aberdeen foyer is a successful charitable · aberdeen foyer is a successful charitable organisation...

Post on 20-Jun-2020






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Aberdeen Foyer is a successful charitableorganisation working to prevent andalleviate youth homelessness andunemployment in Aberdeen andAberdeenshire. We provide supportedaccommodation and access to a range oflearning, training, employment opportunitiesand community health services for youngpeople and their communities.

Aberdeen Foyer’s approach has recognised thathomelessness and disadvantage is not just amatter of providing a home but necessitatesaddressing many of the underlying causes ofhomelessness and disadvantage, and critically,providing people with the means of gainingand sustaining employment. This integratedapproach allows those with whom we work totake the next steps towards independent living,learning and work.

Since the first accommodation site opened in1998, we have housed and supported singleparents, care leavers, ex offenders, those whohave or have had drug or alcohol problems,learning difficulties or mental health issues. Weoperate 6 supported accommodation sites inAberdeen, Peterhead, Fraserburgh, Stonehavenand Banchory offering tenancies to 80 youngpeople at any one time.

In addition to our supported accommodation,we offer the following services to tenants andpeople in the wider community:

• Lifeshaper - a community rehabilitationprogramme for those who have hadalcohol/drug problems

• Progress2Work - an employment supportservice aimed at helping former drug usersgain employment

• Move-on - practical support for former tenants moving into their own homes

• Build & Train - offers participants the chanceto achieve job aspirations while meeting theemployment needs of Grampian’s construction industry

• Platform to Work - an initiative offeringparticipants a chance to gain entry level jobswithin the oil and gas sector

• Learning Houses - delivery manager of theOpportunity Gateway Partnership, providingfree, informal learning opportunities to thecommunity in 5 of Grampian’s disadvantagedcommunities

• Outside In - tenant learning programmeaccredited by City & Guilds

• Prince's Trust Team -12 week personaldevelopment programme.

• Training for Work - provides specialisttraining for adults aged 25 or over, who areunemployed and actively looking for work

• Get Ready for Work - programme designedto assist young people aged 16-18 who mayneed additional support to make thetransition beyond school into work

• Foyer Music - industry standard rehearsaland recording facility, workshops andoutreach service

• Community Health Services - includingMental Health and Wellbeing project 'SortedNot Screwed Up'

… as well as a range of social and recreationalactivities.

Our trading company Foyer Enterpriseencompasses the Foyer Restaurant + Gallery,Foyer Graphics, Ben & Jerry’s and Foyer Drive.These businesses generate income to supportthe work of Aberdeen Foyer, provide an interfacewith the wider community and offer trainingand employment opportunities for youngpeople. In December 2007 we entered into acontract with Aberdeen Performing Arts tooperate the restaurant, café bar and privatedining facility at His Majesty’s Theatre, Aberdeen.

We are always keen to explore new opportunitiesfor social enterprise and have established aproductive partnership with Aberdeen basedInstant Neighbour Charity and are keen to seethis approach develop with other like mindedorganisations.  We are currently undertaking apilot for a new property maintenance initiative. Maintenance teams will undertake minor repairsand decorate Council, Housing Association andprivate properties including houses/flats readyfor re-let. Through our existing services and various newdevelopments we will continue to respond tothe needs and issues of young people and theircommunities in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.

investing in the work of aberdeen foyer


investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

I am privileged to be Chairman of, what Iconsider to be, one of the most enterprising,imaginative and above all successful localvoluntary organisations in the UnitedKingdom. But don’t take my word for it,let me demonstrate through this report whythe multi-faceted work of Aberdeen Foyeris now recognised nationally andcommended widely with many initiativesrecognised as examples of best practiceinspiring similar initiatives elsewhere, evenas far afield as Australia.

Striving for excellence in our work continues tomotivate staff and volunteers alike; throughtheir hard work and dedication they havesupported over two thousand people in 2007in our communities across the north east toovercome barriers, realise their potential andmove on in their lives.

The success of Aberdeen Foyer is due in nosmall way to our close partnership working withnumerous organisations, notably our foundingmembers: Grampian Housing Association,Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Councils, and NHSGrampian; but also those agencies who nowhelp fund key parts of our work such asAberdeen College, The Prince's Trust Scotland,The Scottish Government and Jobcentre Plus toname but a few. Our partnership workingextends to many employers and employers’organisations engaged in and supportingprogrammes such as Progress2Work, Build andTrain and Platform to Work. All are valuedinvestors in our work, whose involvement isvital and very much appreciated.

Aberdeen Foyer continues to successfully harnesspublic funds for many of our core services, butdoes need to attract other revenue throughfundraising and private sector support to realisethe work and success profiled in this report.I would like to acknowledge the backing of thewide range of agencies committed to supportingus, including generous corporate and private investors.

Key elements of our work attract little or nopublic funding and exist purely due to our privateinvestors and charitable donors. These are oftenthe aspects of work that can and do providethat extra ingredient to make a lasting changein someone’s life. Investing in the organisation,as opposed to a specific service, strengthensthe financial foundation of the organisation andallows us to continue to be entrepreneurial inour work and go beyond that which iscommissioned by public agencies.

I am delighted to recognise the growing portfolioof ‘Foyer Investors’, companies who have madea positive commitment to invest in the futureof our community through Aberdeen Foyer. Ilook forward to welcoming new faces at ournext annual Investors’ Dinner!

Thank you once again for your interest inAberdeen Foyer. I hope you enjoy reading aboutthe diverse ways in which Aberdeen Foyercontinues to develop and offer services to anincreasing number of people in communitiesacross the north east.

David Paton OBEChairmanAberdeen Foyer


investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

Welcome to our annual review of 2007.The theme of this years’ review is one ofpartnership and throughout the followingpages you will see illustrations of this acrossall our areas of work.

We aspire to be a strong partnering organisation,reflecting this in our organisational values andbehaviours. Aberdeen Foyer was founded ona partnership between various public, privateand voluntary sector interests who had a sharedconcern to tackle the blight of youthhomelessness and unemployment. We becamea melting pot for ideas and innovation and thatremains a lasting trait.

Now nearly 12 years on from these beginningswe can still see how forging effectivepartnerships pays dividends in meeting ourcentral charitable purpose. As a social enterprisethe bottom line is our worth in changing thelife chances and choices of those we work with.

As you browse through the pages of this reviewof our last year please take note of the real andlasting benefits that sees former homeless youngpeople successfully housed for the long term;that sees those who have been out of workmaking clear and tangible steps towardemployment, if not successfully moving in towork; that sees those who have suffered healthrelated issues successfully overcome what might

have been seen at one point as insurmountablebarriers; throughout you will see evidence ofthose who once felt they were on the margins,now positively engage and contribute in ourcommunities.

