anthony younan powerpoint for competition about australia

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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By Anthony Younan...Parramatta Marist High school


What, it’s already 2009. Where did the time go. Just yesterday my grandfather told me many great stories about Australia and now Australia has gone from this:

To this:

I remember when I was a little boy, I had a rough time. This is where my Journey truly begins.

My names Anthony and I came from a land named England, well at least my parents did.

My parents moved from England to Australia due to the war and riots. I was not born yet but my 2

brothers and sisters were. As for I, I was born in... AUSTRALIA.

My family were very wealthy at the time but when we moved to this country we went broke and

everything changed for my family and I.

My two brothers and sisters were at school by the time I was born. I had many troubles

when I was a little boy. No education, No friends no nothing.

My parents couldn’t afford to put me in a school but all the rich kids went to a school.I used to get teased and bullied from these kids because they had an education when I


Brothers’ and sisters’ school

My two brothers had a great education but when I was born my parents couldn’t

afford anything. Not even clothes for me to wear. I use to wear an old shirt that did not fit my brother and I only had a pair of torn pants. I didn’t even have a pair of shoes to

put on my feet.

Since I had no education I stayed at home and helped my father who gave my family shelter and also food on the

table for my family to eat.As for my two sisters they had an

education but some times they stayed at home and learnt women duties

from my mother. They helped prepare the food and they also helped with the


The life conditions in Australia were very hard and very dangerous but as for now everything has gotten much


The work in Australia was very tough and there was low pay and long

hours. For men that did work there were two types of labour’s these

were physical and manual and there was one class which was the middle class these are typically white-collar

or professional workers who take less work and get paid more.

In Australia most men were builders and there were a very few jobs at this

time. These jobs were Building and Construction trade or the mechanical and maintenance industry. These jobs were only the physical labour jobs for

poor families but rich families preferred jobs where they undertake less physical

work and receive a higher salary.

When I grew up I worked as a manual labour and this was in the city. Most manual labourers in the city were big factories. These factories were poorly

ventilated and were overcrowded and in summer these factories often reached 40 Degrees Celsius and in

winter they were quite wet and damp.

Factories in Australia were very dangerous at the time due to the fact

that there was a lack of safety equipment.

When I grew up and started to work in a factory this is what happened to


Women and children had to work to gain money for their family. Some women stayed

at home and took after their kids who are not of school age but for other women they

had a rough time and were taken by advantage. Most women were likely to be employed as domestic servant s and some enjoyed their job and were treated fairly

while others hated their job, and they were abused and at times they were taken by


Women that did have jobs were payed 50% less than males that had

jobs. Some women were also employed in the service industry and worked for 13 hours from 9am-9pm.

As for I... Well I had a job to. I was expected to help out my family by gaining employment. Many

kids left school at the age of twelve but as for some, they left at the age of eight. I started to

work at the age of eight in a boot factory but as for other kids they worked in a textile factory.

Boot FactoryTextile Factory

I worked for 60 hours a week and I only got paid 2c an hour. This was half the wage a women would be


As I was working very hard to earn money something else was happening with Australia.

Many things were happening in Australia.

Good and Bad. Mostly good things have happened in Australia that have made it completely a better country.

This is what has happened:

Video by: Anthony Younan

Australia has changed in many ways since 100 years back .

Many people and many places have changed to.

Australia used to be a country of only work and no fun but over these years there has been a massive change and

a massive difference.

The reason I made this PowerPoint was not only for school and for the

competition but it was for something else to.

That something else was to gain a greater understanding and greater knowledge on Australia and how it began and the changes that it has

been through.

Australia has been through many changes and I am glad that I was able to show you today those changes and

those differences that it has gone through.

Thank You.

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