afmbe mr. zombie

Post on 19-Feb-2016






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all flesh must be eaten Mr zombie suplement


Mr. Zombie An Enter the Zombie Deadworld by Gerry Saracco (with assistance from Andrew

Ferguson, and special thanks to Dan Davis)

Fang Shen moved slowly through the forest, occasionally ringing the small bell in his right hand. He would glance back every so often, making sure his charges were still following him. Sure enough, the 5 male corpses slowly hopped along behind him, their faces covered by silk hoods. Following behind the corpses was Fang Te, Shen’s brother. Te carried the special canister letting out the ritual incense to ward off evil spirits from attempting to possess the charges. Unlike Shen, Te wasn’t a trained Corpse Escort; he was a student at Master Qui’s Dancing Tiger school of martial arts. Shen’s father, the venerable Fang Ming-tun, felt one of his 4 sons should learn martial arts. With the Qing-shi appearing more and more, Shen’s father wanted someone with combat skills to accompany his other sons when they escort corpses to the burial sites at Zu Lung. Shen chuckled to himself, wondering why his father worried so much about the Qing-shi. They typically preyed on individuals and outlying farms, and rarely confronted large groups of people. Even if one did show up, between his brothers’ combat skill, and his training, they could defeat any bloodsucker that crossed their path. On the other hand, bandits might be a bit much for him and Te to deal with… Introduction Mr. Zombie is set in a fictional version of China, where the dead hop to their burial sites under the control of trained Corpse Escorts. Stalking people in the night are the Qing-shi, which are hopping, bloodsucking zombies. In addition, various unique zombies intermingle with humanity (usually sex-starved female spirits in human form). The supernatural surrounds the living world, and men and women harness the power of Chi to control, as well as combat, the unnatural. How you play the setting is up to you, but if you want to follow in the footsteps of the films that inspired this setting, then adding some comedic elements to enhance things would work well. This setting works best as an add-on for another setting using Enter the Zombie. Hopping Vampires are part of Chinese mythology, and thus can be integrated into other zombie settings using China and/or Chinatown (for games set in western climes). For example, you could use Mr. Zombie, in part or in whole, with Flesh Eaters in Little China or Once upon a Corpse in China from the Enter the Zombie supplement. Disclaimer: The Author’s use of Taoism is not intended to offend anyone. All comments regarding Taoism are based on their context in the setting, and are based on their portrayal in the films that inspired this setting. The Author makes no claims of being knowledgeable in the Taoist faith. It’s inclusion is merely to provide substance to the material presented.

Suggested Viewing The following films were inspiration for Mr. Zombie, and are highly recommended if you want to get a proper feel for things, especially if you want to incorporate comedic elements to the setting: Mr. Vampire Mr. Vampire 3 Mr. Vampire 4 Vampire Controller Ghostly Vixen Morticians Morticians are more than just people who prepare the dead for burial. Mortuary services provide Corpse Escorts, who lead the dead to their prepared burial sites. The dead follow these Escorts, hopping along slowly, until they reach the burial site, and are finally laid to rest in the earth. Morticians have various skills they use to prepare bodies for burial, as well as mystical training

that allows them to control hopping corpses. This training also gives them an edge when dealing with Qing-Shi or other undead that prey upon the living. The Mortuary firms were originally founded by Taoist priests who specialized in preparing the dead for burial and reincarnation. As time went by, these priests taught their skills and magic to members of their family, until the priesthood was no longer active in controlling all burial services across the country. The priesthood still maintains an active presence in the Mortuary world, and are the preferred service for those who cannot afford to hire a Mortuary firm to handle the burial of a relative. Although the firms are no longer officially part of the Taoist faith, they still follow the religion and rituals of that faith. Without their faith in Taoism, their ability to raise and control the dead wouldn’t exist. It is that faith that gives them power over the dead, and they are still dedicated to the religion whose teachings their services sprang from. Competition is Fierce! Much like Martial Arts schools and societies, Morticians have their own societies, called firms. These firms compete over the available corpses in their areas. The one who does the most burials is of course top dog. This can sometimes lead to more than friendly competition; rivalries between Mortuary firms have been known to be as vicious as rivalries between martial arts schools! Rival firms have been known to sabotage each other, causing corpses to hop loose around the countryside, and forcing the escorts to run around trying to locate the missing bodies. With all the Qing-shi lurking about, this can make recovery more difficult for escorts, so firms have started hiring martial artists to assist escorts when they take clients to burial sites. Needless to say, these martial artists tend to be involved in the “seedier” aspects of firm rivalry, as their skills make them perfect to implement sabotage on rival firms. With the Qing-shi and other undead preying on the living, most firms have made a pretty profit by offering their services in eliminating such threats for the right price. Some firms specialize in “Ghost” busting, having specially trained mystics who focus more on eliminating evil spirits in human form. These mystics combine Taoist magic with the Martial Arts to enable them to be formidable opponents of Qing-shi and other undead. It’s also a common habit for these specialists to interfere when a mystic from a rival firm is on the case, hoping to trip them up so their firm can take over the job (and gain more prestige and profit in the process) The Big Secret Well not that big, but it’s still a secret. What is unknown to the Mortician Firms, the government, and populace in general is why there has been a rise in Qing-shi and other undead across the land. Who’s to blame? Is it some nefarious plot by a secret society of black magicians? The answer if far simpler: The Morticians themselves are to blame! As the firms sabotage each other, hopping corpses stray and are lost. When their binding spell (the rice paper on the forehead) is removed, and the jade taken out of their mouth, their body corrupts, turning into a Qing-Shi. Messing around the various burial sites has unleashed lusty female spirits hunting for young men to satisfy their desires. Add in the various Black Magicians lurking about causing trouble, and the firms have their hands full dealing with the undead plaguing the country. Yet still they cause trouble for each other, and continue to cause more undead to spring to life, always wondering why their best efforts never seem to be enough… Mortuary Firm Archetypes The Mortuary firms provide various services for the families of the deceased. Some of these are reflected in new archetypes for players. These archetypes are the Corpse Escort, the Ghost Slayer, and the Mystic Mortician. Corpse Escorts are the men and women who accompany the dead to their burial sites. They lead the enchanted corpses, making sure they do not wander off, and to watch for attempts at corruption by spirits at night. Ghost Slayers are experts in fighting

