assbses 11j itws ltview -wiftlr, ope1ing ho,~-, ·...

Post on 13-Mar-2018






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\ ., Elaine Sllolllllr Ia t• the citizens of Greenbelt

vot.ct for a $8110,000 bond t .. ue to eatala .. h a capital improvements P~ for the city. Since that time lie city has undertaken a variety of projects, totaling about $1.9 mlllon. This was possible be­cause ol the city's succ<>ss In sup­plementltg the bond funds with state and ·federal grant moneys and contrlbutlllns from other sources.

At th" December 12 city council meeting, I!!Quncllman Thomas X. White pol•t<'d· out that almost all or the bon. funds have been spent. He thouglt that It was time for council to fXamine thr city's future needs to detE-rmine whrthE'r or not another l><nd issue should be placed before the raters.

White felt that long term bond issues enablt> the city to "make thP best use of its funds" and provide an t:"Ven tax ratr.

Council at its mt>etlng on January 9 diN'CtPd fhp city manager to ( !l bPgin to develop a list of projects that would be worthy of considera­tion for a C'Rpital improvem('nt.s bond is~u£" and (2).schPdule a worl< stossion next mocth to ennsidPr tht• procf'sH of evaluating the projrct list, recPiving Advis()ry Planning­·Board inpoc and holding publil' hearings.

Among thf' hf'n~fits accruing tn the eity fr<m thP 196M bond issw• wen• city pure hasP· of ( 1) pare£> Is 7 and 8 lne!\r Boxwood Villag• en­trance • and thf' south shnrP of thP Greenbelt Lake, thus forrstallin;: commercial and high df'nsity apart rhPnt df'vebpmPnt of opPn .sPa.c(• land, t2) portions of pareels 1 and ·2 (pro(lerly between the GHI. homP~ and thf' Bnltimorf' Washing ton Parkway) to protPrt lhP "plan­ned commanity" rom'Ppt in GrPPil­bclt, nn<l 1~1 thr S(lringh!ll Lain• Golf <'ourBe anti 7- fl.l'rt·s of Smith­"Bwing land next to the Greenbriar development.

ThP PXpnnsipn of .t hP city's fPC'

rPation fadlitif'!-1 by thP ronstrtlc' · lion of an nddit ion to thf' Youth

CPnlf'r (Golth''h AgP LoungP. Ptt•.}

and thf' purrhR~f' of thf' Rldgf' Road


TEN TOP STORIES- cont'd'from page 1 ff'deral grant ol $llll,400 and State open apaee grant to purehiiiM! acres In Parcel 1, creating an unbroken strip of land about 1.2 m'""'""'"" bordering the northeastern corner o! the elty for walklnr and Council also begins condemnation proceedings to acquire o! Parcel 2 to repl~e rl'creat!onal land lost when the Ridge pr<>perty is set aside for an l'iderly houslnc project.

1977 begins and ends with alarm over possibility of closing a elementary sl'hool. During the first four months School Board Community Task Force 2-B passes over Center and North Lanham Elementary. But as winter again approaehes, a new de•o•Krail'hlc study calls for 95<;;. Of COUnty elementary students to attend no11Do,ho,Phnm1

schools. Among It schools to b<' closed would be North End. hill Lake students would walk to SHL. For the third year,f;>re••nt>rlllr students would be shifted, this tlmP to Magnol!a. ~ef'nbelt would all walk to" (possibly over crowded I Center School. wonders out loud why county agPnci~>:; fail to view community. ,

Residt-nt...; who <'hf'rh.;h thf' s£>mtf' of community that offers, bf'gin f'ffort to draw in llf'Wf'r ar,.as eut off by high acc~ss highways. For the first timf' officials talk th~sf' an•as together by local transportation and nede:strioii,Ibic'rcle passes.

Decision to construct an ovPrpa~s linking Goddard . ._,.,.,.,."'"""' Roosevf'it high school with thl' core of the city !s an,,.l.llll"'d grPsswoman Gladys Spellman. flpP!Iman got tog<'ther and federal officials to Hnd thr funds and pinpoint Po._qsible sitPs and typ£'s of construction nrf' nnw under

First Aid for Choking Thp Prinn• Gf'orges·County Chap

tPr of thP AmPrkan National R~d Cross has initiated an inforrnatiol-wl campaign on First Aid for Choking. In an f'tfort to educatf' th£> publiC', thP Rf'd Cros..; ha.q mRdP AVailn.blP an illustratf'd postf'r showing R rf'l ati\'«ily ('ll."Y but f'Xtr(•mpJy pfff'clivt• way of TPndPring first aitl to snmP.­onf' \'.'ho is choking. Frf'f' po:.;kr~;

mny b" obtain•d at 6206 Bclcrcst Road, Hyattsville.

CPntPI' j fnrrnPI' LuthPran Churrn propPrty) Wt'l'f• ot.hPr hf•nf"fits madt• pnssibiP b~· f l11• bond is~tlf>. OthPrs \\'f'rn r·nnstr;wfinn nf 'a much- nr>Pd­

Pd firr• ~tntinn addition and thP Springhill T.rrkt• RPr'rf'fttiOn CP!l!f'r thf' 1\lh·litic•q r•' ~urh ltf'W •. , ... ,.,.:1-tion ";o··:jj•ic·; :·o.;. lighfpfl It 11'1·.~ c·onrts, high\•·.•y impro\·f•mf·nl'; ~urh a~.; :,l 1ww nt·c·pss tn ~pringhill Lak" afl~\rtmf'llf!', j('hPrrywonfi DriVf'), t hP rPc•onst rw·! ion and ht•a.ut Hi en­

!iqn of th" (~n11!hway t•ntra:H·c· and : lw I'Pc·on:-lnwtioll of pr\l't of ( .. n·~ ,·,·nt Ro::~.d anrl rt•nn\'fllintl of llw PXisting. MuniPipal Building.



'J ·,,, h ·~kdball .':t·hpdult• ft.r th~>

Wf•f'k of ,IPlllary t:, i.'> H.'< fnllows: .T~u·uary .117 10 :vr. ·hoy'-~, H p.m .. RHJ.: 11 j;-.T. ~nys, 7 p.m., -~~HT .· 1 "

yr. boys~ n p.m., Y< '; 1:! yr. hny.•;, 7 fl.m., Yt:~: H yr. hllys, ·r; p.m., :~t tr l."1 Yr. gfrl'-', X p.m .. YC: nnd lX Y''· ;;;1·l·;, !.l p m., Y( '. .Jnn1r:ny l!l ~~

yr lw\'·~ · I~ p.m., Y< .~: 1:; yr. h"Y'~. I)

Jun .. ~HL; t;, yr. ho:vs. 7 p.m., ~JJJ,· Hi Yr h11y.;, H p.m., SilL: ;wd 1:~ yc. ~lrh 7 f>.m., Y<:.


Thursday, January 12, 1978

GHI- Cont'd from page 1 members, and would provide im; portant encouragement for the corporation to proceed with the re­habilitation. It would not, however, Immediately alfect county taxes, which are the bulk of the property tax ~Ill, but does allow the county to grant this credit. It was Also proposed that GHI work on spr,.;. tic IP.glslatlon for the County Coun­cil.

Work on the proposed h•gi>d't­tlon, Including research Into similar plans In other areas, has been d'm" by law students at Antioch School of Law. Bobbl McCarthy, Autl!t Committee Chairman, said that sh<' suspected the bill would be the best written proposed legislation i•1 An napolls during the up-Coming '"" slon.

The r~habll!tatlon consu:tant; have a revised plan ready for PX·

·amination and discussion by board and committees. The revised d()("ll­ment w!ll be received during the Wf'ek after Christmas, and wnrk by committees will begin shortly Rft<•r Nf'w Year's. Mcmbf'r~ will rPef'ive copies or the rehabilitation plan. · A celebration to mark the <'omph•­tlon of mortgage paym<'nts by GHT will be h<'ld on JnnuRry 29, in lh" auditorium of Elf'anor Roo::wvPlt High School.

Scholarship Deadline Near As thf' .Tnnnary :n moiling df'!Hi­

lin<' for tlw 1978 79 State &holar ~hip Board ·will hP opPn on Sat.Hr­day, .January 2R for thosP p£'r!-lons unnbiP to I'Pat·h thf' Bonn] during t.hP WPf'k. As in prf'viou~ yf'ars, JWI'

sm1,o.; flf'('()f'd lwlp in r·nmplPting- or obtaining thf• application matf'rials ran cnll ~R~-4095 on Saturday . .- .Jnn­·uilry 28 ·bf'tWN'n 9 n.m. and :l p.m. or thp flnanr'ial aid offif'f'l' of nny nPtuby coll('gp dtll'ing n·gllll'l.r \Vorking. hours. ThP Stalf' Rt'holrn· ship appli~ation~ for thc· t!l7X-7fl ~chool y(•nr ran b(• obtairw1l HI ·all

hi_gh !'c\HHJ! g-uidHtH'P ofllcPs anU

c·ollf'gP tlnandnl nid offlct>.<.;.

.the many years we served you as



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itws ltview - . . .

AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER v~:::;~e~4:1-,:N~u-m_be __ r __ 9----~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~-------------------------

WHAT GOES ON .Thul'll., Jan. 19, 8 p.m. Greenbelt

School Study Committee, Mu­nicipal Building

Monday, Jan. 23, 8 J>.m. City Council Mf'etlng, Municipal Building

W"dnllllday. Jan. 25, 7:30 p.m. Phasp III ME'tro Hearing, New Carrollton Town Hall 11 p.m. Gr,.enbclt Federal Cred It U~ion Annual Membership Meetmg, Greenbelt Library

U. of M. Students to Design Landscaping for Lake Park

A_t tile request of the city, thl' Umversity of Maryland Departmcnl ~)f Hortieulturp·has agret>d to asRign Hs clm:;s in landscaJlf' architPctun• to study and makP rrcomm(•ndn tion!-: on land.seuping tht• nntruncro to tlw L:tlu• Park and thf' indiflt• across from it on ·cff'!iC'('nt' Road.

At lhl' Jn',lll!"y 9 dty eouncil mP,~ting, H. Purk nnd R«•erPation Advisory Board rpport on Pnrf'f'! 7 tlw land bf'l Wf'f'll RiUgp Road ancj Lastner Lanr' and fm·ing thP LakP Park, \\'Its disr·qs~;('d by c'olmcil. Tht• TI'Jmrt. sup,gt'~l ·: I hnt l'ar<'fll 7 lw

maintltinPd in its natural ~tnt(' ·('X

<.'f'Pt for thP in<'iin,. at Crt>s(•f'nt Rd. lt ah:(J su~gPsts thnt thf• studPnts' .S<'J'Vi<'('.S hf• wu·d .. fol' lan<h-wapin;: in t h1• J .:11.-,. P:trk

MiLyor Ri('hard Pilsld brought up Uw probh·m of l'f'osinn in thf' part·1·l ~trh.l \\"otHJPrPU if thf' Hf11dc•nts (•oui<Jn't lool( a~ thnt pro~'Pm al;-;1 1,

but C'oun,·Jiman Thom11s Whit" .,,..,_ ~:or~·d him thnt ttw PHAH r(·riort ah·t•acly 1tddrP.'--::-;(•s it.

A motion by (·ounl'ilman <·harl"s' SdlWfUI Jmo.:spd unanimouslv. auth­orizing tht• I'Jfy mttnagf•r t.o rwgo­tiatf' with tlw lJnivPr.··dly of MR.ry land ( ·ollt-K" of A~ri!'u!turP to H.Nsist tht• dly in impiPmf•nting tlw rf•com rn~ndut ion:-; of PRA'B. MondRy RPc'rPation Dir·t•dclr· Hank Irving l'ontlrm(·d that ar rangf'ml'niH with th<' school had bf'Pn madP.


CITY COUNCIL Mon., January 23, 1978

8:00 ·P.M.

t. 'I\.';\~; I Z.\ 1'ION I (';ill I" (_)~do•f

[(, ,, , .. ," :'\f,.,j,tullnll

. P: ··l.~·· .. [ All•·vh"""l' ,,, 1 11· ,.··,·:

+. :qr1Hl1' qf ~l!-PtiiiJ.{ of - :T,~·, Llary !l, I ~'7K

. !"), ."-d,;.···'IIH t" Ag-1·ndrt hv ('ll!''tl•'n and Mnru~.gPr

I J < "(l~f\11 1NH'AT'1lN:: fl. PPt lt.lon~ Hncl Rf'lonr~tq

7. Arlminl•tratl,.. Rrports k. Unnmlttue ft..purts

nr nr ,t) T!tr<~J;'\;F"~~

H.' H1d: imnrt·-\Va ~hinJoCtou. } 1 ~11 h\··:I_Y ()\'C'f))OH~

10 N1''' Po"'l (ltfll't' Flll'ility tt. :'\it•\\' l..l'f!t·ring for !'4prln~­

:,;!' l,;Jk•' l!•'<'l'l·:ttiofl C('n-[I•

l:!, ,\J'l'. H',·:~~nl .' 1!1:"J - H•· ;. •IL-':r;J•·ll,,•l ••f H··~:t·IU'••h 1{,,.,·

1 '1. M I•~TH.O "I·~·· Lil\t'

f\ T".'T:\\' (:t···~~-.'1 ~~~

H. \ppo:nlrn4'llf In ("OI; \\' ,:,·r J~(·~·ou.--·t•s Plnnnin~

Bn:,trd _ l) ! .1p H1;~n T.nk('flidP

llr'\'f' and \\'1·stway Ho11d 1&. '1 FTHO Jnt.~·rfaPP - PhnR('.

lli ... up~~~~~ ·:· ..... :;,,,(>n~:.ln·

i~· .• •; ':11 Qi~o.•:;~.~r,rmnlrn


:):. . .

GREENBELT, MAR~ND Thursday, January 19, 1978

Metro Hearing Replayed by Mur!el Weidenfeld

A football rally atmosphere pervaded the hearing on METRO rail alternatives held on January II at the Agricultural Center Auditorium. One wall was plastered with "pro-METRO" posters, the other with "No METRO" posters. One side of the-auditorium was designated for smoking, one for no smoking. One group of citizens was for METRO, the other group was against. The chair­man of the "E" Route Task Force, Kenneth Collins, could not con­vince the two groups that it was unnecessary for them to applaud each speaker whose view they supported.

As at thP prevwus hf'aring, helcl out QU('Mtion. In \\'l'alt.hy Mont in NovPmber, reprPsf'ntntivc~s of lh"· gomrry County whPrP rt>sidPnts cun aft'PetC'd municipalitiPs <Univf'rsity bPst afford thf' luxury of driving to Park, HyattsviiiP, Coll<•ge Park, Ri· work, Ml<JTRO rnutPs ar<' bring Vf'rdalf', Grf'Pnbf'lt. 'Dt•rwyn HPight'\ <"onstruet('d fa.r h«>ynnd thP B~lt and thP unincnrporatf'd arPa or . way.". ( gxcPrpt from Pih;l{i statr·-Chillunt) WPrc· prP.sPnt to giv<' thl'ir mcnt.) . points of viPw.

Fn.voring thP fo: 1 A, wh(ch is t ht• th·signalion for tht• full Gt"l'f'l1hPil

linP, Wf'rf' four of lhc· .,.,.,.,.!1 (~ottnf'il

m_,•mbf•rs of l1nivf•ro..:ity Parle fht• Counl'il llf Hyntt~villf', lht• t'o~ltH'il of ;·~iv1·rda!P, thf' ( 'ouncil of CrPPr; b(•lt, nncl in a laR!-rniratt~" \'Ot.fl t'llt('Jl

nt a rlw,.1 111~~ lwld oi1 th:~t rvPning, thf' C"riunr·iJ of Brorwyn HPight:-:. AJ:;o favorini; tlw c·on!;tn:dion o' Mf'tro \'.:a:; ·a l'f'Pf'f•.:pnlntivt' ·or llw I.t ;q~llf\ t~f V/unw.n \'o!,·:-·~ an,l

p1·of•·~;:;or nt thf• tfni\-·•·r:--:ity of Mary­lund, who prf'-;PnlE·d a :'Ptit.ion xig:lt'd by !JH :>LUd<·nls, favoring. :!'vi~' ·lrn.

()p:w-.ition A lnrgt• nnmlh'l' of :ttl"l~~lf'f'S :•1

tlw h(•nring opp11~f·d the c·tlllStru~·­

tion nf thP Mdro "to:" lin£' into Prini'P (;E'orgPs ('o~mty in Hny form. This tlppn:;ition \"W~ c·xpn·sXPtl 111 11

IP!tf'r !-'t'1ll h.v lht' maynr ,,f ("oiiPgl'

P:trk Hnd tllf' t'llmmt·nt.,. qf two <'flllllf'il m~·mlwr'-i ·•lorw .... ,th tht• r1·

marl;-s of'mnnY <-iti7c•n:--: of that l'lly, whic·h ~l'f'ffil'd to bt• th1• C'f'llff•l' ol

opposition lr1 tlw M«>tt·o "f<~" lint'. Opposition f11 th(• "J·~·· lin,· \''_as a1s11

_(•XJlrf'S~(•d by ~-H'Vf'ffiJ I'I'Sidt•nts IJf

Univrrsity Park and Adt·lphi. Gr~nhf'.Jt'R \'It·""

SpPaking on behalf of thc,-('ity of nrt•f~Tlbf'lt Wf'I'P MRyor Rit'hard H. Pil~ki and (•c)IIIH'ilm'·mt)('r~ (;i! Wl'idf·nft·ld. Thomns X. \\'hrft· and ( 'l111riP!-l Y !'~t"hwan j r•xc·•·rpts fol loW). ()tilf'r <;n'Pilh •It '-'llf'H];PJ'H

WI l'f' .IHffif''-i Smith,· Jl!:P~~id1·111 df

<:r,·c•nlwlt Hnnlf'S, lrH·. n11d 1\T·Ifl'l'l

1\.ra~.nid<. H n·~,lfh•nt ,,f :-;prlrt~o:hdl

J,/1){1'. All t)w <;rt•Pnhd! SJli'Hkt•r·~

fn\'ll!'l'd I)H• ''llll'•lrHt·tron or tlw ht~l

<;r,•••ttb• lt "1<'.' lin•·. "\\'1' :11 'fr ·nJ,Jv Jlliulo-ol n·hy ·wr­

llltl; ·, 1111 .id''''"! :on :, lw1111::: ~rL\'I'll

{11 llol h111!tlin~: MI•:THC) 111 on•· nf th•• mo~t populous , nrrt,J,,r~ ~d- 1:1··

in..trop~·lilnn arl':l hn! 1\!l! ~111.\"•dl''l'" l.t•:f• \\'f• Jn\'1,' lol f\J;.hl I'OfL! .1\!1011'-))'

for Mt<:TH.n to rou('h ttw H"ltwn~· wlwn·:t:-: 11ll !hP. olllf·T rn11l1•·( :H•· bt·ing plnnnf·ti f1u· con.lnH I Hill f,,

lh1· viduaty of tl~t· Ut·!tway w1th·

"ThiH part of thP t•ounty pri'SPnt· Jy has serious transportation proO­lPms. Our north Hou,th trnffir ar tf•rif'K arP c·loggPd with vf'hiC'In,-; during t·ommuting hour~. and thP intPrSP( tlonN nlpng · thP~,. mtrrj, s arP chokf'd with <'nrs waiting fo:· ~f'VI'I'H) traffic· lightH bPforp gPttinl!' through 1'h1• pollution 'frPm allfo: is oft1·n b~>yond thf' IIHh('::lthy :--:tHgf in Cn•t·nbdt ·:'tH! ~nfrrouridlng f'om ml:l)illl':;. Jt i~ not mH·ommnn fo1· JH'O!J}P {I) t•:"qH•t'iPlH'I' .''tingitlg f'YI'.­

}H'Hdil('ht'f\ and advPr.c..,c• rt·Hpiratm·y cfff'r·:s a~.; a rc"mit of Air pollution."' i l·;xt·l·:·pt fro:n '\"Pid(•:J~<"~d sl:tt~·­


"I am HWil.l't' of thf' l'f•iling that lhl·· ~~·~-rdnry of TrH.nsportatinn prnposf'H bf• on FPdf•rt-~.i (':'-:-

JH'IHiitur·•·.'J. J v..onr)i-r if !w i:; .\

warP of th•• l'n·:-;it!Pnt'~~ lik<·nlng (')lf•l'gy ('Of~!-Ot•rval ion to ··: l"' mrl-al t'fl'!i\"1:''111 of wnr." If l"'f"' is, I WI lilt!' r l1•l\\' lw r:'l ionali·•,.:: hi'> JH:~:itio·J \"hi1 h would n•dii\'P ltv· ::i·~f· of '-fd r(l with t lw Prf :<r:f•n' ·.~

posiliiJil Oil is a nnitP l'f'Stll!rl I'

.. Thc· lyn:ic·d ~~ta:1 :-1 us'f• nnf' third of all thf' oil tJ~Pd in fhP world. On" third of thnt, in· t11rn. is us1•d f., JHIWI'T i:lotor '\'('hjC'IPs . ThP <"Oil

C'!IINion i~ obvious. Prof'f'Pd with Jt:-1 o!" J.>lA without mnrf• Pr"dl•·s·: (fc•bt.v." t f<:xc(•t·pt from Sclnvnn ~l.:.Lt<•m<:nt.)

