readings at mass - 26th sunday in ordinary time - year b · 20 huntly street, aberdeen a parish of...

20 Huntly Street, Aberdeen A Parish of the R.C. Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust, a registered Scottish Charity, number SC 005122 Readings at Mass - 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B 27th September, 2015 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B Entrance Anphon All that you have done to us, O Lord, you have done with true judgement, for we have sinned against you and not obeyed your commandments. But give glory to your name and deal with us according to the bounty of your mercy. Collect O God, who manifest your almighty power above all by pardoning and showing mercy, bestow, we pray, your grace abundantly upon us and make those hastening to aain your promises heirs to the treasures of heaven. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. First reading Numbers 11:25-29 The Lord came down in the Cloud. He spoke with Moses, but took some of the spirit that was on him and put it on the seventy elders. When the spirit came on them they prophesied, but not again. Two men had stayed back in the camp; one was called Eldad and the other Medad. The spirit came down on them; though they had not gone to the Tent, their names were enrolled among the rest. These began to prophesy in the camp. The young man ran to tell this to Moses, ‘Look,’ he said ‘Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp.’ Then said Joshua the son of Nun, who had served Moses from his youth, ‘My Lord Moses, stop them!’ Moses answered him, ‘Are you jealous on my account? If only the whole people of the Lord were prophets, and the Lord gave his Spirit to them all!’ Psalm Psalm 18:8,10,12-14 The precepts of the Lord gladden the heart. The law of the Lord is perfect, it revives the soul. The rule of the Lord is to be trusted, it gives wisdom to the simple. The precepts of the Lord gladden the heart. The fear of the Lord is holy, abiding for ever. The decrees of the Lord are truth and all of them just. The precepts of the Lord gladden the heart. So in them your servant finds instrucon; great reward is in their keeping. But who can detect all his errors? From hidden faults acquit me. The precepts of the Lord gladden the heart. From presumpon restrain your servant and let it not rule me. Then shall I be blameless, clean from grave sin. The precepts of the Lord gladden the heart. Second reading James 5:1-6 An answer for the rich. Start crying, weep for the miseries that are coming to you. Your wealth is all rong, your clothes are all eaten up by moths. All your gold and your silver are corroding away, and the same corrosion will be your own sentence, and eat into your body. It was a burning fire that you stored up as your treasure for the last days. Labourers mowed your fields, and you cheated them – listen to the wages that you kept back, calling out; realise that the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. On earth you have had a life of comfort and luxury; in the me of slaughter you went on eang to your heart’s content. It was you who condemned the innocent and killed them; they offered you no resistance. Gospel Mark 9:38-43,45,47-48 John said to Jesus, ‘Master, we saw a man who is not one of us casng out devils in your name; and because he was not one of us we tried to stop him.’ But Jesus said, ‘You must not stop him: no one who works a miracle in my name is likely to speak evil of me. Anyone who is not against us is for us. ‘If anyone gives you a cup of water to drink just because you be- long to Christ, then I tell you solemnly, he will most certainly not lose his reward. ‘But anyone who is an obstacle to bring down one of these lile ones who have faith, would be beer thrown into the sea with a great millstone round his neck. And if your hand should cause you to sin, cut it off; it is beer for you to enter into life crippled, than to have two hands and go to hell, into the fire that cannot be put out. And if your foot should cause you to sin, cut it off; it is beer for you to enter into life lame, than to have two feet and be thrown into hell. And if your eye should cause you to sin, tear it out; it is beer for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell where their worm does not die nor their fire go out.’ Prayer over the Offerings Grant us, O merciful God, that this our offering may find acceptance with you and that through it the wellspring of all blessing may be laid open before us. Through Christ our Lord. Communion Anphon Cf. Ps 118: 49-50 Remember your word to your servant, O Lord, by which you have given me hope. This is my comfort when I am brought low. Sunday 11.15am Mass Processional Hymn 576 Praise, My Soul Offertory 439 Longing For Light 661 The Lord’s My Shepherd 174 Love is His Word Recessional 604 Seek Ye First Communion Hymns Blessed is he Blessed is he Blessed is he Blessed is he whose delight whose delight whose delight whose delight is in the law of the is in the law of the is in the law of the is in the law of the L L LORD ORD ORD ORD Meditaon “We need to pray insistently that Jesus will once more touch our hearts. We need to implore his grace daily, asking him to open our cold hearts and shake up our lukewarm and superficial existence. Standing before him with open hearts, letting him look at us. How good it is to stand before a crucifix, or on our knees before the Blessed Sacrament, and simply to be in his presence! How much good it does us when he once more touches our lives and impels us to share his new life!” (Evangelii Gaudium 264) “It is pleasant to spend me with him, to lie close to his breast like the Beloved Disciple (cf. Jn 13:25) and to feel the infinite love present in his heart. If in our me Chrisans must be disnguished above all by the “art of prayer”, how can we not feel a renewed need to spend me in spiritual converse, in silent adoraon, in hearelt love before Christ” (Ecclesia de Eucharisa 25). “Prayer, as a means of drawing ever new strength from Christ, is concretely and urgently needed. People who pray are not wasng their me, even though the situaon appears desperate and seems to call for acon alone. Piety does not undermine the struggle against the poverty of our neighbours, however extreme. In the example of Blessed Teresa of Calcua we have a clear illustraon of the fact that me devoted to God in prayer not only does not detract from effecve and loving service to our neighbour but is in fact the inexhausble source of that service. In her leer for Lent 1996, Blessed Teresa wrote to her lay co-workers: ‘We need this deep connecon with God in our daily life. How can we obtain it? By prayer’” (Deus Caritas Est 36).

