agenda no. -2% report · north lanarkshire council agenda item no. -2% ..... report to: policy and...

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Date: 30 Jan 06 Ref: MHlJEM













Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to seek homologation from the Committee for the proposals for the Financial Inclusion Fund awarded by the Scottish Executive.


The Scottish Executive announced a new funding stream in June 2005 to promote financial inclusion. North Lanarkshire Partnership has been awarded f500,OOO from April 2006 for two years to support this initiative.

This funding is designed to: - - -

The initiatives developed through the fund will be monitored and evaluated as part of the Regeneration Outcome Agreement that is already in place between NLP and the Scottish Executive.

prevent individuals or families falling into debt (prevention); provide routes out of poverty for individuals and families (routes out of poverty); and sustain individuals or families in a lifestyle free from poverty (sustainability)

The Scottish Executive has requested proposals be submitted by 3Ist January 2006 with a decision whether to approve made by 1 7Th March 2006.

Corporate Considerations

A sub group of the Social Inclusion Officers Working Group has been involved in developing the attached proposals as detailed in Appendix 1 of this report.

Further reports will be prepared for the Committee and the Establishment Monitoring Sub Committee when confirmation is received from the Scottish Executive.

Financial Considerations

Table 1 overleaf outlines the main developments proposed for this fund. A full description is contained in Appendix 1.


Key servicelproject

Debt Strategy Development Debt Awareness Pack for Schools Community Financial Education

Developing specific actions from review of Self Help Pack

advice and information services Monev Advisers fNLC)

Financial inclusion Financial inclusion Resources 2006-07 Resources 2007-08

f 25,000 f 25,000 f 30,000 f 30,000 f 60,000 f 60,000 f 10,000 f 10,000 f 80,000 f 80,000

advice and information services Money Advisers (NLC) f 155,000 f 155,000 Money Adviser (CAB)

5 Recommendations

f 33,000 f 33,000

5.1 It is recommended that the Committee:

f 155,000 f 155,000 f 33,000


(i) (ii)


homologate the draft proposals as outlined in Appendix 1; request the Chief Executive to bring forward a further report on the outline of the bid; and otherwise note the content of this report

Feasibility Study Debt Redemption Scheme Credit Union Forum Total resources allocated

Chief Executive 30 January 2006

f7,000 TBC

f 100,000 f 100,000 f 500,000 f490,OOO

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D r a f t A p p e n d i x 1


1. Community Planning Partnership: North Lanarkshire Partnership (NLP)

2. Main contact Details

Name: Sandie Mackay Designation: Community Regeneration Manager Address: Civic Centre, Motherwell. MLI 1 TW Telephone number: 01698 302449 E-mail address: MackayS@northIan,

3. Short narrative describing how the plans will contribute to meeting the closing the opportunity gap financial inclusion objective and target.

North Lanarkshire Partnership is aware of the problems experienced by many residents in terms of financial exclusion and has recognised that a co-ordinated approach to service delivery will remove some of the barriers experienced by those who are most excluded. The approach taken locally will be to develop solutions across the spectrum of financial inclusion.

The financial inclusion target for the Scottish Executive is by 2008 increase the availability of appropriate financial services and money advice to disadvantaged communities to reduce their vulnerability to financial inclusion and multiple debts’.

NLP will target services in the three main policy areas to: - - -

Prevent individuals and families from falling into poverty; Provide routes out of poverty for individuals and families; and Sustain individuals or families in a lifestyle free from poverty.

The services provided using both the Community Regeneration Funds and the Financial Inclusion Fund will ensure a joined up co-ordinated approach that will allow families and individuals to benefit from a continuum of services.

This proposal includes the outcomes expected together with the measures and targets that will be put in place to ensure an impact on the strategic target set by the Scottish Executive.

A number of the outcomes will contribute directly to the indicators and will be gathered at a Scottish level by the Executive.

The Partnership has already carried out a future needs assessment in terms of financial services and this process has helped set some baseline information and will enable the tracking of a number of the indicators that will contribute to both the national targets and the local information to prove success.

