april2007 knowledge mgmt

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Debbie Duong and Brent Pliskow, Credit Acceptance


© 2006, Credit Acceptance. All rights reserved.

Brent Pliskow, Help Desk Supervisor

Debbie Duong, Help Desk Manager

April 12th, 2007

KCS Implementation at Credit Acceptance

© 2005, Credit Acceptance. All rights reserved. 2

Today’s Objectives

Overview of KCS (Knowledge-Centered Support)

How we implemented at Credit Acceptance


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Challenges Facing Support




Decreasing Budgets

Rising Costs

Source: Help Desk Institute - Foundations of KCS Course Material

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The Consortium for Service Innovation• Non-profit organization• Board of directors included executives from

Cisco, HP, Microsoft, and Oracle• www.serviceinnovation.org

Self Assessment

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KCS originated in 1992 with a simple premise:• To capture, structure, and Re-use support


With 10+ years in development and over $45 million invested

© 2005, Credit Acceptance. All rights reserved. 6

KCS Methodology

KCS is a methodology and a set of practices and processes that focuses on knowledge as a key asset of the support organization.

KCS seeks to:• Create content as a by-product of solving problems • Evolve content based on demand and usage• Develop a KB of our collective experience to-date• Reward learning, collaboration, sharing and improving

Integrates with ITIL

KCS is not something we doin addition to solving problems…

KCS becomes the way we solve problems

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KCS Double Loop Process


Capture inThe workflow

Structure For reuse

SearchingIs creating

Just-in-timeSolution Quality





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The Solve Loop

Capture in the Workflow Structure for Reuse Searching is Creating Just-In-Time Solution Quality

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KCS Double Loop Process


Capture inThe workflow

Structure For reuse

SearchingIs creating

Just-in-timeSolution Quality





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The Evolve Loop

Workflow Content Vitality Performance Assessment Leadership

© 2005, Credit Acceptance. All rights reserved. 11


CustomerIncreased confidence in supportImproved response from supportSpeed, accuracy and consistency

Analyst Personal empowerment and recognition

Improved confidenceBroadened expertise

OrganizationImproved effectiveness/efficiencyEvolving resources and expertiseImproved relevance and loyalty

© 2005, Credit Acceptance. All rights reserved. 12

Roles and Responsibilities

Sponsor Manager Knowledge Developers


KCS Coach Knowledge Domain Expert KCS Council

© 2005, Credit Acceptance. All rights reserved. 13


Talk Time Hold Time # of Solutions created # of Solutions reused Competency development

© 2005, Credit Acceptance. All rights reserved. 14

KCS Recommendation

Communication Plan• Top down• Elevator Pitch

Develop answers to objections Resources

© 2005, Credit Acceptance. All rights reserved. 15

Credit Acceptance Implementation

Why we decided to implement KCS? Background

• CA Help Desk created in 1999• By 2004

4 Help Desk Analyst 1 Help Desk Manager 500 users, 1500 calls per month

© 2005, Credit Acceptance. All rights reserved. 16

Prior to 2004

Non-centralized documents Out-of-date, incomplete and/or missing

documentation Culture of asking other analysts for information

before conducting research of their own Inability to answer many questions reported by

the user community Inconsistent answers/instructions provided by

Analysts Time spent reworking existing solutions

© 2005, Credit Acceptance. All rights reserved. 17


Created Knowledge Administrator position Implemented KCS methodology with Help

Desk in hopes to expand to department Created KCS Strategy Created document templates Created KB in call logging tool Trained Help Desk Created metrics and tied to PR

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Document Template

Process and Procedure Hardware Software

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Hardware Template

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Hardware Template

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Hardware Template

© 2005, Credit Acceptance. All rights reserved. 23

Hardware Template

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Hardware Template

© 2005, Credit Acceptance. All rights reserved. 25

Hardware Template

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Hardware Template

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Creating a New Call

KB Button

© 2005, Credit Acceptance. All rights reserved. 28

KB Search Results

© 2005, Credit Acceptance. All rights reserved. 29

KB Article

© 2005, Credit Acceptance. All rights reserved. 30

KB Actions

Analysts have the ability to resolve a call with the KB article• Brings over the KB article’s ‘Solution

Description” text into the resolution notes.

Analysts also have the ability to ‘remember’ a KB article.• Quick Reference• Steps leading toward resolution

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Submitting Knowledge

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Submissions to KB are reviewed weekly. Additions can also be entered externally

from a ticket.

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Knowledge Administrator View

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Knowledge Administrator View

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Self-Help (Public View of KB)

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Self-Help (Public View of KB)

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© 2005, Credit Acceptance. All rights reserved. 38


Slight increase in FCR. Increase in Analyst Knowledge. Consistency in responses to customers.

© 2005, Credit Acceptance. All rights reserved. 39

Lessons Learned

Start with a Top-Down Approach Resource and Budget Limitations vs. Big

Goals/Ideas Enhanced/Improved Tool Communication – Internally and Externally

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Today and the Future

Maintenance mode 10 hours per week Everyone is responsible Integrate with ITIL

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Additional Resources

HDI Knowledge Management Professional

Organizations and Journals• www.serviceinnovation.org

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