a multiple aperture feed system for moving target...

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  • A multiple aperture feed system for Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI) radar


    Captain R.B.P. Bourassa, CD, rmc, B Eng, P Eng Canadian Armed Forces

    A thesis submitted to:

    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Royal Military College of Canada

    Kingston, Ontario

    In partial fulflment of the requirements for the degree of:

    Master of Engineering

    April 1999

    @ Copyright 1999 by R. Bourassa, Kingston, Ontario This thesis may be used within the Department of National Defence But copyright for open publication remains the property of the author.

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  • Abstract

    Recently, the Air Force has been required to participate more actively in

    Peacekeeping and Joint operations with h y and Navy elements as well as with Allied

    Forces. Many of these Operations requin! strategic/tacticai radar based information,

    which is currently provided by the CP- MO. Studies are now being done to try to expand

    the aircraft's capability by adding a Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) mode to

    the radar in order to support ground operations.

    The present AN-APG 506 radar on board the CP-140 aircraft uses an elliptical

    rim offset single refiector antenna fed by a rectangular waveguide (WR-90) and a

    pyramidal horn. In order to be able to detect moving targets on the ground, clutter

    becomes a big issue, especially ground clutter. To get rid of this clutter, there's a

    requirement to acquire radar information for the same position on the ground, but at

    different times. A multiple aperture system based on three different phase centres would

    enable the radar to relocate the target and to reject the clutter.

    This thesis investigates different types of feeds with the aim to corne up with a

    multiple aperture feed system to provide Ground Moving Target Indication capability tu

    the CP-140. Examination of different antennas and possible feed architectures are first

    investigated. A new feed scheme that has three displaced phase centres antema and

    which would conform to the present antenna system is proposed and analysed. In view of

    the analyticai complexity of the antenna system, a state of the art extensive numerical

    code for reflector antennas is adopted for the study. The simulations are based on the

    physical optics analpis rnethod provided with GRASPI W. Software validation is

    performed using representative examples available fkom the literature and also some .* U

  • available experimentd resuits previously obtained for the present AN-APG 506 radar

    with the original feed. The specific parameters examined are the antema and feed gain,

    radiation patterns, sidelobe levels, azirnuth and elevation beamwidth, cross-polarkation

    level, spillover and feed blockage effects.

    An extensive study of three different feed configurations: the open-ended

    waveguide, the sectoral hom and the pyramidal hom, was performed. During this study,

    a special attention was given to the effects of dielectrically loading the aperture on the

    radiation charactenstics. From this study, an optimum feed design was obtained. This

    feed design comprises three pyramidal hom loaded with a dielectric materiai which yields

    good overall radiation results that will enable the radar to accomplish GMTI.

  • Dédicace

    A mon épouse Dany et

    rnonjils Thomas

  • Acknowledgements

    This thesis was written with the help and assistance of a wide variety of

    people and sources. 1 would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the tremendous

    help they have given me while 1 was completing my thesis.

    First 1 would like to thank Dr Yahia Antar, for his counselling, technical help

    and guidance which helped m e stay in the right direction.

    1 would also like to thank Mr George Haslam and Mr Anthony Darnini fiom

    DREO, from whom 1 gathered usefid information with regards to starting this research.

    i would also like to convey my greatest thanks to Capt Jean Hurtubise fiom

    the Aurora project in Ottawa who provided me with tremendous help and tirnely

    information on the CP-140. 1 can Say with no hesitation that his help was paramount to

    rny completing this research.

    1 would also like to convey my greatest thanks to the Canadian Space Agency

    (CSA) in St-Hubert and especially to Mr Tony Pellerin and Dr. Guy Séguin of the Space

    Technology Division, who provided me with the main tool of my research, the simulation

    software fiom TICRA, GRASP8 W.

    1 wish to convey my thanks to Mr Stig Busk Sorensen of TICRA in Denmark,

    who has given me great technical assistance on the phone and over the intemet in order to

    solve many of my simulation problems, Thanks.

    1 would like to thank Capt Eric Laiiier, a fellow student whose fneadship 1

    have corne to rely on during my pst-graduate work at W C .

  • 1 would address my final thanks to rny wife Dany, who has helped me

    overcome many hurdles over the span ofthis research. Dany without you none of this

    would have been possible, Merci beaucoup mon amour!


  • Vita

    Name: René Bourassa

    Place and year of Birth: Sept-lles, Québec, 1969

    Educatiou: Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering - Royal Military College of Canada, 199 1

    Experience: 1 997-Present: Post Graduate Studies, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario

    Canadian Contingent Maintenance Officer, Port-au-Prince, Haïti

    Maintenance Oficer, 1'' Bataillon du Royal 22' Régiment, Valcartier, Québec

    Training Oficer and Log Ops Staff Officer, 5e Bataillon des Services du Canada, Valcartier, Québec

    Maintenance Officer, Canadian Contingent Support Group, Daruvar, Croatia

    Assistant Adjudant and Material Platoon Commander, 5e BataiIlon des Services du Canada, Vaicartier, Québec

    Canadian Forces School of Electrical and Mechanicd Enginee~g, Borden,Ontario

    René Bowassa is married to Dany Giguère and they have one son: Thomas.


  • Table of contents

    Abstract ................................................................................................................. ii

    Dédicace .............................................................................................................. iv

    Acknowledgements ............................................................................................. vi

    ... Vita ..................................................................................................................... VIII

    Table of contents ................................................................................................... x

    List of Abbreviations and Symbols .................................................................... xiv

    Index of Tables and Figures ............................................................................... xvi

    .............,*....... ..................--...*.*..**...**..~*............,....*. CHAPTER 1 : Introduction .,. 1 1 . 1. Background information ............................................................................. 1 1.2. Thesis Objective ........................................................................................ 2 1.3. GMTl implementation ................................................................................ 2 1.4. Thesis Methodology ............................................................................... 3 1.5. Thesis organization .............................................................................. 4

    CHAPTER 2: General Background and Reflector design considerations ............. 7 ..................................................................................... 2.1. Basic GMTl theory 7

    2.2. Fielded GMTl System .............................................................................. 11 2.3. Equivalence between planar array and reflector antenna approach to GMTI 13 2.4. Reflector antennas .................................................................................. 14

    2.4.1 . Reflector antenna configurations ................................................. 1 5 2.4.2. Symmetrically cut paraboloids ........................ .... ........................... 1 6

    2.5. Reflector antenna design - considerations ............................................ 1 9 2.5.1 . Feed blockage .............................................................................. 20 2.5.2. Cross polarkation .............. ... ....................................................... 20 2.5.3. Sidelobes .......................................................................................... 21 2.5.4. Spillover ....................................................................................... 22 2.5.5. Beamwidth ........................................................................................ 22 2.5.6. Mutual coupling .............................................................................. 23

    2.6. Rectangular Waveguides ................................................................. 24 2.7. Homs and feeds .................................................................................... 2 6

    ..... ................... CHAPTER 3:Antenna Modelling and Software validation ... 29

  • 3.1 . Analysis Methods ................................................................................. 29 3.1 . 1 . Geometrical optics ....................................................................... 29 3.1.2. Geornetrical theory of diffraction (GTD) ............................................ 30

    ................................... ............................ 3.1.3. Physical optics (PO) .... 31 3.1.4. Physical theory of diffraction (PTD) .................................................. 32

    ................................................................................. 3.2. Simulation software 33 ................................... 3.2.1 . Simulation sohare exploitation architecture 35

    ............................................................. 3.2.2. Antenna and feed modelling 37 ........ .......................................... . Refiector antenna geometry ...... 37

    ............................................................................. Feed geometry 4 0 .................................................................................. 3.3. Software validation 40

    ............................................................... 3.3.1 . Radiation pattern analysis 42 .................................................................... 3.3.i . 1 . Feed design analysis 42 design analysis ............................................................... 45

    CHAPTER 4: Multiple Feed Design ................................................................. 51 ............................................................................................. 4.1 . F eed array 51

    ................................................................................ 4.1.1. Phase tenter...+ 51 4.1.2. Feed requirements ...................................................................... 52 4.1.3. Effects of Lateral feed displacement .............................................. 52

    ........................................................................... 4.2. Initial feed array design 54 ...................................................................... 4.2.1 . Initial simulation study 55

    ...................................... 4.2.2. Optimum distance between phase centres 56 ........................................................................................... 4.3. Types of feed 59

    .................................................. 4.3.1 . Pure mode horns and waveguides 60 .............................................................................. 4.3.1 . 1. Pyramidal horn 61 ............................................................................... Sectoral homs 63

