
Post on 07-Aug-2015






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Jevon HayesCI 350


I decided that I was going to use the ASSUME method in my lesson plan with the group

of 1st grade children in the special education class. The goal is to teach the children the months of

the year. At first I am going to analyze my students. I have young children in the first grade and

typically they will range from the ages of six to seven. The gender of the class is ten boys and

seven girls and also I will be dealing with a culture difference of seventy percent white, twenty

percent black and ten percent Hispanic. I don’t think that culture will play a specific importance

yet because I believe that the children are too young to be fully socialized into different norms,

kids are just kids at this young age. The learning style will have to be at a slower than normal

tempo because these children are in special education and also I have seven children with


According to Dale’s Cole experience people remember twenty percent of what they hear

and ten percent of what they read. When it comes to visuals, people remember thirty percent of

what they see and fifty percent of what they hear and see at the same time. When it comes to

writing and saying what they do, there is a seventy percent remembrance, and when they say

something as they are doing it, people remember ninety percent. Knowing those percentages can

help a teacher plan out their lesson plan for the benefit of the student.

The objective will be to help the children know their months, and I want to give a time

period of a week to learn. My audience is my seventeen students I will be teaching, and once

again, the behavior of the class is to be able to describe and categorize the months of the year.

The conditions will be done by me separating the months by the four seasons, winter, spring,

summer and fall. Within each of the seasons, with their months, I will provide a PowerPoint slide

show with a specific item that helps describe the month, for example with November there will

be multiple colorful pictures of turkeys, and December will have pictures of Santa Claus with his

little elf helpers. As I go through these slides I want to provide the children with each of their

own posters and have the months already labeled and let them draw along as they describe to me

what each picture is and maybe have them tell me why that picture is there. The degree in

accuracy will be to go over the month in one week and I want the children to be able to tell me

the months and place them in the season they belong too. I want to expect one hundred percent

but will go as low as seventy-five.

Selecting my three M’s, I will want something that is simple and straight to the point that

is why I chose to use the slide show for the media. The method is to try to help them stick the

images of each month in their head so when they see the image they will be able to recall the

month. I could get a bigger poster board and make my items that represent each month and let

them place them in order by month all working together as a team as I monitor them and make

sure they are all engaging in the activity. When utilizing the media it will be teacher centered

since I will be in control of the slide show but the materials being used will be centered on the

students. I would definitely go over this plan with other teachers and see what they think about

the idea and also get some feedback from the veteran teachers and try to seek advice from the

principle or vice principle. I would prepare the learners by somewhat tricking them into thinking

that we have some kind of boring handout and that we are just going to write down the months of

the year and tell them what I expect out of them. Then I would show them my true intentions and

pull out the materials, I would hope it would excite the children that we aren’t doing boring work

and maybe they would show me more motivation to interact with the assignment. I would

evaluate and revise the material after getting the opinions and intake from the other teachers and

hopefully they would will give me useful information that would help me teach the children and

if a week is too short I could extend it to a week and a half or two weeks and just go over the

material slower and have the kids teach me what they have learned after every season.

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