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A Study On The Increased Competitive Advantage By The Use Of Social Cause Related MarketingSubmitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of theDegree of Bachelor of Business Administrationof Christ UniversityByJahnvi Gupta Reg. No. 1211230Under the guidance ofProf. Sriram M.

Department of Management StudiesCHRIST UNIVERSITYBENGALURU2015

CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that Jahnvi Gupta, Reg. no. 1211230 is a bonafide student of Bachelor of Business Administration of Christ University, Bengaluru and she has prepared and submitted the project report, titled A study on the increased competitive advantage by the use of Social Cause Related Marketing in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration of Christ University, Bengaluru, for the academic year 2014-2015.

Place: Bengaluru Dr. Jain MathewProfessor and Head Date: Dept of Management Studies

CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that the project report, titled A study on the increased competitive advantage by the use of Social Cause Related Marketing submitted to Christ University, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration, is a record of original research work done by Jahnvi Gupta, during the period 2014 2015 in the Department of Management Studies at Christ University, Bengaluru, under my supervision and guidance. The project report has not formed the basis for the award of any Degree/ Diploma/ Associate ship/ Fellowship or other similar title of recognition to any candidate of any University.

Date: Prof. Sriram M.

DECLARATIONI, Jahnvi Gupta, hereby declare that the project report, titled A study on the increased competitive advantage by the use of Social Cause Related Marketing submitted to Christ University, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration is a record of original and independent research work done by me during 20142015 under the supervision and guidance of Prof. Sriram M., Department of Management Studies and it has not formed the basis for the award of any Degree/ Diploma/ Associate ship/ Fellowship or other similar title of recognition to any candidate of any University.

Date: Jahnvi Gupta12112306BBA-B


I am indebted to many people who helped me accomplish this research project successfully. First, I thank the Vice Chancellor Rev Fr Con Dr. Thomas C Matthew of Christ University for giving me the opportunity to do my project. I thank Prof. Suresh Pai, Associate dean, Dr. Jain Mathew, Head of department, Department of Management Studies for their kind support. I thank Prof. Sriram M. for his constant support and guidance during the course of my project. I thank my parents for their blessings and support, without which this project would not have seen the light of day.

Jahnvi Gupta

Table of ContentS.NoTitlePage No.

Executive Summary1


1.1Introduction to Marketing3

1.2Competitive Advantage 7

1.3Social Cause8

1.4Cause Related Marketing8

1.5Review of Literature13


2Industry Profile

2.1Proctor and Gamble Co.19

2.2Hindustan Unilever Ltd.20

2.3ITC Ltd.21

2.5Tata Tea Ltd.22


3Research Methodology and procedures

3.1Objectives of the study24

3.2Research Design24


3.4Data Collection25

3.5Software used26

3.6Limitations of the Study26


4Data Analysis And Interpretations

4.1Descriptive Analysis27

4.2Inferential Analysis69



5.2Recommendation 71




List Of TablesTable No. NamePage no. associate its brand with CRM27 should promote its brand with CRM28 related Marketing Promotions29 to identify the company with its cause30 to pay a bit higher price for CRM31 Related Marketing to overcome competition32 activities give a favorable impression to society33 for a company to be socially responsible34 have a positive impact on countrys development growth35 is sometimes misused for profits36 Analysis37 using the products of the company 38 source to promote Cause Related Marketing39 different brands supports CRM or other40 spending that amount on some noble social cause41 campaign42 than other Ads for products in this product category47 Analysis48 campaign49 than other Ads for products in this product category54 Analysis55 campaign56 than other Ads for products in this product category61 analysis62 campaign63 than other Ads for products in this product category68 t test69

List Of FiguresTable No.Table NamePage no. associate its brand with CRM27 should promote its brand with CRM28 related Marketing Promotions29 to identify the company with its cause30 to pay a bit higher price for CRM31 Related Marketing to overcome competition32 activities give a favorable impression to society33 for a company to be socially responsible34 have a positive impact on countrys development growth35 is sometimes misused for profits36 using the products of the company 38 source to promote Cause Related Marketing39 different brands supports CRM or other40 spending that amount on some noble social cause41 campaign42 than other Ads for products in this product category47 campaign49 than other Ads for products in this product category54 campaign56 than other Ads for products in this product category61 campaign63 than other Ads for products in this product category68

Executive Summary

To study the increased competitive advantage of companies by the use of Social Cause Related Marketing.The main purpose of this study is to know the concept of Cause Related Marketing that is nowadays widely and extensively used by many big organizations to build a competitive advantage and to create brand equity. CRM is about forging long-term relationships between businesses & non-profit organizations to market an image, product, service or cause for mutual benefit. It provides the emotional as well as the rational engagement of the consumer with the brand. Cause Related Marketing helps an organization to cater more customers by acting socially responsible towards the society. In the research it has been explained the concept of Cause Related Marketing by taking four famous examples i.e. Tata Tea Jaago re and P&G Shiksha Campaigns, ITC Ltd, Hindustan Unilever Ltd. According to the secondary data, it is generally been noticed that a customer picks a product, which is into promoting social campaigns as those products have a good image in the minds of the customers. Even rural audiences have the tendency to purchase such products because they can relate that campaigns to their well-being, growth and development. Such social campaigns had faced a huge success in todays scenario because people thinks that it is important for a company to be consumer oriented but it is very important for a company to show concern towards the society and should contribute something good for the well being of the society. To check the impact of such social campaigns in the mind of the customers and to know how such campaign influence people to buy a product or how it effects their purchase decision, a small survey was conducted with a sample size of 220 and result concluded out of it. The data shows that it is very important factor of purchase decision for the customers but there are other factors too, still Cause Related Campaigns influence customers to buy a product. Further in this report the responses are collected by showing the print advertisements of four known Cause Related Marketing Campaigns and data is collected which tells that people recall such advertisements quickly and has a good perception about the company. However, some people have doubt in their minds that whether the companies are actually pay this amount to non-profit organizations or not.

Chapter I Introduction

1.1 Introduction to MarketingMarketing is the arrangement of granting the estimation of an item or administration towards the customers, with a definitive objective of offering that item or administrationMarketing strategies incorporate picking target markets through market investigation and market division, and additionally understanding consumer conduct and promoting an item's worth to the client. From a societal perspective, marketing is the connection between a general public's material necessities and its monetary examples of reaction. Marketing fulfills these needs and needs through trade courses of action and building long haul connections. Marketing mixes craftsmanship and connected.Marketing is one of the more essential segments of a business effecting deals and benefit. Despite the fact that marketing is essential everything businesses need clients. Drawing in clients is not as simple as we think, particularly when there is extreme rivalry in the market. On the off chance that individuals are not coming to check your items, you may need to endeavor endeavors to change this by expanding your marketing endeavors. All business managers comprehend the significance of marketing however they can't recognize marketing and publicizing. Marketing has immeasurable limits and publicizing is simply a piece of it. All manifestations of marketing elevate item attention to the market on the loose. Marketing procedures help you to stay one stage in front of your rivals. Marketing's fundamental reason in many businesses is to create more deals. It needs to promote and elevate to help individuals think about the items. In the event that nobody thinks about the items, nobody will purchase them. That is the reason business holders put resources into marketing. So we need to utilize marketing methodologies to make item mindfulness. On the off chance that an organization needs to build the business rate and expand generation, the marketing office must have the capacity to convey powerful marketing systems. There are endless samples of organizations that are making great benefits by utilizing existing clients to get referrals. To get referrals one should do nothing more than fulfill the clients answer all their inquiries and request a referral it is that basic. Each little business manager's objective is to benefit and grow, and without marketing, this is not going to happen.

