archaeology and cultural heritage · the yorkshire and humber (ccs cross country pipeline)...

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Application Reference: EN070001 June 2014

Archaeology and Cultural Heritage The Yorkshire and Humber (CCS Cross Country Pipeline) Development Consent Order Under Regulation 5(2)(a) of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 Document 6.10.1 Policies and Plans Document 6.10.2 Key Consultations and Meetings Document 6.10.3 Known Archaeology Tables Document 6.10.4 Vertical Aerial Photographs Examined at the National Monument


6.10.1-6.10.4 D





Application Reference: EN070001 June 2014

Plans and Policies The Yorkshire and Humber (CCS Cross Country Pipeline) Development Consent Order Under Regulation 5(2)(a) of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009






Environmental Statement Volume 6:

Environmental Statement Document 6.10.1

Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 2

The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Appendix 6.10.1: Plans and Policies Saved policies from Selby Local District Plan (Adopted February 2005) ENV25 Development within or affecting a conservation area will be permitted provided the proposal would preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the conservation area, and in particular:

1) The scale, form, position, design and materials of new buildings are appropriate to the historic context;

2) Features of townscape importance including open spaces, trees, verges, hedging and paving are retained;

3) The proposal would not adversely affect the setting of the area or significant views into or out of the area, and

4) The proposed use, external site works and boundary treatment are compatible with the character and appearance of the area.

Where necessary in order to be able to fully assess proposals, the council will require applications to be accompanied by detailed plans and elevations showing the proposed development in its setting.

ENV27 Where scheduled monuments or other nationally important archaeological sites or their settings are affected by proposed development, there will be a presumption in favour of their physical preservation. In exceptional circumstances where the need for the development is clearly demonstrated, development will only be permitted where archaeological remains are preserved in situ through sympathetic layout or design of the development.

ENV28 (A) Where development proposals affect sites of known or possible archaeological interest, the District Council will require an archaeological assessment/evaluation to be submitted as part of the planning application.

(B) Where development affecting archaeological remains is acceptable in principle, the Council will require that archaeological remains are preserved in situ through careful design and layout of new development.

(C) Where preservation in situ is not justified, the Council will require that arrangements are made by the developer to ensure that adequate time and resources are available to allow archaeological investigation and recording by a competent archaeological organisation prior to or during development.

Selby District Council Core Strategy (2013) Policy SP18 Protecting and Enhancing the Environment The high quality and local distinctiveness of the natural and manmade environment will be sustained by:

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Environmental Statement Document 6.10.1

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The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

1. Safeguarding and, where possible, enhancing the historic and natural environment including the landscape character and setting of areas of acknowledged importance. 2. Conserving those historic assets which contribute most to the distinct character of the District and realising the potential contribution that they can make towards economic regeneration, tourism, education and quality of life. 3. Promoting effective stewardship of the District’s wildlife by:

a) Safeguarding international, national and locally protected sites for nature conservation, including SINCs, from inappropriate development. b) Ensuring developments retain, protect and enhance features of biological and geological interest and provide appropriate management of these features and that unavoidable impacts are appropriately mitigated and compensated for, on or off-site. c) Ensuring development seeks to produce a net gain in biodiversity by designing-in wildlife and retaining the natural interest of a site where appropriate. d) Supporting the identification, mapping, creation and restoration of habitats that contribute to habitat targets in the National and Regional biodiversity strategies and the local Biodiversity Action Plan.

4. Wherever possible a strategic approach will be taken to increasing connectivity to the District’s Green Infrastructure including improving the network of linked open spaces and green corridors and promoting opportunities to increase its multi-functionality. This will be informed by the Leeds City Region Infrastructure Strategy. 5. Identifying, protecting and enhancing locally distinctive landscapes, areas of tranquillity, public rights of way and access, open spaces and playing fields through Development Plan Documents. 6. Encouraging incorporation of positive biodiversity actions, as defined in the local Biodiversity Action Plan, at the design stage of new developments or land uses. 7. Ensuring that new development protects soil, air and water quality from all types of pollution. 8. Ensuring developments minimise energy and water consumption, the use of non-renewable resources, and the amount of waste material. 9. Steering development to areas of least environmental and agricultural quality. Beverley Borough Local Plan (adopted June 1996)

Policy E35 Development proposals which would result in damage to, would lead to the destruction of or would adversely affect the settings of scheduled and non-scheduled sites of archaeological importance will not be permitted where the site is considered to be of national importance.

Boothferry Borough Local Plan (adopted April 1999) Policy EN2 In considering proposals for development the local planning authority will take into account the likely effects on the following:-

i. The character of the locality and amenity of local residents; ii. Any nature conservation interests on the site and in the immediate locality; iii. Ancient Monuments, Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas;

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The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

iv. The character of the landscape and particular built and natural features within it;

v. The quality and versatility of agricultural land; vi. The existence and provision of community and recreational facilities; vii. The protection of and quality of natural resources; viii. The need to conserve natural resources and reduce the need to travel

development which would significantly adversely affect these interests and which cannot be satisfactorily dealt with by the use of planning conditions/agreements or by mitigation works will not be approved.

Policy EN55 Development that would adversely affect any known site and monuments of archaeological significance will only be allowed then the applicant can provide sufficient information to enable the impact of any development to be assessed and that full provisions has been made either for the preservation of the remains in-situ or where in situ preservation is not justified the proper investigation and recording of the site to be undertaken. Such arrangements will normally be achieved through the imposition of conditions on planning permissions. Policy EN56 Improved accessibility to historical sites will be encouraged where such access would not prejudice the character and long term protections of the site. Favourable consideration will be given to development which facilitates this so long as there will be no adverse effect on the site or significant amenity or highway problems created. Consideration will be given where appropriate to entering into management agreements with interested parties to ensure the continued protection of features of archaeological interest. East Yorkshire Borough Wide Local Plan (adopted June 1997) Policy EN13 Archaeology Proposals will not be permitted where they would adversely affect the site or setting of nationally important archaeological remains whether or not they are a Scheduled Monument. On sites which are of local archaeological significance, proposals will only be permitted where full provision has been made for the protection, or where this not practicable or justified, the proper investigation and recording of the site. Sufficient details will be required, including where necessary the results of field evaluation, the enable such an assessment be made. UK Marine Policy Statement March 2011 The UK Marine Policy Statement (MPS) sets the framework and high level policy context for the marine planning systems. The MPS provides the high level planning framework for decision making in the marine environment (which includes the intertidal area), policy objectives for key offshore activities, and the context and considerations that should be taken into account in the next stage of marine planning (regional level inshore and offshore Marine Plans). Marine Plans conform with the MPS and NPPF and NPS and give an area specific expression of the MPS.

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The East Inshore Marine Plan will be of relevance to the intertidal part of the Onshore Scheme. This was recently subject to consultation and responses are now being considered. The plan is expected to be adopted in 2014. East Riding Local Plan, Draft Strategy Document, December 2012 Policy ENV3: Valuing our heritage

A. Where possible heritage assets should be used to reinforce local distinctiveness, create a sense of place, and assist in the delivery of the economic well-being of the area. This can be achieved by putting assets to an appropriate, viable and sustainable use, particularly those which are at risk.

B. The significance, views, setting, character, appearance and context of heritage assets, both designated and non-designated, should be conserved, especially the key features that contribute to the East Riding’s distinctive historic character including:

(1) Those elements that contribute to the special interest of Conservation Areas, including the landscape setting, open spaces, key views and vistas, and unlisted buildings identified as contributing to the significance of each Conservation Area in its appraisal;

(2) Listed buildings and their settings; (3) Historic Parks and Gardens and key views in and out of these

landscapes; (4) The dominance of the church towers and spires as one of the defining

features of the landscape, such as those of Holderness and the Wolds; (5) Heritage assets associated with the East Yorkshire coast and the

foreshore of the Humber Estuary; (6) The historic, archaeological, and landscape interest of the Registered

Battlefield at Stamford Bridge; (7) The historic cores of medieval settlements, and, where they survive,

former medieval open field systems with ridge and furrow cultivation patterns;

(8) The nationally important archaeology of the Yorkshire Wolds; and (9) Those parts of the nationally important wetlands where waterlogged

archaeological deposits survive.

C. Development that results in harm to a heritage asset will be required to consider appropriate mitigation measures. Proposals must assess the significance of the asset and will only be supported where the:

(1) Impact of the development can be fully mitigated; or (2) Public benefit outweighs the residual harm to the heritage asset.

Application Reference: EN070001 June 2014

Key Consultations and Meetings The Yorkshire and Humber (CCS Cross Country Pipeline) Development Consent Order Under Regulation 5(2)(a) of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009






Environmental Statement Volume 6:

Environmental Statement Document 6.10.2

Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 2

The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Appendix 10.2 Key Consultation and Meetings

Project: Yorkshire and Humber Carbon Capture & Storage Cross Country Pipeline

Job No/Ref:


Purpose: Initial Archaeology Group Meeting Date held: 21st March 2012

Held at: AECOM Leeds Office Made by: Jonathan Shipley



Richard Gwilliam Louise Crook Helen Maclean Jonathan Shipley Derek Cater Andy Hammon Ruth Atkinson Lucie Hawkins Andy Lines Malte Klöckner Ian Smith

National Grid AECOM PM AECOM Archaeology Lead AECOM Deputy Archaeology Lead National Grid Construction (Archaeology) Science Advisor, English Heritage Senior Sites and Monuments Officer, Humber Archaeology Partnership Development Management Archaeologist North Yorkshire County Council Archaeologist, South Yorkshire Archaeological Service Conservation Officer, East Yorkshire Planner for Yorkshire and Humberside, English Heritage

Distribution: Attendees plus: Malte Klöckner Ian Smith


Item Action By

1 Introductions Introductions were made.

2 Overview of Project, Project Background and Programme (including

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The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Scoping Stage) Richard Gwilliam presented the scheme. Points of particular significance included the construction of block valves every 15km, which comprise approximately 80m x 80m compounds, and a larger compressor unit near the start of the pipeline and a pumping station near the coast. He also noted that the working corridor for the pipeline would be c.35m. At present the route is designed to be 175m from individual dwellings and 700m away from sensitive developments e.g. schools, unless thicker pipe, concrete slabbing or deeper trenching is employed.

3 Purpose of Meeting The purpose of the meeting was to meet the archaeology related stakeholders, to set out initial information on areas of archaeological potential and to discuss the proposed methodology for the cultural heritage chapter in the EIA, along with a timetable for the work to be undertaken.

4 Discussion Topics Archaeological Overview – position to date Helen Maclean and Jonathan Shipley discussed the work undertaken so far and reviewed the areas of high archaeological potential identified along the route corridor. Comments were made by the various stakeholders with regards the potential within the various sections as follows: Zone A Andy Lines – pointed out that there was potential for archaeological remains in most of South Yorkshire section of Zone 1 and earthwork remains associated with agriculture (such as ridge and furrow) and settlement should be avoided where possible. Most early activity was concentrated on high sandy ridges. Geophysics only useful in certain areas. Ruth Atkinson – A number of sites may be masked by alluvium in Area A1 and the area should be considered to be of high potential. Lucie Hawkins – Palaeoenvironmental remains encountered in the surrounding landscape may continue into the study area.

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RG – A block valve or one of the compression buildings may be constructed in the locality of Area A2. Zone B RA & Derek Cater – Deserted Medieval Village (DMV) in the locality of Areas 5 and 6. RA – Lots of work has been undertaken in Area 9 hence the large concentration of assets, and most work has been published (work undertaken by Hull University). Other areas might have just as much archaeology when investigated. Zone C RG – A block valve will be required somewhere near Area C3. Zone D RA – An early medieval sword found in the locality of Area D2 suggests at least some early medieval activity. There is a great deal of potential for unrecorded archaeology throughout the route corridor. Andy Hammon – Asked if the offshore section would also be assessed by AECOM. RG replied that the offshore work to be undertaken by a separate contractor (Hartley Anderson). Approach for DBA HM discussed work to be undertaken as part of the DBA process (i.e. walkover survey, archive and HER visits, review of aerial photographs). It was noted that this work can not begin until the preferred route is available in late April 2012, although RG stated that the final draft route alignment would not be known until Spring 2013 when it is released for statutory public consultation. The requirements of each council for desk-based assessments will be considered. Approach for Archaeological Evaluation HM briefly raised the approach for further evaluation. This would be staged. RA said that she could not comment until she had seen the full DBA but stated she would require geophysical survey of the whole pipeline route. This will also be required by AL and LH, although AL and AH suggested that deposit modelling and auguring may be more suitable in some areas.

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AL stated that data should also be collected from Doncaster Museums as they run a separate Historic Environment Record (HER) and that a 1km search corridor should be undertaken as part of the DBA. He also stated that he may require field walking as part of the evaluation process.

5 Timetable RG and HM informed the meeting that the draft route alignment could be made available in late April but this would still be draft subject to detailed environmental survey, intrusive engineering surveys and public consultation. It would, however, help in the development in the scope for any archaeological surveys. This can be made available to stakeholders for comment. The DBAs should be available by late August, with fieldwork, such as geophysical survey, begun in early autumn. RG noted that landowners consent would be required for this. Compulsory land access could take up to 6 months to arrange. AH suggested the use of LiDAR in areas where access was difficult.

6 Any Other Business RA had no further comment other than to say that the results of the Humber Wetlands Project where held by the HER. Although sites from this have not yet been added to the HER, the reports should be consulted. LH – No further comment. DC – No further comment. AH – Raised setting issues associated with the block valve and compression pumping stations on behalf of IS. HM confirmed that setting assessments in line with English Heritage would be undertaken. AL again raised that field walking may be required. He also stated that he may not be able to attend future meetings due to time constraints but that discussion through email and telephone would be possible.

Next Meeting It was suggested that the next thematic group meeting should be held late summer once desk-based work is substantially complete. Date to be confirmed.

Environmental Statement Volume 6:

Environmental Statement Document 6.10.2

Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 6

The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Contact List

Richard Gwilliam

National Grid PM

Louise Crook


Helen Maclean

AECOM Archaeology Lead

Jonathan Shipley

AECOM Deputy Archaeology Lead

Derek Cater

National Grid Construction (Archaeology)

Consultee Contact name English Heritage Andy Hammon (Science Advisor)

Ian Smith (Planner for Yorkshire & Humberside)

Humberside Archaeology Partnership

Ruth Atkinson

North Yorkshire County Council

Lucie Hawkins

South Yorkshire Archaeology Service

Andy Lines

East Riding Malte Klöckner

Environmental Statement Volume 6:

Environmental Statement Document 6.10.2

Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 7

The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Project: Yorkshire and Humber Carbon Capture & Storage Cross Country Pipeline

Job No/Ref:


Purpose: Scoping Report Date held: 9th November 2012

Held at: AECOM Leeds Office Made by: Helen Maclean



Richard Gwilliam Louise Crook Helen Maclean Ruth Atkinson Lucie Hawkins Derek Cater Malte Klöckner Andy Hammon Andy Lines Ian Smith

National Grid AECOM PM AECOM Archaeology Lead Senior Sites and Monuments Officer, Humber Archaeology Partnership Development Management Archaeologist North Yorkshire County Council National Grid Construction (Archaeology) Conservation Officer, East Yorkshire Science Advisor, English Heritage Archaeologist, South Yorkshire Archaeological Service Planner for Yorkshire and Humberside, English Heritage

Distribution: Attendees plus: Malte Klöckner Andy Hammon Andy Lines Ian Smith


Item Action By

1 Introductions Introductions were made.

2 Purpose of the Meeting RG explained that the purpose of the meeting was to set out the proposed scope of the Archaeology and Cultural Heritage EIA chapter and to obtain initial feedback prior to the formal submission which is likely to be December 2012 / January 2013. This approach is to allow any significant issued to be addressed prior to

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Environmental Statement Document 6.10.2

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3 What has happened since the last meeting RG provided an update on the status of the project. He noted the recent DECC funding announcement and explained that the Don Valley Power Project (DVPP) was unsuccessful in securing funding. RG explained that the DVPP are currently deciding on whether they would be able to proceed without central Government support. He explained that if they decide not to proceed the likely starting location for the project will be Drax (White Rose Project). As White Rose will have the capacity to compress carbon dioxide on site, the requirement for a compressor station at the southern end is removed, although a multi-junction would still be required. If the DVPP decide not to go ahead, the route will be reduced to 77 or even 70km in length. RG explained that sites option appraisals for the Above Ground Installations (AGI) locations were consulted upon in July 2012 and that the preferred site options were announced in October and that all reports are available on the project website. The site boundaries of the AGI sites were defined by field boundaries and land form (not AGI footprint) and that work has just commenced to look at the detailed siting requirements of the installations within these boundaries. AGI footprints will not require all land within the sites identified. RG added that we are working towards a DCO submission by September 2013.

4 Proposed Scope of the Assessment HM discussed the work to be undertaken as part of the EIA process (i.e. walkover survey, archive and HER visits, review of aerial photographs) and that much of this was advanced. Geophysical survey has also been started. The EIA methodology was also discussed and it was agreed that this was broadly acceptable.

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The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

5 Feedback Only brief initial comments were provided. RA stated that HLC information for East Yorkshire is underway and the project manager, Ken Steadman, should be contacted to see which areas were available. RA also stated that their organisation was Humber Archaeology Partnerships, not Humberside. Finally, Dave Evans will need to review the chapter. Post-Meeting Note: This was sent and comments received. RG raised the need for section 53 permission for some areas and whether there would be a problem if access was unavailable for walkovers or geophysical surveys in some areas. RA and LH confirmed that they had discussed this with the archaeology team and were satisfied. RG asked if this could be confirmed in writing.


6 Next Steps Comments on the draft scoping report chapter requested by w/e 27th November. Comments will be requested from those unable to attend


Contact List Richard Gwilliam National Grid PM Louise Crook AECOM PM Helen Maclean AECOM Archaeology Lead Jonathan Shipley AECOM Deputy Archaeology Lead Derek Cater National Grid Construction


Consultee Contact name English Heritage Andy Hammon (Science Advisor)

Ian Smith (Planner for Yorkshire & Humberside)

Humber Archaeology Partnership

Ruth Atkinson

North Yorkshire County Council

Lucie Hawkins

South Yorkshire Archaeology Service

Andy Lines

East Riding Malte Klöckner

Environmental Statement Volume 6:

Environmental Statement Document 6.10.2

Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 10

The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Project: CCS Job No: 60239049

Subject: North Yorkshire Geophysical Review Date: 03 April 2013

Notes reviewing meeting held at English Heritage, York, to discuss the geophysical survey undertaken to date in North Yorkshire, 26th March 2013. In attendance: Richard Gwilliam – National Grid Phil Knipe – National Grid Derek Cater – National Grid Jonathan Shipley – AECOM Lucie Hawkins – North Yorkshire County Council Andy Hammon – English Heritage The main subject of the meeting focused on the geophysical survey undertaken in North Yorkshire to date. In most areas the proposed route corridor have been free from archaeological features, with very little in the way of possible archaeology identified. There are still a small number of sections to be surveyed, especially to the west and south of Drax Abbey, and this work will be undertaken once access has been agreed. The only feature identified to date is a possible enclosure type feature in the southern half of the proposed multi-junction site at the southern end of the route. As a result of this discovery the National Grid design and construction teams have re-designed the proposed multi-junction site to avoid this feature with all associated structures now located to the north and west of the feature. As a result of this re-design avoiding the anomaly, Lucie Hawkins agreed that trenching would not be required in the area of the feature, although evaluation trenching would still be required in the northern section of the site as well as elsewhere on the proposed pipeline. Although Lucie suggested that it would be preferable to undertake this work pre-determination she acknowledged issues relating to land access, and agreed that evaluation trenching could take place post-determination. This was also agreed by Andy Hammon, who also stated that he would be allowing North Yorkshire to take the lead on the recommendations. Derek Cater confirmed that any post-determination work would be undertaken 1-2 years ahead of construction as has been the case with previous schemes. Finally, Lucie requested that a clear strategy for mitigation works should be provided once all the geophysical work had been undertaken. This would enable North Yorkshire County Council and English Heritage to have a full understanding of how the post-determination archaeology work will be managed by National Grid.

Environmental Statement Volume 6:

Environmental Statement Document 6.10.2

Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 11

The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Project: CCS Job No: 60239049

Subject: East Yorkshire Geophysical Review Date: 30th May 2013

Notes reviewing meeting held at the Humber Archaeology Partnership officers, Hull, to discuss the geophysical survey undertaken to date in East Yorkshire, 23rd May 2013. In attendance: Richard Gwilliam – National Grid Philip Knipe – National Grid Derek Cater – National Grid Jonathan Shipley – AECOM Dave Evans – Humber Archaeology Partnership Andy Hammon – English Heritage The main subject of the meeting focused on the geophysical survey undertaken in East Yorkshire to date. Although the full reports detailing the results of the survey have not yet been submitted by Archaeological Services West Yorkshire Archaeological Service (ASWYAS), early interpretation has been undertaken by AECOM and National Grid. The data had also been supplied to both Humber Archaeology Partnership and English Heritage in advance of the meeting for their review. In a number of areas the proposed route corridor has been relatively free from anomalies, with very little in the way of possible archaeology identified, although a number of possible sites were still recorded. These include possible Iron Age/Romano-British industrial sites near Tollingham/Throlam, prehistoric settlement sites in the Wolds area, Roman-British remains near Gaufer Hill/Sancton Road, burials near Weighton Wold, and medieval settlement remains at Wansford and Winkton. Further sites identified from basic interpretation include a number of enclosures, areas of ridge and furrow, and former field boundaries. In a number of cases additional geophysical survey was undertaken to examine the extent of the anomalies, and sections of the proposed pipeline have been rerouted to avoid assets. Dave stated that his preference would be for further archaeological work to take place post-determination as a condition of planning. This work would include evaluation trenching to examine features identified, along with additional works such as open area excavation, archaeological watching brief and strip, map and record where required. He also agreed that details, such as written schemes of investigation, for this work could be produced for approval post-determination. It was agreed that a statement of common ground between National Grid, Humber Archaeology Partnership, and English Heritage would be drawn up to set out

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matters agreed as part of the Planning Act 2008 process. A draft of the Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Environmental Statement chapter, along with the draft Geophysics Report, will be issued to HAP and EH for comment in due course.

Application Reference: EN070001 June 2014

Known Archaeology Tables The Yorkshire and Humber (CCS Cross Country Pipeline) Development Consent Order Under Regulation 5(2)(a) of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009






Environmental Statement Volume 6:

Environmental Statement Document 6.10.3

Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 2

The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Appendix 6.10.3 Known Archaeology Tables Camblesforth Multi-junction Site to Tollingham Block Valve Site (including the White Rose CCS connection)

Reference Grid Reference Period Description

No. on Fig. 10.1-10.8

DNY13449, 1174128

SE 69842 24593

Post-Medieval Newland Hall. Probably late 18th century with later alterations. Grade II listed building.


522980 SE 687 242 Post-Medieval Brick Hill Farmhouse. CT2 1017485, DNY293,

MNY10075, MNY10084, MNY10085, MNY10087, MNY10088

SE 68756 26348

Medieval and Post-Medieval

Scurff Hall moated site and associated features including ha ha. Scheduled Monument.


MNY10074, MNY10076, MNY10077, MNY10078, MNY10079, MNY10080, MNY10081, MNY10082

SE 6908 2614 Roman and

Medieval Romano-British farmstead. Site also includes later medieval activity. Excavations have revealed evidence for a complex multi-phase site.


325 SE 690 275 Unknown Linear ditches, Low Field. CT5 3338 SE 695 271 Unknown Ditches, south of Holycroft Lane, surviving as a cropmark. CT6 20440 SE 69500 Neolithic Find spot of a Neolithic polished stone axe, Barmby-on-the-Marsh. CT7

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Environmental Statement Document 6.10.3

Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 3

The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Reference Grid Reference Period Description

No. on Fig. 10.1-10.8

27500 8832 SE 695 271 Unknown Ditch. CT8

Number not used. CT9 Number not used. CT10 Number not used. CT11

10987 SE 710 272 Unknown Linear soilmarks, southwest of Asselby. CT12 13598 SE 6845 2869 Post-Medieval Former Sloop Inn. CT13 13825 SE 6855 2808 Post-Medieval Engine house, Ouse Swing Bridge. CT14 13826 SE 6850 2804 Post-Medieval Site of Ouse Swing Bridge. CT15 13828 SE 6972 2820 Post-Medieval Barmby crossing buildings. CT16

Number not used. CT17 Number not used. CT18 Number not used. CT19

DNY13595, 1316359

SE 68903 24850

Post-Medieval Pigeoncote to Manor Farm. Grade II listed building. CT20

DNY486, 1017455,

MNY10099 SE 676 260 Medieval Castle Hill moated site. Scheduled Monument. CT21

DNY546, DNY843,

MNY10068 1016857

SE 668 284 Medieval Drax Augustinian Priory. Scheduled Monument. CT22

MNY10069 SE 667 283 Roman to Modern

Field boundaries west of Drax Abbey. CT23

MNY10070 SE 670 282 Medieval to

Modern Fishponds south of Drax Abbey Farm. CT24

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The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Reference Grid Reference Period Description

No. on Fig. 10.1-10.8

MNY10071 SE 6665 2855 Medieval Ploughed out fishpond at Drax Abbey. Slight feature, which may represent backfilling, visible in geophysical survey undertaken as part of the CCS scheme.


