altered fates, an au legacy: chapter 6

Post on 21-Jan-2015



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Aliens invade and my simself has some new roommates...


Oh, you’re back I see. Well this is more of generation 3 as they grow up. And I promised I would show you Tyrone’s spawn with his glitched bride Jane Stacks last time. She’s not

glitched now but she was, and it was fun trying to get her fixed…but that was last chapter, and I know you all read that before so I’m not gonna rehash it all again. So off

with you…

That way.

Screams could be heard all over Duality B since Jane Stacks decided it would be awesome to put on a show for everyone who happened to walk by the lot …thanks Jane.

Jane: PAIINNN!!!

Tyrone: Jeebus woman did you have to do that up here? Everyone can see…

Jane: @#$%^&*(

Tyrone: What was that?

Best be shutting up now Ty…not a good idea to pursue that question…

Tyrone: And I’m talking to myself again…great.

*sad face is sad*

Really Jane? Really? Twins again?

Jane: Sorry Voice, blame the Family fertility perks we both have…

*sigh* Twin gene, I has it.

Anyway, we have a boy and girl this time, not sure who is who here but the boy I named Marik and the girl is Mia. Marik because he reminds me of Marik Ishtar from Yu-Gi-Oh who had the Egyptian God card Winged Dragon of Ra and wanted Yugi’s Slifer the Sky Dragon as well as Seto’s Obelisk the Tormentor. And Mia because I needed a female M name and

Mia popped into my head so call it a shout out to Mia Moonstar on Boolprop.

And since babies do nothing interesting, it’s toddler time. Again, no idea who is who. Also have a shiny plumbbob because Ani-Mei is phail about not cutting it out.

Jane: Aww that’s okay, I know I have Mia.


Jane: A mother knows.

And the Creepy Purple Eyes live on in Marik. Fitting since his anime character also has purple eyes, but he’s blond…and crazy.

Marik Stacks

Leo 5/9/4/5/6??

Mia Stacks

Leo 5/10/4/5/2

Guess what job Tyrone took? Yeah… maybe that explains why his son has 6 nice points.

Tyrone: He got it from his mother. I am shamed to say he’s too nice to be a Beta boy.

You are talking to me? O_o? But….but that’s amazing, and also not a very nice thing to say about your boy.

Tyrone: Leaving now.

Teehee, Fig Butt. Heehee…

Tyrone: Ha-ha. Very mature.

I know *snerk* Fig Butt. Also a lighting error…weird how one side is lighter than

the other…

And what of my heir? Well…HEY!! What are you doing?

Tybold: Umm…

But, but you have three kids already….NOES!!

Why me? >_<

Tybold: What can I say? The green dudes can’t get enough of my hotness.

And that…was the lullaby… Tybold you’re ROMANCE you DON’T DO babies.

Tybold: Also half Knowledge baby….

And since my game loves irony…it was also the Pseudo Triplets birthday too.

Thanos: Stop sister minion!! I am the leader I DEMAND to do the Sparkle Dance first!!

Nyx: We’re twins dope…and I’m faster than you.

Loki: Oh don’t fight my loving siblings, we can all go together in harmony!! TRALALA!! <3

Thanos: Silence Green Freak!! NO NICE POINTS DEMANDS I BE FIRST!!

And after the customary changing of the clothes and desk claiming, they are chained to the bookcase to learn their FT skills. Since it give them all something to do and therefore not to annoy

me with the constant Read to Me and Dances on Feet queue spamming that drives me up the wall. Sometimes I loathe the Family Fun Stuff pack…

Thanos: I do not dance!!

Right…then why did I have to cancel it out three times?


Loki: I like to dance…

Thanos: Because you’re a freak with 10 nice points!!

Loki: *chin quiver*

Aww, it’s okay my wittle green nooboo…*pets* I love that you kept the hat.

Loki: Really Voice? *brightens up*

Cute little bug boy…yep.

A few more events of note before I go visit Duality A…my smexy green warlock is about to get old.