Functions of MarketingIt alludes to those practice exercises that you as a marketer must perform with a specific end goal to accomplish your set marketing destinations. Research function:The Research function of marketing is that function of marketing that empowers you to create sufficient data in regards to your specific market of target. You must do sufficient exploration to recognize the size, conduct, society, accept, gender orientations and so on of your target market fragment, their needs and need, and after that create viable item that can meet and fulfill these market needs and need. Purchase functionThe Purchase is performed so as to procure quality materials for creation. When you plan a decent item idea, you ought to additionally guarantee you're purchasing the crucial materials for the item. This capacity is done by the buy and supply office, however your details of materials goes far in supporting the obtaining division to get the vital materials required for creation. Product development and management:Product development is an essential function of marketing since it was the duties of the marketing department to identify what the market need or want and then design effective product based on the identified need and want of the market. Product development passes through some basic stages carried out by the marketers to develop a targeted market specified product. And you can also manage your product by evaluating it performance and changing them to fit the current market trend.

Production function:Production is the function performs by the production department. Though, this is interrelated to the department of marketing, because your product must possess the essential characteristics that can meet the target market needs and want as identified during your market research, such characteristics as in your product Test, Form, Packaging etc. Promotion function:Promotion is one of the core functions of marketing since your finish product must not remain in the place of production, hence, you as a marketer must design effective communication strategies to informing the availability of your product to your target market. Standardization and grading:The function of standardization is to establish specified characteristics that your product must conform to, such standard as in having a specify test, ingredient etc. That makes your product brand so unique. Grading comes in when you sort and classify your product into deferent sizes or quantities for different market segment while maintaining your product standard. Pricing function:The function of pricing on the product offerings by designing effective pricing systems, base on the product stage and performance in the product life cycle. Price is the actual value consumers perceive on your product, so you as a marketer should ensure that your value of your product is not too high or too low to that of your costumers. Distribution function:The function of distribution is to ensure that your product is easily and effectively moved from the point of production to the target market, the kind of transportation system to employ e.g. Road, rail, water or air, and ensures that the product can be easily accessed by customers. You as a Marketer should also design the kind of middlemen to engage in the channel of distribution, their incentives and motivations etc.

Risk bearing function:The process of moving a finished product from the point of production to the point of consumptions is characterized with lots of risks, such risks as in product damaging, pilferage and defaults etc. So you must provide effective packaging system to protect your product, good warehouse for the storage of your product until they are needed, effective transportation system to speedily deliver your product on time. Financing function:Financing deals with the part of marketing to providing incomes for your business. It refers to how you can raise capital to start operation and remain in business. It refers to your modes of payment for the goods and services transferred to your costumers. After sales-service: In a more complex and technical product, you as a marketer should make provision in order to assist your customers after they have purchased your product. In terms of machines or heavy equipment product that requires installation or maintenance, most marketing organization renders such services like installing the machine or maintaining it for stipulated periods on time for free or by a little service charge.Features of MarketingThe marketing Management alludes to planning, organizing, directing, control of the initiates that encourage the trading of products and administrations between the makers to end consumers. Firms today need to invest cash to make time, spot and proprietorship utilities .The principle features of modern day marketing are as per the following: i. Marketing is a science and workmanship:Marketing has developed from the financial aspects yet it has a closer associations with social and behavioral sciences. Marketing is nearly connected with streams of science too humanities and titles, for example, Economics, Law, Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology, Information Technology and so forth. Marketing intensely relies on the demographic peculiarities of the target market, political environment, logic, arithmetic, insights and so forth. ii. Trade is quintessence of marketing: Marketing spins around business trade. This additionally includes trade of innovation, trade of data and trade of thoughts. iii. Marketing is Goal Oriented: A definitive objective of marketing is to produce benefits through the fulfillment of the client. iv. Marketing is a nonstop process: Marketing is not a disconnected, static process yet is an intricate, consistent and interrelated procedure. It includes nonstop arranging, usage and control. It is a paramount useful territory of the administration. v. Marketing is Consumer Oriented:All organizations exist in view of their business to fulfill the human needs, needs and requests. A definitive target of marketing is to discover what the consumer needs and how to satisfy consumer need. This prompts creation of the merchandise and administrations according to the needs of the client. vi. Marketing begins with consumer and closures with consumer:Marketing is consumer arranged and it is essential to realize what the consumer needs.

1.2 Competitive AdvantageCompetitive Advantage refers to the preference that a firm has over its rivals, permitting it to produce more noteworthy deals or edges and/or hold a greater number of clients than its rival. There can be numerous sorts of competitive advantages including the association's cost structure, item offerings or distribution network, conveyance system and client help.Competitive advantages give an organization an edge over its adversaries and a capacity to produce more prominent worth for the firm and its shareholders. The more manageable the competitive advantages, the more troublesome it is for contenders to kill the preference.There are two primary sorts of Competitive advantages: comparative advantage and differential advantage. Comparative advantage or expense preference, is a company's capacity to create a decent or administration at a lower cost than its rivals, which gives the firm the capacity offer its products or administrations at a lower cost than its rival or to produce a bigger edge on deals. A differential focal point is made when an association's items or administrations vary from its rivals and are seen as better than a contender's items by clients.

1.3 Social CauseA social cause (additionally called a social issue or a social ailment) alludes to an issue that impacts and is contradicted by an impressive number of people inside a general public. It is frequently the result of variables broadening past an individual's control and local geographical environment. Now and again, a social issue is the wellspring of a conflicting opinion on the grounds of what is seen as an ethically just individual life or societal order. Distinctive social orders have diverse discernments. Social issues are recognized from economic issues; in any case, a few issues, (for example, immigration) have both social and financial viewpoints. There are additionally issues that don't fall into either classification, for example, wars.Examples of few social causes maybe, Social stratification, Economic issues, Social disorganization, Age and the life course, Inequality, Education and public schools, Work and occupations, Environmental racism, Abortion, etc.

1.4 Cause Related MarketingCause-related marketing has introduced in recent years even though it is a young concept which many big organizations using for creating brand equity and for achieving a competitive advantage. Cause marketingorcause-related marketing refers to that type ofmarketingwhich involves the cooperative efforts of both profit as well as nonprofit organization for mutual benefit. This type of term is sometimes used broadly as well as generally refers to any type of marketing effort for social and other causes. It provides the emotional as well as the rational engagement of the consumer with the brand. Cause -related marketing is different from corporate giving as the corporate giving generally involves some specific donation that istax deductible, while cause related marketing is a marketing which is based on marketing relation and not necessarily based on a donation.This concept came into existence in the early 1980s when a company named American Express joined with a nonprofit group that helps it to raising the funds to restore the Statue of Liberty. American Express gave a portion of every purchase through their credit card to the endeavor and an additional amount for every new application that resulted in a new credit card customer. The company also launched a $4 million advertising campaign to generate the awareness of the concept among the people and within three-month of that Campaign American Express, 27% increases in their card users and the Restoration Fund raised over $1.7 million. New card applications increased 45% over the previous year.Everyone involved was a winner, the nonprofit cause received needed funds; American Express increased sales of its product and achieved a reputation for social responsibility. American Express even trademarked the term cause-related marketing. Now, more than ever, the companies are realizing the potential of aligning themselves with a cause. Earlier it was used mostly to increase sales and profits, but now it is used as a great brand positioning contrivance as it works on vitalizing brand equity and enhancing corporate image with sound economic and community impacts.In todays world CRM has different types of versions but in generally its is a agreement which is done between business and non-profit to raise fund for a particular cause. CRM program is not an unknown or low-key donation to a nonprofit.