MNY10073 SE 675 287 Medieval Documentary evidence for a fishery at Drax. CT26

MNY10083 SE 6897 2611 Early Medieval and Medieval

St Wilfred’s Chapel. Excavation revealed post-holes from a pre-Conquest chapel.


MNY10089 SE 688 265 Medieval and Post-Medieval

Ridge and furrow south of Scurff Hall. CT28

MNY10090 SE 6875 2632 Medieval and Post-Medieval

Ridge and furrow south of Scurff Hall CT29

MNY10091 SE 6932 2581 Post-Medieval Cropmark site of 18th and 19th century banks used for water control to allow water into areas to dump silt. The water would then be drained leaving silt behind and thus improving the land.


MNY10092 SE 6915 2580 Medieval Ridge and furrow recorded on aerial photographs. CT31

MNY10101 SE 6715 2613 Post-Medieval Drax Mill. In operation in the 1840s and shown on early Ordnance Survey maps.


MNY10103 SE 6840 2595 Roman Hawday Lane. Possible Roman landing stage. CT33

MNY10104, MNY10105

SE 6924 2657 Medieval Rusholme Hall. Unclassified moated site that has been largely lost. Two sides of moat were visible in 1850. Possible ridge and furrow has been identified by aerial photography south of the site.


MNY10108 SE 683 283 Medieval Find spot of a brass matrix seal of the Cistercian Abbey of Hayles, Gloucestershire.


MNY10116 SE 684 280 Modern Boundary ditch and trackway leading towards the River Ouse identified on aerial photographs.


MNY10117 SE 682 277 Medieval Ridge and furrow identified on aerial photographs. CT37

MNY10119 SE 694 252 Medieval Quarter Gate Lane. Documentary and place-name evidence for a road running across the fields. Recorded from at least the medieval period.


Environmental Statement Volume 6:

Environmental Statement Document 6.10.3

Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 5

The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Reference Grid Reference Period Description

No. on Fig. 10.1-10.8

MNY10120 SE 705 260 Roman to Modern

Field system identified from aerial photography. CT39

MNY10121 SE 7018 2660 Medieval Rusholme Grange. Only evidence is from place- name evidence on the Ordnance Survey plan.


MNY17455 SE 6680 2847 Medieval Site of a moat. CT41 MNY24803 SE 6900 2620 Roman Drax Villa, Scurff Hall Farm. CT42 MNY26786 SE 681 248 Modern Crash site of Halifax DT666. CT43

Number not used CT44 MNY31059 SE 6875 2424 Post-Medieval Brickhill Farm, Newland. CT45

MNY36026 SE68752 25694 Iron Age and

Roman A number of features, including ditches, revealed by excavations associated with the Asselby to Aberford Pipeline investigations.


AP 67 SE 6795 2532 Unknown Cropmark. Double parallel linear feature. Possible earlier field boundary. CT47 Walkover

3C/1 SE 68558

26278 Post-Medieval One large base sherd of a stoneware tankard. CT48

Walkover 3C/2

SE 68578 26188

Post-Medieval Two small sherds of green glazed ware, along with a very small sherd of pottery in a buff fabric with large inclusions.


Walkover 3C/3

SE 68573 26239

Prehistoric Two pieces of flint. Only flint observed in the field, although probably not worked.


Walkover 3C/4

SE 68557 26322

Unknown One sherd of pottery. Dark coarse fabric. CT51

Walkover 3D/1

SE 68596 26111

Unknown One possible base sherd in a red/orange fabric. CT52

Walkover 3D/2

SE 68595 26030

Post-Medieval One sherd with a yellow/green glaze. CT53

Walkover 3E SE 68611

25975 Post-Medieval Ruined agricultural building. Possibly a kennel. CT54

Walkover SE 68515 Unknown One small sherd of pottery of a black coarse fabric, along with one small CT55

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3F/1 25728 flint. Walkover

3F/2 SE 68460

25723 Post-Medieval Small sherd of green glazed ware. CT56

Walkover 3G SE 67641

24578 Unknown Metal working waste. CT57

Walkover 3M SE 70457

27783 Post-Medieval One sherd of possible green glazed ware. CT58

4963 SE 71735

28081 Post-Medieval to

Modern Aschilebi, Asselby. Mid-18th century house. Grade II listed building. CT59

13594 SE 7170 2808 Post-Medieval Site of assembly hall. CT60

1300715 SE 720 285 Post-Medieval Possible retting ponds at Asselby Marsh on the course of the Old Derwent. Recorded on aerial photographs and the 1853 Ordnance Survey map.


10568, 1300917

SE 723 288 Unknown Ditches and ponds, Newsholme Marsh. CT62

1265162 SE 723 293 Unknown Cropmarks of scattered retting pits south of Beechtree Farm, Newsholme.


18167, 1074938, 1074940

SE 725 292 Medieval Cropmarks of a ringwork and its associated bailey, and a rectilinear feature, Warp Farm.


13836 SE 7277 2905 Post-Medieval Site of pumping house. CT65

3493 SE 728 292 Medieval to Post-

Medieval Site of deer park lodge. CT66

13923 SE 7333 2892 Medieval Possible moated site, northwest of Barn Hill Hall. CT67 13844, 13908 SE 7335 2895 Post-Medieval Ponds, Barn Hill Hall. CT68

17254 SE 7360 2951 Roman & Medieval

Find spot of Romano-British and medieval pottery sherds. CT69

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1773 SE 7377 2948 Prehistoric Linear ditch and enclosures identified as cropmarks. CT70 7757 SE 739 307 Unknown Old lane, Brind. CT71 14516 SE 7394 2974 Post-Medieval Site of Woodcock Hall. CT72 18649 SE 740 292 Medieval Find spot of a medieval carved stone, Park Farm. CT73 6684 SE 743 295 Medieval Howden Parks deer park and pale. CT74 13940 SE 7434 2970 Post-Medieval Site of fishpond, south of Angel's Way. CT75 1772 SE 7449 2939 Unknown Five ring ditches, Howden Parks. CT76 15287 SE 746 297 Unknown Soilmarks identified on aerial photographs, Howden Parks. CT77 17259 SE 747 301 Prehistoric Site of possible standing stones originally forming part of a stone circle. CT78

1760, 59473 SE 7473 3013 Medieval Site of chapel and moated site. CT79

17260 SE 748 300 Medieval to Post-

Medieval Site of hamlet, Ringstone Hurst. CT80

1775 SE 7485 3065 Prehistoric Settlement, Howden Wood. CT81

20041 SE 7510 2960 Unknown Rectilinear feature overlain by ridge and furrow identified on aerial photographs, Howden.


10613, 498348

SE 7519 3045 Post-Medieval North Howden Station. Grade II listed building. CT83

20030 SE 7520 2940 Medieval Cropmark of field boundary, Howden. CT84

1510310 SE 75203

30452 Post-Medieval Goods yard office at Howden Station. CT85

14520 SE 7521 3039 Post-Medieval Station Hotel. CT86

20234 SE 75223

30415 Post-Medieval Signal box, North Howden Station. Grade II listed building. CT87

14519 SE 7524 3045 Post-Medieval Inn and posting house. CT88

1761, 883499 SE 755 306 Medieval Site of moated site recorded from documentary evidence, Howden Common.


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20031 SE 7570 3085 Roman Possible Roman villa, Howden. CT90 11892 SE 7590 2994 Post-Medieval Site of buildings. CT91 3198 SE 7600 3080 Unknown Enclosures surviving as cropmarks, Howden Common. CT92 1756 SE 734 288 Medieval Moated site around Barnhill Hall. CT93 3193 SE 7610 2977 Medieval Moated site, Thorpe Hall. CT94 2301,

1220982 SE 765 321 Unknown Field boundaries surviving as cropmarks. CT95

3182, 59448 SE 7688 3048 Medieval to Post-

Medieval Site of Caville Hall and moated site surviving as earthworks in the 1940s but now completely flattened (also known as Cavill).


20734 SE 76902

30704 Medieval to Post-

Medieval Medieval to post-medieval features and finds. CT97

7760 SE 770 305 Medieval Caville deserted medieval village (also known as Cavill). CT98 7689,

1221165 SE 770 308 Medieval Moated site, northeast of Caville Hall (also known as Cavill). CT99

11630 SE 7709 3180 Post-Medieval Site of Owlet Hall. CT100 11815 SE 7711 3027 Post-Medieval Site of Burland Cottages. CT101

3183, 59461 SE 7751 3050 Medieval Burland House moated site. CT102

1221065 SE 7794 3175 Iron Age or

Roman Rectilinear enclosures visible on aerial photographs. CT103

10784 SE 7795 3356 Roman Romano-British settlement site found during excavation of drainage trenches.


21182 TA 17400

57700 Palaeolithic to

Roman Find spot of flint flake and Romano-British pottery. CT105

21691, 1220998

SE 7820 3304 Iron Age to

Roman Ditched enclosure visible on aerial photographs. CT106

11782 SE 7830 3186 Post-Medieval The Royal Oak public house. CT107

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13362 SE 7851 3385 Post-Medieval Site of a building. CT108 11384 SE 7855 3210 Post-Medieval Site of Sleights House. CT109

1954 SE 7861 3310 Roman Romano-British settlement site found during field walking north of Ivy House.


1221058 SE 7874 3379 Iron Age or

Roman Rectilinear enclosures, probably a field system, visible on aerial photographs.


10783 SE 7880 3356 Roman Romano-British greyware, north of Chestnut Farm. CT112 11386 SE 7893 3339 Post-Medieval Site of buildings. CT113 10773 SE 7895 3380 Roman Romano-British settlement/iron working site. CT114 10802 SE 7925 3451 Roman Romano-British iron smelting site. CT115 10796 SE 7930 3403 Roman Romano-British iron smelting site. CT116 10774 SE 794 348 Roman Romano-British decorated bowl, Welhambridge Farm. CT117 10801 SE 7940 3420 Roman Romano-British iron smelting site, The Carr. CT118

10035 SE 795 345 Medieval to Post-

Medieval Welhambridge medieval and post-medieval settlement. CT119

10799 SE 7950 3387 Roman Romano-British iron smelting site. CT120 1156, 883453 SE 7953 3492 Roman Romano-British kiln and ironworking site. CT121

1221091 SE 7957 3496 Iron Age or

Roman Rectilinear enclosures, probably a field system, visible on aerial photographs.


4482 SE 796 351 Roman Possible field system. CT123 10803 SE 7960 3400 Roman Romano-British iron smelting site. CT124 9864 SE 7982 3510 Post-Medieval Common Farm House. Grade II listed building. CT125

9863 SE 7985 3515 Post-Medieval Barn at Common Farm, north side of Bursea Lane. Grade II listed building.


883454 SE 7995 3453 Iron Age or

Roman Enclosures, trackway and a round house visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs.


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7567 SE 8005 3582 Roman Romano-British settlement, south of Lodge Farm. CT128 1221188 SE 801 352 Medieval Ridge and furrow near Holme upon Spalding Moor. CT129

10805 SE 8010 3460 Roman Romano-British iron smelting site. CT130

1246073 SE 8013 3580 Iron Age or

Roman Rectilinear enclosures with possible round house visible on aerial photographs.


1246485 SE 8044 3546 Iron Age or

Roman Rectilinear enclosures, visible on aerial photographs. CT132

7546 SE 8045 3617 Roman Romano-British kilns, Rose Villa. CT133 7622, 7725 SE 805 364 Roman Romano-British kiln and Roman coin find, northeast of Lodge Farm. CT134

9504 SE 8087 3595 Roman Romano-British kiln. CT135 1142, 883514 SE 810 356 Unknown Square enclosures. CT136

21676 SE 8105 3472 Iron Age to

Roman Enclosures and boundaries. CT137

1372429 SE 8119 3477 Iron Age or

Roman Rectilinear enclosures visible on aerial photographs. CT138

1248956 SE 8120 3567 Iron Age or

Roman Rectilinear enclosures, probably a field system, and possible round house visible on aerial photographs.


18590 SE 8145 3620 Post-Medieval Forest Farm. CT140 9782 SE 8180 3577 Roman Romano-British kiln site, east of Bramley Farm. CT141 1128,

883516, 1248937

SE 819 362 Roman Rascal Moor settlement complex. CT142

1161, 61276 SE 821 355 Roman Throlam Farm Romano-British pottery kilns. Also identified through geophysical survey undertaken as part of the CCS project.


1125, 883520 SE 824 357 Iron Age to

Roman Field ditches and enclosures, Tollingham Airfield. CT144

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123 SE 718 279 Medieval Site of cross base. CT145 124 SE 7227 2797 Post-Medieval Site of Asselby windmill. CT146 125 SE 718 280 Post-Medieval Site of village stocks. CT147

21761 SE 8011 3383 Iron Age to

Roman Linear features and possible enclosures. CT148

1105, 7758 SE 742 309 Medieval Site of Grange and the settlement of Brind. CT149 1112 SE 802 377 Roman Cropmarks suggesting Roman road alignment. CT150

21760 SE 8092 3378 Iron Age to

Roman Linear features. CT151

1127 SE 8156 3423 Iron Age to

Roman Iron Age and Romano-British settlement site. CT152

1133 SE 819 328 Iron Age or

Roman Probable Iron Age and Romano-British enclosures. CT153

1138 SE 826 327 Roman Romano-British settlement site. CT154 1141 SE 808 332 Roman Enclosure, hut circles and Romano-British kiln. CT156 18602 SE 797 376 Medieval Find spot of medieval pottery, Lily Wood. CT157

18647 SE 793 371 Iron Age to

Roman Enclosures, east of Oak Farm. CT158

1155 SE 822 327 Iron Age to

Roman Romano-British pottery kilns and small iron-working furnace. CT159

21759 SE 8132 3390 Iron Age to

Roman Field boundaries or enclosures. CT160

1926 SE 733 287 Medieval to Post-

Medieval Pottery scatter found by field walking. CT161

2803 SE 8115 3346 Roman Field ditches containing several burnt stones. CT162 2804 SE 8115 3302 Roman Site of possible Romano-British settlement. Romano-British pottery and CT163

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part of a glass bangle found.

2807 SE 8140 3281 Roman Site of iron working/industrial site. Large pieces of slag and furnace bottoms found.


2808 SE 8125 3360 Iron Age to

Roman Site of Iron Age/Romano-British industrial site/settlement. Slag and large pottery fragments found.


2897 SE 7361 3061 Unknown Mound with ditch visible on aerial photographs. CT166 2903 SE 759 315 Medieval Possible ditched enclosure. CT167 2912 SE 839 305 Medieval Site of “Temple Dam” dam/dyke. CT168

Number not used. CT169 2806 SE 8084 3363 Roman Site of possible canal. CT170

3185, 26601 SE 787 308 Medieval Moated site, Portington. Scheduled Monument. CT171 3188 SE 776 300 Unknown Possible field system. CT172 3190 SE 765 295 Medieval Thorpe Lidget deserted medieval village. CT173 3191 SE 7888 3099 Post-Medieval Portington Hall. Grade II listed building. CT174

3668 SE 7343 2886 Medieval to

Modern Barnhill Hall. Grade II listed building. CT175

3698 SE 8278 3322 Roman Romano-British settlement site. CT176

3589 SE 8225 3350 Roman Romano-British kiln. Scatter of kiln material and sherds, concentration of iron slag and a late Roman coin of the House of Constantine found.


4482 SE 796 351 Roman Possible field system. CT178 4484 SE 798 358 Unknown Linear cropmarks. CT179 57936 Linear Modern Thorpe Willoughby and Goole Railway. Closed 1964. CT180 4958 SE 8071 3380 Post-Medieval Bursea chapel. Grade II listed building. CT181 4999 SE 8223 3259 Iron Age Iron Age logboat. CT182

5098 SE 7186 2806 Post Medieval to

Modern Linton House. Grade II listed building. CT183

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5169 SE 7190 2805 Post-Medieval Farmhouse. Grade II listed building. CT184 6376 SE 6868 2873 Post-Medieval South View. Grade II listed building. CT185 6403 SE 8082 3679 Post-Medieval Lock-up at Workhouse Farm. Grade II listed building. CT186 6514 SE 792 368 Roman Pottery, black plantation. CT187 6521 SE 7885 3660 Roman Romano-British kiln site. CT188 6540 SE 817 327 Unknown Soilmarks and cropmarks. CT189

21677 SE 81518

31974 Prehistoric Curvilinear ditched enclosure. CT190

6313 SE 751 314 Prehistoric Double ditched linear feature. CT191 6691 SE 742 317 Bronze Age Ring ditches. CT192 6716 SE 7895 3670 Roman Roman dish. CT193 6728 SE 8085 3355 Roman Romano-British settlement. CT194 6880 SE 8060 3392 Roman Romano-British settlement. CT195 7035 SE 7182 2803 Post-Medieval The Black Swan. Grade II listed building. CT196 7154 SE 71 28 Post-Medieval Chapel, north side of Main Street. Grade II listed building. CT197

7301 SE 8256 3367 Mesolithic to

Roman Pre Romano-British settlement site. CT198

7328 SE 8244 3396 Roman Find spot of Barbarous radiate coin. CT199 7348 SE 787 372 Roman Romano-British settlement site, west of Oak Farm. CT200 7523 SE 811 321 Unknown Cropmarks, Greaves End. CT201 7553 SE 8040 3640 Roman Romano-British settlement, north of Lodge Farm. CT202 7572 SE 768 299 Roman Roman coins found in field above Newfields farm. CT203

20755 SE 808 367 Post-Medieval to

Modern Workhouse Farm. CT204

Number not used. CT205 20729 SE 7874 3085 Post-Medieval to Manor Farm. CT206

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Modern 7761 SE 7929 3128 Unknown Settlement sites and field systems. CT207 7848 SE 7942 3580 Roman Romano-British kiln, south of Sand Hill Farm. CT208 7916 SE 7952 3589 Roman Find spot of Romano-British pottery. CT209 9002 SE 829 304 Medieval Thornton dam drainage channel. CT210

9533 SE 718 281 Medieval to Post-

Medieval Asselby medieval/post-medieval settlement. CT211

20712 SE 6863 2874 Post-Medieval to

Modern West End Farm. CT212

9895 SE 725 307 Post-Medieval Old field boundaries. CT213

10032 SE 719 296 Medieval to Post-

Medieval Newsholme medieval/post-medieval settlement. CT214

10065 SE 807 338 Medieval to Post-

Medieval Bursea medieval/post-medieval settlement. CT215

13923 SE 7333 2892 Medieval Possible moated site, northwest of Barnhill Hall. CT216 10548 SE 7246 3088 Post-Medieval Rowland Hall. Grade II listed building. CT217 10617 SE 7527 3097 Post-Medieval Windpump, Brickyard Farm. Grade II listed building. CT218 10776 SE 785 361 Roman Romano-British settlement site. CT219 10778 SE 822 350 Roman Romano-British settlement site. CT220

20145 SE 75050

28900 Unknown Earthwork ring ditch. CT221

10789 SE 806 333 Roman Romano-British ironworking site, south of Bursea Farm. CT222

10790 SE 8076 3369 Roman to Medieval

Romano-British and medieval finds, east Bursea Farm. CT223

10792 SE 807 333 Roman Romano-British ironworking site. CT224 10793 SE 806 335 Roman Romano-British smelting site. CT225

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10794 SE 824 328 Roman Romano-British smelting site. CT226 10795 SE 8234 3265 Roman Romano-British smelting site. CT227 10797 SE 7910 3695 Roman Romano-British smelting site. CT228 10800 SE 7895 3450 Roman Romano-British smelting site. CT229

883455 SE 78 33 Roman Ditch at Fir Tree Farm containing Romano-British pottery. CT230 11140 SE 830 350 Modern Holme Airfield. CT231 13363 SE 7637 3278 Post-Medieval Ponds, north of Sandwood cottage. CT232 11382 SE 7889 3093 Post-Medieval Wesleyan Methodist chapel. CT233 11423 SE 7763 3447 Post-Medieval Linear earthwork. CT234 13357 SE 7517 2878 Post-Medieval Landscape ponds, east of Hall Lodge. CT235 13361 SE 753 289 Post-Medieval Osier beds, northeast of Howden. CT236 13562 SE 8044 3147 Post-Medieval Site of buildings. CT237 13563 SE 8047 3249 Post-Medieval Site of buildings. CT238 13596 SE 6984 2842 Post-Medieval Site of post mill, Barmby Cutting. CT239 13597 SE 6880 2866 Post-Medieval King’s Head Inn, High Street. CT240 13824 SE 6870 2873 Post-Medieval Methodist Chapel, High Street. CT241 13839 SE 7183 2813 Post-Medieval Site of pinfold, east of Ashgrove Farm. CT242 13837 SE 7199 2799 Post-Medieval Methodist chapel, Landings Lane. CT243 13838 SE 7185 2812 Post-Medieval Smithy, east of Ashgrove Farm. CT244 13840 SE 7182 2808 Post-Medieval Sunday School, north of Black Swan. CT245 13841 SE 7185 2803 Post-Medieval Methodist chapel, Ivy House. CT246 13842 SE 7213 2803 Post-Medieval School, Main Street. CT247 13843 SE 7234 2803 Post-Medieval Site of water works, east of Mill House. CT248 14055 SE 7508 2880 Post-Medieval Lodge, Station Road. CT249 14517 SE 7192 2978 Post-Medieval Site of smithy. CT250 14518 SE 7182 2969 Post-Medieval Site of poorhouses, Newsholme. CT251

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14521 SE 753 311 Post-Medieval Brick and tile yard. CT252 14522 SE 7192 3012 Post-Medieval The Whale Jaws, Rowlandhall Lane. CT253 14525 SE 7394 3086 Post-Medieval Site of Smithy, Brind Lane, Brind. CT254 14526 SE 746 308 Post-Medieval Borden House, Brind. CT255 14527 SE 7247 3099 Post-Medieval Gatehouse, Rowlandhall crossing. CT256 14558 SE 7480 3197 Post-Medieval Site of Brindcommon Farm. CT257 14559 SE 7440 3100 Post-Medieval Site of mission room, Brind. CT258 14561 SE 7191 2951 Post-Medieval Site of Woodbine Cottage, Newsholme. CT259 15314 SE 731 316 Bronze Age Possible round barrow, Brind Wyre. CT260 15411 SE 717 295 Medieval Hall Garth earthworks, Newsholme. CT261 15544 SE 806 339 Medieval Site of medieval chapel, Bursea. CT262 15793 SE 827 340 Prehistoric Stone axe. CT263

17253 SE 7544 2923 Prehistoric to Post-Medieval

Find spot of flint and medieval/post-medieval pot, Millfield. CT264

18033 SE 825 304 Medieval Hansardam drainage channel. CT265 18592 SE 8360 3420 Post-Medieval Hasholme Carr Farm. CT266 18594 SE 8025 3628 Post-Medieval Lodge Farm. CT267 18596 SE 8192 3495 Post-Medieval New Bursea Farm. CT268 18597 SE 7904 3721 Post-Medieval Oak Farm, Bulmer Lane. CT269

AP 281 SE 7345 3043 Post-Medieval Farmstead. Large complex visible as an extant farmstead on aerial photography.


AP 270 SE 8195 3589 Modern Large collection of buildings associated with the adjacent airfield. Also confirmed by geophysical survey.


AP 274 SE 7974 3380 Unknown Earthworks. Possibly where the river/stream used to flow. CT272

AP 253 SE 80330

34423 Post-Medieval? Rectangular feature with trees. Possible field barns or pit/dew pond. CT273

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AP 23 SE 7200 2850 Medieval/Post-

Medieval Large linear earthwork bank. Possible township boundary or similar. Appears to have been ploughed out by 1993.


Walkover 2L SE 82001

35684 Roman

Very large concentration of grey ware Roman or Romano-British pottery. Probably material linked to the Throlam Pottery Kilns (CT143).


Walkover 2M SE 81303

35921 Prehistoric Two small flint flakes in a field containing very little natural flint. CT276

Walkover 2N SE 80171

34343 Unknown

One pottery sherd and one flint in a field containing very little natural flint.


Walkover 2O SE 79762

33997 Prehistoric

Large timbers that appear to have been exposed during ploughing. Probable bog oaks.