the undead. With the Qing-shi, sex-starved ghosts and other undead preying on human beings, these martial artists take the fight to the undead. Mystic Morticians create the hopping corpses so that the bodies can be moved to burial sites. They are also knowledgeable about the undead, and are the next best thing to a Ghost Slayer when it comes to fighting them. Corpse Escort Inspired Str: 2 Dex: 3 Con: 3 Int: 4 Per: 4 Wil: 4 Life Points: 20 Endurance Points: 25 Speed: 12 Essence Pool: 35 Qualities/Drawbacks: Adversary (rival Corpse Escort; -2), Essence Channeling (level 1), Fast Reaction Time, Gift, Honorable (level 1; -1), Increased Essence Pool (Level 3), Inspiration, Nerves of Steel, Reckless (-2) Skills: Acrobatics- 2 Dodge- 2 Fine Arts (Calligraphy)- 3 First Aid- 2 Hand Weapon (Sword)- 2 Martial Arts- 2 Occult Knowledge (undead)- 2 Rituals (Taoist)- 3 Trance- 2 Unconventional Medicine (Herbal)- 3 Combat Moves: Back Kick, Breakfall, Flip, Grab, Judo Throw, Shove (all at 2) Metaphysics/Miracles: Blessing The Binding Gear: Ritual Incense, Rice Paper Charms (one for each Hopping Corpse, and extras as needed), Water Skin, Small Bell, Wooden Gim (Sword), Dao (broadsword), additional paraphernalia for rituals Personality: It is written that the living must insure that the dead rest in peace, so that they can reincarnate properly. Well my friend, when you die, you want me to make sure you rest in peace. I take my job seriously, not like those lay a bouts who work for Fang! Unlike them, I'm a professional! I have never had any problems escorting someone to a burial site. My record is impeccable, and you can check the books if you must. I don't drink on the job, and I follow all the proper burial rituals. What's that? You're worried about the Qing-shi? Don't be silly! Qing-shi don't bother with the dead! They only prey on the living, and my training allows me to hurt Qing-shi with the power of Taoist tradition! Your relative will have nothing to fear! Now, about my price.....

Quote: Escorting the dead isn't a right; it's a privilege. Ghost Slayer Martial Artist Str: 4 Dex: 4 Con: 4 Int: 4 Per: 4 Wil: 5 Life Points: 42 Endurance Points: 44 Speed: 16 Essence: 35 Qualities/Drawbacks: Adversary (Rival Ghost Hunter, -3), Essence Channeling 2, Gift, Honorable (level 2), Increased Essence Pool 2, Inspiration, Nerves of Steel, Obsession (Destroying evil undead), Zealot Skills: Acrobatics- 3 Hand Weapon (Sword)- 2 Martial Arts- 2 Notice- 2 Occult Knowledge- 2 Rituals (Taoist)- 2 Combat Moves: Grab, Judo Throw, Jump Kick, Kick, Punch, Shove (all Level 2) Metaphysics/Miracles: Blessing Flying Windmill Kick Great Leap Strength of Ten Wave of Chi Spells: Enchant Coin Sword (Essence Cost 5) Coin Swords are a special weapon in the fight with the undead. Useless against humans, this weapon can only harm undead. The caster animates the sword with this spell, and can command it to attack undead. The sword will move on it’s own, flying at undead targets (attack roll is based on Wil & Occult Knowledge). When it hits, the coin sword does D6(3) X Wil damage. Against Qing-shi and other undead affected by blessed wooden blades, a coin sword is treated as such a weapon against them. Against other undead, it is treated as a normal weapon. Note: Information on magic can be found in Enter The Zombie, on pages 104-105. The magic system in ETZ is simply a shortened version of the Invocation system in WitchCraft. Therefore (for purposes of characters who wish to use magic), spells (invocations) would cost what they do in WitchCraft: 2 points per level till level 5; 5 points per level thereafter (during character creation); 5 points per level till level 5; 8 points per level thereafter (after character creation). New invocations cost 10 points after character creation. (This information is courtesy of Alex Jurkat of Eden Studios)

Gear: Dao (Chinese Broadsword), Paper Charms, small container of hen's blood ink, small porcelain jug of dry sticky rice congee Personality: The dead are supposed to stay dead until they reincarnate. Many times, they just refuse to shed the mortal plane, and haunt those of us who remain behind. Many such spirits are corrupted by staying. That is how the Qing-shi came to be. Such is the case with my current prey. The Magistrate was wise to bring me to the scene of Che Gan's murder. His death was obviously the result of some lusty female spirit taking his chi for herself. I've seen this before. I also know that the Priest knows who this spirit is. I saw him try and hide that scarf, but he wasn't quick enough to escape my notice. I'll have to be wary of him. That damnable Constable is going to be a nuisance as well. Luckily I lost the buffoon he sent to follow me. My main concern is that lay about assistant of mine. He was supposed to meet me an hour ago with the peach wood sword. My dao is of good make, but is no weapon to battle a spirit with. This spirit is both bold and foolish. Taking that abandoned house at the edge of town was wise, but leaving Che Gan's corpse there was foolish. Now I am on her trail, and when I find her, I will make sure she goes screaming down into the underworld. She has killed an innocent man, and must be stopped before she kills again. Spirits like this will devastate communities with their hunger and lust for mortal intercourse. Their kind disgusts me. If she had found a good husband in her previous life, she wouldn't be here now, preying on young men. Harlots like these deserve no mercy, and Ghost Slayers have none. It is not in our creed to be merciful, for the restless dead show none to the living. She will pay for Che Gan's death. Oh yes, she shall pay. Now where is that damned lay about.... Quote: Wanton harlot! your unearthly charms have no effect on me. Prepare to face judgment at the court of the Yama Kings… Mystic Mortician Martial Artist Str: 3 Dex: 3 Con: 4 Int: 6 Per: 3 Wil: 4 Life Points: 42 Endurance Points: 44 Speed: 16 Essence: 28 Qualities/Drawbacks: Adversary (Rival Mortician, -3), Essence Channeling 2, Gift, Honorable (level 2), Increased Essence Pool 1, Inspiration Skills: Acrobatics- 1 Beautician- 3 Craft (Feng Shui)- 2 Martial Arts- 1 Medicine (Coroner)- 1 Occult Knowledge- 1 Rituals (Taoist)- 1