How CRM activities work in a Corporate?There are now many versions of cause-related marketing, but basically it is an agreement between a business and a nonprofit to raise money for a particular cause. The business expects to profit by this arrangement by selling more products and by enjoying the "halo" affect of being associated with a respected nonprofit or cause.A cause-related marketing program is not an unknown or low-key donation to a nonprofit but one that lets the public know that this corporation is socially responsible and interested in the same causes that its consumers are. The nonprofit benefits both financially and through a higher public profile as a result of its partner's marketing efforts.Cause-related marketing campaigns have blossomed over the last few years and can appear in a variety of interesting forms. Jocelyne Daw, in her bookCause Marketing for Nonprofits, lists some of the more popular: Product sales. Think of theRed campaignthat has brought together many companies to sell specially branded products (a red Gap T-shirt or a red iPod for instance) with a portion of the selling price going to theGlobal Fundfor HIV/AIDS prevention. Purchase Plus. This is a campaign waged at the checkout line at grocery stores or other retail venues. Typically a customer is asked if he would like to add a donation to his bill. The amounts are usually low enough for most people to say yes. The store processes the money and gives it to the nonprofit with which it has partnered. Promotion of the cause is usually pretty low-key but that makes these programs easy to set up and they are quick so a business can respond to, say, a natural disaster in a timely way. Licensing of the nonprofit's logo, brand, and assets. Licensing runs the gamut from products that are extensions of the nonprofit'smissionto using its logo on promotional items such as T-shirts, mugs, and credit cards to having the nonprofit provide a certification or commendation of particular products. An example of the latter is the American Heart Association, which provides recognition for products that meet their standards for heart health. Cobrandedeventsand programs. Probably the best-known example of a cobranded event is the Susan G. Komen "race for the cure." A cobranded program is exemplified by a London Children's Museum that teamed up with the 3M Company to build and outfit a science gallery for children. The involvement of the corporation in this program is deeper than the usual "sponsorship" with scientists from the company involved in helping with the exhibits to the company'semployeesserving asvolunteers. Social or public service marketing programs.Social marketinginvolves the use of marketing principles and techniques to encouragebehaviorchange in a particular audience. An example is the partnership of the American Cancer Society and Novartis, on theirGreat American Smoke out.

Creative CapitalismCreative capitalism is a term popularized by philanthropist Bill Gates, which means that global corporations should integrate "doing good" into the way they do business, i.e. take up social initiatives on way of fulfilling the ultimate goal of profit maximization. In one of his conversations with Warren Buffet he mentioned if we find approaches that meet the needs of the poor in ways that generate profits and recognition for business, we will have found a sustainable way to reduce poverty in the world.Cause Related Marketing can help in Creative Capitalism in the country, provided corporates abide by their promises that they promote as the cause. Types of Cause-Related Marketing: Transactional CRM: In this approach Firms adopt programs that contribute to a noble cause from sales of specific products. Eg: Project Shiksha according to which, with every P&G's product purchase, some portion goes to poor child education fund. Engage in Educational or Awareness-Building Activities: In this approach a joint campaign between a firm and a cause to raise awareness of the causes message. Eg: Tata Tea Jago Re campaign Licensingagreement :In this approach a corporation is permitted to use a charity's logo on its products or services. A License given to a company by a Non- Profit Organization.Eg: ITC note book using WWF logos on stationery.Terms used in cause related marketing:Corporate philanthropymeans giving direct monetary gifts to a nonprofit Organization. It is often made through the corporation's own foundation. These donations are usually for a particular program or event that the nonprofit will run and can be of short or long duration.Corporatesponsorshipis a bit closer to cause marketing since the corporation gives the nonprofit money to hold an event, run an art exhibit, or other time-limited activity. The funds may come from the community relations budget of the corporation or the marketing budget and the corporation expects a certain amount of publicity in the way of signage, PSAs, promotional materials etc.Benefits of Cause-Related MarketingCause-related marketing is a influential marketing tool that business and nonprofit organizations are increasingly leveraging. Cause-related marketing heightens the public awareness of both the company and the charity. The possible benefits of cause marketing for nonprofit organizations include an increased ability to promote the nonprofit organization's cause via the greater financial resources of a business, and an increased ability to reach possible supporters through a company's customer base. Other benefits of cause related marketing are as follows: Cause-related marketing directly enhances sponsor sales and brand of a company- enhanced company image and a differentiated image Cause-related marketing is a respected and accepted business practice. Cause-related marketing helps in heightens customer loyalty. Cause-related marketing boosts a companys public image and helps distinguish it from the competition offering materials corporate PR officers. Cause-related marketing helps build employee morale and loyalty. It improves employee productivity, skills and teamwork. It boosts sales. It helps a firm stand out in a crowded marketplace. It builds a company that employees are proud to work for. Breaking through advertising clutter Low cost exposure The ability to sway selective consumers who want to support the cause A broader customer base