These include for example - - - Levels of indebtedness and -

Increases in credit union membership Numbers of local people using a bank account

Levels of current service users for each financial service provider

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D r a f t A p p e n d i x 1

The Partnership will also contribute by - - - -

Providing quality information on the information system for money advice (MACS) Providing quality information in relation to the new DAS scheme and its effect locally Providing new services as a result of the funding provided and Contributing to the national monitoring and evaluation on the impact of new financial inclusion activities.

4. Short narrative describing how the plans will fit in with existing Regeneration Outcome Agreement outcomes and outputs.

North Lanarkshire Partnership is aware of the problems that financial exclusion can bring to individuals and communities and recognises that the individual communities in North Lanarkshire differ from the rest of Scotland in some key respects. These are in terms of income, health, employment, learning, safety and quality of local environment.

Some communities enjoy far better opportunities than others. Within any community, some people enjoy better opportunities in life than others. The implication for those who deliver services is that they must give priority to improving the position of communities and individuals that are disadvantaged or excluded from these opportunities at present.

NLP recognises that all people have an equal right to advice, support and services irrespective of their gender, ethnic origin, state of health, age, sexual orientation, disability or economic circumstances.

In 2003 in North Lanarkshire: 23% of households were in receipt of Income Support

0 23% of children were living in a household dependant on Income Support 0 32% of residents were unemployed 0 22% of school pupil received free school meals and 0 28,500 people were in receipt of incapacity benefit.

Currently North Lanarkshire Partnership has focussed on three areas in terms of financial inclusion within the Regeneration Outcome Agreement (ROA).

NLP has set a number of high level targets to evidence success in terms of financial inclusion and the targets are - -


reduction in number of households living in fuel poverty from 2002 levels reduction in the numbers of individuals claiming Income Support per 1,000 closer to the Scottish average reduction in the numbers of Incapacity Benefit Claimants per 1,000

The Partnership has sought to recognise the priorities identified and developed a number of activities to address these through the ROA..

These include action on - fuel poverty issues - credit union development - funding for IT infrastructure for the providers of financial advice and information services

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D r a f t A p p e n d i x 1

Fuel Poverty Awareness Training

Dealing effectively with financial inclusion impacts upon many policy areas. The Council’s local housing strategy’s fuel poverty statement facilitates links between appropriate strategies and policies in operation within the Council area. The partnership approach in developing joint fuel poverty awareness training will help to identify the most vulnerable groups, poorer quality housing, and will enable the identification and targeting of additional resources provided through the Financial Inclusion Fund.

Training will be provided to front line partner agency staff on energy awareness and fuel poverty. This will allow them to ensure that in working with individual clients in datazone areas the appropriate links are made into the existing Safer Homes and Energy Efficiency initiatives. Thereby contributing to a reduction in fuel poverty and where appropriate maximisation of appropriate benefits and tax credits.

Many people are still making the choice between heating their home, eating healthily and paying their bills. Many householders find that they must make tough lifestyle choices as a result of not having enough resources. The very old, very young and people with a disability or long-term illness are particularly vulnerable to fuel poverty and its effects. Some people in these groups generally spend more time in the home and so need to heat their homes for longer and often to higher temperatures to remain comfortable.

The development and delivery of fuel poverty awareness training is a key action within the Council’s emerging Fuel Poverty Strategy and will be an activity the proposed Lanarkshire Community Energy Partnership can build on.

Communities Scotland has already given positive recognition to the approach being taken to address fuel poverty in North Lanarkshire in its recent response to the Council’s third Home Energy Conservation Act (HECA) progress report.

In addition anyone who is referred to the Money Advice Service, the Credit Union or indeed is part of the community focussed financial planning group work project will be referred and assessed to ensure that their fuel poverty needs are covered.