Unconventional Medicine (Herbal)- 2 Combat Moves: Grab, Judo Throw, Punch, Shove (all Level 1) Metaphysics/Miracles: Be Like Water Blessing Great Leap Healing Touch The Binding One Inch Punch Spells: Create Hopping Corpse (Essence Cost 6) This spell is the most important tool a Mortician has in preparing the dead for burial. It involves a lengthy ritual performed on the body after it is prepared (see the Hopping Corpse write up for more details). Paper Charms made with The Binding are needed beforehand, so that the corpse can be controlled by whomever the mortician assigns to moving the body. As long as the proper amount of Essence is spent, multiple hopping corpses can be created in this manner. It is rumored that Black Magicians have a Yin version of this spell that allows them to create a Qing-shi, but this has never been proven... Note: Information on magic can be found in Enter The Zombie, on pages 104-105. Gear: Binding materials, medical bag (used for both herbal medicine and coroner duties), Paper Charms Personality: My family has handled burial rites for the dead for 10 generations now. Ours is an ancient and honorable craft, as well as profitable. I have overseen hundreds of burials, and take great care when preparing the body. Have no fear; your uncle will look like a Mandarin of the 2nd circle when I am done with him! I've also found a wonderful site to bury him. The Feng Shui of the site is perfect to assist with reincarnation. I think you will be quite pleased once you've seen it. If we start work tomorrow, we can have your uncle buried by the end of the week with our next group of clients. What's that? No, there is no additional charge. We have room to fit him in. You're in luck too; our best Escort will be handling this group of clients for burial. He's the best Escort in the entire district. I trained him myself. Trust me; your uncle's burial will be handled with the utmost care and respect, and he will be pleased with your arrangements for him. Quote: Be careful with that body! I spent all day preparing him for burial! If you drop him, he could come back as a Qing-shi, and drink your blood for showing him disrespect... Additional Archetypes for Mr. Zombie In addition to the Corpse Escort, Ghost Slayer & Mystic Mortician archetypes, there are many other possibilities for characters one can play. Included below are some other archetypes people can use for character. They include two revisions of archetypes from the AFMBE rulebook; those revisions are of the Police Officer and Priest. They were revised to show how existing archetypes can be tweaked to fit into settings other than modern ones. The new ones are the Haunted Martial Artist, the Magistrate, and the Wandering Fighter. Constable (revised Police Officer) Survivor Str: 3

Dex: 2 Con: 4 Int: 3 Per: 4 Wil: 4 Life Points: 50 Endurance Points: 38 Speed: 12 Essence: 20 Qualities/Drawbacks: Contacts (Constabulary) 3, Contacts (Underworld) 2, Hard To Kill 4, Nerves of Steel, Situational Awareness Skills: Bureaucracy- 2 Dodge- 2 First Aid- 2 Hand Weapon (Club)- 3 Hand Weapon (Staff)- 3 Hand Weapon (Sword)- 4 Intimidation- 2 Martial Arts- 3 Questioning- 2 Streetwise- 2 Surveillance- 2 Combat Moves: Breakfall, Counterpunch, Disarm, Grab, Judo Throw & Punch (all at level 3) Gear: Uniform, writ of office, Club (staff & swords are only carried when needed; club is that standard weapon carried on patrol), pouch with coins, leather restraints (for tying someone up) Personality: I’m telling you that the magistrate knows more than he’s letting on! Che Gan was only 20 years old; how could he have died of heart failure? I’m telling you, there is more to his death than they’re letting on. I was there when we found the body. First of all, it was in that abandoned home on the outskirts of town. The one they say is haunted. Second, his body looked…shriveled. Che was in good shape, but his corpse looked as if he’d been starved for some time. Lastly, his face had a look of….pleasure on it. As if he died happy. It doesn’t add up, and the magistrate is lying to cover things up. I’ve been a constable long enough to know when there’s a cover up going on. And why did the Magistrate call in a Priest and a Ghost Slayer to the crime scene? I saw the Priest perform the ritual of purification on the house; you only do that to remove the stench of an evil spirit. That Ghost Slayer found something. I saw this look in his eyes. He tried to cover it up, but he couldn’t fool me. He knows what did this, and he left fairly quickly. I’ve got Yuwei following him. If that Ghost Slayer finds the creature, I intend to be there when he puts it down. Maybe he’s an expert at these things, but I’m still the law around here…. Quote: I don’t care if there’s some sex-starved female spirit in that house; we still have to follow procedure. Haunted Martial Artist

Martial Artist Str: 5 Dex: 5 Con: 5 Int: 4 Per: 4 Wil: 2 Life Points: 50 Endurance Points: 41 Speed: 20 Essence: 50 Qualities/Drawbacks: Accursed (Attracts sex-crazed female spirits on a continual basis, -4), Bad Luck (level 1 -1), Essence Channeling (level 3), Gift, Honorable (level 1, -1), Increased Essence Pool (Level 5), Lazy, Reckless Skills: Acrobatics- 3 Dancing (Lion Dance)- 2 Hand Weapon (Sword)- 2 Martial Arts- 3 Rituals (Taoist)- 2 Smooth Talking- 2 Unconventional Medicine (Herbal)- 2 Combat Moves: Breakfall, Flip, Jump Kick, Punch, Shove, Trip (all level 3) Metaphysics: As the Wind Turns the Pages of a Book (counts as two metaphysics points); by Andrew Ferguson Essence Cost: 1 per Flip This technique allows the martial artist to execute a series of dazzling and supernaturally quick back flips away from combat, but without leaving himself defenseless. Each flip carries the fighter in flips of 3 yards (meters) backwards at his normal running Speed. In addition; for each 1 extra Essence Point per flip, the martial artist can execute one Kick without incurring the multiple action or -2 to defense action penalties. Be Like Water Blind Strike Flying Windmill Kick Great Leap Golden Bell Hurricane of Kicks Rain of Fists Gear: Wineskin, Pouch with herbal medicine, paper charms & ritual incense, Gim (sword) Personality: Why does this always happen to me? We were at the burial site, and I saw a grave that was covered over with weeds. I cleared the weeds and apologized to the spirit that no one had cleared her grave earlier. As I walked away, I heard a female voice say "Thank You". I looked around, but saw no one. Believing I had imagined it, I walked away. Little did I know the trouble I was going to be encounter because of my actions.