1.5 Review of Literature Burton & Kees, (2010) according to their research benefits associated with cause-related marketing (CRM) campaigns to both the sponsoring firm and its partnering nonprofit are well documented. However, the combination of the manner in which CRM messages are frames in advertisements and consumers temporal orientation potentially alters a campaigns success. Inan initial experiment, it has assessed that the moderating role of temporal orientation on effects of the temporal framing of CRM messages. Then it is extended to the findings with a second experiment in which we evaluate whether an individuals temporal orientation affects their response to a CRM campaign based on the immediacy of the need and the timeliness of the response to the need.Findings indicate that consumer temporal orientation moderates the influence of the temporal framing with in the ad for a CRM campaign on attitudes and purchase intentions. In addition, attitude toward the CRM campaign mediates the effect of the three-way interaction on brand attitude and purchase intention. Implications for both corporations and the nonprofits benefiting from CRM campaigns are offered.Shabbir & Kaufmann (2010) conducted a research in Pakistan and it was observed that the brand awareness and corporate image partially mediate the impact of CRM campaigns on consumer purchase intentions. Further research can be carried out through data collection from those people who actually participated in cause related marketing to identify the original behavior of customers instead of their purchase intentions. This research and the claims made are limited to the FMCG industry. The findings also suggest some measures which can be taken into consideration in order to enhance brand awareness and to improve corporate image as both variables mediate the impact of CRM campaigns on consumer purchase intentions. The study contributes to cause related marketing literature by indicating a mediating role of brand awareness and corporate image on CRM campaigns and consumer purchase intentions. Grau S.L. & Folse J.A.G., (2011) through their research found that the CRM campaigns are generally positive for companies as well as for causes. For companies, CRM has been noted to increase sales and enhance companies image. As for causes, they received greater funding and publicity. Cause-proximity, which is one of the important elements of CRMs structure, has been suggested to significantly influence consumers response towards CRM. However the impacts of cause-proximity on consumers response are inconsistent. In this light, this paper investigates two main things that is: The effect of cause-proximity on consumers response to CRM and second is the moderating role f gender on the relationship between cause-proximity and consumers response to CRM. The results indicate that the effect of cause-proximity is insignificant while gender does influence consumers response to CRM. Based on these results, implications for CRM campaign managers and research limitations are highlighted. Shah, (2013) did a study and find out CRM is a form of marketing that uses various strategies, tools and traditional advertising methods to change attitudes, perceptions and behaviors as they relate to social issues. Non-profit organizations and companies form alliances to market images, services and products. People have a more favorable view of a company that contributes or sponsors a cause that they think is worthy. For instance, people are more likely to be interested in a company that is contributing to this research. CRM is an existing concept where both business and charity or any good causes can benefit. It also attracts new sources of funds, resources and support. It is an innovative and potentially powerful tool to improve the lives and well-being of individuals, create environments that support social objectives, re-orient social services to be customer-driven, develop social capital, lead to improved public policies, and ultimately, achieve social goals. This research paper focuses the practices of cause related marketing of some of the selected firms and how it affects the consumer in our country as a new policy. In a study done by Rajput, Tyagi, & Bhakar, (2013) the researchers tried to show the impact of Social Cause Related Marketing on customer brand preferences. As we all know, Social Cause Related Marketing has emerged as a top management priority in the last decade due to the growing realization that it one of the most valuable intangible tool that firms have to gain better corporate image from Internal as well as External Customers. Findings from the study showed that the impact of Social Cause Related Marketing on Customer Brand Preference has a significant relationship between the two. And the respondents gave high importance to Self -Image in case of CRM and Brand Awareness in Brand Preferences.In a study done by ori, ivadinovi, & Dropulji, (2011) through their research on effects of cause and donation size of cause related marketing program on consumers intention to buy cause-related marketing by analyzing to what extent consumers intention to buy a certain brand during a CRM campaign has been influenced by their relation to the cause and donation size from that campaign has been influenced by their relation to the cause and donation size from that campaign. The results of the research, i.e. that personal relation to a cause of the campaign and donation size from a single sale positively influence consumers purchasing intention to buy a brand that is a subject of CRM campaign. These results correspond to the results of previous research. The research done by Garg, (2007) on Social cause related marketing and its impact on customer Brand preferences the objectives of the study were to understand the impact of cause related marketing on corporate brand image and on sales and customers brand loyalty. The author adopts a descriptive research design that helps to portray the characteristics of a group or individual as a situation. It includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of various kinds. Sample size for the study was taken as 200 respondents of which 100 samples were of the customers and the rest were of the retailers in Ambala and Yamuna Nagar cities of Haryana. The major findings of the study were that, the different factors influencing the customers were - Brand Name, availability, advertisement, price, quality and cause related marketing concept. Suggesting that, the companies must generate more awareness regarding its contribution to social causes through TV & Internet advertising as it is directly related to increase in sales and brand loyalty.

Alcheva, Cai, & Zhao, (2009) conducted a study on This research paper talks about the connection between the cause-related marketing and buying behaviour and attitude by exploring consumers perception of CRM strategy, their attitudes toward the CRM strategies and behavior. The research being limited to sample of students who took part in the questionnaire. The survey was designed as a questionnaire with fourteen close-ended questions. The questionnaire started with the description Case of McDonalds Children Charity, and the definition of CRM, so that, respondents could better understand the CRM and to obtain real perception and attitude toward the CRM, as well as their buying behavior. The findings being that consumers are more likely to support companies that are engaged in cause campaigns and tend to develop positive attitude toward this company and its products.

Kim, Kim, & Han, (2005) conducted a research in which; Participants were presented with six different cause-related marketing contexts, corporate credibility and product-cause relatedness. The authors try to understand why cause-related marketing work for some firms more than others? Explaining the success of a vast number of companies in the various industries sponsoring causes related to environmentalism, but at the same time, evidently linked to issues such as deforestation? (Such as pulp industry) The empirical model in the paper examines how product-cause relatedness and corporate credibility affect attitudes toward a company and the brand attempting to further break down the construct of product-cause relatedness according to relevance of a products risk. Based on the findings, the conclusions are drawn- Firstly; cause-related marketing has a different effect on attitude toward the brand and attitude toward the company. In spite of similar patterns in the responses, attitudes toward the company are far more influenced by the level of corporate credibility than attitudes toward the brand. On the other hand, consumers attitude toward the company compared to that of the brand is less affected by product cause relatedness. It was suggested that product-cause relatedness directly affects attitude toward the product brand, whereas corporate credibility directly influence corporate attitude. Shown that the two types of attitude are highly correlated, these effects are likely to weaken as they are passed on to company attitude and brand attitude. Attitude toward the brand is more favorable for firms with a high credibility than for those with low credibility. When firms support a cause consumers perceive as being related to the products direct risk (e.g., obesity caused from eating hamburgers), not only can attitude toward the brand become less favorable compared to when a non-risk related cause or an unrelated cause is supported, but positive effect of cause- related marketing actually backfires. Hunjra, Azam, & Humayoun, (2012)made a study on Cause related marketing and its impact on sales: mediating by brand loyalty and customer purchase intention. In this study CRM and sales are tested so as to strike in any relation and examine the impact of CRM campaigns on brand loyalty, consumer purchase intention and ultimately on sales. The research design involved distributing questionnaires among students and employees at different universities and organizations. A total of 629 people filled questionnaires. A five point Likert scale was used to assess the respondents' level of agreement or disagreement. This study reviews the affects of CRM on sales specifically in FMCG sector of Pakistani market, also some factors like brand loyalty and consumer purchase intention participate in it and enhance the results. After an intense literature review in this study, five hypothesis were developed CRM campaigns have positive impact on consumer purchase intention, CRM campaigns have positive impact on brand loyalty, Consumer purchase intention has positive impact on sales, Brand loyalty has positive impact on sales, CRM has positive impact on sales. This study concludes that cause related marketing campaigns have positive influence on sales activities of companies. This link is also mediated by brand loyalty and consumer purchase intention that eventually has positive effect on sales. It is witnessed through this study; it helps to increase customer base strategies. It also helps in capturing more market share along with it increased brand loyalty index, which pursue customers to make repetitive and bulk purchases.

In the study titled, Does cause congruence affect how different corporate associations influence consumer responses to cause-related marketing? By Chen, Su, & He, (2013), it is examined how diverse corporate affiliations may impact customer assessments and buy plan in light of Cause related advertising (CRM) and whether this effect is dependent upon harmony between the reason and the organization. The test study, is based on 660 members, uncovers that both corporate capacity affiliation and corporate social obligation affiliation may improve item assessment; this impact is intervened through organization and CRM evaluations. The study likewise uncovers how these assessments identify with buy proposition. Besides, by distinguishing the interaction between corporate affiliations and reason coinciding, the study's results recommend that incongruent reasons are ideal for organizations all the more unequivocally connected with corporate capacity, while consistent reasons are best for organizations all the more firmly connected with social obligation.

