appleby et al (2011) - changes in strength over a two year period in professional rugby union...

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  • 8/3/2019 APPLEBY ET AL (2011) - Changes in Strength Over a Two Year Period in Professional Rugby Union Players


    Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Publish Ahead of Print

    DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31823f8b86

    Changes in Strength over a Two Year Period in Professional Rugby Union Players

    Brendyn Applebya, Robert U. Newton

    band Prue Cormie


    aWestern Force, Rugby WA, Perth, AustraliabSchool of Exercise, Biomedical and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia

    Corresponding author: Brendyn ApplebyRugby WA

    PO 146 FloreatWA 6014

    Phone: (+61 8) 9387 0754Email:

  • 8/3/2019 APPLEBY ET AL (2011) - Changes in Strength Over a Two Year Period in Professional Rugby Union Players



    The purpose of this study was to assess the magnitude of upper and lower body strength

    change in highly trained professional rugby union players following two years of training. An

    additional purpose was to examine if the changes in strength were influenced by starting strength

    level, lean mass index or chronological age. This longitudinal investigation tracked maximal strength

    and body composition over three consecutive years in 20 professional rugby union athletes. Maximal

    strength in the bench press and back squat as well as body composition was assessed during pre-

    season resistance training sessions each year. Athletes completed a very rigorous training program

    throughout the duration of this study consisting of numerous resistance, conditioning and skills

    training sessions every week. The primary findings of this study were: (1) maximal upper and lower

    body strength was increased by 6.5-11.5% following two years of training (p = 0.000-0.002 for bench

    press; p = 0.277-0.165 for squat); (2) magnitude of the improvement was negatively associated with

    initial strength level (r = -0.569 to -0.712; p 0.05); (3) magnitude of improvement in lower body

    maximal strength was positively related to the change in LMI (an indicator of hypertrophy; r = 0.692-

    0.880; p 0.05); and (4) magnitude of improvement was not associated with the age of professional

    rugby union athletes (r = -0.068 to -0.345). It appears particularly important for training programs to

    be designed for continued muscle hypertrophy in highly trained athletes. Even in professional rugby

    union athletes this must be achieved in the face of high volumes of aerobic and skills training if

    strength is to be increased.

    Key Words: resistance training, long term adaptations, diminishing returns, bench press, squat

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    Rugby union is a collision based field sport, intermittent in nature, requiring high levels of

    endurance, strength, power, agility and speed, as well as proficiency in match related skills (1, 13, 14).

    Match analysis has detailed a highly varied and intermittent game, with a wide degree of physical

    situations utilising all energy systems (13). Forwards in particular have been identified as requiring

    high levels of strength for scrumming and contact/wrestling activities whilst backs perform a higher

    frequency of sprints per match compared to forwards. In rugby league, player sprint performance has

    been related to strength and power (4) whilst muscular strength has been frequently demonstrated to

    discriminate playing levels within many collision-based field sports (2, 6, 18, 19). Whilst these

    findings highlight the importance of high strength development as a critical requirement for rugby

    union players, the need for development of other physical characteristics and the training structure of

    professional rugby (i.e. limited time for physical conditioning and the need for concurrent training)

    can affect maximum strength development.

    Whilst maximising the long-term development of strength is one of the primary goals of

    conditioning programs, much of what we know about the neurological and morphological adaptations

    to resistance training arise from short-term (i.e. commonly 8-12 week interventions) investigations

    involving relatively untrained or inexperienced participants. This is a serious limitation of current

    knowledge as the principle of diminished returns dictates that initial improvements in muscular

    function are easily invoked and further improvements are progressively harder to achieve (28). Very

    few studies have examined the magnitude of changes in strength over relatively longer periods of time

    and even fewer have done so with very well trained athletes (3, 5, 7, 20, 21). An investigation

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    rugby league athletes with at least 3 years of resistance training experience were reported to improve

    maximal lower body strength by 14% across a four year period (7) and maximal upper body strength

    by 11% across a six year period (3). Furthermore, a comparison of upper body strength development

    between elite and sub-elite rugby league athletes illustrated considerable difference in the magnitude

    of change over a 6 year period with increases of 6% and 24% observed respectively (3). Finnish

    national champion weightlifters were observed to show small, non-statistically significant

    improvements in maximal strength following one year of training (20), and a significant improvement

    of 2.8% in total weight-lifting result after two years of training (21). Collectively, these results

    illustrate that highly trained athletes have a limited potential for further strength development even

    over long-term periods of intense training and highlight the importance of effective program design.