Such success needs effective team work and Iam immensely proud of all the Foyer’s staffteam, whose hard work, commitment andenthusiasm delivers high quality services withreal results and lasting change for those wework with and for. I am grateful too for thosewho support our work from the public, privateand voluntary sectors whose input underpinsour work and to our Board members whosevoluntary contribution to the organisationensures effective governance of a diverse andgrowing concern.

I would like to make a special mention of andthank my Deputy, Edel Harris who will be leavingher post with the Foyer in April 2008 to takeup the role as Chief Executive of CornerstoneCommunity Care. Edel has worked with meover the past 7 years and has contributedsignificantly to our growth, innovation andsuccess, making a lasting contribution to theorganisation. All at the Foyer wish her everysuccess in her new role.

Ken Milroy MBEChief ExecutiveAberdeen Foyer



In 2007 Aberdeen Foyer provided a homewith support to 110 young people aged 16– 25 who were homeless or at risk ofhomelessness, in Aberdeen, Peterhead,Fraserburgh, Stonehaven and Banchory.The young people we house must havesupport needs in addition to havingnowhere suitable to stay.

On moving into their tenancy each young personmeets regularly with their Support Coordinatorto help them to set the goals they will work tomeet during their tenancy with the Foyer. Fromthis Foyer staff work with each tenant to agreehow they might achieve their ambitions andidentify what support they will need and thisforms their own Personal Action Plan.

Each Action Plan is unique, however they allcover four key areas of the young person’sdevelopment needs; learning tenancy skills,moving towards employment, personaldevelopment, including health improvement,and taking part in social and recreationalactivities.

TENANCY SKILLSHaving a home of your own for the first timecan be a daunting task. Most of our tenantshave an income of approximately £45 per weekfrom which they must buy food, cleaningmaterials, pay transport costs, buy clothes, paygas and electricity charges, pay for a TV licence,if over 18, pay council tax and find some moneyfor a social life. This is not an easy task for

anyone but for a young person, often havingcome from a period of trauma, this can seemimpossible. One of our volunteers is a traineddebt counsellor, she helps tenants identify anddeal with their debt problems and along withsupport workers, prepare a budget plan.Tracy, 19, came to the Foyer with debts frompersonal loans, credit cards and store cards.She used one of the modules in the learningprogramme “Outside In” to address herdifficulties and is now almost debt free.“I can’t believe I was so stupid. I just hid frommy problems and bought more things becauseI was unhappy. When I arrived at the Foyer Ihad several purchases which I hadn’t even used. I decided to take them back to the shops. It’sgreat to feel in control again”.

In 2007 we introduced a new initiative developedby Foyer Health called Sorted in the Kitchen; an8 week programme involves sticking to a £10a week shopping list and pre planned recipes.

Mark at Banchory completed the programme.

“I didn’t believe it was possible to actually buyall the ingredients to make the food for £20 afortnight. I also didn’t think that I could manageto follow the recipes. Up to now my cookinginvolved making pot noodle or putting readymade things in the micro. Over the eight weeksI found out that I enjoyed cooking and liked alot of the food I made which I had never triedbefore. I didn’t eat nearly so much rubbish andI lost weight!”

investing in the work of aberdeen foyer



Trinity Court 6 6 11 6 6 5Torry 5 6 6 4 6 3Peterhead 5 2 4 4 2 10Fraserburgh 2 0 3 1 4 4Stonehaven 3 1 6 3 3 5Banchory 1 4 5 4 1 4



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Trinity Court 10 11 2 6 7Torry 14 8 8 6 4Peterhead 13 3 8 9 3Fraserburgh 9 2 4 6 3Stonehaven 4 10 2 6 5Banchory 2 3 2 3 1




All tenants are assisted to identify which jobthey would like to aim for and establish throughaction planning, the steps they should take tohelp them achieve their career goals.

In 2007 Alison moved into our Foyer housing inStonehaven following the loss of her mother.She decided that she would like to work in anoffice but as she was finding her feet followingbereavement, she didn’t feel ready to go straightinto work. She chose to complete the 12 weekPrince’s Trust Team programme with the Foyerduring which she spent two weeks on a workplacement at an oil company. She finished theprogramme feeling more confident and readyfor a new challenge and went on to participatein the Foyer’s Progress2Work programme whereshe improved her employability skills andcompleted a work placement with the WoodGroup where she was offered a job. She is nowstudying accountancy at evening classes. Alisonloves her job and has coped well with thechanges in her life She has moved out ofsupported accommodation and into her own tenancy.

Michael came to live at Aberdeen Foyer inSeptember and completed the City and Guildsqualification Outside In within 3 months. Michaelhad been promised a job if he passed his drivingtest and through Foyer Drive, Michael achievedthis and within four weeks was in full timeemployment.

investing in the work of aberdeen foyer


This part of the Action Plan looks at the healthand well being of the person. Tenants aresupported to identify areas of their lives whichgive them cause for concern and to put in placeways to improve their self esteem. This oftenstarts with looking at the reasons they becamehomeless, what they most wish to change andlearning to accept and find ways to cope withthe things they cannot change. For some youngpeople this will involve being referred forcounselling or support to learn better ways tocope with their issues and concerns. For some,drug or alcohol misuse may be an issue; ourtenants have access to all the rehabilitationservices the Foyer provides. Where it is safe todo so, tenants are encouraged to attempt toimprove relationships with their families and insome cases this may eventually lead to themretuning home.

In 2007 27 young people participated inOutside In.  The programme is part of aproject developed by the FoyerFederation and funded by the ScottishGovernment with additional funding fromthe BG Group.



investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

TERRI’S EXPERIENCE“I came to Aberdeen Foyer when my little girl wasone months old. I had been staying at home withmy parents but the situation was difficult and I wasvery unhappy, in fact depressed. I had been bulliedat school. This had made me very nervous and Ifelt that it must be my fault somehow. I was givena nice flat and I enjoyed the space to develop arelationship with my daughter which wasn’tinfluenced by living with other people. GraduallyI began to fit in. I was referred for person centredcounselling though Sorted not Screwed Up andfound a new strength that I didn’t know I had. Iattended tenants meetings and was elected to theYoung People’s Forum. I really liked this new role,attending Board meetings and getting to know alot more about the Foyer. I could represent theother tenants and help to make sure the Foyerheard tenants’ views. I have taken part in adiscussion on positive mental health interventionsat the Scottish Parliament and have even met ourFirst Minister Alex Salmond. I never imagined Iwould be doing such things. I want to be aroundmy daughter as much as possible while she is youngso I didn’t want to commit to full time training oremployment. However I did volunteer work as ascooper at Ben and Jerry’s one afternoon a weekand passed a SVQ in Customer Care. This all helpedme to believe in myself and feel good. Recently Imoved on to a beautiful flat where I have settledin and I am very happy. I hope to go on to beinvolved in working to support people at some timein the future.”