Chapter IIIndustry Profile

Companies following Cause Related Marketing

2.1 Procter & Gamble Co. (P&G) Procter & Gamble Co. (P&G) is an American company based in Cincinnati, Ohio that manufactures a wide range of consumer goods. In India Proctor & Gamble has two subsidiaries: P&G Hygiene and Health Care Ltd. and P&G Home Products Ltd. P&G Hygiene and Health Care Limited is one of India's fastest growing Fast Moving Consumer Goods Companies with a turnover of more than Rs. 500 crores. It has in its portfolio famous brands like Vicks & Whisper. P&G Home Products Limited deals in Fabric Care segment and Hair Care segment. It has in its kitty global brands such as Ariel and Tide in the Fabric Care segment, and Head & Shoulders, Pantene, and Rejoice in the Hair Care segment.Today, Proctor & Gamble is the second largest FMCG Company in India after Hindustan Unilever Limited.Procter & Gamble (P&G) Cause-Related Marketing initiative P&G includes conservational sustainability and social conscience to define sustainability.P&GIs measured to be the worlds best cause marketer. P&G has been constantly taking up several CRM initiatives in every country they operate in.If we talk about Shiksha it is an important part of P&G's philanthropy program -Live, Learn & Thrive- focused on the development of children in need across the globe. It is an exceptional method that permits customers in India to lead social change in the area of education for underprivileged children. Whenever, a consumer buys a large pack of Ariel, Tide, Vicks, Whisper, Pantene, Gillette Mach 3, Head & Shoulders, Duracell, Oral B or Pampers during the months of April - July, P&G donates a part of the profits to its NGO partners who then organize the funds through various projects across the country. Irrespective of sales, P&G will commit a minimum of Rs.1crore towards the donation funds of Shiksha every year. With a motto of Padhega India, Badhega India - Shiksha believes that the secret to a brighter India lies in the quality education of our children.Shiksha has been successful in impacting 150,000 children so far, in association with leading NGOs -Round Table India (RTI),Child Rights & You (CRY),NGO Round Table India is spearheading the identification, establishment, completion and maintenance of RTI Shiksha School projects in the country as a joint partner bringing onboard expertise in building schools as well as contribution towards funds.

Strategy used by P&G Utilize celebrities as Shiksha supporters to create impact of the initiative and the cause Drive mass involvement of consumers with brand Shiksha via exciting influencer media events which drive word of mouth and awareness of Shiksha Partner with a leading media channel by leveraging the cause and also offering exclusive content

2.2 Hindustan Unilever ltd.Hindustan Unilever Limited(HUL) is an old and one of the best Indianconsumer goodscompany based inMumbai, Maharashtra. HUL's products include foods, beverages,cleaning agentsandpersonal care products.HUL is one of the market leaders in Indian consumer products with presence in over 20 consumer categories such as soaps, tea, detergents and shampoos amongst others with over 700 million Indian consumers using its products. Eighteen If we talk about the most trusted brands oh FUL in the top (their rankings in brackets) are: Clinic Plus, Lifebuoy , Fair & Lovely, Rin, Surf Excel, Lux , Pepsodent , Closeup , Ponds , Sunsilk , Dove , Vim, Pears , Lakme, Vaseline,Wheel, Hamam and Rexona. Hindustan Unilever ltd. Cause-Related marketing initiative:HUL conducted such a short-term campaign for its Surf brand ( known as 10/10 contest ) where for a sale ofevery 1 kg pack, a fixed amount was donated to certain NGOs operating in the area of child-education for the deprived section of the society. These initiatives may give some positive responsesto the brand for a short term.InIndia, HULsupports along term cause-branding initiative for its Lifebuoy brand ( Lifebuoy SwasthyaChetana) with the objective of spreading the awareness of importance of washing the hands with soap in ruralIndia.

2.3 ITC LimitedITC LimitedorITCis an Indianconglomerateheadquartered inKolkata, West Bengal.Its diversified business includes five segments:Fast Moving Consumer Goods(FMCG), Hotels, Paperboards, Paper & Packaging and Agri Business. A line of premium range of notebooks under brandPaperkraftwas launched in 2002. To reach a wider student population, a range of notebooks was launched under brandClassmatein 2003. Classmate over the years has grown to become Indias largest notebook brand. In Years 2007 - 2009 they launched Children Books, Slam Books, Geometry Boxes, Pens and Pencils under the Classmate brand. In 2008, ITC repositioned the business as the Education and Stationery Products Business and launched India's first environment friendly premium business paper under the Paperkraft brand. Paperkraft offers a diverse portfolio in the premium executive stationery and office consumables segment. ITC introduced Essenza Di Wills, a range of fragrances and bath & body care products for men and women in July 2005. The company launched 'Fiama Di Wills' range of Shampoos, Shower Gels and Soaps in 2007. The Company also launched the 'Superia' range of Soaps and Shampoos in the mass-market segment in 2007 and Vivel De Wills & Vivel range of soaps and shampoos in 2008.ITC ltd. Cause-Related marketing initiative:ITC has launched their Classmate notebooks with the initiative of donating 1 rupee towards the education of underprivileged students.ITC Classmate, has also launched a program calledClassmate Ideas for India challenge. This program would be a part of the company's centenary initiative.The nation-wide program would invite ideas of the youth, who have the potential to transform India. Classmate Ideas for India challenge plans to reach out to 25 lakh students across 30 cities, 500 schools and 200 colleges across the country.2.4 Tata Tea Ltd. Tata Tea was set up in 1964through ajoint venture with UK-based James Finlay and the Tata Group for manufacturing tea and coffee. Currently Tata Tea and theUK-based Tetley group have the worlds second largest branded tea operations with a presence in 40 countries. The company has portfolio of five brands in the domestic market namely Tata Tea, Tetley, Kanan Devan, Chakra Goldand Gemini. Tata Tea has evolved from being a brand that promised freshness of the tea gardens, to a brand that awakens every Indian. We have come to stand for a way of life to our consumers.The brand enjoys almost 'legendary' status in India as a trusted 'Super brand' that not only enjoys market leadership in branded packet tea, but has also transformed the way beverages are marketed through its 'Jaago Re' campaigns.Tata Tea has promoted social awakening and action encouraging young people to vote, inviting consumers to pledge against bribery and throughwww.jaagore.combringing citizen volunteers together with 70+ NGOs to give their time for a range of good causes.The brand has also initiated the Tata Tea Jaago Re Inter Milan Soccer Stars program. This is a unique soccer tournament that promotes soccer among school children and helps talented young soccer players in India to access the best in terms of infrastructure, training and above all an International platform to exhibit India's future talent.TATA Tea ltd. Cause-Related marketing initiative:The company seems to have got the faultless blend of ad campaign and social awareness programs. When it launched the Jaago Re campaign in 2007, it had no idea what it stumbled on to. Jaago Re meaning Wake Up was a brand campaign to bring all the Tata brands of tea.. The marriage between Jaago Re, a social awakening, and Tata Tea created a case study for any cause marketing campaign not only because of the scale of the idea but also for its reach.

Mr. Sanjiv Sarin, regional president, South Asia, Tata Global Beverages, says, "While tea may wake you up, Tata Tea awakens you. The campaign demonstrated Tata Tea's thought leadership in positioning tea as a medium of 'social awakening' and not just 'physical awakening'.

