aalimiyyah course · darul arqam educational trust registered charity no. 1092608 tel: 07528 084...

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Darul Arqam Educational Trust

Registered Charity No. 1092608

Tel: 07528 084 809 / 0116 319 1984 Web: datrust.org

E-mail: info@datrust.org Darul Arqam Educational Trust, 16 Thurmaston Lane, Leicester, LE5 0TE

Aalimiyyah Course Advanced Arabic & Islamic Studies In the English Medium Course Details

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بسم هللا الرمحن الرحمي امحلد هلل والصالة والسالم عىل رسول هللا وعىل آ هل وحصبه ومن اهتدى هبداه


The Prophet of Islam (Upon on Whom be Peace) said

“If a man dies, his good deeds are discontinued, except for three: an ongoing charity, knowledge from which

people benefit, or a good offspring praying for him.”

Education has always been historically linked to Islam and the development of Islamic civilization. As far back

as the Umayyad period , within the first century of Islam, traditional Islamic schools were founded. These were

established by private individuals for the benefit of the Muslim community particularly and all of human kind


The intellectual centres of the Muslim world such as Kufa, Basra, Khorasan and Andalus are established in

history as beacons of light during a period in which Europe was engulfed in darkness, which historians have,

quite rightly, termed 'The Dark Ages'. Today, one thousand four hundred years later, the world is again

witnessing the renaissance in the field of education. The ever increasing challenges created by the impact of

global communications and new modes of learning only highlight further the pressing need for a positive and

dynamic approach to the human quest for knowledge. It is now an accepted fact that a large number of Muslims

are living amid the modern pluralist societies of Europe.

Fusing that which is praiseworthy from western scholarship with Islamic scholarship, we hope that it will be

from here that the greatest pioneering developments will take place benefiting both the Muslim societies and the

host society.


• To develop a sound grounding in the Islamic Sciences

• To develop a foundation in Islamic Studies with a focus on Da’wah/ Community work

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• To demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the details concerning the technical and historical

significance of the Sciences of the Quran, Sciences of Hadith, and the Principles of Jurisprudence (Usul


• To become proficient and confident in all areas of Fiqh al-Ibadat

• To be able to recall and articulate the fundamentals of Aqidah al-Islamiyyah along with their intellectual

and scriptural proofs

• To memorise the 40 Hadith of Imam al-Nawawi in Arabic and English, as well as being able to recall key

areas of commentary on each Hadith

• To recognise and recall the fundamentals of Da’wah, and demonstrate understanding by considering its

application in contemporary society

• To know and apply the rules of Tajweed

• To have committed the last Juz of the Quran to Memory

• To explore the concept of Islamic Spirituality/ Ihsan as outlined by Imam al-Ghazali, and evaluate how it

can be internalised and applied in everyday situations

The content will be a traditional syllabus teaching some of the most advanced and authoritative texts in each

science. Each year and at any one time we will focus on only one subject area at a time. Sometimes focusing on

only one core text at a time. This will enable the student to gain proficiency in each area. This is in contrast to

the syllabi prevalent many Islamic institutions and universities whereby the student is expected to study

approximately fifteen different subjects every year.

This system has advantages from three aspects. Firstly concentrating on one faculty area will enable students to

devote their skills to gain proficiency in one subject area rather than being dispersed over fifteen or more

subjects. And secondly, should students, due to unforeseen circumstances be unable complete the full six year

curriculum they would have nonetheless gained proficiency in the faculty areas which they studied. Finally,

Students who are competent in certain areas could theoretically bypass that area of study to the next if they can

satisfy the course coordinators.

Daily Timetable

Learning sessions on Saturday 10 am to 1.15 pm (times may differ in other cities) there will be a break during

Ramadhan and appropriate breaks during the statutory holidays. Each session will be 3 hours in length. Regular

independent study will be set also which is expected to take up about 3 hours weekly.

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The system that will be employed is a 'Reader System'. What is the 'Reader System'?