    While these findings provide indirect observations about the theoretical construct of the principle of

    diminished returns, to date there is a paucity of research empirically testing this hypothesis (28),

    especially in highly trained athletes.

    Maximising the long-term strength development of team sport athletes is a primary goal for

    strength and conditioning coaches. Despite this, there is very limited research investigating long-term

    strength development in highly trained professional team sport athletes, especially rugby union

    athletes. While extensive research has examined the magnitude of change in strength expected over

    short periods of time in relatively untrained subjects, little scientific evidence exists regarding the

    magnitude of change in strength that can be expected over a long-term period in highly trained

    athletes (5, 7, 20, 21). Importantly, no such evidence is available for professional rugby union

    athletes. Furthermore, very limited evidence is available regarding the factors that may influence the

    ability to adapt to resistance training, and thus the magnitude of change in strength, in highly trained

    rugby union athletes (i.e. can the older and/or very strong athletes still significantly improve their

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    training. An additional purpose was to examine if the changes in strength were influenced by starting

    strength level, lean mass index or chronological age.


    Approach to the Problem

    This longitudinal investigation tracked maximal strength and body composition over three

    consecutive years in highly trained, professional rugby union athletes in order to examine the long-

    term adaptations to resistance training. Maximal strength in the bench press and back squat as well as

    body composition was assessed using a one repetition maximum (1RM) test during pre-season

    resistance training sessions each year. Participants completed 1RM assessments at the same time of

    day (i.e. 1st

    training session of the day), with squat and bench press 1RM tests conducted on separate

    days every three to four weeks throughout the pre-season period each year. Assessment of body

    composition was performed at the same time of day (i.e. prior to the 1st

    training session of the day)

    every two weeks throughout the pre-season period each year. All participants were highly experienced

    athletes from the same professional club that completed a very rigorous training program throughout

    the duration of this study consisting of numerous resistance, conditioning and skills training sessions

    every week.


    Twenty professional rugby union athletes (12 forwards and 8 backs) with extensive resistance

    training experience fulfilled all the requirements of this investigation (Table 1). Only athletes who had

    a minimum of two years of full-time employment in a professional rugby union club in 2007 were

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    the lower body strength assessments. Participants gave their written informed consent and voluntarily

    completed the requirements of this investigation as part of their normal club training sessions and.

    This study was approved by the universitys human research ethics committee.

    - insert Table 1 here -


    Training Program.Throughout the duration of the study participants completed a periodised

    training program consisting of between 4-12 training sessions per week. The average number of

    resistance, conditioning and skills sessions as well as matches per week is outlined in Table 2.

    Resistance training programs were individualised based on each athletes physical strengths and

    weaknesses and the presence of any injury. The resistance training program was designed to maximise

    the long-term development of strength and power. During the pre-season phase, the resistance training

    sessions were typically categorised as hypertrophy (i.e. 60 to 75% 1RM, 20 to 25 sets of 10 to 15

    reps) hypertrophy-strength (i.e. 65 to 90% 1RM, 20 to 25 sets of 3 to 15 reps), strength (i.e. 80 to

    100% 1RM, 15 to 20 sets of 1 to 6 reps) or power (i.e. 50 to 85% 1RM, 15 to 20 sets of 1 to 6 reps)

    and cycled in three week blocks with a recovery or lighter week being the last week of each cycle.

    The pre-competition phase was characterised by lower volume (i.e. 15 to 20 sets of 1 to 10 reps),

    higher intensity (i.e. 75 to 100% 1RM) strength and power sessions while the competition phase

    consisted primarily of maintenance programming (i.e. 80 to 100% 1RM, 20 to 25 sets of 3 to 12 reps).

    At the completion of the season, athletes involved with their national representative team followed the

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    methodical, progressive overload outlook. Recovery and off-season programs were general in


    A typical upper body training session commenced with one to three shoulder warm-up

    exercises targeting rotator cuff and scapular stability. In general, the number of sets ranged from 15 to

    25, depending on the individual requirements. Between three to four sets of progressively increasing

    load were performed prior to two to three sets at maximal intensity for that sessions required load.

    Only multi-joint exercises were used and the ratio of push-pull movements was prescribed

    individually to ensure muscular balance in each athlete. Typical exercises included chin-ups, bent-

    over rows, bench pull, flat, incline and shoulder press, using barbells or dumbbells.