While the theme matched the anxiety of youngsters, it also helped Tata Tea reach scale. By propagating their theme during the 2009 elections, the campaign ensured that it addressed at least 720-780 million people, those above 18 and eligible to vote.

Company has been able to ride the wave of movements in social activism. After the buzz of elections died down, and even before anyone could anticipate the spate of corruption scandals that would unfold in the years to come, Jaago Re had moved on to the theme of corruption.They decided to take on a campaign that saw two lakh people pledging never to bribe again. This is what made Jaago Re a huge success. Tata Tea did not stop there. Since the online format would help only those with Internet connectivity, it built teams to go on the ground to help people vote. Talks were organized in over 200 of India's largest colleges and companies to spread the message and to organize on-the-spot voter registration drives.

The campaign also became agnostic to the medium but loyal to the message. Tata Tea put its muscle behind every single communication medium: TV, print, radio, online, and even sent volunteers to places that have no access to these forms of communication.

Chapter IIIResearch Methodology

3.1 Objectives of the study:The objective of the research is to study the increased competitive advantage by the use of Social Cause Related Marketing.1. To find out the products/brands that are used by corporate houses for promotion by integrating it with CRM2. To compare the products/brands using CRM vis--vis not using CRM3. To study the perception of the customer with respect to products/brands being promoted by CRM3.2 Research DesignA research design is a detailed blue print used to guide a research study towards its objectives. Its a series of decisions taken together comprising of a master plan or a model for the conduct of a research on consonance with the research objectives. It details the procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure or solve the marketing research problems. Traditionally there are three types of research designs namely exploratory research design, descriptive research designs and causal research designs. Exploratory Research Design: It is an unstructured and informal research that is undertaken to gain background information about the general nature of the research problem under consideration. It is conducted when the researcher does not have sufficient knowledge about the problem and needs additional, new or recent information. The researcher knows very little about consumer reaction to market stimuli to permit the drawing of a sound hypothesis. This type of research design is very flexible and versatile. Descriptive Research Design: It is a more hypothesis, pre-planned and formal research in which information is clearly defined and there is prior formulation of specific hypothesis. It is undertaken to provide answers to questions of who, what, where, when and how but not why and these studies collect data for a definite purpose. It does not show a direct cause and effect between the variables under study. Causal Research Design: This type of research design is most appropriate when it is necessary to show that one variable causes or determines the values of the other variables. It includes understanding a problem in terms of conditional statements of the form If X, then YIn this project we have used both Exploratory and Descriptive Research Design

3.3 ParticipantsA sample size of 220 respondents was taken, with responses from men and women. Number of male respondents were 131 and female respondents 89.

3.4 Data CollectionPrimary DataThis is the second stage in a market research project that determines the most efficacious way to collect information that is anticipated to provide answers to the research questions. It involves determining what data source to use, the type of research approach to take, how to limit distortions of the data. It is better to go for primary data since it is first hand information and there is less chance of personal bias and information can be collected with accuracy at the same time. It could be re tabulated and survey concerned in various forms this data can be used. For collecting data I have chosen the personal interview & questionnaire method. Data required for the study is collected first hand from: The consumers who consume products, which are related to, such social causes or are aware of cause-related marketing promotions.Secondary dataSecondary data are not first-hand information. Secondary data are those that have been collected by other organization like government agencies, financial organization, newspapers and magazines. The secondary data was collected from books, magazines and authenticated websites. Company records Internet Newspapers Magazines Online Journals

3.5 Software used Software is any set of machine-readable instructions mostly in the form of a computer program that directs a computers processor to perform specific operations. The software used in this research is IBM SPSS Statistics.

3.6 Limitations of the Study Respondents were not getting easily convinced for filling up for questionnaire. The information given by the respondents may not be right. Lack on part of the respondents may lead to wrong Conclusion.

Chapter IVData Analysis and Interpretation

4.1 Descriptive Analysis It literally implies the description of the data like how many respondents have answered a particular question.

Q1.Do you think Corporate should associate its brand with Cause Related Marketing?

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent





Fig 84.55%of people think that it is very important for a company to associate their brands with Cause Related Marketing.

Q2. Do you think corporate should promote its brand that it is using Cause Related Marketing?


FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent






Inference: 70.45% people think that corporate should promote its brand that they are using CRM activities to promote their brands as well as increase their goodwill with the help of CRM activities

Q3. I often see Cause Related Marketing Promotions.

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree31.41.41.4




Strongly Agree2310.510.5100.0




Inference: 44.55% people agree that they have often see CRM related marketing promotions and 9.55% people disagree that they had not seen CRM marketing promotions not often.

Q4. Is it simple to identify the company with its cause on which it is promoting?

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent






Inference: 70.45% people think that corporate should promote its brand that they are using CRM activities to promote their brands as well as increase their goodwill with the help of CRM activities.

Q5. Are you ready to pay a bit higher price for the company's product, which is related to a social cause?.

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent






Inference: 65% of people say that they are ready to pay a bit higher price for the companys products which are related to a social cause.

Q6. In your opinion do company promote brands with Cause Related Marketing to overcome competition?


FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent




Table 72.73% people say that the companies are doing these types of activities to overcome competition.

Q7. Please mark the most suitable option:

A) Companies who do CRM activities give a favorable impression to society.

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree94.14.14.1




Strongly Agree3013.613.6100.0



Fig 50% of people agree that the companies do CRM activities give a favorable impression to the society.

B) In todays Scenario it is important for a company to be socially responsible.

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree94.14.14.1




Strongly Agree4821.821.8100.0




Inference: 51.63% think that in todays Scenario it is important for a company to be socially responsible.

C) CRM have a positive impact on countrys development growth

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree125.55.55.5




Strongly Agree2712.312.3100.0




Inference: 36.4% people agree that CRM have appositive impact on the society that helps the company to do lots of CRM activities for the growth of the company.

D) CRM is sometimes misused for profits

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree219.59.59.5




Strongly Agree6228.228.2100.0




Inference: 35% of respondents agree that the some corporate in India think that the corporate who doing CRM activities are sometimes misused it only for profit.

Descriptive Statistics

NMinimumMaximumMeanStd. Deviation

Please mark the most suitable option: [Companies who do CRM activities give a favorable impression to society.]220153.58.992

Please mark the most suitable option: [In todays Scenario it is important for a company to be socially responsible.220153.86.908

Please mark the most suitable option: [CRM have a positive impact on countrys development growth]220153.41.996

Please mark the most suitable option: [CRM is sometimes misused for profits]220153.731.162

Valid N (list wise)220


Q8. Will you stop using the products of the company if they stop contributing to a social cause?ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent






Inference: 61.36% people say that they will not stop using the products of the company if they stop contributing to a social cause.

Q9.Which is the best source to promote Cause Related Marketing?








Fig 31% of people think that TV is the best source to promote Cause Related Marketing.

Q10. If you have to choose between different brands with the same price and quality, you will choose the brand that you know supports a social cause.


ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree104.54.54.5




Strongly Agree3716.816.8100.0



Inference: 48.18% respondents agree that between different brands with the same price and quality, they will choose the brand that they know supports a social cause.Q11. Do you agree most statements made by the companies in advertising or product labels about supporting a social cause are true and they are actually spending that amount on some noble social cause?

