aef sugih p.point

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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AEF SUGIHARTONI1.2011.3.0001


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English opens up job-opportunities and their better carrier otherwise closed

Reading is one of language competences that have

important role Students are usually

having difficulties in understanding the main point of what they have read

English as a medium of communication among people in different countries

Retelling methode

retelling means re-reveal in other language of what

have been read without any difference of the main


This method lets the learners think and recall the

conceptual text into their own language as they

understand in order to stick what they read.

1.How use retelling technique to improve the students‟ English reading comprehension on 8th

grade of junior high school at Prime Course?

Problem of study

2. How far is the improvement

of the students‟ reading

comprehension using retelling


Objectives of the research

use of retelling technique to improve the students‟ English reading comprehension”

How far the improvement of the students‟ reading comprehension through retelling methode.

Anderson,(1999:23)Reading is a process of reconstructing from the printed patterns on the page ideas and information intended by the author.

Cynthia Parker (2003;43)Reading is a good habit as it empowers the reader with all kinds of the information and facts can be found in reference books at the library, beside the reading for knowladge, it can also be a fun for help pupils to get the through their examination.


Sanggam siahaan,(117:2008)Comprehension is the process in gaining the goal of reading,or contructing meaning from what is being perceived in writing.

3. Research methodology

A. The Setting of Research

Location of the research Prime Course’s Employee and


Historical Background Place of the


B. Method of the research

Classroom Action Research (CAR) is one kind research constitutes action research which is conducted in a class to solve the problem class. Sumanto (2014, p. 179)He explains that CAR is an analysis of learning process with an action

in a class. In this case, the writer analysis the problem of the students reading comprehension occurred in the learning process and found it

which was solved by retelling technique





kunandar (cited ; kurt lewin pg 42)

Observing Pre-test


C.Technique of collecting data

Cycle 1(The first meeting)

4. Data analysis

Planning Acting Observing

1.Preparing the teaching instuments and composing a lesson plan.

2.Preparing the attending list in order to check the attendence of the students in joining the class activity.

On 4th August 2014, the first meeting . The writer (as a teacher) tries give greeting to each pupils by salam and say good morning, the script is as follow “Assalamu alaikum, Warohmatullohi wa barokatuh”( read more pg 45)

In the observation process, the finding of the score in this cycle are considered as the final result of this cycle. This data was gained when in the cycle l was progressing.


the students’ score increases from the pre-test to the post test. This means that the students’ reading enhances since they got the treatment.

,The result score of the cycle 1

No Name Pre-




Post –Pre (D) D2

1 Raka 48 68 20 400

2 Bayu 36 56 20 400

3 Dinda 40 64 24 576

4 Nada 36 48 12 144

5 Salwa 44 60 16 256

6 Nisa 52 76 24 576

7 Fitri 44 68 24 576

8 Riska 36 52 16 256

∑ 8 336 492 156 3184

Planning Acting Observing Reflecting

1.Preparing the material for reading instruction and choosing the appropiate passage.2.Making lesson plan ll

On August 11, 2014. It is the second meeting, as usual there are nine students in the classroom (read more pg 50

The writer think for looking for a data easily have to devided the observing into twocatagories(read more 51)

based on the cycle ll, the improvment of the students’ reading comprehension increase significantly.

Cycle 2 (the second meeting)


The result score of cycle 2No Name Pre-




Post –Pre (D) D2

1 Raka 44 64 20 400

2 Bayu 52 74 22 484

3 Dinda 48 76 28 784

4 Nada 48 68 20 400

5 Salwa 46 74 28 784

6 Nisa 52 76 24 576

7 Fitri 58 70 12 144

8 Riska 54 78 24 576

∑ 8 402 580 178 4148

Planning Acting Observing Reflecting

1.Preparating the material for reading instruction and choosing the appropiate passage.

2.Making lesson plan of cycle lll.

On August 18,2014, there are eight pupils of elementary school in the classroom, firstly writer entered in the class and say hallo to all pupils and ask their condition.(read more pg 55)

The writer observes the learning proccess that concernedon the students’ ability in comprehending the lesson, secondly the writer also observes the students attention and all activities of the learning process.

After anlyzing the writer get the conclusion or result on the cyle l, ll, and lll find the improving students’ ability in comprehending context or passage.

The cycle 3( the third meeting)

The result score of cycle lll.No Name Pre-




Post –Pre (D) D2

1 Raka 68 88 20 400

2 Bayu 62 94 32 1024

3 Dinda 56 92 36 1296

4 Nada 66 88 20 400

5 Salwa 70 88 18 324

6 Nisa 60 88 28 784

7 Fitri 66 90 33 1089

8 Riska 70 94 24 576

∑ 8 518 722 211 5893

To the teacher The teacher should use retelling technique to teach reading. This technique can make the students keep in mind what they read and enrich their vocabularies.

To the institution The institution should facilitate the learning process to make the learning effectively.


Thank you

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