    A typical lower body session commenced with one to two lower body stability or technique

    orientated warm-up exercises of sub-maximal intensity. The number of work sets was generally less

    than the upper body sessions, ranging from 15 to 20. Similar to upper body strength training sessions,

    between three to four sets of progressively increasing load were performed prior to two to three sets of

    maximal intensity at that sessions required load. Only multi-joint exercises were prescribed with the

    exception of supplementary hamstring and gluteal isolation exercises, completed towards the later

    stages of the program. Typical multi-joint exercises included deadlifts, squats, clean pulls, step-ups,

    incline leg press and power cleans.

    Conditioning sessions involved a variety of aerobic and anaerobic conditioning training

    modalities during the duration of the study period. During the pre-season phase, conditioning

    sessions were comprised predominately of running, although bike, cross-training, swimming and

    boxing sessions were also utilised. Individuals were prescribed between two and four conditioning

    sessions per week of varying intensity (i.e. 6 to 9 rating of perceived exertion [RPE] using the

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    prescribed on an individual player basis in accordance to their needs analysis. The in-season

    conditioning sessions were of a similar intensity (i.e. 6 to 9 RPE), but much shorter duration

    (maximum 30 minutes).

    Skill sessions involved components of individual player skill development, unit training (i.e.

    position specific specialist small team technique and tactics), full team training, simulating match play

    with varying levels of physical contact ranging from no contact, to pads, to full contact drills. The

    number of sessions per week ranged from two to four, of varying lengths (45 to 120 minutes) and

    intensity (RPE of 3 to 7). In-season, post-match recovery and travel were factors that influenced the

    frequency (between 2 and 3), duration (30 to 60 minutes) and intensity (RPE of 2 to 7) of skill


    - insert Table 2 here -

    Maximal Strength Assessment. The bench press and back squat 1RM were used to assess

    maximal upper body and lower body strength respectively. Regular assessments were conducted

    throughout the pre-season period each year with testing occurring at the same time of the day, on the

    same day of the week for each exercise every year. The 1RM protocol involved participants

    completing a series of 3-4 warm up sets of increasing load each separated by 3 minutes of recovery. A

    series of maximal lift attempts were then performed until a 1RM was obtained. No more than five

    attempts were permitted with each attempt separated by 5 minutes of recovery. This protocol has been

    used frequently in previous research for the assessment of maximal dynamic strength (8, 10, 11) and

    reliability of these protocols have been established previously (24-26). A free weights bench press

    rack was used to test bench press 1RM Only trials in which participants lowered the barbell to their

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    successful. This depth was monitored during testing using a linear position transducer (GymAware,

    Kinetic Technology, Canberra, Australia) attached to the barbell as well as visually by the same

    experienced tester. All participants were very experienced with the bench press and squat 1RM

    protocols, having performed the assessments frequently for a minimum of 2 years prior to 2007.

    Assessment of 1RM occurred frequently throughout the pre-season phase each year and only the

    highest 1RM of the year was included in the analysis (i.e. comparisons were made between the

    highest strength level achieved during the pre-season of three consecutive years in order to determine

    the long-term changes in strength rather than short-term fluctuations due to de-conditioning during the

    off-season etc.).

    Body Composition Assessment. The same experienced, International Society for the

    Advancement of Kinanthropometry accredited anthropometrist performed skinfold thickness

    assessments in accordance with standard methods throughout the duration of this study. The following

    seven sites were measured using calibrated skinfold callipers (Harpenden Skinfold Callipers) triceps,

    subscapular, biceps, supraspinale, abdomen, thigh and calf. Body mass was assessed using the same

    set of calibrated electronic scales. The between test technical error for sum of seven skinfolds and

    body mass was 2mm (i.e. 3.0%) and 0.01kg (i.e. 0.01%) respectively based on repeated measurements

    of 10 athletes. The lean mass index (LMI) was calculated using methods described by Duthie et al.

    (15) as an indicator of fat-free mass (LMI = mass/sum of 7 skinfoldsx; where x is 0.13 for forwards

    and 0.14 for backs). Urine specific gravity was assessed regularly to ensure a consistent level of


    Statistical Analyses

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    represent a small, moderate and large effect respectively. Relationships between the changes in

    strength and starting strength level, LMI as well as age were evaluated using Pearsons correlation

    coefficient (r). The strength of the correlation coefficient was determined based on classifications

    outlined by Cohen (9) where r = 0.10 0.29 has a small effect, r = 0.30 0.49 has a moderate effect

    and r 0.5 has a large effect. Statistical significance for all analyses was defined by p 0.05 and

    results were summarized as means standard deviations.