Credit Union Programme

Currently CRF has been used to develop the capacity of the North Lanarkshire Credit Union Forum. The group is in the process of producing a business plan that will develop a range of activities that will be created in the areas of training, information services, marketing and business planning to strengthen the credit union locally

The Financial Inclusion Fund application will enhance the activity that credit unions can provide by encouraging them to offer instant loans without the requirement to build up savings first. The credit unions will also develop additional services such as home insurance and bill paying services. These proposals will be developed by the Credit Union Forum, will be operated in partnership with other agencies to allow targeting to those who are most in need and will ensure a joined up approach to financial inclusion. As part of the development of these services a referral protocol will be developed between the credit union forum and all other agencies and initiatives to ensure that again services are targeted to those most in need.

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D r a f t A p p e n d i x 1

Information and Advice Services

The partner agencies in North Lanarkshire are currently working through the actions from the recent review of advice and information services with the aim of providing an integrated service for all users.

Currently the CRF is funding the development of the IT infrastructure of the local service providers. This will ensure access to quality information, help develop the referral pathways to ensure a continuum of service delivery and will contribute to the sharing of the national standards that are being developed locally.

CRF has also funded the future needs assessment process including a questionnaire targeting over 2,000 households. The information from this study is being finalised but will influence and give detail on levels of indebtedness, The proposals that are being developed in terms of financial inclusion will also contribute to the quality and standards development.

NLP proposes to develop a three pronged approach, building on the action plan that has been developed as part of the review process.

The financial inclusion proposals in connection with information and advice services will - increase the number of money advisers within both the community and voluntary sector - allow the development of training and competency materials for use by the whole

sector, develop protocols and referral pathways to ensure a joined up approach to service delivery and develop appropriate monitoring and evaluation criteria to ensure quality standards are met allow for the development of a corporate debt strategy by the Council that will be signed off by all parties and should ease some of the existing problems in terms of sequestration versus debt arrangement allow community interventions to be developed that will target those most in need such as single parents, skillseekers etc. raise awareness of potential solution using a self help route increase the amount of money education available in schools



- -

The credit union developments will assist credit unions locally to develop a number of new services including - instant loans - bill paying services - -

additional insurance services such as house insurance, and savings facility for children and young people

The additional initiatives will ensure - - - future development of services

a joined up approach to service delivery development of a full financial inclusion strategy and

Current Services Funded by North Lanarkshire Council

It needs to be recognised that North Lanarkshire Council currently provide a a range of services through service departments, and through the voluntary and independent sector. These include:-

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D r a f t NLC Welfare Rights

A p p e n d i x I

The Welfare Rights Service is an integral part of Social Work Services providing primarily a service to social work services users. It provides services such as income maximisation, representation at Social Security, Disability and Medical appeals, Social Security Commissioners, training and campaigns.

NLC Trading Standards

This service is deliver through the Council's Planning and Environment Department and includes such services as:

0 Consumer advice services Enforcement of the Consumer Credit Act 1974

Debt counselling and money advice Debt awareness programme in schools.

Housing and Property Services

This department provides housing, property and advice services to tenants who have difficulties in meeting their financial commitments. This includes referral to other agencies that offer full debt counselling. They also act as a creditor in relation to business premises where rents are paid for Council property.

Finance Department

The Council also has a debt collection team that is responsible for the collection of rent and community charge. It must be recognised as part of the development of financial inclusion strategy that the Council has responsibilities as a creditor and particular targets that have to be met for collection.

North Lanarkshire Citizens Advice Bureaux

There are 5 bureaux situated in the major towns in North Lanarkshire and funded by NLC. They provide access to general and specific financial information and advice services that include: 0 Welfare rights 0 Money advice 0 Legal services

Support at employment tribunals Home visits.

Independent Sector

There are seven independent information and advice organisations in North Lanarkshire that provide welfare rights and advice service and are also funded by NLC. Most work within specific communities or with targeted groups e.g. Tannochside Information and Advice Centre or Cumbernauld Unemployed Workers Centre

Additionally through a number of partner initiatives including the Safer Homes Initiative and the Council's Energy Advice Unit residents are offered the opportunity to make their homes both as safe and as warm as possible.