Having fun is an important part of everyone’s life.This part of the Action Plan attempts to engagetenants in constructive social activities. An importantresource for tenants is the Active Futures programme,run in partnership with Aberdeen College, whichfacilitates the involvement of people in physicalexercise. Other activities tenants may choose toget involved in include arts and crafts, football,annual barbeque, outdoor activities, watching films,going to the theatre etc. Often the cost of theseactivities will be met from fundraising activities anddonations from businesses.


investing in the work of aberdeen foyer


A team from John Lewis carried out agarden ‘make-over’ at our supportedaccommodation site at Torry. Investingstaff time and experience as well as financialsupport, the hard working, highly motivatedgroup transformed the garden into a smallhaven where tenants could relax. JohnLewis Partners spent time with staff andtenants to plan the project and we enjoyedworking with such professional andenthusiastic people. Not only do the youngpeople have a beautiful garden right ontheir doorstep, they also had theopportunity to work as part of a team,learn new skills and develop confidence inthemselves and their abilities. The chanceto meet different members of thecommunity and learn from otherpeople’s expertise is invaluable.

Thank you to the John Lewis Partners whomade this such a successful, enjoyableexperience for all involved and to our friendsat Scottish Business in the Community forfacilitating the partnership.


investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

Aberdeen Foyer delivers learning and training programmes across 8 sitesin Aberdeen City and North Aberdeenshire. We provide a range of plannedprogrammes and drop-in services aimed at developing the personal, social,educational and work-related skills required to successfully compete inthe employment market.

We are client centred and take a holistic approach to supporting the needs ofclients through individual assessment. The range of programmes we have to offerenables participants to join at the point most appropriate to them.

We have a strong focus on partnership working both internally and externally.Within the Foyer, staff work together across programmes and services to facilitatethe continued progression of participants and the result of this can be shown inthe successes achieved in supporting people into employment, training or furthereducation.

We work closely with a wide range of private, public and voluntary sectororganisations across the Grampian area. These include Aberdeen City Council,Aberdeenshire Council, Scottish Enterprise Grampian, Tenants First Housing Co-operative, Aberdeen College and a vast array of private sector and otherorganisations whose support enables us to provide a rich and varied experienceto programme participants.

Our most recent achievement is in the attainment of LearnDirect branding forour learning centres, which is testimony to the quality and range of learningexperiences we offer to clients.


investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

Aberdeen Foyer runs Lifeshaper programmes in Aberdeen,Peterhead and Fraserburgh. In 2007 we ran 2 teams inBanff. The programme is delivered in partnership withAberdeen College and is funded by a variety of organisationsincluding Lloyds TSB Partnership Drugs Initiative, AberdeenCollege, Health Improvement Fund and CommunitiesScotland. The course is for people who have experiencedsubstance misuse problems and aims to give them structureand routine in their lives as well as building confidence anddeveloping skills and interests.

Lifeshaper staff try their utmost to include and work inpartnership with other professionals working with ourLifeshaper clients, inviting them in for half-way reviews andencouraging regular communication.

The course timetable includes: confidence building, relapseprevention, health & wellbeing, IT, relaxation techniques,arts & craft, local investigation and regular outings to placesof interest.

In 2007 Aberdeen Foyer delivered 9 Lifeshaper programmes.48 participants have completed Lifeshaper and these clientshave achieved the following:

• 6 clients attending college full time

• 4 clients attending college part time

• 7 are working full time

• 1 successfully completed a Prince's Trust Team

• 3 clients are now volunteers on the Lifeshaper course

• 1 client became a volunteer with LEAD Scotland

• 11 clients have been referred onto the local Substance

Misuse Service’s MONO employment project

• 11 clients were referred to North Aberdeenshire VoluntaryNetwork (NAVEN)

• 12 clients were referred onto Progress2Work 


The ICDRS (Integrated Community Drug RehabilitationService) is a service that Aberdeen Foyer delivers in partnershipwith Aberdeen Cyrenians, Drugs Action, and Phoenix Futures.The ICDRS partners also work very closely with the SubstanceMisuse Service (NHS).

ICDRS provides joined up support to help people who aretaking steps to address their drug use and want to worktowards a healthier and positive future. It offers specialistsupport to approximately 90 clients a year in the Aberdeenarea. The issues covered are employability, housing andrelapse and prevention.

The Foyer offers specialist employability support. The roleof the Employability workers at the Foyer is to co-ordinateaccess to employability services for ICDRS clients byaddressing the main barriers that often prevent our clientsfrom sourcing employment opportunities.

ICDRS clients working on their employability issues withthe Foyer have achieved the following this year:

• 6 have entered full-time employment• 19 have entered further education• 7 have entered some type of employment related training


PROGRESS2WORKProgress2Work (P2W) is a JobCentre Plus funded projectthat aims to help people who have experienced problemswith drug misuse issues gain entry into employment, trainingor education. Progress2Work runs successfully in partnershipwith Aberdeen Cyrenians and Apex Scotland.

Clients receive support through four stages of employmentpreparation: Assessment; Job Seeking Skills SVQ; MovingOn; and On the Job Support.

After an initial assessment, clients work towards an SVQlevel 1 in Job Seeking Skills, in which they receive trainingin core employability skills such as CV writing, the application

process, and interview skills. The P2W team then assistclients in accessing work placements, training, educationand employment; and can continue to provide support forup to 3 months once clients are in work.

During the period January – December 2007, the P2W teamsupported 27 people into various types of employment –such as jobs at Marks & Spencer’s, Wood Group,administration, labouring, gardening, manufacturingamongst others. 53 clients have completed the SVQ in JobSkills and 20 people have moved into employment relatedtraining programmes.




Platform to Work offers participants thechance to achieve job aspirations withinthe energy sector. The programme isdesigned to meet the needs of employerswhile supporting trainees throughpreparation for work, formal training andinto employment.

With backing from the Offshore TrainingFoundation, Aberdeen Foyer is working inpartnership with the Offshore ContractorsAssociation, OPITO, Petrofac Training, AMEC,Well Services Contractors Association, KCADeutag, JobCentre Plus and Scottish EnterpriseGrampian to deliver a European Social Fund(ESF) funded programme specifically targetingthe 18-25 age group who have beenunemployed for up to 2 years.

