
Post on 09-Dec-2015






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− How did you learn about the program and why do you want to become a youth ambassador? −

I have learned about the program when I started the English course in the Access Microscholarship Program at CCBEU Franca. Coordinators and teachers of Access were always giving us information about Youth Ambassadors and we also had the opportunity to meet the approved candidates in previous years. Hence, I could have a great vision of the U.S. Embassy program and its importance.

I want to become a youth ambassador because it will open up a world of opportunities for my life. Firstly, I will gain experience and be able to learn new things and develop social activities with responsibility. Secondly, I will be in touch with different people, cultures and knowledges. Finally, I will certainly improve my language skills.

Besides, this rich experience will be essential to turn me into a better person and professional in the future, so that I can share my learning with others.

− Name of organization and what do you do there as a volunteer? −

I am a volunteer at E.E. Prof. Israel Niceus Moreira on the social program called “Escola da Família”. This one is opened to the local community, offering activities that promote social inclusion and recreation, such as arts, sports and cultural resources.

I am responsible for the project related to literature, named “Roda de Leitura”. It is intended to develop children’s interest in reading, inasmuch as this is a crucial element of a good formation and progress of each one.

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