P. C. Reautification Contest Tl11· l'rint·t• <;,.r,r,r~"s C'onn:y J;,•;:tJ

tit;,·:llioLt <~nnnni:~f'f' ha.o: ann01111•'1',f t:t·11 a[lldi(':lti"n.• (1•r 1 ~ an;J:J:ti :1

w 1rd•, ,'{';npc·Llion ,ll'l' n:,\\' ,~\;..:.J· · a!Jl•·

('q!~J~w'lli·'!l is oJII'll to~ ~ar· 1 1''1

,.;,,;~ · ln':llf',IV."l,t'l'.:i, ,\'fl-11: '1 gr "IJ ·i · H •• l: •• rJ.. muail'ipa!it:t·

J.{il\'f'!"IHlll'llf :\:-'''''· ,, .• ,, hu~in•:

:1n.1 ,,, H!t ·~th··~· l'rllh't' c,·(,f'"•· Col;Jnl~' ,.,.:~idl'nt·~ .

' 1JI :1 nn :q•:JI····lfill.l 1:·m •

ror furlh,·r iflf1·rrh:\Uon. ,,r , .1 1

' '" ·•;n ."~it''"'• (~qm.rni~~~'t' at :l:l~-1210 .


AT ITS HE<:IlLAH ;vr~:ETit-;<; .. J.'\NliAHY 2;!, llli8, AT 1!:00 I'M TIH: CITY <'OIINCII. WILL CONSIDF.It AS ITS l<'IHST ITEM OF B(;SJ:--.JESS TilE ,


I'H<ll'n.;l·~l h.lH (;J:I·'i-::-.:IH-:J.T Til ('(lN~ITT ~ ;:("1'101\~) <W 'i'ii!o: <'\TY :-:.\;)'(' 1\:0.IJ \\'LST <W Till': J>AHKWA\'

.\I.!. (";·] !Zi:N:; \VL-;IIi':l; Tn ("I '1\17\11-:!I.T (I~ I·Tt'IH.H Till·: 1.0<'.\TI!',\1 ()I( llFSJ(;:; <W Till' • )\'1•:1:1';\,-;S 1\ld·:' II'IVII'IO:JJ TO 1\TTr::\U TtJJo: 1\Hol·:IJ~l; TO !\JAIU: T!H;II{ \'!I·:Ws K~:cl\VN.

THE MI·:Jo:Tic;c; WJI.I. In: 1':0;1 J) 1\fTfW r·,li;:\<':J.,:!tl\~~·lF'~. :.,v:,J.CJ:•,\1, BUil.TJJ:-.J<;. ~:, n!'. '<''<Yr ::".t1r1 ·

Parkway Overpass Plans ... -wiftlr, Fall Ope1ing Ho,~-, .

• by Elaine Skolnik An overpass connecting east and west Greenbelt in time for

the 1978-79 school year is the hope of Cong~oman Gladya Spellman, the Greenbelt city council, federal and sta~, agencies end Eleanor Roosevelt students and staff. With thla goal 1n mind, City Manager James K. Giese informed council at its December 9 meeting that he -and Dennis Piendak, assistant manager, had al­ready consulted with various agencies relating to procedures, timt!-• tables, suitable locations for the overpass and design problems at these locations.

Lllllt week the city met with the boards of the housing developments located in the vicinity of the pro­posed overpass to span the Balti · more-Washington Parkway. Citi­zens will be able to expreq their views at council's next 111eeting on Monday, January 23. It Is hoped that an agreement among the par­ties relating to location can be rcaehed by February .1.

According to Giese,· the m08t de sirable location for th(~ overpass, in terms of shortest distance, use, saft!­ty, topography and costs, !s at Gar

· denway extended ill" original GrePn­belt, where a path would connect with the overpass, then tie up with the Greenbriar devPlopment on the oppo.sitf".f-lidP. of thf' parkway in thr (lr\rklng lot betwem Phase 1 build­ings, 7716 and 7718 Hanovf'r Park­way.

Thf' favorP.d sitP also providf'S tht• mmlt dirPrt route tn and from Rnf1s ('Vf'lt and thf" GrPPnbrinr condomil~­inm dt>velopm('nt and the Orf'f'nbf'lt Center. Thf' lattrr distancP. would be> )e!·;~ lhrin that from· npproxi matcly Northway P..nnd· to thP CPn f('r. An additiomtl a.dvantagP of this s:te i" that lhP Inn<! on bnth ~idPs of th(' parkway i~~ sutfkh·ntly hig-hPr than LhP rond ~·o that thf• ow·rpn':s f'OUid b(' f'nnNtrnf't('(l ''~­

sPnti~lly at. p:rn.dr• 117 fprt of drnr­ane£• nhov£' thf' parkway is rPquir edl.

Othf'r k.'1!-t dPNirablP altPrnnl iv1•:;

for I\ ~·r''"'aing involvf' connf'dion:-: from the Littlf'> I.#N\giiP th•h1, Gnr­df·nwa,v PXtf'tldPd and Hamilton Pl I":IPndrd, to points in t:rt•f;'

Phmw I nnd JI, Th" fo'pd,rnl Highway Admini

sln\tinn v:ill lH· fl'!·q)(m~;ihJ,. for hu;/di.lg tlw pf'dPstriAn wulkway and i.• loohing to llw dty to rt•c-om m''IHI R ln<'alion and lo obtain ap­proval for f'f\...'4Pmt•nts fnr path:• 'o t hr ovl'rpnss whic'h rould ~rrvP .pf'­dPstrian~ or pPdPstrians and bic'yl' u~ts. Spr>ctfk:ltion.~ for t hP OVf>T­pns;~ mu::t also mf'PI thP nf"t•ds nf th•· hnndi<'Rf>P•~l. Tlw bri<lg•• ap prnnchf'~ will prnbnbly bP ('Ons! rw· tf'd'on NRtionttl Pnrk RPrvh't• tNP~i) land. Thf' ('onstruf'fion prrmit anrl mAlllt.f'nAnc·c• of thi· ovPrp;•,·:; i--; th" n·srlon~ibillty of NP:i. <Htwr nwt-

ters suet> as'slze and desiJI> will be determined alter the location Ia pinpointed.

UnlfJing Effect On January 10 repreaentatlvea of

the city - Mayor Richard Pllakl, Councilmen Tbomu White ""d Charles Schwan and Giese - met with the Board ol Dlrectora of Phase I of Greenbriar. The ·over­pass proposal received a favorable reception from the board. Thf'y were intrigued by the pi'OIIpect or Greenbriar reaidents' being able to walk <lr bicycle to the Center ·and use facilities such 811 the library, Youth Center, bailtlelds, and ahop-· ping center. · Greenbelt Lake wa.• still another attraction for them.

Paul Pickering, board president, said,· "The overpa.•s · will draw GrPenbrliir residents Into downtown 'Greenbt•lt. and unify us with th" comm~mity." Noticrs, .he !>aid, v;ere posted in. Phase I apartment build­ings to notify rondomlnlum ownerK of a m•·rting of th<' board and building rt'prrsPntativ~s on January 10. The hoard will take action on thc> oVf•rpJ\::!S a! this Umc'.

On .lnnuary 12, c~ty rl"prf'!::t•nta tivrs r·~dnvan. 'Vhitr and Gic.ur m1·t with thP GrPrn})('lt Homr>s, lnf'., board, who votPd to lil.Jpport to cation most desired by the city.

Jli•lory 'l,:;h(• da!1gf'rous ~ituation uf Bt1.1~

~,.nts cros~!ng the parkw!ly to gN to and frr•m Roos<·vclt trirgered th•· nred fo:- ;ttl ovt•rp~~s. Thi~ l;'\7.:~ • .-d w.l.'IJ brought tn th(• at.f1•ntion flf pu0lic' ,,f.J•:a' ·\. :i,•·,;t·' ~"r•· ,. noi,'WVI It safpfy t !•mmitt£•(" C'h~lir­

man. Th1· l'it;o.· ('nunril n'rgf'd lhnt (:on::.t T1ll'f in:1 of f hr ov{'rpa.s~ bPf:'IJl as ~oon as pos.:ibff'.

On Drf·f'mbPr lfl. !-liX Wl'r!>-"' artPr

RPp. SJld1man INtrnPtl of th~ mat tf'r and :ortnrtPd thf' v:hf'rls rOlling (f,r 1\ quit·k ~olutian, tJ.S. Sec'ret&ry of Trnn"portatlon Rrof"){ Adnms llRsUrl'd ht·r lhllt "fund:q nppropri­utf'd .r~}r :"('("P:l!·dr•:(·tion or th('l Bf'.l timorP 'VH$hington P11rlnyay Rrr· availabiP (or conRt ruct inn · of thf" OVf'rpRSS," Rlld that "lhf'. Jo"f'df'rRJ Highway Adminlc;;tration \\'1q :~ !­~Bnc•' tlw -\\"ork a.s r~tpidlj· R:-t J.Hls­



'" !\>Inn 1.<>;1 \\'illiam""' an<i F.lnint• Skolnik. ~·('\'('\;:\. ; 1 !1vr;i<~ll\'l, tn tl-:<' '''!'Sl"d C!lllllt!· pl:1n f111 (')O.-·oltH!

J'\~ll 1 h 1':11d Sc!H'Id \\Ill lw ~tud:1·d iii dqlth ;uHI phn·,. J, ;nvn liJl

wr'1llll tiH· :il'\': I\\ ) '" thl'·t· • .[·('k . '1' 1)· twa:: tlw cJ .. chi• 11l 1 P;H"lH·d

.tt :, c 1tv 1 ·:HJI~··ll wnrk "-''": 1un lwld ,ln~•,th· \''J! 11 th·· (;Ji' nln•lt School ':--'t 11 ,!v '(', 1l\ll1ltiL't' ({_i~SC') un .JaPIIil\'; lfi. ~lfiPndPd h~ th.rt~· l;~~~-~lbc.'l,!t•r:... l!lo··· fr"n' t.hP north end of Town. A11 f1Vf' cnun­C'Iltnen Y.t'll' p!t'A'lll. ot:, \\·as Ow c·ity· nurn.agl''r. to hl·ar the CIJncerns of ntll.('n~ and to t•xplon• wh~1t 1n1~ht lw dorH~.

Mayor Pro 'Tt·m ';ii \Vpi•l+ nf··l·l t !I'll 1·d ~orne• nf 1)\1' r•·a•;nn~ \\ hv

t_;l'l'l'flhf>it iS llflh:tpp•; Wllh l}lf' )11 1 '

"'·nt plan w; offt•r•·d ''' t)w ;dtnqJ

hnntil. \\"rll a l'r<~v.:dt·d C,•nt•·r ,s,•J\,'Io1, lw n;l<,·d. ull·n f•lr 1'_1,, f 1• t

:h:1: Uw I'll)-' j, .til! J>,:"l•·:o.•·rn;: :1:11.\

I hn! ma:v


!<I.Omf' nr~,- II'' 1 h•ull . ' "'' :1

rf'turu ~~~ pun\;t' "chon:·•"' n11r 1'11\' t·--.pHnd~. lw ll!!l"•:

rur!hf'l'. Ill V..f')' ~u·:..·; hi'( ·•n:•· 111'.1'

J':lo l,dly hn:·•;',!'l 1• 'I ''-I''H1 11" •' • 1 1

hf" I:H .. rf·:iol'd with th• t 1(•: I" ;1i·

t•·n.: onl'·,. "''l~hh•JrhtHHI ... ,.~,nn! .,, 1 ill~: t.O. IH1 llll'l:tl!t\'1' ,\ ~~ "'• I: It·• ,,r

Jl0 111 y, lh(.' I il,V hl.lfW,;Jil II :tli (;II'<

lx•ll c-hihlr~u will nttt•nd (,.;n·r:nbP\l st.·hoolR.

TONIGHT ,\ m,·, 'i·;J; \•·lll h .. h• :.J 'n •· ht

...• ,_ .. ,·. or th·· ( :··~c ~·:h•\' ,:,l.-

1'. <' i • ~'I)Jl Clolf \o lJ: lJ..' r;f :ol :_, :; l}ot .\:­

l1•ri,·1f;\f t • :h·· ··~''lnt\'!1 ) ~n f ~ I'J• r·n·; ~•11'11, r:.l·\ ~- •I;•· I

( ;··· ,.·,t· •\'": .. ,_ .,r" 11q,:-!' •

·1.1 1 t•·Lr~ 1 · 'paJ ''·

, ;rli;,• , n;,·,r "tTiit;o.

r It r :.11' t. · (' ~


1 ll ,.~ .• ,, a·hu,iJI' nr !' ·. •l•f ,

, 'r rr." ... · 1 • ~~ u i ~~. r ll·

S}'r:;u(•.:J T.t: •' :lo,n! I.1i?1,l l

l.t;Hh·i :1"t••n P11 :1';:1 1:1::,1 f :d•. Ct :~:,·r :-n;:..,h· hPllW f~·:l1'1.h th · w;'

\l~·tnnth·, .... ,. ~:!;..·~, ~; ., :.• .. \.:\ ll'' lll.': \'ntt. 1 ·n 'f~rr tv:(\ Qll":ll :n:1" '! J,~n ·· ·":l ,., dttdf' rvrnin.g n:1f -n.,.. r··,,q,.; h·d ..

t:r~ c·nbf'lt'.'t nlt•·rn·tti\"1 .'I ~fur:" ."!.····· 11) Hr)\V cnn North i'-.•1d ~l,•l;o•ll tw kr·pt. opfln ·: and l2) If N'orl h r.nd !" <'i011<'d, what I• tlw brct rh~ fn,· ut llizln'g thf' rl'mnlnlnP. <trhnols ,, F.mpbul• WM placed on keeping In mind what would be beat for the·

'l:J·('l ~~:n .. 1't11nnl~d nt ~:l(

bl.H·~'. (',·ntr··: !],-::• v:'-11~1") nn1l :·h; u~iii~~~Ln:• n" 1h1· "·\·hool':-~ rap;. ·tv fSIIL: en.~~,.,: f'rntcr M.7~ );-. ("l ~Iiddle :-;,-f.o'-1. · On" Gn·en bf'lt ~~ehool would houae lftdes 6-~-s,.;. tiCHOOI. {l()MJIUTTI\1:, p. I




oU,FRI'lD ... 8KOJ,!'UK. PRii:MIDEIOIT. l--1e77 EdltOI'I ,, .. ...,. •••• "-.......... 47-1-4-

AaafH"Iare lt411tor• !'Ia••"' BaPIIf'llf. 4':'-1-ISIIt

8olr \lfUJ"u, .\h·x».~er BarneM, su:~n"n':Fnatr&, ~dith Beaucha~. Vir.lnla '1!~• 1 ~' harnp. l~iltda H:r~~oun, ~fllrgar~t Buller Corrine Comulada Thereaa l.ron_l•!)". .Jud) Uold~tt'_.'ln, ~arla.n Harr:_laon, 'Jan't't Jame11, Mlcb&el JoDM, 8t"rn.~"" Kastn~r. ~ld 1-\:a~tthtr, lfa.rt.hR. Kaut1111an. Katherine Keeoe Doroth)" Lauh. 1", l ... OI't'Ua l.t.•Veaqu•·. r .• urn· l.t>VIneo, Il&rb&rR Llkowt~ki. ulta Maob., J~an Magee. Iron~ )(e'-AMa• Ro,erta HcNanta.rll. Linda Orenateta Pearl 117ie1~t!\.\~·huneal »ituu_n. ElaJne :-Jkolnik, Joanne TUcker. OtiiJie Vaa· Allen.

r x hlthatl. l...outae Wlldlnc. !.-••ea0 • ••••&•r: 1.-)·n-eu. .. Juhn~on; f'lrf'wl•••- )f••••ert Jontta, ::!-61.1 1 li•rl•alt.lll l.ak• Clfttll•tlon• Barbara l""JawMon. 474-4541. .- .ltn"••tl • ..-.r7 ftwr•tlaJ'" .7 Gre.•ltelt c.....,au-.. P .. U•U.• ...... I••·

, BOARD OF DIIUWTORM ,tr~~-. J;.!a.ln!! SkolnUc VIC"~ Prea .• Sid Kaataer: Secy .• Barbara Ltkuwakt:· .. reo~·.,_}J!CJDia BeauchamP. 8&D4ra Baraea. IIIMATJ._;ru&SCR

1_... __ !._PTIOHS: 11!.00 per year, AdverfJIMnrr an• af'wa articl•s may

m- - (-.. A, OreeDbeltl; ~eo! to our IH>x at Uoe Twto Pineo OtD~r: o~r deUYVed &o the edltorl&l oftlce In the M...-ment or 16 Parkway f41.f ...... JI1). ·OR'"' Alter I p.m. Tueedar. Deadtln.- Itt 10 p.m. on Tu~11rlay

Volume 41. Number 9 Thursday, January 19. 1978

CORRECTION In a r.ews· releaSf" recPiw~d by

:ho· :\o•ws Ro•vlrw and publishPd in tht> Janu.'!ry 12 issu1•. 0<'1Pgntt• L''·J Green's nainP was inadvt>rt­l'll~)y listt•d as a host of tht' rt"

''"Ptio~ for gtatf' &nator Stt>ny H. Hoyl'T. l)('leg:ltP Gr£"Pn is not :tmnng thmw hoHting thf' f'VI'nt.

.WMATA Response (Counr·u Cotll!cil rhain11a" Fra11c1s While se11t the follou·­'"'' lettl!r to Mayor Richqrrl Pil­sk~:)

I ha\'t' ·.:untul'tPd ~wn .. ral nwmlwrs of thf' W:I!ATA stntT rPgRrding th•• prublf'ni.s you haw· df'linf-atPd in 'yo;Jr lt>tt•·r of De~o:<>mb,.r 28. 1977. n· g~rding·t·xr!" u:nd futur{' rail-bu:o' rnr,•rfnct• by GrPPnb<"lt commutf'rs. TliP W:.IATA' staff i• preparPd to

. mr,•t with tlw GrPHtbdt City Caun

Open LeHer On .Janunry 11 tlw Mar)'lanJ Gcn·

t•ral Ass••mbly lx>gan its annual nin.-ty dtty !iPs.s.ion. which wHI last until midnight on April 10, 1978.

A!i your Delt>gatP I would Iikt• to f'xlt·rh.l a JH'rsonal wt•knml' -to all of Gi-f'f'nbelt to visit your reprt•sPnta­tiv<-s in tlw SUttt•s t•apitoJ.

Thf' HuuSf' ffi('(•ts ut R p.m. on ~fnnday t'Vf'llings and ~·Vl'ry otht·r \\'Pt'k at to a.m. CommittPt• nw .. t ings an·· ht•ld in tlw t•arly aft+•r­noon. A!-i you may know, I sPrV'' on th(" House \\"ays and "Mt•ans Cnmmitti'P and I would Iikf-' to t•X· tt·nct a spf'dal invitation to watdt uur t·nmmittPf' in :1etion.

TiekPts ar~· not nf•pch•d fo~r tll!' ~alh·rif's or for till' SjH'I'l;ttor :wats in thp ,•ommittt-f'S. HO\\'f'VPr. if you a.n· ~·omin:,! with a group. it i~ wist• til makP arrangPmt·nt."' a.h~'aJ of timt•. If you arf• l"oming with a group, plt•asP call Mrs. Sh£'ila HmJ· JH'r. Sf't'rl'tary or th~· 2Hh Di!-itrkt !ll'lt>g:tti-on at 261 1402 1 a toll frt•t•

numbt:·rl ·f·Xtf'nsion 242.


CITY NOTES Prior tu tht• building being Ul•mul·

i!iht•d, thP rt>mRining itcols from thP Rhl~t· Road C'Pntl•r were remov£>d. Among tht• !oialvaged item.s were door:s and window guards. The fnint door of tho· building was in­.~tallt'd at tht• public works build­·ing. Ridgt• R'URJ Ct.'ntcr was torn tlllwn on Jan. 9. Som£' of the' rubble ha> been rt'lno\'ed and 1111 dirt brought to thP site. Some clear­"'!: has taken place at the back of th" "ldt•rly houaing property.

Intt•Hor work is eontinulng at :h•• muni<'ipal building addition. All windows han· bt>('-n installed t'Xl'PPt fnr four windows whf'rf' tht• glass wn.~ d<'lin"red brokl'n. Plywood has hPt'n instalh·U in thC'S<' windows. fi~lt>('tri<:al work is t~lmtinuing and ill~tnllation ha.~ bPgun for tlw sus­;~t·rHIPd frnnwwork for thP ct•ilingH. Jn~tallation of tht> t•lf'vator is nn dPrway and is expPCtf'd to bf' <'Om

plt'tt•d ~c)On. SomE> chPrry ·paneling­ha:-: bef'n installed in tht• library t"onft·~Plll't• room and city manag. ,:r·:-> otfict•: tht• woodt•n frarn£'worlt. for thP book('aSP~ on on1· wall of th(• library i~ al_so installt•d. Rlatt' win­dow ~ills ha\1' bt•t•n instaliPd a.l most windows. Still undt•livt·rPd arr· light fixturl's and' intl•rior doors: dPlivPry of thf' door~ is Pstimat<•d to lw 10 Wf'f'ks away . Tht• <'on traetor· still has not rt•t•PivPd auth­orization for rdocating tht• :mnitary sf'Wf'r linl•. An agrt>Pmt.·nt bt•t\\•pen tht• City and WSSC was executed rt>ePntly lllld rPturned to WSSC a­long with th .. City's clwck for in -spet•tion fPPS.