Year 2 of the programme has been verysuccessful. Our target to train 60 people a yearwas easily achieved, as within the first fewweeks of 2007 we received 137 referrals. Dueto continued support from Rigtrain, Petrofac,Falck Nutec, Intertrain and OPITO, sufficienttraining places were secured for our clients andwe were able to support 66 people throughtraining. Participants joined the programmefrom Elgin, Forfar and Brechin, areas normallyoutwith our remit but covered by ESF Objective3 funding.

Aberdeen Foyer was awarded a Training forWork contract by Scottish Enterprise in April 07which provided another vehicle for people toaccess the programme and allowed us to forma firm partnership with our Progress2Work

programme. In addition, Working for Families’clients were supported into further training andwork.

We received requests for training from peoplewho wished to work within the energy sectorbut did not want to go offshore and thanks toopportunities from companies such as Ramco,they were able to consolidate their training witha work trial period and move into onshore basedjobs.

Special thanks to KCA Deutag, in particular toAndy Swinhoe and Scott Jenkins for puttingtogether a one and a half day introduction tothe industry and also to Coleen McPhee fromthe HR department who helped with interviewtechniques and CV preparation. This was anexcellent addition to the soft skills week andwell received by all participants.

‘We are happy to help people gain opportunitiesin the industry and would be pleased to supportthe programme again in the future’.

Andy Swinhoe, KCA Deutag

“Our partnership working with the Foyer onthe Platform to Work initiative is a great exampleof the sum of the parts being greater than thewhole - Together we made a difference and Ithank the Foyer for giving us the opportunityto contribute.”

David Doig, Chief Executive, OPITO

investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

137 (8 female) total referrals 66 (7 female) into training 34 (4 female into work

CSL sponsored a Platform to Work trainee










investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

TRAINING FOR WORKTraining for Work provides training supportfor people who are unemployed and activelylooking for work. The programme, fundedby Scottish Enterprise is open to adults aged25 and over, provides specialist training ina range of vocational areas and on-the-jobexperience, allowing people to go oncompany placements and tap into formaltraining. In many cases trainees move intoa full-time job in construction, oil & gas,warehousing, administration, care,hospitality and retail. Employers from smallbusinesses to multi-nationals provide workplacement opportunities and are supportedby Aberdeen Foyer staff.

34 participants19 into employment1 into fulltime education14 completed accredited training

GET READY FOR WORKGet Ready for Work is a programme, fundedby Scottish Enterprise, designed to assistyoung people who may need additionalsupport to make the transition beyond schoolinto the world of work. Participants learnnew skills and gain the confidence requiredto move on to further training, learning orinto work.

Get Ready for Work is open to 16 to 18 year oldsand helps identify individual needs and offerstraining in a number of skills e.g. IT,communication, team work, interview techniquesand much more. Trainees undertake work tastersand work placements in various areas includingconstruction, administration, retail and catering.

44 participants

Working in partnership with over 70 employers and runin conjunction with local colleges and JobCentre Plus,with financial support from Communities Scotland, Buildand Train is designed to train unskilled/semi skilledunemployed people as general building operatives withinthe construction industry. The initiative has runsuccessfully in 2007 with 63 participants joining theprogramme of which 21 have gone into work, includingone apprenticeship.There was a decrease in applicants due to a drop in levels ofunemployment within this sector, however many new buildingprojects will start over the next few months bringing a renewedinterest in construction jobs.

We will continue to deliver Build and Train in partnership withJobCentre Plus until April 2009, working to fill skills gaps inthe local construction industry.


Aberdeen Foyer in partnership withAberdeen College delivers the Prince's TrustTeam in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. The 12-week programme offers excitingchallenges which help build young people’sconfidence and motivation, while providingnew skills and qualifications. The Peterheadteam is now based at Aberdeen College’slearning centre.

We have been fortunate to receive sponsorshipfor the Prince’s Trust Teams from ExxonMobil,Petro-Canada, Rotary Club of St Fittick andGlobalSantaFe.

In 2007 we welcomed Christine Morris as TeamLeader, seconded from Grampian Police for 9months, who made a significant contributionto running 2 teams in the city. We were alsoassisted by a Development Coach from BT anda Community Education student from DundeeUniversity. A major difference this year hasbeen the participation of police cadets whojoined as employed team members, attendingat key stages throughout the course. Employedparticipants are a vital element in the groupdynamic and play an important part in every team.

“In 2007 Inchgarth was fortunate to be involvedonce more with the Prince’s Trust. The projectscreated by the young people in our centre andcommunity were very much appreciated andmade a real difference to the lives of peoplewho were in need of support and opportunities.Under privileged children and lonely pensionerswere given the opportunity to enjoy wonderfuldays out while the centre itself gained fromspaces being regenerated which benefitedpeople of all ages.

Without the support and help from the Prince’sTrust in 2007 we would have struggled to createthe new facilities that have benefited so manypeople. Not only was the work done to anexcellent standard but it saved the communitythousands of pounds.

The young people have restored many olderpeople’s faith in today’s youth through theirwork at Inchgarth and gained many positivecomments from users.

One Prince’s Trust Team member has becomea regular volunteer at Inchgarth, clearly if thisyoung man had not attended the Prince’s Trustcourse he would not have gained the selfconfidence and skills that has given him theimpetus to volunteer in his own community,putting something back and making a positiveimpact on the lives of other young people.”

Paul O’Connor, Inchgarth Community Centre

investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

total of 5 teams60 participants22 early leavers - 8 into employment38 completed the course15 into education & training10 into employment6 into voluntary work7 employed participants




investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

Learning Houses deliver free and flexiblesupport into learning and work inMiddlefield, Sandilands and Torry inAberdeen City and in Peterhead andFraserburgh in Aberdeenshire, along withan Outreach service in WestAberdeenshire.

It has been another good year for this uniquepartnership of Aberdeen City Council,Aberdeenshire Council, Scottish EnterpriseGrampian, Communities Scotland, GrampianHousing Association, Tenants First HousingCooperative and Aberdeen Foyer.

Targets set by the partnership foremployability and moving into educationhave once again been met and exceededbut, importantly, many people have beensupported to develop skills and buildconfidence. The Prince’s Trust Team andPlatform2Work participants have used theLearning Houses for help with CV preparationand IT skills.

Torry Learning House now offers anadditional, ‘out of hours’ service to AberdeenCity Council adult learners. The LearningHouses in Aberdeen City continue to work

with the Homelessness department. TheWorking for Families fund which allows usto extend the level of help and support wecan offer clients has led to additional linkswith organisations such as JobCentre Plus,Pathways and the Workers’ EducationalAssociation.