    Statistically significant differences between 2007, 2008 and 2009 were observed in a number

    of variables (Table 1). Statistically significant changes in LMI, bench press 1RM and bench press

    1RM:BM were observed in both 2008 and 2009 (Table 3). Practically relevant improvements in squat

    1RM and squat 1RM:BM were also observed in 2008 and 2009 but these changes did not reach

    statistical significance (Table 3). Significant negative relationships that had a large effect were

    observed between strength level in 2007 and the percent change in strength in 2008 and 2009 for both

    the bench press and squat (Figure 1). This data indicates that 32-51% of the variance in maximal

    upper body strength percent change and 41-46% of the variance in maximal lower body strength

    percent change was explained by starting strength level. Significant positive relationships that had a

    large effect were also observed between the percent change in LMI and percent change in lower body

    strength but not upper body strength (Figure 2). This data indicates that 6-10% of the variance in

    maximal upper body strength percent change and 44-77% of the variance in maximal lower body

    strength percent change was explained by the percent change in LMI. No relationship was observed

    between age in 2007 and the percent change in either upper body or lower body strength (Figure 3).

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    clear understanding of the multitude of factors that affect adaptation in professional team sport


    Influence of Initial Strength Level on Long-Term Changes in Strength. Significant

    negative relationships were observed between initial strength level and the magnitude of change in

    both upper and lower body strength following two years of training (r = -0.569 to -0.712 i.e. 32-51%

    and 41-46% of the variance in maximal upper and lower body strength change respectively was

    explained by starting strength level). These results provide some of the first data and certainly the

    strongest evidence to date for elite athletes supporting the theoretical construct of the principle of

    diminished returns which dictates that initial improvements in muscular function are easily invoked

    and further improvements are progressively harder to achieve (i.e. the magnitude of potential for

    training-induced improvement decreases as strength and training experience of the athlete increases)

    (7, 29).It is theorised that despite all participants being exposed to a similar volume of resistance

    training, the relatively weaker athletes had a greater capacity for adaptation within the neuromuscular

    system (i.e. a larger window of adaptation). If similar rates of improvements are to be achieved, the

    stronger participants may require a greater stimulus due to the smaller window of adaptation for

    strength improvement these athletes have as a result of their highly developed neuromuscular system.

    It is unknown if this can be achieved through sophisticated program design or if the time necessary to

    devote to a greater rate of improvement in these athletes limits the ability for development in other

    important performance areas and increases the risk of overtraining.

    Influence of Lean Mass on Long-Term Changes in Strength. It has been well documented

    that increases in muscle cross-sectional area are strongly associated with increased strength (16, 17,

    23). The current study reflects these results in an applied setting with significant correlations

    b d b h i d f l b d h i d h h i ( 0 692 0 880

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    the lower body compared to upper body musculature. Although not a direct measure of muscle mass

    or cross-sectional area, the LMI can be considered an indicator of muscle hypertrophy. The significant

    relationship between strength and LMI gain demonstrates the importance of hypertrophy to enhancing

    lower body maximal strength in professional rugby union players. Therefore, if further improvements

    in strength are to be achieved in such highly trained athletes, training programs need to be designed

    for continued muscle hypertrophy and this can be achieved despite high volumes of aerobic and skills

    training. The significant 2.8% increase in LMI observed in the current investigation illustrates that

    muscle hypertrophy is still achievable under these circumstances.

    Influence of Age on Long-Term Changes in Strength. The average age of participants in

    the current study was higher than other long-term studies involving highly trained athletes (5, 7, 27).

    Despite this, the results indicate that older athletes were still able to increase strength. Specifically,

    there were no statistically significant relationships observed between the athletes age at the start of

    the investigation and the magnitude of change in maximal strength following two years of training.

    Although there were non-significant trends towards a negative relationship between initial age and

    upper body strength gain (r = -0.313 to -0.345; p = 0.148-0.191, i.e. 10-12% of the variance in upper

    body strength change was explained by initial age), changes in lower body strength showed no

    association with initial age (r = -0.068 to -0.152; p = 0.655-0.842, i.e. 0-2% of the variance in lower

    body strength change was explained by initial age). Interestingly, in 2007 there was a trend towards a

    positive relationship between age and upper body strength level (r = 0.389, p = 0.100) and no

    relationship observed between age and lower body strength level (r = -0.289, p = 0.388). These

    observations suggest that the higher initial upper body strength level of older athletes may have a

    strong confounding impact on the correlations observed between age and change in strength.