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Page 1: Readings at Mass - 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B · 20 Huntly Street, Aberdeen A Parish of the R.C. Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust, a registered Scottish Charity, number

20 Huntly Street, Aberdeen

A Parish of the R.C. Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust, a registered Scottish Charity, number SC 005122

Readings at Mass - 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

27th September, 2015 • 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time • Year B

Entrance Anphon

All that you have done to us, O Lord,

you have done with true judgement,

for we have sinned against you

and not obeyed your commandments.

But give glory to your name

and deal with us according to the bounty of your mercy.


O God, who manifest your almighty power

above all by pardoning and showing mercy,

bestow, we pray, your grace abundantly upon us

and make those hastening to a ain your promises

heirs to the treasures of heaven.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.

First reading

Numbers 11:25-29

The Lord came down in the Cloud. He spoke with Moses, but took

some of the spirit that was on him and put it on the seventy elders.

When the spirit came on them they prophesied, but not again.

Two men had stayed back in the camp; one was called Eldad and

the other Medad. The spirit came down on them; though they had

not gone to the Tent, their names were enrolled among the rest.

These began to prophesy in the camp. The young man ran to tell this

to Moses, ‘Look,’ he said ‘Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the

camp.’ Then said Joshua the son of Nun, who had served Moses

from his youth, ‘My Lord Moses, stop them!’ Moses answered him,

‘Are you jealous on my account? If only the whole people of the Lord

were prophets, and the Lord gave his Spirit to them all!’


Psalm 18:8,10,12-14

The precepts of the Lord gladden the heart.

The law of the Lord is perfect,

it revives the soul.

The rule of the Lord is to be trusted,

it gives wisdom to the simple.

The precepts of the Lord gladden the heart.

The fear of the Lord is holy,

abiding for ever.

The decrees of the Lord are truth

and all of them just.

The precepts of the Lord gladden the heart.

So in them your servant finds instruc1on;

great reward is in their keeping.

But who can detect all his errors?

From hidden faults acquit me.

The precepts of the Lord gladden the heart.

From presump1on restrain your servant

and let it not rule me.

Then shall I be blameless,

clean from grave sin.

The precepts of the Lord gladden the heart.

Second reading

James 5:1-6

An answer for the rich. Start crying, weep for the miseries that are

coming to you. Your wealth is all ro5ng, your clothes are all eaten

up by moths. All your gold and your silver are corroding away, and

the same corrosion will be your own sentence, and eat into your

body. It was a burning fire that you stored up as your treasure for

the last days. Labourers mowed your fields, and you cheated them –

listen to the wages that you kept back, calling out; realise that the

cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. On

earth you have had a life of comfort and luxury; in the 1me of

slaughter you went on ea1ng to your heart’s content. It was you

who condemned the innocent and killed them; they offered you no



Mark 9:38-43,45,47-48

John said to Jesus, ‘Master, we saw a man who is not one of us

cas1ng out devils in your name; and because he was not one of us

we tried to stop him.’ But Jesus said, ‘You must not stop him: no one

who works a miracle in my name is likely to speak evil of me. Anyone

who is not against us is for us.

‘If anyone gives you a cup of water to drink just because you be-

long to Christ, then I tell you solemnly, he will most certainly not

lose his reward.