Walkover 2P/1

SE 79428 33581

Prehistoric Flint recovered in a field containing very little natural flint. CT279

Walkover 2P/2

SE 79411 33572

Prehistoric A number of flints found together in a field containing very little natural flint.


Walkover 2Q/1

SE 79632 33788

Prehistoric One very large flint flake recovered from a slightly raised area near the river where very little/next to no flint was observed in the plough soil.


Walkover 2Q/2

SE 79578 33752

Prehistoric Small flint recovered from a slightly raised area near the river where very little/natural flint was observed in the plough soil.


Walkover 2Q/3

SE 79536 33691

Prehistoric A small scatter of flints recovered from a slightly raised area near the river where very little natural flint was observed in the plough soil.


Walkover 2R/1

SE 75907 31373

Prehistoric Flint recovered from a field where very little natural flint was observed. CT284

Walkover 2R/2

SE 76314 31532

Post-Medieval One sherd of slip ware pottery recovered from a field where very little material was observed.


Walkover 2R/3

SE 76988 31760

Prehistoric Flints recovered from a field where very little natural flint was observed. CT286

Walkover SE 74887 Post-Medieval One sherd of slipware. CT287

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2S/1 31343 Walkover

2S/2 SE 74776

31338 Prehistoric One piece of red flint. CT288

Walkover 2T SE 74459

31225 Post-Medieval Two sherds of pottery. CT289

Walkover 2U SE 73709

30853 Post-Medieval One sherd of green glazed ware. CT290

Walkover 2V SE 73296

30468 Prehistoric One flint. CT291

Walkover 3K SE 72332

29266 Unknown Small sherd of coarse buff fabric. CT292

Walkover 3L SE 72117

29213 Post-Medieval Old bridge across the “New Drain”. Brick construction. CT293

AP 374 SE 68341

25714 Prehistoric Circular cropmark. CT294

Geophysical Survey

SE 67111 25808

Post-Medieval Two linear anomalies identified through geophysical survey undertaken as part of the CCS project. Possibly field boundaries pre-dating the First Edition Ordnance Survey plan.


Geophysical Survey

SE 688 252 Unknown Large anomaly recorded by geophysical survey undertaken as part of the CCS project. Possibly geological.


Geophysical Survey

SE 66759 28171

Post-Medieval Linear anomaly identified through geophysical survey undertaken as part of the CCS project. Possibly a field boundary pre-dating the First Edition Ordnance Survey plan.


Geophysical Survey

SE 7465 3135 Unknown Possible trackway and circular enclosure identified through geophysical survey undertaken as part of the CCS project.


Geophysical Survey

SE 74829 31277

Unknown Possible archaeological sites identified through geophysical survey undertaken as part of the CCS project. Sites could also be agricultural in


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Geophysical Survey

SE 79933 34285

Unknown Possible archaeological sites identified through geophysical survey undertaken as part of the CCS project. Sites could also be agricultural in origin.


Geophysical Survey

SE 8012 3436 Unknown Cross shaped anomaly identified through geophysical survey undertaken as part of the CCS project. Sites could also be agricultural in origin.


Geophysical Survey

SE 80236 34375

Unknown Possible feature recorded near an area of a cropmark sites identified through geophysical survey undertaken as part of the CCS project. Sites could also be agricultural in origin.


1374644 Linear Post-Medieval Hull and Doncaster Railway opened in 1885. CT303

1341193 Linear Medieval and Post-Medieval

River Ouse Navigation Canal. Works commenced in 1462. CT304

1373337 Linear Post-Medieval The Hull and Selby Railway. Opened in 1840 and still operational. CT305 Historic Mapping

SE 67306 27178

Post-Medieval Wren Hall CT306

Historic Mapping

Linear Post-Medieval Warping drain near Newsholme. CT307

Historic Mapping

SE 72005 29109

Post-Medieval Warping drain sluice near Newsholme. CT308

Historic Mapping

SE 72094 29053

Post-Medieval Warping drain sluice near Newsholme. CT309

Archaeological Excavation

SE 7034 2814 Romano-British Romano-British site excavated in Oxen Stang Field during construction of the Granstead to Asselby Pipeline.


10216 SE 74 30 Medieval Medieval open field systems, Howden parish. - 13588 SE 7600 3100 Post-Medieval Site of building. -

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18642 SE 79 33 Medieval Brushwood track, River Foulness. - 3156 SE 81 34 Roman Romano-British kiln wasters. - 18641 SE 83 35 Roman Find spot of Romano-British coffin and pottery. - 10786 SE 82 35 Roman Find spot of Romano-British sherds, Holme Airfield. - 15942 SE 81 38 Post-Medieval Site of Vicarage House. - 1118 SE 830 330 Medieval Possible moated site. -

Tollingham Block Valve Site to Dalton Block Valve Site

Reference Grid Reference Period Description No. on

Fig. 10.1

1249702 SE 8207 3720 Iron Age or

Roman Rectilinear enclosures visible on aerial photographs. TD1

883509 SE 8216 3619 Roman Possible Roman pottery kiln. TD2 21646,

1246073 SE 8219 3654

Iron Age to Roman

Iron Age/Romano-British enclosures. Rectilinear enclosures and round house visible on aerial photographs.


7186 SE 8245 3664 Roman Romano-British settlement north of Skip Farm. TD4 8445,

883510 SE 8248 3650 Roman Romano-British kiln, northeast of Skiff Farm. TD5

8897 SE 8260 3636 Roman Romano-British sherds, east of Skiff Farm. TD6 7195 SE 8260 3715 Roman Romano-British pottery, south of Highgate. TD7

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Fig. 10.1

10780 SE 827 370 Roman Romano-British sherds, south of Lock Lane. TD8 8792 SE 8270 3635 Roman Soilmarks and Romano-British sherds. TD9 7190 SE 8271 3624 Roman Romano-British pottery. TD10 7367 SE 8275 3621 Roman Romano-British kiln site, Ladies Parlour Farm. TD11 7192 SE 828 368 Roman Romano-British pottery, southwest of High Garth. TD12 10781 SE 8280 3648 Roman Possible Romano-British settlement site. TD13

1073856 SE 8286 3630 Iron Age or

Roman Rectilinear enclosures, probably a field system, visible on aerial photographs. TD14

10779 SE 8287 3675 Roman Romano-British sherds, Skiff Farm. TD15

883521 SE 8290 3746 Iron Age or

Roman Field system, some with double-ditches enclosures and round houses. TD16

10769 SE 8305 3645 Roman Romano-British settlement site identified through finds of burnt stone and pottery.


10836, 1249720

SE 831 367 Unknown Ditches and enclosures visible as cropmarks south of High Garth. TD18

7367 SE 8275 3621 Roman Romano-British kiln site. TD19 1114 SE 816 384 Medieval Possible moated site. TD20 1117 SE 815 378 Medieval Possible moated site. TD21 1143 SE 816 378 Roman Romano-British settlement/iron working site. TD22

1144 SE 829 375 Iron Age to

Roman Romano-British settlement/iron working site. TD23

1157 SE 832 355 Roman Romano-British kiln material. TD24 1158 SE 833 375 Unknown Narrow linear ditches. TD25 1162 SE 8306 3570 Roman Three Romano-British pottery kilns. TD26 1163 SE 8330 3581 Roman Romano-British pottery kiln. TD27

1374 SE 833 356 Post-

Medieval Site of rabbit warren farm. TD28

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Fig. 10.1

1400 SE 83288

35262 Iron Age to

Roman Rectilinear enclosures and associated boundaries. TD29

21656 SE 8334 3588 Iron Age to

Roman Iron Age and/or Romano-British ditched enclosure. TD30

21543 SE 820 371 Iron Age to

Roman Cropmark complex. TD31

7713 SE 809 379 Roman Ditches, north of Back Lane, possible Romano-British settlement. TD32 10374 SE 814 372 Unknown Ditches and enclosures. TD33 10772 SE 829 355 Roman Romano-British kiln site. TD34

20233 SE 82984

35687 Roman Find spot of six Romano-British pottery sherds. TD35

19817 SE 8088 3824 Medieval Find spot of tile from Snowdrop Farm. TD36

15941 SE 813 377 Post-

Medieval Catholic school, Moor End. TD37

19800 SE 8086 3829 Medieval Find spot of silver halfpenny from Snowdrop Farm. TD38 17522 SE 829 357 Unknown Enclosure, Holme airfield. TD39

18572 SE 815 380 Post-

Medieval Castle farmhouse. TD40

18591 SE 8150 3706 Post-

Medieval Grange Farm. TD41

18593 SE 8013 3813 Post-

Medieval Holly Bank Farm. TD42

18598 SE 810 384 Post-

Medieval Former chapel. TD43

18599 SE 8130 3760 Post-

Medieval Poplar Farm. TD44

19816 SE 8088 3823 Roman Find spot of Romano-British pottery from Snowdrop Farm. TD45 19722 SE 8290 3580 Roman Find spot of Roman flagon, Bellgate. TD46

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19796 SE 8086 3829 Medieval Pre-14thcentury relict land surface likely to be associated with farming practices.


19797 SE 8086 3829 Medieval Medieval agricultural activity. TD48 10788 SE 838 377 Roman Romano-British iron working site. TD49 15284

1249720 SE 839 370 Unknown

Trackway and enclosures identified as cropmarks through aerial photography east of High Garth.


18646 SE 839 371 Early Iron

Age to Roman

Enclosures, east of High Garth. TD51

883539 SE 840 378 Prehistoric Find spot of a flint axe, Duck Nest Farm. TD52

18604 SE 843 376 Post-

Medieval Mill lock. TD53

8005 SE 846 372 Unknown Enclosure. TD54 1148,

883526 SE 849 380 Unknown Possible ditched enclosure or field system. TD55

4986 SE 853 387 Post-

Medieval St William's School. TD56

883541 SE 854 385 Unknown Ditched enclosure or group of rectilinear ditches visible on aerial photographs. TD57 1151 SE 854 386 Unknown Ditched enclosure surviving as a cropmark. TD58 7347 SE 861 386 Unknown Settlement site. TD59

19857 SE 865 392 Post-

Medieval George III half-guinea. TD60

19854, 19855, 19856

SE 866 394 Iron Age to

Early Medieval

Romano-British nail cleaner and brooch. Anglo-Saxon long brooch. Iron Age toggle, Market Weighton.


7351 SE 866 395 Unknown Trackway and field ditches, north and south of Long Lane. TD62 1073852 SE 8728 4013 Unknown Possible enclosure visible on aerial photographs. TD63 1434122 SE 8736 3955 Roman Part of a Roman road and possible field system visible as cropmarks. TD64

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to SE 8706 4005

10864 SE 876 396 Unknown Cropmarks. TD65 239 SE 880 402 Roman Pottery and coins, Cross Field House Farm. TD66

2182 SE 8844 4043 Unknown Trackway, east of Cliffe Road. TD67 19873 SE 896 403 Roman Romano-British fibula fragments, Sancton. TD68

13516 SE 9007 4180 Post-

Medieval Milestone, Weighton Hill. TD69

252, 64336 SE 9062 4098 Neolithic Long barrow. TD70 18009, 64326

SE 9068 4189 Bronze Age Round barrow, 550m north of High Wold Farm. Part of High Wold Farm barrow cemetery. Scheduled Monument.


18013, 64326

SE 9077 4145 Bronze Age Round barrow 100m northeast of High Wold Farm. Part of High Wold Farm barrow cemetery. Scheduled Monument.


18015, 64326

SE 9078 4116 Bronze Age Round barrow 200m southeast of High Wold Farm. Part of High Wold Farm barrow cemetery. Scheduled Monument.


18014, 64326

SE 9079 4136 Bronze Age Round barrow 110m east of High Wold Farm. Part of High Wold Farm barrow cemetery. Scheduled Monument.


18012, 64326

SE 9079 4165 Bronze Age Six round barrows 300m northeast of High Wold Farm. Part of High Wold Farm barrow cemetery. Scheduled Monument.


18020, 64326

SE 9082 4177 Bronze Age Round barrow 400m north of High Wold Farm. Part of High Wold Farm barrow cemetery. Scheduled Monument.


18010, 64326

SE 9082 4183 Bronze Age Round barrow 450m north of High Wold Farm. Part of High Wold Farm barrow cemetery. Scheduled Monument.


18022 SE 9086 4154 Bronze Age Round barrow 200m northeast of High Wold Farm. TD78 18011, 64326

SE 9087 4164 Bronze Age Round barrow 320m northeast of High Wold Farm. Part of High Wold Farm barrow cemetery. Scheduled Monument.


258, 64326,

SE 9104 4173 Bronze Age Round barrow. Part of High Wold Farm barrow cemetery. Scheduled Monument.


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Fig. 10.1

18021 1415719 SE 9109 4162 Modern Royal Observer Corps monitoring post. TD81

7361 SE 913 422 Unknown Enclosure, trackway and ditches. TD82

10895 SE 918 429 Iron Age Ladder settlement identified through aerial photography. Also recorded on geophysical survey undertaken as part of the present scheme and may join with TD85.


3351 SE 9193 4272 Late Bronze Age to Early

Iron Age Wold entrenchment. TD84

1382974 SE 922 425 Iron Age and


Possible settlement and field boundaries surviving as a cropmark. Also recorded on geophysical survey undertaken as part of the present scheme and may join with TD83.


64252 SE 9246 4951 to SE 9333

4724 Prehistoric Wold entrenchments visible on aerial photographs. TD86

64342 SE 9284 4304 to SE 9335

4150 Prehistoric

Linear feature forming part of the Would Entrenchments. Also visible on geophysical survey (features H and I).


19726 SE 9290 4391 Post-

Medieval Kiplingcotes signal box. TD88

13515 SE 9296 4391 Post-

Medieval Kiplingcotes Railway Station. TD89

17948 SE 9309 4396 Medieval Medieval cross base. TD90 2881, 3991,

910738 SE 931 426 Iron Age Two Etton Wold square barrows. TD91

4435 SE 932 416 Prehistoric Wold entrenchment. TD92 6567 SE 932 453 Unknown Settlement complex. TD93

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Fig. 10.1

13293 SE 9338 4305 Post-

Medieval Wallis Grange. TD94

9098 SE 9339 4520 Post-

Medieval Kiplingcotes Farmhouse. Grade II listed building. TD95

3148, 3152 3153,

910739, 13484

SE 934 423 Bronze Age -


Round barrow, Old Arras deserted medieval village, Romano-British pottery TD96

2687 SE 934 449 Bronze Age Beaker, Kiplingcotes Farm. TD97 8334 SE 934 453 Bronze Age Beaker, Kiplingcotes Farm. TD98

9099 SE 9340 4602 Post-

Medieval Moneypot Hill Farmhouse. Grade I listed building. TD99

64241, 3747

SE 9342 4759 Neolithic Find spot of a polished greenstone axe, Lairhill House. TD100

64360 SE 9344 4229 Bronze Age Site of a round barrow. TD101

13506 SE 9346 4304 Post-

Medieval Smithy, Wallis Grange. TD102

9469, 64354

SE 9349 4386 Neolithic Oval barrow, 750m north of Wallis Grange. Scheduled Monument. TD103

13483 SE 935 439 Roman Romano-British pottery, Etton Wold. TD104 9468, 9470, 9471, 64354

SE 9350 4389 Bronze Age Round barrow, east of Kiplingcotes Station. TD105

145654 SE 9351 4445 Bronze Age Possible barrow visible on aerial photographs. Also recorded as a circular feature on the geophysical survey undertaken as part of the present scheme.


1197515 SE 9352 4588 Prehistoric or

Roman Linear ditch cropmark. TD107

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Fig. 10.1

64288, 3743

SE 9358 4747 Prehistoric Tumulus. No visible remains surviving. TD108

1456415 SE 9359 4776 Prehistoric or

Roman Linear boundaries visible as cropmarks. TD109

6568 SE 936 446 Unknown Ditches and ring ditches. TD110

13505 SE 9362 4421 Post-

Medieval Starting post, Kiplingcotes Derby. TD111

10814 SE 937 460 Unknown Cropmarks south of Holmedale Farm. TD112

1456450 SE 9370 4429 Prehistoric or

Roman Double ditched trackway visible as a cropmark. TD113

3140, 64378

SE 938 432 Roman Possible Romano-British settlement. TD114

1309009 SE 940 444 Iron Age or

Roman Cropmark/soilmark of rectilinear enclosures and trackway. TD115

3146, 64375

SE 941 438 Bronze Age Barrow largely destroyed by ploughing but still visible as a cropmark. TD116

13513 SE 9423 4352 Post-

Medieval Chalk Bridge. TD117

6569 SE 943 448 Unknown Linear ditch and field system. TD118 6570 SE 943 464 Unknown Settlement complex. TD119

1456403 SE 9433 4598 Prehistoric or

Roman Linear boundary visible on aerial photographs. TD120

6571 SE 944 470 Unknown Enclosures and field ditches. TD121 1479434 SE 944 474 Iron Age Group of three square barrows visible on aerial photographs. TD122

15388 SE 945 424 Roman Coin of Constantine. TD123

13291 SE 946 428 Post-

Medieval Wold House. TD124

3089 SE 946 436 Unknown Ovoid ditched enclosure visible on aerial photographs. TD125

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Fig. 10.1

13514 SE 9462 4322 Post-

Medieval Michael's Bridge. TD126

12558 SE 9463 4253 Unknown Ditch, south of Wold Farm. TD127

64351 SE 9463 4413 to SE 9208

4363 Prehistoric

Linear feature forming part of the Would Entrenchments. Continues both sides of the post-medieval railway line.


13292 SE 948 433 Post-

Medieval West Wood House. TD129

3728 SE 948 438 Unknown Linear ditch. TD130 14902, 14921

SE 9484 4334 Post-

Medieval Holme Farm and Well at West Wood House TD131

5755 SE 9485 4484 Post-

Medieval Summer pavilion west of Dalton Hall. Grade I listed building. TD132

3143, 910620

SE 95 42 Early

Medieval Anglo-Saxon inhumation cemetery near Gardham. TD133

12878 SE 9509 4672 Post-

Medieval Well at Holme Wold House. TD134

6572 SE 951 452 Unknown Track fragments and field ditches. TD135

20751 SE 951 467 Post-

Medieval to Modern

Wold House Farm. TD136

12879 SE 9518 4584 Unknown Old lime kiln, Dalton Park. TD137 6573 SE 952 462 Unknown Track, enclosure and ditches. TD138

12897 SE 9524 4485 Post-

Medieval Gardener’s cottage, Dalton Hall. TD139

6582 SE 954 436 Bronze Age Round barrow and ditch traces. TD140 5757,

1150924 SE 954 450


Dalton Park. Register of Parks and Gardens Grade II*. TD141

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Fig. 10.1

12896, 5756

SE 954 452 Post-

Medieval Site of buildings at Dalton Hall, including stable block. Grade II listed building. TD142

3076 SE 947 476 Unknown Double-ditched trackways, enclosures to the southeast and a small ditch to the northwest.


6583 SE 955 424 Iron Age Ditches, track, enclosures and barrow. TD144

12709 SE 9555 4514 Post-

Medieval Ice house. TD145

2688 SE 956 450 Unknown Ring, South Dalton. TD146

5754 SE 9560 4508 Post-

Medieval Dalton Hall, Dalton Park. Grade II* listed building. TD147

14922 SE 9562 4387 Post-

Medieval Sir John's Pit, old chalk pit. TD148

339 SE 958 426 Unknown Rectilinear enclosures. TD149

7414 SE 958 450 Post-

Medieval Site of kitchen garden. TD150

1422 SE 9586 4247 Post-

Medieval Charles II farthing, Gardham. TD151

6584 SE 959 440 Prehistoric Ditches, trackways and ring ditch. TD152 6585 SE 960 445 Unknown Double ditched trackway. TD153

1458658 SE 961 462 Iron Age or

Roman Multiple linear ditch boundaries visible on aerial photographs. TD154

6574 SE 961 467 Unknown D-shaped enclosure and ditches identified on aerial photographs. TD155

1411135 SE 9626 4486 Bronze Age Large ring ditch visible on aerial photographs. Possibly a Bronze Age round barrow.


6575 SE 963 463 Unknown Polygonal enclosure and trackway. TD157

20753 SE 964 464 Post-

Medieval to Modern

The White House. TD158

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Fig. 10.1

1421 SE 9643 4263 Medieval King John penny, Etton Fields Farm. TD159

14923 SE 9645 4393 Post-

Medieval Humber Street Pit, old chalk pit. TD160

13290 SE 966 427 Post-

Medieval Etton Fields Farm. TD161

14925 SE 9666 4275 Post-

Medieval Two wells, Etton Fields Farm. TD162

14924 SE 9700 4336 Post-

Medieval Old chalk pit, west of Etton. TD163

753, 64302 SE 974 436 Medieval Temple Garth. Remains of a Knights Templar grange and later Knights Hospitallers manor. Scheduled Monument.


21698 SE 9715 4151 Iron Age to

Roman Boundary ditches and enclosures. TD165

2686 SE 96 45 Neolithic to Bronze Age

Two axes, South Dalton. TD166

63 SE 855 395 Roman Brough to York Roman road. TD167 8006 SE 848 366 Unknown Possible enclosure and field system. TD168

242, 356 SE 8940 4150 Bronze Age Two ring ditches, possible round barrows. TD169 250 SE 8683 4045 Unknown Cropmarks of squared enclosure and double-ditched trackway. TD170

254, 58 SE 926 413 Iron Age Barrow Cemetery. Scheduled Monument. TD171

253 SE 92150


Medieval to Post-

Medieval Deserted medieval village. TD172

20056 SE 9447 4152 Neolithic Find spot of Neolithic axe, Gardham. TD173

20057 SE 9438 4130 Post-

Medieval Find spot of 17th century finds, Gardham. TD174

1130 SE 845 390 Iron Age to

Roman Ditch traces and enclosures. TD175

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Fig. 10.1

1131 SE 840 383 Romano-

British Cropmarks showing ditched enclosure. TD176

1136 SE 841 360 Romano-

British Tollingham Warren cropmark complex. TD177

1216 SE 98 43 Neolithic Stone axe. TD178 1767 SE 954 422 Neolithic Polished stone axe. TD179 2485 SE 8809 3950 Unknown Enclosures and ditch. TD180

2493 SE 918 455 Post-

Medieval Kiplingcotes racecourse. TD181

2839 SE 858 369 Post-

Medieval Northwest to southeast trackway. TD182

2864 SE 8986 3995 Roman Two Roman coins. TD183 2873 SE 9157 4121 Bronze Age Site of wold entrenchment. TD184

2876 SE 9030 4020 Early

Medieval Site of cremation cemetery with excavations revealing over three hundred urns. An inhumation was also found buried with a spear, knife and buckle.


2895 SE 868 381 Unknown Complex of cropmarks showing including trackways and ditches. TD186 2981 SE 9220 4166 Medieval Site of Chapel at Arras deserted medieval village. TD187 3075 SE 935 482 Unknown Undefined ditches. TD188 20058 SE 9477 4192 Roman Find spot of more than fifty Roman coins. TD189 3082 SE 934 417 Unknown Linear ditch traces. TD190 3142 SE 927 440 Unknown Complete human crouched inhumation found in a gravel pit. TD191 3150 SE 925 444 Bronze Age Two long ditches and a round barrow. TD192 3328 SE 9516 4119 Bronze Age Probable barrow. TD193 3329 SE 955 406 Bronze Age Three round barrows. TD194 3330 SE 9608 4136 Bronze Age Circular cropmark, probably a Bronze Age barrow. TD195

3331 SE 967 420 Iron Age to

Roman Possible settlement site. TD196

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Fig. 10.1

3333, 20059

SE 945 415 Early

Medieval Gardham deserted medieval village. Early medieval tweezers found on site. TD197

3336 SE 953 412 Unknown Polygonal ditch. TD198

3344 SE 965 417 Iron Age to

Roman Trackways and ditches surviving as cropmarks. TD199

3345 SE 970 419 Iron Age to

Roman Linear double ditch. TD200

3349 SE 954 423 Unknown Ditches. TD201

19874 SE 903 403 Post-

Medieval Eighteenth or nineteenth century jaws harps, Sancton. TD202

3847 SE 933 487 Iron Age to

Roman Romano-British settlement site. TD203

3848 SE 932 482 Iron Age Lair Hill cemetery and settlement. TD204

4432 SE 9149 4355 Neolithic to Bronze Age

Burial. TD205

20782 SE 856 374 Post-

Medieval to Modern

Avenue Farm. TD206

20654 SE 84707

38874 Unknown Circular cropmarks east of East Ings drain. TD207

6586 SE 962 426 Bronze Age Trackways and possible barrow. TD208 7358 SE 894 413 Unknown Ditch system and possible trackway. TD209 19872 SE 899 403 Roman Find spot of writing stylus. TD210 7775 SE 885 395 Mesolithic Find spot of flint tool and flint scraper. TD211 8009 SE 855 376 Unknown Avenue Farm cropmark complex. TD212 8012 SE 862 375 Unknown Ditches. TD213 8015 SE 875 386 Unknown Enclosures and ditch system. TD214 8037 SE 935 484 Unknown Field system. TD215

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Fig. 10.1

8252 SE 90 40 Neolithic Find spot of stone implements. TD216 8254 SE 9256 4790 Bronze Age Round barrow. TD217 8255 SE 9258 4800 Bronze Age Round barrow. TD218 8256 SE 9262 4795 Bronze Age Round barrow. TD219 8334 SE 934 453 Bronze Age Find spot of Bronze Age beaker. TD220 8769 SE 9447 4177 Iron Age Core of Corieltauvian stator. TD221

9106 SE 9668 4544 Post-

Medieval 8 & 10 Main Street (east side), South Dalton. Grade II listed building. TD222

9107 SE 9671 4518 Post-

Medieval Oak Cottage (No 26), Main Street (west side), South Dalton. Grade II listed building.