    Nevertheless, it is clear that changes in lean muscle and an athletes initial strength level are more

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    Time Course of Long-Term Changes in Strength. Another interesting observation worthy

    of discussion is the timing of improvements over the two year training period. Increases of 7.3% (p =

    0.001, ES = 0.66) and 10.6% (p = 0.198, ES = 0.50) in bench press and squat 1RM strength

    respectively were observed during the first year of training (i.e. 2007-2008). In contrast, increases of

    only 4.0% (p = 0.099, ES = 0.38) and 0.4% (p = 0.857, ES = 0.02) in bench press and squat 1RM

    were observed during the second year of training (i.e. 2008-2009), leading to improvements of 11.5%

    and 10.8% across the two years of training (i.e. 2007-2009). These figures quite clearly demonstrate a

    far more pronounced yearly increase in strength during the first year of the training period observed,

    especially with lower body strength. There are many factors that may have contributed to these

    observations (i.e. less effective program design, increased quantity of match time leading to more

    match related soreness (27), increased prevalence of injury, shift in program emphasis, player

    motivation etc.) but the primary driver was theorised to be associated with differences in the training

    load performed between the first and second year of training. The number of resistance training

    sessions involving the bench press remained relatively similar from 2007 (17.1 7.7) to 2008 (16.3

    6.4; p = 0.627) and 2009 (14.6 8.5; p = 0.307). However, the number of resistance training sessions

    involving the squat showed a trend towards increasing from 2007 (10.9 6.6) to 2008 (13.0 6.4; p =

    0.275) and was significantly lower in 2009 (6.3 4.4; p = 0.021). Similar results were observed in

    the number of work sets performed of the bench press (2007 51.4 25.5; 2008 51.3 23.2, p =

    0.981; 2009 40.8 26.0, p = 0.197) and the squat (2007 40.7 25.4; 2008 51.6 30.2, p =

    0.244; 2009 21.6 15.4, p = 0.018). While this data doesnt capture all exercise that target the

    prime movers in the bench press and squat, it provides a strong indication of the changes in upper and

    lower body resistance training volume throughout the duration of the study. These differences in the

    volume of resistance training performed were due to injury and/or a shift in training emphasis for

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    and are associated with an increase in lean mass (squat only). Given the strong relationship between

    increases in lean mass index and increases in strength it appears particularly important for training

    programs to be designed for continued muscle hypertrophy. Even in elite level rugby union athletes

    this must be achieved in the face of high volumes of aerobic and skills training. Furthermore, the

    degree of strength improvement is related to initial strength level with larger improvements observed

    in athletes with relatively lower levels of strength regardless of age.


    Improvement in strength is highly related to increased lean muscle mass in highly trainedathletes. Strength and conditioning coaches should be mindful to include a level of hypertrophy

    training in resistance training programs for highly trained athletes requiring increases in


    The magnitude of strength improvement is related to initial strength level with greaterimprovements observed in relatively weaker athletes. Strength and conditioning professionals

    should be aware of the greater programming detail required for continued development of

    strength in highly trained athletes compared to relatively weaker athletes even within the same

    professional organisation.

    Age does not appear to limit the potential to adapt to strength training within a group of highlytrained professional rugby union athletes.


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    Table 1. Participant characteristics throughout the duration of the study. * Significantly (p 0.05)

    different than 2007.

    Table 2. Average duration and number of resistance training, conditioning and skills sessions as well

    as the number of matches per week during each of the phases of the year.

    Table 3. Percent change in body composition and strength from 2007. The magnitude of effect is

    indicated by the effect size with 0.20 representing the smallest worthwhile change. * Significant (p

    0.05) change from 2007.


    Figure 1. Relationship between maximal strength level in 2007 and the percent change in maximal

    strength in 2008 (A bench press and C - squat) and 2009 (B bench press and D - squat). The

    correlation coefficient (r) is indicated for each of the graphs. * Significant (p 0.05) correlation.

    Figure 2. Relationship between percent change in maximal strength and percent change in lean massindex between 2007-2008 (A bench press and C - squat) and 2007-2009 (B bench press and D -

    squat). The correlation coefficient (r) is indicated for each of the graphs. * Significant (p 0.05)


    Figure 3. Relationship between age in 2007 and the percent change in maximal strength in 2008 (A

    bench press and C - squat) and 2009 (B bench press and D - squat). The correlation coefficient (r) is

    indicated for each of the graphs.