On .January l:t at approximatf·ly

~-:1 to discus-; thf· p.rt'SPnt problt·ms at Stadium-Armory Station and th" pntt•:-atial problf'ms at Nrw Carroll­t(ln Station. :\fr. Gf'rald Gough of

• 1 •u r OflitY of Covcrnmt•nt H.t·lation:-­•0~7-10061 will bt> J.mppy tn mak1· tlw n<'t£>ssa~· arrangt•mf'nts.

I look f1:rv•ard to ~PI'ing a Larg" · .:! a.m. !ilr1·f•t:-;. Wf'rt• ~a.Jt,·d and snow

Th·· l~·vpJ of bus st·rviet· prm·:.i···i on lolt•tl'qbus r.,ut•·:-> is cli'h·rminPd in ··•>ordination bt·twt·j·n ~ hf• Prinl'• t:;c•-org"':; · < 'tJUI\ty I )f'J':t·rtmPnt of Puhli~· \\'l)rk:-. anJ T:-ansportu:·,~:l and th~" \V:\tATA :>ta!T. Pr11\·ision of -o~~.Vitional :\lPtr11huo.; trip:; h:t.'.; !t •li­n·• · in1pa~ · o11 th•· dl'fidt"h

. p, •q~,.-i• Ct'•Jrgl'·~ County i!' n·quir•··l tu -.upp••rt · tlwrdon·. ;uldttifm:\1 r:\jJt•·..,s trips of tht· IU:> bm1 w•ruld · n~quJrt· at't1on by thf• Prin<'t· Gf· ot<,:l'·~ County l>o•pa.rtftwnt n( Puh­Jk \Vorks Kntl Tranl\porta1iotl. Th•·rt'fnrf•, I am n•ft>rring your lf'f­trr to Ms. Allison of that Jkpart­m.-nt.

Tht> !:1:3.'\ p.m·. Rl5 bus J•rrM-ntly carries OVl.'r M pauenaer!' dally Any sil{nilkant delay In liB depar­tur,• timf' to a11ow for lah·t arriv a!.· to catt·h the bus nt Stadium­Armory Station would thuR inC"nn · .. RI'P mort· patrons than woultl .,.. helpMI. Gr,..,nbf-lt ret~ldrnta whn mi8~ thf.' Rt~ PXpr£'u .flf'rvlrt> havt• availabh• to them th~ frequent 'al­

.tbough •lower> R12 lora! •rrvkr ft .ihould be notl'd that thP pru­

-p0...1 for Phaae III Mf'tmrall oJl<•r 4t.k>n Include• half hour P<"Rk po.•r­lod ... rvlc~ betw .... n o,..nbelt and U... New Carrollton Station In lieu el thr P"'""nt oln1lr trip to Stadi­..,. Armory Station. A copy of .th•· ,..buc hear1n1 docket for thr Phaa.· 111 plan Ill Pnc lo.ed. PI""OJX*'d . Route R16 ..,rviC<.' Ia llhown on P81•

• w .. appreciate your conUnued In . ..._t aiMI &llpport of WKATA and illllpr tbat ; meetlq with tho· WMATA .taff can reeolvr the pre­-~ 11114 pcUIItJal p~.

PAIINT DISCUSSION GR'UP ; 'I'M .-t ...... ol thr Gn't!ll· . ._. ~ Dt.o-m Group will 11e w..._ lu. », fi'OIIl e:UH1:15 && at tiM Orwnllell Baptlat G.lrab. After -cludlq the 41•­..._ ol "~w llatntftl", tllr .,... wiD dlanllp "tlw ownenlltp .,,...._..., ll:llela -w ahould ..... a~todiiiC!UM.

-..,mttlnJ Ia aftllabloo and ,.. ......._ta will lw Mind. P'or - lnlonDatlon call Bfott)' Hu1hr• __ .., .......

numlwr of Grr~>nbPltPrs. plow~ put ·!~1to ~<'r\"kt.>.

f.rt>rald F. Devlin llrlo-a;uto•. t~th Dlolri..t

Recreation Review TN•n Tnpif'" l~lii Tripi

Til'' .IC\VA TPP.Il <'l11b W1 :r·om•· . th 1 win•pr "~~JW Wilh a ~ki Trip t<~

Skt Lib"fty in J.~airfi"Tt'. l'1'llll.->vi·

\"!\lliH. on Tur>s . .Jan. ~· lJf''Hili.lh' fnr l'o'g'l."'trafl•Hl will b!· ·FI'I., .hn. :?0 Th" bu~ wdllt•ti\"1' tht· Youth f't•nt•·r parking lot promptly at 4 p.m. Hnd rl'turn at approximntPiy 12 mid night. All intf'rP!-Itf•d tt·•·n:, an• ip vit,...d and can !-lign up at thr Youth Crntf·r A fpp will bt• l'harged. F11r furth•'r ff'f• mrormation, t'outad thl:' R .. , •. Do·p~rt. at 474-61178.

•• ,..... R...-rratlon PI'Oifi'am• Thf' Rre. Depart_ will offer tho·

following frf'f' actlvitiPs bPI"innin~r: t hi• Snt. A r!A & Crarts - Yt" <!Hl..R( •. Mon .. 4 p.m. 1st tbru 3rd grader•. YCfSHLRC, WNI• .• 4 p.m.­

'Hh thru 6th gradera; Chucks 'n' l..a.'4:-~if'~ nroup f1UDt»a/phyalcal f\t ."""' program for boy• o.nd llrJ,. •!1ub •hlrt• are provldPd f01 re1u Jar attendanci!.l YCISHLRC, Sa: .. 9 10:30 ll.m. "*"" 1'.-11 yearo; Sat.. 10:30-12 noon,• '-12 yt'a•. Fun­tim~ Storicl, l&lft<'ll and craftH fur fun and aklll, YC, Thurs .. 4 ~ p.m .. ago•• 3-6 yeano; VoiiP)'ball eo Recreational Play, CPnt••r School •<:'SI, Competltiv~ · l&mPR, Mon• .. .~: 30-10:30 p.m. qe• 18 & ovl!r; CS. I.elau.,. Play, Wl'dl., a:30-to:30 p.m .. ·"\C~A Ul .i ovPr. .

IC91J.,. ~llnl Grtl"nbf-lt Crntrr lt:l•m('ntary

School I• the p!aor for th~ Rec. 0,.­part'•· •pon•oro·d rollt'r okatial pro­lfr&a: ca. Wect.., 4-t p.•. tot tilru 3rd lnodf'no; Cll Prt ..... p.m .. fth thru 4th INdPn; .CB. 11111., 1-3 p.m., Family Bkatr - all .....

A nominal te. 11 c~ at th• door. 8rtq rink okatN D'r r.nt them. For furtlwr Information Call the ~lee!. O.part.. •n-tiTa.

............. for Survival 'nle Prlllae Qeoorpe K~lllsaUon

for .Burriftl, a lfOIIP of OrHIII!.It­"" conC!flned with thr luue at (!Ut­Uq miUtar)r apeDCIIng, eliminating nuclear weapon• and tlw thrMt of nuclear ~r. 11114 ti'UIIf•rrlq our .....,u,.,.. to .. ,.., 11-n~ hu

.been m"'tllllf to dlac!uu and actlvltiN. All lnt~rMtfod cltl:wllll ar,. Invited to partlclpatl! In thr atudy or outl'l'ach work. The lfOUp meeta th<' ftl"'t and third Wl'dn1'0day nf coach month at a p.m.

For more lntormatlon about the.., IUUN ot Gout the JTOUP, pleue call ~k7 WIIUalu at 474-«Ze any eftlllng.


pickt·d up.·

!'qll lwing

Tlw n·fu~t· t"rt'W w.ts 011 ~du·Juh·

la.~t \\' t·k: f'HIH'l' l"o_lh~ctiull netlt•J

h tons. 200 lbs.

Mishkan Torah I>r. \\'illiam PPrl w11! :-<JH·ak un 1\

"(•omJ'rf>ht~li"iVf' Pf'H.('(' 111 tht• Mitl­

dh• En!-:t" at t ht> 1\.li~hknn Torah on

SaturdKy.».ry 21. nr. Pt•rl

l"t't'f•ntly mt-t with 1!-;rQf•li'~ PrCmif'r

Mt•nat·hf'm Bt>gin, a long timP

frit>nd. SerVit't:>K Mtart at 9:30 R.m.

"~'un With Plexigla•". a IPrtur~

n.nd ·dt~mon~tration by Susan StrP.

gac·k. will bt• pn•:o~t·nted at H. ffi(•('ting

of tht• Shtt••rhod uf Mit-~hkan Torah.

on Monda,)·, .January 23, at 7;ao p.m

A social gath£'ring and bu"slnes.i

mo'f'lintl will preced~ th~ d~mon­

;tralion, whkh will start promptly at Y p.n.. '-,"he public I• invited tu btt~nd.

~<:~-~~ H•rrld•" oNI Sut

I.Mil .... for 1Gi1Miftfnt Special!

Tell ua-We'll look for you.

Antiques, Used Furniture, !ric-a-Brae, C111fts


AN11QUES 10806 Lanham-Severn Rd.

··Seabrook, Md. 20801


Hours: 11-6 'dally

Event~ by Appolntmen.L

Boys and Girls Club by Ka&thlo• R<~~l

The GBGC County Ha::;kdlrdl st>ason got untll'rwny · tht· Wf'('k of January 9. Vwtorlt•s lnl'lud<'d th<• 10 and under county t{'A.ffi ov('r ChPverly, 27- 8; ·and the 1~ :~nJ un­•.kr girls OV('I' Bladl'nsburg 12J, 22-21.

ThP County !whf'dllif' for tlw Wt>t•k of January :.,!;; i.,, u~ (olluW!:I: J,n. 24 - 10 year boys. n p.m .. >:IlL; 11 yPar boys, 7 p.m .. SHL; 14 year boys, 6 p.m., YC; 15 yc~tr girls, 8 p.m .. YC; and 15 yt·ar girls 121, 7 p.m.. YC; Jan. 26 12 yPar boys, 6 p_m., SHL; 13 yo·ar boys, 7 P·!"" SHL; 15 yc•ar boys, 8 p.m .. SHL; and 18 y<•ar boys H p.m. SHL.

MOWATT MEMORIAL UDIW Methodlot ()burt'b

('hur~h School 9:80-10:30 11-m. ~umlng Wonhip II u.m.

St"nnon: '"Do 1·uu Know This ~tnm~et•r'.'"

Rev .. ('Ufton D. Cunningham, Putor

47t-l1811 40 Rld({e Rd. 474-841U

DEMOCRATIC CLUB MEETS Thi· I h'UJIWratH· ( 'lub will meet

nn Fnday, Jalllmry 20 a~ 8 p.m. at thf• t;n·,•nbriar < •ommuruty Center. Th~· J(twst ;;pt·ak.4'J' will ~t> Mayor lJonalJ Scha,·ft•r of Baltimore.

WANTED: ~ubstitut~· Cnrri1·.rs for .the

:\t'\':.. Itt'\ it·n. SllbHtitutes will ~I'* n·guhu· rmltes when they be· l'Uffit' nvuilnblt·. Nominal P&Y~ Call Mikt• .Jon•·• H4-6001..

Mishkan Torah Synagogue

Uahhi ht•nru•th llt•rJ(t•r

('anlttr l,ftrtalt.l \\'f'iAIJliUi

l•'ri.. J :tn. ~''· ~ p.m. Sist<•rhood ~!tahhnt

:-:.a~ .. Jan. :!1. !I::IO p.m. S~>rvic~·s. llr. \Villiam Pt·rl, !ipcak.s on a "C'omprt•hensiVf' Peace In tht· Middi<' ~;as!"

~t .. mbt·r~hip. J'rugru.m, Religious Sdl 1.1ni Info. 474·4223

.lti<IK<' .~ W•·•lwliY J(<b·., <lro•enbelt

GREENBELT COMMUNITY CHURCH IIJniterl Churcl> of t 'hristl

t:liiLIIde &nd Crescent Road& - PhonP 474~6171 tmorn1nJ• 1

Nuroery provided at 2B Hillside

s-~ il a.IIL Wonlllp 8en1ee aud Cb~ Sc.booi

KeY. Sherry Taylor and Rev. Harry Taylor, co-paaton

Children still need an example IF worship of God is to be important •••••••

lot YOUR exam@ load the WAYII

G R E E N 8 E L T B A ·p T I 5 T C H U R C H 47~12

.Bible Study tor aU,...,. tSun) 9:4.'1 am ~nday Worohlp II :00 "'" & 7:00 pm Mld-wt!ek Pro](nUll (WOOl fl:OO pm

f-!~or bus transportatiOn, call church utt. ..... ~.a.m .• 1 p.m. weoekd&¥•


lloly CJ'088 L•theran .t:bweb 6901 <Jreenbelt load

We ...... ......_, loll and U:l6 L11L

......, ...... 1:110 a.m.

......_, N_, 8obaol: t--u:ae ..... .....,.. a -.-. r .... , ...._ IIHI.Ll

Shouldn't ,our saW. be

. ancborea b ., ere.

· QA FIRSr FEDERALSAVINQi '&'ALGin Annapolii fe. ANNAI'OI.IIil: Main Office;~ Weot Skeet, :IIM8BI

oo••, .. n..,t-: ... t~., Pa.. SbepJiing Center, 474-Ht4

las Route Changes. To ~Affect Greenbelt

by Barbara LlkowUl Several Metro bua route chan1ee

will &11'ect Greenbelt riders when tile J 2-4 and the J-8 schedules are elaanged as of February 19.

The J 2-4 will no longer run trom Beltway Plaza to Sliver Spring. !be J -2 will oontlnue to run be­ Montgomery Mall and Sll­•er Spring and the J-4 will continue -.. Preaent route between Silver

. =~and the Wlaconaln Ave. ter-

J-B-4 <:~Jan,..

Mew buses, F-4-8, will travel out , et Silver Spring east. The F-4 wiD

"'-- from Sliver Spring stralgh t on ----West Highway to Annapolis Kaa4. Riverdale. The F-6 will fol­law the old J-2-4 route out of Sll­vor Spring to Beltway . Plaza. It will then travel north on Greenbelt Jltoad to Lakecrest Drive, onto Lake­al~e to Westway, Crescent Rd. and *e Center and return the same way.

There have been frequency chan-1"" on this route also. Instead or lea.Ying every 30 minutes !rom Belt­way Plaza, buses will now run every JO minutes during rush· hours and f!Ver)' 60 minutes during the middle et the day.

,J-11, <"-% Rout" Although the J-8 route has noi changed at the Greenbelt end el the run (BPltway Pla?.al, somr tf!IIJ'lges ha.Ve been madt•. It will to.- oomblned with the C-2 <& use tllo.t name l which starts at Mont gomery Mall. and. goes to Wheaton Plaza, continuing on to Beltway PIIU'.a. There will also be tim .. <'han­Cell.

Hf"'arings Wt~r!' conductt>d during til~ summer on both of thc1w routP ohangf's. A sup]cmentnry hParing un the J ·8 was heard in early faiL A proposal to run t_he .T -8 through·

,Springhill Lake was thrQwn out.

A Phase III hearing. on furthc1· M:Ptro route ~hanges will b" held on Werlncsday, January 25 nt thr NPw Carrollton Town Hall, !l~11 Ltl«ation Rd., N!'w Carrollton at 7:10p.m.

Tttr C-2- J -8 lin" will al•o br di•­cuoAI'd Ill the hearing. Although tho two lines will merge on I<'cbruary 19 u plo.nned and run brtwern Mont gontery Mall and 'BPltway Plaza. 1!

· wtD br proposed that thr nrw llnr tennlnfttr at Toledo Terrace nrar Prtn~e Georgrs PI!'-"" and not go • to Beltway Pla1.a. It would run frmtl Montgomery Mall to'Wheaton :Ptv.a, then it would go down Un1 wnlty Blvd. to Campus Drive <U. ol Md.l. to Bnltimore Ave., Queen's C1oo.prl Rd.. !';sst West Highway te Toledo Terracr.

Proplr who wish to •t>cak rrgard­ltol the propos~'<! changes are re qul!lltl'd to furnish in writing cn1 dqa prior to the ht'arlng, the name. llddre••. telephonr no. and organi­zation llfflllatlon til anyl to: Mr.

· Nmer loon, sec.-troas.. Wash. Metropolitan Areo. Transit Author tty, GOO Fifth St., N.W., Wash .. D.C. 2M01 or call 637 -1092.

R-11-U-111, T-UI Rout:M

Uaalllfe• atrectlnr th<' R-11"12-ln aad T -16 line• which s~rvic~ Green­

. ll!ft arc to ~ prop011rd. Undrr the propo~~al, the R-12 reg­

ular mute would tr.rmlnlltc Bt the O....wood Metrprllll Sto.tfon o.t Krn­llworth o.nd Eutern Avenue lnstPad « o.t the Sto.dlum Armory "" at pr'Nf'flt. The R -12 would oprrat" ,..,,.,..,. w mlnutr• durtng prBk per­laM llnd. every flO minutes other u. .....

Thf" R·ll 1!'1 r'X.Jlr"ff~ would trr­alnlll<' "'t the .. New Carrullton Metro ·•taU on.

The ~ 11 w<>uld I mvrl b<-tw~en

~prlnghill I..Rke """ Nr•\'" r.Brroll tOll Bnd thr r.-1n brtwern Oreenhf'Jt c ... er o.nd· New ( ~ .. rrollton. fl<orvlcP \Ymold oprrolr Rt " 30 minute fte­quMe)' durlnl 11ellk perJod•.

Ttt~ T 16 which P""""" Orernhf-11 oa Orrrnbelt Roo.d lln•l tuvt>lo hr­

·t.,...,n Beltwlly PIR7.1l nml C!lpltal PI- would run IK-twern Beltway PIMA And thr New Carrollton Metro Statlart. Jt woulrl co from New Co.r- · r<fltnn to Beltway PIA1.& by WO.y of IIIIth Avr .. LAnho.m-&>vrrn Rd., Cl· pnuo Rd-, Good Luck Rd. Unclud · tnc DJetor'a H011pltall Greenbelt Rd. (NASAl, and Into Greenbelt on ..,.th~ to the Center, leavlnl the ollf' bJ way of WNt1M)', Lak•lde . Dr. [Alceel"'lll Dr. 'l'lu!n It wouldiO

Thursday, January 19, 11711 GRDNBELT NBWS 1\ZVIBW


Plan to attend the Ice Capad•

with the Recreation O.partment on

the nl&ht of Tues., Feb. 7. Adm.._

Ilion and tran.eportaUon will be pro· vlded at a reduced tee. , For detalla, contact the Recreation O.partment at 47'-6878, weekdaye 9 to II p.m. Firat come - ftrat served.

Stat. Fann IIIIUI'a ... ....

lorgwatdl· 474-8400

Aall - ... - --.. --..... -... .... Otlllfp 1'11111. ... ..,.


back onto Greenbelt Rll. to Belt way Plaza, returning the same way. Service would operate at a 30 min­ute frequency during rush hours and flO minutes durtnr off-peak per­iods. It would run every 60 min­utes on Saturday; no service on Sunday. Those going to Capital Plaza would hav~ to transfer at N..w Co.rrollton.

'reenhelt'a Library There will be a HUlon ot the

Story PJ'Oif&ID for 2 ;rear oltb oa Jan. :1& at 10:80 a.m. In the Child­ren's Program Room.

On Fri., Jan. 20 at 2 p.m. In the Chlld-ren'a Prorrnm Room ape 8-12 are Invited to School's Out Filma. The tWo ftlm8 featured are "TTie Sand CuUe" and "When Kn!Pw Were Bold". ·

Regl8tr&Uon fen' Fun~ will .­tend from Jan. 21-Feb. 1. Thll pro­e-m for ages 8-11 will llq1n on Feb. i and will meet tn the C2llld- • ren'a PrQcram a- each Wed. .t 4 p.m. for nine -a. A ~t ·aoUvlty will be pr~~<~ented each week.

The MCOnd -ton of Decoupap It wUI take plaoe on Sat. Ju. 21 at 1:30 p.m. In the 1\leeUnr Room for thoae reglltered, ace. IHidult.

The Children's Program Room: at 2 p.m. on Thursdays Ia the place for Drop-In Storie• for ages 8-5.

THE liNGLE BREED The first singles party of th~

year ia Fri., ·Jan. 20. 10· p.m. to 1 ·a.m. at the Springhill Lake Com­munity House By popular requcRt the party features a "Funky and

·Hustle" contest.

sale to Jo% off

all WALL­



10502 Baltimore Blvd. (Rt.'l) Beltsville, 937-3733

0- 7 Iloa)lll <LoNMd Ia the~ •m .__.>


ILUIJI.90)l PU- .• .ft7I!JI' OFF -- MAD . OPDf f DAft A Wlllmt

Greenbelt offers you quality homes for leu mc;tney on todoy' s reol estate . morlcet.

CHECK OUR PRlCESI . WP have a. very attractive two bedroom frame

home with extr!l-nlcP kitchen and bathroom; ra; "'fr/wMhPr;dryer;wall to wall cRrpeting. A roal buy for $17,000- C1011r to e•nt~r areo. .

·Thi• two-·1><-droom home I• locat~ Ina quiet, well land•raprd o.rea. Bnd h,u a nicely redecoratl'd ln-. terior llnd •xt.rior. SUI,OQO.OO.

Tw.i bedroom fran~~ hu lafle kitchen, rat rrfr ;w.,.hP.r, and rarpPtl "I lnclud~d. Clean and nMt throurhnut. Owner could IIVI! Feb. oc;cu­panry, . 117,718.70.