‘But anyone who is an obstacle to bring down one of these li le

ones who have faith, would be be er thrown into the sea with a

great millstone round his neck. And if your hand should cause you to

sin, cut it off; it is be er for you to enter into life crippled, than to

have two hands and go to hell, into the fire that cannot be put out.

And if your foot should cause you to sin, cut it off; it is be er for you

to enter into life lame, than to have two feet and be thrown into

hell. And if your eye should cause you to sin, tear it out; it is be er

for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than to have

two eyes and be thrown into hell where their worm does not die nor

their fire go out.’

Prayer over the Offerings

Grant us, O merciful God,

that this our offering may find acceptance with you

and that through it the wellspring of all blessing

may be laid open before us.

Through Christ our Lord.

Communion Anphon

Cf. Ps 118: 49-50

Remember your word to your servant, O Lord,

by which you have given me hope.

This is my comfort when I am brought low.

Sunday 11.15am Mass

Processional Hymn 576 Praise, My Soul

Offertory 439 Longing For Light

661 The Lord’s My Shepherd

174 Love is His Word

Recessional 604 Seek Ye First

Communion Hymns

Blessed is he Blessed is he Blessed is he Blessed is he whose delight whose delight whose delight whose delight

is in the law of theis in the law of theis in the law of theis in the law of the LLLLORDORDORDORD Meditaon

“We need to pray insistently that Jesus will once

more touch our hearts. We need to implore his grace

daily, asking him to open our cold hearts and shake

up our lukewarm and superficial existence. Standing

before him with open hearts, letting him look at us.

How good it is to stand before a crucifix, or on our

knees before the Blessed Sacrament, and simply to

be in his presence! How much good it does us when

he once more touches our lives and impels us to

share his new life!” (Evangelii Gaudium 264)

“It is pleasant to spend +me with him, to lie close to

his breast like the Beloved Disciple (cf. Jn 13:25) and

to feel the infinite love present in his heart. If in our

+me Chris+ans must be dis+nguished above all by

the “art of prayer”, how can we not feel a renewed

need to spend +me in spiritual converse, in silent

adora+on, in hear3elt love before Christ” (Ecclesia de

Eucharis+a 25).

“Prayer, as a means of drawing ever new strength

from Christ, is concretely and urgently needed.

People who pray are not was+ng their +me, even

though the situa+on appears desperate and seems to

call for ac+on alone. Piety does not undermine the

struggle against the poverty of our neighbours,

however extreme. In the example of Blessed Teresa

of Calcu6a we have a clear illustra+on of the fact that

+me devoted to God in prayer not only does not

detract from effec+ve and loving service to our

neighbour but is in fact the inexhaus+ble source of

that service. In her le6er for Lent 1996, Blessed

Teresa wrote to her lay co-workers: ‘We need this

deep connec+on with God in our daily life. How can

we obtain it? By prayer’” (Deus Caritas Est 36).

Page 2: Readings at Mass - 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B · 20 Huntly Street, Aberdeen A Parish of the R.C. Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust, a registered Scottish Charity, number

Mass Intenon Envelopes

At the back of the Church. Print details and post through Clergy House le er box.

It may not always be possible for Mass to be celebrated on your preferred date or at the Cathedral itself.

Recommended offering for each Mass is £5.

Sunday 11:15 Mass is normally reserved for the Administrator’s or Bishop’s Inten1ons for the Parish or Diocese

St Mary’s Cathedral - Aberdeen AB10 1SH Sunday 27th September, 2015

Cathedral News Clergy & Staff

Administrator: Fr. Keith Herrera

01224 640 160

[email protected]

Assistant Priest: Fr. Tomasz Klin 07402 099 944

(Polish Chaplain) [email protected]

Deacon: Deacon Tony Schmitz

[email protected]

Safeguarding: Fiona Mitchell 07905 265194

[email protected]

More informa1on: Parish website or

Music Director: Shelagh Noden

[email protected]

Shop Manager: Barbara Mearns

[email protected]

Parish Office

Telephone: 01224 640 160

Manager: Robin Harding

[email protected]

Secretary: Cowan Watson

[email protected]

Finance/Gi8 Aid:John Costello [email protected]

Bullen: [email protected] No1ces to be in by Tuesday evening

Hall Bookings: [email protected] Call between 9am & 1pm only Terms & Condi1ons see Parish website

Liturgical Ministries

Head Sacristan: Jacqueline Armstrong [email protected]

Readers: Fiona Mitchell [email protected]

Euch. Ministers: John MacKinnon 07926 628 941 [email protected]

