arc-en-ciel: a sims 3 rainbowcy. episode 31

Post on 13-Apr-2017



Entertainment & Humor



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Two in one day? Well yes, maybe three who knows? I have the urge to write and to see my final generation grow up. I have no idea what I plan to do with my Pink gen heiress but I’m sure I’ll think of something to do with her, once I decided which one I’m going

to pick as heiress. Perhaps I should introduce my Pink generation before I go making all sorts of plans for them hmm?

Apatite: Man am I glad I’m getting out of here soon.

Kaelee: You could help your SIL you know!

Apatite: I could…if I knew how to be useful.

Apatite: Why are you freaking out Aqua? We can’t do anything.

Aquamarine: She represents a consequence of being Irresistible! How can I not freak out?

Howlite: Thanks so much for helping my wife little sisters…

Apatite: Oh like you were doing anything to help yourself. And we are older than you…technically.

Kaelee: People? There’s more labour coming you can all still help.

Kaelee: There you are my son.

Yes but I needed girls. Why you give me boys?

Kaelee: Once the twins leave we’ll give you your girls Camera Lady.

Now, let’s see if the mermaid gene makes it into the last generation…this is Rhodonite by the way, first born twin.

Gahh! Bald baby! Rhode here is Loner who is a bit Eccentric. He loves a well made Hot Dog and some Indie music, but he insists on having a Green piece in his

wardrobe at all times. But not a mermaid.

That leaves his twin brother Morganite. Will he be a mermaid and bald too? Let’s see…

He’s s mermaid! Woot! Morgan here is a Couch Potato like his grandpa and also he’s pretty Excitable. He was given Potato Truffle Torte as his fav food but it will change

to Kelp. He too likes Indie music but loves the colour Lilac.

Oh and my Violet gen finally reached their Adult years after the Pink boys grew up. He doesn’t look much different.

Apollo: I have this weird sense of déjà vu… didn’t I do this already?

Hydrangea: I interrupted my portrait painting for this so I had better come out of it with a decent hair style or there’s going to be hell to pay.

Kaelee: Yay MIL!! You go!

Kaelee: Umm, it looks great mom…really.

Hydrangea: Can I eat her? Or at least savage her horribly?

Maybe some other time, I’ll fix you up don’t worry.

Eventually the Aqua Twins moved out and there was room for more babies, and yet Howie still wants more. He wants another son or at least a baby, it must be that Family

Oriented trait, he’s not satisfied with the number he has.

Kaelee: I’m done with labouring, if Howie wants more he can get abducted or wait till the boys move out. He was a Time Machine baby wasn’t he?

Yes but that doesn’t satisfy the baby wants…I know I tried it.

So I wait, Isla Paradiso is getting laggy and buggy again but I really have no idea where I want them to go, if anywhere at all. Generation Pink is generation ten so technically as

soon as these babies come it’s over…

Kaelee: You have your girls Camera Lady, I told you I’d give them to you.

Howlite: I want more.

Of course you do. But I don’t know if I want more.

Meet my heiress potentials: with the short hair is Kunzite, and the braided hair is Sakura. Kunzite is a Genius Artist who loves Aloo Masala Curry, Chinese music

and the colour Pink. Sakura is a Brave Athletic who loves Lobster Thermidore, French music and the colour Purple.

Kunzite actually grew up in her crib which I didn’t think was possible, and Sakura was glitched as a baby and a toddler. Kaelee was stuck carrying her literally right through hills and over water, which freaked me out. I had to reset her after she kept jump bugging to somewhere I couldn’t even see with

my camera drift, she’s fine now but perhaps it’s a sign that they do need to move after all.


Next time on the Arc-en-Ciel Rainbowcy:

And with this update I am officially caught up to my in game play. I don’t have enough pictures right now to make another update today. But I’ll be playing as soon as this

uploads and is all linked up in the right places.

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