuescher@sbcglobal.net .. Membership: Marilyn Nagle, (298-8908), marilynjnagle@yahoo.com; Joan Ivory (689-8259), ivory_joan@yahoo.com, information/applications. .. Ministry of Consoling Coordinator: Steve Guilfoos, (429-4512), sguilfoos@woh.rr.com .. QAC Office Phone & FAX: (429-0510/429-0881), Email: qacohio@sbcglobal.net .. QA Seniors: Ruby & Chuck Bauer (426-7260), charles.bauer6402@att.net .. RE & Youth Ministry Coordinator: Erica Rudemiller, lerudemiller@gmail.com Office Hours: By appointment (please use email above) .. RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Joan Ivory (689-8259), ivory_joan@yahoo.com .. Social Justice Coordinators: Chris Sitko (429-4173); Jack/Nimfa Simpson (372-2883) .. Spiritual Care Team: Carol Bourne (673-4144); Bob Buescher (286-9774); Mary Hallinan (231-3107 .. SPIRIT Newsletter: Chris Penick & Steve Nordmeyer, qacspirit06@att.net .. Stewardship Committee: Kevin Skinner (427-4507) .. Web Master: Bill Perry (429-5807), wperry@creekspace.net .. Weddings, Funerals, etc.: Deacon Greg Cecere (429-0510), qacohio@sbcglobal.net .. Wedding Coordinator: Sharon Herbert (256-6417), sharon-herbert@sbcglobal.net

SERVERS / GREETERS SCHEDULE Month Servers Greeters Jan 2017 22nd Drew Nanda & Jonathan Bohrer Pat Hale & Tim Connair 29th Amie Herbert & Sharon Herbert Carol & Bob Volk Feb 5th Sydney Atkinson & Cianna Berry Marie Restivo & Pat Weissgarber 12th Marti & Tom Quakenbush Gina & Glenn Greet 19th Jeanne & Claire Holcomb Marilyn & Dan Nagle 26th Joan Ivory & Mike Herbert Pat Hale & Tim Connair Mar 5th Marie Restivo & Pat Weissgarber



IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT QAC OR WANT TO JOIN OUR COMMUNITY, please give us your name, phone number and email address and we will contact you.

Name: Address: Phone: Email:

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

ANNOUNCEMENTS - to be placed in Bulletin for the following:



ANNOUNCEMENT: Please run in Bulletin for these dates: You may email your announcement to Deacon Greg at qacohio@sbcglobal.net

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

SI LOUNGE RESERVATION: Please reserve Si Lounge for the following:

Program/Date(s) Required:

Room(s) Needed/Times:

Contact Person/Phone Number:

Or call in your reservation to the QAC Office at 429-0510. If you have any questions, please call Deacon Greg on Tue/Thu, 3:00-7:00 PM, Wed/Fri or Sat, 8:00 AM-Noon at the QAC Office, 429-0510.

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