Welcomers: Gordon Webster 01224 592 246 [email protected]

Collectors: Diego Mejias Morffe 07960 325 046 [email protected]

Altar Servers: George Brand [email protected]

Flowers: Pixie Mather 01224 321 953


Rosary: Saturdays 10.30pm

Confessions: Tuesdays 6pm Saturdays 10.30am & 6pm

Adoraon: 1 hour before Masses except Sunday

Morning Prayer: Monday - Friday 7.30am Saturdays 9.40am

Evening Prayer: Thursdays 6.30pm

Night Prayer: Thursdays 8.30pm

Housebound? John MacKinnon (See above) To arrange communion visits

Coeliacs: Please speak to a member of the clergy before Mass to arrange communion

Feeding Priests: Yi-Pei Chou [email protected]

Sunday Coffees: Aneta Sieminska 07415 321 792

NFP Margaret Hammond 07891 358 114 [email protected]

Children: Mass screened live in Main Hall To be accompanied to the toilet by a parent or guardian

‘Real’ Coffee





Thursday 1st October at 7pm

Celebrated by Bishop Stephen Robson to pray for

seafarers and for the work of Apostleship of the

Sea who support their faith and welfare needs. All

are invited to join in.

Contact: [email protected]



Monday 26th October at 6.30pm

The Redemptorists of the London

Province have the joy of invi1ng us

to the Priestly Ordina1on of Br.

Peter Morris, C.Ss.R. (from

Aberdeen) here at the Cathedral.

If you would you would like to a end then please

email Cowan at the parish office at

[email protected] before midday on

Monday 5th October.


Thursday 15th October at 7pm

This Mass, organised by Aid to the Church in Need,

will be celebrated by Bishop Hugh followed by talks

and refreshments. Guest Speakers:

• Father Douglas Bazi (Iraq)

• Father Ziad Hilal SJ (Syria)

• Victoria Youhanna (Nigeria)

Please join ACN in prayer for Aylan Kurdi – the

young refugee child retrieved from the seashore.

Heavenly Father,

Look with kindness and mercy on all who fly from

war and violence like the young child Aylan Kurdi.

Grant your protec%on to many people who like his

family saw no other op%on but to take a perilous

journey over land and sea in order to find a place of

safety and the hope a be(er life.

Look with pity on the many people who like them

are uprooted at this %me from their land and their

homes and who are uncertain of their future. May

the plight of many displaced people, through your

grace, s%r up hearts in every na%on to acts of

kindness and generosity so that strangers find

friends, those held cap%ve are set free and those

who are weak gain new strength.

Take also into your care the %ny child washed up on

the shore who didn’t reach a place of safety away

from the destruc%on of war and terror.

Take also into your care the many men, women and

children who have lost their lives in this perilous

exodus from their lands. Bless them with peace

that only you can give.

Mon Credo Community Meeng Polish charisma1c prayer group. Main Hall at 7.30pm . Contact: Fr Tomasz Klin SJ

Mother & Toddler Group For parents with young children Main Hall from 10.30-12.30pm Contact: Yi-pei Chou [email protected]

Tue Magnificat Prayer Group Main Hall aOer Mass Contact: Paul Akagwu 07574 103 852

St. Vincent de Paul Feeding the homeless Contact: Evelyn Murray

Wed Light Exercise Class for all Main Hall at 10:00am Contact: Laura Walker 0777 3 021 851 [email protected]

Seniors Club Speakers, fun & fellowship Main Hall at 2 pm every 2 weeks Contact: Winnie on 01224 632 465.

Cathedral Faith Formaon Evening For those interested in learning more about the Faith or becoming Catholic Lower Hall at 7pm Contact: Fr. Keith

African Choir For Africans and anyone else. Upper Hall from 6 - 8.00pm Contact: Patricia Malikebu 07891 714 549

Thu Healing of Memories Prayer for the healing of painful memories of the past to bring peace to the present. Clergy House at 2.30pm (by appointment) Contact: Deacon Tony

Legion of Mary Members serve the Church as needed Lower Hall at 5.30pm Contact: Nogie Osula [email protected]

Cenacolo Prayer Group Exposi1on & Rosary praying for healing of those with addic1ons Church aOer Mass Contact: Liam Sharkey 07774 931 996 [email protected]

6pm Music Group Contemporary music for Sunday 6pm Mass Upper Hall aOer Mass Contact: Michael Thomson [email protected]

Fri Our Lady of Aberdeen Prayer Group Rosary & praise in song and word Chapter Room from 1.30 - 2.30pm Contact: Teresa Coyne 07901 851 526

