“if you do follow your bliss you · “by the time i left the get out there—live! event 3 days...

Post on 18-Jun-2020






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“If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living.

Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be.”

-Joseph Campbell

You started

your business to

be of service in a big way

“your playing small does not

serve the world” --Marianne Williamson

But let’s talk about what really happens

You may start to wonder if you can

“really do this.”

Imagine Instead…

WHY is This Not Always Your Reality?

!  You’re in overwhelm, with too many choices, and not enough PRACTICAL step-by-step HOW-TO

!  You’re not totally clear on your market or message

!  You’re not marketing enough

!  Your actions are inconsistent

!  You’re not growing your list

!  You don’t have systems in place

!  You’re too reliant on one stream of income, and trading dollars for hours

!  You’re not charging enough

!  You’re not delegating

!  You’re offers are not irresistible

!  You don’t really believe you can do this

!  You’re playing too small

WHY is This Not Always Your Reality?

It’s not your fault. There is nothing wrong with you.

Know that your PURPOSE here is even

bigger than you’ve imagined�

No one ever taught you how

to get out there in a

really big way

How to get OUT of your own way

and take your message

to the masses

So you may be richly rewarded and

prosper in this life

(authentically and with integrity)

MODERN marketing is ethical, truthful, relationship-based,

and it CHANGES lives

Every single one of us has the capability to be prosperous and


Not just some people, ALL people.

My Story (the short version)

“One of 16 Brilliant Business Minds on Twitter”

--The Huffington Post

But I can show you


There are 8 sequential steps

To Create a Much Bigger Impact…

1) Get Money Clarity (4 M’s)








Where Are You Unclear? ! What your ideal client’s MOTIVATION is

! What your MESSAGE is

! What your business MODEL is (How you make $$$)

! Who your MARKET is


Find the �Message in Your Mess


!  Who your ideal clients are

!  What their issues are

!  Why they are having those issues

!  How you can solve them (their “fantasy”)

To Create a Much Bigger Impact… 1) Get Money Clarity (4 M’s)

2) Grow your list with a high-converting website







Website Visitors Are

Super Valuable…

There is ONE Action You

Want Them to Take

To Create a Much Bigger Impact… 1) Get Money Clarity (4 M’s)

2) Grow your list with a high-converting website

3) Have consistent communication and outreach 






Ways to Follow Up

Emails Video

Newsletter Combo!


To Create a Much Bigger Impact… 1) Get Money Clarity (4 M’s)

2) Grow your list with a high-converting website

3) Have consistent communication and outreach 

4) Build your expert status using social media 





Target Market Understanding


Value Creation


Relationship Building


Your Profitable Social Media Strategy

It’s About Engagement 1. Use calls to action

2. Don’t post and run

3. Tease your content

To Create a Much Bigger Impact… 1) Get Money Clarity (4 M’s)

2) Grow your list with a high-converting website

3) Have consistent communication and outreach 

4) Build your expert status using social media 

5) Create irresistible offers and packages 




We love 1:1 clients!

But we also love to sleep! ☺

People Pay For SOLUTIONS.

If your offerings aren’t selling…

To Create a Much Bigger Impact… 1) Get Money Clarity (4 M’s)

2) Grow your list with a high-converting website

3) Have consistent communication and outreach 

4) Build your expert status using social media 

5) Create irresistible offers and packages 

6) Incorporate compelling marketing materials 



5 Ways to Rock at Marketing

1) Be consistent and commit to scheduling at least 2 hours a week to do it

2) Talk to your market. Survey them. Be curious.

3) Practice copywriting (bullets, headlines, descriptions, etc.)

4) Track your results (be kind to yourself here)

5) Never stop learning

How do I know all this?

I was in your shoes not too long ago

And none of this would have happened if I hadn’t decided...

“By the time I left the Get OUT There—Live! event 3 days later I had a complete business mapped out.

Right away I had more coaching calls, came up with three signature systems and had two joint ventures in place. Christine, I am BEYOND GRATEFUL for your workshop. You brought so much clarity to my scattered efforts.“

Kristen Tammaro, Massage Therapist, RelaxationBusinessCoaching.com

“I came away from Christine’s workshop with dozens of specific ‘to do’ steps to grow my business. With her suggestions, my email list more than tripled and I met my income goals for the year. I still reference the giant binder of information that she gave us!”

