web viewis in accordance to asme y14.100 – engineering drawing practices, except where noted....

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Raven Industries - ATD

Raven – Applied Technology DivisionEngineering Drawing Standards Manual

Prepared By

Document Owner(s) Project/Organization Role

Engineering Services Design Engineering / Tech Writing

Manual Version Control

Version Date Author Change Description

A 2/4/2015 RRS Initial Release

B 1/13/2016 RRS Added Section 5.6.1, Updated Section 7.2, 8.2, Figure 16, & Preface

C 2/16/2016 MAP Updated Section 3.5 to exclude Software Specifications from Related Specs. field on drawing.

D 1/18/17 RRSRevised section 8.2 to exclude non-branded label changes from major revisions. Revised section 8.3 to clarify acceptable multi sheet revision locations. Updated figure 14.


Effective 01/13/2016 Page 1document.docxPrinted 1/18/2017 3:17 PM

Raven Industries - ATD

Engineering Drawing Standards Manual


The Raven-ATD Engineering Drawing Standards Manual is the official source for the requirements and interpretations to be used in the development and presentation of engineering data and related documentation for Raven Industries – Applied Technology Division.

The Engineering Services Group of the Product Development Department, has been delegated the responsibility for interpretation, periodic updates and distribution of the Raven-ATD Engineering Drawing Standards Manual.

All of Raven-ATD Engineering and their contractors shall adhere to the requirements of this manual when preparing Raven-ATD engineering data for all products/projects.

Comments or inquiries concerning this manual should be directed towards the acting manager of Engineering Services.

Jared KocerDirector of Product Development

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................6

1.1. General...............................................................................................................6

1.2. Legacy Drawings...............................................................................................6

1.3. Manual Interpretation........................................................................................7

2. DRAWING ELEMENTS..................................................................................7

2.1. Drawing Sizes....................................................................................................7

2.2. Multi-Sheet Drawings........................................................................................7

2.3. Zoning.................................................................................................................8

2.4. Title Block and Revision Block........................................................................9

2.5. Drawing Format...............................................................................................12

3. NOMENCLATURE.......................................................................................13

3.1. Drawing Title....................................................................................................13

3.2. Abbreviations..................................................................................................14

3.3. Bill of Material..................................................................................................15

3.3.1. Requirements on the Body of the Drawing.......................................................15

3.3.2. Requirements in the Bill of Material..................................................................15

3.4. Notes on Drawings..........................................................................................16

3.4.1. Note Location......................................................................................................16

3.4.2. Numbering of Notes............................................................................................16

3.4.3. Note Examples....................................................................................................16 Dimension Notes.........................................................................................16 Weld Notes...................................................................................................16 Surface Prep Notes.....................................................................................17 Vendor Item Control Notes.........................................................................17 Source Control Notes..................................................................................17 Miscellaneous Notes...................................................................................17 Informational Notes.....................................................................................17

3.4.4. Local Notes..........................................................................................................17

3.4.5. General Dimensional Tolerance Notes..............................................................18

3.5. Specification Callouts.....................................................................................18

4. DRAFTING PRACTICES..............................................................................19

4.1. General.............................................................................................................19

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

4.2. Lines.................................................................................................................19

4.2.1. Visible Lines........................................................................................................19

4.2.2. Hidden Lines........................................................................................................20

4.2.3. Center Lines........................................................................................................20

4.2.4. Leaders................................................................................................................20

4.2.5. Dimension Lines..................................................................................................21

4.2.6. Extension Lines...................................................................................................21

4.2.7. Sectioning Lines and Break-out Lines..............................................................21

4.2.8. Break Lines..........................................................................................................22

4.2.9. Phantom Lines....................................................................................................22

4.2.10. Cutting Plane or Viewing Plane Lines...............................................................23

4.2.11. Material Hatch Lines...........................................................................................23

4.3. Lettering and Numerals..................................................................................24

4.3.1. Style...................................................................................................................... 24

4.3.2. Height................................................................................................................... 24

4.4. Scale.................................................................................................................25

4.5. Positioning the Part on the Drawing.............................................................25

4.5.1. Picturization.........................................................................................................25

4.5.2. Sections...............................................................................................................26

4.5.3. Views....................................................................................................................27

4.5.4. Details.................................................................................................................. 27

4.5.5. Identification of Sections, Views and Details...................................................28

4.5.6. Locating Sections, Views and Details...............................................................28

5. TYPES OF DRAWINGS...............................................................................29

5.1. Detail Drawings...............................................................................................29

5.2. Assembly Drawings........................................................................................29

5.3. Weldments & Inseparable Assembly Drawings...........................................30

5.4. System Drawings............................................................................................31

5.5. Vendor Part Drawings.....................................................................................31

5.6. Source Control Drawings...............................................................................32

5.6.1. Releasing Parts Without Drawings....................................................................32

5.7. Modification Drawings....................................................................................32

5.8. Cable Drawings...............................................................................................32

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5.9. Installation Sheets and Manuals....................................................................32