Fraserburgh Learning House was officiallyopened by First Minister Alex Salmond on22 October 2007. Our thanks to FraserburghBusiness Centre for providing temporaryaccommodation to the Learning House stafffor 19 months which contributed to thedevelopment and success of this venture.Staff are to be commended for the smoothtransition to the new premises with virtuallyno interruption to services.

Another major success of the OpportunityGateway this year has been the successfulaward in October of Learn Direct brandingfor our Learning Houses. This is a reflectionof the excellent work carried out by all thestaff in the network and a particular thankyou must go to Pauline Hawke for her effortsin making this happen.


176 Clients into work823 Clients into further learning/training412 people achieved the European Computer

Driving Licence883 new people accessed the Learning HousesA total of 16,283 individual visitors


PARTNERSHIP INPRACTICE… Foyer Learning working with Foyer Housing, working with aprivate sector employer, via a public sector funded programme

Lynne Rimmer and Sarah Herd, both tenants at our Stonehaven supportedaccommodation site, participated in Get Ready for Work during 2007. Fortheir work placement Sarah and Lynne were taken on by Active, an Aberdeenbased company providing sustainable energy solutions.

Ian Nicol, director of Active, believes that encouraging young women intothe construction sector could play a huge part in delivering a smarter, moresuccessful Scotland and recognises the opportunities for women in thecommercial property and engineering industries.

“The girls settled in with the team brilliantly; they are enthusiastic and arerising to the challenge. The only complication we have faced so far isfinding work wear in small sizes including steel toe capped boots in a sizethree. I have been hugely impressed by the dedication the girls have shownin their first few weeks. Active has offered them both full time employmentand they will begin the Modern Apprenticeship programme with TullosTraining in August next year to become fully qualified service & maintenanceengineers”.

investing in the work of aberdeen foyer








k PR


investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

Over the last year we have continued to supportvolunteering across the organisation. This includesboth community members volunteering withinour various programmes and activities andpromoting volunteering as an opportunity forthose we support as tenants or programmeparticipants. Aberdeen Foyer also activelysupports the Scottish Government ProjectScotland Initiative and is appointed as anapproved body to participate in and deliver theProject Scotland in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.

Aberdeen Foyer has benefited from the time andexperience of 45 volunteers over the year of which6 were tenants/programme participants.4 of them moved into employment, 3 with Aberdeen Foyer.

“After many years away from the workplace, Ivolunteered with Aberdeen Foyer to brush upold skills and to try out some new ones whilecontributing to their work. Initially I joined theHealth Team to assist with management of theirinformation and resources and have nowbranched out to work with other areas of theorganisation. Volunteering has given me theconfidence and experience that I needed to applyfor a job and it’s been a great opportunity for a‘behind the scenes’ look at the dynamic workbeing done by the Foyer teams.”

Mo Seller



In 2007 we welcomed even more customers to theRestaurant and Gallery the reputation of which growsstronger by the year. The Times newspaper voted therestaurant one of the 10 best places to dine withchildren in the UK, singled out as ‘a local gem’.

We were delighted for Helen Humphreys, a chef at theRestaurant, who was voted North East Trainee of the Yearby Hospitality Training – her prize was a two week trainingplacement at Nobu, one of London’s best restaurants.

Following an exceedingly busy December we rounded offthe year with our first Hogmanay dinner which was aresounding success. We had a full house and the atmospherewas festive and buoyant; many satisfied customers wentoff into the night to continue their Hogmanay celebrations.

The restaurant team is set to expand as we enter into acontract with Aberdeen Performing Arts at the end of

December 2007 to operate the restaurant, café bar andprivate dining facility at His Majesty’s Theatre. Building on9 years’ experience of running the Foyer Restaurant andGallery on Crown Street, this is an excellent opportunity tofulfil our ambition to expand our successful social enterprise.We look forward to working with our new partners andproviding diners with an experience which has becomesynonymous with the word Foyer in Aberdeen. The theatreis a well loved and beautiful building; it will be a pleasureto welcome customers at our restaurant and cafe in sucha vibrant hub at the heart of the city.

Foyer Enterprise was named theScottish Business in the CommunitySocial Enterprise of the Year 2007.

Classed by judges as an exemplary businessmodel in the social sector; a ‘sector beacon’and a ‘ground-breaking company which isdelivering good solid business with cannymarketing while changing the world at thesame time.’


investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

Picture courtesy of the Press and Journal


The Foyer Gallery had a strong and successful programme of exhibitions in

2007. We thank the generous corporate sponsors who have supported the

artists and the Foyer to show a wide range of art, provide an ever changing

backdrop to Restaurant customers and highlight the work of the Foyer to a

wider public.

Sally Moir, Gallery Coordinator also curated 2 shows for Robert Gordon’s

University; the RIBA Stirling Prize 2006 Exhibition and 6th British International

Miniature Print Exhibition.

investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

At Foyer Graphics we specialise in design for print, webdesign, corporate branding and all areas of creativeconsultancy and development. Our strength lies intransforming a client's project from a set of ideas andrequirements, to a successful solution by providing morethan creative skills but also the ability to listen,comprehend and resolve issues effectively.

73 huntly street, aberdeen ab10 1telaura@foyergraphics.com www.foyergraphics.com

tel 01224 562864

professional graphic communication

corporate identityleafletsweb sitesstationerybusiness cardsbrochuresadvertising

newslettersannual reportsbookletsmenusflyersposterspostcards

exhibition panelssignagepull up bannersvehicle liveryshop signscorporate giftsand much more

foyer graphics



2007 Exhibitions :Steven MacIverSponsored by Petro-Canada Anna-Stina EhrenfeldtSponsored by RBG Ltd Colin BrownSponsored by Word 07 Katie WelsfordSponsored by Total E&P UK Limited Heather RossSponsored by Viscom Limited Annette MurraySponsored by BP Ruth Maxwell & David HendersonSponsored by Oil & Gas UK



Ben & Jerry’s in the Bon Accord CentreAberdeen, has enjoyed a busy year sinceopening in November 2006; the firstPartnershop in Scotland. With support fromEsmee Fairbairn Foundation and Shell,working in partnership with Ben & Jerry’shas been a lot of fun and hard work. Wecontinue to work closely with Ben & Jerry’sstaff in the UK and US, strengthening thePartnershop programme.

As well as selling ice cream, coffee, waffles etc,the Partnershop is an intermediate training andemployment opportunity for unemployed youngpeople aged 16-25 years. We currently employ4 Trainees who are receiving training in FoodHygiene and Customer Care. 3 Trainees aretenants in Foyer supported accommodation,one of whom has successfully completed herfirst SVQ.

