acs productions - pitch

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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Opening Sequence Pitch

Mollie, Harley, Abbie

Final Idea

Our final idea is a police man that hasbeen murdered by a river.

We picked this because our researchtold us the audience would like to see a death in the opening.

GenreOur genre is Thriller. We picked this because our survey told us thrillers are the audiences favourite. On our video research we got mostly ‘yes’ to the question ‘Do you like thriller films?’


We are going to use: The theme of deathA mystery that has to be solvedThe small theme of the presence of innocence in the dangerous situationsRealistic and natural charactersThe antagonist is mentally and physically stronger than the protagonist.

Opening Sequence ConventionsWe are going to mainly introduce the narrative but we will also show a character.

At the beginning we will have the distribution and production company, followed by the credits over action. This will include top actors, directors, executive producers and the title.


The only character that will be shown is the dead police man, this is a conventional character for thrillers but we are presenting him as a counter type so that goes against ‘real’ characters from our genre.


The police man will be represented as weaker than the antagonist as he is dead. We have decided to do this as our audience said they would like a counter type and it is a thriller convention.

Visual Style

Mise en Scene We are going to use everyday objects floating down the river in the opening to show that the character is realistic. From our research we found this is important so the characters are relatable.

Visual StyleCameraWe are going to use hand held camera to film the objects floating down the river, establishing shots of scenery, and close-ups to emphasize certain things.

Visual StyleEditing We are going to use continuity editing when showing scenery to show it is natural but we will use jump cuts and fast paced editing when focusing on individual things to draw the audiences attention to them.

Target Audience

Our target audience is males aged 16 – 25. Our final idea has been influenced by the audience as we chose not to use a chase scene or violence in the opening as they said they wouldn’t like to see that.

Unique Selling Point

Our unique selling point is the mix of stereotypical characters and counter types. Mainly focusing on the counter typical police man.

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