A 'reader' is meant to serve as a study aide to a particular text-book, and as a general guide to the discipline as a

whole; it is not meant to replace the study of the original text.

The classical Islamic texts are virtual goldmines of knowledge, intellectual and spiritual, temporal and eternal,

historical and scientific, that can only properly and honestly be benefited from by that student who has been

trained to do such. It is the goal of this series to facilitate an increase in the student’s ability to directly access

and fully conceptualize both the style and the content of the classical texts.

Translations of the classical texts serve a lofty purpose in allowing the general population of Muslim and non-

Muslim readership – the overwhelming majority of whom do not have sufficient knowledge of the classical

Arabic medium of the texts (even if they be Arabs) – an opportunity to personally interact with the timeless

wisdoms and great ideas produced over the centuries. Works in fields such as spirituality, ethics, philosophy,

law, and sociology, as well as translations of some of the literature around the primary texts of the Qur’an and

the Hadith literature, deserve translation for both the general readership and the students of history and literature.

In sum, translations provide an invaluable service in regards to texts in the end-goals disciplines (علوم الغاية).

Once we study the core text with the ‘reader system’ we become accustomed to the relevance of these classical

texts to our place in the West and it becomes a syllabus developed specifically for the West and one which can

be transported to other countries. It can be undoubtedly claimed that it will be most innovative and dynamic

syllabus developed for the Western Muslims representing a cross civilizational exchange of ideas between that

which is the best in Islamic and Western civilizations. It will enable our scholars to confront the challenges

which we face in the Western world but firmly footed in our Islamic scholastic tradition.


The Alimiyyah course maintains the pedagogy of the traditional method of the Islamic World which has served

the Ummah for more than a thousand years and created some of the best minds for the benefit of humanity. The

system to accredit learning has been using the Ijaazah Accreditation. Students who successfully complete

classical texts or their equivalents will be bestowed with a licence of authority to teach that text returning back to

the author of that book. Imagine being part of a sacred chain (Sanad) which starts with the likes of Imam

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Ghazali or al-Nawwawi and ends with your self. This method of accreditation is accepted in all centres of

traditional Islamic learning and is also accepted by selected universities in UK and abroad.

Arabic Language

Arabic language acquisition is an important part for the training of any scholar. For this reason we have provided

this as an optional provision two days a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays 8pm – 9.30pm. This affords students

more flexibility and the opportunity to perfect the Sacred Sciences before moving on to the challenges of

acquiring a new language. This also enables students to either offer both provisions together, Alimiyyah and

Classical Arabic, or separately at their own discretion. Please refer to the handbook for Classical Arabic Year 1.

The Major Faculties

Each faculty will cover one academic year, which will consist of 40 weeks of teaching. The faculties of study

include :

1. Fiqh.

2. Aqeeda, Usool al-Fiqh & Mantiq.

3. Hadith & Mustalah Hadith.

4. Quran & it's Sciences

5. Synthesis and Dissertation.


The course will run for 40 teaching weeks per year. The first academic year will be 40 weeks in duration.

Learning sessions being held during the weekend Saturday 10 am to 1.15 pm (times may differ in other cities)

there will be a break during Ramadhan and appropriate breaks during the statutory holidays. Each session will

be 3 hours in length. Regular independent study will be set also which is expected to take up about 2 hours

weekly. Year 1:

• Aqidah al-Tahawiyyah

• Nur al-Iddah

• 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi

• The Book of Assistance

• Principles of Da'wah

Year 2:

• Usul al-Shashi

• Nukbah al-Fikr

• Hanafi Principles of Hadith and

• Uloom al-Quran

• Basic Principles of Logic and Philosophy

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Year 3:

• Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah

• Aqidah al-Nasafi

• Beginning of Guidance

Year 4:

• Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani

• Athar al-Sunnan

• Brief overview of history

Year 5 and 6:

• Risalah al-Mustatrifah – Sh Khattani

• Major Hadith Compilations :