9109 SE 9673 4522 Post-

Medieval 23 Main Street (east side), South Dalton. Grade II listed building. TD224

9117 SE 9650 4536 Post-

Medieval 16 West End (north side), South Dalton. TD225

9118 SE 9662 4540 Post-

Medieval 4 West End (north side), South Dalton. Grade II listed building. TD226

9119 SE 9773 4346 Post-

Medieval 68 Main Street (north side). Grade II listed building. TD227

9125 SE 9773 4343 Post-

Medieval 81 Main Street (south side). Grade II listed building. TD228

9126 SE 9778 4345 Post-

Medieval 69 Main Street (south side). Grade II listed building. TD229

9127 SE 9770 4343 Post-

Medieval 83 Main Street (south side). Grade II listed building. TD230

9128 SE 9765 4342 Post-

Medieval 91 & 93 (Snilesworth Cottage), Main Street (south side). Grade II listed building.


9169 SE 9644 4536 Post-

Medieval 26 West End (north side), South Dalton. Grade II listed building. TD232

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Fig. 10.1

9227 SE 8860 3916 Post-

Medieval Dovecote, Houghton Hall. Grade II listed building. TD233

9571 SE 9643 4524 Medieval to


South Dalton medieval/post-medieval settlement and shrunken medieval village.


9798 SE 9652 4537 Post-

Medieval 14 West End (north side), South Dalton. Grade II listed building. TD235

9802 SE 9768 4343 Post-

Medieval Cherry Corner (No 35), Main Street (south side). Grade II listed building. TD236

10661 SE 9671 4519 Modern K6 telephone kiosk, Main Street (west side), South Dalton. Grade II listed building.


10766 SE 8363 3580 Roman Romano-British kiln, northeast of Tollingham Farm. TD238 10770 SE 8385 3550 Roman Romano-British settlement. TD239 11428 SE 896 420 Unknown Linear cropmarks, Weighton Hill. TD240

12705 SE 9664 4542 Post-

Medieval Village hall. TD241

12706 SE 9636 4534 Post-

Medieval to Modern

Pipe and Glass Inn. TD242

19877 SE 903 404 Medieval to


Find spot of Alpha coin weight. TD243

12543 SE 955 423 Medieval Site of Newton, deserted medieval village, Gardham. TD244

12547 SE 950 416 Post-

Medieval Site of Gardham warren. TD245

12551 SE 9503 4122 Bronze Age Polygonal feature and possible ring ditch. TD246

12704 SE 9669 4531 Post-

Medieval Manor Farm, South Dalton. TD247

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Fig. 10.1

12708 SE 95 45 Medieval to


Site of manor house and hall garth. TD248

19859 SE 932 417 Iron Age Find spot of Iron Age looped toggle. TD249

19570 SE 87730

41120 Early

Medieval Find spot of coin of Charlemagne. TD250

12891 SE 9672 4539 Post-

Medieval Smithy, South Dalton. TD251

12892 SE 9671 4517 Post-

Medieval Post office, South Dalton. TD252

12893 SE 965 452 Post-

Medieval Gas works, South Dalton. TD253

12894 SE 9658 4540 Post-

Medieval School, South Dalton. TD254

19876 SE 901 402 Iron Age to

Roman Find spot of head of deity. TD255

13038 SE 9746 4155 Post-

Medieval Dunkenhill Farm, Dunken Hill. TD256

13039 SE 9637 4163 Post-

Medieval Grange Farm. TD257

13040 SE 9529 4218 Post-

Medieval Sheep fold, southwest of Gardham. TD258

13041 SE 9560 4090 Post-

Medieval Furrows Farm (formerly Furrows), south of A1079. TD259

13042 SE 9650 4081 Post-

Medieval Milestone on the A1079. TD260

13044 SE 9491 4114 Unknown Milestone by the A1079. TD261 13287 SE 9793 4348 Post- Old National School. TD262

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Fig. 10.1


13289 SE 925 443 Post-

Medieval Cotegarth Walk Farm TD263

20321 SE 97499

43380 Post-

Medieval 111 Main Street, Etton. TD264

20322 SE 97702

43459 Post-

Medieval 74 Main Street, Etton. TD265

20323 SE 97657

43443 Post-

Medieval 78 Main Street, Etton. TD266

13500 SE 9329 4771 Post-

Medieval Milestone, Lairhill House. TD267

13510 SE 9275 4406 Post-

Medieval Pump house, south, southeast of Cotegarth Walk Farm. TD268

19860 SE 933 421 Roman Find spot of casket mound, Arras. TD269 13517 SE 9026 4054 Unknown Site of the warren house. TD270

13518 SE 9172 4148 Post-

Medieval Milestone. TD271

14700 SE 8644 3830 Post-

Medieval Beilsbeck Farm, northwest of North Cliffe. TD272

20320 SE 97460

43365 Post-

Medieval High Farm, 113 Main Street. TD273

14706 SE 8913 3932 Post-

Medieval Presbytery, Houghton Hall. TD274

14925 SE 9666 4275 Post-

Medieval Two wells, Etton Fields Farm. TD275

14926 SE 9768 4344 Post-

Medieval Smithy, Main Street. TD276

14927 SE 9774 4344 Post- Former Primitive Methodist chapel. TD277

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Fig. 10.1


14928 SE 9776 4344 Post-

Medieval Manor house. TD278

14942 SE 9702 4800 Post-

Medieval Parochial school. TD279

14943 SE 9684 4793 Unknown Site of Waterloo Cottage. TD280

14945 SE 9677 4497 Post-

Medieval Dunkeld bridge. TD281

14948 SE 9629 4530 Unknown The Mount, South Dalton. TD282 14949 SE 9672 4530 Unknown Site of building, Main Street. TD283

14950 SE 9672 4527 Post-

Medieval Wesleyan Methodist chapel. TD284

14951 SE 9673 4507 Unknown Site of building, west of Main Street. TD285 14952 SE 9674 4504 Unknown Site of building, south of Dunkeld End. TD286 14953 SE 9678 4507 Unknown Site of building, east of Main Street. TD287

15825 SE 9755 4337 Post-

Medieval Site of farm, south of Main Street. TD288

16791 SE 9433 4077 Bronze Age Round barrow, four hundred and thirty metres northwest of High Gardham Farm. Scheduled Monument.


17559 SE 898 399 Unknown Find spot. TD290 17574 SE 868 405 Roman Find spot of Romano-British brooch, south of Weighton Beck sewage works. TD291 17745 SE 944 413 Unknown Site of limekiln. TD292 17978 SE 8645 3820 Bronze Age Find spot of flint scraper, Beilsbeck Farm. TD293

18016 SE 9075 4098 Bronze Age Round barrow four hundred metres south of High Wold Farm. Scheduled Monument.


18017 SE 9083 4086 Bronze Age Round barrow five hundred and fifty metres south of High Wold Farm. Scheduled Monument.


18018 SE 9084 4097 Bronze Age Found round barrows three hundred metres southeast of High Wold Farm. TD296

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Scheduled Monument. 18022 SE 9086 4154 Bronze Age Round barrow two hundred metres northeast of High Wold Farm. TD297

20043 SE 9620 4136 Modern Hurricane Fighter crash site. Crashed at Grange Farm on 24th October 1940 in which the pilot was killed.


18397 SE 96 42 Neolithic Find spot of macehead or hammer fragment, Etton Fields Farm. TD299

18595 SE 8503 3900 Post-

Medieval Lock Farm. TD300

18605 SE 8507 3893 Post-

Medieval Lock Farm lock. TD301

18638 SE 8825 4101 Roman Find spot of Romano-British sherds. TD302

18639 SE 887 413 Roman to


Find spot of Romano-British to post-medieval pottery, Mill Farm. TD303

19861 SE 933 420 Medieval Thirteenth/fourteenth century jetton, Arras. TD304 19520 SE 932 479 Unknown Possibly mortuary enclosure and ditch. TD305 19695 SE 9625 4135 Roman Find spot of Romano-British pottery, Cherry Burton. TD306

19870, 19871

SE 903 403 Medieval and


Find spot of beehive thimble, buckle, and silvered buttons. Sancton. TD307

19869 SE 898 403 Roman Find spot of Romano-British head of statuette, Sancton. TD308

AP 311 SE 92763

43376 Post-

Medieval Possible building/field barn surviving as a ruin. TD309

AP 311 SE 92713

43497 Post-

Medieval Depression/pit. Possible former pit or quarry now abandoned. TD310

AP 311 SE 92108

42725 Post-

Medieval Depression/pit. Possible former pit or quarry now abandoned. TD311

AP 311 SE 92365

42796 Post-

Medieval Depression/pit. Possible former pit or quarry now abandoned. TD312

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Fig. 10.1

AP 314 SE 93580

44934 Prehistoric? Circular feature near fence line. Possible barrow? TD313

AP 314 SE 93449

44460 Unknown

Large rectilinear cropmark near TD106. Features also recorded on the geophysical survey undertaken as part of the current scheme, and show the feature continuing south of the road.


AP 314 SE 93399

44127 Unknown Small rectilinear feature near TD106. TD315

AP 324 SE 9476 4664 Post-

Medieval Circular feature in field corner. Possible dew pond. TD316

AP 324 SE 9419 4670 Post-

Medieval Circular feature. Possible dew pond. TD317

AP 326 SE 94745

46417 Modern Two buildings near field edge. Extant in 1946 but later demolished. TD318

AP 326 SE 94796

46225 Prehistoric? Circular cropmark. TD319

AP 326 SE 94796

45999 Prehistoric? Circular cropmark. TD320

AP 326 SE 94372

45222 Unknown/

Prehistoric? Possible circular mound. TD321

AP 339 SE 93449

43835 Unknown/

Prehistoric? Circular feature/mound. TD322

AP 339 SE 93247

43648 Unknown/

Prehistoric? Circular feature/mound. TD323

AP 335 SE 90277

42135 Prehistoric Possible Bronze Age round barrow. TD324

AP 335 SE 90393

42044 Prehistoric Possible Bronze Age round barrow (now under modern farm buildings). TD325

AP 335 SE 90534 Prehistoric Possible Bronze Age round barrow. TD326

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Fig. 10.1


AP 335 SE 90796

42029 Prehistoric Possible Bronze Age round barrow. TD327

AP 335 SE 90680

41721 Prehistoric Possible Bronze Age round barrow. TD328

AP 250 SE 8906 4079 Medieval or


Ridge and furrow surviving as earthworks with sub-rectilinear earthworks feature.


AP 256 SE 93530

43462 Unknown Sub-rectilinear mound/feature. TD330

AP 256 SE 93086

43426 Unknown Sub-rectilinear mound/feature. TD331

AP 114 SE 9377 4686 Unknown Very large linear soil/cropmark feature. Partially recorded on geophysical survey undertaken as part of the current scheme.


AP 239 SE 90680

42009 Post-

Medieval Circular pit. Possible dew pond. TD333

AP 239 SE 90135

41923 Prehistoric Possible round barrow. TD334

Walkover 1Y

SE 93338 44101

Unknown Slight depression in hill side. Possible former mine/quarry. TD335

Walkover 1Z

SE 93562 44246

Post-Medieval and


Bench mark/marker stone that has been turned into a memorial with the addition of a sculpture. Marks the start of the Kiplingcotes Derby.


Walkover 2A

SE 92495 43107

Prehistoric and Medieval

Flint and pottery (possible grey ware). TD337

Walkover 2B/1

SE 91883 42805

Prehistoric Possible worked flint. TD338

Walkover SE 91697 Post- Part of a Belermine Ware (or stone ware) handle. TD339

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Fig. 10.1

2B/2 42716 Medieval Walkover

2B/3 SE 91829

42771 Unknown One sherd of oxidised pottery. TD340

Walkover 2C

SE 87005 39120

Unknown One pottery sherd. TD341

Walkover 2D

SE 90495 41387

Prehistoric One flint flake. TD342

Walkover 2E/1

SE 89548 40793

Prehistoric and Unknown

One flint flake and metal working waste. TD343

Walkover 2E/2

SE 89650 40824

Unknown Sherd of pottery. TD344

Walkover 2E/3

SE 89655 40883


Green Glazed Ware base sherd. TD345

Walkover 2F

SE 89523 40746

Prehistoric One flint flake. TD346

Walkover 2G/1

SE 90020 41034

Unknown Metal working waste. TD347

Walkover 2G/2

SE 90048 41043

Unknown Metal working waste. TD348

Walkover 2G/3

SE 90052 41045


Green Glazed Ware sherd. TD349

Walkover 2H

SE 90922 42196

Unknown Large flint block. TD350

Walkover 2I

SE 90600 41866

Prehistoric One flint flake. TD351

Walkover 2J/1

SE 88609 40275

Prehistoric One flint flake. TD352

Walkover SE 88657 Unknown Metal working waste. TD353

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Fig. 10.1

2J/2 40309 Walkover

2J/3 SE 88667

40308 Post-

Medieval Green Glazed Ware pottery handle. TD354

Walkover 2J/4

SE 88726 40318

Unknown Metal working waste, sherd of pottery in a red/oxidised fabric, and a greyware base sherd.


Walkover 2J/5

SE 88709 40472

Unknown Metal working waste and a small shed of pottery in a black fabric. TD356

Walkover 2K

SE 84412 37250

Unknown Small earth mound c. 4m across in paddock near farmyard. TD357

Historic Mapping

SE 82430 36397


Old marl pit marked on the Second Edition Ordnance Survey Plan of 1892. TD358

Historic Mapping

SE 85657 37711


Old marl pit marked on the Second Edition Ordnance Survey Plan of 1892. TD359

Historic Mapping

SE 85440 37654


Swineheards Stone marked on the First, Second and Third Edition Ordnance Survey plans but now removed.


RCAHM Aerial


SE 86828 38902

Prehistoric Extensive cropmark site TD361

RCAHM Aerial


SE 87370 39270

Prehistoric Possible cropmark site of an enclosure or field system. TD 362

RCAHM Aerial


SE 87528 39377

Roman Line of a Roman road running northwest to southeast. TD 363

RCAHM Aerial


SE 93485 43710

Prehistoric Prehistoric field system surviving as a cropmark. TD 364

RCAHM SE 93733 Prehistoric Long linear feature running east to west. TD 365

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Fig. 10.1

Aerial Survey


1029679 Linear Roman Roman road running from Brough on Humber to York. Also recorded on geophysical survey undertaken as part of the present scheme.


1434122 SE 87210

39800 Roman Roman road and field system. TD367

1030217 Linear Roman Roman road from South Newbald to Malton. Not recorded in geophysical survey due to ground conditions.


1920, 176 SE 88490

39074 Post

Medieval Houghton Hall. Grade II Registered Park and Garden. TD369

1375130 Linear Post

Medieval The York and Beverley Railway. Authorised in 1846, but not completed beyond Market Weighton. Now a walk/trail.


Geophysical Survey

SE 89304 40725

Roman Roman/Romano-British roadside settlement identified through geophysical survey.


Geophysical Survey

SE 93373 43657

Unknown Possible field system identified through geophysical survey. Covers an extensive area, and includes a number of former chalk pits.


Geophysical Survey

SE 93464 44068

Unknown Rectangular feature identified through geophysical survey. Possible former chalk pit.


Geophysical Survey

SE 93654 45675

Unknown Possible former field boundaries predating the First Edition Ordnance Survey plan identified through geophysical survey.


Geophysical Survey

Linear Unknown Linear feature identified through geophysical survey. Possibly a field drain or possibly linked to an adjacent linear feature (TD332).


Geophysical Survey

SE 82686 36464

Unknown Possible archaeology identified through geophysical survey in an area where Romano-British pottery and metal working has been recorded.


Geophysical Survey

SE 84738 37238

Unknown Linear feature identified through geophysical survey. Possibly archaeology, or may be a former river channel.


Geophysical Survey

SE 88157 40058

Unknown Possible archaeological feature recorded through geophysical survey. TD378

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Fig. 10.1

Geophysical Survey

SE 88625 40380

Prehistoric Possible settlement site identified through geophysical survey. Located in an area where a number of find spots were identified as part of the walk over survey.


Geophysical Survey

SE 89971 41034

Unknown Linear feature recorded on geophysical survey. TD380

Geophysical Survey

SE 90479 41441

Unknown Linear feature recorded on geophysical survey. TD381

Geophysical Survey

SE 90576 41842

Prehistoric Number of circular features recorded by geophysical survey in an area of known Bronze Age burials.


Geophysical Survey

SE 91035 42268

Unknown Possible linear feature or partial enclosure identified through geophysical survey.


Geophysical Survey

SE 91063 42322

Iron Age Possible square barrows identified through geophysical survey. TD384

Geophysical Survey

SE 91171 42439

Iron Age Possible square barrows identified through geophysical survey. TD385

Geophysical Survey

SE 91224 42455

Iron Age Possible square barrows identified through geophysical survey. TD386

Geophysical Survey

SE 91440 42477

Unknown Linear feature recorded on geophysical survey. TD387

Geophysical Survey

SE 94303 47105

Prehistoric Settlement site and associated trackway identified on geophysical survey. TD388

Geophysical Survey

SE 93821 47002

Unknown Cluster of anomalies recorded on geophysical survey. Possibly remains of chalk pits.


61428 SE 87500

40499 Roman Find spot of Roman coins and pottery. TD390

1375142 Linear Post-

Medieval Scarborough, Bridlington and West Riding Junction TD391

1249720 SE 8335 3685 Romano- Iron Age or Roman rectilinear enclosures, some of which are double ditched, TD392

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Fig. 10.1

British are visible as cropmarks on air photographs. To the east of the enclosures is a double ditched boundary or trackway.

240 SE 86 40 Mesolithic to Bronze Age

Scatter of flint implements. -

61428 SE 87 40 Roman Find spots of pottery and coins. -

262 SE 88 41 Early

Medieval Bar-lip pottery. -

14703 SE 90 40 Post-

Medieval Site of rabbit warren. -

Dalton Block Valve Site to Skerne Block Valve Site

Reference Grid Reference Period Description No. on

Fig. 10.1

1479418 SE 941 487 Iron Age or

Roman Enclosure and field system visible on aerial photographs. DS1

1424178 1415692

SE 9480 4929 Modern Second World War auxiliary unit operational camp and base, The Old Hall, Middleton-on-the-Wolds.


1411146 SE 9496 4929 to SE 9499


Prehistoric or Roman

Linear boundary ditch surviving as a cropmark. DS3

1418429 SE 9507 4866 Modern Second World War underground bunker, The Old Hall, Middleton-on-the-Wolds.


1382372 SE 9511 4776 Iron Age or

Roman Possible enclosures visible on aerial photographs. DS5

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Fig. 10.1

12461 SE 9570 4885 Post-Medieval Disused clay pit, Beverley Road. DS6 12522 SE 9573 4883 Post-Medieval Site of milestone, Beverley Road. DS7

1415682 SE 9583 4794 Modern Site of possible radar beacon, Wold House Farm. Visible on aerial photographs and geophysical survey.


20516 SE 96007

47998 Medieval Horse harness pendant, Lund. DS9

12459 SE 9610 4950 Post-Medieval Chalk pit and site of lime kilns. DS10 12458 SE 9635 4920 Post-Medieval Site of brick field. DS11 4020 SE 964 470 Unknown Trackway, linear feature and fields. DS12

9572 SE 967 464 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Holme on the Wolds medieval and post-medieval settlement and shrunken medieval village.


12877 SE 9670 4637 Post-Medieval Smithy, Holme on the Wolds. DS14 14944 SE 9670 4640 Unknown Pinfold, Holme on the Wolds. DS15 9170 SE 9672 4640 Post-Medieval 16 East Street (north side), Holme on the Wolds. Grade II listed building. DS16 2685,

527157 SE 9678 4631

Medieval to Post-Medieval

Site of Church of St Peter. Grade II listed building. DS17

20752 SE 968 464 Post-Medieval

to Modern 2-4 East Street, Holme on the Wolds. DS18

21671 SE 9428 4941 Bronze Age Bronze Age/Iron Age crouched burial. DS19 3071 SE 952 489 Bronze Age Site of two barrows. DS20 3073 SE 942 493 Unknown Linear northeast/southwest dyke. DS21

19976 SE 9446 4945 Bronze Age Find spot of flint flake, South Street. DS22

3843 SE 9468 4958 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Church of St Andrew. Grade II* listed building. DS23

3844 SE 94 49 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Site of stocks. DS24

3845, 12509

SE 950 492 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Site of Middleton Hall and earlier manor house. DS25

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3846 SE 9445 4928 Bronze Age Beaker and axe, possibly from a destroyed burial. DS26 3852 SE 9438 4946 Bronze Age Three burials. DS27 3853 SE 94 49 Bronze Age Find spot of flat axehead, spear and hoard. DS28 4024 SE 952 486 Unknown Enclosure and linear features. DS29

7906 SE 945 496 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Middleton medieval/post-medieval settlement and shrunken medieval village. DS30

19979 SE 9450 4937 Post-Medieval Post-medieval stable and features. DS31

8544 SE 9457 4957 Post-Medieval House approximately 95 metres west of St Andrew’s church. Grade II listed building.


8831 SE 9441 4890 Post-Medieval Market Weighton to Driffield railway. DS33 19975 SE 9446 4945 Medieval Medieval chalk platform. DS34

19974 SE 9455 4946 Bronze Age to

Iron Age Possible Bronze Age features, Front Street. DS35

12462 SE 9518 4917 Post-Medieval Milestone, Beverley Road. DS36 12463 SE 9493 4967 Unknown Site of mound, Church Hill Road. DS37 12464 SE 9472 4963 Post-Medieval Site of farm, Church Hill Road. DS38 12465 SE 9476 4970 Unknown Site of chalk pit, East End. DS39 12466 SE 9510 4974 Post-Medieval Site of milestone. DS40 12467 SE 9547 4985 Unknown Disused chalk pit. DS41 12497 SE 9475 4970 Post-Medieval The Old Rectory, East End. DS42 12852 SE 9656 4838 Post-Medieval Milestone on the B1248. DS43 AP 324 SE 9541 4748 Unknown Circular earthwork feature at point where four field join. DS44

AP 324 SE 9587 4741 Unknown Feature similar to DS44. Also depicted on the First Edition Ordnance Survey plan and may be an old pond.


AP 330 SE 95812

48354 Unknown

Rectilinear structure/enclosure containing two circular features appearing to survive as earthworks.


4541, TA 011 551 Medieval Sunderlandwick DMV. Scheduled Monument. DS47

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Fig. 10.1

79336 12457 SE 9701 4977 Post-Medieval Site of milestone. DS48 12460 SE 9718 4895 Unknown Disused chalk pit, east of B1248. DS49 8041 SE 973 498 Unknown Ditches, east of East Field Farm. DS50

12473 SE 9748 5001 Unknown Site of old chalk pit. DS51 12454 SE 9751 4985 Unknown Old chalk pit, west of Horn Hill Top. DS52 12453 SE 9812 4975 Post-Medieval Milestone, A163. DS53 3227, 64570

SE 983 501 Medieval Bracken deserted medieval village. DS54

12503 SE 9938 5155 Unknown Old chalk pit, Burn Butts. DS55

13450 SE 997 529 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Medieval and post-medieval pottery, Bustard Nest. DS56

8124 SE 999 526 Unknown Ring ditch, north of Bustard Nest Farm. DS57 RCAHM Aerial


SE 98642 51563

Prehistoric Circular enclosure recorded on aerial photographs. DS58

4534 TA 069 514 Medieval Rotsea deserted medieval village. DS59 8543 SE 9699 4979 Post-Medieval Milestone on the B1248. Grade II Listed Building. DS60

18125 TA 0187 5365 Unknown Milestone. DS61 18434,

1415691 TA 033 550 Modern Site of World War 2 decoy, The Commons, west of Skerne. DS62

1548133 TA 0374 5445 Iron Age or

Roman Probably rectilinear enclosure visible as a cropmark. DS63

1547956 TA 0385 5475 Bronze Age Round barrow visible as a cropmark. DS64

1548138 TA 0386 5451 Iron Age or

Roman Fragmentary ditches visible as cropmarks. DS65

4547, 79432

TA 0396 5464 Bronze Age Site of round barrow. DS66

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1548156 TA 041 542 Medieval Ridge and furrow in the parish of Skerne. DS67 18157 TA 041 548 Post-Medieval Site of allotments. DS68

1548176 TA 042 545 Post-Medieval Ridge and furrow in the parish of Skerne and Wansford. DS69

1548128 TA 045 541 Iron Age or

Roman Rectilinear ditched enclosures and field boundaries surviving as cropmarks. DS70

8209 1548143

TA 049 548 Unknown Banks and ditches, southeast of Skerne. DS71

8431 910576

TA 053 547 Prehistoric Polished flint axe, Pickhills. DS72

1550113 TA 0551 5466 Modern Two probable Second World War bomb craters. DS73

1550249 TA 0578 5387 Medieval and Post-Medieval

Two enclosures sitting on top of medieval ridge and furrow and now possibly levelled.