5.10. Tabulated or Configuration Drawings...........................................................33


6.1. Part Numbering...............................................................................................34

6.1.1. Category Assignment.........................................................................................35

6.1.2. Sub-Category Assignment.................................................................................35

6.1.3. Special Case Assignments.................................................................................35

7. ENGINEERING CHANGE ORDERS............................................................36

7.1. General Requirements....................................................................................36

7.1.1. Product Codes.....................................................................................................36

7.1.2. Lifecycles.............................................................................................................37

7.2. Format Sample................................................................................................38

8. DRAWING REVISIONS................................................................................42

8.1. Revision Identification....................................................................................42

8.2. Revision Letters..............................................................................................42

8.3. Revision of Multi-sheet Drawings..................................................................42

8.4. Revision Recording.........................................................................................43

8.5. Revision of Legacy Drawings........................................................................43

8.6. Archiving..........................................................................................................43

8.7. Typical Drawing Flow......................................................................................44


9.1. Dimensioning and Tolerancing......................................................................45

9.2. Converting Dimensioning...............................................................................45

9.2.1. Metric Dimensions..............................................................................................46

9.2.2. Unit Rounding.....................................................................................................47 General Rounding Rules.............................................................................47 Rounding Toleranced Dimensions............................................................47 Precision Rounding....................................................................................48

9.3. Standards and Specifications Index..............................................................48

10. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...............................................................................49

11. APPENDIX B – APPROVED ABBREVIATIONS.........................................50

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual


1.1. General

The term Engineering Drawing is inclusive to all engineering documentation and Product Definition Data Set (PDDS) that discloses, directly or by reference, by means of graphic or textual presentations, or by combinations of both, the physical and functional requirements of an item.

Based on worldwide-recognized industry standards, practices and procedures; this Engineering Drawing Standards Manual is in accordance to ASME Y14.100 – Engineering Drawing Practices, except where noted. It shall be maintained regularly to stay in accordance with identified standards and practices. As stated, the ASME Y14 series of standards are the basis of this manual, while not intended as a manual of instruction in the basic principles of engineering, design and drafting; it does set forth the minimum requirements acceptable at Raven-ATD.

This standards manual establishes the conventions to be adhered to by engineering, design and technical communications personnel in the preparation, revision and completion of engineering drawings. This manual sets forth the minimum requirements acceptable at Raven-ATD for the generation of the PDDS. The requirements specified herein are essential to the standardization of practices and to uniform interpretations of engineering drawings.

A system, component assembly and components shall be completely and unambiguously defined by means of specification, which include CAD models, engineering drawings, associated lists, schematics, and diagrams to ensure that components fabricated are in accordance with the functional intended design. The documentation information shall be in the English language and serve as a permanent record.

Hardware shall be manufactured in accordance with the approved design documents. These documents shall reflect the characteristics and acceptance criteria for all materials, components/parts, subsystems and the complete system. The acceptance criteria for parts and materials shall be specified by citing standard specifications when applicable.

Engineering specifications; drawings, graphics, lists and associated internal process(s) e.g. work instructions, are defined as those that communicate the requirements for the manufacture of the end-product items, their assembly and their installation in the end-product.

1.2. Legacy Drawings

The requirements as defined in this Manual/Standard shall be applicable to all Raven-ATD drawing documents from the date of initial release. It is neither necessary nor advisable to revise legacy drawings for the sole purpose of updating to this standard. Legacy drawings generated and released prior to initial release of this manual will be evaluated on a case by case basis, and revised accordingly if deemed necessary by the Engineering Services Group.

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

1.3. Manual Interpretation

The words “shall” and “will” establish a mandatory requirement. The words “should” and “may” establish a recommended practice. The words “typical”, “example”, “for reference”, or the Latin abbreviation “e.g.” indicates suggestions given for guidance only. The word “or” used in conjunction with a mandatory requirement or a recommended practice indicate that there are two or more options on how to comply with the stated requirement.


2.1. Drawing Sizes

The following table defines the standard drawing sizes, and their letter designations per ASME Y14.1 that are to be used at Raven-ATD.

Letter Width Length Typical Usage

A 8 ½” 11” Kits, Source/Vendor Control Drawings and System Drawings

B 11” 17” Mono-Detail / Schematics

C* 17” 22” Detail / Assembly

D 22” 34” Detail / Assembly

E 34” 44” Assembly

J 34” 55”-176” ** Assembly / Wire Harness

* This is the preferred standard drawing size to be selected for most applications** “J” size lengths vary from 55” to 176” in 11” increments.

