april, 4 2021 easter sunday “yes, christ my hope is arisen

Post on 17-Jul-2022






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lay staff of the Archdiocese. We encourage anyone with knowledge of an act of sexual

misconduct to inform us immediately so that we may take the appropriate action to

protect others and provide support to victims of sexual abuse. Individuals who wish to

report allegation of misconduct may do so by calling the Archdiocesan Office of Child

and Youth Protection at 201-407-3256.


La Arquidiócesis toma muy en serio todas y cada una de las acusaciones del clero, los

religiosos y el personal laico de la Arquidiócesis. Animamos a cualquier persona con

conocimiento de un acto de mala conducta sexual a que nos informe de inmediato para

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conducta pueden hacerlo llamando a la Oficina Arquidiocesana de Protección de Niños

y Jóvenes al 201-407-3256

Rev. Francisco J. Rodriguez – Pastor pastor@saintfrancisdesaleslodinj.org Rev. Preston Perez – Parochial Vicar parochialvicar@saintfrancisdesaleslodinj.org Sr. Martine Pijanowski, CSSF –Pastoral Associate Sr. Lois Parente, CSSF-Business Manager businessmanager@saintfrancisdesaleslodinj.org Maria Victoria Maldonado – Office Manager secretary@saintfrancisdesaleslodinj.org Mariangeli Reyes – Secretary cemetery@saintfrancisdesaleslodinj.org Clarena Santamaria – Local Safe Environment Coordinator LSECSFS@saintfrancisdesaleslodinj.org Judith Santlofer – Coordinator of Religious Education ccd@saintfrancisdesaleslodinj.org Rosa Maria de Leon– RCIA Director RCIASFS@saintfrancisdesaleslodinj.org Cynthia Bordes -Youth Minister youth@saintfrancisdesaleslodinj.org Paul Weiner – Organist music@saintfrancisdesaleslodinj.org Jesus Santos -Maintenance maintenance@saintfrancisdesaleslodinj.org Francia Polanco – Director of Spanish Music Alex Duran – Music Assistant Manuela Khoury– Liturgical Decorator of Worship Spaces Judith Schroeder – Trustee Joseph Capozzi – Trustee

125 Union Street, Lodi, N.J. 07644 Rectory#: 973-779-4330 Fax #: 973-779-8842 Emergency#: 201-638-6323 https://saintfrancisdesaleslodinj.org francisdesales@hotmail.com



Monday through Friday 9a.m.—1p.m., 2 p.m.—7p.m

Easter Monday, April 5th office closed.

04/04 Easter Sunday 7:30 a.m. English Mass

9:00 a.m. Portuguese Mass

10:30 a.m. English Mass

12:30 p.m. Spanish Mass

04/05 Monday 9:00 am English Mass

04/06 Tuesday 7:30 a.m. English Mass

04/07 Wednesday 12:00 p.m. Angelus /Mass

04/08 Thursday 12:00 p.m. English Mass/ Angelus

8:00 p.m. Spanish Mass

04/09 Friday 12:00 p.m. Angelus/ English Mass

04/10 Saturday 12:00 p.m. Angelus/ English Mass

Please keep Social distancing and wear a face mask at all times. - If you need help or need to speak to someone during this please call our emergency number 201-730-1497

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Holy Saturday 11:00 am OR by appointment

Sacrament of Baptism

Please call the rectory for Baptism Information

Sacrament of Marriage

Contact the Parish office 973-779-4330 at least one year in

advance for arrangements.

Sick & Home bound

To all who may have a sick relative at home, in rehab,

hospital or nursing home please notify the Parish office

973-779-4330 so we can arrange a time to visit them.

April, 4 2021 Easter Sunday

“Yes, Christ my hope is arisen; to

Galilee he goes before you.” Christ

indeed from death is risen, our new

life obtaining. Have mercy, victor

King, ever reigning. Amen. Alleluia.”

Sequence of Easter

From the Pastor’s Desk

Dear brothers and sisters,


With this greeting the early Christians used to greet each other during the Easter Time. A reminder that life is now full and that our Hope is not based on this world alone but that we are called to a Heavenly reality that surpasses any desire and aspiration we might have. During the Easter celebrations we will sing the Sequence of Easter that proclaimed that: “Christ my hope is Risen indeed, and he precedes us into Galilee!” Thus, it is impossible to be saddened today: you are afraid… courage our hope has come out from the tomb; you are anxious… courage hope is coming; you have sinned… courage our hope is coming with forgiveness; you are joyful… then sing with the Church and the angels that death has no power as St. Paul proclaims. Easter is the moment in which Christians can be bold and proclaimed that the end is not anymore, the end. We can proclaim that life does not finish in the tomb, because Christ has rolled out the stone and has come out from the tomb. Now, forgiveness is given to us and Christ wants to give us His Spirit so that we may have the same life that He has. We are invited for fifty days to rejoice in this Feast of the Resurrection. For this reason, at the parish, we will have an opportunity to grow in this through the Prayer and Life Workshops that start in English on Friday April 16 at 7 PM in Mother Angela and in Spanish on Wednesday April 14 at the same time and place. Please contact the rectory to let us know that you are attending. We are also resuming baptisms as is the Sacrament that makes visible to Paschal Mystery in our lives (we die with Christ and we rise with Christ) … contact the rectory for more information or to schedule a baptism. And on April 25 we will have adult confir-mations for the parish, please pray for the candidates. Happy Easter to all and let us pray for each other! Saint Francis de Sales Pray for Us!