Two nights later, I met this beautiful woman on the street. She was being harassed by some drunken thugs. Not one to leave a woman in distress, I confronted the thugs, and gave them a sound thrashing. The woman looked hurt, so I helped her home. She was frightened, so I offered to stay with her that night, and keep an eye on her house. She hesitantly agreed, and went to bed. Later that night, as I was nodding off, she came to me, and took me to her bed. I have never experienced such pleasure before in my life! She took me to such heights, It was daylight before I knew it! I felt so exhausted, but I had to go help Sifu. He gave me a look, but I didn't really notice. The whole week she and I were together, making love all night long. I am a fit man, but she left be exhausted each night. One night I couldn't meet with her, and by the time I got to our meeting spot, I saw her leave with Che Gan. Angry, I went home. She was in my dreams, and I saw Che Gan too. Now Che Gan is dead, and Sifu has been asked by The Magistrate to hunt down whatever killed him. I know who killed him. The woman I love did it. Only she's not a woman. She's a Ghost. And tonight, she's coming back for me..... Quote: But Sifu! How was I supposed to know she was a ghost? Notes: Although this can be played seriously, the accursed drawback for this archetype can be useful for comedic moments for the character. This character has a bad tendency to attract lusty female spirits, not only because of his good looks and kindness, but because of his high pool of essence. Even though he is a bad ass, his bad luck and the spirit's use of mind control tend to make him subservient to them until his master comes to save him. If used properly, and not overdone, this can lead to some very fun moments in a campaign. Magistrate Martial Artist Str: 4 Dex: 3 Con: 3 Int: 5 Per: 5 Wil: 5 Life Points: 44 Endurance Points: 41 Speed: 12 Essence: 30 Qualities/Drawbacks: Addiction (Heavy Drinking), Adversary (local gang of thugs, -2), Adversary (Black Magician, -3), Essence Channeling (level 2), Gift, Hard to Kill (level 2), Honorable (level 2, -2), Increased Essence Pool (level 1), Status 2 Skills: Bureaucracy- 2 Dodge- 1 Fine Arts (Calligraphy)- 2 Humanities (Law)- 3 Martial Arts- 3 Notice- 2 Questioning- 2

Smooth Talking- 2 Combat Moves: Breakfall, Disarm, Jab, Punch, Roll with Blow, Spin Kick (all at level 3) Metaphysics: Balance of the Cat Be Like Water Chi Block Drunken Punch Flying Chi Kick Great Leap No See Blow Rain of Fists Gear: Writ of Office, Money Pouch with coins, wineskin, manual of Imperial Law, Resplendent Robes of Office (fancy silk robes) Personality: Sifu always warned me that becoming a magistrate was going to make my hair turn gray before I was 35. Damn him for being right! I've done well for myself in the last 12 years. I started out as a junior magistrate, and worked hard enforcing the law. I even had the chance to work with Judge Wei once. It only took me 6 years to be assigned as magistrate for this district; most take 10 years to reach this kind of post. My family was proud of me, and why not? I had brought them much honor with my posting. For 6 years, I have done my best for the people of this district. The provincial governor and I get along well, and I have always been his most capable magistrate. Until now that is. This district has been cursed, I just know it. The Qing-shi have started appearing in greater numbers, and foul spirits are now encroaching on the town itself. Che Gan's death was the work of the supernatural. The priest can lie all he wants, but I've had my share of dealings with the unknown. That damnable black magician I prosecuted 3 years ago swore he'd get revenge on me, and I suspect this is part of his revenge. Luckily the Fangs had a Ghost Slayer on retainer. He'll find the creature that killed Che, and put it to rest once and for all. I'll have to keep an eye on that one Constable though; he has a bad habit of sticking his nose into things when he shouldn't. I saw he sent Yuwei to follow the Ghost Slayer. I need to make sure I send Qui-Yue & Zhiqing to bring Yuwei back to the Constabulary. The last thing I need is a dead Constable on my hands as well! I know that magician will come soon, looking to confront me. I have to prepare. I need to practice the things Sifu taught me. And I shall, as soon as I finish this drink. Well, maybe after two or three more. It can't hurt, can it? He's not coming today or tomorrow, so I have time to enjoy a few drinks before I face my greatest challenge. Pass the wine Ho; all this talking makes me thirsty! Quote: Even the supernatural cannot break the indomitable will of the Law.... Priest, Revised Inspired Str: 3 Dex: 3 Con: 3 Int: 4 Per: 3 Wil: 4 Life Points: 34

Endurance Points: 38 Speed: 12 Essence: 25 Qualities/Drawbacks: Essence Channeling 1, Gift, Honorable (level 3), Increased Essence Pool 1, Inspiration Skills: First Aid- 2 Hand Weapon (Staff)- 1 Humanities (Theology)- 4 Instruction-2 Martial Arts- 1 Myth & Legend- 2 Notice- 2 Occult Knowledge- 2 Rituals (Taoist)- 2 Singing- 2 Storytelling- 2 Unconventional Medicine (Herbal)- 2 Combat Moves: Disarm, Grab, Judo Throw, Kick, Punch, Shove (all Level 1) Metaphysics/Miracles: Blessing Chi Shout Divine Sight Healing Touch One Inch Punch Gear: Prayer Beads, ritual Incense, Staff, Paper Charms, water skin w/water Personality: "The Jade Emperor sits on his throne in heaven, watching over all. The Celestial Bureaucracy follows his mandates, the mandates of heaven. All of us must obey these mandates, or suffer the consequences. Such is the case with the Qing-shi" The parishioners look frightened as I mention the hopping blood stealers at the end of my sermon. I cannot blame them. Qing-shi stalk the night, and it isn't safe to be outside the village anymore. And it's getting worse. When the magistrate called me to the abandoned house at the edge of town, I knew something bad had happened. As I approached the house, my special sight caused my skin to crawl. Poor Che Gan. To die so young. I told the magistrate that he died of heart failure, but I could tell he didn't really believe that. Why did he have to bring in that Ghost Slayer? I could see from his eyes he knew what killed Che; a female spirit. Too many of these spirits have risen in recent months, preying on young men, stealing their Chi during sexual intercourse. If I had been more attentive when Che complained of fatigue, he’d still be alive today. What bothered me the most was the scarf in Che's hand. A sense of sadness overcame me when I saw it. Of all the women who could rise up again, why did it have to be her? I had to lie, but damn that Ghost Slayer for figuring it out! I have to stop him. If anyone is going to put that spirit down, it has to be me. I failed her once it seems, and I cannot fail her again. I must insure that she rests in peace this time. It is always the obligation of a son to honor and protect their parents. I know she isn't my mother anymore, but I still owe her that right of a peaceful rest. I cannot allow