5. Comment on your assessment of local need for financial inclusion services. Include an account of how you have engaged local communities in researching needs and making decisions on use of financial inclusion funding.

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D r a f t A p p e n d i x 1


As has been already stated North Lanarkshire Partnership has carried out a review of financial advice and information services. As part of that review NLP had commissioned a piece of action research. A survey is currently being undertaken across North Lanarkshire with a target of 2,115 households in 14 neighbourhoods across the 6 area committee areas. The research covers areas within and outwith datazones and will be used to build up a clear picture of both current and future needs in terms of financial advice. This research explores the current financial habits, use of financial services, advice and future needs of North Lanarkshire residents in relation to financial information and advice services. The results of the survey will be used to look at the current use of financial information and advice services and as a basis for the development of these services within North Lanarkshire.

Nos. of Average Debt Council Tax Debt Total Debt per Year New per case

The research into future needs will be completed by January 2006. However, the interim results show that:






75% of people would seek advice if they had concerns about money or welfare benefit entitlement equivalent to 37,000 in the surveyed areas and will obviously increase across the full authority area;

0 23% of people are not aware of the services available; and 24% of people were trying to solve issues without support.

Cases 659 f 11,045 f 286,245 f 7,278,848

613 f 10,957 f409,086 f6,716,748

655 f 12,471 f539,121 f8,168,505

804 f 15,226 f 905,886 f 12,231,704

1075 f 13,991 f 1,665,257 f 15,040,766


(6.1 %)




Figures that have been collated by the Council’s Money Advice Service show that there is an increase year on year in new cases that are referred to them.

Figures for this year 05/06 show that there has been an increase in demand and already 784 new cases have been registered with the 8 money advisers. If the demand continues to rise it is expected that new referrals this year will reach 1500 cases. Money Advice Scotland recommends a caseload of 45 for each money adviser in terms of caseload management.

The Scottish Executive has recently introduced new legislation to develop the Debt Arrangement Scheme (DAS). This scheme evolved after a review of debt enforcement procedures in Scotland following the abolition of poindings and warrant sales.

The objective of DAS is to provide an orderly system for multiple debt repayment, whilst providing statutory protection against diligence in the form of bankruptcy or trust deeds via a debt payment plan (DPP)

DAS provides a more cost efficient alternative to bankruptcy or trust deeds for both the Scottish taxpayer and creditors such as North Lanarkshire Council. To have credibility

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D r a f t A p p e n d i x 1 within the financial services industry and demonstrate legal compliance, DAS must show the same level of client support and scrutiny as bankruptcy or trust deeds.

This support, scrutiny and legal compliance is demonstrated by a statutory debt payment plan (DPP) that is set up by an Approved Money Advisor (AMA) registered with the DAS Administrator. AMA’s are only appointed following a certification and approval process. The administrative support required for a DAS client is equivalent to the service given by a Insolvency Practitioner and thus represents a significant increase in time spent per client to ensure legal compliance.

The Debt Arrangement Scheme was introduced in March of this year and the impact of supporting a significant number of DPP’s has had a detrimental effect on our service provision.

As at 18 October 2005 in Scotland, there are 69 registered DPP’s with the DAS Administrator. Of these, 53 (77%) are in North Lanarkshire. Two of the eight Debt Counsellors currently employed by the Council have completed the certification and approval process and are registered as AMA’s.

Currently the Council’s money advice service is dealing with in excess of 200 ‘emergency cases‘ as a result of increased creditor activity. 53 families are now on DPP’s and this means that the council now has a six-week waiting list for an appointment with a money advisor.

In order to continue to offer DPP’s and to allow the service to cope with existing and new demand an increase in the number of money advisers is required. This will also allow more money advisers to obtain approved money advice status thus increasing the numbers of families that can be assisted through the DPP scheme.