IdP.AI for th11 •in1le or younir marrtl'd . . . Thl• quaint. wry llttr,.rtiv~ 1 b<ldroom .second floor apartm•nt haa mttch to offer: .Panalln1, modern kltchrn and bllthroom, and other nice lmproYe­me!'t• • $12,700.00.

W~ havf! o.n eXri!IIPnl aclectlon of two bedi'OOIII · homo• atart1n1 at S15,liOO.OG

FINANCING AV AILA8LE Your monthly payment covers TAXES, HlAT, woterl•wer, trash collection, structural maintenance ond Insurance. You poy for electricity and telepltoH.

For lmormotlon or to ... our llallltf• We ore open •v•n day O· WMir to h of ..,.,Ice to you. ·

GJU. SALIS ANI) .VICI 4747.-.rfr 474-Gf4 ~·

... /, -


:· t' ,, :.<'-•·.'····

Gteenbelt Federal Credit Ynion

Annual Membership Meetir&g

at Greenbelt Ubrary (11 Crescent lei.)

Weclnetday, Je~nuary 25, 1971



Come' See Our Remodeled Facilities Want A Fun Way To Exercise?

Become A Member of

~ -= _ . ._--NEVER BEFORE •

NEVER AGAIN · 4 Weeka Only

6 and 12 montha program o.vallable

$15.99 < limited time only.J

Your Memberablp Inclodea: BALLET fJ

Profe••ion&! Instructors Hourly Aerobic &

<$211 valaet

BELLY DANCINQ " Calisthenic ctuaea ($211 valaet

Mod!'rn Exercise Equipment Whirlpool Bath JAZZ . fl Sauna Room ($211 value) Sun Room Private Showers YOGA " Private Dressing Rooms & ( $211 value)

LoCkers · Indoor Jo1&in1 Nutritional Guidance UNLIMITED VISITS







from day of deposit . paid quarterly

TwiD PiDes Sariap & Lou A-. . 105 c.n .. rway Greenbelt, Met. 20770

Per Alulaa 474-6900 NarARY IIIIRVICID lfree to account holdarll KONJDY ORDIIR8 IOc up to .,_011 XJIROX CJOIIIa 1011


M011.-Tilur 11·1

hiday II·P

Satutday 9-12

Maryla.nd Savings-Share Insurance Corporation 1 A.n ~ne7 nf th,. "'"tAl ol lllar)'l&n4l

!Juur~• Mrh. "rcount to MO.OOOOQ

Ask about our saving• certlflcate plans: ,~,.per unum tor a UOOO minimum depMit wbela lleld Ulltll one .J'KI' maturltJ. •

.,,. p8r &nDUIII tnr a S2000 mln'-wia ~It wbea 111114 until one ,.ar JD&turltJ.

.,~,. per annum tot a 140011 mJnlmwa 48110*1t wh• held' until tour year ~rlt)'.

NMCI Home Financing? Give u• a call



' f ••

Groundbreaking ceremonies were recently held for the construction of 100 units of Senior Citizen H•>usmg. PICtured above. Located at 22 Ridge Road, Greenbelt, Maryland, the project w11l be owned and managed by the C1ty of Greenbelt. Project financmg ~> from the Marvland CommUJutv Devel­opment Administration with Federal Section 8 rent subsid1es to be available to tenants ArchJtect Is the firm of Lawr<'nce and Gnmm and Thomas P. Harkin,;, Inc. has been awarded the constructiOn cqntract Completron I> scheduled for December. 1978. photo by Ed Rice, Laurence and Grimm. Arch.

Greenb~lt Has First W eman. Polict> Oflicrr

by f:dlth ~~~~·hnm~

w;th a narn~ Lkc Sydney. and her long list of qualifieat!Onlll. onf> would ~\ippo<:f"' thR.: G .. cf·nbt>lt's tir!"• "''O man pol: c.• offit ( r :,. ht·f·y: ·td :. : -(·liar Ilut OP.ic P,.. ~-· -;, y : ··Ar-·, ~ ~:to ·: "':"'• ~-~· 'r:-. ':.d ,.,..rv frml!'l:tlf' {1(•. Jll~,-. h·,.. po;,, .. ro il'll~., .. ~ a:1c ·h.~· ~..,:·~ .· 1:, r ,' · 1: · !11 .. '""'rr ~-·;

at..':- ,•

f ):"'t'f' npt.•nrd up ~;tw • H):. r;~,, "'n· tt·~· ···..:.:\n.·,,·.t. :. · .,,,., ... 1 1)

,,tr :- '"'r:•lu ·1t'· , .. , :·•rll' ...... ',,. .. • .. "

r1•.. b 1' :wrnrdmg t'~ Ch.f'f \V.!­l!aw rant'. :.,he \\d.,.'j the best-quah­fkc

I - r·;:··l .·m..!:-. ;~1p o.;1 nrt• v·A,.;; h... - •·.· n 1"" ., •• ··f thr· m.-.n'c;; !'I., ' r~ ' ·~1 !·~ •n 1r1,1 h ,.,~ ~h,-.

: r'•lr• 1•r Pn : "'\"f)f r• •,hot. D'ApfH'l]Jtn

::tl~tlbT:~l'S h'•r htgh sc·ore to hrr h · ... _) of .. ;,u•" .... 'lvl.~lng ~ l:ont•ng (~ 1 .. ..-,.R,..,.,,.. ... ·• tl-i '\ ~ho• .... n.,•.

.. ~,, hatl A.lWA)~ bN>n lntPtr~~"tnfi in ptO:., t .. ·.,·or~<. :! 1d .. f'('7 ~r.' 't."'fllJ~

f~r..., 1 :;h •tl·•d fnur yrnr n~r 1 r · ;> '' ! t •) t h1• PnncP Gt.•·orgf•s

h~t 11 .... , "iw l"otmty ff'f'jiJII'·r•(l

~r .,., 'r. 'P" i 'l'·t~ tn PU!-i thf• ; H·r 'i'l","""C~ I; thr• m•·n. 1n1 Jurlmg ~·,, ! am' ht>i,l{ht nnd \\('tght n·~

• ~ 1 • fl'A;Jpol;tu :tn.nds -, fr¥'' 7"' .... 0 ·~,, t'r'l":t•y ._, v1•, d hr r ~() ... ,..i~h a m"l m11m of t:tr, f' ~·md•.

r t'U U• ~pf'r,\li•ly 'tn 1{8.111 t11f• 20 . • .: : · · .~tw ,<:rt•d. "but I only •·~ • ·,• 'J \' t "J'. and I Jll~' coiJI<ln'~ c1n T .1·:( ad, D'Appollto go' a J•lh .,. ~h \\"ood\\ ard and Lothrop no..: P fi'ur• dd("f t :Vf' nnd workPd • hf•r,. !n: itrr"f'' and R hklf yPar:;~. "I don t th. ~~~ ,'li'f' play!- I hRI hag 1-t. fnc for,' ~:H ~•ud "\\"hf•fl I "u, nt \\'n,x..h•·. f'Vf n t hf• biag«" t mt·n won:d c flfll'' alo·1a- q~1wtly. 11. w'~-· th1· '"')mt·n wh · would put up a flaht I Jfllf'JI!I(

'h• ·; ilcurrll thry m•~rht han n ("hf'nrr to l\'hip R 'worn'A.n"

D'ApJlOllto sutrrrc·d ll brokt·n iu·l­\"1111 J\nd numf'rnus bit,. wmH1d<· .•. ,. f'torp dfltl'rliVf', "'llf'n womf'n "J•'I! up a fight." ·

8"lc· i~ marn~d to a IA\l.')' • 'I\ 1 1 F. Tl'AppoJito, Rnd thf•y hct.\'f• H ~1"<.

: y .. er-otd daurhtrr, Staf y t.ynn. ~ih1 · ~~tB.Yi hf'r family hn~ bf'f'n ,~,.,ry

' IIUppnrtiVf'. Rlthouv,h hf'r Uau.Y,h~f"'r

th01ljl'ht 1t a Ut·if· f1mny lu ~··· hPr ~ m.mhrr tn n unitnrm

Tt'~· n (1rpartmfnt r•11,., :~·o: ~\ll

ntfkrr~ <'qrry fh('l!' R'1t,'l'• nl ·dl '1"11'

("\'t·n 'Whf'•l utr du:y, f'!nd () Anpoli 111 f'\)'~. "You tf't''' to ln•1' A Jq• 11~

--"" (t~m1.,in1'y ··nrrvJ.·r: thl ,· ,., l ,} thln': .t·~ n littlf' bfn"' t" m:: hw•·

ban<f• rll·•. alth011gh · I ~'""" hr fHll a lot M&fPt 4wh.rn thf•y R'O

· ouu:· Whrn fYAppollto wiL• hir~d. t hrr•·

·~" lot of df'balf' about hf'r·un•­f-. lndudtng th~ lr''"· They ~ht about gnnn1 her A four

1'neJII stJn Jn•tead o( the USUAl "" indl one, but !leclcled qan•t It bfo-

c.1.use lhf' mf'n m1ght start rf'quest­Jng thf' .smniif'r onP s1ncc H'.s llghtPr and lf'ss awkward.

Thf' rPst of thf' un.!u;m •.•. 1'-' '"

problf"m too. Thf'y \\'f'ff' afrm<i sh~··d loo·~ ::.~oppy m n. man'-. ..... h1rt . a:-~d :•:-·1t:-. 1nd ftTl ~tng a bull•·' ro-r> ·~ \'f' ' +q ~it \',:~·, Hlmo..-;t ·:npr• .-

)Jj• . ''!~< •;nTP'f• l "} f"'O'l'l t t., '

("' .r~ ,. • • t:!"!.t h,, \'.:u~:"d r1 "1 l

'·'r• b 1' t"-•• J.:'l.Y" :..a;r! thr•\ dwl't ....... " ,... .. , 'hr-n ''~:1 p • .. 111

~·1{:-: " D'.\n~n]ltr'l cnmrr.• nt•··l. 71·,-. fll!P'-''!Iln '' ,.,. flt••lJv )It ,1 •. l

b · hav '''! hPr P"''1t'-' ill cl ~:,-t ..... ,,, ~

.·11Jv · ulon·d. :-.:.•w 1 . nJo:.:o , p· · 1'"

b' ,\' ~· ··hr"'" an·1 :1 lt:'nd-m -do· ~ 1. ':r .•·•: \'t.~ frl:n •·,l \"' n1'' 1l ,;, ~· • t~ve , .. ·ro 'l·Pd 1o br ll'l t.., ·

• \," ll'lt!l hr r, ('O!llf' Ill frn~l l

Un\ 0 lfl f'OOlp ll;:'- fr~r 1' 1i1r \' Oft1• 'l

-•11•· :-t ,,J hnpf s tn gPt a ;lur~ to h \.a. tr:: go to t.:uu :t.

[J Ap:o~~hto f, t>l .. ;,, 1 .., J~, 'l •·

l-' .. ,! a poslllV(' ('ITt t .•m 'h1 "<~···

:\:ld \.'hlf'f I,arH· ag-:-•r•; THP• hi\<·

IJ,"t '1 f \'f'frtl Jnclllf'f11..., \\ IH n· f1•f:l:dr• ., I·• '• r•·fu~t·d to ~alk 1 1 • 1w mnl•·

.;t:Jf'P .. "" }Jill f~·Jt al (•USt:• 1ailung 1t'

...... tJ'h'-~· •. un\a:1.

·• w '-•' partmf'ill R"'f" ,.. lo~t o( r 11 .. :tt ... ,· ·;:1fst.c f!;<..:tnrb·ln<, "· n'ld 111 ~l .. ,t,..ri !{!<;r, th~'t o•;\~,·~~~lito h1...: :•-: ... :(t! · .t.l tlw "n,nan will \'rtl1 '>"r'~ ~~·~r1 ,_~·~ h• tal:< ''() thf• J~.!l

. ' t' · <..!• ;J<Ht:nro·1t" 1f !':!1•"" n(•t>d~ • .~.,~.: •. •n"l pol.t'"' h,·Jr.

D'Appffllfo !in\1.11 thr r:lf"J in hPr •kp.ttrm''''t vrry cong• Al­l·\ )~;~r;h lht·y l<ld hrr n i.H and

"'Of! h!"nth"l I: kind of p:t1lC•'tJ\'t•'

t~":m ard hrr.

1 : .•. mf•n h t\'f~ ,.-.xpr1· , 1 n 11·: 1· kT•o;rl'h' 'l<.l Jn r.t hor shnu ng up ·~

f'py 'lf't·d H. to h"ir nppr• I" nd n •\1'-~Pf'Ct, hut ( 'h,1 f Ln.n1· f••(•J~~; th1~ 1~ n nntur'l.l r1·1\t t.on. ~nd that ~hf' may in fA.ct hfi\'1' H r nlmlllg mnu('ncf' on f\ !'(ll~JH'C't. [) agrr~<". "~h· oulloolt !s a ldt 11f


Thf·rf' Rrf' ofhf•r WAY" 1•1 wh1ch R "-Oman 1~ an R.s~('t to ttw fon•· Jt~nr ln!ithln<'fl, thrrf' hfl..~ nl.,., '"~ h' ''II

ll !'hlndinR tul,.. ~hnt 1\ m dt• offk,,r f"'nuJc) not Kf'llrrh.., V.OffiAn, nnd fh

mPBU! 1\JJ fPft'IA.Ji' IUAPf'l'l' h~d to h•· hnnd('1ltT'rod, brou'fht to thf· ~~;tn.tln 1.

and tht·JrmA.Ir dhtpatPhf"r ... hA.d 111 1 ontllu·: thr !IIPRrc-h. Offief•r D'Ap pol.t'J l'un hr lp ('IJmtfl&t£' thn prob it•m.

'T'h• r•• hAVf' 111 :m ht•f•n '~"\, .. a! in f'H!I Jd<\ of "fl.1'fhf'r~" tJl S11rJn~hdl I~tV•· Hnd a ~tRkf'(JUt Wrt.<~. \\~trratl~ :•·lf h• c·Au~r of thf' J)o!ludblli'v ~~~t ••

c oulrl c!PVf'!op i•ttn A r.'lJ'f' f'f\ .e. T · · 'c'.'fHt''lmr·n~ (r J: R c•ouplf• 111 A c•ar

Wq!!)d J, <\1( Jr,.~ <!.dlp/1 ,IJ 1, th,u\ t\\ J

mPn. f>'Aprohto \"olunt~"f'rt'".J tn hr A' parta• lf•ant whiJ,., t~~tlll :\ ,lJ~pn. chf r. h11t tht• clf partm,•nt v,urn• r! nbcJ'lt lwr .RA.fPty.

Tl'Appollto plano In 1><-Jllll • oil•· .. pol1rt-timf', to lf'Rrn morf·' Abmlt C'r•minol•lR'Y and thr law. Md Jtflm,. · day, "aftrr ftw or ten y(·ar~ ,f f"XJl"rirn(·r on the road," "h" thmks 8h~'d hkf' tn bfo " df'!<'t:tlv~

Al5out h•r job •hf' ""Y"· •·r jwt love !t-el could never do anythlnc


Grading Nearly Complete On Greenbelt ·Triangle

h.v t:hlnf' "kntntk C"'ad.:~~ nrpratinns wr· rnntinu-­

hr f •n ~7 of th" ; • ..., acr(' f;rPPI1lwlt

,.. Tr an"'lr·. Tlw ::-·• rtT'P''d Inn '· '"~th thr> 1 Xf'"'i'~'{ II 0~ C.tpJtq] {'tddl~·

w1'l hP ;,';tl;t 1,:r>rl with mukh fan t­

tur1! or "rt fu'''ll ', .. , r o[ Jtl.u·~

r(',..J]1"1 !J' 0)} ! P(•J::~g ( l:T bn :)('•

l'f'Mp1; hpr' 111 thf•, Or.,T·n alh· '~·r> <!Pw•JopPr mtPnd,.d to '•~""d

:n ~"\'m!,,.r lr.·~ ba 1 WP:1'l,,r rrl'l­

dltinn,.; dnli'\f•d tlw ~ ·,tdt•w ".'• I:· }, • f r 1 Jr11¥ t 1 s.,lok,:c;;m"'l r 1r •h ·

""'dp··~ lnJH r· t·:·g:'l' !':- !! :1 ! l·' r .til! ASSIH'H\ 1\'S, "thf' Capitol Cadilbr s·' (' 1~ pn"t';>- mn ·h drJ\\ n tn P"r 1 '<· \VP IUP abqlJ{ onr- wnrh. \\f'lf•l-t :tWAV frum r omy It•' inn pr l\'id •d I h · ground d(Jrsn't fr, ('"'" ('on~lnll'

tif•ll qf Ow ('a ldlnc hn I 'I"'! \\'.!J

fnJl,w th:s phil~~'· Th<· hn ldmg (.;UJl­

tral'tor i" }{t"ttl"r Brn:'wr,

t\n ,., .. "\'1' 1\molJn~ 1 • f·arth WR'' n·qwrf'•\ tq hn f'11 1 f-'lP'l th,.., Cadlll:H· ~itt•, and tht• d1rt hHH bPt·n plncPd f'l~f'Whl'rf' t:lO tlw t~ropPrty CutR yf't to bf' donP ln~"llldP pnrtiOfl"> of thP trswt'" 11ltt•r1or rwP\" \\'..t.U• pr {)q\'f' :t••d Cap1tnl Tlrh r an I al(m£ f;r,·••nb""lt Hoad \\ 'H r1• :t !'•'\\

C'T nut.fnll "ill br lnralt·tl

ln lht> mPantJm•· till' r'•'''f•lnpf'J·, t·n~ltlf'f'rs \\Ill bt• stud,\ .nv r•· '11-

mrrHht.tlq '" hv P.trk 8r 1 'llll'l:!'~T for tlH: grndln~: plnn fqr thro f'll~ir••

tract Th1· ('rhn•t f), ~•J:;-n • t'T h·1 plnpoHllNi tho"'' trrP'i nnd llHflll­

al f~·nt11r"~ that ~houll h11 p:P!Wnt•d Sine' half of tit•· }lrllfH rt\ h.t'•

n.lrPady hf'-t'n "''rlppt'd. tlw s1k an­ai)'RIS only nppiH·~ to tlw n•ml\ltl­ihg at rr>r\2'" ThP , ity wdl f('t f"l\ ,.

thf• r'·cnmmPnrlation~ of t;rban I )p_

siJ(n · nftf•r thf' W·vrloJwr's t•nglll­c-er~ finl~h thf'ir ~twty

lri alettf'r to MN!'PPI' !'1ty MIll·

aQ'f"'r .Jan1f'~ K. (;h·Rt• t'"<JlrP<~<.f.f'd th,• fn)JoWill~ C'OUC f•rn!=l Of lhf' 1 1!\.' f 11Uil

dl "1 A lnr~'" ar1•n of lilt' nor­thf·rn part of thr tract,, •n "ll'fitl' dn:un t•mardf;l lhf' City l'ark lr1ncl A stnrm ""l••r rf't.-ntlnn bnq1n 1!1 ~ho\\n n~".U lht• tor f)f a htll nnrl Aorn•· dl<.LtJH I' from ~h•' I· • \; pt11n' IJf this clr'tlllaJZ" nr1• 1. Tlw tIt\ Jc.;

,.,,,. f'rmrf \\lth tlw ·rnpnt' ,,f tlw

Jlfl' tln" ''11 thf' t-t•n'P~\ 1)( •tw Cit\ pnr t .J'f'~JH•ff\' nnd h11''' tlw <~.form

v. ,·,...r r• tr•n'h1n bl\..l:n \\,11 f.H11 Lion

I:" Ttw • on• r pt J1l U\ \\Ill d1 ~~ ro\ n nrlv .\11 t''{l~tinJr Vi'R~ttnfton ,f !"'1p'(·~· 1tfr>d Tn thf' Mouth of thr· Cit\ }'rn:-..~rt" I~ '1 ( • rh .l711bl?>

R .tn\ of nJJ,•r lrf"f'll th1P \\••rr> not t

1••!'\f• d A' tllf' fJffip \ Jtqr,r,;;: )I\ oat tn• ':,: plan• '

(;I '1\f' R 1~0 )lOifltPfJ ollt thAt thl' c 1t·: rr•ma1n!t ,.,,n('rrn,..l "" lr1 h•1\\ •

· H'H' htn! dl\'fll ,.malt'il f0r d1,.plnv f'!r­

t')e~ wdl bf utlll1:P(I, And qur·Rti,n·; !tq '•·nt.-.hllitv for 1\\Jiflmnh'l'' cii"P p''\•' p·rr()()fl'f'!l .. Thr f".ty,·• hi' !Utld. '1,PL••\·t·~ thRt "" ('1Tort' to chanar It"' uc;ro m th•· f•Jtur" may h•· m:Hif' and thP City would h•· nppo•ed tn a t ha·,Kro in u""e that would lowf'r the '1''"111)' of dO'velopment to be provlr!<'d.'