the Ghost Slayer to destroy her and send her screaming to the underworld. My whole family would suffer for it. I have to stop her. I have to make amends for breaking the mandates of heaven. If she has risen again, then I didn’t insure a proper burial. By the Jade Emperor, I must pay for my sins... Quote: You have broken the Mandates of Heaven mother. Let me put you back to rest, so that you can reincarnate properly. Wandering Fighter Survivor Str: 4 Dex: 4 Con: 4 Int: 3 Per: 3 Wil: 4 Life Points: 54 Endurance Points: 41 Speed: 16 Essence: 22 Qualities/Drawbacks: Addiction (Habitual Drinking), Adversary (Rival Martial Artist, -3), Covetous (Conspicuous Level 1, -1), Cruel (-1), Fast Reaction Time, Hard To Kill (Level 4), Honorable (Level 1, -1), Nerves of Steel, Reckless, Resistance (Fatigue), Resistance (Pain), Resistance (Poison), Situational Awareness Skills: Acrobatics- 4 Climbing- 2 Dancing (Lion Dance)- 2 Hand Weapon (Martial Arts Weaponry; specializes in Fung For Lung)- 4 Hand Weapon (Spears)- 2 Intimidation- 3 Martial Arts- 5 Notice- 2 Survival (Forest)- 3 Trance- 2 Combat Moves: Back Kick (level 2), Breakfall (level 5), Disarm (level 3), Flip (level 5), Jab (level 2), Jump Kick (level 3), Roll With Blow (level 3), Sucker Punch (level 2), Trip (level 5) Gear: Bedroll, pair of Fung For Lung (Wind and Fire Wheels), Kwan Do, pouch with few coins, Waterskin, tattered martial arts manual from school Personality: Why is it that the martial arts have become a mockery of what it once was? These days, all the major schools teach those fancy tricks. That's not real martial arts; it's nothing more than sorcery disguised as martial arts. True martial arts are what you accomplish with your hands, your feet, or a good weapon, and your intent. That's all you need, nothing more. My Sifu was wise when he taught that to me and my brothers. Ours is an old school steeped in tradition, but it is widely

ignored in the face of these newer schools and their fancy parlor tricks. Leaping about above the tree tops, blasting each other with pure Chi? Bah! That's not martial arts! I trained for many years to perfect my skills. I made many sacrifices. When I graduated, Sifu told me to use my skills to help people, to show that anyone can be an expert in martial arts without the need for special powers. For 8 years now, I have traveled the lands, doing what I can to help people. But no matter how much I accomplish, my deeds are overlooked because everyone worships those heroes who use the power of their Chi to perform feats not common to man. Pfah! In a real fight, none of them could stand against my superior skills. These buffoons have stolen my glory for the last time! There's a district in this province that has had an alarming number of Qing-shi attacks. The people cry out for a hero, and I shall answer the call. Once I have proven that true martial arts can prevail, the people will sing my praises, and students will flock to my side. I will make my Sifu proud, and I will be given the acclaim that I justly deserve. It is only a matter of time... Quote: Your petty parlor tricks are no match for a TRUE martial artist! The Undead Hopping Corpses are the animated bodies of the dead. Mystic Morticians (and some priests) animate the prepared bodies for transportation to their burial site. They are brought to the burial sites by the Corpse Escorts, and are buried according to instructions from either a priest or mortician. Besides Hopping Corpses, there are 3 types of undead commonly encountered in the world of Mr. Zombie: Lesser and Greater Qing-shi, and Sex-starved Ghosts. The Qing-shi are Hopping Vampires. The lesser drink human blood, while the greater feed on human breath (essence). Sex-starved Ghosts are women who have returned from the dead seeking pleasures of the flesh, feeding off the life force of men during intercourse. Generic Hopping Corpse Str: 2 Dex: 1 Con: 2 Int: -2 Per: 1 Wil: 2 Dead Points: n/a Endurance Points: n/a Speed: 2 Essence Pool: 6 Skills: Brawling: 2 Aspects: Weak Spot: None, Fire (5) Getting Around: Slow and Steady, Leaping (3) Strength: Dead Joe Average, Damage Resistant, Iron Grip) (6) Senses: Like the Dead (0) Sustenance: Who Needs Food? (8) Intelligence: Dumb As Dead Wood (0) Spreading the love: Nobody Loves Me (-5) Special: Bound (Control -4, Command -3; total of -7) Attacks:

Bite: D4 X2 (4) Slashing Damage Power: 11 Description: When people die, their relatives take special care in burying them. If the dead are not buried with the proper care and respect, they will come back and haunt their relatives as a ghost, or worse, their corpse will corrupt into a Qing-shi. To prevent this, their bodies are turned over to a Mortuary Firm for burial, or for those unable to afford a firm, a local monastery. Bodies are first prepared by the mortician to look respectable. The body is cleaned, and any abrasions or cuts are covered up as best as possible. The body is dressed in fine silk robes, and a piece of green jade is placed into their mouth. This piece of jade is important for when the mortician animates the body into a hopping corpse. The Mortician then creates paper charms with The Binding, and casts the spell Create Hopping Corpse. The body will animate, and get up. The charm needs to be affixed to it’s head to assert control; otherwise, it will start to hop around in an erratic manner. When Hopping Corpses are moved to their burial site, it is common for Corpse Escorts to burn special incense behind the bodies. This is to prevent evil spirits from attempting to enter and corrupt the corpse, turning it into a Qing-shi. Fortunately, as long as the jade is still in the corpses mouth, and the paper charm is affixed to it’s head, the spirit that invades a corpse will be trapped in the body, and unable to attack anyone. If the jade is removed from the mouth, and the charm removed from the head, the corpse is a free vessel for any spirit to animate into a Qing-shi. If a body corrupts into a Qing-Shi, it has to be killed first, then the body must be prepared all over for funeral (unless the Qing-shi is destroyed by fire, in which case no body remains to be buried). If a corpse corrupts, and is destroyed, the Mortuary Firm must not only refund the family their money, but perform Blessing on their house, to avoid giving them bad luck. This is why firms take great care to protect their charges. Qing-shi, Lesser (Hopping Vampire) Str: 4 Dex: 1 Con: 2 Int: 1 Per: 1 Wil: 2 Dead Points: n/a Endurance Points: n/a Speed: 2 Essence Pool: 11 Skills: Brawling: 2 Aspects: Weak Spot: None, Fire, Blessed Object: Wooden Blade, Vulnerability: dry sticky rice & red ink made from hen's blood (-4) Getting Around: Slow and Steady, Leaping (3) Strength: Strong Like Bull, Damage Resistant, Iron Grip and Claws (19) Senses: Like the dead, Breath Sense (1) Sustenance: Daily, Blood (-2) Intelligence: Animal Cunning (level 2) & Team Work (8) Spreading the love: One bite and your hooked (2) Special: Bound (Control -3, Command -1; total of -4), Doctor Doolittle, Regeneration (level 1) (3)