9789 TA 0580 5405 Roman Roman ditches and pottery, Cleaves Farm. DS75 1550105 TA 0585 5365 Post-Medieval Gravel pit visible on aerial photographs. DS76

1550205 TA 0594 5341 Medieval Broad ditch surviving as an earthwork on early aerial photographs but now removed.


1550341 TA 060 543 Medieval and Post-Medieval

Ridge and furrow in the parish of Skerne and Wansford. DS78

11115 1550197

TA 060 544 Unknown Cropmark complex. DS79

18517 TA 061 539 Medieval Skerne Dyke. DS80 9787 TA 0616 5345 Unknown Crouched burial, Cleave Farm fish lagoon. DS81 9793 TA 0620 5420 Early Medieval Cropmark of possible channel to west of River Hull. DS82 9788 TA 0630 5400 Unknown Animal bones, drainage, River Hull. DS83

19369 TA 0689 5277 Bronze Age Possible round barrow, south of Brigham Ings. DS84 12455 SE 9691 4988 Post-Medieval East Field. DS85 2252 TA 065 521 Unknown Ditch systems and ring ditches. DS86

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Fig. 10.1

2555 TA 0466 5511 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Church of St Leonard. Grade I listed building. DS87

18126 TA 0244 5328 Post-Medieval Site of Hutton vicarage. DS88

2950 TA 0902 5041 Bronze Age Beaker burial containing the bones of a young adult, a flint knife and pottery fragments.


2997, 3008 TA 085 504 Medieval and

Unknown Moated site and two banked and ditched enclosures (the latter of unknown date).


21649 TA 01771

55438 Post-Medieval Sunderlandwick Hall. Grade II listed building. DS91

3079 SE 969 478 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Site of medieval settlement. DS92

3248 TA 0232 5309 Post-Medieval 87 Pit Top Farmhouse. Grade II listed building. DS93 3259 TA 0228 5304 Post-Medieval Windmill. Grade II listed building. DS94 3744 SE 9703 4807 Post-Medieval Market Cross. Grade II listed building. DS95

3753 SE 9701 4814 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Church of All Saints. Grade II* listed building. DS96

18156 TA 037 534 Post-Medieval Site of allotments. DS97 18155 TA 0194 5308 Post-Medieval Site of allotments. DS98 19829, 19830

TA 0227 5331 Medieval and Post-Medieval

Find spot of medieval and post-medieval pottery, Hutton. DS99

19335 TA 0033 5218 Unknown Circular cropmark. DS100 19546 SE 9703 4808 Post-Medieval Site of cockpit. DS101 18122 TA 033 539 Post-Medieval Site of brick and tile yard. DS102 18123 TA 0357 5395 Post-Medieval Skerne bridge. DS103 18124 TA 0146 5257 Unknown Corka Dikes hole. DS104 18128 TA 0251 5351 Post-Medieval Primitive Methodist chapel. DS105 18127 TA 0238 5323 Unknown Manor house, Hutton. DS106

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Fig. 10.1

18129 TA 0296 5332 Post-Medieval Hutton gatehouse. DS107 18148 TA 024 530 Post-Medieval Site of Hutton chalk pit and kilns. DS108 18153 TA 0233 5312 Post-Medieval Smithy. DS109 18152 TA 0248 5330 Post-Medieval Former Hutton vicarage. DS110 18154 TA 0242 5323 Unknown Site of public house. DS111 18118 TA 0208 5524 Unknown Milestone. DS112 18119 TA 0205 5503 Unknown South Lodge. DS113 18120 TA 004 546 Unknown Hay butts mounds. DS114 18121 TA 0209 5449 Unknown Site of Sunderlandwick Cottage. DS115 4389 TA 004 552 Prehistoric Embankment cross and enclosure. DS116 4383 TA 0086 5535 Unknown Site of embankment cross. DS117 4542 TA 0034 5300 Unknown Triple ditches. DS118 4548 TA 0115 5534 Bronze Age Round barrow. DS119 4535 TA 063 529 Bronze Age Bronze sword. DS120 4539 TA 0640 5180 Medieval Rotsea manor moated site. DS121 4544 TA 011 549 Bronze Age Site of barrow. Tree-trunk coffin with three inhumations found. DS122

19737 SE 9704 4780 Medieval Medieval occupation, west Damson Garth. DS123 4549 TA 0115 5516 Bronze Age Howe Hill round barrow. DS124 4550 TA 0706 5269 Bronze Age Corps landing round barrow. DS125 4537 TA 025 534 Unknown Two parallel banks, possibly camp remains. DS126 6284 TA 0287 5372 Post-Medieval House, 20a (Lindehof). Grade II listed building. DS127

6298 TA 0241 5335 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Church of St Peter. Grade II* listed building. DS128

6587 TA 017 554 Post Medieval

to Modern Site of Sunderlandwick Hall. DS129

20369 SE 97062

47933 Modern Anderson shelter, Lund. DS130

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Fig. 10.1

20417 TA 04522

55243 Post-Medieval The Eagle public house, Skerne. Grade II listed building. DS131

20432 TA 01987

54127 Post-Medieval The Keepers House, Beverley Road, Sunderlandwick. DS132

8113 SE 974 505 Unknown Rectangular enclosures. DS133 8109 TA 0620 5190 Unknown Square ditched enclosure. DS134 8123 TA 016 526 Medieval Skibedon deserted medieval village. DS135 8128 TA 0754 5238 Unknown Old foundation and enclosure. DS136 8137 SE 990 537 Prehistoric Cropmark complex. DS137

8208 TA 044 552 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Skerne medieval/post-medieval settlement and shrunken medieval village. DS138

8040 SE 962 499 Unknown East to west trackway and field system. DS139 8816 SE 9870 4195 Post-Medieval Beverley to Market Weighton railway. DS140 9076 SE 9874 4213 Post-Medieval 1 The Old School House Highgate. Grade II listed building. DS141

9089 SE 9862 4197 Post-Medieval Highgate Farmhouse (No 15), Highgate (south side). Grade II listed building.


9095 SE 9873 4215 Post-Medieval Elmtree Farmhouse, Etton Road (north side). Grade II listed building. DS143 9123 SE 9787 4346 Post-Medieval 57 Main Street (south side). Grade II listed building. DS144 9129 SE 9810 4280 Post-Medieval Etton Mill. Grade II listed building. DS145 9132 SE 9699 4819 Post-Medieval 5 & 7 North Road (west side). Grade II listed building. DS146

9133 SE 9706 4835 Post-Medieval Lund House (formerly vicarage), North Road (east side). Grade II listed building.


9214 TA 066 518 Bronze Age Find spot of bucket handle, Rotsea Manor. DS148 9245 SE 995 434 Post-Medieval Beverley to Bainton Balk turnpike. DS149

9628 TA 023 533 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Hutton medieval/post-medieval settlement. DS150

9752 TA 012 554 Unknown Ring ditch. DS151

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Fig. 10.1

9803 SE 9699 4810 Post-Medieval Ivy House (No 15), North Road (west side). Grade II listed building. DS152 10379 TA 0030 5450 Unknown Ring ditches and square enclosure. DS153

10662 SE 9705 4810 Modern K6 telephone kiosk outside Wellington Inn, The Green. Grade II listed building.


11055 SE 9876 4209 Post-Medieval Site of school. DS155 12456 SE 9685 4995 Post-Medieval Old chalk pit, north of East Field. DS156 12474 SE 9851 5196 Post-Medieval Site of chalk pit, north of Burnbutts Lane. DS157 12475 SE 9910 5012 Unknown Site of old sand pit, Wedding Wood. DS158 12518 TA 0010 5185 Post-Medieval Burnbutts pits chalk pits. DS159 12851 SE 9700 4830 Post-Medieval Methodist chapel. DS160 12853 SE 9702 4809 Post-Medieval Smithy, The Green. DS161 12854 SE 9703 4808 Post-Medieval Well on the Green. DS162 12855 SE 9700 4809 Post-Medieval Milestone on the Green. DS163 12856 SE 9700 4804 Post-Medieval Post office, the Green. DS164 12876 SE 9707 4697 Post-Medieval Milestone. DS165 12880 SE 973 464 Post-Medieval Old kiln chalk pit. DS166 13034 SE 9873 4212 Post-Medieval Well, junction of Etton Road and Highgate. DS167

13035 SE 9857 4194 Post-Medieval

to Modern Pump and well, Highgate. DS168

13435 TA 000 548 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Find spot of medieval/post-medieval pottery, low grounds. DS169

13439 SE 999 545 Unknown Find spot of animal bones, Sunderlandwick field. DS170 13440 TA 000 541 Roman Romano-British occupation, Sunderlandwick field, Southburn. DS171 13441 SE 998 540 Roman Find spot of Romano-British pottery, Cranswick field. DS172 13443 SE 999 536 Roman Find spot of Romano-British pottery, dump field. DS173 13444 SE 9970 5370 Roman Find spot of quern, railway grass field. DS174 13445 SE 993 532 Roman Romano-British occupation, Big Bustard field. DS175

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Fig. 10.1

13481 SE 9865 4164 Roman Find spot of Roman coin of Valentian, 102 The Meadows. DS176

20776 SE 9704 4810 Post-Medieval

to Modern Wellington Inn DS177

14929 SE 9788 4346 Post-Medieval to Unknown

Well, south of Main Street. DS178

14940 SE 9705 4839 Unknown Site of building, east of North Road. DS179 14941 SE 9702 4800 Post-Medieval Primitive Methodist chapel. DS180 15148 TA 0437 5526 Post-Medieval Wesleyan Methodist chapel. DS181 15149 TA 0439 5529 Post-Medieval Former school, Skerne. DS182 15234 TA 0637 5177 Post-Medieval Site of Wesleyan Methodist chapel. DS183 15235 TA 0790 5103 Post-Medieval Bethell’s bridge. DS184 19577 9702 4833 Unknown Foundations. DS185

20368 SE 97069

47924 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Medieval pits, 2 Damson Garth. DS186

17404 TA 0464 5511 Unknown Possible structure, St Leonard’s churchyard. DS187

17251 SE 9705 4772 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Find spot of coin of Henry VIII, 3 South Avenue, Lund. DS188

AP 336 SE 99361

52233 Medieval/Post-

Medieval Ridge and furrow surviving as earthworks on early aerial photographs. DS189

AP 336 SE 99343

52114 Unknown Circular pit on edge of ridge and furrow (DS189). DS190

AP 350 TA 12363

59197 Medieval/Post-

Medieval Possible mill pond or dew pond set within the earthwork remains of ridge and furrow and settlement remains of Gransmoor.


AP 302 TA 0287 5392 Medieval/Post-

Medieval Earthwork near railway. Possible extension of the village to the south. DS192

AP 303 TA 00250

52787 Unknown Possible earthworks including a rectilinear building and enclosure. DS193

AP 132 TA 0074 5412 Unknown Circular soilmark site. DS194

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Fig. 10.1

Walkover 1N

TA 04521 54355

Unknown Single pottery fragment. DS195

Walkover 1O

TA 02706 54195

Prehistoric One piece of flint. DS196

Walkover 1P

TA 01982 53544

Prehistoric Four flints recovered. Some almost look Palaeolithic in style with a heavy patina, although they may represent pebble flint.


Walkover 1Q

TA 01943 53496

Prehistoric and Unknown

Two sherds of pottery and one piece of flint. DS198

Walkover 1R/1

TA 01004 53046

Prehistoric Two piece of flint recovered. DS199

Walkover 1R/2

TA 00921 52969

Prehistoric Two pieces of flint recovered, one with heavy patination. DS200

Walkover 1S

TA 00646 52637

Prehistoric and unknown

One sherd of pottery and a flint recovered from near this spot. DS201

Walkover 1T

SE 99779 52623

Prehistoric A few flints were recovered from this spot. DS202

Walkover 1U/1

SE 97776 50091

Post-Medieval Green glazed ware. DS203

Walkover 1U/2

SE 97813 50282

Prehistoric Flint. DS204

Walkover 1U/3

SE 97786 50150

Prehistoric Flint. DS205

Walkover 1U/4

SE 97744 50033

Prehistoric Flint. DS206

Walkover 1V

SE 976 498 Post-Medieval Ridge and furrow surviving as earthworks. DS207

Walkover 1W

SE 975 493 Post-Medieval Ridge and furrow surviving as earthworks. DS208

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Walkover 1X

SE 97518 49699

Post-Medieval Depression possibly representing a former quarry/mine. Slight ditch nearby may be linked to quarry or may be linked to former field boundary.


Historic Mapping

SE 96408 48304

Post-Medieval Field marked as Mill Hill on First Edition Ordnance Survey plan of 1855 suggesting the site of a former mill.


Historic Mapping

SE 96168 48259

Post-Medieval Old pond marked on the First Edition Ordnance Survey plan of 1855. May have been linked to the possible former mill suggested by place name evidence.


Geophysical Survey

SE 95682 48286

Unknown Extensive settlement site identified through geophysical survey. Possibly iron Age or Romano-British.


Geophysical Survey

SE 96323 48618

Unknown Linear features identified through geophysical survey. Possibly associated with a nearby settlement site identified through geophysical survey (DS212).


Geophysical Survey

SE 95450 47297

Unknown Linear features identified through geophysical survey. Possibly associated with a nearby settlement site identified through geophysical survey (DS212).


Geophysical Survey

SE 96677 48852

Unknown Linear features identified by geophysical survey. Possibly archaeological. DS215

Geophysical Survey

SE 97625 49908

Unknown Linear features identified by geophysical survey. Possibly archaeological. DS216

1375144 Linear Post-Medieval Scarborough Branch Railway. Authorised 1845 and still operational. DS217

910776 TA 04068

55009 Medieval Site of a Cistercian grange, mentioned in 1197-1210. DS218

79342, 4396

TA 004 565 Iron Age Iron Age inhumation cemetery. Excavations have recorded at least two burials, although further square barrows have been reported.


79343 TA 005 563 Roman Location of a trench containing burial inhumation and Roman rubbish. It was found during building work and likely represents a late 1st century/2nd century AD settlement.


910599, 4423

TA 012 565 Medieval Deserted settlement of Kelleythorpe mentioned in the Domesday survey. It was possibly never more than a hamlet in size but by the 17th century it was jointly assessed with Elmswell for taxation purposes.


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1393974, 1393988, 1394008, 1394010, 1394016, 1394029

SE 995 565 Modern

Driffield Airfield, a former airfield first used in World War One with an Anti-Zepplin role. The landing strip was established in 1916 before a 25 acre technical site was built in 1918. The site of the airfield was converted back to agricultural use in 1920s but reactivated from 1935 as a result of the Second World War. During World War Two this base was used by Bomber Command. It was attacked repeatedly in 1940. After the war the base was used as a base for flying training and a Thor missile site. The base was handed to the army 1977 who used it as a barracks (Alamein Barracks) and training area. Site now partially cleared.


1418850 TA 0095 5630 Modern Location of a World War Two Allan Williams turret which forms part of the defence at Driffield Aerodrome.


1547891 TA 0058 5710 Modern A World War Two anti aircraft battery visible as a ruined structure on aerial photographs. It has since been demolished.


2879 TA 01 55 Bronze Age to

Bronze Age Site of three inhumations at lost village of Sunderlandwick. -

2556, 910776

TA 040 550 Medieval Site of Skerne Grange. -

15298 TA 06 56 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Site of chapel, Wansford. -

15166 TA 10 58 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Site of Chapel, Great Kelk. -

13416, 80878, 910816

TA 10 57 Prehistoric Stone implements, Gembling. -

3124 TA 08 54 Bronze Age Straight-based basal looped spearhead. - 3130 TA 08 53 Medieval Site of Brigham chapel. - 1691 TA 09 53 Post-Medieval Site of school. - 1692 TA 09 53 Unknown Small quern. -

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1702 TA 08 51 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Landing and swannery. -

1703 TA 09 51 Iron Age Worked wood. -

1706 TA 09 51 Iron Age to Bronze age

Iron Age earthworks. -

1710 TA 10 53 Post-Medieval Site of tollgate. - 1712 TA 09 53 Bronze Age Bronze axe. - 1694 TA 09 53 Post-Medieval Site of possible hall. - 3434 TA 09 53 Post-Medieval Well, Main Street. - 3752 SE 97 48 Medieval Site of stocks. - 3760 TA 14 58 Neolithic Stone axes. -

15294 TA 06 54 Medieval Site of Manor House, Wansford. - 1030,

910828 TA 10 58 Neolithic Adze from Manor Farm. -

3262, 80869 80872, 80875, 80881

TA 12 59 Early Neolithic

to Roman Prehistoric and Roman finds, Gransmoor. -

1129 TA 08 54 Early Medieval Small pot. - 7014 TA 09 52 Bronze Age Socketed axe and Celts. -

13470 TA 14 58 Mesolithic Find spot of Mesolithic scraper, Lissett. - 14813 TA 12 59 Post-Medieval Site of windmill, Gransmoor. -

14816 TA 12 59 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Site of Chapel, Gransmoor. -

15167 TA 07 52 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Site of chapel, Fisholme. -

14867 TA 11 60 Post-Medieval Site of Harpham Moor warren. -

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885 TA 12 53 Bronze Age Early Bronze Age flanged axe. - 80833 TA 12 59 Bronze Age Two flanged axes from Gransmoor. -

Skerne Block Valve Site to Barmston Pumping Station and Barmston Pumping Station to MLWS

Reference Grid Reference Period Description No. on

Fig. 10.1

15983 TA 095 516 Prehistoric Bog oaks, North Frodingham Carrs. SB1

729, 1031892

TA 1331 6104 Roman &

Early Medieval

Wharram Hill embankment cross of possible early medieval or later date is a visible as slight earthwork on Wharram Hill. A Roman oven, quern & pot have been recovered from the site. Scheduled Monument.


11701 TA 130 535 Post-Medieval Windmill, west of Beverley Road. SB3 19370 TA 1101 5090 Unknown Possible oval enclosure. SB4 9792 TA 0629 5471 Unknown Burial, Copper Hall. SB5 8557

910577 TA 0635 5420 Early Medieval Viking bridge and implements. SB6

9790 TA 0647 5467 Roman Roman ditches and pottery, Copper Hall Farm. SB7 8483 TA 065 550 Unknown Ditched field system, Snake Holm. SB8 10376

1550131 TA 066 548 Unknown Old field boundaries, west of River Hull, Skerne. SB9

2558 79372 TA 067 549 Early Iron Age

to Roman Roman coin hoard and torc found at Copper Hall Farm. SB10

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8729 TA 067 555 Roman Romano-British pottery kilns, Snakeholm. SB11 13609 TA 068 554 Unknown Antlers, Snakeholm Lock. SB12 1768 TA 0684 5543 Post-Medieval Snakeholm Locks, Wansford, Grade II listed building. SB13 15354

1550226 TA 069 547 Post-Medieval Site of Thornham Farm, Wansford. SB14

1550335 TA 071 541 Post-Medieval Ridge and furrow in the parish of Foston. SB15 7177

1550229 TA 072 546 Unknown Cropmarks. SB16

1550338 TA 073 539 Medieval and Post-Medieval

Ridge and furrow visible as earthworks and cropmarks. SB17

8161, 1550229

TA 075 550 Unknown Settlement complex. SB18

1550101 TA 0751 5481 Bronze Age Probable round barrow with a narrow ditch visible as a cropmark. SB19

1549554 TA 0756 5515 Iron Age or

Roman Rectilinear enclosure surviving as a cropmark. SB20

8157 TA 076 567 Unknown Ditches, ring ditches and enclosure. SB21 15174, TA 0803 5697 Post-Medieval North Cattleholmes and South Cattleholmes. Farmhouses. SB22

1549773 TA 0806 5713 Post-Medieval Ridge and furrow visible as earthworks. SB23

1464129 TA 083 545 Post-Medieval and Modern

Gravel pits visible on aerial photographs. SB24

1549551 TA 0831 5724 Iron Age or

Roman Settlement and field system visible on aerial photographs. SB25

1549552 TA 0861 5729 Iron Age or

Roman Field system surviving as cropmarks. SB26

7455 TA 088 588 Unknown Ring ditch. SB27

1464153 TA 089 545 Medieval and Post-Medieval

Ridge and furrow in the parish of Foston visible as cropmarks and earthworks.


1549547 TA 0901 5670 Iron Age or Rectilinear enclosure and associated fragmentary cropmarks visible on aerial SB29

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Roman photographs. 4103, 79263

TA 0902 5855 Neolithic Flint knives and stone axe. SB30

1549566 TA 0913 5849 Medieval or

Post-Medieval Field boundaries visible as cropmarks. SB31

15163 TA 092 575 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Site of Great Kelk Water Mill. SB32

3132, 910722

TA 0924 5481 Post-Medieval Site of windmill, Mill Hill. SB33

1464126 TA 0926 5457 Modern Face of a small gravel pit. SB34 3131,

910721 TA 093 548 Medieval Watermill. SB35

1549544 TA 0931 5581 Iron Age or

Roman Ditched enclosure visible on aerial photographs. SB36

6267 TA 0934 5484 Post-Medieval Mill Farm House, Mill lane (west end). Grade II listed building. SB37 15225 TA 0945 5480 Post-Medieval Former Foston Mills Brewery. SB38 15226 TA 0945 5487 Post-Medieval Bethel Chapel and burial ground. SB39

1549562 TA 0948 5854 Modern Five Second World War bomb craters. SB40 15227 TA 0955 5506 Post-Medieval Former Cross Keys Public House. SB41

1549729 TA 0965 5556 Medieval Ridge and furrow near Foston. SB42

1549545 TA 0965 5637 Iron Age or

Roman Rectilinear enclosure visible on aerial photographs. SB43

14851 TA 097 595 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Little Kelk medieval and post-medieval settlement and possible shrunken medieval village.


15228 TA 0973 5532 Post-Medieval Site of alms houses. SB45 14856

1504922 TA 0974 5952 Post-Medieval Former Primitive Methodist Chapel, Little Kelk. SB46

1549725 TA 0984 5537 Medieval or Settlement remains, in the form of crofts, surviving as earthworks near SB47

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Post-Medieval Foston. 1549768 TA 0984 5907 Medieval Ridge and furrow in the parish of Kelk. SB48 1464133 TA 0985 5467 Post-Medieval Small clay pits visible on aerial photographs. SB49

1461229 TA 0993 5693 Medieval or

Post-Medieval Pair of dewponds visible on aerial photographs. SB50

15229, 15169

TA 0995 5540 Post-Medieval Site of Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. SB51

21682 TA 11100

52370 Unknown Linear ditch features and enclosures. SB52

3133 910815

TA 100 558 Medieval Cross base, St. Andrew's Churchyard. Grade II listed building. SB53

8066, 1460723

TA 100 590 Medieval Great Kelk medieval and post-medieval settlement and shrunken medieval village.


3136 80887 TA 1007 5582 Medieval Church of St Andrew. Grade II* listed building. SB55

9592 TA 101 558 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Foston on the Wolds medieval post-medieval settlement. SB56

14997 TA 1010 5865 Post-Medieval Site of pinfold, Great Kelk. SB57 14992 TA 1018 5595 Post-Medieval The Plough Inn, Foston. SB58 14991 TA 1019 5599 Post-Medieval Former smithy, Foston. SB59 15164 TA 102 569 Post-Medieval Wagon shed. SB60

1461236 TA 1020 5750 Medieval or

Post-Medieval Dewpond visible as on aerial photographs. SB61

14993 TA 1025 5600 Post-Medieval Site of pinfold, Foston. SB62 2835, 81290

TA 1026 6039 Bronze Age or

Iron Age Kelk Hill cremation burial. No associated finds but Iron Age pottery found in area.