... _::.'t II .tl'·lltlll t 1\\l' I'' • n'h 111 1

.... ' r r; ru·n iu•ltt r i I, n !'II t! o I: 1111 1 t

n hn ,, ... ,,, s .tt [ '' t'!J C 'r•·t :\ ! .. tl\1

~cott L f;IH'k .IJHI Roh1 1 I Fr 111-

< 1:- ftq;;somrJndf) WI'J•· .ornon~ ~~~

tTnivt·r!-;Jty of Mar) land <..:i!ll'lr~. \'.hn \\ ••rt ...,,.Jf'• lt·.l fr1r n·1 IJl~IIJ' lflll lll \\'ho's \\'ho .. \mong StudPnts 111 .\m (·rif'an t•mvl'rsi!Jl'S atld ( 'ollc•gt" for HI77-7R. ThP -.:tud,·nh \\1'1'1' S'

IP<'tPd by a patltl nf. 1'1 1-oi1Hh-11ls faculty and admtntstrators .tJid \\l'ltl }Jnnort•d for "~;cholarslllp,

1, :r 111 1,1,. ,1,1 1 , 1 1>1 •'''\ 11 I', l 11-1,, 11 : 11 , , , 1 1,1 ,,~1, ,. •Jt tutun· U!w-

!ull•f. \!II Ill' \II• :~~~ JllliJ:I/1('1 S .!JlJlOint

I'd tn 11!1 J•:mt 11:• 111 Y l\l!·dit'al S<•r­\'lt 1 -. 1\dVl .ory < 'owu·il wPrP.,Grf'(tn­b•·llt rs ~L•rll\"11 Fowh•r and .F'rl~n­< 1., 11 l\., 111nz Tlw Advisory Coun .. t'il , t'l draft an EmPt'g'Pncy Mf'di (',d 11, tlth 1'1•11 for PrincP Gf'org­(', and advts~' c·o\mly oflictals on th1· typr'- .,f t•qliJpml'l\' IH't'f•SHary for cf­f, ('\)\I' 'l 1'\ II(' dt•h\t'TY·

Four Alternative locat:cns for Overpass

To Cross the Balti,nore-Washington Parkway Thf' following ~tutt•nu•nt, prPpand h~ <if.\ \lana~•·r ,Junu..., K. fiil'JW,

is a d4'!oo(•riptiuu of fht· four alt1•rnafi\l' lot a lion, Jor fh1• U\'PfJJUS~ over rlw Ualti1 tor(• \\ ao.,iiiiiJ,.:;tun P.1rln' :1,\ ::ntl !>.OI'U' of th•·ir ~uh·wttsges and di ... I<I\JtTJta~ 1 ·..... T:u· tm11· ltlt',1fi1HI~ an· Ji..,ft·d frmu uurth (near llamiltun Unad) to Snuth. (ru-ar \Jd)onaltl lit·I<IL

.\lt«•rnntf' A An ovf·rpa-.c. at tills pnmt \\olild tu· d('slglll'd m <'onjunc­twn w1t h tlw plamlt'd 1•xt' nsHJil on Mandan H.oad IU'rt,ss lh<' Parkway, PVPn though such a road f'Xlf'nsion may IWVf'r takP plarP. Manda!l R,.ad ~~ bu1it partmlly tn gradP for rampmg for nn ovPrpass. However, lhf'r{' \~uuld be l"Offif' fil!Jng and ramping v.nrk rf'QUlrPd on the cast side of thP Parkway. M1mmal ramptng would bl' rPquarf'd on the wr-~t side of th(' Parkway Thl' land on th(• f'asl sJtlP of th(• Parkway is unde­\'dnpPd and ownl'd by th< PruH'(' Gl'orgps County Board of Education; probably Hn f'R'f'ffiPnt •·onld Pasily bf' obtanwd. A path would have to bP btlilt from tht• bridj;W to an f'Xisltng- sHlPwalk on Hamilton Place. Th1s rout .. would makP 1t nf'cf'ssary for studPnts from original Green­belt to walk approx1matt•ly two blocks out of tht• way m order to reach lhf''hlgh ~chool. It JS not HS cf•ntrally locatPd on thP f'ast sJdP for Rerv­mg all SP<'liOns of th•• C1ty. H <'an b(' pn·sumt•d that thf'rf' would be <>hort cuttmg acro~s thf' h1ghway to thP !;outh of thP ov(•rpass.

AIU>rnafp 8: Prf•f,•rrf'cl Lnratinn: Thf' Land on 1·IIh1·r sldf' of thf' Park way 1s Wf'!J abov · thr· It \'PI of tht· road, \\'Jth mm1mal ramping for OVPrpass llP('df'd. On Ow WPHt !-iidP of thP Parkway IH'Cf'~~ would be from thf' <'nd of (;ardl•nway and would <"ros~ undf'VPlnpPd land, much of Which Js ('lf'RTPd, pTf's<·ntly pnva.f,.Jy own1·d hut und"r nmckmnation for pa!'k ancl OfH'n ::pacf' \I Sf' by 1 ht c dy On tlw f•ast ~•d,. a short . p1\th would ha\1 t•J bl· c·onstrllt'tf'd frPm tht• o\'f•rpa~~ to a pnrking lot 10

1 bNWf'f'll thf' "l't'OIId and third :tpai'I0\1'111 bllllding~ Ill C;rf'Pnbriar.

B\' t!oing through tlw park1ng lot and r ro~~•ng 1\{ nulan Road, Jlf"des­'nans nnd hif'YI lsfo.; gomg tn thf' ll:gh ~( hool would hav•• to eross a short stnp of lawn on h1gh ~('hool proJH'rly t(J rf'a< h tht> sdwol pRrkmg lot. Thrrf' IS n ~~hoot PntranC'f' off of lh1s parking lot.· 'T'h1s i!-1 the m'.'~' <llrf'd rouh· h('IWN•n lhP h1g-h ... t hnnl and rH'nrly all hom('s in nrJgmal c;n•rnbf'lt. Also. thP gradt· 1'-' rPlall\'f•ly fl;.tf th.- Pntir(' routP.

.\lt«>mnt.• ('· Tlll.'i ail•·rn,tll' ...:h1fts 1 h" n\'t•rpa-.:s soul h on th<· Parkway a !-<hnrt d!st:.ln' f• Rnd prn\ ld''" for H< t ""s l11 t ,\f't'fl tlw 11rst anrl S(•cond b111ldwgs of (;r,·••r1hnar Tht• lu.nd bt·l\\1 111 th1·'4'p two hutldings iF~ ht·av1ly \\'O!Xll'd and Jl• d~ tn 111 and h11 ~·t k trallw g-rlll\g ln and from tht OVI'r}H,\S-. \' ou1d nnt ha\1 to go !hrongh a parl{lllg Jot or unywhel"(> IH .lr bUIL.:ng ··nf ran'"~ Th1· land nn •'II IH r ~1d,• of Ow Parkway is :·JJt:it .t·nt·Iy 1b,,, .•. :·It' 1• \1•l of thf· p,l,.l rnr•n' ,,0 !htt' mtnimal rampmg

•~ nt ('(':-lsRry ThP at'('f'~" routP frq•n t}w I''"' \\llllld h" approx!matr-ly thf' RS for lhf' prrff'rrPd rout.. Hn\\"f'\'Pr 1n orckr tn rl'aC'h thro h1t;rh ~t hord "'nd,·nt' t t!twr \\ 'll,td h.n·t· tf 1 1 l•mh a ... :, ,.

11 hill or go

:'r•Jlllld 1 ~11' r!hll'ti< fu•ld Th1·r" t·.l. a gn·at pnl<'ttllal ftlr shott ('Ulting

,,, takt• piHct· ·

\ltt•rn1•k H: ,\! th;,, jHnnl ,11 <''··" flqm till 1 1 ,f \\nnltl h1 lhrollgh thP 1 <Jnlffil~ntt:· :• • :-•·ati<J'1 fIt IJ'It'"' fttr (;tt'11lbn 1r and rim 1 los•• to thf' l.r"' 1•'''•1\hrar 'lPtltm•·n! bllli 1tnc (hi 111 .. ,.,,t 11111 .,.:-. \\·oulcl bf' t, 11n (';ty ,.,, •d pr••JH•r'~ 'hat ..... lJ!lill!•d fnr n hrtl 1• J1•ag-w• hall flpfd. 1

'llld "" 't'' • '' 1'1'' nf th, f' n·}t\\a\ I' \\t·!l hPlo\\ th1• l••vpl uf thr

t• Irk,\·t~ :•nd • XI• ,. i\1' r.tmplll!-! \\tlllid )w 111 •1•1.s,. 1ry !-ttudPntH going­t'' !!-w "' t·,.~,,J 'cH~ld h:1.\'f' to 'llfnh ' :-!•·~·p hdl Ill ord,•r to reswh thr. "' hi)OI f~l 11 !~. }•or H Jnq{'' )lnrllOt\ of C;r(•Pnbt•Jf t}\1~ lrX'n.tion WO Jd h' ''ll

1 " lh1· \'fl.)- and sh11rt t 1111111~ :11 roo.;, I hi' htghway to thP U

tJw IJ\'•·rp '"" ( •llld hf· anll(•tpatC'd. All !ador.s consuJ, ,..,; north of t .. pn)bably no· ft'A!<>iblt·. crt n, this alternative


2 -

Thur,day, January 19, 1978 Page 5 GREENBF.T. .. T NEWS REVIEW

Sm~k~ Detect~rs, geh~bil~~tio9 Plans and Pets Occupy GHI Board

' _by Sid Kastner II. d r•;ct"sinn of th 1 · ·

as" '. h . e p accment of the n·cently approved over-~~t· · a~~el ~ e Baltimore-Washington Parkway was held between GJr boa~e~~belt Homes, Inc. representatives at Thursday night's Thorn . Wh. etmg. City Manager James Giese and Councilman ·th a~ G lte O~Jtlmed pos~ibl<' routes, some of which would pass el::u~ HI are~s (this part1cula\· topic is reported more fully th, w ere 10 this Issue). Many other items were taken up dunng

~· ~eetlhg, the most time-consuming one being smoke d<'tectors w 1~ were debated at length while on the other hand action was qtc on larger 1tems del:med necessary for day-to-day operatio~ 0 mmntenance and heatmg services, such as trucks and burner parts. ·

With rPgard to !-:mokp dPtfTtor:-., tlw m:uwg"r Hnd pt·rsonJwl f'om~ which lhP f'OUnly will nq·;;,,. t1.~'rr• Somp opo.HtJon to 1. dP multJfamily dwPiling~ aftf'r Julv • v••loiF'd howrv<-r whf'n 111 rt')'IY to 107R, th(' board was fac·1·d ~· 1 t J; malting clpf'if.don~ on l\\'o <'PllrJI<..: :t quP~lHll\ by Bobbi Md •art ·,y of

' tiH• Andit (Om~ tt(•f•, Jh,. ma·mg<·r iirHt, whPthPr to havf' tlw Htaff 111- ,lf'I<J:ow!c•dg-Pd th.ll \h(' Jl'<'~.f'll' pf'r :-~tatl lhC'm in all GilT hom~·~. or 1 1 P) 11 pt of tlH' Salt•s dt·p~utml't.t ha 1 ! stPnd, a!4R1Kt mt•mbf'r:; fo lllSia!l llo( l\ Vtllt'P Ill lis fnrmlll.tlion. D:-!-IMO};f' (h•t('('tors thPmst'lvPs; nnd n·t·tor Virginm Moryadas dJstq~r('••d SP('ond, what pariH ular brand of al·,o with tlw idt•,t of .'dtJng a flat smok(> dctPf'tor to ~ant'lion :tnd ff'f' <of $.~~!",0) for nil !'lliPs, pr<'ft·r· pPrh·lps stol'k, DirPclors StPph!'l\ nnR' m.stPad a t'ornm1s.swn bas1•d Pola!-lchtk and Norman WPy<•l sup 011 thl' ~wiling pric'<'.' This opposJ pott('d the managpr's proposal 'o tion eulminatPd m a motion by 'cti havr mr-mbers mstall thf'lr own n•t·tor Clarke to tablr th£> reorgani-thf' former noting that h~ had in . zatwn proposal, but the t!Lbling roo-stalled two such dPtertors in his lion failed and 1h(• rr-organization own home without any di!lku!ly was voted through; it wrll become <lhr batt<'ry power~d types an• <'ffcdiv~ on April 1 mounted by just two scrPws). t\ motion was passrd that uth(' inHlR.I­lation and maint .. nnncc of approvPd smoke detectors ... b~ id~ntlfird as member rP.sponsibility"; thP samP. motion providf's that GHf pur~hase battery typt• drt~ctors and make thPm available to member• at cost, giving help if required <at a fpc l with installation.

In reply to a quc~tion from a board membPr, managf•r Roy Brensh~ars said that he has prr parf'd n. que!itionnairP to mPmh<\rs which will as<'Prtam how many smohc• dPh:•dorH an• prf'sf•ntly 111 .stall<·d or A.rf' hc•mg c·ont~>mplatt•d.

Thp ''hoicf' of whiC'h parlwuhr ~molw dPt<'dor to spon.sor and 1or stoclt wa.1-1 mon• dillit·ult. AvmhtbiP typP~ rangP !rom $1R units war­rantrd fnr onP or two yPar:-:. to $:10 units warrantNI for IW('nty )'f'.tr .. further, S('VPral oth('r fador•; np· pPar 1fJ piny a part 1n makmg :1

sound choi£'<•. bPsHIP eost and ~~!II'"

antr(' prriod. AftPr hPanng n prP ~wntatmn by a mPmb£'r who 1~ nn agrnt for onP of I h(' morP f'XJlf'tlslvt· df'!rdorR f'Cll.llpJH'd \\'ilh f'Xtrn fpa turP.s, thP managPr :-~1111 prdt·rrPd to rPcommPnd onP of tlw Jp~;~ f'X~

l)f'ft'liVP malu·~ Afh•r ~nmc• f11rllwr dt·hnt(• nn how hf'~l to prnct'f'd -f'.g. whr-tlwr or not to :-;toclt a Inn.:•' :;;upply of on,. typt> for ml'mlH'l"!-1

a motion by dlrf'rfor .Jntnt"~ Ji'oslf'r wa~ pa~~!-ifd to authonze tlw mmw gf·r to !-H'I<'d a "b1·~t" df•!pdo'' H f I

MTrr it to mPrilbf•r~ Thus fh<' a··­tu:tl mt•dul.nll'~ nf tlw opPrntinn w•'l bf' lf'ft to thP manag1·r n.nd }w ..

Jtehnhtlttntlnn Thf'l flnnl rPpnrt from C:.JII''~ ton­

~u!lan!~ on r"hRhil\tnl10n plnnnuw i~ soon diH'. and lh,. hon.rcl a1'lt·d 1 1

·npprov" it!i printing by n partu nl:1r ~.-ompnny about $2000 for 2000 t'P

pus Till!-~ routinf' Rf'tion hnWf•vc·r promflt<'d honrd m<·ml-wr!i to·cnn.• drr whllt t hf' tlf'Xl Hh•rH !-~houltl lJ'' 'Two fli~cuNRion mrPflng!i with nil mf"mbPrR' arr prf'HPnlly f'riVl"~HK'''' NnmPtimf' In J.""rhruary, to lw lu:ld probR.b1y at North Encl Rrhool !l!HI a.t HOM<' lo,·ation in thf• <'rnft'l Hrforr thrRe tllkf• piR<'I', !UHf f'VI'll

broforf' thP rPport \t:qpJf i~ d1~tl1h11 tf'cl, rhnlrman JBmf'R Sm1th propn·. f'ri thA.t 1\ Rllrnmary of thP rPporl bf' tlf'llv~n>d in advan('(• to cvf'ry

m~mbfor. With rrgRrd to thr. rt•hnhtllla! ,nn

IJrojQrt ll•rl! <II re•·tor Mnry ! 'In rkP urged that "If 197H IR In br• Y1•llr Onr of th~ H\x YrofU plan, W(' ..,lmuld Mttut l'oon" bf'<'RUA<' thf' projf'('f' ·

'cn!-tf wMI infiRif' by 10'i( fnr l'fll h Yf'Br or dPiay Smith tP!-IJlUndt·ct thAt P'l1111(;'h hr would rf'!'i!if tnklllR any adion until thf' rrporl hn•l gnnf' o\11 tn thf' mP111bf'r~hlp. lmp\1• rnrnfRtiOil of 119 rf'c'Omn14'11d.tll1011:-4 woulcl n·qul rt\ n.n t•tTort bd 1\ll

mounff•d ~non by MlnfT f'nd com mltte~·.~ to f'~tnhli!ih prlontH·~.

Salr• J)rp&rtPirnt · A AtJJflilr'-~trd r('organl1.nt inn of th«·

Sfllrs drpartroront, ln uwludf"' mNf\­b~r orrvtce And n!•o to nrt 11 P a n<'w •chrdulr. of chnrll""· ha~ been brought up Rt provlou• mtiettnp. Thla waa now formally propoaed by

At th~ b~ginn)ng of the ml'l'ting 1 h•• board listan .. d to a <'omplamt by a member rPsidmg on -Laurpl Hill r..ond that he was being charg cd by thl' <'orporation for hrating an addillon behtnd his hous~. which,· h,.. was hlmS(I}f heatmg <'lf'ctrlcaiiV. llr('n~hPars _PXpluinPd that thP ('Of

porntion's policy on nddttions with~ out hrAting eonn('ctions wa.~ that u memb~r must still be <'hargcd half Uw rPgulnr heating cost. Thi~ d1d nnt nppPar to sntiHfy thP membf'r, hoWPV<'r and it WRS f'VidPnt that a

dJffcrPncc of <~Pinion rt•

Another Onmt

on dllflng lhP r.ounw of lhf' mePting. A grant of $63,000 from I h•· county, undc•r tlw < 'mmty Youth lt":mploy­mt·nl p,~ogr.t.m, will <'nA.blf' GHJ to h1r" f•tght young pf•oplr·, togPlhf•f' With ll ~IIJlf'fVI!"!Or, thiN ff'Hm wJJJ asstsl 1n tlw corporat10n'~ lll~uln

twn program, in dl'Vf·lopmg thP }l'ort"il ry ProgrRm· NnturP Trail, a.Hl in patnting work durmg th<' summf•r. An authonzat10n to pur­·~:-hax<' a rww vnn and two llPW

trw·k"l, to n•plR<'f' and supplf•mt•nt a ('OIIplf' of tntH vnns which arr "f'ompldl'ly worn out", wa~ approv t•d fnr f\rst rPnding, And m1 a laJo.t <'ILJHial outlay on the hl'atmg sys t<'m, I lw f'XJH'IHllturP of about $t0,01}() tt"'' rPplac(' prP~wnt n.tary bunll'r.l 111 tiHf'~ lH 1 JI 'I' plants wns

·n111 hor1:t·d to I.'Omp:y with staff'

J,:1s!, hut C'f'Tifi.J~ly not !Past, 'a cont 11\11111~ prnblt•m ',"It h ~omf' pd~ In tlw <~Ill f'ommmnty promph·d C"htllrmnn ~m1th to c·n.ll fnr a Jnf'm-b(•r<.:lup n\1'( t411g to he• ll1 ld ~oon on ,·al'~ nnd dogs. !\. mnt1on by dirc•t·­t'l · ! '(••;tl•r dJn•c·t('{i tlw !"!llltT to n!'r.\1\gl' for :-;udt n mt·l·t~ng, which l1krly will be lwld <'arly 111 l•'Pbru llry.

Senior Citiz:en Contor J<:ITort~ lUI' now undrrw.1y to Yin I'

u ~~~·11111r Ac·t•vlty ('pn!Pr 1n thf• dly for nn•t>tlb<'ll ('ltiZCll!l GO Yf'l\rK and ulJrr

Th,. .Af'tlvltir·~ will nwl•tclf• ~qwu1· dn1;c "~'· hnllrom dAtu lng und nth1•t kind~ •·njoyf•d hy Mf'llior~. knllflllH.

t•rn<"hf't ing, nN·dlt·polnt, !wwlng n.nd anY othrr kind of nP,..dlf'work thf•y would like• to do, Bingo, cR.rd plRy mg (all kind~) or nny ad\VJty :n which f'tlough lntrrr!-lt I!<! Rhown A phy!-tlcnl fltnf'MR progrAm. ,qpon~off•d by Prtrwe Gror~re• Om\munity Co! lear. l!oe A.l~o f'nV)!-~IonPrl · Plan~ f'llll for u,.lng fllf• Youth

c,.ntf•r In Orl'f>'nh••lt from 10 n.hl. to 2:30 p m. <'Very Monday.

It mnv bf' po!-t~lblr, lf f'nou~h 1n

t•·r••f-1 I'~ ·~~lfl\'.',1. to huv,·· a H~·n1or

('Ill zen bu• from thf' Counl y milk<' J, f'i,·tiJIIlr 1'1.1:(_• of f_; 1 d1 '!,, GrPI'nbrult', SprlnghiH r n~k(' L~ 1 tf'~

side North and Boxwod. Ar<' •rntor• lntrr~•lrd? If

so, drop R notf' to S"nior Clt'7.rn Activity, P.O. Box iS, Orrenb<-tt, M;d. 20770 aa eoon u po~~etblr. Thf't'f' will be no charge .for this adtvtty except for the bu1, If arran~. of twenty centl round trip.

GHI ~~cmbership b Meet On Revised Policy on Pets

F'or many yPars Greenbelt(>r!i have debuted the pet question: whcth<·r dogs and cate should bfo allowPd In the cooperatively-owned closely-spaced homes. And, lf BO,

what regulations should govern them?

When the federal · government owned Crecnbl'lt, no pets were per­milled e.xcept for tropical flah and birds In cages. When the original J 575 masonry and frame homes were purchased by th<> residents In 1952, ffi<'ffib<'rs tried to maintain thP government's regu)attons against pets. Two separate rf'fcrendums Wf're held on the subjPct. oftl'n pit­tit•g 1wighbnr R.gainst neighbor. How(•vt-r, thf• reg-ulations were up~ h<'ld.


