activant prophet 21 - · this class is designed for… purchasing personnel...

Post on 18-Feb-2019






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Activant Prophet 21

Creating and Adjusting Purchase Orders

This class is designed for…

Purchasing personnel in charge of creating and editing purchase orders


Create manual Purchase OrdersEdit Existing Purchase OrdersRequisition Purchase OrdersPrint Purchase OrdersPrint Open POs ReportPerform Inquire Options

This course will NOT cover…

Purchase Order Requirements/Generation CriteriaPurchase Order Requirements/Generation

Purchase Order Entry

User generates the purchase order from

within sales order entry.

User generates the purchase order

manually, keying all of the data.

Prophet 21 suggests items to purchase

based on your criteria.

Create PO From OE

PurchaseOrder Entry

PO RequirementsGeneration

Create Purchase Orders

Purchase Order Entry

Purchase Order Entry

Create manual POs for stock purchases

Purchase Order Entry

Step 1: Enter a purchase location (where the material will arrive).

Step 2: Enter the Vendor, Supplier, and Division IDs.

Purchase Order Entry

Step 3: Enter a Buyer ID.

Step 4: Enter an External PO Number.

Purchase Order Entry

Step 6: Select the Print PO Form/Fax/Email PO Form to generate a copy of the PO when you save.

Step 5: Enter a Required Date.

PO Notes Tab

Apply to the entire purchase orderPrint at the top of the PO paperwork

Totals Tab

View totals related to POTrack control and target value information

Purchase Order Entry

Step 7: Enter the Item ID.

Purchase Order Entry

Add additional items – press [Enter] until a new line displays

Step 8: Enter a Quantity to Order.

Step 9: Review the Unit Price and adjust if necessary.

Extended Info Tab

PO Line Notes Tab

Commitment Schedule


Link regular backorders to purchase orders

Purchase History

Purchase Order Entry

Save the PO to the systemFile/SaveOr

Release Schedules

Release Schedules

Establish a repeating amount for receipt during a specified period of time

Schedule to apply to all or some line itemsSchedule specific to a line item only

Schedules Tab

Specific Dates set up releases by dates that you indicate.

Rule releases scheduled based on number of days, weeks, months, etc…

Schedules Tab

Round Quantity OnIf the ordered amount does not allocate to all releases evenly,

choose when you want to request the uneven shipment.

Schedules Tab

Apply selects prior to entering a line item; the schedule will be applied to that line item.

Apply to All selects after all line items are entered on the purchase order.

Release Schedule Tab

Enter Item ID and total amount to order

Release Schedule Tab

Enter Release Quantity.

Enter Release Date.

Editing Purchase OrdersEdit any regular PO through the PO Entry window

…Manual and Generated!

Editing Purchase Orders

Key or search for the Purchase Order you plan to edit.

Editing Purchase Orders

To cancel an entire PO, select the Delete Checkbox.

Editing Purchase Orders

To cancel a line item, select the Delete Checkbox on that line.

Editing Purchase Orders

Ordered Quantities can be edited if

Click in the Order Quantity field

the Order Quantities field is editable.

to enter the new purchase amount.

Editing Purchase Orders

To add additional items, place your cursor in the last line and press [Enter] until a new line displays.

Adjust pricing when the Unit Price or Extended Price fields are enabled.

Editing Purchase Orders

If a PO is complete or cancelled, adjustments cannot be made

Adjust quantity or price as necessary

Support solution 1394Details editing for special and direct ship POs

Requisition Purchase Orders

Generate POs for Requisition itemsFurnitureComputer equipmentOffice supplies

Requisition Purchase Orders

Step 1: Enter a purchase location (where the material will arrive).

Step 2: Enter the Vendor, Supplier, and Division IDs.

Requisition Purchase Orders

Step 3: Enter a Buyer ID.

Step 4: Enter an External PO Number.

Requisition Purchase Orders

Step 5: Enter a Required Date.

Step 6: Select the Print PO Form/Fax PO/Email Form to generate a copy of the PO when you save.

Requisition Purchase Orders

Enter notes on the PO Notes tab

Requisition Purchase Orders

Step 7: Enter the Item ID.

Requisition Purchase Orders

Step 8: Enter a Quantity to Order.

Step 9: Review the Unit Price and adjust, if necessary.

To add additional items, press [Enter] until a new line displays.

Printing Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders can be printed through:Purchase Order EntryRequisition Purchase Order EntryPurchase Order Requirements/GenerationPurchase Orders Report

Purchase Orders Report

Print purchase orders for the first timeReprint an existing purchase order

Printing Purchase Orders

If necessary, indicate Vendor, Supplier ID and Location Info.

Enter a specific Purchase Order or range.

Choose File/Print or

Reprinting Purchase Orders

Select Reprint POs checkbox.

Choose File/Print or

Open POs Report

Locate information related to outstanding receipts from your supplier through the Open PO Report

Open POs Report

Enter a Location ID or range.

Open POs Report

Enter a Supplier ID or range.

Open POs Report

Enter an External PO Number or range.

Open POs Report

Select PO Type.

Open POs Report

Indicate the Required Date range.

PO Inquire Options

Locate details related to Purchase Orders through the PO Drill Down Options

PO Drill Down by Supplier

View all purchase order information related to a specific supplier

PO Drill Down by Supplier

Enter a Location ID or range.

Key or search for the supplier ID.

Verify the Starting Date.

PO Drill Down by Supplier

Locate additional details by drilling into the Purchase Order column

PO Drill Down by Supplier

Drill into the Item ID field to view any associated sales orders

PO Drill Down by Item

Locate purchase orders specific to an item

PO Drill Down by Item

Key or search for an Item ID.

Verify the Starting Date.

Enter a Location ID or range.

PO Drill Down by Item

Drill into the PO Number field to view details related to a specific purchase order

PO Drill Down by Item

PO Drill Down by PO

View information related to a specific PO

PO Drill Down by PO

Key or search for the PO, by Purchase Order Number or External PO Number

PO Drill Down by PO

Drill into the Item ID field to view any associated Sales Orders


Created manual Purchase OrdersEdited existing Purchase OrdersRequisition Purchase OrdersPrinted Purchase OrdersPrinted Open POs ReportUsed the Inquire Options

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