• Al-Bukhari

• Muslim

• Al-Tirmidhi

• Abu Dawud

• Al-Nasai

• Ibn Maja

• Al-Muwatta

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Year 1 – Course Structure

Week Topic Notes

Week 1 Aqeedah al-Tahawiyyah Week 2 Aqeedah al-Tahawiyyah Week 3 Aqeedah al-Tahawiyyah Week 4 Aqeedah al-Tahawiyyah Week 5 Aqeedah al-Tahawiyyah Week 6 Nurul al-Iddah Week 7 Nurul al-Iddah Week 8 Nurul al-Iddah Week 9 Nurul al-Iddah Week 10 Nurul al-Iddah Week 11 Nurul al-Iddah Week 12 Nurul al-Iddah Week 13 Nurul al-Iddah Week 14 Nurul al-Iddah Week 15 Nurul al-Iddah Week 16 Nurul al-Iddah Week 17 Nurul al-Iddah Week 18 Nurul al-Iddah Week 19 Nurul al-Iddah Week 20 Nurul al-Iddah Week 21 Nurul al-Iddah Week 22 Nurul al-Iddah Week 23 Nurul al-Iddah Week 24 Nurul al-Iddah Week 25 Nurul al-Iddah Week 26 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi Week 27 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi Week 28 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi Week 29 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi Week 30 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi Week 31 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi Week 32 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi

Key Duration Course Book/ Material

5 Weeks Aqeedah al-Tahawiyyah

20 Weeks Nurul al-Iddah

10 Weeks 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi

5 Weeks Principles of Da'wah and The Book of Assistance

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Week 33 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi Week 34 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi Week 35 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi Week 36 Principles of Da'wah and The Book of Assistance Week 37 Principles of Da'wah and The Book of Assistance

Week 38 Principles of Da'wah and The Book of Assistance

Week 39 Principles of Da'wah and The Book of Assistance

Week 40 Principles of Da'wah and The Book of Assistance

Year 2 – Course Structure

Week Topic Notes

Week 1 Uloom -ul- Quran (Sh Taqi Uthmani) Week 2 Uloom -ul- Quran (Sh Taqi Uthmani) Week 3 Uloom -ul- Quran (Sh Taqi Uthmani) Week 4 Uloom -ul- Quran (Sh Taqi Uthmani) Week 5 Nukbah al-Fikr Week 6 Nukbah al-Fikr Week 7 Nukbah al-Fikr Week 8 Nukbah al-Fikr Week 9 Hanafi Principles of Hadith Week 10 Hanafi Principles of Hadith Week 11 Hanafi Principles of Hadith Week 12 Hanafi Principles of Hadith Week 13 Basic Principles of Logic and Philosophy Week 14 Basic Principles of Logic and Philosophy Week 15 Basic Principles of Logic and Philosophy Week 16 Basic Principles of Logic and Philosophy Week 17 Basic Principles of Logic and Philosophy Week 18 Basic Principles of Logic and Philosophy Week 19 Basic Principles of Logic and Philosophy Week 20 Usul al-Shaashi Week 21 Usul al-Shaashi

Key Duration Course Book/ Material

4 Weeks Uloom -ul- Quran (Sh Taqi Uthmani)

4 Weeks Nukbah al-Fikr

4 Weeks Hanafi Principles of Hadith

8 Weeks Basic Principles of Logic and Philosophy

20 Weeks Usul al-Shaashi

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Week 22 Usul al-Shaashi Week 23 Usul al-Shaashi Week 24 Usul al-Shaashi Week 25 Usul al-Shaashi Week 26 Usul al-Shaashi Week 27 Usul al-Shaashi Week 28 Usul al-Shaashi Week 29 Usul al-Shaashi Week 30 Usul al-Shaashi Week 31 Usul al-Shaashi Week 32 Usul al-Shaashi Week 33 Usul al-Shaashi Week 34 Usul al-Shaashi Week 35 Usul al-Shaashi Week 36 Usul al-Shaashi Week 37 Usul al-Shaashi