In 1957. Gr.· .. nbPit Hom<'s, Inc 1 thPn Gr(·<•nbPit V<-tf'ran Housing Cr1rp l ~ought to t~rminatl' thf' Mu­tual OwnPrship Contra<·t of n largf' n11mbf'r of m('mbers who ownf'cl JlPl<.;. Somf' mPmbPrs got rid of their pds, others nppi!Pd for special ex­l'('ptiom:, whilf' still othPrs protf'st Pd bitterly at mPetings and In the courts.

i<'lnally the courts ruled that the eorporation could not prohibit -but rould regulate pet ownership. Sinre then, GHI has had virtually no rPgulatlonR of its own regarding tht• control of pets. The city's pet ('rdinancp has bern referred to whm members complained about a neighbor's prt. •

The city's ordinance stntes that "dogs, rats and other animal prts shall be confined at all times to the prPmis(•s of thf'ir owners PXC£'pt

whPn tJn(kr thP lmmC'diatp nncl Pf­fPrti\'f' control of a rpsponsiblc p(•r­son."

Howf'Vf'r, thP c·ltv'.<~ ordinancf' is not f'flSllv Pnfor<'Pd Thf' nnimal wardPn oflf'n cannot c11tch a flct'ing dog or t'at, or tlw animal may bf' gonP by t lw timP th(.• warden ar-riv('~.

Ovf'r thP past !'i(•vrrnl yPars, GHI has ff'<'PiVPd numf•rnuA complntnl<i from lt!i rnPmb('rs on pt•ts running lonsP, dPfPC"ating in a neighbor'!-! yard, di~rupting dPlivPry of mnil. and barking inrP!-l!'!Rntly Thf•reforr thP corporation I~ on~f' nt~ h·mpting to adopt its own rP~Ia­tion!-1. (f;pf' GHI ad In this iBSUP on t'Jw propoRf'cl tf'gulntionR.) A .spr­cial mPrnb1•rshlp ffiPdillg hnR bf'Pn

('1\llf'd for Monday, .Jnnunry 30. nt 7:~0 p.m, nt the North End F.l<• m••ntary School for mPmb<•rs to dis­cuss the rf'gulntlons

ManAg ... nwnt hn~ nl~o rf'rommf'nd .. ed to tlw bonrd of l>i'rt•ctors that n c·mHt injunction b1• ohtairlf'd. to f'n­forcr prt r••gulatlon!'t in~t('ac) nf th£• more> dr:-H~tir !'tlf'Jl c;t tt•rrnlnR.t in~ a m( mhpr'~ Mutual Owrwr~hip Con trArt. Tht• hnnrd hn~ not Yf't volf'U Orl thJs IIRJH't't of f}ll' iH~1H'

MPmiJf·r~ whf•llll"r th••Y own n. pPt or not, who wi~h to commPnt on thP Jlrop•J.<!f•d rt gulnt Inn.<; · hould plan to nftf'n I th1• f(flC'<"inl m, "tln~ or writt•

'to Ow (:('llPrA~ M:n1ngf'r, Royal Drt•a.shl'.!HH, GH, llamJltnn Pl:H'f'.

< Pr•~1•a F-t•<l hy f h.- Afatr of Orf"'f"nl, Jlomt•N lnr.

Tax Help .For Seniors BPginnJng thiA Tuf'~ciay, frrt• l.Rx

IJ''~ 1 "'1f'l'H'P Will bf' f\\'Slll:thlf· f ) Rf'Tl

lor dtl~~:••llft 'It thP C:rt•f'nhf'lt Youth C"(•ntrr from to A.m. to 2 p m, and evrry TUf'Mdny thrrPnft.•r (mlll Ap rll !~,'by appulntmrnt only · Thl~ ~PrVkl' IR rmrt ( r th(' lll'nl

,,r R1•rvkl'~ And ProgrnmA for tht• Al{inR" of Prine~ Oror~~tf'9· Countv Sp•••·inlly trnilwd t.x Rid•·• will llelp !"f'nlor!-1 nil out both frodf'rA.I Rnd RtA.l•· inl'omt:> tax rrturn~. c1Pdn.ra. tlfmR of PNtimAtf'cl taxf'R and am f''tHimPilfs 1f Approprlnh•.

l'f'tllonll wiRh lng to Rn np­pointnwnt ·for tn.x R.RRittiRncP, rs11J th~ p,.pt o( A11lng. J.~~-fWirl6, ext. ;,23 b<•t""''n D:J,) n.m and 2 p.m.

Call for Volunteers Vnluntf' •·r drtvrr.!4 with ~RrA R.rf'

••.<prclall)' nl'Pded fnr the Mr&ls on Wh ''I • t···otrrAm In OrN•nbrlt one ,'ay u IYtWk. Nrrdl!d &110 artt ptlr· 110n• to •~rw RS home 'vt•ttor~~ who wtll accompany the driver. Hou.., are from ll~UI a.m. to 1 p.m. Mral• al'f! picked up at the North Colle1e Park Metllodlat Churcll, Rhode b­land Awnue, HoU~.

Call Meredith TO:rbeJt alter fl p.m. at 7'78-33'78.

. t~-~- .~1.1L:e:a·~~~, .. .,: .. ~,.· ... ··-·....,.,., .............. ____ , ~

PORTER'S UQUORS 1100 Dalto. Blvd. 11wm (next to :McDonald'• In C:011ep

Park) We have the 1azawt Mlectlaa ot Wine• from IIIOUDd tiM _.Id. 8peclai prlcel on - ...,...._

.... lluf7

An7 que.tl0118 alloat wta. --.ed

~--·- -·- -----·- ~ ==

- ·- Af:ll'IUT noc,~, 1\Ntl

CA 1 ~· \N •'Not l ICULA" "

Friday, February 20, )978 J!

9 p.m.. 1 a.m. :.

At: Greenbelt American tlli.ton Kualc by: 'BREEZE' Featurlq: Rlc:k Rauolll

Price: $11/coupli! • fl{allllle Sponaored b).: ~ ililen'"

Greenbelt WomeD'I Softball Team

.G. H. L Special Membership


to diiCWIS

Proposed Pet Regulations

.. / Monday, January s0.1117f.,


No~h End Elementary School Multl-purpollll room


WHEREAS, The Board of Directors of Greenbelt Homes,

Inc., .is receiving many complaints about pets owned by mem­

bers and tenants, including physical threat to adults and chil­

dren, dogs and cats running at large, and unsanitary conditions

due to these animals, the Board of Directors has detennined

that 1t is in the best interest of Greenbelt Homes and its mem­

bers to adopt regulations for the control of pets in Greenbelt

Homes, Inc., it is, ·therefore this day of

. 1978, resolved by the Board of Directors of

Greenbelt Homes, Inc., as follows:


Owner. Shall mean any person residmg in G.HI. who keeps or harbors a pet.

Pet. Any an1mal maintained in the GHI commumty. (The regulations enumerated here are specifically directed to eh.mmatir,g nuisances caused by dogs and cats, but are apphcal>k to all animals maintained within the community.)

Control. A pet s'\Jall be deemed to be under the control of a respons1hle person when the person can observe and take etTecttv<' correchve action to prevent harm to people, ani­mab or p1opcrty or act10ns which create a nu1sance.

Nuisuncr. Shall mclude any actions that produce material an no.''"", .. 111convcnwnce, d1scomfort 01 harm to peoples' property.

. Viscious l'et. Any ammal that ('onstltul<'s a phys1cal threat to pPoplt· or othN an1mals by v1rtue of spec1flc trammg or demonstrated behavior.

i'<•ls must he under the control of a responsible person ''· lien ufT the owner's premises.

2. PeL' nuJ.St not become or create a nu1sance.

3. Ownpr, must promptly remove and properly ·dispose of r('·,:.,, deposll!'d 1n Improved common areas or yards asstgned to other mcmbcts.

4. Pet ownNs shall k('<'P thc1r own unit and yard clean and sa111tary. Feces deposited in the yard must be removed dally.

5. Pets whl<'h make or cause nmses of suffictent volume and d1t1 ntron to fr!'quently d1stur.b other members shall not be per­rn•lted to rcmam m GHI.

6. Female pets sha~J be confined indoors when in heat.

7. Va•1ous or dangerous pets must be confined and restrained m a sE~cure enclosure (unit or enclosure approved by GHI) to pn·vent harm or threat of hann to persona in their normal ac­tiviUes.

8. Pets must not molest, attack or otherwise int,f!ere With the freedom of movement of t>enona providing appoinUid·ltr­vicea, I.e., mail delivery, refuse ~llection, OHI maintenanc.. etc.

·. 1 I



j ,,

... \

p._ S ' ~"' NEWS --- Thursday, January 111, ll'rl ,.:::-:.,::._ _______ __:_..,!!!!!!!!!!!::·"~!..!nD~"-"!!.------~~~...;,;:..;;--!



u.s. N0,'1

White Potatoes

20 .. ~~ -1.25 .JUICY FLORIDA

Temple Oranges 10/88c RED OR GOLDEN S-lb. bag

Delicious Apples 75c WESTERN

AnjouPean lb. 38c OUT & WASHED 1~ pkg.

FresJt Spinach 68c



sac Breyer's ·Yogurt


a~. ctn.

QUARTERS 1-lb. plq,

. Co-op Margarine 33c PILLSBURY BU'l'TEIUo{lLK OR · ctn. of 4 S-Oil. e&ns

Sweebnilk Biacuita &tc MEADOW GOlD


~.ctn. · 1.18 aR.INKUI: CUT 12-oL plra.

Deep Fries 36c aDIF BOT -Aft-DIE lJ-<& pq.

Frozen 93c

Health I Beauty~ Aids MIJII'I' <Ill Rilla. T--. tube

Crelt T oothpute 1.08 CC>-01' ICX'MA ~ .___ bU.

Cou,hSynip 68c ~·~ '14-<& 01111

Baby Powder '1.43 JMa'ftl8()ftN a.-. btl.

Baby .... poo 1.15


Boneless '

IBottom Round Roast

lb. 1.21 U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF

Boneless Chuck Roast U.S.D,A. CHOICE BEEF


Cube & Sandwich Steaks lb. 1.76 U.S.D.A. CHOICE

Jloneless Shoulder Roast lb . .1.33 FRF::SH FRYER

Breast & Leg Qtrs. ·lb. 53c C'OUNTRY STYLE

Spare Ribs lb. 1.18 QUARTER CUT

Pork Loin Chops· ·lb .1.18 ------------ -----------~------~


Whole Kernel or Cream Style Corn .

lb., 1-oz. can 30t KRAFT DELUXE 14-os. plq.

Macaroni & Cheese 63c RI!Xl., WHITE, ASST, ARTS & FLOWIIR8 l-roil pkg.

Scott Towels . 73c .JUIGY RED OR GRAPE ~;ral. btl .


·Deluxe Grahama

Health Foods HAIN quart btl.

Sunflower Oil 2.40 8lln"AlR JrOOD8 l~b. pq.

Raw Wheat Germ 93c PLANTATION pt.; ta-ca tid.

Black Strap Molauea 1.45 BlllT'l'llR IUODS ~lb. pq.

Sesame Seeds 1.50

PRICES EFFEC1WE JANUARY 18-24, 1978 •• _.,. .. ..,... .................. ,. cuea.a..




Cut-up fryers lb. 49c


31&Canned Ham .a.549

90% I..EAN, 10% FAT

Premium Ground·Round lb.1.17 DAW

Corned Beef Rounds lb.l.l8 FROZEN WHOLE OR BUTT HALF

Imported LegO'Lamb Ib.1.47 FROZEN J8--22·lb.

lb. 68c ·Grade 'A' Turkeys

-------------~------~ SAVE $1.00 WITH THIS COUPON

Maxwell· House Coffee

2-lb. can 6.71 ALL (;RINDS

co-oP J<;(!ective .Jan. IX 24, lij78 l.lmlt - One per Family

I ··-------------------· 1 SAVE 30c WITH THIS COUPON I CO-OP GRADE A HOMO. I

i Vitamin D Milk i I =:t'th this coupon 119 paper I & and add~- gallon .. I $10.00 pure a•e e. dn.

I co OP Effective Jan. 18 24; 11178 1• Limit • One per Family

··-------------------• I SAVE 27c WITH THIS COUPON

: Ken-1-Ration

i8~!.!!~ 1.18 II CO OP Ef'l.,tlve Jan. \8-24, 1W78

• Umlt - One per Falllll;r :·-------------------· SAVE 10c WITH THIS COUPON


Corn on the Cob : aac~l ~·· pkg.


Co Op F.Jff!Ctlve Jan. 18-24, wra 1 •. Ullllt - One pP.r FIUIIIIJ' 1

---------~----------~ 121 CENTERWAY Open Daily 9.;9, Sunday 10-6

Thursday, January 19, 1978 rc:-jL(JA~S~S~J ~F~I~E~D:-::-:-------~G:!Il~~B~J:L~T~N:!_!J:~ws~REVI~!!!:aw --------------p._.~· ~, Sl.50 for .. 10 word minimum. 10 Poliee Blotter Step Sigll Authorize~ ,, •.. •·m·h additional word. Submit ad~ Two br••ttking and ••nll•rings were o R'.l I KASH IIC 1 EALTOI in writing, 8('('0mpanied by cash l't•port••d lust W<'Pk. One O<·eured I •·c• II ortbway . . payment to lh<• NewM Uevlew of- in Springhill Lak" where a televi- by Elaine !olkolnlk • . ti<'<' at 15 Parkway before 10 p.m. sion s••t was stolen. The other 0 ,._ Th<• Greenbelt City Council on of th<' Tuesday preceding publica~ curpd in University Square and January 9 gave the green light to tion. Ol' to thP Twin Pines Savings was apparently th._. result of a do- a 4·way stop sign at Northway and and Loan oilier before 4 p.m. Tues- mestle situation. Warrants were Rldgr Roads and a 3~ way stop days. ThPre Is no charge for ad- obtained and a suspect was appre sign at Ea.stway and Ridge, How­vHtising items that are found. h<'nd<'d and chargPd two days latPr ever, they unanimously turned CALDWELL'S WASHER SERV- by PF'C Lann. thumbs-.down on the proposed 3 ICE. All makes expertly repaired. PFC C..cearelli closed a cas<' of way stop sign at Lakeside Drive Authorized Whirlpool dealer. GR breaking and entering to a house on- and Pinecrest Court. Council also 4-5615. Ridge Road with the tdentication of dld not opt for a t•hange In the PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR thp culprit who is a juvenil<• -res!- method of selecting the mayor and

· den!.· the city council. Ex'6rt and Reliable Plano Servic•· As th•• result o\ a traJfi<- stop, The stop sign on Lakeside was to r<'enbclt since 1960. Benjamin om R' ' broug' ht to tho attention of Coun«ll Berkofsky 474-6894. leer ICUCCI •ustained a spraim'<i by Gil Weldnn,~fold, Mayor p. ro tem' .

hand and PFC Lann ~ustained a .. ..--'l'YPEWRITER REPAIR, ELEC- pulled m•ck muscle. Th<• operator who had been contacted by several 'l'RIC, STANDARD AND PORTA- of the vehicle, apparently very up- dtizens residing in the vicinity of BLES. Call 474-6018. . xet over being stoppPd, assaultPJ Lakeside and Pinecrest, expressing TROMBONE TRUMPET llnd both officers and became ••xtr<'ml·.y their need for a sign because of VOICE LESSONS. Professional disorderly. He was transportl'd '" accident• and vi!dbll!ty problems . musician with degreP. 474-5945. Hyattsville wher<• h<' wax charg·•d In opposition were slx residents <MAR IE'S POODLE GROOMING 1 with assault. also residing in the Lakeside/Pre~ makt> your nppointmf>nts today... One VPhiclf• wH.s l't·portPd stol~·n dnet area. Tht'y gc>nPrally felt Call 474 3219. from the Bf'ltway Plaza parking lot thnt a stop sign .would r<•sult in


SalN & Servlae ~;xp...rt antenna man wW

Install new/repair antelllla for · ..

Attic or Outdoors l':venlnp


'l'Yi'EWRITER REPAIR 1%•ctrit·, stand>trd. und portablt•, .Call 474- · 0594.

PIANO LE.'lSONS: Peabody Con~ . ~f'rvatory Graduati•. Beginners­Advarlcl'd. ·!74-9222.

PAJNTIN(; JntPrior, t•Xtt'rior, ~0

. year~ t•xp. Do my own work. <'all I3ob N<'al 776 5461.

.PIANO TUNING ANf)R~~PAIFf': G. Dani<'l, 262 214X:

T.Iml'i'HATTL!N<i,--"-. --P-i•--k---up Trn<"k. <'all Mik<' aft<·r -1::10 .. 17-1-\1-tlll.

T .AMI'lCH ~;PA JRf.:n--FJ;,or:llli{J tahlf· ''typt·.,. J•;vfjning.~. 47·1 .'""1:,:\n

HOUSE DOCTOR F.apert oraftaman will repliMll! braiEeD window l'lalil. miM. aleo­trt .. al Joba, wall patchln.-, cer­an.l<' tile, etc. A""""'ble abfld1 llnll ~ard dull•·•- Call evenlnr•-



PA"TN"rl"Nd~-:----r,.; l1· ri<)i-~f'Xtf'ri<)r wallpapering and light !'arpentry also. Good Grf'enbPlt rf'ferf'llCf'l'l, f•X

cellent workmanship. Frank Go-mez. 474-3814. ·\NCt: RF.l'AIR WR-•he•·"· dryers, dl•hwR•hers, JIKrbage dis po~als, t raflh romp"rtor:-c, f'le. WEAVF.R APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICK 5112·1119.

HANSEN PUIMBING & HEAT lNG - \4C Hillside .Rd., Green­belt. 34~ 1111~7. Bonded, licen•ed. amall home job•. FEDERAL AND !-ITATE TAX RF.· TURNS prepared in your hom•·· CALL MR. GINSBERG 774 3610.

PLANT AfCAI.TR coN'!'IUt.TAN'I',. B.S. AGRKlUL'l'URF., IJonR<' l'llllM.

<.:an Sue Brt 8-10 p.m. 474 8871.

MlSHKAN TORAH NIJRSI!:RY SCHOOl. hu OJif'nlng• for 3 and 4 yrar old• 1n " :\ day·a week morn­ing protrram. Creative PXJif'rlcnre•. lani'U&I'.,._.rta, sclrncP, muole, rhy· thml. Call 846-81114, 1188- 2748. VAciffiii CLEANER REPAIR All brand• and t)'pea. Call evenings, 474·1!680. MY8 • OIRLB WANTEIJto orrvr u 1Ub1titut" carrlrro for the NPw• ....,..,.., Will a<'rve lUI r•1ular car rleu when J>OIIltlona bfocome Rvull­able. Call Mlkr Jpneo. 474-6001

FOR SALIC: CHRYSLER CORlX>-,. DA 78 with ••vPrythlnlf. Call aft••r

6. 937 ·648!1. . TAXES: In your hom<'. Mr. Jonrs 3411-11909 or 927·1006 aft~>r 6 p.m.

KNITTING AND CROCHETING done In my home. Baby thl.,.a. Christening oet•~ doll clothea, ete. Call Hr1. Comulada 9·9. 346·8111. JUuonable prlcea.

on Monday PVPning. Cpl. Miskell. t 1) an inerPust• in ac·<'hl('tlt!", pnrtit·-on patrol t•arly SUJt<.hly muntitl!;, ularly bal·k Pnd ('ollision.s, sine£' tt ob1it'l'Vt'd a suspieiull!i vt>hich• park would bf' diffi('ult for driVPI'.i to t-~o<'P I'd at thl' Plaza. A •·heek through th<' sign on the brow of the hill, t21 thP MILES Hystem rPVt>alcd it h:ul an incr{)ase of tratlk noi8t's dP­bPen reporlt>d Htolt'n to t hf' County .. ·<'f'lt>ra.tion and ... acceleration and air PolieP on DC'cf'm'b('r 2l; tht• Vf'hkh· pollution, 13) rPdliC'tion of six or wa~ r(_•turnPd to thP owru•r. ~~·vPn parking sparps, .JosPph H('s:-;

also polnttld out that If drunk <lri ~i'V<'l'U.\ intoxicntPd JWI'SOil!'> \\'('!'~' Vf'TS WhO hRVf' ('1\ll!if'd lhl' Rl'cidcnt'>

found in tlwir VPhicil'H during th•· l'Hii'l Xf'l' parkPd \'lli'H, thPy prob-latP night hours. Th(• subjects Wl'r(• ably would not HE'P a :-;top sign. par H(lparPntly too intoxicatl•d to drivf'· tkulnrly in an unexpe<'t{'d location. and WPI'f' "stePping it off''. PF,< • Bf'n GoldfadPn of thP La~f'tiidP Lanrt nppr(·hPndPd and ehargt•rl a Citizpns Association informed coun-19 Yt'UI' old malt• intoxicated I'P.Si- d) that hP a,nd sevPral PXPCUtiVP. dt>nt opPrating his Vf'hiC'IP. Otfkf'r board ffif"ffibf'rs had po)led rt"sidPnts Sappington apprf'lwnd,~d a 2:l yP:lr in thp area. "Thf' majority 0 ( thP old mah• oJwrating his Vt>hil'lf' and Jleoplc," ht\ ,s~id "did not hwor dwrgpJ. him with npf'rating undf·r stop signs. M'o~t do not want l..akP tlw infhat'n<'l'. sidt· to bPcomf' a stop-sign .!:ltrf>et."