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree52.32.32.3




Strongly Agree177.77.7100.0


Table 36.82% respondents agree that the most statements made by the companies in advertising or product labels about supporting a social cause are true and they are actually spending that amount on some noble social cause.Q12. Try to identify this advertisement and answer the below questions accordingly:I remember this Ad campaign

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree2.9.9.9




Strongly Agree3917.717.7100.0




Inference: 49.55% respondents remember this Ad campaign. This seems that the corporate is making a good effort in CRM activities.

Q13. Basedontheaboveadvertisement, answerthefollowing.

A) TheAdmessageisunderstandable

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree62.72.72.7




Strongly Agree2511.411.4100.0




Inference: 54.09% respondents agree that the message given by this campaign is understandable to them.

B) ThemessageintheAdisAuthentic.

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree62.72.72.7




Strongly Agree198.68.6100.0




Inference: 50% of respondents agree that the message they want to give through this ad campaign of CRM is authentic.

C) ThebenefitsdescribedintheAdarebelievabletome.

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree52.32.32.3




Strongly Agree219.59.5100.0




Inference: 46.82% of respondents agree that the benefits described in the Ad are believable to me.

D) Afterviewingthis Ad,Iwouldconsiderpurchasingtheproduct.ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree41.81.81.8




Strongly Agree156.86.8100.0



Fig 36.36% respondents think after viewing this ad they are ready to buy this product as it is doing a CRM campaign.

E) This Ad is much better than other Ads for products in this product category.

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree41.81.81.8




Strongly Agree209.19.1100.0




Inference: 39.09% respondents say that CRM campaign ad of this product is much better than the other ads for products in this same product category.

Descriptive Statistics- Table

NMinimumMaximumMeanStd. Deviation

Based on the above advertisement, answer the following. Please mark on your opinion [The Ad message is Understandable]220153.62.906

Based on the above advertisement, answer the following. Please mark on your opinion [The message in the Ad is Authentic.]220153.53.873

Based on the above advertisement, answer the following. Please mark on your opinion [The benefits described in the Ad are believable to me.]220153.54.851

Based on the above advertisement, answer the following. Please mark on your opinion [After viewing this Ad, I would consider purchasing the product.]220153.36.829

Based on the above advertisement, answer the following. Please mark on your opinion [This Ad is much better than other Ads for products in this product category.]220153.42.875

Valid N (list wise)220

Q14.Try to identify this advertisement and answer the below questions accordingly:I remember this Ad campaign

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree52.32.32.3




Strongly Agree4620.920.9100.0



Fig 58.64% respondents agree that they remember this ad campaign completelyQ15.Basedontheaboveadvertisement, answerthefollowing. Pleasemarkonyouropinion

A)TheAdmessage isUnderstandable

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree41.81.81.8




Strongly Agree4319.519.5100.0




Inference: 55.45% respondents agree that the message is understandable to them and they can easily get to know what the corporate is trying to say.

B) Themessageinthe AdisAuthentic

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree41.81.81.8




Strongly Agree3515.915.9100.0




Inference: 53.18% respondents agree that the message in the ad Authentic to the customers.


ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree52.32.32.3




Strongly Agree3716.816.8100.0




Inference: 51.82% respondents agree that the benefits described in the ad are believable to them and they can easily trust on this ad.

D) AfterviewingthisAd,Iwouldconsiderpurchasingtheproduct.

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree41.81.81.8




Strongly Agree3716.816.8100.0




Inference: 47.27% respondents agree that the after viewing this ad, they would consider purchasing this product.

E) This Ad is much better than other Ads for products in this product category.

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree62.72.72.7




Strongly Agree3817.317.3100.0




Inference: 43.18% think that this ad is much better than other ads for products in product category.

Descriptive Statistics

NMinimumMaximumMeanStd. Deviation

Based on the above advertisement, answer the following. Please mark on your opinion [The Ad message is Understandable]220153.86.844

Based on the above advertisement, answer the following. Please mark on your opinion [The message in the Ad is Authentic.]220153.78.815

Based on the above advertisement, answer the following. Please mark on your opinion [The benefits described in the Ad are believable to me.]220153.78.837

Based on the above advertisement, answer the following. Please mark on your opinion [After viewing this Ad, I would consider purchasing the product.]220153.74.846

Based on the above advertisement, answer the following. Please mark on your opinion [This Ad is much better than other Ads for products in this product category.]220153.68.907

Valid N (list wise)220


Q16. Try to identify this advertisement and answer the below questions accordingly:I remember this Ad campaign

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree52.32.32.3




Strongly Agree6630.030.0100.0



Inference: 55.91%agree that they remember this ad campaign completely.

Q17.Basedontheaboveadvertisement, answerthefollowing. Pleasemarkonyouropinion

A) TheAdmessageis understandable

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree62.72.72.7




Strongly Agree5625.525.5100.0




Inference: 54.55% respondents agree that the message in this ad is understandable to them.

B) ThemessageintheAdisAuthentic

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree83.63.63.6




Strongly Agree4420.020.0100.0




Inference: 54.09% respondents agree that the message in this ad is authentic.

C) ThebenefitsdescribedintheAdarebelievabletome.ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree73.23.23.2




Strongly Agree4721.421.4100.0




Inference: 51.36% respondents agree that the benefits described in the ad are believable to them.

D) Afterviewing thisAd,Iwouldconsiderpurchasingtheproduct.

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree1.5.5.5




Strongly Agree5022.722.7100.0




Inference: 44.09% of respondents agree that after viewing this a, they would consider purchasing the product.

E) This Ad is much better than other Ads for products in this product category.

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree1.5.5.5




Strongly Agree4319.519.5100.0




Inference: 45.91% think that this ad is much better than other ads for products in product category.

Descriptive Statistics

NMinimumMaximumMeanStd. Deviation

Based on the above advertisement, answer the following. Please mark on your opinion [The Ad message is Understandable]220153.97.870

Based on the above advertisement, answer the following. Please mark on your opinion [The message in the Ad is Authentic.]220153.85.879

Based on the above advertisement, answer the following. Please mark on your opinion [The benefits described in the Ad are believable to me]220153.86.883

Based on the above advertisement, answer the following. Please mark on your opinion [After viewing this Ad, I would consider purchasing the product.]220153.84.850

Based on the above advertisement, answer the following. Please mark on your opinion [This Ad is much better than other Ads for products in this product category.]220153.80.807

Valid N (list wise)220


Q18.Try to identify this advertisement and answer the below questions accordingly:I remember this Ad campaign

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree4821.821.821.8




Strongly Agree167.37.3100.0




Inference: Only 20.91% respondents say that they remember this ad completely.

Q19. Basedontheaboveadvertisement, answerthefollowing. Pleasemarkonyouropinion

A) TheAdmessageisUnderstandable

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree4319.519.519.5




Strongly Agree156.86.8100.0




Inference: 29.55% of respondents disagree that they did not understand the message what the company is trying to say.

B) Themessageinthe AdisAuthentic

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree4219.119.119.1




Strongly Agree125.55.5100.0




Inference: 31.36% 0f respondents say that they have neutral reaction towards the authentication of this ad.

C) ThebenefitsdescribedintheAdarebelievabletome.

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree3917.717.717.7




Strongly Agree115.05.0100.0




Inference: 35.91% of respondents had neutral response about the benefits described in this ad is believable to them

D) AfterviewingthisAd,Iwouldconsiderpurchasingtheproduct.

