affects of violent video games 2003

Post on 25-May-2015






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Writing II Persuasive Project


Violent Video Games !

Violent Video Games !

Every year, hundreds of thousands of video games are bought.

Nearly fifty percent of all video games purchased are violent.

The most popular video game genre in present time is first person shooters.

Many young children have access to rated “M” games .

“Video Game publishers unethically train children in the use of weapons, and more importantly , harden them emotionally to the act of murder by killing hundreds or thousands of opponents in a single typical video game.”

Critics of the first person shooters claim that the immersion factor is just to high.

The U.S armed forces uses first person shooters to train their soldiers .

28 Year old South Korean died after “50” hours of Star Craft.

Addiction could lead to health problems, spending problems, and time displacement.

Video games can cause violent feelings of aggression

Video games decrease pro-social behavior. Video games damage your eye sight. Video games damage your eye sight.

Can cause a physiological effect on people saying violence is okay.

Gives them an unrealistic view of the opposite sex.

Video games cause people to act out in the way that the video game is played. Which can be violent and dangerous.

January 19,2006 in Toronto, Need for Speed Most Wanted found in the car of 2 teenagers involved in accident resulting in the accidental death of a taxi driver.

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