    ................................................................ Open-ended waveguide 63 .................................................................................. Conical hom 64 ............................................................................... 4.3.2. Multimode homs 65 ............................................................................... 4.3.3. Corrugated horn 66

    ..................................... 4.3.4. Dielectricaly loaded horns and waveguides 67 .................................................................................. 4.3.5. Microstrip feed 69

    4.4. Feed array design ................................................................................ 69 ................................................................... . 4.4.1 Open-ended waveguide 70

    4.4.2. H-plane sectoral hom ....................... .. .......................................... 79 .................................................... 4.4.3. Pyramidal horn (srnaller aperture) 83

    ....................... 4.5. Detrimental effects of dieledrically loading an aperture ... 87 .................................................. .................. 4.6. Microwave feed networû .. 87

    ............................................................... 4.7. Mutual coupling considerations 88

    ................................... . . . CHAPTER 5: Conclusion and Recommendations ..... 93 Conclusions ........ .. .............. ... ... 93 lmplementation concems ....................................................................... 95 Future work ................................ ... ...................................................... 96

    ............................................................... Summary .................... .... 97

  • References ........................ .. ............................................................................ 99

    Annex A: Radar Characteristics ....................................................................... 103

    Annex B: Reflector's rim tabulated points ................................................... 105

    ................................................... Annex C: Example of GRASPBW output file 109


  • List of Abbreviations and Svmbols -

    2Dl3D Two or Three Dimensions

    AMTI Airbome Moving Target Indication

    Az HPBWAzimuth Half-power Beamwidth

    CP-140 Aiuora aircraft

    CSA Canadian Space Agency

    dB Deci bels

    dBi Decibels above isotropie

    DPCA Displaced Phase centre antenna

    DREO Defence Research Establishment Ottawa

    El HPBW Elevation Half-power Beamwidth


















    Feed taper

    Giga Hertz

    Ground Moving Target Indication

    Geometrical Optics

    Geometrical Theory of Diffraction

    Half-power Beamwidth

    Physicaf Optics

    Pulse Repetition Frequency

    Physical Theory of Diffbction

    Royal Military College of Canada

    Synthetic Aperture Radar

    S ide10 be level

    Space-the adaptive processing

    Transverse Electric

    Transverse electromagnetic

    Transverse Magnetic


    h Wavelengîh


  • Cutoff frequency

    Reflector coordinate axis

    Feed coordinate axis

    radian fiequency

    waveguide f i lhg material's permeability

    cutoff wavenumber

    mode indices

    waveguide's width

    waveguide's height

    propagation constant

    arbitrary amplitude constant

    waveguide fiIling material's permittivity

    distance fiom the centre of the refiector's r im in cylindrical coordinates

    angle from the centre of the reflector's nm in cylindncai coordinates

  • Index of Tables and Figures

    Table 1 : Cutoff frequencies for the WR-90 waveguide ..................................................... 26

    Table 2: Pyramidal horn parameters definition ................................................................. 43

    ....................................... Table 3 : Pyramidal hom radiation characteristics d

    Table 4: Reflector radiation characteristics ....................................................................... 47

    ......*................... ....................... Table 5: Assessrnent of different types of feed [32] ... 59

    .................................................................. Table 6: Open-ended waveguide parameters 70

    Table 7: Reflector radiation characteristic with an open-ended waveguide array

    (d= 1.895~1~1) .............................................................................................................. 72

    ............. Table 8: Reflector radiation characteristic with an open-ended waveguide array 73

    Table 9: Reflector radiation characteristics for Beams 1 & 3 (Open-ended waveguide) .. 74

    ......... Table 1 0: Reflector radiation characteristics for Beam 2 (Open-ended waveguide) 76

    ................. Table 11 : Reflector radiation characteristics for Beams 1 & 3 (Sectoral hom) 80

    ........................ Table 12: Reflector radiation characteristics for Beam 2 (Sectoral hom) 82

    Table 1 3 : E-plane sectoml hom design parameters ................... .. .................................. 83 ............. Table 14: Reflector radiation characteristics for Beams 1 & 3 (Pyramidal hom) 85

    .................... Table 15: Reflector radiation characteristics for Beams 2 (Pyramidal hom) 86

    .................................*...............*........*..... 9 Fime 1 : Three-beam sideways looking antenna

    .............................. .........*..*..*....*.*. Fimue 2: Three-beam forward looking antenna .......... 1 O

    ..~....................~~....*~**~~~.~~ 1 2 Figure 3 : Multi-aperture antenaa of the AN/APG-76 radar [3 11

  • Fieure 4: Example of an offset single reflector antema [4 11 ............................................ 14

    F i m e 5: Offset feeding technique [4 11 ........................................................................ 1 6

    Fime 6: Symmetrically cut paraboloid using equi-intensity contour cut . [4 11 ................ 17

    Fimire 7 : Example of constant intensity contours in paraboloid aperture [41] ................. 18

    Fimire 8: Aumra's reflector rim ..................................................................................... 19

    Fimre 9: Spillover region [43] .......................................................................................... 22

    Figure 10: Rectangular waveguide geometry [32] ............................................................. 24

    F i w e 1 1 : Reflection and diffraction fiom an impenetrable surface (GTD) [2 11 ............. 30

    F i m e 12: Geometry of an obstacle illuminated by an antenna (PO) [2 1 ] ........................ 32

    Figure 13: Simulation software exploitation architecture .................................................. 36

    Figure 14: Geometry of the reflector (yz plane) .........................................*... ................... 38

    Figure 15: Reflector coordinate system used for reflector's rim definition [(p, 4) values] 39

    Figure 16: View of the reflector's rim geometry (xy plane) ........+..................................... 39

    Fi- 17: Pyramidal hom geometry ...+............................................................................. 40

    ....................................... F i w e 18: Simulated far-field radiation pattern of a symmetric 41

    ........................................................ Figure 19: Far-field radiation pattern of a symmetric 41

    ................................. Fimue 20: Pyramidal hom Copolar radiation pattern for f=9.5GHz 44

    ................................. F i w e 21 : Contour display of the pyramidal hom radiation pattern 45

    ............................................ Fieure 22: Reflector antenna radiation pattern for F9.5GHz 46

    ............................... Fime 23 : Sunulated antenna radiation pattern for f=9 SGHZ (+=O> 48

    Fiwe 25: Contour plot of the reflector radiation pattern ............................................. 49

    ......................................................... Fime 26: Feed horn phase centre representation 51

    .......... F i w 27: Example of the effects of Off-axis feeds on the radiation pattern [43] 3 3

  • Fime 28: Initial pyramidal horn array design ............................................................. 54

    Figure 29: Radiation pattern with a 3 horn array as seen in Figure 28 .............................. 55

    Fiwe 30: Amy radiation pattern with feed's phase centres 2.921 cm apart ................... 57

    Fieure 3 1 : A m y radiation pattern with feed's phase centres 1.27 cm apart ..................... 58

    Figure 32: A m y radiation pattern with feed's phase centres 1.89 cm apart ..................... 58

    Fiwe 34: Pyramidal and sectoral hom [32] .................................................................... 61

    F i m e 35: Pyramidal hom geometry [32] ....................... ... ......................................... 62

    F i m e 36: Smooth-wall conical horn geometry ................................................................ 64

    . Fime 37 Transition fiom rectangular to circular waveguide ....................................... 64

    F i w e 38: Design regions of a comgated hom (321 ......................................................... 67

    Figure 39: Two different designs of dielectric-loaded homs ............................................. 68

    Fieure 40: Feed radiation patterns of 4 different feed configurations (e9.5 GHz) .......... 71

    Fime 42: Reflector radiation pattem with the open-ended waveguide array (e9.5 GHz)

    for E= 1 and ~ = 6 ........................... .... ...................................................................... 75

    ............ Fi m e 43 : Electric fields inside the dielectrically loaded open-ended waveguide 77

    Figure 44: Impact of dielectrically loading an open-ended waveguide with different

    .......................................... dielectric materid on the Antema gain. SLL and X-POL 78

    Fime 45: Impact of dielectrically loading an open-ended waveguide with different

    .............................................................. dielectric material on the Az and El HPBW 79

    F i m 46: Reflector radiation pattern with the sectoral hom array (e9.5 GHz) .............. 81

    F&re 47: Effects of dielectricaly Ioading the fced hom on its radiation pattern ............. 84

    F&ure 48: Reflector radiation patkm with the pyramidal horn array (69.5 GHz) for ~ = 1

    ........................................................ and r= ...................................*.......................... 85

  • Fime 49: Modified antema feed network ....................................................................... 88

    Fieure 50: Relationship of methods for analysing mutual coupling (321 .......................... 91

    Fimue 51 : Mutual coupling from TEio mode as a function of side length [6] .................. 92

  • CHAPTER 1 : Introduction

    1 Background information

    Over the paît couple of years, the Air Force has been required to participate

    more actively in Peacekeeping and Joint operations with Army and Navy elements as

    well as with Allied Forces. Many of these operations require strategic/tactical radar based

    information, which is currentiy provided by the CP-140. The Aurora's main functions

    are to cany out maritime surveillance and anti-submarine warfare. In addition, the

    aircraft is used for fisheries patrols, the surveillance of the Canadian North, anti-surface

    warfare, joint operations with Allied Forces, search and rescue, and surveillance

    operations in support of other govemrnent agencies and departments. The radar, the

    AN/APG-506, is used to detect and locate ships and submarines on the surface of the

    ocean, to detect other aircraft in the area, to localise bad weather, and to ensure collision

    avoidance with any object that could lie in the Aurora's flight path.