We offered a Valentine’s Day special and helda very successful Free Cone Day in April when1700 free scoops flew over the counter in fourhours. Volunteers from the Prince's Trust Team,ably assisted by Daisy the Cow, collected £402for a Kid’s Action home for orphans in SierraLeone (Bon Accord Centre Charity) and for thePrince's Trust Team in Aberdeen. Our outsidecatering cart was spotted at various venues overthe summer; Free 07, corporate events andschool fairs.

A mystery shopper report awarded 100% toone of our Scoopers, Ross Walden. Mysteryshoppers score us on cleanliness, service,knowledge of products, up selling, friendliness,appearance etc. This meant we received £1 offour bulk orders of ice cream for the following3 months equating to approx £400. Rossreceived a personal reward of a £50 music voucher.

Our Deputy Chief Executive and PartnershopManager attended the Ben & Jerry’s GlobalFranchisee 5 day Conference in New Orleans inJanuary 2007. They attended workshops aroundmarketing, increasing sales, strategic businessplanning and making a difference in thecommunity and the event served as anintroduction to the wider world of the sociallypioneering ice cream company.

investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

we sold 2,200 tubs of ice creamthat's a whopping 88,000 scoopsof fun!!

In partnership with the private sector, supporting people into employment


In 2007 Foyer Drive consolidated thepartnership with Roadwise Driver Trainingand expanded in all areas of driver trainingfrom individual learners to corporate driver training.

The unique Foyer Drive Road Safety DrivingPackage, supported by Grampian Police andAberdeen College, combines 20 hours of drivingtuition with input on safe driving techniques,driving citizenship, and basic car maintenance.With the inclusion of practical test and theorytest bookings along with expert support to helppass the theory test, the package has provedpopular with learner drivers of all ages.

The benefits of the Foyer Drive Package havebeen recognised by the Scottish Government’sWorking for Families projects in Aberdeen City& Aberdeenshire. Our partnership with bothprojects will help 100 WFF clients significantlyenhance their employability by completing RoadSafety Driving Packages.

With support from BP, Foyer Drive delivered 6Pre-17 Road Safety Driving Days to local schoolsat the Gordon Barracks. An addition to existingPre-17 training, these events gave pupils aneducational and enjoyable experience, andimportantly, increased awareness of what isrequired to become a safe driver.

The arrival of our state-of-the-art ‘Skidmaster’training vehicle extended the range of corporatedriver training. Increasingly companies aretaking the opportunity to invest in their staff,meet organisational health and safety demandsand satisfy corporate social responsibility bychoosing driver training from Foyer Drive.

Commercial success combined with continuedinvestment from the Rank Foundation andExxonMobil, has enabled Foyer Drive to expandits work with Foyer clients for whom thesubsidised Road Safety Driving Package is often

the only possible way of attaining a drivinglicence.

Stacey first became involved with the Foyer justover 2 years ago and by the time she startedwith Foyer Drive was volunteering in order togain work experience. About to move on to anew home in Aberdeenshire, Stacey wasconcerned that she would be unable to continuevolunteering. However, on passing her drivingtest, Stacey’s employer offered her a paid positionwhich allowed her to continue working whilebalancing the demands of travel and childcare.

Stacey said “It definitely would not have beenpossible to take the job without the help ofFoyer Drive. In anyone’s working life a drivinglicence makes things easier and increases theirwork options. Foyer Drive was a really goodexperience for me”.

Dave Watson, Managing Director of RoadwiseDriver Training sees the Foyer as ideal partners,“Aberdeen Foyer understands business and theimportance of forging links with local companies.We are a well known and respected businesstoo, so it’s a great combination. Foyer Drivemakes it possible for people who have had adifficult start in life to get the best trainingaround.”


investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

energy in our communities

20 Foyer clients took driving lessons

14 Foyer clients passed their Theory &Hazard Perception Test

274 Hours of Theory Test SupportDelivered

6 Foyer clients passed their PracticalDriving Test

100 Working for Families clients receiveddriver training

160 school pupils took part in FoyerDrive Road Safety Driving Days

foyer drive








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1224 studio hours102 bands350 people109 tenant hours

FOYER MUSICwww.foyerlive.com

Our remit is simple; to support young people, stimulate the creation ofnew music and showcase local talent.

2007 was a very busy year for Foyer Music with many of our activities madepossible due to the generous support of Shell, in particular maintaining andreplacing equipment in the studio and sponsoring 3 successful Foyerlive gigs, 2held at the Lemon Tree and 1 at Café Drummond. We have been able to rewirethe studio and have installed a piece of equipment which enables us to recordthrough the studio onto the PC.  With this support we can maintain a hightechnical standard which in turn allows us to support many more young peoplefor whom music is central to their lives.

With funding from Children In Need and the Scottish Arts Council we run aproject which increases access to music-making opportunities for young peopleliving in Ellon and surrounding rural communities. We deliver a structuredprogramme of activities 3 times a week to improve skills, instil confidence andpromote inclusion at the Ythan Centre at Ellon, Aberdeenshire. Foyer Musicprovides after school access to

• Instrument tuition

• Stage management, performance skills, song-writing and arrangement, soundengineering, advice on copyright issues and where to send a demo for new bands

• Drumming sessions

We also took the mobile studio to the community centre in Banff for a few weeksto teach recording.

“I find it very humbling to

work with young people who

just don’t give up and I know

that the music group is very

important to them. Many

thanks for giving me the

opportunity to work on this

project which helps young

people become all that they

can be, regardless of the

barriers they face.”

Kerry Canning, music leader

investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

In January 2007 we held the final of Amplified, atalent contest, supported by GlobalSantaFe. Thecontest is for up and coming bands and soloperformers, the finalists performed original pieces,supporting Foyer Music’s commitment to thecreation of new music.

Steve, our Music Support Assistant, has been teachingguitar as part of the ICDRS project twice a week overseveral months and we have also enjoyed working withtenants during the year. A number of school studentshave come to Foyer Music for work experienceplacements and we enjoy welcoming them back to makeuse of the facilities or become involved with activities. 

Our volunteers have been working with young peopledeveloping their song-writing skills and recording a CDwhich is to be released on Foyer Records, a small recordlabel that was setup with young people who use FoyerMusic supported by AUSA, Petrofac FacilitiesManagement and Alantic Resourcing. Our thanks toRod, Tom and Bruce for generously giving their time tosupport these budding musicians.

In July Foyer Music hosted a very successful 3 day visit

by a French Hip Hop group ‘Corps & Accord’ from

Aberdeen’s twin town Clermont-Ferrand. We

facilitated workshops, open to tenants and programme

participants as well as members of the public, together

with the Hip Hop School of Aberdeen which

culminated in a collaborative piece performed at

Transition Extreme Sports Centre. The initiative was

supported by Aberdeen City Council’s International

Twinning grant.



