arc-en-ciel: a sims 3 rainbowcy, episode 33


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Post on 13-Apr-2017



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This is the last of Howie’s chapters, but it’s not the end of the Rainbowcy. I have all my Pink gen kids back now and I will make sure that I get to spend time with all four of them now that the boys are back. Anyway, let’s see how they turned out at the stuffy

prep school I sent them off to.

Rhodonite returned with the Charismatic trait chosen. He learned some logic and charisma skill while at Smugsworth Prep. He was in dire need of makeover and a LTH

reward to make him a Permanent Mermaid. I don’t want him drying up and dying on me. I still need him.

And the only human of Generation Pink also came back with Charismatic locked in. He was also in serious need of a makeover.

Morganite: I liked my Professor X look, why did you have to make me lose it?

Because you’re a teen not an old man, you need hair.

Morganite: So why did I go get the weird pink bottle from that cabinet upstairs?

It’s special; the Elixer Consignment store was good enough to provide me with the required elixer I needed…try it out, see what happens.

Morganite: I feel, flighty…

Oh really? Was that a joke or a pun?

Morganite: Both.

*does happy dance* I got my favourite Supernatural back!

Morganite: You made me a fairy! Why?!

Because, I have plants that need blooming and fairies are the only ones who can do it.

Look at it this way, you’re Mean Spirted *remembers Bluebelle* And fairies can play pranks.

Morganite: Bright flash is bright. But I do like to prank people and things, this may not be

so bad after all.

Morganite: Hey little brother, care to help me try something?

Rhodonite: We’re twins; and I’m not sure I want to be part of your experiment.

Morganite: Oh come on, it’ll be fun!

Morganite: Too late. *blows fairy dust*

Rhodonite: What did you do?

Morganite: Oh just a little something I call Toads and Gold, no biggie.

Rhodonite: So what does that mean? Am I going to turn into a toad or gold?

Morganite: No idea, this is my first time using it.

Rhodonite: ~_~

Now you know how cool being a fairy is huh Morgan?

Everyone is having birthdays today and first up was Kaelee who finally joins Howie in adulthood. Of course she looks the same and I only had to change a few outfits in CAS.

Kaelee: I feel so…so…in crisis.

Great. She tosses me a Mid Life Crisis. Thanks Kaelee, really.

Kaelee: I can’t help it, I feel like there’s so much left to do and no time to do it.

The boys came back with two days until their YA birthdays so after pranking his twin, Morgan went first.

Rhodonite: Can I get him back? Somehow?

Morganite: Awesome! Now I can move out!

Not yet. I have plans for you all. But you have to wait for your little sisters first.

Morganite: I have my Professor X look back. Yay!

The kid was born bald and I guess he will continue to be so just to spite me. Let’s hope Rhode fares better than his twin.

Again with the fin colour change, *sigh* That ITF hair does not suit you Rhode.

Rhodonite: I don’t know, I kinda like it.

Morgan’s fifth trait is Easily Impressed. I didn’t choose it because the boys barely had time to get out of Indifferent Study Habits before they grew up.

Morganite: Will I be stuck here till I’m an adult?

The thing about fairies, they don’t age unless I make you age. Essentially, you’re

immortal now.

There, much better. His fifth trait is Irresistible, like his aunt Aquamarine. But he also got Apollo’s skinny genes. Poor kid, needs some meat on his bones.

Rhodonite: I’m quite content like this thank you.

I’m sure you are, we’ll see.


Next time on the Arc-en-Ciel Rainbowcy:

Generation 10! Can’t believe it, next time there will be one more new coloured background and I can finally earn me another medal! I have a few more things I want

to do with my Pink gen kids before this is all over, hopefully it will be all worth it in the end. Till next time!