Week 38 Usul al-Shaashi

Week 39 Usul al-Shaashi

Week 40 Usul al-Shaashi

Year 3 – Course Structure

Week Topic Notes

Week 1 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 2 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 3 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 4 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 5 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 6 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 7 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 8 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 9 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 10 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 11 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 12 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 13 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 14 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah

Key Duration Course Book/ Material

25 Weeks Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah

15 Weeks Aqidah al-Nasafi and Beginning of Guidance

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Week 15 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 16 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 17 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 18 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 19 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 20 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 21 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 22 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 23 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 24 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 25 Al-Qudoori with selections from al-Hidayah Week 26 Aqidah al-Nasafi and Beginning of Guidance Week 27 Aqidah al-Nasafi and Beginning of Guidance Week 28 Aqidah al-Nasafi and Beginning of Guidance Week 29 Aqidah al-Nasafi and Beginning of Guidance Week 30 Aqidah al-Nasafi and Beginning of Guidance Week 31 Aqidah al-Nasafi and Beginning of Guidance Week 32 Aqidah al-Nasafi and Beginning of Guidance Week 33 Aqidah al-Nasafi and Beginning of Guidance Week 34 Aqidah al-Nasafi and Beginning of Guidance Week 35 Aqidah al-Nasafi and Beginning of Guidance Week 36 Aqidah al-Nasafi and Beginning of Guidance

Week 37 Aqidah al-Nasafi and Beginning of Guidance

Week 38 Aqidah al-Nasafi and Beginning of Guidance

Week 39 Aqidah al-Nasafi and Beginning of Guidance

Week 40 Aqidah al-Nasafi and Beginning of Guidance

Year 4 – Course Structure

Week Topic Notes

Week 1 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 2 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 3 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 4 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 5 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 6 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer

Key Duration Course Book/ Material

25 Weeks Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer

15 Weeks Athar al-Sunnan

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Week 7 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 8 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 9 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 10 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 11 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 12 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 13 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 14 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 15 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 16 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 17 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 18 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 19 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 20 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 21 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 22 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 23 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 24 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 25 Tafsir Ishraq al Ma'ani - Syed Iqbal Zaheer Week 26 Athar al-Sunnan Week 27 Athar al-Sunnan Week 28 Athar al-Sunnan Week 29 Athar al-Sunnan Week 30 Athar al-Sunnan Week 31 Athar al-Sunnan Week 32 Athar al-Sunnan Week 33 Athar al-Sunnan Week 34 Athar al-Sunnan Week 35 Athar al-Sunnan Week 36 Athar al-Sunnan Week 37 Athar al-Sunnan

Week 38 Athar al-Sunnan

Week 39 Athar al-Sunnan

Week 40 Athar al-Sunnan

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Years 5 & 6 – Course Structure

Week Topic Notes

Week 1 Risalah al-Mustatrifah Week 2 Risalah al-Mustatrifah Week 3 Risalah al-Mustatrifah Week 4 Risalah al-Mustatrifah Week 5 Risalah al-Mustatrifah Week 6 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 7 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 8 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 9 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 10 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 11 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 12 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 13 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 14 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 15 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 16 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 17 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 18 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 19 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 20 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 21 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 22 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 23 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 24 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 25 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 26 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 27 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 28 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 29 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 30 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 31 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 32 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah

Key Duration Course Book/ Material

5 Weeks Risalah al-Mustatrifah – Sh Khattani

35 Weeks Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah

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Week 33 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 34 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 35 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah Week 36 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah

Week 37 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah

Week 38 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah

Week 39 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah

Week 40 Jami- Usool - Sahih Sittah

Suggested Reading

An extensive reading list will be provided to supplement the texts that are studied during the academic year. There will also be notes and other material to ease the study of some of the more extensive works which we will be covering.

ا وباطناا ا ظاهرا لا وآخرا الحمد أوه لله

العالمين و الحمد لله ربه

للاه تعالى أعلم

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