250 Old Ba"'•ball cards: Single or Ht• expressed conrern about the ha Lot 345-58:3i. :ut.rd uf coming out from thP

Handsom(• silvPr tipp('d malt• TAB- lJnivt•rsity Square Aparlffil'llt park­BY. 1 yr. old rwntcrPd.. all shot~. mg lots, and thought ~igns at thf'~l"" lll't'ds lo\'ing homL'. Call any time, point~ would b(• ~t:•wful. ::15-7 Hl'i.

}<'( )Jf ~ALE 1·~\~·dri(• rangt•. Sf'lf d•·nn1ng u\'1'11. $7t) :H5-1748.

HI•:Ll' \\",\:'-JTI•:Il: H~>fus" cnllt·('tnr, .~:~."\•; llr ~ 1 arttng ~nlary. FringP bl'll­dit·~. Apply City of Urt•t·nbt·lt, 2f) ('n'KL'f·nt _l!d. 171-AOOO Tht• City i.s an t·qual opportunity (•mploycr.

!:\'('LIN~; n~;NC'H I'HF.!'H Squat rnck in back. Pl•rfcct ~o:vnditlon. $M. :ur> x~121.

oRnAN: Wurlitzer S!>rite lik•· n~w $:lr>O. Ford FALCO!'/ ·lfl6f>. One own· t'l'. Good running condition $450 .. 4i4-tH75.

PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOM· ING - Ail bre<'ds. Poodh: .cill"' $10 this month 474 0990.

~INGLJt~ MA::"t nl"'rd!i! hoUlif'kP<!pt•r 1 .• day p<'r W('Pk. Hcft~rl;'Oet•s prl'­r .. rr<'d l74-l71l5.

Need Home Improvements?

Call John

............ ~tin. Ia Ollnmkl Tile ...

Kltolaea Floon .......... Pa&­

l • ..,Drtv~ Me. 0111 ~


~'OR SAU; by OWNER: 3 br. Urh•k. Sep. Oln. Rm ... Fenced Yard•. Built-In Btnrks. Owner will Ft· nii.ncc. 2- D a.ntanwar. 474--l.

'TAX RJC'l'URNS prrpared In your homr; retired accountant; Bill P'el· ler, 474·7ll82.

SEEKING reaident within walkln1 . dlotancP to St. nu.-h'a .. .Ct eltU·

<lren 2 hro. after school. 778·4071.

FOUND· Young 1mall, !)Ietty dOf, n•·•·da good hom•• · give away 474 M!\4 Or,...nbelt Pollee.

Will babyalt In my h0111e. 4 yra.. a. up. 341!-4947.

~·oUND: Slll&ll ara:r kitten: lOOk· !ng for loocl home: l'lve' awar. Call 474-1141M.

()tlwn ft·lt that if a. ~tup sign ,._.,,rf' plaef'd any plH.('f', it should bP al ,Lak('sidt> at thl' foot of \\'t•stwRy, ,·:twrl' vi"lhility was bPttf'r. RHy trtolld Hibh!-i said that thi,: lonttion \\'(Jilld bt• lw\pf11~ to ru•fh•stri:w-.; v·h·• cro~·.·· from t.lw lJnivPrsity ~quHr•:

.\par.tmPnls to tlw swimming P~Jol. Additional ff'l'ommt>tHlal ;m1.~ from

. <"iti7,f'!\:-> indlldf'd S('ltin,.: lip a !-~JH t•d trap and strict enforc,·m•.•nt or laws by thP policf'. ·

ComH'ilman Sharl,·s ~~ l·,w.m f··!t lhat tht• problcin~ oC trtt.'h · l"~ n:rol along Lak('~idf' DrivP ~ho11ld P.· givrn furthf'r ~tudy. Cow1t ,) din·.·· t('(! thf' d~y · statr to do ~o .•

t:lf'<'tiOnA ( 'ounnl Wf'nt along with thP ~~If"<'

t ion Board':-~ recommendation that thf•ff• bf' no changr in the city's t•IPd ion My~tf'm. An altcrnalh prn­po:-cal hn.d t?t'f'll a.dvanl't•d by Mayor Rh-hard Pllskl, who •uppor!•d a dl rf'd · r.lf'ction of thf' mayor, with the •·ouncil and mayor being elected separately. Under this sr.otem the defeated cand!datet•> for mayor would not gf't a slot nn councll.

·'Mayor pro tem Gil Weldenfeld dll\mploned R dlf'lerent system tn which the council election would take place a• preot'nlly run. In addition an advloory, non-blnulng vote' for 'Mayor would be h<'ld. A third propoeal turned down by the Election Board wBB to hold rlee­tlonA a• presently rUI\ with the ad­dition of an lldvloory vote for mayor t'hat would ~ mandatory.

Under thP preoent •Y~Iom the charter to ollent on the oelPCtlon of mayor, but tradltlonall)' the top wte receive• th•



Computerized Muhlple Listing Service


Kash Realtor wishes one and all a Happy and. Prosperous New Year.

New ProspeCts are available for you in a home of your own. For example we feature a truly luxurious 'home in the Lakeside section of Greenbelt. A custom-built, 4 bedroom Cape Cod with full basement, rec. room, garage and breezeway. Thele fine homes are available but rarely. Surely there's no better investment in pleasure and future value. Priced to sell in ~e 70's. ·

New Hopes can be fulfilled in this choice of two vacant brick ramblers in very convenient Capital Heigh,ts. Each hai 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, and rec. room. Priced at $42,750 to $47,-500, you just can't beat these values.

Ring in a new idea for 1978 with a nice 2 bedroom starter hom£' in Hyattsville proper, with full basement and priced to sell now at only $38,900. Seller will pay all closing costs allow­able. If you are a veteran you won't need a dime in cash.

Resolve to own a home in Lewisdale, near the university. You can and at a· very reasonable price; we have a choice of two beautiful homes 'there. A 3 bedroom all brick rambler with full bnsement and rec. room. with cent. A/C, priced to sell immedl­atelv at onlv $49,950; also a beautiful 4 bedroom brick Cape C'od. w1\h fuh basement, and many extr~s .. Priced right at only $'\0,500.

New: and w ... n1t·an a new listmg We have just listed this ,plcndid. ,pacious. !i bedroom. 2'> bath split-IPvcl with carport. and all of th<' goodif's. Located on Powder Mill Road, near High Point High, ancl ~·ou'll want to,_,.,. th1s orw for sun•. Priced to s<'ll qUick at only $68.000, so ~·ou can-set• what we mean.

Greenbelt, :l bedrm, 2 full bath end townhouse with large add1tion, and bi!( fenced yard. very conveniently located on South way Road. Call now· and g£>t fast possession. Call 34~-2151·.·

This Resolution will be easy to keep. Resolve to buy this nice large 3 bedroom Colonia'! In Landover Hill~; near Capital Plaza. It· features full basement with rec. room. carpeting, washer, dryer and many other extras. A beautiful home to get st:~rted in and priced at a very low $42,000 on all terms. Seller will also help with cl011ing costa ..

Splendid luxury at a very ·reasonable price awaits you In thi' justclike-new all brick Colonial in Collet~e Park-Berwyn. It fl'ature~ full basement and fancy carpeted rec. r()(lm, f\replaee, nnrl 200 ft. del'p Jot. See this beautiful home now. Ol!ered at VA appraised price of $51,500. No down to Vets.

Palmer Park; yes Palmer Park; Here's a 3 bedroom mUonrJ semi-rambler with private back yard and elevated patio; vacant for quick occupancy, and priced at an unbelievably low $211,8110. Seller will pay all ch>~lna coats to vet. Own a home with 1110 co~h required. Why not get started In a home, and move '-P a little later after this home baa aone up a few thousand In value.

Adelph.l All brick 4 bedroom rambler, rec. room In bue­ment, CIIDt a/e, new w/w oarpet .and drape1. C.B. tower IIIIo Btay1. Settle in 4& da1S, upper 40's. Call 34~-21&1.

Call -345·2151 -IEALTtlf

' ~--:-;..-:.

' ..



~ .... ~··· . ¥



Th~t·sday, Jar:uary 19, 1978

ic:c::~i!kutiun through the dty's many programs and activities.

Pq~ I GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW ~------~~~~~~~---­ Greenbelt Pizza- Sub Shop SCHOOL COMMITTEE Con't

Eventually ninth graders would at­t<•nd Roosevelt Senior High School, but perhaps not until the popula t:on bulge has graduated, three or four years from now.

!3) Ma!Ptet S<>hool. North End could offer. ~peolal educational op­portunities which would draw stu dents from all over thfl' county, much. in the way that Roosevelt's tech center now do£'s.

( 4). Deelarinll' ~f&JI'nolla a Hr<><>n­bAlt S<>hool. <Under the· Boar<.! . ,f Education's plan. Grf'Pnbrinr nnd Windsor GrePn studl>nts art' s('hf•d­uled to attend Magnolia, which i" a relatively new faeility.)

(5) No Chanjl'e. What would b<' the long tPrm effects on tht> GrPrn­belt community jf tht• rurrf'nt bu:-i ing plan is maintained as is? 'Howard Savagf', chairman of

GSSC, emphasized that GrP~nbrll's pToposals should be submitted to the school board starr before the staff prPsent their rPvisPd plan to the board. Mayor Riohnr<l Pil<ki agreed, pointing out that "this tim" the city of GrPPnbC'It would JikP to

have some input. Last timf•," lw SIU.d, uwe had none."

~hoot Board :\C"tinn"' The board has askf'd it.s ;: t:( :I)

redraw the demographic study al­ternatives plan, \\'hit'll cal):; for 95'7r of county f'l<'nH'ntnry s<"hool studE.'nts to att~nd tltt ir nf'ighbor hood schools. Tht> plan· would closr North End and t<'n oth£'r elementary schools.

Thf' Srho0l Board al::o l'h:·•·rrpr)

its sthif to f'f.ltPr into informal··,;·;n logU(' in tht• comm!lllitif':-> affr·•·ff•d

to soli('it tlwir vif'W:-l, input :nul rrac_tions corwnrnin~ r·c·rta~n 1~1•1•1:~

fications. Thf· n•vi:·wd pian. du" FPhruary ?, :.aitl thP h~·nrd, shnlll•l avoid f'xtrPmrs hoth n.ll-whitf· schools f C'Plltf'r, amo11g otlwr:~ l n nd

·all bl!\l'k ~C"hools IOa.i<<"rr st and John <'nnoll, sC'hool~ attf'IHkd by Grf't·i1bdt'!-l h_ll~wd studi'Bt'-'. nmPng othr•n:l. 'TlH·rPforr•, it is likl'!v

thr m.ginal phn for <'t·ntt·r ~·~ch~~~d· will br t"hr .. n~l'li.

Tho.•t· prh-f•Jlt ~·.q n...,,.cl th1• JH·1·tl :.1r cH.rf'ful nnd tlml'ly pn•parat1o11. Coundlmnn I •hnrh·s ~khwnn ::1ud.

('8r£'fully research£>d. Coundl will l<>nd its assistanct• ttnd whatt•v('r political clout it do••s have."

Sylvia Lichvar noted that "Nurth End was kept oprn by a hair ln,t year •.. We will havP to cnmt> up with some super, super plans ·and a lot o( light to keep the school open."

Subcommiltct•s wPr(• formt·d ''' study each aJternativP. JUJit' \VPbl> recommended that eat·h committPt'

be composed of r<'prNH·ntalivP:> from all parts of Greenbelt.

Cotmell Council gavP thf' commJttt·p it.

informal biPsSing. At thf' n•gnl11r meeting rl£'xl Monday nighl. ,·oun cil promised to takf• 11p tht· mal t••r of giving tht• l't>mmith•t• nflil'i :I status aS an udvi:~ory l'ommitiPt' to <'otmeil for tlw purposP of t•xplor­ing altf'rnativf's to thP Sdlto~ll

Bonrd's proposal to dm·H North End.

Thf' suggt>Stion that c·ti\IIJI'd pa.;; an immPrliatf' mut :-:trongly wnnll·d

. rf'solution in oppo~ition to c· North End w:l.s not rc'('t'iVf'd favor ably by thf' group. "\\'c· don'! h:1vP tlw fads." said t~onncilnm·1· Tom \Vhitf', "it would b£" prc·mn tun· .. and t'ntild ulttmalPiy h<U'hl Grl'PilbPit':-; casf•."

('itizt•n c:umuu•nl,. · J{alhy. t;ough of Boxwood \'iii;Jgl'

SJloltP of lwr dt•sirP "to bring h:u ]\ . otir huo..;t•d 1 lPml'nlarv sc·h11()] s: u d,•nts,'' Of ·, ht• . 10:; d1ildr1'11 in Boxwund. n:lly ''11"' third :c1tc·n·l .John ( ':lrroll. "\\.-'1• arr• a .~.illll:·i• · ;•t JPhll ( ·arroll," ."ht• •·on! lllllt'tl "n.nd ;p; !1"b];,, , .• ,,.n1 f:tt'n'i• minor:ty in our l·ommtulity

O:nn" Knt~ uf !•harh·:-;to\ .. 11~· \'1~

Jn;.w tl•·ploJI'd : h1· f:ll'l tlll! "'\\'• Q.r<' no·y !''''I t~f :· fr:q:mr•nt;·d t''IJ 1,

muni:::. \\'t· .. r 11ui 1'111'-.l' 1':1'~>1.:· 1 1

to Bo;..\\110:1 lo:· our c·hildn·n to th·­

n•lop :·dar :qn ~hip.•; t h1•rf'." J;ob I 11r{(i: ;,·1ri tint whil1 ~l« ;'~••1

hJ.; \'· .. :> .,. ,.,.,, ·"~'Jn]J:ttlv•IJ· 1(1 : lw nr•f'd;: and 1:1'. in• .. qf hi:.; nr·,ghbor~

"J am mr,n· tnppy 'laving- my l'hild blls•·d on! 11·1 .h•hn l'rtrr(l\ll lh:~n

whr·n my ~·;,ild \>·w: at N1)rth }<;JHL I lik1• ('.1:· .. 11' .. flhy.;H·al phmt. nl~

\1111dr•s nf !h1 nrlP"11nisf;·nt:nJI a~HI

fnculty." }If• ff·!t til'\! Urr•1 nbrltrr··

Tlwn•sa Stringfellow, in respomw to Lt:dtly's implied criticism of

":'<nrth ,,;nd as 11 sehoul, spoke or th .. ''bt·at!tiful Pnvirom:nent for learn ing nt North End.'l A teacher for Nt'VPn yPars, sh£' works as a parf'nt \'oluntrPr in thP language program at North End. The physical plant, shP countered, is "good, spacious and bright autl th~re are a lot 11f

dubs and interests." Stringfellow also notrd that when busing camP inlo th£' picture, the goal was to makC' it work. "Well," she said, "it <.lid work ill Greenbelt."

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Large Pepperoni Piz:r;a ...................................................... $2.85

Monday· Dinner Hour Special, 5-8 p.m.

Royal Steak or Meatball Sub .................................... $1.00

107 C!NTERWAY 474-4998

Sylvia Langford, a Springhill Lakt~ black parent who is moving to th<• North End area, hoped that "w•• will consider what is best for all ehildrPn in the city." Commenting on the <:ross busing plan, ~he .said. "sound.s fu'nny to spread thf' blaC'ks around 1 in Gref'nbeltl -must admit it rai.scd my choler . . Wf" must Jll.Uk£' ~ure thP quality of Pchwation fol' all children is uplifted. White childr.-n profit from going I o Sf'hool with black childrPn and bln<'k <'hildr<'n profit from going to •chool with whito children.''

'Where Unique & U"':'lual is the Byword'

nook &--·cranny Sale - Savings to 50% - Sale

SHIRTS - reg. 9:95 .SWEATERS- reg. $15.95 JEANS - reg $19.95 TEES - reg. $7.95 WINE RACK- reg. $15.95 B~d Tra:v- n•g $12.95

now $5.95

now $9.95 ·now $10.00

now $3.95

now $12.95

now $9.95

and many more values just fur you. J. W. Gibson wa.s I'OlWPrnf'd thnt tht• plan calls for. loo many ovPr­crowdf'd ~chool.s. ln so doing, hf' said, "You kick PdU<"ation out of thP window."

121 Centerway, Greenbelt, Md. 345-9417





-- 0-


UP to $200!1

free llfto



CREDIT ·UNION 1.21 Centerway 18hoppln& Centerl

OrePnbelt. Md. 20770 Phone: 47~liii<Ko Hourt1: Dally: ~-3 e Saturd~yo: 11-1

ll'rl<iay ov•nlnl · 7 -U Otht'r: Services Available:

Share Drafts Direct Deposit of Retirement Checks Payroll Withholding Tax Deferred Income

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h:H.('h rDf-'mbPr EU'I'Illlllt tnlltHt~d td S4t\;ooo hv N'ltlon ~~ < ·rt>(ilt llnlon Admlnlstratlon, tt.n a~~noy of tb~

U S. Government

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the many years we served you as



NYMAN Rl:ALTY, INC. GALLE.RY OF .~OMES We, the agent1 and management, hope to better 1erve v.ou with the advantage1 we now can offer.a1 membet~ of the Gallery of Home1.

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You .Get So Much More When Yo~ Call

474-5700 ·@.NYMAN REALTY, INC.


151 Centerway •




Volume fl, Number 10

WHAT GOES ON Thoro., Jan. 28, 8 p.m. GHI

Board Meeting, Hamilton PI. 8 :111 p.m. PRAB Meeting Youth Oenter '

sun., Jan. 29, 2-t p.m. om Mort­gage Burning . Oeremony, E. Roosevelt High School 3:80 p.m. Greenbelt Chamber Orchestra Practice·, Youth Oenter.

Mon., Jan. SO. 7:80p.m. GHI Meeting to Discuss Proposed Pet Regulations, North End · lilcbool. 8 p.m. Council Work Session -METRO Bus Routes, New· Post. Office, B•W Overpass

Bill Prop()sed to Control Renumbering of Streets

h)· Jo;Jaln~ :olk~>lnlk

Pr:uposPd Statf' bills dealing with the rPnaming t,f str(~PtS an.d the rP numbering of hnmps in the county arP among thP billH to bP diseus.s••d

· at R hPnring S('hf'duled by tllf' Prinet• GrorgN; ( ~mmty DP!t·gation on WPdnt-:-;tlay, ll\•bruary 1 at 7:30 J1.m. in tht' ::1\fnrylnnd Nn.l ional Capi­tnl l'ark &·Planning- Commi:-;"ion'.: (MNCPf'('l auditnritJm, 6600 KPnil­wurth Av1· .. Riv' rdat ...

~~:tah· I;\\': no\\' n·quin's ti1at ~.1N

t,'Pf>t ~ rr•nam" o..;t fP('t:t t h:1t arf' du­J)Iil·Htr• to othf•r :..:trcf'f.o; in thl' ('(lllllly

and tn n·n;Hn;J<'r to l"'lllfnrm h1 a ·Ola:;:f'l' tdan .. MN('PPl• h:l-" bl'l''l doing this on t.\ ~·f11Timunity by l'om­Jnl!ilily basi~··. 1'ht• city Of f;tf't'Jl})plf

\''a' :ul\·i!'r·d f1Ht! lhf• .~lji!f'IH'Y in t~ fi1'1•d to JU rfprm n simJ1ar projf't•l for (;n·· nlwlt in lht· rtf'ar fut11rt>.

At a ,ianu.ny t'ti\IJH'il mt·Ptin.'~·

t': t .v l\laJl:IJ.~I'r .lanw.•; 1\:. ( ~it•>.;f· said t h~•: a it hongh h1• \\'0'~' not H\\'H.l'l' of a11\' {.;rf•.'•nlwlt str('f'!s lw111~~ dupll­<·atc·~ nf o\ hPr.·st rPf'ts in tlw <"ounty, t lH'n' wa·; "no quPst ion but what

rnnny hom•·~~ Will lw rf·numlwn·d if thr· MN<:'PP<' 'ontinlH':~_to l'atry n11t thf' t·:-.isl ill~ la\v," l11• aho IJOif•d

that Or,·r·nlwlt had lH·t·n advist•d hv thf• Town of t•ht·VI'rl.v thn! ''ffi!'l'

l'!'I'TH'.V h·gi~latit~ll to mo(lify fh,, " l'llrrPnt law \\ould ·bf' lntrod!lcf'd.

( •n11n1·d n·<·omml'lhifod that. MNI' 1•1 '( • po . .;f p!H\f' f11rtlwr ltd 11111 on I h• ·. n·I\H.min;: and l'f'lllltnbPrin~ pl:ln until tlH· m:lttt•r wa.o,; n·.wlvt·d Ly tlu• I~ ... ;;ci ·1:'\lu.rt·.