Con este saludo los primeros cristianos solían saludarse durante el tiempo pascual. Un recordatorio de que la vida ahora es plena y que nuestra Esperanza no se basa solo en este mundo, sino que estamos llamados a una realidad celestial que supera cualquier deseo y aspiración que podamos tener. Durante las celebraciones de la Pascua cantaremos la Secuencia de la Pascua que proclama que: "¡Cristo, mi esperanza ha resucitado en verdad, y nos precede a Galilea!" Por eso, hoy es imposible entristecerse: tienes miedo ... cora-je, nuestra esperanza ha salido de la tumba; estás ansioso… coraje, la esperanza se acerca; has pecado ... valor, nuestra esperanza vie-ne con el perdón; estás alegre ... entonces canta con la Iglesia y los ángeles que la muerte no tiene poder, como proclama San Pablo.

La Pascua es el momento en el que los cristianos pueden ser audaces y proclamar que el fin ya no es, el fin. Podemos proclamar que la vida no se acaba en el sepulcro, porque Cristo ha rodado la piedra y ha salido del sepulcro. Ahora, se nos da el perdón y Cristo quiere darnos su Espíritu para que podamos tener la misma vida que él tiene.

Estamos invitados durante cincuenta días a regocijarnos en esta Fiesta de la Resurrección. Por esta razón, en la parroquia, tendremos la oportunidad de crecer en esto a través de los Talleres de Oración y Vida que comienzan en inglés el viernes 16 de abril a las 7 pm en Madre Ángela y en español el miércoles 14 de abril a la misma hora y lugar ... Comuníquese con la rectoría para informarnos que asisti-rá. También estamos reanudando los bautismos como es el Sacramento que hace visible el Misterio Pascual en nuestras vidas (morimos con Cristo y resucitamos con Cristo) … contacte la rectoría para más información o para programar un bautismo. Y el 25 de abril tendremos confirmaciones de adultos para la parroquia, por favor ore por los candidatos. ¡Feliz Pascua a todos y recemos los unos por los otros! ¡San Francisco de Sales ¡Ruega por nosotros!


Com esta saudação, os primeiros cristãos saudavam-se mutuamente durante a Páscoa. Um lembrete de que a vida agora está plena e que nossa esperança não se baseia apenas neste mundo, mas que somos chamados a uma realidade celestial que supera qualquer desejo e aspiração que possamos ter. Durante as celebrações da Páscoa cantaremos a Sequência da Páscoa que proclama que: “Cristo, minha esperança, ressuscitou verdadeiramente e nos precede na Galileia!” Assim, é impossível estar triste hoje: você está com medo ... coragem, nossa esperança saiu do túmulo; você está ansioso ... esperança, coragem está chegando; você pecou ... coragem, nossa esperança vem com perdão; estais alegres ... depois cantai com a Igreja e os anjos que a morte não tem força, como proclama São Paulo. A Páscoa é o momento em que os cristãos podem ousar e proclamar que o fim já não é o fim. Podemos proclamar que a vida não termina no túmulo, porque Cristo rolou a pedra e saiu do túmulo. Agora, o perdão nos é dado e Cristo quer nos dar Seu Espírito para que possamos ter a mesma vida que Ele tem. Somos convidados por cinquenta dias a nos alegrarmos nesta Festa da Ressurreição. Por isso, na paróquia, teremos a oportunidade de crescer nisso através das Oficinas de Oração e Vida que começam em inglês na sexta-feira 16 de abril às 19h na Madre Angela e em espanhol na quarta-feira 14 de abril no mesmo horário e local. Entre em contato com a reitoria para nos informar que você está participando. Também estamos retomando os batismos como é o Sacramento que torna visível o Mistério Pascal em nossas vidas (morremos com Cristo e ressuscitamos com Cristo) ... contate a reitoria para mais informações ou para agendar um batismo. E no dia 25 de abril teremos confirmações de adultos para a paróquia, orem pelos candidatos. Feliz Páscoa a todos e rezemos uns pelos outros! São Francisco de Sales ora por nós!