    One impact of recent research has been the enhancement of the surveillance

    capability with the addition of an imaging radar capability, the Spotlight SAR to the CP-

    140. With this major project behind, DREO is now examining the feasibility of

    expanding this capability by adding a Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMïï) mode to

    support ground operations. One of the main constraints is to achieve this capability while

    minimizing the impact on the present antenna and the existing radar mode of operations.

    Although many air& in the world have GMTI capability and that the technology

    already exists, no system has been developed to date that uses an offset single refîector

    antenna, which is the antenna configuration presently used by the CP-140.


  • 1 2 . Thesis Objective

    The objective of this thesis is to Ulvestigate the optimum aperture using

    multiple phase centres to obtain nearly identical beams that conform to the same

    requirements as the present antenna configuration in order to add GMTI capability to the

    detection system while rnaintaining the AN-APG 506 radar antenna's present capabilities.

    This could involve a new feed scheme with multiple bearn capability or the use of the

    present feed system but with elements that conform to the aperture limitation and at the

    same time provide the required performance.

    1.3. GMTI implementation

    On an initial note, although the word used in this thesis is GMTI, it should be

    noted by the reader that it is identical to what some scientist refer to as AMTI (Airborne

    Mn). Although many modem systems in the world use hm technology, none were

    found to use reflector antennas as the root of their installation. Almost dl systems

    surveyed while doing this research use planar arrays, a type of technology though

    expensive, but it is easier to implement on board today's aircraft Many M'Il radars used

    for air-tranic control use reflector antennas but none of the systems require multiple feed

    to be able to compensate for the movement of the clutter with respect to the airbome

    platform while uskg difference Doppler to locate and fïnd the direction and velocity of

    the targets. As stated earlier, one of the challenges in this work is to obtain GMTI

    capability while maintaining the existing antenna with its curent radar modes and

    operationai capabiiities.

  • 1 4 Thesis Methodology

    A thorough search of the literature was done to see what kind of GMTi system

    existed today and what kind of antenna technology is being used. An important

    consideration in this research was to try to find a system based on a reflector antenna.

    However, it was found that most of today's systems use Plana anays which would not

    totally fit with our objectives. Hence the main focus of the research activities was on

    fmding an analysis or modelling tool for reflector antennas with suffiicient fiexibility to

    invedgate al1 panmeters of the antenna and its feed structure. The only modelling

    software powerful enough to do the type of extensive and accurate needed simulations

    required by this research was the software GRAPS8W fiom TICRA in Denmark. This is

    an extensive, state of the art antenna software that is used by major satellite and other

    industries, however while this software was not available at RMC because of the

    prohibitive cost, it was available at DREO and at the CSA, and use was made of the


    The modelling process started by consideration of the existing antenna

    configurations using data provided by the Aurora ce11 in Ottawa. This was done in

    parallel with the requirement to do an in depth software familiarization. The next phase

    of the research involved modelling of the present radar antenna. After completion of the

    model, cornparison of simulated results with measwments taken in 1982 from the same

    antenna was made. The mode1 was found to be very accurate and the good agreement

    with the measurements provided confidence in the process.

  • At that stage a feed anay structure had to be modelled in order to get three

    nearly identical beams as necessitated by the initial requirements. This was accomplished

    by doing a survey of al1 existing possible feeds and their characteristics. M e r careful

    examination, the potential types of feed were chosen and a specific analysis was

    completed on al1 of them. The configuration which best met the requirements was chosen

    and the investigation process was completed.

    This chapter has laid out the background as to why this research was canied

    out and outlined the expected goals and methodology. Chapter 2 details the general

    background on reflector antenna., waveguides, homs and feed used with reflector antenna

    and their design considerations Chapter 3 covea the background on some of the analysis

    methods used for reflector antenna modelling, the simulation software utilized in this

    research, the design considerations when modelling reflector antennas and also how the

    software validation was accomplished. Chapter 4 outlines the approach used for

    investigating various codigurations for the feed of the reflector in order to be able to

    produce a multiple beam antenna used for GMTI applications. Some of the

    considerations studied are the effect of the additional feed blockage when increasing the

    number of feed horns, the effect of lateral feed displacement in the focal plane and

    muhial coupling between feeds. Some of the most common and viable feed design have

    been investigated and wiU te discussed. It aiso coven the implementation concems of

    rnodifjhg the feed structure on the existing system and how it may affect the radar's

  • operation. Chapter 5 presents discussions and coaciuding remarks, concems about

    mechanicd considerations like weight limitations, system balancing and unwanted

    vibration as well as recommendations for fiirther research.

  • CHAPTER 2: Generaiil Backaround and Reflector design considerations

    Ln this chapter, we will introduce the basic concepts of GMTI and how it

    applies to this research. An overview of a GMTI system already implemented is aiso

    introduced to see its main hct ions and design aspects. The main considerations in

    reflector design: feed blockage effects, X-Pol, SLL, spillover, beamwidth and mutuai

    coupling are defined. Finally a description of the modes for the rectangular waveguides,

    currently used in the present feed is provided.

    2.1. Basic GMTI theory

    Airbome surveillance radars provide powerful tools for addressing a variety of

    ground surveillance activities ranging fiom terrain height mapping to moving target

    detection. This range of different activities could well be in principle perforrned by a

    single radar system designed to operate in a variety of different modes. Two common

    modes for ground surveillance are the SAR mode for static target detection and the GMTI

    mode for detection of ground moving targets [49]. While the SAR mode design has been

    completed and a demonstrator is currently in use by NRC's Convair aircraft, the GMTI

    mode implementation is still being studied. The focus of this research is to investigate

    the modeling of a multiple feed system for the radar antenna on board the CP-140 in

    order to add GMTI capability to the aircraft. We will now briefly introduce the basics of

    GMTI theory.

  • An Airbome Ground rnoving target indication radar utilizes the Doppler shift,

    imparted on the reflected signal by a rnoving target, tu separate small, moving targets

    fiom competing extraneou returns, called clutter, which typically result fkom reflections

    obtained fiom the ground, sea, rain and other hydrorneters, chaff and birds. The M n

    radar ideaily fiinctions to elirninate clutter through the use of a comb filter (filter

    conceptualised as a comb which elirninate al1 the clutter returns while retaining al1 the

    target rehims), the stopband of which is placed in regions of heavy clutter concentrations.

    Moving targets are passed through those velocity regions not occupied by the clutter [39].

    Because the Doppler retums fiom slow moving ground targets are masked by clutter

    retums, the GMTI mode would have to cancel ground clutter using a displaced phase

    centre antema (DPCA) technique or the space tirne adaptive processing (STAP)

    technique [3 11. Ofien in the literature, STAP as been referred to as either generalised

    DPCA or adaptive DPCA. The f'undamental difference between the two is that DPCA

    attempts to achieve complete clutter rejection and STAP attempts to rnaximize the output

    signal to noise ratio, but for the purpose of this research we will now refer to the two

    techniques as DPCA techniques [37l. The DPCA techniques attempt to arrest the moving

    aperture over two or more successive radar pulses [30]. in order to detect moving targets,

    generally, we require at least 2 phase centres, and if it is needed to relocate that target, a

    minimum of three is required, two of which are required for DPCA to allow us to reject

    the clutter and the third one would be used for angle measurement of the detected moving

    targets. A sirleways looking three-beam DPCA set-up based on three phase centre

    antenna can be seen in Figure 1.