The increased work as a consequence of DPP’s, allied to an increasing demand for the service as demonstrated by the above figures collated by the Council’s Money Advice Service shows an increase year on year in new cases that are referred to them support the case for an increase in the staff compliment

The backlog created by an increasing demand for service in general and specific demand for ‘emergency’ service from 400 referrals per year means that we can project to handle approximately 1650 cases per year, we expect in the region of 160-180 DAS cases in this.

In order to provide a full and comprehensive service it is proposed that 6 additional money advisers are recruited to bring the caseload to last years levels.


As already stated NLP has been actively reviewing financial advice and information services and as part of that process has been working closely with the community and voluntary sector organisations who provide financial advice and information services. The North Lanarkshire Advice Forum has been consulted on the detail of the submission.

As stated previously, over 2000 people have taken part in a survey in terms of the provision of advice and information services and views of service users have also been taken into account when putting together this application.

Representatives from the Credit Union Forum have also been involved in discussions about taking forward the agenda outlined and are in the process of developing a business plan which will assist in taking the credit union agenda forward.

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D r a f t A p p e n d i x 1

6. Any particular local circumstances or challenges relevant to the use of financial inclusion funding.

There are challenges in North Lanarkshire in addressing issues such as poverty and financial inclusion. North Lanarkshire does not contain the total physical concentrations experienced in Glasgow for example but rather deprivation is spread across the authority in smaller clusters

The datazones, which show the major areas of deprivation, are scattered throughout the authority area and there are inherent challenges given the geography of North Lanarkshire and the differences that exist between the urban areas and the rural settlements.

The number of individuals identified as income deprived in North Lanarkshire is 59,495 and is second only to Glasgow within Scotland. This means that these individuals are dependent on one or more means tested benefits.

This is reinforced by the initial results from the future needs survey where 81 % of respondents have received benefits in the last five years

In designing the programmes contained within this financial inclusion fund application these challenges and difficulties have been recognised and a major theme of the bid is that of information and the development of future service delivery.

By providing information to children and young people, by spreading information through self help provision taking account of various formats and media, by joining up opportunities for advice and access to potential savings and loan services it is envisaged that the challenges highlighted throughout this report will be met.

North Lanarkshire Partnership has in addressing the issue of financial inclusion adopted a holistic approach that will see considerable change for individuals over the duration of the fund

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D r a f t


Community planning partnership: North Lanarkshire Partnership Outcomes **** Work will be ongoing between now and March to dl


I. Increase financial awareness in targeted populations

2. Increase in the range of solutions available to families in debt

3. Increase in net disposable income of indebted families


- % of pupils with improved financial knowledge

- % clients from Routes to work with improved financial knowledge



% of targeted residents with financial knowledge % of clients using repayment plans, bankruptcy, trust deeds and moratorium % of clients referred to DAS % of client’s referred to credit unions 5 increase in approved money advisers % increase in net disposable income

- -



A p p e n d i x 1

Target GrouplArea **** Baseline

- S3-S6 pupils 1500 S3 pupils in 04/05

- Routes to Work Clients

- Skillseeker groups

- targetted groups such as single parents, jobseekers etc.

- Service users

- To be determined

- t o be determined - Repayment plans

- Bankruptcy 15% - Moratorium 10% - Trust Deeds 5% - DAS13%


I - f 805,000

~~ ~ I - Increase for 04/05 - Families or individuals referred to credit unions for

- (a)shares - (b) loans - (c) insurance


**** Final Target (Date

- % increase of pupils with improved financial knowledge

% increase of clients with improved financial knowledge


- % increase in residents with financial knowledge % increase in families using a range of solutions for debt % increase in DAS cases

referred to credit unions



- % increase in families

- % increase in net disposable income of families and individuals % increase in shares saved % increase in instant loans made % increase in families with insurance

- -


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D r a f t A p p e n d i x 1

For each chosen outcome, provide the following table of key projects and services and associated key outputs

Outcome 1 : Increase financial awareness in targeted populations

Key service/ project

(indicate where these are

already part of the ROA)

