american industrial revolution[2]

Post on 20-May-2015






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American Industrial Revolution


Industrial Revolution

1791-1860 American economy shifted focus from

agriculture to manufacturing and Inventing Many notable inventors and Inventions

came from this time period

Textile Industry

Help begin Industrial Revolution Francis Cabot Lowell built first dual purpose textile mill in

1814 Early factories just spun fiber into tread, weaving was

done by hand Three story mill was built on the bank of the Charles

River Significance- Shifted manufacturing from home to factory

Samuel Slater (1768-1835)

Born in Belper England Started as an apprentice at the age of

fourteen Believing Industrial revolution was

over in England, he moved to Providence, Rhode Island

Built first successful cotton spinning machine in the United States

Known as Father of Industrial Revolution in United states

Factory system-wage slaves, child labor

Eli Whitney

Invented the Cotton Gin in1793

50 times more effective than picking by hand

Made little money on his Invention due to copyright infringement

Cotton Gin- Eli Whitney

Separates the cotton fibers from the seedpods

Made producing cotton highly profitable

Slavery began to rise Westward expansion, due

to the need for more land Stimulated Industrial

revolution by supplying New England with Cotton

Interchangeable Parts – Eli Whitney

1798- Whitney manufactured rifles for the U.S. Army.

Discovered Interchangeable Parts Modern day assembly still uses

interchangeable parts

Sewing Machine- Howe/Singer

Originally invented by Elias Howe in 1846

Perfected by Isaac Singer in 1853

Led to mass production of shoes and boots for the Civil War

Moved Sewing from the home to the Factory

Howe’s Sewing Machine

Singer’s Sewing Machine

Samuel F.B. Morse

Invented the Telegraph Strung a wire 40 miles

from Washington D.C. to Baltimore, first message “What hath God wrought?”

Gave instant communication from long distances

Other inventions

Steel plow- John Deere Mechanical Mower-

Reaper- Cyrus McCormick Steamboat- Robert Fulton Railroad

Work Force

Farmer’s daughters were hired to work in factories

Lowell promised strict supervision and mandatory church

Female work force was replaced by water and steam power as well as cheap immigrants such as German and Irish

Why New England?

Poor soil discouraged Agriculture

Dense population provided labor

Seaports made importing and exporting easy

Rapid rivers provided power

Why Not the South?

Capital was tied up in slaves Most of the Consumers were too poor to

afford most finished goods

Effects of the Industrial Revolution

Moved many tasks from the home to factories

Made production of goods faster Helped Union win Civil War

How Industrial Revolution effected the Civil War North had more factories which

mage them more supplies such as rifles, boots, and clothing.

North was more prosperous before Civil War

Higher technology such as the telegraph

Other effects of Industrial Revolution

Urbanization Ten hour work day Economic Expansion Social standards Commonwealth V Hunt

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