Douglas: This can’t be happening… I am Mr. Big!! I’m supposed to be young, hot and

mean for eternity!! I should make Kiara bite me again.

NO. Age. I command it.

Dougie!! You’re bald!!

Douglas: WHAT??! *girly scream* My smexy, smexy swishy hair!! NOES!!

Loki: I like your clothes grandpa.

Douglas: Hair…gone…smexyness meter phail…

To the mirror with you. Stat.

And here we have another hair phail. Tybold’s purple faux hawk does not like maternity wear apparently so he had to borrow his old stand by hair.

Loki: Ah!! I feel it!! The impending birth of my Star Siblings!! YAY!!

Tybold: EEYAAH!! Turn the camera off!! My Iconic image will be ruined!! EEYAAH!!

Tybold: Here babe, hold this one would ya?

Wut? No….Tybold…not the dreaded pass off!!

*Photobombing butler is photobombing.*

Keika!! Come get your photobombing butler outta my game!! GRR…

Tybold: And here dad, you hold this one.

Douglas: Wut?

*cries uncontrollably…damn you Triplets and Quads hack damn you!!*

Tybold: Chill baby, I didn’t expect this either. If I survive the failure from this call me.

*still crying*

Tybold: Hey baby look this one has a nose!

*sniff* Huh?

Tybold: She has a nose…and looks cute.

Lemme see…what do you know she does?

*Photobombing butler is still photobombing*

Oi!! YOU!! Outta mah shots!! *throws something sharp and pointy*

Well, this sucks. I didn’t want SIX freakin’ kids in generation 3, four of which are Star Babies…but alas. I called them Jupiter, Mercury , and Venus. Two girls and a boy. Mercury

got the creepy purple eyes and Venus is the normal one with a nose. Jupiter is the boy, and Mercury and Venus are the girls. I was thinking Sailor Moon at the time okay? :P

And lastly…this. Blacky went to the big Bone Pile in the sky not too long after Neko last chapter but it didn’t make it in…and photobombing butler RUINED the pretty shot!!

Where’s my POINTY STICK??!! GRAAHH!! *pokes hard*

There we go…a better shot of Dark Mistress Kiara’s canine companion. I was saddened to see Blacky go. But no one

even cried for her!! My sadness turned to angree face at that and no one came out

to see her off!!

Blacky Beta lived to be 36 days old and was mourned by NO ONE except

Photobombing Butler who sighed twice then went to trim the rose bushes!! GRR!!

Let’s hope Kitian and Steffi are better…both are Family freaks like Tyrone and Jane…but no more babies!! NINE is enough for one generation.

Okay, I’m good…moving along.

Oh yeah, well these two are Jaiden and Jake, two of the three members that sill hold the Alpha Greek house. Cute aren’t they? Well we’ll probably see them macking on each other

once the generation 3 kids arrive…till then. Have fun in college limbo. *waves*

And Aaron is still Aaron, heading home to face marital bliss with my jilted spare Jewel. Nice puffer vest and jodhpurs *snerk*

Aaron: I resemble that remark.

No…really? Whod’ve thunk it?

BLUE RINGS!! I HAS THEM!! Yeah…I think Aaron got his Junior year reroll, I forget to what now…been a while since I looked. I was playing Final Fantasy 10 recently because

of Tidus….mmmm. *drools*

Jewel: Hey!!

Wut? Oh right this is about you isn’t it…damn.

Didn’t take these two long this is their first born Andrew. I think he got the purple eyes, I’ll have to check his toddler toss to see.

Jewel: Hrmph. Some Omnipotent Voice you are…

I could have left you in the Sim Bin void you know, then paired Andrew up with Monkey


Oh, I guess not. Well this is Andrew and it looks like he got grandpa Lee’s green eyes.

Andrew Turner Aquarius 4/5/3/10/7

Yay, a playful, lazy, nice, kid. Well this is par for the course in Duality A after all.

And they have a kitteh, an interesting coloured kitty from the pet store that I called Tuna. Yep, Tuna. Tuna Turner. Hehe.

Andrew: Kitteh!!