Attacks: Bite: D4 X2 (4) Slashing Damage Claws: D6(3) X 4 Slashing, Armor Piercing Power: 30 Qing-shi, Greater (Hopping Vampire) Str: 4 Dex: 2 Con: 2 Int: 2 Per: 1 Wil: 2 Dead Points: n/a Endurance Points: n/a Speed: 4 Essence Pool: 11 Skills: Brawling: 2 Aspects: Weak Spot: None, Fire, Blessed Object: Wooden Blade, Vulnerability: dry sticky rice & red ink made from hen's blood (-4) Getting Around: Life Like, Leaping (6) Strength: Strong Like Bull, Damage Resistant, Iron Grip and Claws (19) Senses: Like the Living, Breath Sense (2) Sustenance: Occasionally, Soul Sucker (7) Intelligence: Long Term Memory, Team Work (9) Spreading the love: Only The Dead (-2) Special: Bound (Control -3, Command -1; total of -4), Chi Suck, Iron Shirt Body, Regeneration (level 1) (5) Attacks: Bite: D4 X2 (4) Slashing Damage Claws: D6(3) X 4 Slashing, Armor Piercing Power: 42 Description: Qing-shi are corrupted corpses. Like the standard hopping corpse, the Qing-shi are dressed in fine robes. Their skin has become a mottled gray, and the smell of decay surrounds them. Qing-shi grow large fangs, and their nails sharpen and grow, enabling them to slash victims. Lesser Qing-shi feed on the blood of the living, and while they can feed on animals, prefer the taste of human blood. Lesser Qing-shi do not need to bite someone to infect them with "Corpse Poison"; their claws also inject the poison into victims, so if they slash you, you will be infected. Infection from the claws takes longer though, and victims who can be treated within 3-4 days from claw attacks will recover. Greater Qing-shi feed on the “Breath” of the living, but actually steal their chi through the breath. Unlike the lesser Qing-shi, they must kill their victims to turn them into more of their kind. Greater Qing-shi are faster & more intelligent than their lesser brethren, as well as being harder to destroy.

Qing-shi do not walk, but actually hop. Since all corrupted corpses were once hopping corpses, it is believed they hop because their bodies traveled that way to their burial site. Whether this is true or not, no one knows. But they still hop. Qing-shi tend to be solitary, simply because it’s rare for multiple corpses to corrupt in a burial site. However, when there are more than one in an area, they do tend to band together into packs, and display elements of team work. The hierarchy of a pack is determined by the size of a Qing-shi’s fangs. The larger the fangs, the more prestige one has in the pack. The only time this does not apply is when a Greater Qing-shi is leading a pack of lesser ones. The lesser will defer to the greater regardless of it’s fang size. No one is sure why this is, but the few times the two breeds were together, the lesser always followed the greater. Notes: Blessed Object: Wooden Blade- Qing Shi are vulnerable to blessed Wooden Blades. This requires use of the miracle Blessing. The individual blessing the blade places their second and middle finger on their forehead, closes their eyes, and concentrates for a moment. They hold the sword out in front of them, tip first, and place the two fingers on the blade at the hilt, and draw the fingers over the blade until the fingers reach the tip. The Blade will glow red as the Essence imbues it, then fades. The blade is now blessed, and can be used by anyone to harm a Qing-Shi or other undead. Any size blade will work, from Dagger to Sword. The hilt of such blades normally contains a Ying-Yang symbol. When using a blessed wooden blade on a Qing-shi, their damage resistance does not work against the blade’s damage. Wooden blades are made from peach wood trees, as they are easier to make into durable blades. Most monasteries have such trees on their grounds, and Ghost Slayers usually grow them near their homes. Ghost Slayers use a spell that allows them to enchant a sword made of coins. Such blades act as a wooden sword against any undead that are vulnerable to blessed wooden blades. Dry Sticky Rice & Ink made from Hen's Blood- Both of these items are not normally weapons, but against the undead, they are potent weapons indeed. If an undead touches the Dry Sticky Rice (even through their clothing), they take D4 of damage, and their Damage Resistance does not affect the damage. If the rice is in liquid form (like congee), it does D6 damage. Ink made from Hen's Blood is a special red ink used in rituals to bind the dead. To make the ink, a hen must be killed, and the blood collected in a cup, and mixed with other ingredients (various herbs). The process does not require the Binding miracle; this ink can be made with the skill Rituals (Taoist), at level 2 or higher. This ink is normally used on the rice paper charms that affect the Bound aspect. However, many times the ink is smeared over a rope, and used to entangle the undead. If this is done, the ink causes D6 damage per turn, and Damage Resistance does not affect it. This damage causes the Qing-shi’s flesh to flake off as sparks go off on it’s body. The rope can be used to restrain a Qing-shi in it’s coffin; if used this way, treat it as if it was the Binding miracle. Unlike the sticky rice, this ink cannot be thrown on the undead to harm them. Some inspired use the blood when blessing a wooden blade; if so, add 2 to that weapon's damage against undead creatures. Breath Sense- Qing-shi, being undead, do not see in the normal sense. Lesser Qing-shi can barely see at all, and actually sense prey by sniffing the air, and tracking victims by their breathing. Breath Sense allows them to do this. Breath Sense is similar to scent tracking, but the Qing-shi can only trail someone if they are nearby, and their breathing can be sensed. Holding ones breath will cause the Qing-shi to not sense a victim, though it will once they open their mouth to breathe once more. Spreading The Love- Lesser Qing-shi infect their victims with "Corpse Poison", which causes the victim to turn into a lesser Qing-shi themselves. This is caused from either biting their victim

