ancient greece. geography greece comprised of peninsula, 2000 islands, eastern edge aegean land ...

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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Ancient Greece


Greece comprised of peninsula, 2000 islands, eastern edge Aegean

Land Very mountainous! (3/4 covered w/ mountains)

Travel hard

Led small, independent city states

Little fertile land

Result small population

Lacked natural resources

“Greeks did not live on land, but around a sea.” Mediterranean, Aegean, Ionian, Black seas

Travel and trade

Climate Moderate temp. led outside lifestyle

The First “Greeks”: The Mycenaeans

Bronze Age people (1600-1200 BCE)

Named after city Mycenae

Is believed people warlike Battle scenes , fortified city walls

City of Mycenae

Mycenae City Walls

Lions Gate Cyclopean Walls

Mycenaean Artifacts

Shaft Graves

Mask of Agamemnon

Beehive Tombs

Minoan Influence on Mycenaeans

Minoans From Island Crete

Seafaring people


Minoan Influences Overseas trade


Minoans = Linear A (undecipherable)

Mycenaeans = Linear B (decipherable)

Heinrich Schliemann

Discovered Mycenae and Troy Convinced discoveries home legendary Kings

Agamemnon and Priam of Trojan War

Epic Poem written by Homer Iliad


King Priam’s Treasure

The Greek Dark Ages


The Dorian Invasion

Decline in Greek Culture

Homer and Hesiod

The Iliad and The Odyssey Theogony and Works and Days

Greek Religion

Basic characteristics



Moral guideline Anything in excess improper

Explained world Myths

Olympian Gods and Goddesses

Aphrodite- Love & Beauty

Apollo- Sun & Music

Ares- War

Artemis- Hunt

Athena- Wisdom & Arts

Demeter- Harvest

Dionysus- Wine

Hades- Underworld

Hephaestus- Metallurgy

Hera- Family

Hermes- Trade

Hestia- Hearth

Poseidon- Sea

Zeus- Sky




Characteristics of Gods

Immortal, but not all powerful

Act like humans, have human vices too

Meddle and mingle w/ humans

The Underworld

“Place of Hades”

Early thought = Gloomy Place

Later thought = Place of Judgment Rewarded or cursed

Fields of Asphodel


Punishment fit crime

Worship of the Gods

Build temples

National shrines Oracle of Delphi


Festivals Olympics

Greek City-States

The Polis

Greek City State or Citizen State

“the people” or “the community”

The Polis continued…

Each polis had an agora (market place) and acropolis (fortified citadel)

Forms of Government

Monarchy Aristocracy Oligarchy Direct Democracy

• Rule by king• Rule hereditary• Ruler claim divine


• Rule by nobility• Rule hereditary• Social status,

wealth support ruler authority

• Rule by small group citizens

• Rule based on wealth or ability

• Rulers control military

• Rule by citizens• Rule based on

citizenship• Majority rule

decides vote


Athens: Building a Democracy

Draco Aristocracy

“Draconian” Law Code

Solon Democracy

Wealthy hold political office

All citizens participate in Assembly

No Debt slavery

Cleisthenes Reorganized society: 10 groups based on where lived not wealth

Strengthened power Assembly

Established Council 500

Athens: Education

Boys educated to be good citizen

Girls taught to be good wives/mothers


Sparta: Building a Military State

Messenian “helot” Revolt led to need for strong state

Men serve in military age 7-60 Agoge

Women received military training; had considerable freedoms

“duty, strength, discipline over freedom, individuality, beauty, learning”

Sparta’s Oligarchy

5 Ephors Chief legal officials; monitor kings

Elected annually

Council of Elders 30 members o/ age 60

Served for life

2 kings Military

Hereditary position

Assembly All male citizens

Spartan Society

Spartans Citizens

Perioikoi 2nd class citizens

Helots Slaves




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