Laura Peifer, Holistic Health Coach, LauraPeifer.com

“Since Christine’s Get OUT There–Live! event, I have hosted my own telesummit with 21 heart-centered women entrepreneurs, grew my list over 600% and started working with ideal paying clients.

I highly recommend Christine’s Get Out There--Live! event!”

Ayesha Shabazz, Vice President of Public Relations, Columbia.Toastmastersclubs.org

”I have gotten more action steps and take aways from the Get OUT There–Live! event than any other event I have been to or paid for!

After the workshop I was even chosen as the Answers.com expert on ADHD! They’re paying me to write about a subject I am passionate about! Thank you Christine, I really feel as though Get OUT There–Live! was the catalyst for my continuing success this year. Can’t wait for this yearʹ′s event!”

Brenda Nicholson, ADD Coach + Answers.com Expert, ADDMoms.com

Would you like similar results in your own life?

Here’s The Formula So Far... Get Money Clarity (4 M’s) +

Grow your list with a high-converting website +

Have consistent communication and outreach +

Build your expert status using social media +

Create irresistible offers and packages +

Incorporate compelling marketing materials  +

Step 7 SOON TO COME... +

Step 8 SOON TO COME...

= a really, really juicy life ☺

Now, can you quickly do this on your own?

! Create a powerful marketing message by sharing your (sometimes messy!) compelling story

!  Escape the Bright Shiny Object trap and master the art of following through

!  Use your website and social media to pull in ideal prospects and clients 24/7 + boost conversions

! Get your first (or next) 3000 subscribers (and keep them once you have them!)

! Get connected to “big players” in any industry in order to build your list (and bank account) faster

!  Stay in action and faith (and away from self-sabotage!)

!  Escape the time-for-money trap and create leveraged revenue streams by packaging your knowledge

! Do a wildly successful launch so that you fill your programs, sell more products and services, and create loyal repeat customers

! Close the sale, step-by-step (+ know how to answer objections)

!  Land speaking gigs, craft a signature talk that sells, and use events to grow your reach

!  Use tools + tech so you can systematize your business for efficiency and growth

What kind of difference

would it make in your life and in your results?

November 13-15, 2014 Mt. Laurel, NJ (Just Outside Philadelphia)


Day 1... Think Bigger !  You’ll gain the courage to show up bigger and bolder

online and release the intimidation that can hold you back

!  We’ll shift the way you look at marketing so it’s actually enjoyable, not a chore (yes, really)

!  We’ll pinpoint (or refine) your “why,” so your business is infused with new purpose

!  You’ll free yourself from perfectionism or the “analysis paralysis” that has held you back

Day 2... Do Bigger !  We’ll create your simple to implement plan for

authentically growing your email list and social media reach

!  We’re going to show you exactly how to handle objections about working with you with ease

!  I’ll show you how to consistently get in front of your most ideal clients

!  You’ll learn how to escape the time-for-money trap and create leveraged revenue streams

Day 3... Be Bigger !  You’ll discover how to create your very own marketing

calendar to keep you on track

!  You’ll understand exactly what to focus on each day to bring in income, day in and day out

!  You’ll uncover how to leave a lasting legacy with your business, whether big or small

!  You’ll gain a renewed sense of passion, allowing you to serve at the highest level

What’s the ROI?

Instant cash back in the �form of new clients. �

Webinar-Only-Don’t-Even-Think-About-Asking- Me-Later Tuition is Only:

$495 $197

Option to pay in 3 installments + bring a friend for just $97


http://GetOutThereLive.com ~ Use code GOTL197

November 13-15, 2014 | Mt. Laurel, NJ

“Get OUT There–Live! was the best event I’ve attended in years. I hosted my first live event in March, and decided to take the plunge after your event. Perfectionism and fear have REALLY held me back for years, but your event really taught me to think differently–thank you so much.”

Cathy Jennings, Chief Conversation Starter, NoPressureNetworking.com

“I credit this single event with giving me a 'crash course' in developing my own business, using the models Christine shared there! I have increased traffic to my Facebook page by 500%!! I used Christine’s workshop binder that I received at the event to create my own website, which saved me big money.

Just the networking opportunity alone made the 12 hour drive to Get OUT There—Live! invaluable to my new business. I can’t recommend this enough! It was life changing for me!”