1461213 TA 103 587 Medieval or

Post-Medieval Ridge and furrow and medieval or post-medieval drains in the parish of Kelk. SB64

14996 TA 1030 5818 Post-Medieval Chestnut Horse public house, Great Kelk. SB65

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14995 15170

TA 1031 5812 Post-Medieval Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. SB66

15013 TA 1033 5664 Post-Medieval School, Long Lane. SB67

15165 TA 107 557 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Site of Parsonage House. SB68

3126 80840 TA 107 569 Bronze Age Two bronze axes. SB69 3635 TA 107 601 Unknown Complex, south of Turtle Hill Wood. SB70 21342

1088011 TA 1075 5401

Iron Age to Roman

Enclosure and ditches. SB71

879 TA 1078 5496 Unknown Inhumation in coffin, west of West Field Farm. SB72 8806

910850 TA 108 556 Medieval Possible moated site. SB73

2833 TA 108 601 Prehistoric Site of lake dwelling. SB74

1460721 TA 10801

56400 Iron Age or

Roman Possible enclosure visible as a cropmark. SB75

81299 TA 1083 6014 Prehistoric Alleged lake dwelling at Little Kelk found before 1907, comprising piles, transverse wooden beams and brushwood. No precise dating evidence.


3129 80857 TA 109 570 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Gembling. Medieval and post-medieval settlement and shrunken medieval village.


14994 TA 1091 5703 Post-Medieval Site of Primitive Methodist Chapel. SB78 8064 TA 111 595 Unknown Linear ditch. SB79

1461195 TA 111 601 Post-Medieval A sandpit and trackway of post-medieval date and a possible natural feature of uncertain date are visible.


3260 80824 TA 1111 5957 Iron Age Iron Age settlement site, Gransmoor Quarry, Thornham Hill. SB81

1460732 TA 112 595 Post-Medieval and Modern

Sand pits linked by a trackway visible on aerial photographs. SB82

7660 1199348

TA 112 597 Upper

Palaeolithic Palaeolithic occupation, Gransmoor Quarry. Barbed antler recovered during watching brief.


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7849 1324863

TA 1120 6105 Bronze Age Round barrow, Harpham Moor. A round barrow, ploughed down and barely discernible as a slight rise. This may be the barrow excavated by William Greenwell sometime between 1877 and 1890.


15380 TA 113 554 Prehistoric Ring ditch, east of Foston Lane. SB85

20739 TA 114 567 Post-Medieval

to Modern Gembling House. SB86

8065 TA 114 588 Unknown Barf Hill enclosures. Possible sections recorded on geophysical survey. SB87 7584, 3252,

80821 TA 114 591

Early Neolithic to Roman

Site of Barf Hill lake dwelling. Also find spots of Roman vessel and pit. SB88

1390966 TA 114 604 Early Medieval

or Medieval A mound at Turtle Hill destroyed by bulldozing (in the 1970s) may have been a motte.


1460730 TA 1143 5452 Post-Medieval Gravel pit visible as an earthwork on aerial photographs. SB90 15213 TA 1145 5455 Post-Medieval Pitwherry Bridge, Foston Lane. SB91

1461209 TA 115 563 Medieval Ridge and furrow in the parish of Beeford. SB92 7591 TA 115 593 Unknown Ditch, north of Kelk Lane. SB93

1461222 TA 115 603 Medieval or

Post-Medieval Medieval or post-medieval ridge and furrow in the parish of Harpham. SB94

1461225 TA 1156 5662 Medieval and Post-Medieval

Field boundary visible as an earthwork and cropmark. SB95

880 TA 117 557 Unknown Ring ditch, east of Prickett’s Whin. SB96 1461211 TA 117 577 Medieval Ridge and furrow in the parish of Foston. SB97 15379 TA 118 592 Unknown Double ditch, south of Kelk Lane. SB98

20028 TA 1185 5395 Iron Age to

Early MedievalFossilised tapping pit, Beeford. SB99

80863 TA 1198 5548 Unknown Cropmark enclosure and linear feature. SB100 881 TA 120 554 Prehistoric Group of ring ditches. SB101

1461202 TA 120 579 Post-Medieval and Modern

Sand and gravel pit visible on aerial photographs. SB102

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6997 TA 1200 5562 Post-Medieval Woodhouse Farmhouse. SB103

3255 80854 TA 1200 5950 Medieval Gransmoor medieval and post-medieval settlement and shrunken medieval village.


1461238 1461240

TA 1207 5676 Medieval or

Post-Medieval Mound of uncertain function in Crow Wood and Dewpond visible as an earthwork on aerial photographs.


14998 TA 1219 5948 Post-Medieval Site of smithy, Gransmoor. SB106

1460750 TA 122 594 Medieval and Post-Medieval

Possible croft ditches and other features, Gransmoor. SB107

1461220 TA 122 595 Medieval and Post-Medieval

Ridge and furrow in the parish of Burton Agnes. SB108

4949 TA 1224 5944 Post-Medieval Gransmoor Church. SB109 15010 TA 1227 5949 Post-Medieval Former smithy, Gransmoor. SB110

1460740 TA 125 586 Post-Medieval A perpendicular arrangement of field boundaries visible on aerial photographs.


1460737 TA 126 586 Iron Age or

Roman Rectilinear enclosure and associated field boundaries visible as cropmarks. SB112

3254 80830 TA 126 594 Bronze Age Flanged axe find spot. SB113

1461191 TA 126 609 Medieval or

Post-Medieval Two hollows are visible as slight earthworks on air photographs at the site where Burton Carr House is depicted on the 1st edition OS map.


15003 TA 1267 6096 Post-Medieval Site of Burton Carr House. SB115 17473 TA 127 606 Post-Medieval Cropmarks, east of Woodside Farm. SB116 17524 TA 130 559 Medieval Site of Beeford Grange. SB117 15001 TA 131 583 Post-Medieval Site of Tithe Farm. SB118 7588

910648 TA 131 588 Iron Age Ditches, enclosures and square barrows. SB119

7586, 910647

TA 131 603 Iron Age to

Roman Fragmentary ditches, two square barrows, one of unusual size, north of Fourth Farm.


3761 80846 TA 1315 5770 Early Medieval Burial ground, Lissett Airfield. SB121

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7616 80827 TA 1315 5926 Iron Age Find spot of an embankment cross. SB122 15002 TA 1323 5765 Post-Medieval Site of Low Field Barn. SB123 7593, 80827, 14999,


TA 133 592 Iron Age &

Modern Iron Age ditch. Hill Farm, Gransmoor. Also includes the site of a Second World War military camp.


1460767 TA 133 598 Iron Age or

Roman Trackway flanked by ditches and possible square barrows. SB125

727, 21234, 1007732

TA 1242 6181 Bronze Age Site of round barrow. Scheduled Monument. SB126

1461179 TA 134 593 Iron Age or

Roman Rectilinear enclosure and associated ditches visible as cropmarks. SB127

11147, 1401983

TA 135 580 Modern Former airfield, Lissett. SB128

1460777 TA 135 595 Iron Age and

Roman Enclosure, trackway, and field boundaries visible on aerial photographs. SB129

1461184 TA 135 604 Post-Medieval Post-medieval field boundaries and other field boundaries or ditches of uncertain date are visible as cropmarks.


1461182 TA 135 605 Iron Age or

Roman Three possible Iron Age of Roman period rectilinear enclosures, one of which may be a square barrow.


1461185 TA 135 609 Iron Age or

Roman Possible Iron Age or Roman period rectilinear enclosure and field boundaries.


9974, 910636

TA 136 606 Iron Age Square barrow, Hastem Hills. SB133

15000 TA 1380 5929 Post-Medieval Gransmoor Lodge Farm, Gransmoor. SB134

1430282 TA 1429 6053 Medieval &


Block of medieval and post-medieval ridge and furrow cultivation and a probable associated building platform are visible as earthworks on aerial photographs.


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15035 TA 1454 5666 Post-Medieval Low Fields Farm. SB136

877 TA 127 546 Iron Age to

Roman Cropmarks showing trackways, rectilinear ditches and enclosures. SB137

1699 TA 0865 5325 Prehistoric Howes Hill Barrow cemetery. SB138 1695 TA 0914 5174 Post-Medieval Two farmhouses and one cottage farmstead. SB139 1696 TA 0988 5239 Unknown Possible mill site. SB140 1697 TA 0964 5295 Post-Medieval North Frodingham mill. SB141 1701 TA 090 534 Early Medieval Early medieval coin. SB142

1681 TA 0975 5315 Early Medieval

to Medieval Site of three fisheries owned by Frodingham manor. SB143

1682 TA 089 534 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Church of St Elgin. Grade II* Listed building. SB144

1683 TA 090 533 Early Medieval Early medieval cemetery, Vicarage Close. SB145 1684 TA 0890 5340 Early Medieval Head of Anglian monumental grave cross. SB146

1685 TA 098 531 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Medieval/post-medieval settlement. SB147

1686 TA 084 539 Early Medieval Site of settlement. SB148 1687 TA 086 518 Iron Age Iron Age settlement site. SB149 1688 TA 0920 5320 Bronze Age Bramble Hill round barrow. SB150 1689 TA 1220 5190 Bronze Age Round barrow. SB151 1690, 19547

TA 096 531 Post-Medieval Site of stocks. SB152

1704 TA 0960 5310 Post-Medieval Market Cross. Grade II Listed building. SB153 1707 TA 087 526 Prehistoric Possible burial mounds. SB154 1708 TA 117 514 Medieval Site of possible grange. SB155 1709 TA 1051 5322 Post-Medieval Frodingham – Beeford road course. SB156 1713 TA 0901 5344 Early Medieval Silver coins. SB157

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1714 TA 086 534 Post-Medieval Site of canal bridge and a landing place. SB158 2560 TA 0636 5639 Medieval Probable moated site. SB159

2836, 196, 1005202

TA 0950 6010 Neolithic to Medieval

Moat and pot kiln. Scheduled Monument. SB160

2837 TA 0904 5968 Bronze Age Cropmark of possible round barrow. SB161 3128 TA 077 535 Unknown System of ditches with associated drainage. SB162 3123 TA 0788 5266 Medieval Moated site. SB163 3416 TA 1490 5509 Unknown Field system. SB164

3134 TA 0782 5366 Palaeolithic to

Mesolithic Site of flint working site with over 4,400 flints recovered. SB165

3285, 26527,

1013706 TA 1310 6240 Iron Age Haisthorpe barrow cemetery. Scheduled Monument. SB166

3762 TA 1444 5805 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Church of St James. Grade II listed building. SB167

18423 TA 122 524 Post-Medieval

to Modern World War 2 decoy site, west of Pinderhill Farm. SB168

17289 TA 0760 5356 Post-Medieval Memorial stone, south of Elm Tree Farm. SB169 17934 TA 0625 5674 Medieval Find spot of medieval pottery, garden of the old school house, Wansford. SB170 17855 TA 0895 5160 Neolithic Find spot of flint flake, Emmotland. SB171 3987 TA 076 574 Unknown Square features. SB172 4084 TA 0815 5875 Post-Medieval Civil war earthwork. SB173 4105 TA 1117 6125 Bronze Age Round barrow. SB174 4840 TA 0623 5618 Post-Medieval Canal lock. Grade II listed building. SB175

4841 TA 0625 5663 Post-Medieval Lychgate and wall to churchyard to St Mary the Virgin. Grade II listed building.


4842 TA 0625 5669 Post-Medieval Vicarage. Grade II listed building. SB177

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4843 TA 0627 5672 Post-Medieval Fishing post and old schoolhouse. Grade II listed building. SB178 4845 TA 0633 5619 Post-Medieval Manor house. Grade II listed building. SB179 4890 TA 0635 5613 Post-Medieval Wansford mill & farmhouse. Grade II listed building. SB180 4891 TA 0627 5620 Post-Medieval Manor house. Grade II listed building. SB181

5158, 6553 TA 090 535 Iron Age Find spot for pottery. SB182 6328 TA 0899 5343 Post-Medieval Church End farmhouse. Grade II listed building. SB183 6338 TA 0621 5665 Post-Medieval Church of St Mary. Grade II* listed building. SB184 6535 TA 057 558 Unknown Enclosures. SB185

6633, 7047 TA 1220 5396 Post-Medieval Town Farmhouse and associated barns. Listed building Grade II. SB186

6669 TA 144 580 Medieval to

Post- MedievalLissett medieval/post-medieval village. SB187

6942 TA 0639 5602 Post-Medieval Wansford Bridge. Grade II listed building. SB188

20429 TA 08920

53397 Post-Medieval Find spot of sherd of Ryedale ware. SB189

8066 TA 100 590 Medieval &

Post-Medieval Great Kelk medieval/post medieval settlement and shrunken medieval village.


7456 TA 079 577 Unknown Possible field boundaries, east of White Dyke. SB191 8205 TA 060 565 Unknown Enclosures and ditches. SB192

8206 TA 062 566 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Wansford medieval/post-medieval settlement and shrunken medieval village. SB193

8219 TA 093 519 Bronze Age Find spot of Bronze Age sword. SB194 8432 TA 061 563 Post-Medieval Landing stage. SB195 8433 TA 083 583 Prehistoric Find spot of axe-hammer, Millingdale House Farm. SB196 8439 TA 0817 5862 Prehistoric Find spot of flint knife, northeast of Millingdale House Farm. SB197 8860 TA 120 522 Unknown Maidens’ grave. SB198 8861 TA 121 527 Neolithic Find spot of Neolithic artefacts, Catholic Gate. SB199 8936 TA 138 622 Prehistoric Find spot of axe-hammer, Demming Farm. SB200

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9232 TA 10 53 Post-Medieval Site of possible deer park. SB201 9489 TA 0902 5375 Unknown Frodingham Beck. SB202

9593 TA 079 537 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Brigham medieval/post-medieval settlement. SB203

21347 TA 1086 5199 Unknown Series of sub-rectangular enclosures. SB204

9955 TA 149 549 Post-Medieval

to Modern Dringhoe Hall, Beeford Road (north side), Dringhoe. SB205

9956 TA 1439 5803 Post-Medieval Manor farmhouse, Church Street (west side, off), Lisset. Grade II listed building.


14853 TA 092 594 Medieval Site of watermill, Little Kelk. SB207 14858 TA 1378 6205 Post-Medieval Demming Farm, Demming Hill. SB208

20796 TA 0965 5314 Post-Medieval

to Modern Cross Farm. SB209

20797 TA 0971 5315 Post-Medieval

to Modern Village store. SB210

20798 TA 0971 5320 Post-Medieval

to Modern No. 3 Foston Lane. SB211

20799 TA 0956 5313 Post-Medieval

to Modern No. 6 Main Street. SB212

14871 TA 0645 5597 Post-Medieval Site of orphan’s houses, Wansford. SB213 14873 TA 0650 5602 Post-Medieval The Trout Inn, Wansford. SB214

14872 TA 0663 5582 Post-Medieval Site of pinfold, south of Wansford. This area also marks the southern limit of the DMV which survives as earthworks and was identified by geophysical survey.


14874 TA 0648 5609 Post-Medieval Wesleyan Methodist chapel. SB216 14875 TA 0644 5616 Post-Medieval Site of well. SB217 14876 TA 0625 5612 Post-Medieval Site of Wansford mills. SB218 14877 TA 0618 5633 Post-Medieval Gate house, Wansford. SB219

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Fig. 10.1

14878 TA 0625 5660 Post-Medieval Former National School. SB220 14879 TA 0631 5677 Post-Medieval Site of well, Croft Garth. SB221 14880 TA 0695 5675 Post-Medieval Site of Spring Cottage, Carr Lane. SB222 14977 TA 083 583 Post-Medieval Millingdale Farm. SB223 14990 TA 0954 6029 Post-Medieval Site of pinfold, Little Kelk. SB224 15212 TA 1260 5405 Post-Medieval Former Ship Inn, Main Street. SB225 14997 TA 1010 5865 Post-Medieval Site of pinfold, Great Kelk. SB226 15012 TA 0620 5629 Post-Medieval Former Primitive Methodist chapel. SB227 15023 TA 1447 5827 Post-Medieval 3 Fisher Lane, Lissett. SB228 15024 TA 1434 5833 Post-Medieval Site of well, west of Gransmoor Road, Lisset. SB229 15025 TA 1425 5818 Post-Medieval Site of brick and tile yard, Lissett. SB230 15026 TA 1447 5817 Post-Medieval Former smithy, Mount Farm, Lissett. SB231 15034 TA 1433 5785 Post-Medieval Site of brickworks, Lissett. SB232 15063 TA 1475 5471 Post-Medieval Site of Newley Gate. SB233 15079 TA 1375 6207 Post-Medieval Dovecote, Demming Farm. SB234 15215 TA 0996 5305 Post-Medieval Former National School. SB235 15216 TA 0995 5314 Post-Medieval Site of independent chapel. SB236 15217 TA 0997 5318 Post-Medieval Methodist chapel. SB237 15241 TA 1261 5404 Post-Medieval Former congregational church. SB238 15242 TA 0893 5338 Post-Medieval Vicarage, Church Lane. SB239 15291 TA 0635 5659 Post-Medieval 1-12 Ireland Square, Wansford. SB240 15218 TA 0972 5323 Post-Medieval Former Primitive Methodist chapel. SB241 15219 TA 0971 5313 Post-Medieval Site of Blue Bell public house. SB242

15220 TA 090 532 Post-Medieval

to Modern Site of brick and tile yard. SB243

15221 TA 0964 5312 Post-Medieval The Star public house. SB244 15222 TA 0904 5375 Post-Medieval Site of The Gate public house. SB245

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15223 TA 0898 5378 Post-Medieval Frogingham Bridge brewery. SB246 15224 TA 0804 5388 Post-Medieval Wesleyan Methodist chapel. SB247 15230 TA 0790 5376 Post-Medieval Site of pinfold, Brigham. SB248 15231 TA 0764 5367 Post-Medieval Former Brigham Arms public house. SB249 15232 TA 0912 5203 Post-Medieval Site of Turfcarr Cottage. SB250 19794 TA 0920 5350 Medieval Find spot of five silver groats, North Frodingham. SB251

20157 TA 10020

53120 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Find spot of medieval pottery. SB252

15523 TA 085 589 Iron Age Settlement site and square barrow. SB253 15529 TA 088 592 Iron Age Settlement site and square barrow. SB254 AP 319 TA 1080 5756 Post-Medieval Ridge and furrow surviving as earthworks on early aerial photographs. SB255 AP 319 TA 1096 5777 Post-Medieval Ridge and furrow surviving as earthworks on early aerial photographs. SB256

AP 322 TA 1281 5976 Medieval/Post-

Medieval Ridge and furrow surviving as earthworks on early aerial photographs. SB257

AP 322 TA 1277 5942 Medieval/Post-

Medieval Ridge and furrow surviving as earthworks on early aerial photographs. SB258

AP 347 TA 1006 5739 Medieval/Post-

Medieval Ridge and furrow surviving as earthworks on early aerial photographs. SB259

AP 352 TA 0688 5588 Medieval/Post-

Medieval Ridge and furrow surviving as earthworks on early aerial photographs along with remains of the DMV to the south of Wansford.


AP 353 TA 0737 5584 Post-Medieval Possible dew pond. SB261 AP 353 TA 0763 5591 Post-Medieval Possible dew pond. SB262

AP 397 TA 0853 5659 Medieval/Post-


Rectilinear cropmark of a possible building. It may be associated with a former field boundary surviving as a cropmark. Identified as continuing into the pipeline by the geophysical survey.


Walkover 1D

TA 13764 59869

Prehistoric Large pieces of flint in a field that contained very little other natural flint. SB264

Walkover TA 11939 Prehistoric Three pieces of flint recovered from a field that contained very little natural SB265

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1E 59017 flint. Some, including the largest piece, show signs of reworking. Walkover

1F TA 11149

57773 Prehistoric Two flints recovered. One may represent a very rudimentary scraper. SB266

Walkover 1G

TA 11263 58269


The field contained a large amount of flint in certain areas, possible resulting from the disturbance of gravels. Flints recovered came from the upper half of the field where not much flint was observed. Four flints recovered including a one piece with possible re-touch.


Walkover 1H

TA 10377 57454

Prehistoric Four flints recovered. SB268

Walkover 1I TA 09167

56921 Post-Medieval One sherd of slip ware (rim), and three flint flakes. SB269

Walkover 1JTA 08719

56825 Iron Age

Large assemblage of possible Iron Age pottery. All found within 5m of the grid reference. Possible remains of settlement also recorded on the geophysical survey.


Walkover 1K

TA 06721 55790

Prehistoric Flints, some of which may have been worked. Along with two sherds of pottery.


Walkover 1L

TA 06418 54810

Post-Medieval Ridge and furrow. SB272

Walkover 1M

TA 06475 55525

Prehistoric Field containing flint. Most seemed to be natural and no material was recovered.


365 TA 1525 6023 Medieval Winkton deserted medieval village. Identified through geophysical survey of the Pipeline.


328 TA 159 601 Unknown Linear ditch. SB275 21084

1551047 TA 16100

61000 Prehistoric Flint flake and 2 chunks (Barmston-9) found during field walking. SB276

3758, 3764 80769

TA 1611 5790 Iron Age and

Roman Iron Age pot and Romano-British settlement site, found during excavations of the alleged vallum of a temporary Roman camp.


21070, TA 16170 Iron Age to Iron Age/Roman field boundaries, east of Fraisthorpe. SB278

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1446481 61370 Roman 21106,

1444917 TA 16180

59930 Modern World War 2 pillbox and barbed wire, north of Barmston. SB279

21065, 1551013

TA 16200 61400

Prehistoric Flint scraper and flakes of till A flint (Barmston-23) found during field walking by HWP


348, 910633

TA 1629 6029 Post-Medieval Site of beacon, Hamilton Hill. SB281

21104, 1446469

TA 16300 60190

Modern World War 2 trench and trackway, Hamilton Hill. SB282

21099, 21100, 21101, 21102,


TA 16300 60200

Prehistoric Collections of flint flakes and other flint objects. Late prehistoric flint assemblage consisting of 17 flakes, two scrapers, and a chunk, mainly Lower Chalk and till A flints (Barmston-7).


21096, 21097,


TA 16300 60400

Prehistoric Scraper & retouched flake of till A flint (Barmston-12), and flakes of till A flint (Barmston-11).


21066, 21067, 21068, 21069,


TA 16300 61400

Prehistoric & Early Medieval

Finds located in this area include a retouched till B flake and two chunks of till A flint (Barmston-19), a flake of till B flint and a possible Saxon pottery sherd (Barmston-25), a scraper and flakes of till A flint (Barmston-24), and a scraper of red Dimlington flint (Barmston-20).


21085, 1551049

TA 16400 61000

Prehistoric Flakes of till A flint (Barmston-16) found during field walking. SB286

333, 1551050

TA 1641 5985 Unknown Enclosures identified as cropmarks. SB287

21095, 1446470

TA 16426 60474

Modern World War 2 pillbox and barbed wire enclosure, north of Hamilton Hill. SB288

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21107, 1444915

TA 16440 59930

Modern World War 1 pillbox, north of Barmston. SB289

21091, 21092, 21093,

1551054, 1551055,

TA 16550 60600

Prehistoric Flake of till B flint (Barmston-15), and a core & flake of till A flint (Barmston-13) found during field walking. A flake of till A flint (Barmston-14) was also found.


21076, 1418847

TA 16615 61272

Modern World War 2 pillbox and barbed wire, Watermill Grounds, Barmston SB291

331 TA 1664 6154 Unknown Enclosures and ditches. SB292 1446444 TA 1669 6115 Modern Second World War gun emplacement. SB293 21078,

1446482 TA 16700

61250 Iron Age to

Roman Iron Age/Romano-British enclosures, Watermill Grounds. SB294

21098, 1446468

TA 16740 60230

Modern World War 2 pillbox, Low Grounds. SB295

21077, 1446311

TA 16780 61260

Modern World War 2 anti-glider trenches, east of Fraisthorpe. SB296

326 374, 1446478, 1446484,

TA 168 609 Prehistoric Watermill Ground complex CHECK. SB297

21071, 21072, 21073, 21075,


TA 16800 61300

Prehistoric Flake of till A flint (Barmston-22), possible Neolithic blade-like flake of till B flint (Barmston-18), flakes of till A and B flint (Barmston-17), and a flake of Lower Chalk flint (Barmston-21).