2.2. Multi-Sheet Drawings

Multi-sheet drawings are permitted in all sizes.

a. The first sheet of a multi-sheet drawing shall always contain the complete Title Block, Bill of Material, Revision Block, and general notes.

b. All sheets of a multi-sheet drawing should be of the same letter size. Use of multi-sheet drawings shall be found to be advantageous for certain types of schematics and diagrams.

c. The sheets of “J” size multi-sheet drawings may be any of the above-noted lengths and may be intermixed in different lengths.

d. Sheet numbering for all first sheets shall include the total number of sheets, as “SHEET 1 OF 1,” “SHEET 1 OF 2,” etc. Numbering of continuation sheets shall be limited to stating the specific sheet number with specifying the total number of sheets (e.g. “SHEET 2 OF 6,” “SHEET 3 OF 6”.)

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

2.3. Zoning

Vertical and horizontal zoning may be used if necessary to provide orientation to the field of drawings. Zoning is mandatory for all drawings of “C” size and larger. Zones shall be identified by alphabetical (uppercase) and numerical entries in the margin spaces as identified in Figure 1 below.

Zone sizes shall be:

5 1/2” (width) by 4 1/4” (length) for “C” size4 1/4” (width) by 5 1/2” (length) for “D” size5 1/2” (width) by 4 1/4” (length) for “E” size5 1/2” (width) by 4 1/4” (length) for “J” size

Figure 1: Format for B, C, D, E and J Size Drawings

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

2.4. Title Block and Revision Block

Title Blocks and Revision Blocks shall be prepared and completed as follows:

The Title Block and Revision Block of single-sheet drawings and the first sheet of multi-sheet drawings shall appear as shown in Figure 2a. The Continuation Title Block of multi-sheet drawings shall appear as shown in Figure 2b. The information required in the Title Block shall be as specified or referenced by items 01 through 22, below. The Title Block of continuation sheets for multi-sheet drawings shall contain information listed in items 01 through 10, 12 and 13. The information required in the Revision Block shall be as specified or referenced by items 23 through 28, below.

Figure 2a: Sample Title Block and Revision Block (Enlarged view)

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

Figure 2b: Sample “Continuation Title Block” (Enlarged view)

1. EST WEIGHT : The estimated weight of the design if applicable. This field is populated from the Solidworks model custom properties.

2. LOCATION : The location where the engineering drawing was created. This field is populated via a dropdown box in the custom properties of the drawing.

3. SCALE : The drawing scale used on the engineering drawing (refer to section 4.4 Scale, page 25). This field is populated automatically based on the view scale of the Solidworks drawing.

4. SHEET : The sheet number (refer to section 2.2 Multi-sheet Drawings, page 7). This field is automatically populated in Solidworks.

5. MATERIAL : When applicable enter the material specified by Engineering for use in creation of parts. This field is populated from the Solidworks model custom properties. (For use on purchase part drawings when a specific material is to be used.)

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

6. LIFECYCLE STATE : The lifecycle state of the drawing (refer to section 7.1.2 Lifecycles, page 37). This field is populated via a dropdown box in the custom properties of the drawing.

7. UNITS : The units used on the engineering drawing, Inches or Metric. This field is populated via a dropdown box in the custom properties of the drawing.

8. PROJECTION : This is the graphical display of the projection style used. Raven-ATD uses third angle projection.

9. SIZE : The letter designation of the paper size (refer to section 2.1 Drawing Size, page 7).

10. CODE : Government code for Raven Industries, Inc.

11. TITLE : See section 3.1 Drawing Title, page 13, for the selection and arrangement of the drawing title. This field is populated from the Solidworks model custom properties.

12. DRAWING NUMBER : The number of the engineering drawing (refer to section 6.1 Part Numbering, page 34). This field is populated from the Solidworks model custom properties.

13. REV .: The revision letter of the drawing (refer to section 8.2 Revision Letters, page 42).

14. DRAWN NAME : The initials of the designer / drafter responsible for creating the engineering drawing. This field is populated via the custom properties of the drawing.

15. APPROVED NAME : The initials of the engineer responsible for approving the engineering drawing. This field is populated via the custom properties of the drawing.

16. DRAWN DATE : The date the engineering drawing was created, in the format of MM/DD/YYYY. This field is populated via the custom properties of the drawing.

17. APPROVED DATE : The date the engineering drawing was first approved; in the format of MM/DD/YYYY. This field is populated via the custom properties of the drawing.

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

18. USED ON : A brief description of the project or system the engineering drawing is used on (e.g. Hawkeye, Field Computers, or NH3 Injection). This field is populated via the custom properties of the drawing.