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree2511.411.411.4




Strongly Agree83.63.6100.0




Inference: 43.64% respondents has neutral response about after viewing this ad, they would consider to purchase this product or not.

E) This Ad is much better than other Ads for products in this product category.

ValidFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Strongly Disagree3817.317.317.3




Strongly Agree146.46.4100.0




Inference: 41.82% of respondents have neutral response about this ad is much better than other Ads for products in this product category

4.2 Inferential Analysis It is the testing of hypothesis in which a sample is chosen, studied and used to generalize the results of the sample to the target population that it represents. Independent t tests 1Grouping variable: Gender

Null hypothesis H0: The Respondents are not willing to pay a higher price to the CRM companies with respect to gender.Alternate hypothesis H1: The respondents are ready to pay higher price to the CRM companies with respect to gender.

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of VariancesT-test for Equality of Means

FSig.tdfSig. (2-tailed)Mean DifferenceStd. Error Difference95% Confidence Interval of the Difference


Are you ready to pay a bit higher price for the company's product, which is related to a social cause?Equal variances assumed1.155.284.529218.597.035.066-.095.164

Equal variances not assumed.531196.490.596.035.065-.094.163


Interpretation: Therefore, we reject H1 in favor of H0. We accept the null hypothesis i.e. there is no significance between the difference in the opinion that the respondents are ready to pay a bit higher price to the CRM companies with respect to gender. In other words, females do mind paying a higher price for CRM activities in comparison to men.

Chapter VFindings and Suggestions

5.1 Findings: 84.55% of people think that it is very important for a company to associate their brands with Cause Related Marketing. 70.45% people think that corporate should promote its brand that they are using CRM activities to promote their brands as well as increase their goodwill with the help of CRM activities 44.55% people agree that they have often seen Cause Related Marketing promotions and 9.55% people disagree that they have not seen CRM promotions often. 65% of people say that they are ready to pay a bit higher price for the companys products that are related to a social cause. 72.73% people say that the companies are doing these types of activities to overcome competition. 50% of people agree that the companies that do CRM activities have a favorable impression in the society. 51.63% think that in todays Scenario it is important for a company to be socially responsible. 36.4% people agree that CRM has a positive impact on the society, which helps the company to do lots of CRM activities for the growth of the company. 35% of respondents agree that the some corporates in India think that the corporates that are doing CRM activities are sometimes misused it only for profit. 61.36% people say that they will not stop using the products of the company if they stop contributing to a social cause. 31% of people think that TV is the best source to promote Cause Related Marketing. 48.18% respondents agree that between different brands with the same price and quality, they will choose the brand that they know supports a social cause. 36.82% respondents agree that the most statements made by the companies in advertising or product labels about supporting a social cause are true and they are actually spending that amount on some noble social cause.

5.2 Recommendations: To build a competitive advantage and to create a brand image and awareness among the society Cause-Related Marketing helps a company a lot as it gives a favorable impression to the society. A company can easily increase their revenue and sales with such social cause promotions as people would not mind paying a rupee extra for a product, which is contributing, to a social cause and rather people have a tendency to buy a product which is associated with social cause campaign. Company should provide some evidence to showcase the actually spending of the money, which is collected by the consumers in the name of a social cause campaigns in order to make them believe that a company is not doing anything unethical. Company built an image in the minds of the present consumer and has acquired customers on the basis of Cause-Related Marketing campaigns and in order to attract new segment they need to continue with such campaigns. A brand ambassador for a social campaign should be the one to who people could relate with the topic of the Campaign. Company should give their message very clearly so that people can easily understand what they are trying to say as many companies came up with the Cause Related Marketing campaign but failed as they dont give that message clearly.

5.3 Conclusion Large percentage of population think that corporates should associate their brands with CRM activities as well as promote the brand through Cause Related Marketing for the welfare of the society. Large percentage of population is well known to the concept of Cause Related Marketing promotions that companies are doing now days to promote their brand name and due to high influence of such promotions they can easily recall the name of a company related to that campaign. Most people say that they are even ready to pay a higher price for such product that does social cause campaign and they will not switch over to another brands if they know that the brand they use is actually contributing to a society. Many people have a perception that a company that is promoting a social cause is actually contributing something good to society and also helps to create a good impression in the society. A very significant proportion of population said that a companys responsibility doesnt end with fulfilling consumers demand but they must also show some concern for the society. There are a large number of people who say that they will not stop using the product if the company stops contributing to a social cause because now a company has already built an image in the mind of the consumers and those consumers are now their loyal customers. If people are getting same quality and price, they usually choose a product that does Cause Related marketing campaigns because that company has a better image and reputation among people. There is some confusion in the minds of the people whether companies actually spend money that they are collecting on the names of Cause-Related Marketing promotions. Because of which a significant portion of the population thinks that these companies may not contribute in development and growth of the society.

Cause Related Marketing campaign help a company to build a competitive advantage, as people are now aware about the products of the company and have a good perception about the company. Very significant population think that the best way to promote Cause Related Marketing is television and after this newspaper


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Q1. Do you think Corporate should associate its brand with Cause Related Marketing?YesNo

Q2. Do you think corporate should promote its brand that it is using Cause Related Marketing?YesNo

Q3. I often see CRM related Marketing Promotions.Please rate the following on a scale of 1-5 (1-Strongly Disagree,2-Disagree,3-Neutral,4-Agree,5-Strongly Agree)Strongly Disagree 2) Disagree 3) May be 4) Agree 5) Strongly Agree

Q4) Is it simple to identify the company with its cause on which it is promoting?YesNo

Q5. Are you ready to pay a bit higher price for the company's product which is related to a social cause?YesNoQ6. In your opinion do company promote brands with Cause Related Marketing to overcome competition?YesNoQ7. Please mark the most suitable option:StronglyAgreeSomewhat AgreeNeitherSomewhat DisagreeStrongly DisagreeCompanies that do CRM activities have a favorable impression in the society.In todays Scenario it is important for a company to be socially responsible.CRM has a positive impact on countrys development growthCRM is sometimes misused for profits

Q8. Will you stop using the products of the company if they stop contributing to a social cause?YesNo

Q9. What is the best source to promote Cause Related Marketing?Please mark as many as suitable.NewspaperTvBillboardsInternetCampaignsOthers _______________

Q10. If you have to choose between different brands with the same price and quality, you will choose the brand that you know supports a social cause.Please rate the following on a scale of 1-5 (1-Strongly Disagree,2-Disagree,3-Neutral,4-Agree,5-Strongly Agree)Strongly Disagree 2) Disagree 3) May be 4) Agree 5) Strongly Agree

Q11. Do you agree most statements made by the companies in advertising or product labels about supporting a social cause are true and they are actually spending that amount on some noble social cause?Please rate the following on a scale of 1-5 (1-Strongly Disagree,2-Disagree,3-Neutral,4-Agree,5-Strongly Agree)Strongly Disagree 2) Disagree 3) Maybe 4) Agree 5) Strongly Agree

Q12. Try to identify this advertisement and answer the below questions accordingly:

I remember this Ad campaignPlease rate the following on a scale of 1-5 (1-Strongly Disagree,2-Disagree,3-Neutral,4-Agree,5-Strongly Agree)Strongly Disagree

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