analytics for the planet

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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+ Hello!

Analytics F r

+What if Earth & Internetgot together to clusterfuck us?



‘Soon’ we’ll know everything there is to know.

self organisingsmart dust

Wireless Sensor Networks.Microelectromechanical Systems.Yawn.Motes, TinyOS. Ahhhh, sweet.BUT, DON’T BE FOOLED!Swarm Robotics.Utility Fog.

CeNSEConsisting of a trillion nanoscale sensors and actuators embedded in the environment and connected via an array of networks with computing systems, software and services to exchange their information among analysis engines, storage systems and end users.

C e n t r a l N e r v o u s S y s t e m f o r t h e E a r t h .

+Intelligent Earth+

Earth + Internet.

+Intelligent Earthwouldn’t like us much.

Gaia Theor yThe theory asserts that living organisms and their inorganic surroundings have evolved together as a single living system that greatly affects the chemistry and conditions of Earth’s surface. Some scientists believe that this “Gaian system” self-regulates in an “automatic” manner. Earth's living system appears to keep conditions on our planet just right for life to persist!

+Intelligent Earthwouldn’t like us much.

+Intelligent Earthwouldn’t like us much.But, Earthwould Internet.

+Intelligent Earthwouldn’t like us much.But, Earthwould Internet.Internet is logical, scientific... Just like Earth.

+Intelligent Earthwouldn’t like us much.But, Earthwould Internet.Internet is logical, scientific... Just like Earth.Internet would understand that infinite growth on finiteEarth is illogical.

+Unlike us.

+Unlike us.We don’t understand that infinite growth on finiteEarth is illogical.

+Unlike us.We don’t understand that infinite growth on finiteEarth is illogical.“We want MORE from Earth.We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like” Dave Ramsey / Tim Jackson / My pal Matt.

+What if...Earth & Internetteamed up?

+What if...Earth & Internetteamed up?

Formed their own kind of new global social state...

+What if...Earth & Internetteamed up?

Formed their own kind of new global social state...

and thralled us.

NEarth says

Limits our consumpt ion.

Relig nScience > Rel ig ion.

Eugenics fr m

Analytics.Reputat ion determines your procreat ion.

+Wait! What?

+Wait! What?Thralled?

+Wait! What?Thralled?We’re humans for Gods sake! We’re not going to take that shit from Earth & Internet.

+Wait! What?Thralled?We’re humans for Gods sake! We’re not going to take that shit from Earth & Internet.So, it’s time to...


Sort it ahht!Understand the world we live on.

Sort it ahht!Understand the world we live on.Can Brands can help with that?Brands make promises.Represent culture. Promote ideas.Can brands help us?What’s a brands role in society?

Sort it ahht!Understand the world we live on.Can Brands can help with that?Brands make promises.Represent culture. Promote ideas.Can brands help us?What’s a brands role in society?But... positive Vs normative - bit sensible too for humans really...


Invent some kind of globally crowdsourcedInternet kill switch!

Invent some kind of globally crowdsourcedInternet kill switch!WhateverTF that is?


Peckham Outer-Space Initiative

GTFO Earth.

@sand z

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

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