  • 8/3/2019 APPLEBY ET AL (2011) - Changes in Strength Over a Two Year Period in Professional Rugby Union Players


    Copyright National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

    2007 2008 2009

    Age (years) 24.4 3.4 25.4 3.4* 26.4 3.4*

    Body Mass (kg) 103.8 7.6 104.7 8.2 106.0 8.4*

    Sum of 7 Skinfolds (mm) 71.1 16.9 65.7 16.1* 68.0 16.4

    Lean Mass Index 58.7 4.3 59.8 4.3* 60.3 4.3*

    Bench Press 1RM (kg) 132.5 14.0 141.6 12.6* 146.8 11.5*Bench Press 1RM:BM 1.28 0.13 1.36 0.13* 1.39 0.14*

    Squat 1RM (kg) 164.6 31.5 178.6 26.1 179.1 26.7

    Squat 1RM:BM 1.55 0.24 1.68 0.22 1.67 0.19

    Table 1. Participant characteristics throughout the duration of the study. * Significantly (p 0.05) different than 2007.

  • 8/3/2019 APPLEBY ET AL (2011) - Changes in Strength Over a Two Year Period in Professional Rugby Union Players


    Copyright National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

    Phase of YearAverage


    Resistance Sessions Conditioning

    SessionsSkills Sessions Matches

    Upper Body Lower Body

    Pre-Season 8-10 weeks 4 4 3-4 4 0

    Christmas Break 2 weeks 1-2 1-2 2 0 0

    Pre-Competition 5 weeks 1-2 1-2 2 2-3 0-1

    Super 14 Competition 14 weeks 1-2 1-2 1-2 2-3 1

    Recovery 1-3 weeks 0 0 0 0 0

    International or Club Season 13-16 weeks 1-2 1-2 1-2 2 1

    Off-Season 2-4 weeks 1 1 1-2 0 0

    Table 2. Average duration and number of resistance training, conditioning and skills sessions as well as the number of matches per week

    during each of the phases of the year.

  • 8/3/2019 APPLEBY ET AL (2011) - Changes in Strength Over a Two Year Period in Professional Rugby Union Players


    Copyright National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

    2008 2009

    % Change P-value Effect Size % Change


    value Effect Size

    Body Mass 0.8 1.6 0.147 0.11 Trivial 2.1 2.4* 0.003 0.28 Small

    Sum of 7 Skinfolds -7.2 10.7* 0.028-

    0.33Small -3.9 12.5 0.586 -0.19 Trivial

    Lean Mass Index 1.9 1.9* 0.002 0.25 Small 2.8 2.2* 0.000 0.37 Small

    Bench Press 1RM 7.3 7.2* 0.001 0.66Moderat


    11.5 10.0* 0.000 1.04 Large

    Bench Press

    1RM:BM6.5 7.6* 0.005 0.56


    e9.2 9.0* 0.001 0.81 Large

    Squat 1RM 10.6 17.0 0.198 0.50Moderat

    e10.8 17.6 0.206 0.52



    Squat 1RM:BM 9.5 14.6 0.165 0.59Moderat

    e9.2 16.4 0.277 0.53



    Table 3. Percent change in body composition and strength from 2007. The magnitude of effect is indicated by the effect size with

    0.20 representing the smallest worthwhile change. * Significant (p 0.05) change from 2007.

  • 8/3/2019 APPLEBY ET AL (2011) - Changes in Strength Over a Two Year Period in Professional Rugby Union Players


    Copyright National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

    Figure 1. Relationship between maximal strength level in 2007 and the percent change in maximal strength in 2008

    (A bench press and C - squat) and 2009 (B bench press and D - squat). The correlation coefficient (r) is indicated for each of the graphs.

    * Significant (p 0.05) correlation.

  • 8/3/2019 APPLEBY ET AL (2011) - Changes in Strength Over a Two Year Period in Professional Rugby Union Players


    Copyright National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

    Figure 2. Relationship between percent change in maximal strength and percent change in lean mass index between 2007-2008 (

    A bench press and C - squat) and 2007-2009 (B bench press and D - squat).

    The correlation coefficient (r) is indicated for each of the graphs. * Significant (p 0.05) correlation.

  • 8/3/2019 APPLEBY ET AL (2011) - Changes in Strength Over a Two Year Period in Professional Rugby Union Players


    Copyright National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

    Figure 3. Relationship between age in 2007 and the percent change in maximal strength in 2008 (A bench press and C - squat) and 2009 (

    B bench press and D - squat). The correlation coefficient (r) is indicated for each of the graphs.

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