Altar Servers’ Pracce Church from 6.00 to 7.00pm Contact: Simon [email protected]

Youth Group For teenagers between 11 & 17 Clergy House 7pm to 9pm Contact: St. Andrew’s Community 07754 891 808 [email protected]

Sat Church Cleaning Church at 10.30am Contact: Joyce Webster 01224 319 154

African Choir As above Upper Hall from 6 - 8.00pm

Weekly Calendar

Sun 11:15 Choir Leading the music for 11.15 Sunday Mass Upper Hall 10.00am Contact: Shelag Noden & Liz Meiklejohn

Please take me home


Get involved in a new and important Cathedral

project. Your skills and ideas are vital to help us in

reaching out to our parishioners and local

community. If you have experience of visual

communica1on, brand development, marke1ng or

any related areas, please contact:

Robin at [email protected]

Mass Times Date Details Service Time Mass Intenons

Sun 27th 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Polish Mass

Solemn Mass








For the Parish

Mon 28th Mass




Wareham Family

Obi and Mary Gods Grace

Tue 29th Feast of Ss Michael, Gabriel & Raphael






Genaline Hadden

Michelle & Jennifer Allan

Wed 30th Memorial of St Jerome





Birthday Thanksgiving Jessica

Thu 1st Memorial of St Teresa of the Child



Stella Maris




Mary McKelvie

For Seafarers

Fri 2nd Memorial of the Holy Guardian






Sat 3rd Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin



Vigil Mass



William Falconer RIP

Sun 4th 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Polish Mass

Solemn Mass








For the Parish

20/09 OGGAD@HDY: TBA Polish: TBA Sick & Retired Priests: £1,179.21

Mondays Main Hall 10.30am to 12.30pm

Contact: Yi-pei Chou 07455 479 479 or

[email protected]

Deanery & Diocese


Would you like to help spread the Good News?

We need volunteers to help out with the

Children's Liturgy. This ministry gives a lot of

job sa1sfac1on.

Contact Ruth: [email protected] or

speak to her, personally, aOer 11.15am



Box Collec1on £124.66

Anon Dona1on £60.00

Anon Dona1on £20.00

Late Dona1on Last Week £100.00

Expenditure £182.49

Our grateful thanks to everyone for their help.

S@. MCDY’F YHN@K GDHN\ (12-17’s)

Fridays at 7pm

in the Parish House

Contact: St. Andrew’s Community


2016 Kracow Registraon

Please contact the St. Andrew Community

ASAP in order to reserve your space for next

year’s youth pilgrimage taking place on 17th

July - 4th August. Travelling by coach

throughout Scotland, England, France, Czech,

Poland and Germany. There are only 20 spac-

es leO for this trip, so all 15-20 year olds inter-

ested in coming must a end a mee1ng at St.

Mary’s Cathedral House at 7pm on October

2nd to fill out forms and give a £100 deposit.

ADORATION MISSION WEEK Beginning on Sunday the 4th of October, there will be an Adoraon

Mission Week to prepare for Adoraon of the Blessed Sacrament.

This mission week includes a Holy Hour each night from 8-9pm from

Monday the 5th to Friday the 9th of October. The Holy Hour will be led

by a priest and we will have praise, worship and tesmonies.


Thursday 1st October at 7.30pm at the Bishop’s

House. Bishop Hugh will give an illustrated

presenta1on of his recent trip to the Holy Land,

sharing his impressions and reflec1ons. Tea and

coffee will be served and we ask a dona1on of

£1.50 to cover expenses. See poster.


7-11pm Saturday 7th November

Cathedral Hall

To mark 50 years of SCIAF, we’re

holding a family friendly

fundraising ceilidh. Dona1ons for

the tombola and business

sponsorship for raffle prizes

would be gratefully appreciated

(please hand in to Cowan at

Clergy House). Funds raised will

help people work their way out of

poverty in some of the poorest

countries in the world. We will

highlight sponsorship dona1ons

via social media, on our website

and also on the night.

Contact: Teresa at SCIAF on 0141 354 555


If anyone is looking for a home

for an old piano can you

please let Fr. Keith know.

Collec1on and tuning, etc.,

will be arranged. As long as it’s basically sound,

appearance doesn’t really ma er.


Saturday 3rd October at 6.30 p.m.

King’s College Chapel

The Greyfriars invite you to join them for a service

of readings and music to commemorate the passing

of St Francis from this life to the Father’s home.