DeShawn Wert, AD/HD Coach, YourADDAnswers.com

“I can’t tell you how much me and my husband Anthony got out of the Get Out There–Live! event. Not only did I get all the questions answered that I came to get, Christine OVER delivered. I had no idea she would actually share that much. The last 3 Day business intensive I went to offered a big old binder with very little content in it. Your binder was worth the total price of admission alone.“

Carmen Abercrombie, Christian Holistic Wellness Consultant, SharingTheBliss.com

“My experience at the Get OUT There–Live! event a transformational moment. Since the event I’ve taken on more clients within a couple of months than I had in the previous six months on my own, my email list has nearly doubled and I am working smarter, delegating more to my Virtual Assistant. Feels great!”

Michele Welch, Creator of The Edge Code Program, PackageYourGenius.com

Sweetening the po


Special Quick-Action Bonuses

!  Bonus #1: First 3 people to register get 20 minute private strategy call with me ($500 Value)

!  Bonus #2: First 5 people get small, live group strategic planning day with me ($3000 value)

“I was at Christine’s very first Get OUT There—Live! event (and all the ones since), and since then I have tripled my income and then quadrupled it. I implemented strategies that have bought in over $22,000 very quickly. I’ve created a 6-figure coaching business the first year it was launched, which is one of the easiest things I’ve done. Plus, I held my first sold out 3-day event, which generated over $33,000 for me in just one day.

Jump on your opportunity to attend one of Christine’s events. I can say this confidently based on my personal experience with coaches and having been in the industry for almost 12 years, she is one of the best.“

Marilee Tolen Lifestyle & Marketing Coach for Wellness Professionals MarileeTolen.com

All-the-Risk-is-on-Me Satisfaction Guarantee

Register for Get OUT There–Live! at no risk. It’s got to be the best event you’ve ever attended to master growing a business with modern marketing that’s aligned with your values and allows you to serve many more people.

If for any reason, by the end of the 1st day, you honestly feel I did not deliver on the information promised, just turn in your materials to my event manager, and ask for a full 100% refund. We’ll happily oblige.

Webinar-Only-Don’t-Even-Think-About-Asking- Me-Later Tuition is Only:

$495 $197

Option to pay in 3 installments + bring a friend for just $97


http://GetOutThereLive.com ~ Use code GOTL197

November 13-15, 2014 | Mt. Laurel, NJ

To Create a Much Bigger Impact… 1) Get Money Clarity (4 M’s)

2) Grow your list with a high-converting website

3) Have consistent communication and outreach 

4) Build your expert status using social media 

5) Create irresistible offers and packages 

6) Incorporate compelling marketing materials 

7) Master your mindset


“Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one’s own


~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I asked myself: Where am I not being my most authentic self?

Where am I not taking personal responsibility?

To Create a Much Bigger Impact… 1) Get Money Clarity (4 M’s)

2) Grow your list with a high-converting website

3) Have consistent communication and outreach 

4) Build your expert status using social media 

5) Create irresistible offers and packages 

6) Incorporate compelling marketing materials 

7) Master your mindset

8) Leverage, systematize and automate

“To avoid the feast and famine income rollercoaster, I must: 1. systematize my marketing; and

2. Make it consistent. If I only market once in a while, I’ll only have clients once in a while. Remember A.B.M.”

It’s about taking massive action + GETTING OUT THERE

in a really BIG way!

!  Pay in Full or Enjoy Our Easy 3-Pay

!  Three Days of Powerful Content ($1997)

!  20 Minute Laser Strategy Call With Me (1st Three) ($500)

!  Small live group Strategic Planning Day (1stFive) ($3000)

!  Your Own Personalized Event Binder ($1497)

!  Templates, Scripts, Sample Emails, Checklists, Examples and Special Done-For-You Resources ($497)

!  Complimentary Continental Breakfast and Beverages



Webinar-Only-Don’t-Even-Think-About-Asking- Me-Later Tuition is Only:

$495 $197

Option to pay in 3 installments + bring a friend for just $97


http://GetOutThereLive.com ~ Use code GOTL197

November 13-15, 2014 | Mt. Laurel, NJ

Still Have Questions? Happy to Help.

Call us at 856.672.4375

Or email info@ShesGotClients.com

Take Fast Action!

!  What ONE tip can put into place right away?

!  How will you tweak your current social media + online marketing strategy?

!  How will what you’ve learned make a difference in YOUR business?


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