  • Fiare 1: Three-bearn sideways looking antenna

    Using this set-up, a pulse is transmined and received using the leading phase centre at

    time t, at a spatial location (x,y,z). As the aircraft moves almg track at velocity V, the

    second phase centre will arrive at location (x,y,z) at a t h e t+At. At this point, a second

    pulse is transmitted using this second phase centre. Again the aircraft moves dong its

    track, the third phase centre will arrive at that same location. At that point, a third pulse

    is tnuismitted using the trailing phase centre. Three consecutive pulses have been

    transrnitted and received fiom the same location in space but separated in tirne by At. If

    the beam pattern are identical then the three looks at identicai patches of the gound have

    been received. The second received puise can be subtracted Eom the fim and dl retums

    fiom static scatterers will cancel leaving only rems due to moving targets allowing for

    slow target detection. The third received pulse can also be subtracted fiom the second

  • one thus allowing the rate of change of phase to be measured giving a direct measure of

    the targets intrinsic radial velocity and its position in the radar beam.

    There exist two types of airborne radars used for GMTI, the sideways and

    the forward looking radars. The sideways looking radar is based on the DPCA property

    discussed previously, but it is obviously not the case for the forward-looking antenna.

    The radar antenna on board the CP- 140, is precisely a forward looking configuration type

    of antenna. A three-beam forward-looking antenna c m be seen in Figure 2. and £tom that

    figure it is easy to see that no spatial coincidence between any of the phase centres

    occurs. Therefore, at a first glace, low correlation and, hence poor clutter rejection can

    be expected. It has been shown [17] that even though there appears to be little correlation

    between the phase centres, there exists an approximate linear dependence between the

    main lobe clutter Doppler and spatial fkequency that provide good clutter suppression.

    Look direction A I I

    time t + 2Dt

    time t + Dt

    time t

    m r e 2: The-beam forward looking antema


  • Based on the previous descriptions, we can now establish what would be the

    generd antenna design requirements. We now know that the antema design will need to

    provide three fairly identical beams with sidelobe levels as low as possible. These basic

    requirements will now be compared with present system currentiy in use.

    2.2. Fielded GMTl System

    As mentioned in the previous chapter, almost ail systems now being

    implemented in today's aircraft use planar anays, a type of technology easier to

    implement on board an aircraft. A good example that was found during the literature

    survey is the AN-APG-76 radar built by Northorp Grumman Norden System. The

    antenna design for this radar i s a wide-band, Bat-plate array for which the upper two

    thirds of the array area is occupied by an AdEl monopulse array and the lower third by a

    three-port, receive-ody, azimuth interferorneter. Figure 3 presents a view of the mdti-

    aperture antenna of the AN-APG-76 radar. The triple-port interferorneter is present on

    the antema solely to support the GMTI mode. Since the mode is sirnultaneuus with radar

    mapping, a total of four channels are processed in parallel.

  • MONOPULSE Guard antcslaa is used for ECCM.

    Fimire 3: Multi-aperture antenna of the ANIAPG-76 radar [3 11

    Because the Doppler returns from slowly moving ground targets are masked

    by clutter rems, the GMTI mode gains sensitivity by cancelling ground clutter using a

    DPCA technique. Two of the interferorneter ports are required for DPCA and the

    presence of a third port enables interferometric angle measurement of detected moving


    Although, the system under consideration doesn't make use of planar arrays,

    the methodology utilised in this design justifies orïenting the present research towards a

    multiple aperture antenna. While an important consideration in deciding not to go for a

    planar array configuration was the financial aspect, the lack of additional room on the

    ahcrafi to install this ncw antenna and the technology cornplexity were aiso a factor.

    Addiag another aatenna on board the CP-140 wouid be too expensive compared to

  • modifying the existing reflector to add the GMTI mode to the other k e e modes already

    in operation with the Aurora's radar.

    2.3. Equhralence between planar array and reflector antenna approach to GMTI

    Although the pnnciple by which a planar anay conf@g.mtion obtains relevant

    GMTI information has been stated previously, it is not the antenna configuration under

    consideration in the present work. It is thus important to state how a reflector a n t e ~ a

    configuration is able to achieve the same performance in obtaining GMTI information.

    The same DPCA technique is utilized but since we are in the presence cf an amplitude

    cornparison monopuise system, we need to synthesize the two outside bearns using the

    s u m and difference pattems. By manipuiating the weighting of the sum and difference

    pattern, the desired patterns for the outside two bearns (leA and right beams) can be

    achieved. Although the general concept of obtaining GMTI information using a reflector

    antenna configuration has been discussed during a private communication with Mr

    Georges Haslarn and Mr Anthony Damini fkom DREO, the exact concept is still under

    consideration and for this reason, this issue won't be dealt with in this work. We will

    now study in more details the antenna configuration researched, the reflector antenna.

  • 2.4. Reflector antennas

    Reflector antennas, in one fom or another, have been in use since the

    discovery of electromagnetic wave propagation in 1888 by Hertz However, the fine art

    of analysing and designing reflectors of many various geometry and shapes did not

    appear until the days of World War II [3]. Reflector antennas do take many geometrical

    shapes, but some of the most popular ones are the plane, corner and curved reflectors. In

    this thesis we are concerned oniy with curved reflector in particular the paraboloid

    reflector. An example of an offset single reflector antenna can be seen in Figure 4.

    Fimre 4: Example of an offset single reflector antenna [41]

  • 2.4.1. Reflector antenna configurations

    There exists four main configurations to a paraboloid reflector and these are

    the following:

    a Axially - Symmetric Single Reflector;

    b. Offset Single Refiector;

    c. Axidly - Symmetric Dual-Reflector; and

    d. Offset Dual Reflector.

    The AN-APG 506 radar antema on board the CP-140 is an elliptical rim

    offset single reflector. A demonstration of how this design was accomplished will pave

    the way for the antenna modelling in the simulation software and M e r research in the

    feed design.

    Reflector surfaces are commonly generated either by translation of a conic

    section dong the y-axis, or by its rotation about the focal axis z. An Offset reflector c m

    be constructed by carving out a portion of the rotationaily syrnmetric reflector. This is

    typically achieved by either intersecting the reflector with a circuiar or elliptical cylinder

    with its axis parailel to the reflector axis, or by intersecting the reflector with a circular or

    elliptical cone with its tip at the focal point [41].

    By offsetting the feed, the problem of feed blockage is reduced tremendously

    as the feed is not in the path of the most illuminated area of the reflected rays. The centre

    of the feed is stiU placed at the focus of the paraboloid but the horn is tipped so that the

    peak of the primary pattern makes an angle y0 with the paraboloid axis (Figure 5). At

  • that point, the major portion of the lower section of the paraboloid is discarded. By

    removing the hom fiom the most Uuminated area of the aperture, it results in

    improvement in both gain and sidelobe characteristics.

    Fieure 5: Offset feeding technique [4 11

    One of the most important drawbacks of the offset feeding technique is that

    the elimination of one of the planes of s p e t r y destroys the symrnetry of the cross-

    polarization component of the aperture field leading to cross-polarkation in the plane of

    the large dimension of the aperture. The cross-polarization pattern has lobes on either

    side of the main lobe in the plane of the narrower beamwidth, which has serious impacts

    on the operational use of this type of design.

    2.4.2. Symmetrically cut panboloids

    The reflector studied is a symmetrically cut paraboloid using equi-intensity

    contour cut as shown in Figure 6.

  • Fimire 6: Symmetrically cut paraboloid using equi-intensity contour cut. [41]

    Normaily a feed with a circular primary pattern wouid be well suited for a

    paraboloid but the equi-intensity symmetncdly cut paraboloid would not be illuminated

    efficiently by such a feed as a large fraction of the energy would be wasted in spillover.

    To optimize design efficiency, the primary feed must be shaped to the same symmeûy as

    the reflector. Homs with rectangular apertures lend themselves particularly weli to the

    design of suitable feeds, since the beamwidth in the two principal planes cm be

    controlled wtually independently of one another by choice of the principal plane

    dimensions. The primary pattern of the horn (designed to meet the principal plane

    requirements) has an elliptical cross section. Consequently the equi-intensity

    illumination contours on the reflector are also elliptical in shape.