21080, 1446445

TA 16810 61150

Modern World War 2 fortified farm buildings, Watermill Grounds. SB299

21103, TA 16820 Iron Age to Iron Age/Romano-British enclosures and field boundaries, Low Grounds. SB300

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Fig. 10.1

1446485 60200 Roman

21086 TA 16820

60930 Bronze Age Possible burial mounds, Watermill Grounds. SB301

8983, 1446487

TA 1685 6060 Iron Age Enclosures and square barrows identified from aerial photographs. SB302

21090, 1446479,


TA 16891 60682

Modern World War 1 and World War 2 pillbox, Watermill Grounds. SB303

21081, 21082,

1418854, 1418855,

TA 16891 61147

Modern World War 1 pillbox and World War 2 pillboxes (lozenge shaped), Watermill Grounds.


351, 1445312

TA 1692 5866 Prehistoric Oval enclosure or ring ditch identified on aerial photographs. SB305

21156 TA 16950

60630 Modern World War 2 pillbox. SB306

21087, 1446449

TA 16960 60920

Modern World War 2 pillbox, barbed wire and weapons pits, Barmston Sands. SB307

21204 TA 16961

60049 Prehistoric Site of Barmston Mere. SB308

21079, 1446447

TA 16970 61160

Modern World War 2 searchlight battery, Watermill Grounds. SB309

21150 TA 16982

61302 Modern World War 2 pillbox and beach obstacles. SB310

15036, 1551045

TA 16985 61235

Mesolithic Elk antler found on beach, Barmston Sands. SB311

15015, 1551010

TA 16987 61399

Post-Medieval Site of watermill bridge. SB312

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21141, 1445190

TA 16990 58650

Modern World War 2 military camp, South Field. SB313

21083, 1446447

TA 16990 61150

Modern World War 2 gun emplacement, Watermill Grounds. Includes a number of features including a search light battery.


21148 TA 16992

61259 Modern World War 2 anti-tank cubes. SB315

21052, 1446322

TA 16993 61559

Modern World War 2 anti tank defences/tank traps, Fraisthorpe Sands. SB316

1446464 TA 170 601 Modern Second World War weapons pit and barbed wire. SB317 364,

910710 TA 170 613 Medieval Site of watermill, Haurn. SB318

21094, 1446456

TA 17000 60500

Modern World War 2 pillbox and military structures, Barmston Sands. SB319

21157 TA 17000

60600 Modern World War 2 beach light. SB320

21088, 1446451

TA 17000 60770

Modern World War 2 weapons pits, Barmston Sands. SB321

21149 TA 17009

60896 Modern World War 2 anti-tank cubes. SB322

350, 80760 TA 1701 5862 Middle Bronze Age-Iron Age

Bronze Age lake dwelling and Iron Age occupation. SB323

21147 TA 17018

61963 Modern World War 2 anti-tank cubes. SB324

21089, 1446454

TA 17020 60700

Modern World War 2 military buildings, Barmston Sands. SB325

21165, 1445536

TA 17040 58260

Modern World War 2 military buildings, Brickdale. SB326

21166 TA 17090 Modern World War 2 pillboxes, Brickdale SB327

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58160 21159,

1444936 TA 17099

58591 Modern World War 2 pillbox, Brickdale. SB328

355, 80763 TA 171 586 Roman Romano-British pottery rim fragment, Horse Bridge. SB329 21160,

1444948 TA 17110

58520 Modern World War 2 pillbox and military features, Brickdale. SB330

21158, 1445274

TA 17140 58620

Post-Medieval to Modern

Possible World War 2 bridge, Barmston Main Drain. SB331

15037, 1551018

TA 1716 5867 Post-Medieval Site of lifeboat house identified from various sources including historic mapping. No longer extant.


21134, 1445262

TA 17160 58730

Modern World War 2 gun emplacement and trench, South Field. SB333

18630, 1551022

TA 1718 5880 Iron Age Ditch containing Iron Age sherds, South Field. SB334

21164, 1445242

TA 17180 58340

Modern World War 2 anti-glider trenches, Brickdale. SB335

21198 TA 17199

58214 Modern World War 2 pillbox. SB336

6668, 1546405

TA 172 582 Roman Linear ditch and Romano-British pottery. SB337

21162, 21200

TA 17205 58429

Modern World War 2 pillboxes. SB338

21161, 1445179

TA 17250 58460

Modern World War 2 trackways and barbed wire, Brickdale. SB339

21201 TA 17300

58032 Modern World War 2 pillbox. SB340

21199 TA 17310

57961 Iron Age to

Roman Iron Age/Romano-British pit. SB341

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21167, 1445452

TA 17310 58120

Modern World War 2 minefields, Highlands. SB342

344 TA 171 614 Mesolithic Harpoon found at the mouth of Earl’s Dyke. SB343 327 TA 1648 6156 Bronze Age Square barrow. SB344 330 TA 1670 6340 Unknown Enclosures and ditches. SB345 332 TA 1575 5935 Iron Age Five square barrows. SB346 334 TA 1691 5987 Unknown Double-ditched trackway. SB347 336 TA 1550 6245 Unknown Cropmarks of fields & enclosures. SB348 337 TA 1562 6126 Unknown Conygarth Hill ring ditch. SB349 338 TA 1671 5901 Medieval Square ditched platform. SB350 341 TA 160 591 Medieval Site of Medieval buildings. SB351 347 TA 156 588 Early Medieval Part of hogback of freestone, All Saints Church. SB352

21203 TA 17367

57806 Modern World War 2 anti-tank blocks. SB353

21183 TA 17390

57500 Modern Possible World War 2 gun emplacement and military features, Criftings. SB354

21184 TA 17530

57490 Modern Site of possible World War 2 military pillbox and military features, Criftings. SB355

21185 TA 17560

57440 Modern Site of World War 2 anti-tank cubes, Criftings. SB356

21202 TA 17410

57654 Modern World War 2 anti-tank wall. SB357

349 TA 1560 6121 Medieval Site of Coneygarth Hill Warren. SB358

352 TA 1545 6136 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Cropmark of hollow-way from the modern road at Fraisthorpe Bridge. SB359

353 TA 1715 5943 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Old coast road from Barmston to Auburn shown on maps but since destroyed by windblown sand and erosion.


354 TA 16 62 Roman Pot fragment of Romano-British vessel. SB361

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357 TA 1674 6261 Medieval Site of demolished St Nicholas’ Chapel. A knife with a bone handle and fragments of coloured glass were found. A child’s skeleton was discovered at the side of a wall.


358 TA 170 627 Roman Roman coin hoard with coins dating from Vespasian to Antoninus Pius. SB363

359, 21204 TA 1556 5878 Medieval Medieval complex including two moated sites, three fishponds, a pond and associated enclosures with part of a field system. Scheduled Monument.


360 TA 153 617 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Post-medieval settlement and shrunken medieval village of Fraisthorpe. SB365

361, 3161 TA 1541 6169 Medieval to

Post-Medieval St Edmund’s chapel with elements from the 13th century, and with remains of a motte. Grade II listed building.


363 TA 171 613 Medieval Deserted medieval village of Hartburn now lost to the sea. SB367 652 TA 155 614 Post-Medieval Site of beacon. SB368 2365 TA 1625 5911 Post-Medieval Manor farmhouse. Grade II listed building. SB369 3141 TA 171 628 Roman Roman coins and Signal Station pottery. SB370 3417 TA 159 552 Medieval Dringhoe deserted medieval village. SB371 8930 TA 155 613 Medieval Site of bridge, Fraisthorpe. SB372 8931 TA 170 629 Roman Find spot of Romano-British vessel fragment, Aubrun Sands. SB373 3757 TA 1509 5658 Bronze Age Circular cropmark, possibly a barrow or hut. SB374

3759 TA 1748 5755 Iron Age to

Roman Romano-British settlement site. Storage jar and hard grey fabrics farm. Site possibly destroyed by erosion.


8927 TA 161 559 Bronze Age Find spot of two bronze axes. SB376

3784 TA 1598 5596 Late Neolithic to Late Iron

Age Round Hill lake dwelling. SB377

4279 TA 175 579 Unknown Find spot. SB378 4409, 15808

TA 174 575 Bronze Age,

Roman Bronze spearhead and a probable pit with Romano-British pottery, Ulrome Caravan Park.


5031 TA 1565 5885 Medieval Rectory. SB380

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6078 TA 1565 5885 Medieval Church of All Saints. Grade I listed building. SB381

6079 TA 1556 5879 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Old Hall. Grade II* listed building. SB382

6080 TA 1610 5903 Post-Medieval Barmston House. Grade II listed building. SB383 6081 TA 1529 6189 Post-Medieval Manor farmhouse. Grade II listed building. SB384 6356 TA 1614 5676 Post-Medieval Church of St Andrew. Grade II listed building. SB385 6607 TA 1640 5917 Post-Medieval 51 Sands Lane. Grade II listed building SB386 8929 TA 1616 5908 Post-Medieval Red roof and pantiles. Post-medieval almshouses. Grade II listed. SB387 3763 TA 1603 5666 Post-Medieval Manor house. Grade II listed building. SB388

21145 TA 16917

63264 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Medieval/post-medieval ridge and furrow. SB389

21146 TA 16970

62924 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Medieval/post-medieval ridge and furrow. SB390

21151 TA 17059

60178 Modern World War 2 pillbox. SB391

21152 TA 17034

63104 Modern World War 2 anti-tank cubes. SB392

21153 TA 17027

62759 Modern World War 2 anti-tank cubes. SB393

21155 TA 17020

62680 Modern World War 2 pillbox. SB394

21163 TA 17340

58440 Modern World War 2 anti-tank cubes, Brickdale. SB395

21168 TA 17440

58120 Modern World War 2 anti-tank cubes, Brickdale. SB396

21169, 21170, 21171,

TA 16900 58100

Prehistoric Find spot of a number of flint flakes, chunk and scrapers. SB397

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21172, 21173, 21174, 21175

9511 TA 157 552 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Moated site, Dringhoe Grange. SB398

9512 TA 1582 5536 Medieval Dinghoe Manor House. SB399

9513 TA 152 556 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Windmill mound or beacon site, Dringhoe Manor farm. SB400

9538 TA 161 591 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Barmston medieval/post-medieval settlement. SB401

9957 TA 1610 5658 Post-Medieval The old joiners shop and adjoining barn, Skipsea Road (east side). Grade II listed building


9975 TA 1627 5912 Post-Medieval Cattle shed to manor farmhouse, Sands Lane (north side). Grade II listed building.


9981 TA 169 624 Modern Pillbox, three hundred metres south of Auburn deserted medieval village. SB404 9982 TA 169 625 Modern Pillbox, two hundred metres south of Auburn deserted medieval village. SB405 9983 TA 169 626 Modern Pillbox, one hundred metres south of Auburn deserted medieval village. SB406 9984 TA 169 627 Modern Pillbox, Auburn deserted medieval village. SB407 9985 TA 169 628 Modern Pillbox, one hundred metres north of Auburn deserted medieval village. SB408 9986 TA 169 629 Modern Pillbox, two hundred metres north of Auburn deserted medieval village. SB409 9988 TA 173 584 Modern Pillbox, south of Barmston drain. SB410

10044 TA 159 612 Iron Age Square barrows, southeast of Fraisthorpe. SB411 10669 TA 1695 5920 Prehistoric Enclosures, south of Sands Lane. SB412 10670, 15532

TA 1690 5960 Iron Age to

Post-Medieval Settlement complex, north of Sands Lane. Finds recovered date from the prehistoric period through to the post-medieval period.


12058 TA 1630 5874 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Trussey Hill buildings and burials. SB414

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13459 TA 1745 5760 Iron Age to

Roman Find spot of Corieltauvian coin, Ulrome Sands. SB415

14859 TA 1448 6232 Post-Medieval South Kingsfield Farm. SB416 14861 TA 1415 6271 Post-Medieval North Kingsfield Farm. SB417

21139 TA 17320

58700 Modern World War 2 anti-tank cubes, Barmston Sands. SB418

21140 TA 17270

58670 Modern World War 2 anti-tank defences, Barmston main drain. SB419

21142 TA 17290

58600 Modern World War 2 weapons pits, Barmston main drain. SB420

21143, 21144

TA 16200 58500

Prehistoric Find spot of five flint flakes and chunk, along with two additional flint flakes. SB421

21128, 21129, 21131

TA 16700 59000

Palaeolithic to Roman, Medieval

Find spot of eight flint flakes and flint chunk, other flint tools, and Romano-British and Medieval pottery.


15014 TA 1544 6149 Post-Medieval Site of pinfold, Fraisthorpe. SB423 15016 TA 1619 5909 Post-Medieval Site of school, Barmston. SB424 15017 TA 1631 5913 Post-Medieval Site of stocks. SB425 15018 TA 1627 5904 Post-Medieval Methodist church, Chapel Lane. SB426 15019 TA 1631 5910 Post-Medieval Site of Bull & dog public house. SB427 15020 TA 1644 5915 Post-Medieval Smithy, Blacksmith’s Cottage. SB428 15021 TA 1520 5879 Post-Medieval Barmston Bridge, Bridlington Road. SB429 15022 TA 1548 5893 Post-Medieval Site of pinfold, Sands Lane. SB430 15031 TA 1618 5664 Post-Medieval Site of building. SB431 15033 TA 1627 5587 Post-Medieval Site of mill, west of Bridlington Road. SB432 15038 TA 170 578 Post-Medieval Site of three buildings. SB433 15040 TA 1610 5659 Post-Medieval Former smithy, West End. SB434

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15065 TA 1507 5485 Post-Medieval Site of Dringhoe mill. SB435 15531, 18396

TA 173 578 Prehistoric Battle axe and a ditch containing pottery, Highlands. SB436

15807 TA 174 576 Iron Age Box drain, ditch and animal bone, Ulrome Caravan Park. SB437 16361, 16362, 16363, 20741

TA 168 627 Medieval to


Medieval/post-medieval finds including a coin, buckle, knife and ring. All associated with Auburn deserted medieval village. Site now partially occupied by Auburn Farm.


18037 TA 1738 5767 Prehistoric Organic deposit, Ulrome Caravan Park. SB439

15809 TA 174 574 Iron Age to

Roman Double-ditch or two pits, Ulrome Caravan Park. SB440

15863 TA 1699 6270 Post-Medieval Site of limekiln, Auburn. SB441 15864 TA 1700 6269 Post-Medieval Site of Old Auburn House. SB442 18631 TA 1713 5918 Iron Age Ditch and Iron Age sherds, south of Sands Lane. SB443

21176 TA 16870

58060 Modern Site of World War 2 gun emplacement, Brickdale. SB444

21177 TA 17390

57980 Modern Possible World War 2 military buildings, Highlands. SB445

21178 TA 17440

57950 Modern Site of world War 2 pillbox, Highlands. SB446

21179 TA 17350

57930 Modern Site of World War 2 pillbox, barbed wire and weapons pit, Highlands. SB447

21180 TA 17370

57770 Modern Site of possible World War 2 military building. SB448

21181 TA 17460

57740 Modern World War 2 pillbox, barbed wire and weapons pit, Highlands. SB449

21027, 21028

TA 17033 63347

Modern World War 2 pillbox, building and barbed wire, Wilsthope Cliff, along with a beach light on the sand below.


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19706 TA 1719 5897 Bronze Age Find spot of flakes, Barmston Cliff. SB451 19770 TA 174 574 Medieval Find spot of heart-shaped gold brooch from Skipsea beach. SB452

20324 TA 16100

55300 Palaeolithic Skipsea Mere, Skipsea Castle. SB453

20479 TA 15949

58817 Modern Crash site of a Beaufighter EL394, Barmston. SB454

20480 TA 15749

59158 Modern Crash site of a Spitfire BL246, Barmston. SB455

20493 TA 17021

62726 Unknown Remains of wall at Auburn Sands. SB456

20494 TA 17030

62800 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Find spot of pottery finds. SB457

20715 TA 1623 5907 Post-Medieval

to Modern The Cottage. SB458

20740 TA 153 615 Post-Medieval

to Modern Manor House Farm. SB459

20838 TA 158 574 Post-Medieval

to Modern Ulrome Grange. SB460

21026 TA 17030

63450 Modern World War 2 weapons pit. SB461

21124 TA 16701

59344 Iron Age to

Roman Possible Iron Age/Romano-British ditched enclosure. SB462

21125 TA 17190

59320 Modern World War 2 anti-tank cubes, Barmston Sands. SB463

21126 TA 16300

59200 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Medieval/post-medieval ridge and furrow. SB464

21029 TA 16980

63290 Modern World War 2 military buildings, Wilsthorpe Cliff. SB465

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21031 TA 17043

63432 Modern World War 2 anti-tank cubes. SB466

21032 TA 17060

63250 Modern

World War 2 structure with a semi circle extension, flat roof and a large aperture for light, Auburn Sands.


21033 TA 16724

63172 Modern World War 2 pillbox and trenches. SB468

21034 TA 17050

63200 Modern World War 2 pillbox, Auburn Sands. SB469

21035 TA 16800

63180 Modern World War 2 pillbox, northwest of Auburn Sands. SB470

21036 TA 16860

62800 Modern World War 2 pillbox, Auburn Sands. SB471

21037 TA 17000

62800 Modern World War 2 anti-tank wall and twin machine gun emplacement. SB472

21038 TA 16700

62770 Modern World War 2 pillbox and barbed wire, Auburn. SB473

21039 TA 16885

62692 Modern World War I pillbox, Auburn. SB474

21040 TA 16724

62642 Modern World War I pillbox, Auburn. SB475

21041 TA 16920

62630 Modern World War 2 trench and barbed wire. SB476

21042 TA 16420

62560 Modern

World War 2 military base, including military buildings, weapon pits and an anti-aircraft battery, Auburn.


21043 TA 16430

62500 Modern World War 2 anti-glider trenches, Auburn. SB478

21044 TA 16800

62500 Medieval to

Post-Medieval Medieval/post-medieval ridge and furrow, Auburn. SB479

Environmental Statement Volume 6:

Environmental Statement Document 6.10.3

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The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Reference Grid Reference Period Description No. on

Fig. 10.1

21045 TA 16897

62305 Modern World War I pillboxes, Auburn. SB480

21046 TA 16920

62220 Modern World War 2 pillbox, Auburn. SB481

21047 TA 17100

62160 Modern World War 2 beach defence light. SB482

21048 TA 17010

62050 Modern Possible World War 2 beach defence light, Fraisthorpe Sands. SB483

21049 TA 16580

61920 Modern Possible World War 2 pillbox, east of Fraisthope. SB484

21050 TA 16950

61840 Modern

Possible World War I pillbox, World War 2 trackways and barbed wire, Fraisthorpe Sands.


21051 TA 16960

61770 Modern World War 2 minefield, barbed wire and possible building, Fraisthorpe Sands. SB486

21053, 21054, 21056, 21057, 21058, 21059, 21060, 21061, 21062, 21063, 21064

TA 16600 61600

Neolithic, Bronze Age & Post-Medieval

Find spots including a large Neolithic and Bronze Age flint assemblage, along with a gun flint.


21055 TA 16699

61600 Prehistoric Find spot of flint assemblage. SB488

21114, TA 16600 Bronze Age Find spots of flint scraper, a small assemblage of flint tools, and other flint SB489

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The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Reference Grid Reference Period Description No. on

Fig. 10.1

21115, 21116, 21117

59600 items.

21105 TA 17040

60140 Modern World War 2 weapons pit and barbed wire, north of Barmston. SB490

21108 TA 17070

59870 Modern World War 2 barbed wire, trackway and trench, northeast of Barmston. SB491

21109 TA 17110

59840 Modern World War 2 anti-tank cubes, Barmston Sands. SB492

21111 TA 16508

59768 Modern World War 2 weapon pits, northeast of Barmston. SB493

21112, 21113

TA 16730 59690

Modern World War 2 glider landing obstructions along with a pill box. SB494

21133 TA 17040

58830 Modern World War 2 pillbox, barbed wire and gun emplacements, Southfield Lane. SB495

21135 TA 17260

58720 Modern World War 2 military features, South Field. SB496

21136, 21137, 21138

TA 16800 58700

Prehistoric Find spot of flint flakes. SB497

21118 TA 16920

59600 Modern World War I and World War 2 pillboxes and barbed wire, Barmston Carrs. SB498

21119 TA 17180

59560 Modern World War 2 anti-tank cubes, Barmston Sands. SB499

21121 TA 17100

59500 Bronze Age Find spot of late Bronze Age pottery. SB500

21122 TA 17000

59480 Modern World War 2 pillbox, Barmston caravan park. SB501

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Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 89

The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Reference Grid Reference Period Description No. on

Fig. 10.1

21123 TA 17040

59400 Modern World War 2 military camp, east of Barmston. SB502

AP 244 TA 1566 6061 Post-Medieval Rectilinear feature. Possibly a building surviving as an earthwork feature on early aerial photographs. It may have been a field barn.


AP 244 TA 1535 5950 Modern Possible four gun battery or military installation either side of the road. SB504 AP 296 TA 1655 6091 Post-Medieval Rectilinear structures with farmyard type area. SB505 AP 304 TA 1706 5841 Unknown Square cropmark feature/enclosure. SB506 AP 161 TA 1544 6102 Unknown Rectilinear cropmark enclosure. SB507 AP 161 TA 1473 5925 Unknown Rectilinear cropmark enclosure. SB508

Walkover 1A

TA 15546 60322

Prehistoric & Medieval

Three flakes of flint, two sherds of pottery, and a rounded stone. SB509

Walkover 1B

TA 16332 60541


A large possible mound was recorded. Lots of flint in area, although most appeared natural. Seven pieces of flint were picked up. Most may be unworked, but a larger yellow piece may show limited re-touch. One sherd of coarse ware (oxidised).


Walkover 1C/1

TA 15436 60446

Unknown One sherd of pottery. SB511

Walkover 1C/2

TA 15488 60431

Unknown One sherd of pottery. SB512

Walkover 1C/3

TA 15222 60565

Prehistoric One piece of flint. SB513

Geophysical Survey

TA 07180 56080

Prehistoric Possible enclosure identified through geophysical survey. SB514

Geophysical Survey

TA 08555 56681

Unknown Possible field system remains predating the First Edition Ordnance Survey plan identified through geophysical survey.


Geophysical Survey

TA 11221 58353

Unknown Linear feature possibly representing a field boundary predating the First Edition Ordnance Survey plan identified through geophysical survey.


Geophysical TA 11816 Post-Medieval Linear feature possibly representing a field boundary predating the First SB517

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The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Reference Grid Reference Period Description No. on

Fig. 10.1

Survey 58935 Edition Ordnance Survey plan identified through geophysical survey. Geophysical

Survey TA 13686

59874 Unknown

Possible field system or settlement remains predating the First Edition Ordnance Survey plan identified through geophysical survey.


Geophysical Survey

TA 16180 60628

Unknown Large area of interconnecting linear features identified through geophysical survey. Possibly a complex field system or a complex system of drains.


Geophysical Survey

TA 15931 60483

Unknown Possible enclosure identified through geophysical survey. Possible linked to SB519.


Geophysical Survey

TA 16282 60520

Unknown Possible enclosure identified through geophysical survey. Possible linked to SB519.


8022 TA 17 59 Iron Age Find spot of Corieltauvian stator. - 8869 TA 15 58 Palaeolithic Find spot of flint flakes. - 8921 TA 15 58 Bronze Age Find spot of bronze axe. - 8926 TA 15 61 Medieval Site of wind mill, Fraisthorpe. - 8945 TA 15 55 Prehistoric Possible round barrow. - 8970 TA 15 61 Neolithic Neolithic axes, Fraisthorpe. -

14862 TA 15 61 Post-Medieval Site of Guild House, Fraisthorpe. - 14863 TA 17 63 Post-Medieval Site of chapel, Wilsthorpe. - 15959 TA 16 56 Post-Medieval Site of Parsonage House. -

18381 TA 15 56 Palaeolithic to

Medieval Marginal finds, West Furze area. -

3755 TA 16 56 Bronze Age Bronzes axes and spearheads. - 21132 TA 17 59 Prehistoric Find spot of six flint flakes. - 14857 TA 17 62 Post-Medieval Site of Auburn to Bridlington road. - 342 TA 16 59 Bronze Age Looped spearhead. - 343 TA 16 59 Bronze Age Bronze Axe. - 345 TA 16 59 Neolithic Stone and flint axes. -

Application Reference: EN070001 June 2014

Vertical Aerial Photographs Examined at the National Monument Record The Yorkshire and Humber (CCS Cross Country Pipeline) Development Consent Order Under Regulation 5(2)(a) of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009






Environmental Statement Volume 6:

Environmental Statement Document 6.10.4

Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 2

The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Appendix 6.10.4: Vertical aerial photographs examined at the National Monuments Record.

Sortie NMR Library

Number Frame No.