Development of Schools Awareness Pack Community Based Financial Education

Self Help Booklet

Key outputs planned

- Courses developed for S4-S6

- Nos. of pupils attending pupils

Nos. of Courses provided Nos. attending from vulnerable groups Nos. of individual financial plans created Nos. of referrals made to credit unions Nos. of presentations made Booklet produced Nos. circulated Outlets covered Web version produced Formats available

Target group/ area

S4-S6 pupils in 26 secondary schools

- Skillseekers - Routes to Work

Clients - Single parents - students

- North Lanarkshire residents

Financial Inclusion/CRF/ other resources (highlight

lead partner)

North Lanarkshire Council

North Lanarkshire Council

North Lanarkshire Council

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2006-7 Course developed 2007 onwards rolling programme carried out



w 0 w

scheme Debt Strategy

D r a f t

Outcome 2; Increase in the range of solutions available to families in debt

- corporate debt strategy d eve1 o ped

Key service/ project

(indicate where these are

already part of the ROA)

Temporary Money Advisers

Key outputs planned

- no’s cases handled - hours spent on case work - amounts of debt rescheduled - referrals to credit unions - referrals to energy unit - nos. of approved money

advisers - study completed

Target group/ area

- Families using services

- To be determined

- All service providers

A p p e n d i x 1

Financial InclusionlCRFl other resources (highlight

lead partner)

North Lanarkshire Council

North Lanarkshire Council

North Lanarkshire Council





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D r a f t

Outcome 3: Increase in net disposable income of families in debt

Key service/ project

(indicate where these are

already part of the ROA)

Credit Union Forum

Develop i n g specific actions from the review of advice services

Key outputs planned

- - increase in shares held - increase in loans made - increase in instant loans

increase in credit union members

Inclusion of Scottish National Standards competencies within service level agreements and service improvement plans Training in practice competencies provided to appropriate staff

New services to be piloted to meet previously unmet demand

New inter agency referral protocols developed

Develop common monitoring indicators

A p p e n d i x 1

Target group/ area

Credit unions

Public and voluntary sector providers

Paid and voluntary staff within money advice and welfare rights settings within North Lanarkshire

Residents of regeneration areas

Financial advice agencies within North Lanarkshire

As above

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Financial InclusionlCRF1 other resources (highlight

lead partner)

Credit Union Forum

North Lanarkshire Council




w 0 P

Description of Service

This fund will enable NLC to develop a corporate debt strategy which will underpin the new financial inclusion agenda Development of teaching materials for an increased range of pupils in every secondary school in North Lanarkshire Development of support packages and financial planning for those most in need in targeted communities including communities of interest provided by the voluntary sector.

information about issues such as cost of credit, where credit union and advice and information services are located, how to approach creditors etc. One post will be created to take forward the review of advice

Development of new self help information pack that will include

D r a f t

Financial inclusion Resources 2006-07


f 30,000

f 60,000

f 10,000

f 80,000

A p p e n d i x 1

access for those most in need Feasibility study to be carried out to determine whether a debt

Summary of use of financial inclusion resources Table 1

f 7,000

Key servicelproject

redemption scheme would be viable in North Lanarkshire

Funding will be provided to the Credit Union Forum to facilitate the development of credit unions to increase the range of services available and to ensure full coverage for all North

Debt Strategy Development Debt Awareness Pack for Schools Community Financial Education

f 100,000

Self Help Pack

Developing specific actions from review of advice and information services

Money Advisers (NLC)

Money Adviser (CAB)

Feasibility Study Debt Redemption Scheme Credit Union Forum

Total resources a I located

and information services, the development of the national standards and competencies for advice and information and development and provision of appropriate training for all sectors Creation of 6 money advice posts within existing team ensuring the development of current and future staff to be Approved Money Advisers Creation of one post within the CABX network which will ensure

f 155,000


Lanarkshire residents f 500,000

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Financial inclusion Resources 2007-08

f 25,000

f 30,000

f 60,000

f 10,000


f 155,000

f 33,000


f 100,000

f 490,000

top related