    The design procedure for such a reflector is fairly simple, first the dimensions

    di and d2 are chosen in accordance with the beamwidth requirements. The focal length

    and the dimensions of the hom aperture are chosen as though the reflector is to be cut

    syrnmetrically, the horn is then constnicted. Then for the chosen value as seen in

    Figure 5, the primary feed pattern is transformed into equi-intensity illumination contours

  • on the surface of the paraboloid. Figure 7 gives a view of an example of such constant

    intensity contours based on the feed pattern used for designing the reflector aperture

    periphery. The paraboloid is then cut to follow an equi-intensity contour, generally

    chosen as the 14 dB contour.

    x/f length of the reflector dong x divided by the focal length of the refl ector

    ylf length of the reflector along y divided by the focal length of the reflector

    Fieure 7 : Example of constant intensity contours in paraboloid aperture [41]

    There are several reasons for cutting the reflector along such a contour as seen

    in Figure 6. The main reason being that in general the gain factor increases and the

    general features of the pattem improve when the sidelobes in the principal plane are


    The ovoid shape of the Aurora's reflector seen in Figure 8 has the dual

    advantage of low wind resistance and smaller moments of area and inertia which are of

    considerable importance when considering the mechanical problems of support and

    rotation of the antenna Since the antenna considered in this paper is placed inside the

  • nose of the aircraft and is required to rotate at high velocities to gather relevant radar

    information, an ovoid shaped reflector is most suited for the required operationai


    Fimire 8: Aurora's reflector rim

    2.5. Reflector antenna design - considerations

    When designing an antenna for a specific purpose, rnany factors must be taken

    into account, but fim it is essential to clearly understand the purpose and operational

    environment of the system. This will serve to establish the kind of antenna configuration

    that will be needed. The effects of feed blockage m u t be considered, dong with the

    evaluation of the sidelobe level requirements, the cross-polmiulzation level and if designing

    a feed array, mutuai coupling rnust also be considered. These aspects will now be

    discussed in detail.

  • 2.S.l. Feed blockage

    Most reflector systems s a e r fiom feed blockage to some extent if the

    reflecting area includes the vertex of the parabola. The magnitude of the resulting

    sidelobes depends on the square of the blocked area.

    In this particular problem, even though an offset single reflector is used, some

    minor feed blockage is still present. As stated in many references [44] [45] , to a fUst

    approximation, the feed scattering can be treated as if it created a hole in the aperture

    field of the main reflector, which has the shape of the largest projected area of the feed.

    This is the method that will be used in the next chapter to account for the feed blockage

    in simulations. Blocking then causes an increase in the near-in sidelobe levels as the

    unblocked radiation pattern lobes are superimposed on the blocked lobes [44].

    2.5.2. Cross polarization

    In many antenna designs, cross-polarkation is of a major concern and cannot

    be overlooked. It is defined as the polarization orthogonal to a reference polarization.

    Ludwig hm identified three possible definitions for the case of a linearly polarked

    source. nie third one is the preferred one by all and it States that:

    "The reference polarization is that of a Huygens source (electric and magnetic dipoles with orthogod axes lying in the aperture plane and radiating equai fields in phase dong the z-axis). The cross-polarization is then the polarization of a similar source rotated 90' in the aperture plane." ~ 4 1

  • In the problem under consideration here, we have an offset single reflector and

    usually these types of reflectors are very susceptible to cross-polarization. This is due to

    the fact that the two principal linear polarizations cotate in the same direction and the

    cross-polarization is anti-symmeûicai with respect to ody one principal axis. Because of

    that the principal linear polarkations are added up usuaily giving us a high levei of cross

    polarization. In this design, cross-polarization though is important, but it is not the major

    concem since the angle (va) at which the feed is transrnitting its energy on the reflector is

    quite low but its impact will still be considered.

    2.5.3. Sidelobes

    The lobe structure of the antenna radiation pattern outside the main-bearn

    region usually consists of a large number of minor lobes, typically referred to as

    sidelobes, an important source of concern when designing a radar system. When

    ûansmitting, they represent wasted radiated power illuminating directions other than the

    desired main-beam direction. In the receive mode, they allow energy from undesired

    directions to enter the system. A GMTI system is particularly succeptible to antenna

    sidelobes since it is used to detect moving targets on the ground. The radar cm receive

    strong ground echoes or clutter through the sidelobes, which could mask weaker echoes

    coming fiom low radar cross-section targets through the main beam. As a resuit, to be

    able to reject as much clutter as possible in our GMTI system environment, we should

    look for sidelobes as low as possible [43].

  • 2.5.4. Spillover

    To ensure proper system optimization, the energy radiated fiom the feed must

    be distributed over the aperture with a reasonable degree of uniformity. With most

    primary feeds this results in a sigrilncant arnount of energy radiating outside of the

    reflector. Spillover (Figure 9) is one of the most significant factors in feed efficiency and

    is somewhat dificult to evaiuate due to edge discontinuities.

    Fimre 9: Spillover region [43]

    In the present research, this factor is calculated using physical optics through

    cornputer analysis of the resdting primary radiation pattern.

    One of the rnost important features of an antenna radiation pattern is the

    beamwidth of the main beam. But since the main lobe is a continuous hction, its width


  • varies from the peak to the nuiis. The most fiequently expressed width is the half-power

    beamwidth (HPBW) also often referred to as the 3dB beamwidth. This half-power width

    is also used as a measure of the resolution of an antenna, so that two identical targets at

    the same range are said to be resolved in angle if separated by the half-power beamwidth.

    The beamwidth of an antenna depends on the size of the antenna aperture as

    well as on the amplitude and phase distribution across the aperture. The bearnwidth in a

    particular plane is inversel j proportional to the size of the aperture in that plane. In the

    case of the reflector shown in Figure 8, the size of the aperture in the azimuth plane is

    different than the one in the elevation plane so we will have to consider a different

    HPB W in each of those planes. The HPB W will be a dnving factor in the reflector

    analysis presented at chapter 4 [43].

    2.5.6. Mutual coupling

    When antenna elements, like in a feed anay, are in close proximity, they

    interact in a complicated manner. This interaction is called mutuai coupling and the

    effect is to change the current on an antenna element fiom that which it wouid have if it

    were isoolated in fiee space [46]. The relative spacing between the different feed forming

    an array could very weff lead to mutual coupiing. Large mutuai coupling levels can

    degrade the sidelobe levels and alter the main beam shape. Mutual coupling n o d l y

    causes dctrimentai effects. Characterishg the effect of mutuai coupling between feeds is


  • a compIicated task. A mutual coupling assessrnent study based on known previous work

    found in the literature will be accomplished in Chapter 4.

    2.6. Rectangular Waveg uides

    In our specific problem, the system already built in the aircraft is fed by a

    WR-90 waveguide. The WR-90 waveguide is specially designed for fiequencies ranging

    from 7.5 GHz to 13.2 GHz. Ahost dl-standard rectangular waveguides have a=2b. The

    exception is the common X-band waveguide WR-90, which has a=2.25b. Due to a

    different convention with our design, k2.25a. Figure 10 offers you a view of the

    geometry of a rectangular waveguide.

    Fim te 10: Rectangular waveguide geometry [32]

  • A rectanguiar waveguide can propagate TE and TM modes but not the TEM

    mode, since ody one conductor is present. . The fundamental mode of a rectangular

    waveguide is the TEio mode when the dimension a > b. In our specific application, it

    happens that a c b, which means that the fundamentai mode of this rectangular

    waveguide configuration is TEoi. The TE modes are characterised by fields with Ez=O.

    The transverse field components of the TE,, mode can be found using the following


    jwpnn m m Ex = A,, COS - nv e - ~ B sin - k:a a b ( 1)

    - j a p m r E = m m nls,e-,p

    Y A, sin - COS -

    k:b a b (2)

    the Electric field component in the dy direction

    radian fiequency

    waveguide filling material's permeability

    cutoff wavenumber

    mode indices

    waveguide' s width

    waveguide's height

    propagation constant

    arbitrary amplitude constant

    But the only electric-field component of the TEoi mode is the Ex component

    and is given by equation (3).

  • The cutsff fiequencies of the different modes propagating in our rectangular

    waveguide are given by equation (4).

    Computing the f, for the first values of m and n gives:

    1 Mode 1 m 1 n 1 f-(Gb) 1

    Table 1: Cutoff tiequencies for the WR-90 waveguide

    Since the operating fiequencies of ouï- radar, as stated in Annex A, are

    between 9.5 to 10.0 GHz, the only propagating mode in our waveguide at those

    fiequencies is the TEol mode.

    2.7. Homs and feeds

    It is well known that paraboloid reflectoa couvert incornkg plane waves into

    sphericai phase hnts centred at the focus. For this reason, feeds must be point-source

    radiators (Le. they m u t radiate spherical phase fronts if the desired antenna pattern is to

  • be achieved) [43]. The main problern we were faced with while designing this system,

    was the feed design. Since it is an important part of th is research, we have devoted a

    whole chapter to the feed design. Many factors determine the type of feed, which should

    be used for a specific application and for that reason an extensive study was done and is

    presented in Chapter 4.