Working in Partnership with the Mental Health Foundation

Aberdeen Foyer's wellbeing initiative 'Sorted not Screwed up' was selected bythe Mental Health Foundation (MHF) to be a part of their Positive Practice Group.Along with seven other sites across the UK, 'Sorted' shared good practice inworking with young people experiencing mental health and emotional difficulties.

Aberdeen Foyer supports people experiencing multiple and complex needs. Young people with a dual diagnosis generally do not ‘fit neatly’ into externalservices and are therefore at risk of falling through gaps in provision. Withsupport from the Scottish Government’s Multiple and Complex Needs fundingstream we support young people in a project called ‘Positively Sorted’ whichlooks at building skills in optimism.

The MHF research informed the report, 'Listen Up!’ published in September2007 and Aberdeen Foyer’s young people created a piece of art which waschosen to be on the front cover.

In December, Foyer staff members attended the national launch of ‘Listen Up!’at the Scottish Parliament, hosted by the MHF, along with four Foyer youngpeople who had contributed to the MHF research. 

The MHF noted the difference ‘Sorted’ makes to young people’s lives as

• Improved confidence, self-esteem, self-awareness• Providing coping strategies and life skills• Improved communication skills• Trusted relationships and the ability to socialise more• Reduction of harmful behaviours• Education and career development• Stability and consistency in their life

“Aberdeen Foyer made a significant and valuable contribution to the Listen Up!project. It shows the diversity of what can be done within such innovative services.The Foyer’s person-centred approach had a strong influence on the report andthis service is an inspiring example of good practice”Christina Vasiliou Theodore, Senior Researcher, The Mental Health Foundation.

57 new clients accessed our mental healthservices in 2007

We provided 320 Counselling Sessions

investing in the work of aberdeen foyer


FOYER HEALTHAberdeen Foyer’s Community Health Services are unique in that they are needsled and provided in a way that makes them easily accessible.  Our services arenot topic led or illness defined; we recognise young people do not present withsingle health or social issues. In order to effect behaviour change and real healthimprovement, we respond holistically to clients’ needs in the context of theirsometimes chaotic lifestyles. 

In addition to our Mental Health & Wellbeing services we provide:

• Partnership with NHS Grampian through Health Visitors seconded to our supported housing sites in Aberdeen and North Aberdeenshire

• Chill Out Zone & alternative therapies

• Active Futures – our physical activity programme in partnership with Aberdeen College

• Sorted in the Kitchen –how to eat and cook healthily on a low income

• Pack it In – smoking and cannabis cessation services

• Healthy Working Lives – staff health promotion services

• Sorted and Safe – a range of sexual health services

• Health resources

In 2007 we provided health related services to approximately 400 clients.

• 16 young people accessed our drugs counselling service

• 164 young people took part in physical activity events organised in partnership with Aberdeen College

• In partnership with Transition Extreme Sports Centre we provided 19 sports sessions to 40 young people

• We delivered 19 health and wellbeing workshops to 148 ICDRS clients

• 12 clients gave up smoking through the Pack it In project

• 110 clients were involved in our 33 Chill Out Zone sessions

• 115 staff, tenants and other clients took part in the annual Get Active Get Sortedcampaign in September

• We’ve played 42 games of ‘Foyer Fitba’ with 36 regular attendees

• We’ve given out 1283 healthy living leaflets and posters

• 7584 condoms have been distributed this year

• Aberdeen Foyer hosted two successful Health Fairs, one in Aberdeen and one in Fraserburgh

investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

26HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR• In July Chief Executive, Ken Milroy

received his MBE at a ceremony atthe Palace of Holyrood

• Paper on Platform to Work presentedat Offshore Europe 07

• On behalf of Aberdeen Oilman’s GolfAssociation, First Minister AlexSalmond handed over keys of a newmove-on van to Edel Harris, DeputyChief Executive.

• In October The Rt Hon Alex Salmond,First Minister and MP for Banff andBuchan officially opened the newFraserburgh Learning House

• Care Commission described oursupported accommodation as aflagship service

• We welcomed many visitors in 2007including staff from Brophy Family& Youth Centre, Australia andministerial visits from Prime MinisterTony Blair, First Minister JackMcConnell, John Swinney, CabinetSecretary for Finance and SustainableGrowth, Stuart Maxwell, Minister forCommunities and Sport, and anAustralian Government Minister.

• We have entered into a new partnership with Aberdeen City Council to provide emergency accommodation and support for young people in crisis

• We received the following awards...

Scotland’s Health at Work GoldAward

Highly Commended Chamber ofCommerce Award for CorporateSocial Responsibility

Scottish Training Award inPartnership with Aberdeen Collegefor Lifeshaper

Highly Commended Citation forFoyer Restaurant + Gallery by VisitScotland - one of the best 3restaurants in north east of Scotland

Ken Milroy, Lesley Riddoch and EdelHarris at our annual Investors’ Dinner

INVESTORS We would like to thank the following investors for their continued support:

Aberdeen City CouncilAberdeen CollegeAberdeen Football ClubAberdeen Harbour BoardAberdeen Healthy Living NetworkAberdeen Oilman’s Golf AssociationAberdeenshire CouncilActivpayrollAlpha Health ServicesAMECAnderson Anderson BrownAtlantic ResourcingAuditelB M CommunicationsB&QBAA Aberdeen AirportBank of EnglandBank of ScotlandBanks O'Dee Sports ClubBBC Children in NeedBen & Jerry’sBG GroupBig LotteryBMIBPBusiness Network ScotlandCafé DrummondCHAP ConstructionChoose LifeCNRCommunities ScotlandCraig GroupCRISIS Changing Lives

CSLCults Parish ChurchDiced Cap Charitable TrustEarly Years and Childcare PartnershipEuropean Social FundEvening ExpressExxonMobilEsmee Fairbairn FoundationFairshareFifth DimensionGlobalSantaFeGrampian Business ProductsGrampian Housing AssociationGrampian PoliceHalliday Fraser MunroHenderson LoggieHudson Charitable TrustInternet for BusinessIntertrainingKebabisheKCA DeutagLaidlaw Youth ProjectLavinia Carr CommunicationsLions Club StonehavenLloyds TSB Foundation for ScotlandMcGrigorsMcWilliams LtdMirdle Bequest TrustNepalese Doctors’ AssociationNHS GrampianOffshore Contractors’ AssociationOffshore Training FoundationOil & Gas UK

