
Post on 04-Nov-2014






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  • 1. NIJIL C V

2. This land was known as KAMARUPA In the early days it was also known later as PRAGJYOTISHPUR The AHOMS from Myanmar ruled the state in the 13th century They built Shiv-Dol, Rang-Ghar, Kareng- Ghar etc. 3. They gave titles to their generals based on the number of soldiers they controlled Leader of 100 was called Saikia and leader of 1000 was called Hazarika These titles exist even today 4. Capital Dispur Largest City Guwahati Districts - 27 Governer JB Patnaik Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi (INC) Total Area- 78,550km* (30,330mi) Area Rank-16th Population-31,169,272 Rank-14th 5. Governor Chief Minister 6. Lot of respect to the guests To pay their respects to a person they present a Gamosa to him It is a hand made cotton towelet which is embroidered on both ends and worn around the neck 7. They welcome their guests with Tamul and Paan Sarai which is pronounced as Harai is another gift to honour a person 8. MIRIS KARBIS KALITAS MISINGS AHOMS FAKIALS AHOMS BODOS SINGPHOS CHUTIAS CONSIST OF MANY TRIBES 9. Local language Assamese Origin Sanskrit Festivals are linked to agriculture These are called BIHU and are celebrated at different cultural operations in January and April with music dance and merry making 10. Its people Wild life Rain And a cup of Tea 11. Kaziranga National Park is a world heritage site and famous for one horned Rhino They are so used to tourists gaping at them that sometimes they just stare back at you At times they have even rammed into tourist vehicles 12. Leopards, Bisons, Deers, Wild Elephants, The Hollock Gibbon and birds are also found in Assam Pelicans and the great Indian adjutant stork are beautiful birds and found in Assam Elephant herds of more than 100 are a common sight 13. An Elephant festival is held each year at Kaziranga in the month of February More than 300 Elephants are gathered at one place They have races and football Elephant catcher and trainer is known as Phandi. 14. The Rain Forests of Assam are unique and splendrous. Bamboo and Cane are gifts of these forests. 15. Almost wet through out the year Annual rainfall of over 300 cm is quite common Some areas do suffer from droughts. These are called the rain shadow areas 16. 1) Maniram Dewan Born in 17 April 1806 First people to establish tea garden in Assam Played an actual role in the freedom movement of Assam 17. 2) Syed Abdul Malik Born in 15 January 1919 He is a writer in Assamese literature His first novel is La Sa Gu 18. 3) Dr. Bhupen Hazarika Born in 8 September 1926 Indian singer, Composer, Lyricist, Music director and film maker Phd in mass communication from Columbia Universiity 19. Largest TEA producing state of India. Assams TEA is world famous for its strength and flavour. There are more than 300 Lush Green Tea estates in Assam. Workers form an Ethnic group called TEA TRIBES.

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