  • CHAPTER 3: Antenna Modellina and Software validation

    3.1. Anaiysis Methods

    In order to be able to perform an efficient analysis of electrornagnetic

    radiating system that are large in tenns of wavelength, such as a reflector antenna, high

    frequency mathematical techniques based on ray optical fields must be used. There exist

    four main techniques and we will now go through an overview of their basic concepts.

    3.1.1. Geometrical optics

    The Geometrical optics (GO) technique is a high-fiequency approximation

    which employs rays to describe the fields that are directiy incident from the source, and

    to describe the fields which are reflected at an interface between two different medium,

    According to classicai GO, the high fkequency electromagnetic field is assumed to

    propagate dong ray paths which satisw Fermat's principle ("rays travel dong the path of

    least tirne"), and al1 the rays are everywhere orthogonal to the wavefionts in an isotropie

    media. The rays paths are straight lines in a homogeneous medium, but they can change

    directions at an interface between two different medium according to Snell's Law of

    reflection and rehction.

    A problem arises with this method when in the evaluation, the incident GO

    field strikes an impenetrable surface, the field is blocked by that surface (Le feed).

    Therefore, the d a c e creates a shadow region behind it where the incident rays cannot

    exist, and consequently, GO predicts a zero field in the shadow zone [2 11.

  • Although GO fails to account for a proper non-zero field within the shadow

    region behind an impenetrable obstacle, it can be overcome through the Geometrical

    theory of ciBiaction (GTD) technique, which we will discuss next [2 11.

    3.1.2. Geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD)

    As rnentioned above, the GTD technique is a systematic extension of the ideas

    of GO in which dihcted rays are introduced via a generalization of Fermat's p ~ c i p l e .

    While the GO rays exist only in the lit zone, the difiacted rays, in general, enter in both

    the shadow as well as the lit zones.

    ' RSR (Rcflection shodow boundsry) 1 I I I cgB (Incident shadow boundary)

    R e m RAY sse (Surfacc Shadow bound;iry)

    Ficmre Il: Reflection and ciiffiaction nom an impenetrable surface (GTD) [21]

    These rays may be classifïed as the geometricd and edge-difhcted rays emanating fkom

    the d a c e reflection and edge-diffiacted points in accordance with Snell's Iaw [21]. The

    total GTD field consists of a superposition of the GO (incident and reflected) field and

  • the field of al1 diffkacted rays that c m reach the observation point [2 11. Figure 1 1

    illustrates very well this principle.

    3.1 -3. Physical optics (PO)

    The Physical Optics field is based on the fact that the total electromagnetic

    field of a source, the reflector in this particula. application, which radiates in the presence

    of a perfectiy eonducting surface as c m be seen in Figure 12, may be expressed as a

    superposition of the incident field (Ei, Hi) and the fields (Es, Hs) which are scattered by

    the surface S (the feed) [2 11. The incidents fields referred above denote the eiectric and

    magnetic fields of the source that exist everywhere. These fields exist as if the scatterer

    was not present; this is different fiom the GO incident field as stated previously.

    The foundation of the PO technique is based on the assumption that the

    induced current on the reflector surface is given by equation (5).

    2R X H' lighted region J = { O


    Where n is the unit normal to the surface and Hi is the incident magnetic field.

    Although PO current is an approximation for the m e current on the reflector surface, it

    nevertheless gives very accurate results for far-field of reflectors as small as

    approximately 5k in diameter.

  • Figure 12: Geometry of an obstacle illurninated by an antema (PO) [2 11

    This method is far more powerfùl and gives the closest approximation

    possible to that of real life measurements. This technique foms the basis of the

    numericai tool used to cornpiete the snidy of the radiation patterns of the reflector

    antenna researched in here.

    3.1.4. Physical theory of diffraction (PTD)

    The physical theory of difiaction technique, which constitutes an extension of

    PO was developed originally for analyzhg the high f'requency scattering fkom conducting

    surfaces. In the PO technique, the currents induced on the surface of a scatterer are

    approximated according to the GO technique. However, it is clear that the GO


  • approximation for the currents would be accurate only on the portion of the scatterer that

    is strongly illuminated by the source. Whereas it wouid be totaily inaccurate in the

    shadowed portion of a smooth convex surface, where the GO yields a zero value for the

    surface currents. In the PTD approach, the GO current approximation is irnproved by

    including a correction which is referred to as a "non-uniform" component of the current.

    The GTD technique consthtes a far more efficient and physically appealing

    solution than the PTD, which in general requires integration over the GO currents and

    over the Ufmtsev-based Iine currents. Nevertheless, the PTD is very useM for

    estimating the fields in regions where there is a confluence of transition regions

    associated with shadow boundaries [2 11.

    3.2. Simulation software

    There exist many simulation software packages for reflector antennas but only

    a few that give enough flexibility to mode1 reflectors in 3D. Moa of the simulation

    softwares available on the market today are very limited for the type of geometry the user

    c m design. GRASP8W Version 8.1.3 fiom TICRA was selected because it is recognized

    as the most powemil modelling and simulation software for reflector antennas available.

    The program is written in standard FORTRAN 90. GRASP8W is a 3D-simulation

    software that calculates the electromagnetic scattering fiom reflector antennas. The

    scattered fields can be cdculated by PO combined with the PTD or GO combined with

    the GTD, the standard analysis methods for reflector antenna

  • GRASPIW program is composed of a pre-processor and post-processor. The

    first one is used for assisting the user in defining the scattering structures and the analysis

    tasks to be carried out. The pre-processor c m also display the geometry in 3D. The post-

    processor is available for displaying the calculated field in cuts and also provides various

    other types of useful displays.

    The simulation software is based on an object structure in which the

    geometricai data is arranged and used for simulations. Every aspect of the reflector

    design is considered as an object: the feed coordinate systern, the reflector coordinate

    system, the reflector surface, the reflector rim tabulated points, for example, are al1

    separate objects. When the objects have been defined, the sequence in which the analysis

    should be carried out is specified. The analysis normally starts with one or more feeds

    which act as the primary source of the electromagnetic field. The field from this source

    illuminates a scatterer (the reflector), for which the scattered field can be computed.

    In GRASPIW, the reflector surface can be defined numerically in a 2D grid or

    dong radial Iength assuming that it is rotationally symmetric. Other types of reflector

    surfaces cm also be defmed, but the most common ones being the paraboloid, the

    hyperboloid and the ellipsoid surfaces. The scatterers are assumed to be perfectly

    conducting, but special suface materials rnay be defined. These materials may be

    combined in a layered structure and attached to the surface of the scatterer. A variety of

    feed models can be defined both andytically and numerically. The most important

    anaiytical rnodels are the circuiar and the rectangular hom and the gaussian beam. The

    numericd types hclude a feed defhed by tabulated far-field cuts and a feed defined by

    sphencal wave coefficients.

  • 3.2.1. Simulation software exploitation architecture

    Although the simulation software user's manuai is thorough and provides the

    different class hierarchy, it fails to ident* a flow chart that explains the process 60m

    the program's object creation to the output of the results. Figure 13 provides a view of

    the software exploitation architecture. This flow chart is essential in understanding the

    complete process utilized by the software to compute the scattered fields from the

    reflector. The black triangle is set as a marker and will be used later in the feed array

    design chapter We will now consider the modelling of the antema and the feed of the

    Aurora' s radar.

  • Crcatc gcneial rcflcctor de finition 1


    Dcfinc thc clcctricnl propcrties of the rtflcctor

    I Dcfinc the fccd configurau'an 1 Dcfinc scaamr's murcc 1

    I Choosc the type of anaiysis to pcrform I

    l C m types of cuts Ki k pcrformed I

    I Output muits bascd on specific cuts I- Wre 13: Simulation software exploitation architecture


  • 3.2.2. Antenna and feed modelling

    The initial step, before looking at the multiple feed design, was to produce an

    antema and feed mode1 that represented well the radar of the CP-140. In order to design

    this rnodel, original drawings were obtained fiom the Aurora project office in Ottawa.