One Up RecordsOPITOPaul FoyPaull & WilliamsonsPCLPetro-CanadaPetrofac Facilities ManagementPetrofac TrainingRank FoundationRayne FoundationRBG LtdRider Hunt InternationalRigtrainRitson SmithRoadwise Driver TrainingRobert Gordon UniversityRotary Club of Aberdeen Bon AccordRotary Club of Aberdeen St FittickRotary Club of Aberdeen St MacharScotoilScottish Arts CouncilScottish Business Achievement Award TrustScottish Business in the CommunityScottish Enterprise GrampianScottish GovernmentShell U.K. LimitedSMC Jenkins & MarrTalisman EnergyTaylored SoundTechnipThe Best of AberdeenThe Brownington FoundationThe Tudor Trust

The WarehouseThinkPRTotal E&P UK LimitedTullynessle ChurchUniversity of Aberdeen, Word 07University of Aberdeen Students’AssociationVirgin MobileViscomWeatherfordWood Group

Foyer tenant Martin Stroud withAnnabel Sall, ThinkPR - the

company raised funds from asponsored skydive

investing in the work of aberdeen foyer

27Statement of Financial Activities for AberdeenFoyer and Foyer Enterprise for the year ended31 March 2007



Incoming resources from generated fundsVoluntary Income 181,946Activities for generating funds 913,086

Incoming resources from charitable activitiesHousing 1,216,347Learning 1,510,529Health 178,942Other 169,083



Cost of generating funds:Costs of generating voluntary income 13,897Fundraising trading: cost of goods soldand other costs 913,154

Charitable activities:Housing 1,296,998Learning 1,516,256Health 192,613Other 239,653

Governance costs 12,886


Net (resources expended)/incoming resources beforetransfers; net movement in funds; net (expenditure)/income for the year (15,524)

Total funds brought forward 447,550

Total funds carried forward 432,026

The company has made no gains or losses other than as reportedabove.

Aberdeen Foyer and Foyer EnterpriseBalance Sheet - 31 March 2007




Tangible assets 523,142


Stocks 9,595

Debtors 378,260

Cash at bank and in hand 11,346



amounts falling due within one year 464,472




amounts falling due after more than one year 25,845



Restricted 120,231

Unrestricted 311,795


This is a summary of information from the statutory annualaccounts. The full annual accounts, which give a detailed overviewof our financial affairs, and the Auditors’ Report are availablefrom our registered office. The accounts were approved on 12December 2007 and have been delivered to the Registrar ofCompanies. The accounts have been audited by a qualifiedauditor, Henderson Loggie, who gave an audit opinion whichwas unqualified.

On behalf of the Directors

David PatonChairman

8 February 2008

Audited Accounts are available on request.

Independent Auditors’ Statement to the Directors ofAberdeen Foyer.

We confirm that the summarised accounts are consistentwith the full financial statements and the report of thedirectors of Aberdeen Foyer for the year ended 31March 2007.

Henderson LoggieRegistered AuditorsAberdeen

investing in the work of aberdeen foyer


DirectorsMr David Paton Chairman

Mr Bill FergusonVice Chairman and Treasurer

Mr Hayden Barrett

Dr Leela Gautam

Mr Frank Hughes(appointed by AberdeenCollege)

Mr Mike Melvin

Mr Ross Richardson

Mr Liam Kerr(appointed May 2007)

AUDITORSHenderson Loggie48 Queen’s RoadABERDEENAB15 4YE

ACCOUNTANTSAnderson Anderson & Brown6 Carden PlaceABERDEENAB10 1UR

BANKERSBank of Scotland201 Union StreetABERDEENAB11 6UG

SOLICITORSPaull & Williamsons6 Union RowABERDEENAB10 1DQ

Member Directors

Cllr Hazel Al-Kowarri(appointed June 2007)Aberdeenshire Council

Cllr Anne Allan(appointed September 2007)Aberdeenshire Council

Cllr John Reynolds(appointed June 2007)Aberdeen City Council

Cllr Aileen Malone(appointed June 2007)Aberdeen City Council

Mr Alan MoatGrampian HousingAssociation

Mr M McNeilGrampian HousingAssociation

Dr Linda Leighton-BeckNHS Grampian

Scottish Charity No. 23655 de



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aberdeen foyer

Foyer Restaurant + Gallery82a Crown StreetAberdeen AB11 6ETTel/Fax: 01224 582277www.foyerrestaurant.com

Aberdeen FoyerMarywell CentreMarywell StreetAberdeen AB11 6JFTel: 01224 212924Fax: 01224 252899www.aberdeenfoyer.com

Head Office18 Marywell StreetAberdeen AB11 6FSTel: 01224 224250Fax: 01224 224268

Middlefield Learning House28b Manor AvenueAberdeen AB16 7TJTel/Fax: 01224 682861

Sandilands Learning House20b Sandilands DriveAberdeen AB24 2QATel: 01224 277547Fax: 01224 277563

Torry Learning House12a Balnagask RoadAberdeen AB11 8HXTel: 01224 896156Fax: 01224 873336

Foyer Restaurant atHis Majesty's Theatre,Rosemount Viaduct,Aberdeen AB25 1GLTel: 01224 337677

Torry (Supported Housing)139b Victoria RoadAberdeen AB11 9LYTel: 01224 876167

Trinity Court82a Crown StreetAberdeen AB11 6ETTel: 01224 582900

Foyer Graphics73 Huntly StreetAberdeen AB10 1TETel: 01224 562864www.foyergraphics.com

Aberdeen Foyer Banchory50 Sycamore RoadHill of BanchoryAB31 5JPTel: 01330 820685

Aberdeen Foyer Stonehaven67 Arduthie Road, StonehavenAberdeenshire AB39 2NETel: 01569 764695Fax: 01569 765102

The following Directorsresigned in May 2007

Cllr Alister Leitch Cllr Sheila ThompsonCllr Sandra MacdonaldCllr Aileen Malone (re-appointedJune 2007)

SecretaryMr Ken Milroy

AdviserMr R JohnsonAberdeenshire Council


Mr David Paton

Mr Bill Ferguson

Mr John Reynolds

Mr Richard Barnes

Mr Paul de Leeuw

Mr Ken MilroySecretary

Aberdeen Foyer Fraserburgh46a Broad Street, FraserburghAberdeenshire AB43 9AHTel: 01346 516932

Aberdeen Foyer Peterhead1a Exchequer House25 Broad Street, PeterheadAberdeenshire AB42 1HYTel/Fax: 01779 477783

Ben & Jerry'sUnit 2, Atrium CafeBon Accord CentreAberdeen, AB25 1HZTel. 01224 626694

Fraserburgh Learning HouseCaledonia CourtHigh StreetFraserburghTel: 01346 518410

Peterhead Learning House54 Slains CourtPeterheadAberdeenshire AB42 2YFTel: 01779 473520Fax: 01779 473940

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