while feeding, or by cutting them with their claw-like nails. Treating corpse poison is well known to doctors in the land, so if someone with medical skill is nearby, treatment can be started immediately. To prevent turning into a Qing-shi, victims must first apply dry sticky rice to the wound. This will cause the wound to burn, and do D4 to the victim. Once the wound has been cauterized by the rice, the victim must get their blood circulating by doing calisthenics for 1-2 hours. The victim must go on a strict diet of nothing by dry sticky rice for 3 days, and sleep on a bed of dry sticky rice at night. If any other rice is used with the dry sticky rice, treatment will work, but only partially. Many times rice peddlers low on sticky rice will mix it with another type of rice, causing the treatment to be only partially successful. A victim will turn into a Qing-shi, but as the transformation is partial, they can still be returned to normal. Such victims are torn by the need to feed, and their knowledge that their food are friends and relatives! Such victims can make a difficult willpower Test to resist attacking their friends and family, allowing them to be subdued. To completely cure someone who has undergone a partial transformation, they must first be subdued, and their nails clipped. Their fangs must be filed down, and they must be force-fed sticky rice congee. While restrained, they must then be put in a bath of sticky rice congee and special herbs. This bath must first be blessed with the Blessing miracle. They must then be forced to lie in a bed of dry sticky rice. This process must be repeated for 5 days, at which point the victim will return to normal. Victims of partial transformations are not true undead, and therefore are actually immune to being bound by the Binding miracle, paper charms and the red ink, making subduing them more difficult! On the bright side, they don't have Corpse Poison in their body, so they cannot turn others into Qing-shi (but their claws and fangs still do the same amount of damage). An Alternate (and more Dangerous method) of curing a partial transformation involves making an herbal potion. The main ingredient is made by grinding the fangs of a lesser Qing-shi into a fine powder, and mixing it with specific herbs (black lotus seed oil, the pulp of a snakes venom sac, and distilled wine made from dry sticky rice) brewed for 2 days over a slow fire. The patient must drink this potion over the course of 2 days, as well as be subjected to an acupuncture treatment to keep the blood flow in their body constant. This will allow the transformation to reverse, and return the victim to normal. Acquiring the fangs of a Qing-shi is difficult at best! Greater Qing-shi do not have “Corpse Poison” in them. They must kill a victim while feeding, using either Chi Suck or Soul Sucker. If they do, that victim will rise as a Greater Qing-shi themselves in 2 days time. If they kill anyone any other way, they will not rise again. Bound Aspect- Qing-shi, being corrupted hopping corpses, are affected by the binding rituals. Inspired with the Binding in Mr. Zombie focus this miracle through a special charm. This charm is made by writing a ritual (using calligraphy) in special red ink (made from hen's blood; see notes above) on rice paper. Charms can be made with the Binding before hand, and can be used non-inspired. To apply the binding charm, the rice paper must be placed on the forehead of the undead. While this is easy when trying to stop a runaway hopping corpse, a Qing-shi will resist attempts to place such binding charms on it's forehead! Sex Starved Ghost Str: 4 Dex: 3 Con: 4 Int: 2 Per: 2 Wil: 5 Dead Points: n/a Endurance Points: n/a Speed: 18 Essence Pool: 20

Qualities/Drawbacks: Adversary (Ghost Slayer, -3), Attractiveness (3), Covetus (Lecherous, -2). Obsession (Sex) Skills: Acrobatics- 3 Martial Arts- 3 Seduction- 4 Stealth- 3 Surveillance- 4 Combat Moves: Breakfall, Flip, Jab, Jump Kick, Stabbing Hand, Spin Kick Aspects: Weak Spot: None, Fire, Blessed Object: Wooden Blade (2) Getting Around: The Quick Dead, Leaping, Wall Crawling (18) Strength: Strong Like Bull, Damage Resistant (10) Constitution: Tough as Nails (5) Senses: Like the Living, Essence Sense (5) Sustenance: Occasionally, Soul Sucker (7) Intelligence: Long Term Memory, Problem Solving, Language (21) Spreading the love: Nobody Loves Me (-5) Special: Fighting Flying Head, Prehensile Hair, Push (see notes), Regeneration (level 1) (23) Attacks: Bite: D4 X2 (4) Slashing Damage Power: 102 Description: Sex Starved Ghosts are female spirits who have returned to the mortal plane seeking physical pleasure. Maybe they were denied it in life, and now, unable to rest, they crave as much sex as possible. To sustain themselves on the mortal plane, they feed on Essence during intercourse. Normally, a spirit will reside near their grave, and once they sense a man with a potent Essence Pool, they will manifest physically, and seek that man out for seduction. These Ghosts are not evil; they simply wish to experience that which was denied them in life. They sometimes form emotional attachments with their victims, and will sometimes feed on weaker essences to keep from killing their mortal lover. Since this tends to kill the weaker mortals, it causes suspicion, and attracts the attention of Ghost Slayers and Priests. Haunted Martial Artists regularly attract such spirits. These Ghosts are sad individuals who have lost their moral focus, and now only exist for the physical pleasures of the flesh. Although they cannot be bound, and are not vulnerable to sticky rice or hen's blood, blessed wooden blades can affect them as it does Qing-shi. Fire also harms them, as it can destroy their physical form, and send them back to the lands of the dead. Notes: New Aspects: Constitution (By Dan Davis) Some zombies are just a bit more hale and fit than your average corpse, even after taking a short dirt nap. Others become pale comparisons of their former selves. Whether the zombification process turned the creature into a walking dynamo or a putrefied fall-apart pus-factory, constitution even plays a role in its unlife.