    When the design was completed, wide ranges of simulations were perfomed in order to

    validate the antenna and feed design. We will now go in the details of the geometry of

    the reflector and the feed and we will establish the coordinate system convention. Reflector antenna geometry

    As explained previously the radar is formed of an offset single reflector

    antenna. A reflector is defined by its surface and its rim. The Front face contour of the

    reflector is a paraboloid of revolution whose axis is the z mis. The surface of a

    paraboloid is defined by the parabofic equation (al1 dimensions are in inches):

    Where xo, y0 and are the vertex coordinates

    The surface of the reflector conforms io the following equation:

    Equation (7) was obtained tiom the onginai drawings of the reflector supplied by the

    Aurora ceil in Ottawa The paraboloid is defined by its focal length and the location of


  • the vertex in the reflector coordinate system. From the above equations, the following

    orm mat ion was extracted:

    Xo = O vertex coordinate s =

    zo = O

    Using the above-mentioned information, the reflector was modelled. Figure 14 gives a

    view of the reflector's geometry (In Figure 14, the r stands for reflector and f for feed).

    Figure 14: Geometry of the reflector (yz plane)

    As mentioned previously, a reflector is defined by its surface and rim. Since

    the refiector surface has now been modelled, the rim is still to be defined. This part of

    the work turned out to be a very demanding task The r h had to be defhed point by

    point using the original dtawiogs. The rim data was specified by tabuiated (p,4) values in


  • the reflector coordinate system. The p value refers to the distance fiom the centre of the

    reflector to the rim for the given 4 angle. Figure 15 explains the coordinate system used

    to define the reflector's nm. The rim was defined by 360 diffierent points, a list of which

    can be found in Annex C.

    Figure 15: Refiector cwrdinate system used for reflector's rim definition [(p,~)) values]

    Figure 16 gives a view of the rim (xy plane) of the reflector. The reflector as seen in

    Figure 16 is 1 .O lm wide and 0.66m hi*. The feed is off the centre of the reflector hence

    the name offset single reflector antenna. Y, , Feed

    Fiwre 16: View of the refl ector's rim geometry (xy plane) 39

  • * Feed geometry

    With an elliptical reflector aperture as seen above, homs with rectangular

    apertures lend themselves particularly well to the design of suitable feeds, since the

    beamwidth in the two principal planes cm be controlled vimially independently of one

    another by choice of the horn's principal plane dimensions [41]. The horn used to

    illuminate the reflector is a pyramidal hom and can be viewed in Figure 17.

    Fimn 17: Pyramidal horn geometry

    3.3. Software validation

    The choice of an off the shelf available simulation software was made for

    purposes of the insights to be gauied as well as expediency. A ngorous development

    using numerical methods could have been done but it was judged to be more useful to

    examine and study reflector antennas and different types of feed design rather then

    spending the entire research time Wtiting software code.


  • The validation process was done in order to confirm that the results provided

    by the software agreed with the actual measured results. An initiai validation was

    completed using a symmetnc reflector antenna with f/D=0.4 and a Feed Taper =-IO dB,

    data which was obtained fiom [21].








    Fimre 18: S imulated far-field radiation pattern of a syrnmetric reflector antenna (FT= -10 dB)

    i ' I 1 - . - - - 1 I '


    I I

    -ta 5 O 5 ai 19

    Fimire - 19: Far-field radiation pattern of a symmetric refiector antema (FT= 1 O dB) [2 11

  • The simdated results showed a very close agreement with these values if you consider

    Figure 18 and 19. Then to m e r vaiidate the software package, the radiation pattern of

    the antenna, which were measured in 1982 by the antenna designers, were compmed to

    the results obtained fiom the so &are simulations.

    3.3.1. Radiation pattern analysis

    The radiation patterns sets, which were measured in 1982, provide sufficient

    information to be able to compare many parameters but not ail of them. It should be

    noted that no previous validation of these experimental results was provided. The

    c o m p ~ s o n will be based on the gain, sidelobe levels and beamwidth in both azimuth and

    elevation. No information was available on antenna spillover and cross-polariuition to

    M e r confim the validity of the design and the software.

    3.3.1 .l . Feed design analysis

    The pyramidal hom feed was designed using GRASP8W facilities. It is

    defined by rnany parameten, some of which were obtained from drawings of the original

    feed design which are given in Table 2. A 2-D view of 2 different planes of the

    pyramidal horn with theu dimensions is given in Annex A.

  • Table 2: Pyramidal horn parameters definition

    Aperture width Aperture height Flare length in the xz Flare length in the yz Phase displacement Dielectric constant Reflectioncoefficient Ground plane Modes

    When the design was completed, a study of the feed radiation pattem was

    done. The simulation results were found to be very accurate. In Figure 20 you cm see

    the simulated far-field radiation pattem of the pymmidal horn designed based on

    parameters given in Table 2. The Azimuth (#=O) Copolar radiation pattem is in black

    and the Elevation (+=90°) in blue. Find listed in Table 3, the radiation characteristics of

    the pyramidal horn. In Figure 21, a contour display of the pyramidal hom simulated far-

    field radiation pattem can be seen. As expected the primary pattem is designed to meet

    the principal plane requirements of the reflector, thus it has an eliiptical cross-section.

    2.92 1 cm 5.08 cm 5.3 1 8 1 cm 7.6708 cm O 1 O Off TEci

  • 20 ~ . . . . l . . . . l . . . . l . . . , l . . . . l . . . a P . . 4 1 I I l I I

    F i a r e 2 0 Pyramidal hom Copolar radiation pattern for F9.5GHz

    / Gain (ciBi) 1 12.03 1 12.03 1 12.23 1 12.23 1 12.45 1 12.45 1

    F=9.5 GHz

    1 HPBW (Degrees) 1 52.82 1 41.6 1 51.88 1 40.66 1 50.48 1 39.73 1


    SLL (dB)

    X-Pol (Bi)

    Tabk 3 : Pyramidal hom radiation characteristics -


    W.75 GHz H O GHz




    Az El El









    3 1.1


  • . --. - , - , .. . . ---. 1 -m. - I

    -120. -Y. -38. 1. Y. Y. dl. 110. oz CdeqJ

    F i ~ u re 2 1 : Contour dispiay of the pyramidal hom radiation pattern Antenna design analysis

    The reflector was designed using GRASP8W facilities. As mentioned in

    section 3.2-2.1, the most demanding task tumed out to be the reflector rirn definition

    which had to be done point by point using the original drawings. The rim data was

    specified by tabulated (p,4) values in the reflector coordinate system. The p value refers

    to the distance fiom the centre of the reflector to the rim for the given 4 angle. The rim

    was defined using 360 different points. A table containhg the tabulated (p&) values for

    our reflector rim definition can be found in Annex B. Figure 16 gives a view of the Nn

    (xy plane) of the reflector. The simulated far-field radiation pattern of the reflector

  • designed based on parameters obtained in section can be seen in Figure 22. The

    Azllnuth (w) Copolar radiation pattern is in black and the Elevation (@+O@) in blue.

    -15 -10 5 O 5 10 dcg I S

    F i ~ u re 22: Reflector antenna radiation pattern for f=9 5GHz

    For the reflector, we were able to obtain measured radiation pattern and data from the

    antenna characteristic technical document in order to do a cornparison between them and

    our simulation resulu. As expected, the gain increases as the frequency increases and its

    level fdls well in the requirements (stated in Annex A) of 34 dB Min. The sidelobe level

    requirement is for - 20 dB below the peak in both the azimuth and the elevation plane and the results meet those requirernents for both planes. As for the beamwidth, in the

    &uth plane, the requinment is for 2.4" Max and the sirnulateci resuits meet that

    repuirement. In the elevation plane, the requirement is for 4' Max and again the results

    are well beyond the requirernents. Which confinns that the designed reflector represents

  • well the real reflector in ail its characteristics. Table 4 lists the radiation characteristics of

    the reflector antema for different fiequencies.

    F=9.5 GHz

    Gain (ciBi)

    SLL (dB)

    Table 4: Reflector radiation characteristics

    F-9.75 GHz

    Az El I Az

    X-Pol (dBi)

    HPB W (Degrees)

    A graphitai cornparison of the measured data fiom 1982 with the simulated results for the

    El 35.68


    azimuth plane for e9.5GHz cm be seen fiom Figures 23 and 24. A cornparison between

    the two shows a 1.6% difference for the gain, a 2% difference for the HPBW and a 5%

    difference for the SLL. These nsults and a look at Figures 23 and 24, clearly confïrm

    e l 0 GHz

    1 1 .58


    that our design represents weli the reaiity, thus providing confidence in the software.






    22.58 I

    45 .8

    3 ,3





    1 1.61


    1 1.62




    46.1 5


    3 5.98


  • 4 5 -tO 4 O 5 IO deg 15

    Fimire 23: Simulated antenna radiation pattern for F-9.5GHz (+=O0)

    Fiare 24: Measured (1982) antenna radiation pattern for H.5GHz (+=O?