Tuna: Why did I leave the pet store bin for this again? I ask ya…

And why I indulged their want for another kid, I dunno…so looks like I’ll have eleven kids for generation three now…

Jewel: Yay!! You grow baby!!

Aaron: WOO!! That’s my boy!!

Andrew: Wow!! Lookit!! I can now go collect the Power of the Triforce!!

Yep, the Link shirt. I forget where I heard that but now whenever I see that shirt it’s all I can think of…

But he still got the changing of the clothes and a new baby brother. He has the purple eyes and I called him Aeric.

Andrew: And you can be my sidekick, and I’ll call you Navi!! We’ll ride through Hyrule

battling the evil forces of Ganon, and…and…

Should I tell him that Navi is an annoying little twit? Nah…

And at the main house…I have another PHOTOBOMBING BUTLER!! And the twins grew up into nearly matching outfits…

Kiara: Aww, they didn’t wait for me. I’m not as young as I used to be.

Don’t remind me. >_<

Here, have some filler shots of the University clothing shop because I haven’t grown up Diana yet and Lee still hasn’t had his Elder birthday. I made this all pretty and

symmetrical since my OCD couldn’t stand looking at it any longer.

And since I haven’t got anymore, have some of my simself poisoning herself spraying the massive garden she had at Ani-Mei’s Castle. Though I moved her after this because

it was lagging like a ten tonne truck. This does have a point of some sort…

Ani-Mei: Aww man…green is not my colour.

Sorry. But Pod babies, I wants them.

Ani-Mei: But I already have three kids.

Pod. Baby.

Ani-Mei: Oh fine then, can I get a new lot at least?


Ani-Mei: Roommates? I just wanted a new lot…

Yeah. Well they were already planted here in CAS so you have friends for that Love need you have now. Anyway, meet Duality A’s newest imports : Keika’s lovelies!! First we have

Seraphine ( Merry’s Reaper Kid) and her uncle/cousin/best friend Baltic White…

And her third and fourth generation Heirs, father and daughter, Dez and Jade White!! Dez is the strong, silent type and Jade is his translator when he doesn’t want to speak so these

pairs HAD to be together…

And well Baltic’s clothes didn’t look right on him so I gave him a much cooler ones. It has wings on it!! And it’s Japanese inspired!!!

Ani-Mei: I’m throwing some serious bolts for the guys here…mmhmm.

What about Julien? You know the father of those three kids of yours?

Ani-Mei: But…bolts…

Don’t worry, I’ll bring in someone you’ll love more once I get back to the game.

Seraphine: There’s no evil megalomaniacal jilted spare here with witch powers is there?

Ani-Mei: Umm…well, I sorta have one but she doesn’t have powers…

Baltic: How jilted are we talking here? Not lock-you-in-a-tower – jilted type right?

Ani-Mei: No, she’s pretty tame. Distracted with a family of her own and all.

See the White Legacy for details. /plug

Ani-Mei: No worries, Jewel is under control. Just have fun here, and try not to hit on any potential heirs k?

Seraphine: Heirs? This is a legacy hood?

Ani-Mei: An Alternate Universe legacy hood yeah. But this is the good side, be thankful

you aren’t in Duality B…

Dez: *idle animates*

Jade: How do you like it here daddy?

Dez: …It’s good…

Jade: I’m glad. I like it here too, just wish Sun was here with me.

Right…maybe later. I don’t want a White Invasion JUST yet…

Just another filler shot of the past and current Alpha Greek house residents.

Because they’re awesome and I likes them.

Top: Kitian, Jewel, Aaron

Bottom: Tucker, Jaiden, Jake, and Cow Killer Mark 3

Why the Sentry Bot? Well it happily keeps the Greek house cow-free and usually runs amok at least once a week. It’s special, so it

gets its own portrait. *grins*

Well now, I have at least one more White legacy import to place before I get back to the legacy. And I really must stop these 1 am updates…it’s not good for me. But when the alternative is lying awake in bed for an additional three or fours hours I’ll take this over


Till next time, buh-bye.

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