In this section, choose the best Aspect that fits your zombie. Then, the other Constitution related Aspects can be chosen to further augment/hamper the creature’s unlife. Tough as Nails (Power 5) Maybe it’s the zombie chow(tm), but something has brought these creepies back with a rock hard physique and a resistance to pain to rival that of body piercing fanatics. These zombies ignore all pain, even if they have senses that allow them to feel pain. Constitution 4. Add 5 DP’s to the total DP’s if a weak spot other than All is chosen. Push (By Andrew Ferguson) Power: 15 There's no explanation for it; maybe the undead was a hypnotist in life, maybe they had an iron will, but despite becoming one of the dead, sometimes the brain just refuses to die. The zombies with this aspect have managed to somehow retain an enormous reserve of Willpower, which they are able to exert over living creatures; commanding their actions, bending them to their will, despite the subject's desires to the contrary. Dominating wills and knowing what to do with them when they're captured, however, are two different things, and the flaw lies here in the zombie's intelligence. Where Intelligence is low (Dumb as Dead Wood) the zombie can really only command wills with simple instructions equivalent to its understanding of the way the world works (basically: 'Stop', 'Move Faster', 'Feed'). More advanced Intelligence (Tool Use) can see the zombie commanding a creature to use tools as the zombie itself understands their use (see Tool Use Levels; eg Level 1, "Club brain next to you", to Level 3 "Reload gun, remove safety and target brain next to you"), whereas Problem Solving Intelligence can see a zombie commanding a will with much more complexity, sequencing instructions together to achieve an aim, and forcing the subjugated creature to make skill rolls (provided the mind controlled has the skill to comprehend; for instance an Influenced mind could be instructed to hide, open a door and let the zombie in, but could not be commanded to pick a lock if the dominated mind does not have that skill). To use this Aspect the zombie must be able to perceive the living mind (see Senses AFMBE pg 153) in order to target it, and only one mind can be targeted at one time (unless the zombies have Teamwork (see below)) and the targeted mind must make a resisted Willpower test. The domination lasts until the mind is given a new command at which time a new resisted Willpower test can be made. Zombies with Teamwork, and who share the Influence Aspect, are able to combine their powers against one target together (where the zombie wills are combined the Willpower scores are cumulative against a single target), or separate targets to achieve one goal. The zombie gains Willpower 5 with this Aspect. Sustenance: According to the AFMBE rulebook, Soul Sucker is "Invariably painful and may leave the victim quite, quite dead" (AFMBE, pg 155). For the purposes of the Sex Starved Ghost, that is not the case. Sex Starved Ghosts feed off essence during sexual intercourse. They are experts at manipulation and seduction of their victims. However, for them to feed safely, they cannot cause pain to their victims. Therefore, when Sex Starved Ghosts feed, their use of Soul Sucker does not cause pain. In fact, it does the opposite, heightening the Euphoria felt during sexual intercourse. Combined with their use of Seduction and their Push aspect, their victims are caught up in the stimulation so much, they literally become intoxicated from sex. Adventure Seeds Who Killed Che Gan? This adventure seed is woven in the personality writeups for the Ghost Slayer, Constable, Haunted Martial Artist, and Priest Archetypes. Che Gan was a young man from the local town. He wasn’t known for his intelligence, but for his good looks and child like

simplicity. He was well liked by all. Now he is dead, and his death looks mysterious. He died with a look of pleasure on his face, but his body looks…..drained. The truth is that Che Gan was killed by a Sex-starved Ghost. She seduced the witless man, and drained his life force during an extensive night of passion. If someone is playing the Haunted Martial Artist, the ghost can be a spirit that he recently attracted due to his accursed drawback. If someone is playing the Priest, the ghost is a female relative (mother, aunt, etc), and the Priest feels responsible for not helping his relative find peace in the afterlife. Ghost Slayers will be out to find and kill the ghost, who didn’t really mean to kill Che Gan. For all his good looks, he didn’t have a powerful essence, and she killed him by accident. Unlike most ghosts, this one doesn’t want to harm anyone; she simply wants to be satisfied. Once confronted, she will use her Push aspect to manipulate the Haunted Martial Artist to defend her, leading to some temporary conflict between pc’s. This should be handled with a humorous twist, as the other pc’s try and convince the Haunted Martial Artist he’s defending the wrong woman, and the ghost controlling him with her powers (and feeling guilty about it!) Going Mortuary! Mao Zi was a Corpse Escort, until he lost a few corpses thanks to the machinations of a rival firm. Now he’s blacklisted as unreliable, and has taken to drink. While wandering the woods in a drunken stupor, he came across some wandering hopping corpses. Getting them under control, he started to take them back, then decided against it. He hid the bodies, and went back to town. Whenever an Escort would lose a corpse, he would go looking for them, and if found, he would take control of them, and take them to a safe place. After a year, he collected two dozen corpses, and decided he would take his revenge. Using the corpses under his control, Mao has started using them to commit crimes! He’s also joined forces with a local bandit gang (if someone is playing the magistrate, this can be his adversary gang), who assist the corpses on their robberies. The whole province is up in arms over the defamation of the dead; some villagers recognized their relatives as being among the corpses used in these crimes! The Magistrate and Constable will have their hands full dealing with this crime spree. Not only do they have to stop the bandits, but they need to safely recover the corpses, and capture whoever is controlling them!

Beware the Black Magician! Zheng Woo was banished from the district by the Magistrate 3 years ago for practicing black magic. Zheng is back, and he wants revenge. Using a Yin version of the Hopping Corpse spell, Zheng has corrupted some bodies at local mortuary into lesser Qing-shi. These Qing-shi are under his control, and he has directed them to target the Magistrate and his men. This would include the Constable and other law enforcement personnel. Alternately, you can combine this with Going Mortuary!, and have Zheng and Mao join forces, with Zheng using the spell on Mao’s hopping corpses, corrupting them. Mao will also be able to command them, and the two wreck havoc on the district.

Bandits Str: 2 Dex: 2 Con: 2 Int: 2 Per: 2 Wil: 1 LPS: 26 EPS: 20 SPD: 8 Essence: 14 Skills: Brawling 2, Craft (various) 2, Dodge 1, Gambling 2, Hand Weapon (Club, Spear or Staff) 2, Stealth 1 Survival (Forest) 3, Traps 2 Gear: Weapon (Club, Spear or Staff), peasant clothing, bedroll, skin with cheap rice wine

Once Upon A Corpse In China: Mr. Zombie can be dropped, in part or in whole, into that deadworld to make a larger campaign. While OUACIC is more dramatic than Mr. Zombie, many of the archetypes could be used as players in that setting. In addition, having Qing-shi hopping about while the Sisters Li exact their vengeance could add to the confusion over what is really going on.

Zheng Woo Str: 3 Dex: 3 Con: 3 Int: 4 Per: 3 Wil: 5 LPS: 39 EPS: 38 SPD: 12 Essence: 36 Qualities/Drawbacks: Adversary (Magistrate, -3), Covetous (Ambitious, -3), Cruel (level 3), Essence Channeling 3, Gift, Hard to Kill 1, Increased Essence Pool 3, Inspiration Skills: Acrobatics 2, Hand Weapon (swords), Martial Arts 2, Occult Knowledge 3, Rituals (Yin) 2, Stealth Combat Moves: Back Kick, Flip, Head Butt, Roll with Blow, Stabbing Hand, Sucker Punch (all at level 2) Gear: Pair of Darn Do (Butterfly Swords), Paper Charms Metaphysics/Miracles: Ain’t Got Time to Bleed, Crippling Hold, Double Blades (Two Fisted Firing, but for hand weapons only), Great Leap, No See Blow, The Binding Spells: Create Lesser Qing-Shi (Corrupt Corpse) (Essence Cost 8) Similar to the Create Hopping Corpse spell used by morticians, this spell allows the black magician to create a lesser Qing-shi from either a dead body or a hopping corpse. Unlike typical Qing-shi, ones created by this spell will be under the control of the caster (though they still need paper charms made with The Binding to establish control)

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