Fr. Francisco

Mass Intentions

Easter Sunday Sunday Readings

April 4:Acts 10:34a, 37-43•Col 3 1-4 or Cor 5: 6-8 •Jn 20: 1-9orMk 16:1-7orLk 24: 13-35 April 11: acts 4:32-35• 1 Jn 5: 1-6 • Jn 20: 19-3

Pray for Bob Goodwin, Irene Luczyk, David Pilger, Rose Tavolaro, Mary Zabrano, Andy Mullins,

Alfred Pelikan, Jacob Berard, Ann Tramuta, Alice Rigolosi, Rose Jamine.

The Bread and Wine will be offered for

Parish Intention

The Sanctuary Lamp will be burned for

† Bea and George Warchol

The deceased members of this Parish Community, and for all the deceased for whom we have celebrated their Funeral Mass in St. Francis de Sales Church.


11:00 pm Trilingual Easter Spiritual Bouquet by Parish


7:30 am English Easter Spiritual Bouquet by Parish

9:00 am Portuguese Easter Spiritual Bouquet by Parish

10:30 am English Easter Spiritual Bouquet by Parish

12:30 pm Spanish Easter Spiritual Bouquet by Parish

Monday April 5th within the Octave of Easter.

9:00 am English † James Pijanowski by Micky Satkowski

Tuesday April 6th, within the Octave of Easter.

7:30 am English † James Pijanowski by Bella & Al Lombardi

Wednesday April 7th, within the Octave of Easter .

12:00 pm English † Regina and Joseph Hernandez by Carmen and Ida

Thursday April 8th,within the Octave of Easter.

12:00 pm English † James Pijanowski by Charles Maikisch

8:00 pm Spanish † Rosa Liberata Oquendo by Carmen Rosa Astete

Friday April 9th, within the Octave of Easter.

12:00 pm English † Gloria Gaus by Carmen and Ida

Saturday April 10th, within the Octave of Easter

12:00 pm English † Joseph De Christofano (39th Anniversary) by Bella J. Lombardi


† Ed & Veronica Zalenski by Their Children

† Mary & Paul Placko by Susan Maikisch

† Fred Maikisch by Susan Maikisch

† Segundo Cuba by Hidalgo's Family

5:00 pm English † Lucy De Christofano (74th Anniversary) by Bella J. Lombardi

7:00 pm Spanish Intenciones Comunitarias

7:30 am English Frank Steffens / Ron Marino

9:00 am Portuguese

10:30 am English Pauline Gonsisko / Dolores Putt

12:30 pm Spanish Carmen Rosa Astete /

Naira Bellinghieri

Ambrosia Garcia

Divine Mercy Sunday

Domingo de la Divina Misericordia

April 10-11, 2021 5:00 pm English Lucy Rieger / Sister Martine

7:00 pm Spanish Carlos Castañeda /

Nubia Cuesta

Irma Villalobos

7:30 am English Mary Ann Harris / Chris Fredericks

9:00 am Portuguese

10:30 am English Mary Walsh / Mary Scimeca

12:30 pm Spanish Monica Pulido

Carolina Bordes

Pilar Deleg

Easter Sunday

Domingo de Pascua

April 4, 2021

Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers

Ministros Lectores y Eucaristia

Archbishop’s Annual Appeal

Goal Amount

Updated 02/10/2021


Pledges Received Balance Goal - Pledges Percentage of Goal Number of Donors

$16,275.00 $3,536.00 82.15 % 46

St. Vincent de Paul Poor fund $ 500.00

Saint Vincent de Paul Poor Fund

Our finance Council has approved the start of an account for the Poor of our Parish, Saint Vincent the Paul Poor Fund. The fund will exclusively help the poor among our parishioners. If you want to contribute write a check payable to St. Francis De Sales, in the check memo or in the sealed envelope, write poor fund. Thank you for your generosity.

Weekly Offerings March 28, 2021

Collection TBA

Assessment TBA

The Rosary Society

will resume the monthly meetings in

Mother Angela Commons on

Thursday April 8

Following the 7:00 pm Novena to the Miraculous Medal.

Please remember donations for the Food Pantry.

New members are always welcomed.

The Archdiocese of Newark Respect Life

Office will be hosting two upcoming

Rachel’s Vineyard retreats to heal the

wounds from abortion.

Retreat dates are May 14-16, 2021 (English)

and April 23-25, 2021 (Spanish).

Contact the Respect Life Office for more details

by calling 973-497-4350

Cheryl.riley@rcan.org (English)

elvinedoderaquelinfo@rcan.org (Spanish)


To the whole family of

Saint Francis de

Sales Church


Fr. Francisco Rodriguez

& Fr. Preston Perez.

Rectory will be closed on Easter

Monday, April 5th, 2021.

La rectoría estará cerrada el

lunes 5 de abril de 2021.

A Reitoria estará fechada na se-

gunda-feira, 5 de abril de 2021.

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