Centre Point


EHV/N10004 15506 39 SE 872 389 21 JUL 2010 EHV/N10004 15506 42 SE 867 388 21 JUL 2010 EHV/N10004 15506 43 SE 865 388 21 JUL 2010 EHV/N10004 15506 45 SE 862 388 21 JUL 2010 EHV/N10004 15506 41 SE 868 389 21 JUL 2010 EHV/N10004 15506 40 SE 870 389 21 JUL 2010 MAL/65065 4089 22 SE 685 260 08 JUL 1965 MAL/65065 4089 33 SE 673 245 08 JUL 1965 MAL/65065 4089 34 SE 678 242 08 JUL 1965 MAL/65065 4089 32 SE 668 248 08 JUL 1965 MAL/65066 4090 88 SE 692 269 08 JUL 1965 MAL/65066 4090 89 SE 687 268 08 JUL 1965 MAL/65066 4090 104 SE 707 281 08 JUL 1965 MAL/65066 4090 169 SE 725 296 08 JUL 1965 MAL/65066 4090 170 SE 722 291 08 JUL 1965 MAL/65066 4090 176 SE 708 279 08 JUL 1965 MAL/65066 4090 177 SE 710 284 08 JUL 1965 MAL/65066 4090 178 SE 712 289 08 JUL 1965

MAL/65072 4092 60 SE 721 288 12 AUG 1965

MAL/65072 4092 77 SE 718 288 12 AUG 1965

MAL/65073 4093 1 SE 698 271 13 AUG 1965

MAL/65073 4093 2 SE 700 276 13 AUG 1965

MAL/65073 4093 57 SE 716 288 13 AUG 1965

MAL/67059 4876 142 SE 683 256 14 JUN 1967MAL/67059 4876 196 SE 669 165 14 JUN 1967MAL/67059 4876 204 SE 669 245 14 JUN 1967MAL/67059 4876 193 SE 670 136 14 JUN 1967MAL/67059 4876 194 SE 669 146 14 JUN 1967

MAL/68064 5263 152 SE 662 130 19 SEP 1968

MAL/69072 5434 170 SE 663 123 30 JUL 1969

MAL/70070 5653 176 TA 110 578 16 SEP 1970

MAL/70070 5653 184 TA 104 576 16 SEP 1970

MAL/71047 5982 56 SE 668 138 03 MAY 1971

MAL/71047 5982 61 SE 668 163 03 MAY 1971

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Sortie NMR Library

Number Frame No.

Centre Point


MAL/71047 5982 62 SE 668 167 03 MAY 1971

MAL/71047 5982 63 SE 668 172 03 MAY 1971

MAL/71047 5982 71 SE 668 210 03 MAY 1971

MAL/71047 5982 77 SE 660 196 03 MAY 1971

MAL/71047 5982 92 SE 659 126 03 MAY 1971

MAL/71047 5982 54 SE 668 129 03 MAY 1971

MAL/71047 5982 57 SE 669 143 03 MAY 1971

MAL/71047 5982 67 SE 668 191 03 MAY 1971

MAL/71047 5982 60 SE 669 158 03 MAY 1971

MAL/71135 5996 264 SE 677 217 12 SEP 1971

MAL/71145 5812 149 SE 663 122 04 OCT 1971

MAL/73056 7050 2 SE 664 122 01 OCT 1973

MAL/73056 7050 29 SE 665 125 01 OCT 1973

MAL/74049 8039 17 SE 936 461 04 AUG 1974

MAL/74049 8039 20 SE 944 449 04 AUG 1974

MAL/74049 8039 18 SE 939 458 04 AUG 1974

MAL/74049 8039 24 SE 942 451 04 AUG 1974

MAL/74062 7164 7 SE 664 124 29 NOV 1974

MAL/74062 7164 62 SE 663 119 29 NOV 1974

MAL/75012 7219 6 SE 781 315 23 MAR 1975

MAL/75012 7219 8 SE 777 315 23 MAR 1975

MAL/76008 7351 122 SE 699 277 25 FEB 1976MAL/76039 8162 176 SE 695 269 07 JUN 1976MAL/76039 8162 182 SE 678 250 07 JUN 1976MAL/76047 8171 11 TA 137 563 24 JUN 1976MAL/77021 7459 121 TA 166 607 04 JUL 1977

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Sortie NMR Library

Number Frame No.

Centre Point


MAL/77022 7460 178 TA 160 581 06 JUL 1977

MAL/78002 7513 193 SE 664 121 05 MAR 1978

OS/62065 11527 10 SE 675 218 09 JUL 1962 OS/62065 11527 73 SE 666 207 09 JUL 1962 OS/62066 11526 69 SE 673 250 09 JUL 1962 OS/62066 11526 52 SE 673 238 09 JUL 1962 OS/62066 11526 70 SE 680 250 09 JUL 1962

OS/68116 11520 730 SE 883 399 14 MAY 1968

OS/68116 11520 729 SE 876 399 14 MAY 1968

OS/68226 11523 82 SE 812 352 14 JUN 1968OS/68226 11523 83 SE 811 358 14 JUN 1968OS/68226 11523 86 SE 800 344 14 JUN 1968OS/68226 11523 87 SE 800 338 14 JUN 1968OS/68227 11524 142 SE 860 387 14 JUN 1968OS/68227 11524 162 SE 835 374 14 JUN 1968OS/68227 11524 163 SE 841 374 14 JUN 1968OS/68227 11524 164 SE 846 375 14 JUN 1968OS/68227 11524 165 SE 851 373 14 JUN 1968OS/68227 11524 233 SE 828 364 14 JUN 1968OS/68227 11524 234 SE 822 365 14 JUN 1968OS/68227 11524 243 SE 805 350 14 JUN 1968OS/68227 11524 244 SE 812 350 14 JUN 1968OS/68227 11524 245 SE 818 351 14 JUN 1968OS/69246 11544 133 SE 665 124 11 JUN 1969OS/69246 11544 134 SE 668 130 11 JUN 1969

OS/69418 11095 75 SE 703 280 24 AUG 1969

OS/69418 11095 79 SE 689 269 24 AUG 1969

OS/69418 11095 122 SE 683 257 24 AUG 1969

OS/69418 11095 132 SE 673 243 24 AUG 1969

OS/70108 10561 1 SE 677 247 14 MAY 1970

OS/70108 10561 40 SE 693 270 14 MAY 1970

OS/70108 10561 79 SE 725 294 14 MAY 1970

OS/70108 10561 101 SE 734 306 14 MAY 1970

OS/70108 10561 121 SE 769 319 14 MAY 1970

OS/70108 10561 122 SE 777 319 14 MAY

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Sortie NMR Library

Number Frame No.

Centre Point



OS/70108 10561 130 SE 792 330 14 MAY 1970

OS/70108 10561 155 SE 796 342 14 MAY 1970

OS/70108 10561 156 SE 803 342 14 MAY 1970

OS/70108 10561 158 SE 813 352 14 MAY 1970

OS/70108 10561 159 SE 805 352 14 MAY 1970

OS/70108 10561 71 SE 711 282 14 MAY 1970

OS/70108 10561 123 SE 784 319 14 MAY 1970

OS/70238 11097 28 SE 680 255 18 JUN 1970OS/70238 11097 39 SE 684 255 18 JUN 1970

OS/71137 10164 21 SE 882 400 02 MAY 1971

OS/71137 10164 50 SE 896 410 02 MAY 1971

OS/71137 10164 51 SE 903 410 02 MAY 1971

OS/71137 10164 79 SE 911 421 02 MAY 1971

OS/71137 10164 118 SE 926 432 02 MAY 1971

OS/71137 10164 141 SE 937 444 02 MAY 1971

OS/71137 10164 183 SE 937 455 02 MAY 1971

OS/71137 10164 184 SE 944 455 02 MAY 1971

OS/71137 10164 204 SE 948 467 02 MAY 1971

OS/71137 10164 206 SE 935 467 02 MAY 1971

OS/71137 10164 20 SE 888 400 02 MAY 1971

OS/71137 10164 205 SE 942 467 02 MAY 1971

OS/71138 9077 248 SE 960 479 02 MAY 1971

OS/71138 9077 260 SE 968 490 02 MAY 1971

OS/71138 9077 261 SE 962 490 02 MAY 1971

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Environmental Statement Document 6.10.4

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The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Sortie NMR Library

Number Frame No.

Centre Point


OS/71138 9077 262 SE 955 490 02 MAY 1971

OS/71138 9077 310 SE 981 502 02 MAY 1971

OS/71138 9077 247 SE 953 479 02 MAY 1971

OS/71146 9066 32 SE 798 345 03 MAY 1971

OS/71146 9066 33 SE 805 345 03 MAY 1971

OS/71147 10096 34 SE 807 357 03 MAY 1971

OS/74084 9844 80 SE 980 502 26 MAY 1974

OS/74084 9844 143 TA 006 526 26 MAY 1974

OS/74084 9844 144 TA 000 526 26 MAY 1974

OS/74084 9844 145 SE 994 526 26 MAY 1974

OS/74084 9844 209 SE 987 513 26 MAY 1974

OS/74084 9844 262 TA 056 549 26 MAY 1974

OS/74084 9844 339 TA 020 538 26 MAY 1974

OS/74084 9844 340 TA 027 538 26 MAY 1974

OS/74084 9844 385 TA 068 561 26 MAY 1974

OS/74084 9844 467 TA 093 574 26 MAY 1974

OS/74084 9844 468 TA 100 573 26 MAY 1974

OS/74084 9844 469 TA 106 573 26 MAY 1974

OS/74084 9844 470 TA 113 573 26 MAY 1974

OS/74084 9844 471 TA 120 574 26 MAY 1974

OS/74084 9844 475 TA 147 574 26 MAY 1974

OS/74084 9844 476 TA 153 575 26 MAY 1974

OS/74084 9844 384 TA 075 561 26 MAY 1974

OS/74085 9845 490 TA 122 576 26 MAY

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Sortie NMR Library

Number Frame No.

Centre Point



OS/74085 9845 494 TA 150 575 26 MAY 1974

OS/74085 9845 509 TA 123 588 26 MAY 1974

OS/74085 9845 510 TA 117 588 26 MAY 1974

OS/74085 9845 711 TA 156 599 26 MAY 1974

OS/74085 9845 712 TA 150 599 26 MAY 1974

OS/74085 9845 714 TA 136 599 26 MAY 1974

OS/74085 9845 715 TA 130 599 26 MAY 1974

OS/74085 9845 511 TA 110 588 26 MAY 1974

OS/74085 9845 713 TA 143 599 26 MAY 1974

OS/80070 12438 10 SE 909 420 10 MAY 1980

OS/80136 12463 29 TA 012 529 04 SEP 1980

OS/80136 12463 30 TA 005 526 04 SEP 1980

OS/80136 12463 32 SE 992 521 04 SEP 1980

OS/80136 12463 23 TA 051 543 04 SEP 1980

OS/82035 12926 77 SE 675 252 18 APR 1982

OS/84126 12627 10 SE 967 489 14 MAY 1984

OS/84126 12627 11 SE 965 495 14 MAY 1984

OS/86163 12870 42 TA 150 606 03 AUG 1986

OS/86163 12870 43 TA 150 601 03 AUG 1986

OS/86163 12870 44 TA 150 596 03 AUG 1986

OS/89305 13562 24 TA 136 604 19 JUN 1989OS/89305 13562 25 TA 143 603 19 JUN 1989OS/89305 13562 27 TA 158 604 19 JUN 1989

OS/91003 13789 35 SE 907 413 18 MAR 1991

OS/91003 13789 36 SE 903 413 18 MAR

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Sortie NMR Library

Number Frame No.

Centre Point


1991 OS/92265 14017 41 TA 155 606 23 JUL 1992 OS/92265 14017 56 TA 139 603 23 JUL 1992 OS/92265 14017 57 TA 138 599 23 JUL 1992 OS/92265 14017 62 TA 152 578 23 JUL 1992 OS/92265 14017 63 TA 153 574 23 JUL 1992 OS/92265 14017 107 TA 144 573 23 JUL 1992 OS/92265 14017 112 TA 134 598 23 JUL 1992 OS/92265 14017 117 TA 157 601 23 JUL 1992 OS/92265 14017 118 TA 157 606 23 JUL 1992 OS/92265 14017 143 TA 168 606 23 JUL 1992 OS/92265 14017 147 TA 166 585 23 JUL 1992 OS/92265 14017 40 TA 158 602 23 JUL 1992

OS/92329 14121 59 TA 046 544 26 MAY 1992

OS/92329 14121 84 TA 033 541 26 MAY 1992

OS/92329 14121 132 TA 008 530 26 MAY 1992

OS/93176 14382 11 SE 685 255 23 MAY 1993

OS/93177 14383 82 SE 718 291 23 MAY 1993

OS/93177 14383 81 SE 724 290 23 MAY 1993

OS/94236 14707 9 SE 671 213 12 JUL 1994 OS/94236 14707 23 SE 675 225 12 JUL 1994 OS/94236 14707 79 SE 675 247 12 JUL 1994

OS/95261 14882 27 SE 665 206 18 OCT 1995

OS/95262 14883 241 SE 686 256 18 OCT 1995

OS/95723 14996 14 SE 875 393 17 AUG 1995

OS/95723 14996 53 SE 862 381 17 AUG 1995

OS/95723 14996 54 SE 855 381 17 AUG 1995

OS/95723 14996 68 SE 833 369 17 AUG 1995

OS/95724 14997 6 SE 806 356 17 AUG 1995

OS/95724 14997 7 SE 813 356 17 AUG 1995

OS/95724 14997 8 SE 820 356 17 AUG 1995

OS/95724 14997 64 SE 800 343 17 AUG

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Sortie NMR Library

Number Frame No.

Centre Point



OS/96544 15144 24 TA 152 605 22 APR 1996

OS/96544 15144 25 TA 158 605 22 APR 1996

OS/96544 15144 26 TA 165 606 22 APR 1996

OS/97048 15161 19 TA 117 594 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 21 TA 131 594 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 29 TA 172 581 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 31 TA 158 581 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 37 TA 117 581 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 38 TA 110 581 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 67 TA 083 568 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 68 TA 089 568 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 69 TA 096 568 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 73 TA 124 568 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 74 TA 131 568 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 75 TA 138 568 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 100 TA 061 556 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 114 TA 027 543 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 115 TA 034 543 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 116 TA 041 543 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 117 TA 048 543 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 164 TA 013 531 28 MAR 1997

OS/97048 15161 99 TA 068 556 28 MAR 1997

RAF/106G/LA/212 3790 3038 SE 873 392 13 APR 1945

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Environmental Statement Document 6.10.4

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The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Sortie NMR Library

Number Frame No.

Centre Point


RAF/106G/LA/212 3790 3093 SE 960 480 13 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/212 3790 4093 SE 948 463 13 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/212 3790 4173 SE 953 473 13 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/212 3790 3174 SE 940 456 13 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/215 3784 3035 SE 939 470 13 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/215 3784 3117 SE 937 458 13 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/215 3784 4034 SE 956 481 13 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/215 3784 4035 SE 951 485 13 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/215 3784 4119 SE 934 445 13 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/215 3784 4121 SE 946 439 13 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/215 3784 4197 SE 877 395 13 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/253 3751 1036 SE 912 416 28 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/253 3751 1038 SE 905 420 28 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/253 3751 1089 SE 918 426 28 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/253 3751 1208 SE 927 433 28 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/253 3751 2036 SE 915 425 28 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/253 3751 2087 SE 908 422 28 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/253 3751 2088 SE 912 419 28 APR 1945

RAF/106G/LA/253 3751 2209 SE 922 425 28 APR 1945

RAF/106G/UK/1032 177 3268 TA 146 608 27 NOV 1945

RAF/106G/UK/1032 177 4380 TA 144 602 27 NOV 1945

RAF/106G/UK/1032 177 3267 TA 149 603 27 NOV 1945

RAF/106G/UK/698 3549 3012 TA 047 541 25 AUG 1945

RAF/106G/UK/698 3549 3014 TA 028 540 25 AUG

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Sortie NMR Library

Number Frame No.

Centre Point



RAF/106G/UK/698 3549 4006 TA 008 527 25 AUG 1945

RAF/106G/UK/698 3549 4007 TA 015 535 25 AUG 1945

RAF/163B/UK563 6740 1925 TA 171 585 10 OCT 1940

RAF/541/184 950 3021 SE 893 408 19 OCT 1948

RAF/541/184 950 3071 SE 819 353 19 OCT 1948

RAF/541/184 950 3072 SE 811 351 19 OCT 1948

RAF/541/184 950 3073 SE 803 349 19 OCT 1948

RAF/541/184 950 3119 SE 804 354 19 OCT 1948

RAF/541/184 950 3160 SE 807 347 19 OCT 1948

RAF/541/184 950 4015 SE 939 434 19 OCT 1948

RAF/541/184 950 4016 SE 931 433 19 OCT 1948

RAF/541/184 950 4017 SE 923 432 19 OCT 1948

RAF/541/184 950 4064 SE 869 388 19 OCT 1948

RAF/541/184 950 4065 SE 862 386 19 OCT 1948

RAF/541/184 950 4112 SE 859 380 19 OCT 1948

RAF/541/184 950 4155 SE 846 372 19 OCT 1948

RAF/541/184 950 4156 SE 838 370 19 OCT 1948

RAF/541/184 950 4157 SE 830 369 19 OCT 1948

RAF/541/184 950 3118 SE 812 355 19 OCT 1948

RAF/541/184 950 4113 SE 851 379 19 OCT 1948

RAF/541/189 946 3168 SE 789 329 26 OCT 1948

RAF/541/189 946 3178 SE 709 284 26 OCT 1948

RAF/541/189 946 3285 SE 807 353 26 OCT 1948

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Sortie NMR Library

Number Frame No.

Centre Point


RAF/541/189 946 3286 SE 815 353 26 OCT 1948

RAF/541/189 946 3320 TA 009 529 26 OCT 1948

RAF/541/189 946 3342 SE 985 511 26 OCT 1948

RAF/541/189 946 4100 SE 751 310 26 OCT 1948

RAF/541/189 946 4283 SE 796 335 26 OCT 1948

RAF/541/189 946 4315 TA 062 550 26 OCT 1948

RAF/541/189 946 4316 TA 056 551 26 OCT 1948

RAF/541/189 946 4319 TA 023 541 26 OCT 1948

RAF/541/189 946 4341 SE 998 524 26 OCT 1948

RAF/541/189 946 4342 SE 992 526 26 OCT 1948

RAF/541/189 946 4282 SE 789 335 26 OCT 1948

RAF/541/30 879 4156 SE 737 310 17 MAY 1948

RAF/541/30 879 4252 SE 690 269 17 MAY 1948

RAF/541/30 879 4307 SE 672 243 17 MAY 1948

RAF/541/31 862 3012 SE 687 260 18 MAY 1948

RAF/541/31 862 3070 SE 675 245 18 MAY 1948

RAF/541/31 862 3132 SE 679 231 18 MAY 1948

RAF/541/31 862 3252 SE 666 175 18 MAY 1948

RAF/541/31 862 3445 SE 671 148 18 MAY 1948

RAF/541/31 862 4131 SE 678 251 18 MAY 1948

RAF/541/31 862 4251 SE 663 195 18 MAY 1948

RAF/541/31 862 4307 SE 665 178 18 MAY 1948

RAF/541/31 862 4130 SE 687 252 18 MAY 1948

RAF/541/546 1098 3009 TA 152 607 01 JUN 1950

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Sortie NMR Library

Number Frame No.

Centre Point


RAF/541/546 1098 3010 TA 146 606 01 JUN 1950RAF/541/546 1098 3011 TA 140 606 01 JUN 1950RAF/541/546 1098 3034 TA 170 606 01 JUN 1950RAF/541/589 1119 3058 SE 772 315 29 JUN 1950RAF/541/589 1119 3059 SE 765 313 29 JUN 1950RAF/541/589 1119 3060 SE 758 312 29 JUN 1950RAF/541/589 1119 3063 SE 740 309 29 JUN 1950

RAF/58/5554 2230 18 TA 054 544 20 NOV 1962

RAF/58/5554 2230 51 TA 018 536 20 NOV 1962

RAF/58/5554 2230 89 SE 999 527 20 NOV 1962

RAF/613H/BR53 6317 5 TA 172 586 15 MAR 1941

RAF/613H/BR53 6317 9 TA 169 606 15 MAR 1941

RAF/A/A/460 6721 6 SE 745 313 09 JUN 1942RAF/A/A/460 6721 19 SE 758 314 09 JUN 1942RAF/A/A/460 6721 20 SE 757 316 09 JUN 1942RAF/A/A/460 6721 5 SE 743 310 09 JUN 1942

RAF/CPE/UK/1748 467 6200 SE 921 427 21 SEP 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1834 510 3088 SE 918 428 13 NOV 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1834 510 3089 SE 925 429 13 NOV 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1834 510 3193 SE 947 447 13 NOV 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1834 510 3195 SE 939 446 13 NOV 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1834 510 3234 SE 984 509 13 NOV 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1834 510 3315 TA 012 530 13 NOV 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1834 510 3384 TA 015 531 13 NOV 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1839 516 3004 TA 165 583 13 NOV 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1839 516 3013 TA 112 583 13 NOV 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1839 516 4005 TA 155 599 13 NOV 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1839 516 4006 TA 149 599 13 NOV 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1839 516 4009 TA 133 598 13 NOV 1946

Environmental Statement Volume 6:

Environmental Statement Document 6.10.4

Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 14

The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Sortie NMR Library

Number Frame No.

Centre Point


RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 1083 SE 664 118 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 1253 SE 949 476 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 1254 SE 953 475 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 1372 SE 945 451 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 1373 SE 941 452 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 1374 SE 937 452 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 2372 SE 964 487 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 2374 SE 955 488 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 3081 SE 672 145 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 3251 SE 936 456 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 3374 SE 945 472 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 4081 SE 666 183 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 4246 SE 908 420 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 4367 SE 985 509 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 4368 SE 981 509 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 4082 SE 661 181 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 2251 SE 934 439 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 3253 SE 946 454 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 1255 SE 958 474 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1879 519 2373 SE 960 488 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1880 540 6059 SE 673 145 06 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1911 531 3094 TA 055 548 27 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1911 531 3119 TA 119 574 27 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1911 531 3120 TA 112 573 27 DEC

Environmental Statement Volume 6:

Environmental Statement Document 6.10.4

Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 15

The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Sortie NMR Library

Number Frame No.

Centre Point



RAF/CPE/UK/1911 531 3122 TA 098 572 27 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1911 531 3123 TA 090 572 27 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1911 531 3182 TA 114 582 27 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1911 531 4114 TA 124 592 27 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1911 531 4115 TA 117 591 27 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1911 531 4171 TA 063 557 27 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1911 531 4172 TA 070 559 27 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1911 531 4179 TA 123 567 27 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1911 531 4182 TA 145 571 27 DEC 1946

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 1003 SE 675 227 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 1004 SE 679 222 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 1032 SE 676 248 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 1033 SE 671 248 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 1065 SE 729 290 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 1067 SE 721 292 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 2007 SE 666 185 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 2027 SE 707 277 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 2028 SE 702 278 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 2058 SE 766 315 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 2059 SE 762 316 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 3031 SE 685 264 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 3066 SE 730 306 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 4024 SE 723 293 25 MAR 1947

Environmental Statement Volume 6:

Environmental Statement Document 6.10.4

Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 16

The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Sortie NMR Library

Number Frame No.

Centre Point


RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 4053 SE 791 329 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 4054 SE 786 329 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 4055 SE 781 329 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 1031 SE 680 247 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/1954 553 3030 SE 690 263 25 MAR 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 1013 SE 664 188 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 1069 SE 672 159 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 2014 SE 671 215 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 2072 SE 664 186 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 2219 SE 668 212 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 2220 SE 671 212 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 2222 SE 686 264 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 3014 SE 666 204 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 3071 SE 665 174 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 3221 SE 677 224 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 3225 SE 677 249 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 3227 SE 670 248 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 4013 SE 677 228 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 4072 SE 664 197 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 4073 SE 660 197 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 4217 SE 663 201 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 1070 SE 668 160 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 4218 SE 666 200 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 1220 SE 674 237 17 MAY

Environmental Statement Volume 6:

Environmental Statement Document 6.10.4

Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 17

The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline

Sortie NMR Library

Number Frame No.

Centre Point



RAF/CPE/UK/2072 2771 1226 SE 676 236 17 MAY 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2396 750 3122 TA 134 554 17 NOV 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2396 750 3127 TA 104 557 17 NOV 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2396 750 3132 TA 077 562 17 NOV 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2396 750 3133 TA 072 563 17 NOV 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2396 750 4121 TA 145 570 17 NOV 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2396 750 4128 TA 104 574 17 NOV 1947

RAF/CPE/UK/2396 750 3082 TA 012 532 17 NOV 1947

RAF/RRF/1074 2641 31 TA 029 543 25 NOV 1957

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