  • Figure 25 gives a contour plot of the reflector radiation pattern with the azimuth angles

    on the x-axis and the elevation angles on the y-axis. As expected, since the reflector has

    an eliiptical rim, the patîem has an elliptical cross section, but rotated by 90' cornpared to

    the ellipticai cross section pattern of the feed radiation pattern. That was obviously

    expected since that for a given distni.ution, the pattern beamwidth in a piirticuiar planar

    cut is invenely proportional to the size of the aperture in that plane.

    Fimre 25: Contour plot of the reflector radiation pattern

    These conclusive results now lead us to the design of the feed anay and confirms that the

    antenna design is correct and that we should now proceed on to the main part of this

    thesis; the investigation of a new feed design for the GMTI mode.

  • 4.1. Feedamy

    This chapter is concemed with the implementation of more than one element

    to form the feed for the researched reflector antenna. Arrays, as antennas, have a long

    history extending back to the early years of radio broadcasting. Their use at Mcrowave

    fiequencies emerged during the Second World War when they were deployed in radar

    systems, sometimes in conjunction with reflectors. When designing a feed array, lirnits

    are imposed by the element patterns, the number of element and their spacing, the size

    and the total mass of the array. The other important factor that complicates the whole

    design study is mutual coupling, which is considered later on in this chapter.

    4.1.1. Phase center

    Often the terminology multiple phase centres is used to denote a muitiple feed

    system, basically an array with more than one feed element. Al1 horns and feeds have a

    Finure 26: Feed hom phase centre representation

  • 'Phase centre'. It is the theoretical point dong the axis of the hom (Figure 26) which is

    the centre of curvature of the phase fronts of the spherical waves radiated fiom the hom


    4.1.2. Feed requirementr,

    It must be remembered that the objective of this thesis is to investigate the

    possibility of modifjhg the feed structure of the AN-MG 506 radar on board the CP-

    140 to give GMTI capability to the a i r c d in order to support ground operations. As

    stated in the GMTI theory section, in order to detect moving targets, generaily, there is a

    requirement for at l e s t 3 phase centres (feeds) in the array. The design and the analysis

    are thus based on an array of 3 feeds radiating the reflector.

    4.1.3. Effects of Lateral feed displacement

    The main advantage of the offset paraboloidal reflector lies in the capability to

    mount a large feed array without blocking the most illuminated portion of the antenna

    aperture. Obviously not al1 the elements of the array cm lie in the reflector focus, thus

    making it important to understand the effects of lateral feed displacement on the radiation

    pattern [32].

    A feed at the focus of a paraboloidal reflector forms a beam parallel to the

    focal axis. Additionai feeds displaced h m the focus form additionai beams at angles

    from the axis. We know that a parabola reflects a spherical wave into a plane wave only

    when the source is at the focus. With the source OR the focus, a phase distortion result


  • that increases with angular displacement. Figure 27 shows an example of the effects of

    this phase distortion on the reflector radiation pattern. In the example portrayed in Figure

    27, it cm be seen that as the beam squint increases to SO, the gain decreases a little but

    generates SLL much higher (10 dB) than with a feed situated at the focus @=O0). This

    detrimentai effect generated by the movement of the feed away from the focus of the

    parabola increases as the beam squint increases, thus generating lower gain and higher

    sidelo bes.

    -10 O 10 20 30


    Fimire 27: Example of the effects of Off-axis feeds on the radiation pattern [43]

    This phase distortion or error produces many unwanted effects such as coma

    (image of a point source produces a cornet-shaped blur) and astigmatism (when rays fiom

    a point fail to meet in a focal point resulting in a blurred and imperfect image)

    aberrations, which result in pattern distortion in t e m of gain loss and sidelobes

    degradation. These perturbations are mainly the cause of a poorly illuminated reflector as

    the feed is laterally displaced h m the focus. The phase error is norxndy expressed in


  • terms of path length Merence between a generai ray and the reference central ray as a

    function of the exit point through the aperture. One way to decrease the effects of such

    perturbations is to tilt the feed towards the reflector's centre as the feed is laterally

    displaced fiom the reflector focus, but this is not usually possible in an array. In the

    design anaiysis part of this chapter, we will investigate how the lateral displacement of

    the feed affects the radiation pattern.

    4.2. Initial feed anay design

    The obvious first step in the anay design, since we have already established

    the reqkement for three fairly identical beams, was to simdate a three hom structure

    which could provide those 3 beams. The horn utilised for this design was the horn

    aiready used to feed the reflector and simulated in the previous chapter. The 3 pyramidal

    horns were collocated as it cm be seen in Figure 28.

    Wre 28: Initiai pyramidal hom anay design

  • The 3 hom are tilted in the yz plane by 20' to radiate towards the reflector centre (see

    Figure 14), but the outside two homs are not tilted in the xz plane to radiate towards the

    reflector centre.

    4.2.1. Initial simulation study

    The first simulation resdts uçing the m y configuration shown in Figure 28,

    for H . 5 GHz is shown in Figure 29. If we look at those results for W S G H z , it cm be

    seen that 3 fairly identical beams are obtained with fairly identical beamwidth. A small

    decrease in gain is noted from 35.57 dB for the centre beam to 3 5.43 dB, which was

    expected if considering Figure 27. The beams inteaect at 27.2 dB, which corresponds to

    8.2 dB below the peak, which is very high.

    -1 5 -1 a d 0 5 10 4.1 1s

    Figure 29: Radiation pattern with a 3 hom m y as seen in Figure 28.

  • These results show that it's not possible to consider the existing pyramidal horn to

    produce 3 beams that meet the requirernents stated in Annex A. To get better results, the

    distance between the phase centres has to be decreased which will have for effect to

    decrease the lateral feed displacement and its associated detrimental effects (higher

    sidelobes and higher intersection of the beams). This is due to the fact that, as it can be

    seen in Figure 28, the 3 homs are already as close as they cm be. In order to decrease the

    distance between the phase centres the aperture width will have to be decreased, thus

    decreasing the illumination of the reflector, which will probably affiect the bearnwidth in

    the elevation plane.

    4.2.2. Optimum distance between phase centres

    The initial step before doing anymore simulations of the array design, would

    be first to establish at what level the three beams m u t intersect in order to obtain proper

    target information. It is well know that the HPBW is usually a rneasure of the resolution

    of an antenna, so that two identical targets at the sarne range are said to be resolved in

    angle if separated by the HPBW. If the beams intersect at their 3 dB, it is known that

    good probability of detection and good relocation capability can be achieved. Based on

    the results fiom Figure 29, it is known that using the three existing pyramidal homs side-

    by-side, the phase centres are separated by 2.92 1 cm. Using that array design, the 3

    beams intersect at 8.2 dB below the peak, which is fa. too great for the set requirements.

    It is thus obvious that the phase centres have to be closer together but the question is how

    close? The software enables the user to artificiaily move the phase centres closer

    together ushg the same pyramidal horn configuration aithough the physical size of the


  • horn wouidn't permit to do so in real life. The software treats the anay on an element-

    byelement basis; the computed field thus contains the same number of beams, as there

    are elements in the army. In order to establish the ophum distance between the phase

    centres, a large set of simulations was completed moving the hom closer and closer

    together. The 3 simulated bearns using different phase centres separation on be seen in

    Figure 30,3 1 and 32. The result for a distance of 2.921 cm (closest allowable distance if

    we use the pyramidal hom) can be seen in Figure 30, distance for which the bearns

    intersect at 8.2 dB below the peak. By looking at that pattern closely, it can be seen that

    poor probability of detection would be achieved, but if the target is detected it would be

    easier to relocate. The simulated radiation pattern for a distance of 1.27 cm (distance

    equal to the width of a WR90 waveguide) cm be seen in Figure 3 1, a distance for which

    the beams intersect at 1.34 dB below the peak. If the patterns are again looked at ciosely,

    it c m be seen that good probability of detection wodd be achieved, but it would be more

    difficult to relocate the target.

    3s 1

    I 5 * 18

    Fimire 30: A m y radiation pattern with feed's phase centres 2-92 1 cm apovt

  • . tO d O 6 *B I b

    Figure 3 1 : Anay radiation pattern with feed's phase centres 1.27 cm apart

    Fipure 32: A m y radiation pattern with feed's phase centres 1.89 cm apart

    The simulated radiation pattern for a distance of 1.89 cm (distance obtained so that the

    beams intenect at their HPBW point) can be seen in Figure 32, which is the distance

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