Thl"'1'" lli-( '11\lfLI'j prop11.;11l·; PI''' on ! 11p :lbt'tlll:t for lhf' FPhl'll:try 1

r;1'''~liiJ.::. IP P<: M(• H1·1'h n·

f 1:t!ll'ol 11H· M:"J< 'Ptlf• to hdd puhJi,· ltt·ar1n~~: lw~or1· ,., naming•f'l;-<

0 II')Jl~lt\lJI'J ill/: htH: ·I' .Ill 1hc• 1/lllll­t~·. l:ll )-.,; 1\t!' IH 7H rqu~d; tlw Hltlhnrit:v ,,f till' 1\fNf'l'T'I" !11 1'1'· n:uHt• !Jtii'I'I" a11d rr•nnTII'wr hnt:.'·ll'~

~It lll<' C!l!l:ll,\ 1.\1 }~(; ~·' ~c,.7,1o1

}llnll'l 11H' :cuthorit~ c1f lht·· .f\.1:'\(' PI~~ (o n·nallll .•:1 tl'f'l;. ant! l'!·llllnl­

\.wr holl!-lf·-, and htJiidiJlg~: on 1111 in~

('!tl'(llll'ilff'd fll\ltl:l'lj11Lldy ill till'

t•otmty •y pt'llllltlill.i{ !hc• tnllllt dp111ily to \Till a propmwrl dllllllr{''

( •,ui!H'il on .lan11:lry 2'\' ~~llf•d for }•c; ;,;1 -;,v, n~: it"-. Hn-1 pn·ff•fl'llC'I' .tnd PGtMC HI-7X a~ 1 tw ~,.c·nnd l'lwit·t·.

t:1N·Unn Unundn"h•w ,/ ()n tlW a~:··ndn. also lUl' bill~ JH'l'

tltlfling to lllf' ft·rrn·; of otllc·r• 1,r

''"rtnin m••mb•·r~ of 1lw U1•:trd of EdT11'/lt inn. St·nnt" hilh providing thnt f'onfunnrty ()f tht> JA•Jr(ir-4)1lftvr·

Hnuncla.ri<·R l>f' ,·onNil-4tPnt with t.h,. EIPt'tion ))\.'-It ri(-t UnundnriPH Bhd Lha1 t•onform:ty nf thP Hf·hool Boord }1:ll'clion Ill~! rif'! h•· f'llfl:o~hd1·tll wil h tll" l'~h·•'lion I liHirir'l BoundnriP~ Ju,,..., nl!!o" bt•t·n 'thrown 1rdo tlw

hoppt·r. Pf'~Hl!-1 wishlnl( to t.f•·tUfy an'

l"f'fil.ll':::!lf'tl to n·KI~fl'r l\1 tlw 'mni:t

~ahlr· tlw 'VPninJ( o( tlu• public hPnr~ lnw,. T<;.w lurut:::·-~rHI fnt ~-r·~ .'lkt r · wJII ht' ~H'I !-:· ,,;, ··hairmHn 11111

•·:iii lw dr>tf·rmirl!'d by IIW numbPr .;r n····o..ol ,. ·:hn I'C'f~;1 tt·r" to ~~ ~tify. }I 1; rl'ftlll'~t~·d thnt, \':lv•nPVr•r pos

1dbll', 15 cop\r~ of tf'!dlmony bf' sul.)­mittcd. For further lnformatlnn enll Barbara Hl~ks, ~1-1402, Ei<t. 2.741.

Thursday, January 26, 1978

> l ~

Proposed Sites for Over Pass Crossing Baltimore-Washington Parkway


b,y Elaim~ Skolnik ,

/\!1 0\'I..''I'IW~:-> l'OtllH'l'tin~~ C'a~t and w<·st Grc('l\hclt 1:1 tttne lor thl' l!J't'i~73 sdu,ol ~· now ~1ppcnr~ tq hP an ·lllll'<'<di:-.ti(' expt·c·­atiotL Morl' t.inu• i:; lH'l'd(•d to obtain ""·''t'llJf'IJL- fqr ;wc·c·:-;s(·~ l<•;!d1Jl" to llu· bruit,.!('. tc1 t'l'n~·~ fiH· ll;d1tflllll'!'-\\';1.1lin'.!oll Park\v:t\. Th;'. p1 t'f('IT<'d lnt':Jt1fll1 --111 t<·rnl-; of :-.hortl':.;l dJ~tant'l', u:~f·, s;Jfc•tY, tnpo­gr;Jph,\· cu~d C"o~:l is ;1t 1lll' V!Hl ol ( ;;~rdt•rJwa_\· in old (;n·c·nhc·)l wlwn•;: path wmild t'OiltH'!.'t wtth th•· o\'<·rpass, tlwn lir· up\\ t1h till· (~n·enhriar dc.,velopnu·nt on th1·· opposil(' :.J<:iP of the' p;trkwa\' 111 th<' parking lol lwtw<'<'ll PI"'"' l·butldings, 7716 and 7718 .Hanover Parkway· (I.Jujldings 2 all<.\ :q.

At a mPr•ting with l'ily l'I'Jlrt•.l.{t·ll­

tati\"c·~ on .T:u111ary 10, tlw Board of l >:rt•('fors of Phmw 1 ,·,r t;rt,'l'llhrinr TP:wll·d fa\'of'lhly t(J tlw O\'l'fpn~:->

J)roposn.J \Vhjt'h pl'll\'idt"~ till' most difl't'l rout,• lo and from EIP!lllor Ho• ~1'\'f•lt Hvn ior IIi~~~ ~d1nol a11d (;rt'f•nhriar nn•l l;~,···nlwlt · C1·nt1'r. Hll\\"t•\'t•l', ~;tall' l.t\\' n·quin·~~ thal 7;,r; 11f thP 2!;2 ownf·r~ in Phn!-1~· 1 llll\SI :1pprcivc· ~;n• h ;•n l':t:.;~·fllf'lll

At th1• cii,V l'fllllldi nwf'lin1~ on .Jall­u:lty 2:1. :~1'\'f•r;tl l:r''''llhrinr n·~i­

cknf!-1 s:dd !hal lJ,·c·/111'·1' 11f :qJ:llh~·.

it \\';~~ llf1lik1•l.\' thaf ·fllr· f•'I!IIJf(•d ltlJ:ltb!'l' 1 ·f m\·n,·r ..... \\1lnld turn nut. for ;1 tlll'l'llng 1: ""~:. h!l\\'f•\"•·r.

JIPlnf,•d nnt that tlw :llllllnl nw•·l info:' in Mnrl'lt \\'Ptild dr.t\\ .l lar~ow


S1;11~in~ lhP rwc•d fnl' ftlllrll'linJ~

nwrr• lnf.Jrmation to Ct'l'f'Tlhri:lr, 1111: dly c·ourwil ''XJII'I'~~;"cl it~ tk~in· In :-~it down wi•'. ''lnt<l•· 1 11\\'111'1'~ prir~r

to th1•ir Hlllln il IIH't• lo )ll'l'~l'llt

( 11 tlw IH'f'd for nn O\'f'TJlfl~~ at !lw prr•ff'rr,•d hu·ntioll, 1 :~1 tJl,. hc·n~·llt~ of 1111lf:v;n~~ ttw (.·,ltlfl1llllil\. l\IHI 1::1 inf•1rmatinn l•1 ntlny t:tr> f"llf ... of th,. nwnPrl-1 lllat t: ••. IJ\· .. rv•s~ miJ,:ht )H\\'f' nn adVPT'it f•ilPct on lh1·ir d1·~

\'f•lor\mPnt. \VItti" n·,·o~nizlnJ• th:tt thiN pror•f'ldun· would l'llll.o..:~· ;\ ,lf'l:l\' in• drbdgn H.nd t on~trud·P;l sch1•dllir'. ''OllllCII thm.1a:ht II wns HI)· ~nlutt'!v tH'r'('~.9arv to work out 1utl011!-4. with Cn··~·nhrlnr r~·<..id11tlf~. Appnrf'ntly thl• !11 nd for lllOtf' titnl' Will JlW'f' no T'rnhl!•m!!: to lTtu Jrl:t)V f•rflnH•IltH) lllrt'l]l 1!''~. .Jf'hll .lf"t~lJfl

nf thf' N:lfl•tlJal J'nrk ~r1 \'il'l' n1d th:1~ "th•· Jll'dflf•····l 1Jnlf'lnhl1' \\'~!·; :t

fll!hf Oflt• ,!1\d pc•Jh:-tpr. Tl Jilt}t• UIHI•·'

altstir·."' ('itl7•·m• Vh•w"

In opposltlntl t .1 th•· o\'f'rpa.'l'l \\':IH

Pho:H· I, O\'.:n(•f i :iC'hnrd 1 A'y, who thought . thr Rt"nwturr· would nd­Vf!fAf~ly afTf'c~l l~li' (}n•,·nbrinr com­munity i:t·~·r(·a·•PJ noi!'lP from tll,~

nadtway, mor{' v1tndalism, rf'sld,•ntR hn•:i·~r:- t.n glvP up ROmP of parking Jot, lncrt•ased l'ity taxeR, 1Uld motorbikes usin1 the 'ov~rpaaa.

H1• and Vi(·)<j,, Jl:ittPr of <:r•·•·nhri:lr \VI•f'f' d11hi1HIS lh11t ~llff'ty WOII)fi b1•

nwn~ast·rl h.v .·.~·nding Jll'd~JStrinm:

I l!rnngh th1· t"ondominium parl<in~~

lot:.-. .Jud{ ~tPit(l·l' ot l...l\111'1'1 lldl 1!1').'1' l

1 dll'H'Il to "ltlfl\'1' ;thf•:td wt:h dJ!f•· 'Jl''i' I . Tllt•r•· L; a J:.n•;tlt·r poss; iJili! ,\ ··f lll ,·I'C idt·lll :-;t:J 1 i.-lit' fill I 1\<' ;uri{\\ :ty tiLl II 1111 a p:Hl<ill'~ lot"

tr·\t:t·r •qlill,.rl that an cJ\'I'I'pa .. , W.\S :L g11•1d 11lf·.t lJllt I• '!lllllllf'l\dt d

th·d it h.• l1w:\\l'•l witt 1'1' it \'."tllrl·l

let.•' 111 k:T.-:: inq •. w: on r;n·• llhll­

:1! llt·r l'hOif't'- \\'11!-1 th·· ,\Jaadan J:<;:ld :litPrnnh· Pwt \\'Ill lid , llllfll'f'l w.lh H:unilto11 1'1:11:1' 111 llld l:n·•·n h•·): 11'lJ·; \VII!IJ,j )'< qllil'l' l!l 1 'l

'"\J'IL f1'111.1 th1• Hn:Hd of l•:ducalioll.l Ill :t h·!'r•r to t'Ottloil'il, ('.trl <~hn11

: .. If''' ,.f j}j,• ~j\fo ~··!Pf'!~HT\

:-.ni111Jill~littr·1~ ~~:· H·•ns•·\'r·ll':;. :;lll­d: n! Hq•r··~l'lll'd!\"~· C'nJllmJI!I••: 11f tlit• I'TS:\. nnd ~~k\·r·n J,ltl\d, J,J·ti ~:•ll lwt\\'1, \1 S \t' and l'TSA .. 1111:,·,1 1lu t rt brid~~~· ll~":l r :\1 H ndn n ,~ .•. uld Ill'\ lw ··ofi\'l''llt·llt f.1r ·dnd•·nt·, 111

11ll li;'l','llbelt otht•r, than lho·n• 1•\'­ill)~ in till' N~;rth ]l~nd ar,•a. TfH'\' r•·1 IIIJJOJI'JI'l'·rl th:1t, 1f tht• (;l~···n

Ur:.11 u·.\ 111'1'."1 d1, n<~t · ,~pprP\'t' lh·· 11 ,. ,.f .lll\' r1r Lht•Jr land and ill'' h: .11 1 ~· :-.: hudt 1:··nl· :\l:indnn. · tl1"

h111!d:nJ.~ nf '! ~\df'\1 Hilt on 1h•· hn.lJ.•' on l/ 1 1~n !ihould ht· ln,·J•:,tlgaJf•,l fnrt 11 r r " If o\v~ \IT. tiJI'l r li 1M( 1 lt • .·1 ·

t •I' th1• ···\1'1 p .• ·.:~ wns nPnr hulhhnrr.< :! :t: 1 ·, !II 1 ;rf•c•nlJn11r; th· ir (>1\d l'iiOH'I' \\:1'; II• ,1! 1 :111d ;•.

1:·11'1 r 1, . .tl• oi t.:r. ,'1\l)rt:u· thn1ll.h! lill trl l rp~l".~ llf•nr tlw lint! nnd .1, o:11l 1n.lh.iin~!-l would l,)p mn . .:;t l~~·~

~ "hl·· ~1-;1l 1•111\'id!•.l OJ!JI"c• .. :1,.

J,:Wll' h. l't•df•HtfiS\11 JUld bit'\'cJ" tr:l(­flc \''o!llrl nn! havrt jr) j~O lhrn'l;.lh ,\ JHI'k:11•~ ll'l • :ts in thP prP(f•tn•rl In­,. dion' nr '\11}\\'l:r 1'1' m•a.£ ;q,ar~­

wr•n' hu:J1liT'J{ l'llfta:lf'l'S.

Patl'it-k :\!('J\ndrt·w. a ~tudrnt nt. H.<u)!'1f'">'(•lt, l'tnphaMizr·cl thnt thr m:~in Oi>jpr,f.l\'l' Was tlH• SRff'~Y of ~tllclfonf.~ .. l' ""·'•'··''!:!wo\"<'fJl~:s IR not Jocntrd nt the prcfo·rrc.J lo cation • the point' where atudenta


Invitation to Greenbriar Two blocks from the Center! That Is the approximate ~

between residents of tbe Greenbriar cleftlDpDieDi 11114 tile blut­beat of this town to which they pay their tax• and'ritelt them to participate in its ongoing concema and entbuai....,., to accept its services and to feel the invigoratiJll warmth of ita IM!IIIe of community.

They, them-those pronouns expreu oori-ecuy tbe IM!Die of separation between the newer parts of Greenbelt and the Commun­ity whose oldest sectiona began 40 years ago. The Baltimore-Wash­ington Parkway is a veritable Grand Canyon in its restriction of communication between these two parts of the city.

Yet that canyon can be bridged!

. Let us consider the benefits that will be forthcoming for residents of Greenbriar when the proposed pedestrian overpass connecting with Gardenway in old Greenbelt is built. Senior Greenbriar will be able to walk to the Youth Center, to join in the card games and other programs of the Golden Age Club. It will be possible to stroll to the post office to pick up a package or buy some stamps; take part in the many recreational programs and classes for all ages; join the joggers, walkers, and cyclists who circle the lake; stay for a picnic or take out a boat; walk the nature trails to be developed in the woods west of the 8-W Parkway, and join in or view the games at the newballfield complex there. One can walk to weekly services at one of the churches or the syna­gogue. It will be feasible to cash a check, buy a dozen eggs or a spool of thread-all without waiting for the family vehicle to re­turn; pick up an ice cream cone, get an emergency shoe repair, or get one's hair cut-all without taking out the car. In short, be a Greenbelter.

Fun-Runs Saturday ·The twice-a-month st>rit•s of Fun

Runs wll! be held Sat.. Jan. 2R regardle~s of weath<•r. These dis­tance ra('es arc usually held around GrPf•nbclt Lake starting at the rr · fr<•shmf'nt startd. How~vPr, whPn heavy snow or ky condition!-t prP vPnt running around th1• lakP, th1· l'act•s an• run in lh<" r"lrf\rf'd strt·<•h whieh ba\'P littlf' trnffk. !-ltRrlinY. nl Lastn('l' Lanf' and Crf'SePnt Road opposit1· fhP mnin f•ntral\l'f' to thr· L1i.k'' p,~·rk. ~htnrday lhf•rP will bi• ' . milr Hllll 4 mill' r:-u:1·s for ml'll,

Willf'l'll and ~bildrt·n uf om,'s ow·t JllH'f'. _'fltf'· nPxt inform:-d lo~1111 Rnn

aftpi· thk, J'a{·c will b1· ou :.:int.. FPb.


Please Return Senior Citben Questionnaire

Grt>t•nbl'lt Homt•s, Tni'. rN·Pnll.\' sf'nt out a QIIP!itionnain'· din·l't~·.d

at ~H't111H' dtl7.Pil.S anrl hAnclicaplwcl pPr~on·. living in th'• f·oopPrat iVf'.

'f'hl' )'IIIJHlSf' tlf tlw fiiH'SfifUIIIHil'f• is to Cnd out what ptn;.:~·:tm:: II"

Uw I'01Jil!j', ~.tall' or f~·,h-ral ·!f.v,·l t'llt\ bl' brought into (;Jif hal.{r'11 on thf' int1•n·~t and nPNif-1 nf fall mPm hrr . .:. Any«·t11' who has no' Jdllrllf'(l

lhf' qtw:~thnJ!lHirl' to <~HI 1~; llwrt fnn· J:rlo{t'd ! 11 do ~o a" 11011 ~l'·

JH.J:::·~ih··. T!l1· clr·ndhnf· lti\S 'ht'f'll f'X!I'JHir-ci :.11 .lanu·trY :w

arr· n.,,,\· l'llt! ing•H·r<'' ·.; : b· h•v.hw,1 •· - lb1• "'Trp·1·1:~ \''JIJ !lol ht• ll'W<) and :~t~ldt•n' /will still cut IH'ft)~~ th,• J)a.rk ...... ,y.

Cil,\' \l~nnJ.'I'I' .l;tTrW"~ I\ <;k!<•' fi'JHII'f i t 11.11 }'.till Pkk••ri1u:. nr• · ~i·.li'nt ~~r T'h:lS(' 1. iufnrmr•d h,m thnt n partial ~llrvt·~· ,,f "'\'fH'r" in '1\Jildll .i·'~ 2 .nl!l ~ ind,t':llf·d that th, ':'tlllJOTI'.\' \\I f1' !1Jif,O!>If'd fo :J:,• 0\1'1'­

l)A.~~ i.n their an·a. Hit•hanl ~·r,·"· h. Phns1• I building n·prl'f.of'tltntl\'•• ;toh•cl lh;\1 a poll of iii:~ liRfWVt·r ~hoWf911 no nppwtltlnil f') th1• fl"l'l'

~·n~~. I fr• ft'c'UR'IIi7.f'd thnt t hf'rt' 1\1'1'

"J.~ora•·•·rthk proh)Pm~." Nlleh a~ ,..,._ 1't1rity, hut hAd faith In th-· ,·it.v J.~llVI"Tllll\l"'\t and rf'!4ldt·nfA tor~·. n)\,• them.

~. 1\\'t ".I 1 liP(,'• ""ill

t.:A1~ \N V""'' .\'.! t\•,

GHI Celebrates Mortcace Buni•c

Greenbelt Home., Inc. <GHll celf'­hratf>R 2.3 years of rxiRtence as ~' housing cooperative with a mort }:ag~ burning er.remony on Sunday, JanuRry 29. 2-1 p.m .. at the'Eieanor Roosevdt High School on Hanover Parkway and Greenbelt Road. All m•·mb<•rs o( GHI have received in­vitations.

The pmgram will \x>gin with the f':-rcl'n~H CnmbinPd Choir ~in!ifinp­

"\\'hn: Will 'the \\'orld B<' Lik•• 'fr> morrow" follow,·o hy thf· ··tJtlwt.J.l "dt~t rudwn" of tlw mortgagf·.

\\", lcnmmg n·m:.>.ri{s will b,, pn·-. Sl·nkJ by lt!II Pn·c;Hknt (o;· thr· pnst :dx: YI'IUS, .lamP~ W. Smith. .John D. Clinton. a('ting ndministrat­(~r cf tit~" Nf'w C'ummunity Df>V'r1op­m,.nt l'nrp. of the lT.S. Dfopl. •·I

· Housing Rnd UrhRn DPVdopmt•t•t. will nJsn grPf't mf'mb,·rs n!\d gut'sts.

Vo\lowmg ('linton'!-: tnlk will iH· an uddn·!-:.s by ( 'ongrr•:.o.;woman Gla­d\'s ~. Rp,.llman. Tht> formAl ;nrt 1>f tlw proa;t"rflm will ''onclucJ~· with l'hornl ~f'lt•(•tio~~ by tht• (;rt'rnbd~ (~urn hi rlf'd ( 'h01 r. Rf•(rf'~hm,ntN will ~h'''l lw !-l .. n·f'd in tlw sehoul's mulU­JILICJ)I)..~f' room.

,\11y (~~!) m"mhtr tH'f"il:~~· tr:\ll· p•11tafion • hn~1:d r •1" .:!It fht· .'llrh( d­\:1-· •• : .. ,, ··;~;(·r•· ia 11-.·:; ls~tw. ,Frl't• i1 ,_.. 1·r·~-:t·t· to n~1d frtlm tllf' ~t'hn•J;

! iJ · )'ro~>ick·l alc,n::- C'r('~a ~~nt :\lld 1../,.:t· .E~Ja~ 1 :.;,

Boys Wanted for Troop 746 ·,·:oop 7lf,: ~ t'll:·rt n~·.v lon'·l:lg t.•:·

Loy~ 111\"r•••!,·d ll1 io:mn~; ,·,,.

l'lt'o\HlllJ( p•·o~rAm T'·tr trfKlp l

lnvolvPrl 111 tr>R('hin-.c buyH ~-okHU. rP~

iAh•d to' rttt?.rm~hiJl. rRm!lin't. B.n·~.

tc•·n,·rRilv, growlnli( ur~ Any bo)· 'who, is in thf' nrth "'raclr. f)f who ... t•lf'\'f'll or olch-r l'H.n :~ 1 in. J. .. ur Ill­formA! 1nn. plf';utr en !I thr" &·oul mn,..t••r, AI Cou:dn. Ml 174 ~.~7'.

G. H. I. Special Membership


Proposed Pet Regulation1

1\.londu~·. Ja~~1~ary ~~·. 1. 78

North End E:l~·mP:::aty ~~. huu1

1\{ult\ pu~po~f' room·


.~' ...

I j



, .. ' .,


I j' ! .I


' ~

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