19. RELATED SPECIFICATIONS : All related specifications needed to produce the item detailed on the engineering drawing, e.g. Finish Specs, Paint Specs, and/or Shipping Specs, (refer to section 3.5 Specification Callouts, page 18). This field is populated via the custom properties of the drawing.

20. LETTER : The revision letter of the drawing (refer to section 8.2 Revision Letters, page 42).

21. ECO : The number on the Engineering Change Order, (refer to section 7.2 Format Sample; sub-section 1 ECO NUMBER, page 39).

22. REVISION DESCRIPTION : A brief description of the changes made during revision of the drawing (refer to section 8.4 Revision Recording, page 43).

23. ZONE BORDER : Denotes the limit of the indicate zone.

24. DATE : The date of the revision in MM/DD/YYYY format.

25. APPROVED : The initials of the approving engineer after the ECO has been released.

26. ZONE : The zone(s) where the drawing has had changes made.

2.5. Drawing Format

The drawing format for all drawing sizes listed on page 7, including zoning, drawing numbers, etc., as shown in Figure 1, page 8. For text font and size refer to section 4.3 Lettering and Numerals, page 24.

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual


3.1. Drawing Title

General information for the selection or development of a drawing title is as follows:

a. The title should be as brief as possible but should contain sufficient information to categorize the part properly and distinguish it from other similar parts.

b. The drawing title shall consist of the following:

1. Identifying noun or noun phrase

2. The most significant modifiers or modifying phrase

3. The next most significant modifier or modifying phrase

The noun or noun phrase establishes a basic concept of an item. The modifiers serve to narrow the area of concept, established by the basic name. A modifier is separated from the noun or noun phrase by a comma and from any preceding modifier by a comma. The type designator and/or any additional modifiers required to further identify an item are separated from the first part of the title by a dash. Where applicable, the word “ASSEMBLY” shall be used as the last word of the noun phrase.


“Vortex Assembly, Single Valve – W/Pump”“Sensor, Speed, Gear-tooth – 24’ Long”“Kit, Accuflow Vortex, Single Inlet, Fast Valve”“Weldment, Injection, Mounting Arm”

c. The noun, or noun phrase, is never abbreviated. Abbreviations are used in the modifiers only when space is limited. When used, abbreviations shall conform to section 3.2 Abbreviations on page 14.

d. When one drawing supersedes another, the new drawing, when practical, has the same title.

e. Parentheses are not used to enclose any portion of the drawing title.

f. Program names (or abbreviations) should be added to the “Used On” block and not the Title Block; exceptions are on the final or top assembly drawings.

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

3.2. Abbreviations

The purpose of this section is to provide a list of authorized abbreviations for use on drawings and associated documents. When used, abbreviations and acronyms shall be in accordance with Appendix B – Approved Abbreviations on page 50.

a. Uppercase Arial letters shall be used.

b. Abbreviations for word combinations (e.g., MMC – Maximum Material Condition) shall be used as such and shall not be separated for use singly. Single abbreviations may be combined when necessary.

c. The same abbreviation shall be used for all tenses, the possessive case, the singular and plural forms of a given word.

d. Abbreviations should be used only to save space or time, but never at the expense of clarity.

e. Periods shall be used with abbreviations that spell entire words to provide clarity and to avoid misinterpretation.

The following organizations, their specifications, and abbreviations are acceptable to use and are considered “industry-related”:

AFBMA Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association, Inc.

AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association, Inc.

ANSI American National Standard Institute

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

AWS American Welding Society, Inc.

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.

ISO International Organization for Standardization

NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association

NSA National Standards Association, Inc.

SAE Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

3.3. Bill of Material

3.3.1. Requirements on the Body of the Drawing

Each part listed in the Bill of Materials (BOM) must be identified at least once by an Item Number on the body of the drawing (except single item drawings where a Bill of Material wouldn’t be used).


Parts shall be bracketed, indicating reference, when they are identified by number and are not listed in the Bill of Material. Such parts are shown in phantom. Repeated item numbers shall be indicated as reference either within brackets or by the word “REF.”

3.3.2. Requirements in the Bill of Material

a. The Bill of Materials is a list of all parts and materials called out on the drawing. Listed parts and materials in the Bill should be top level only. Indented Bills shall not be used. See Figure 3 below.

b. The quantity of parts noted in the Bill of Materials is the number required to complete the noted assembly.

c. When a new drawing is made, all parts in the Bill of Material should be grouped by type, such as sub-assemblies, hardware, packaging or fittings and listed in sequence per group.

d. Special notes should be used when there are requirements on the part listed, such as torque value. If more space is required to clearly state the requirements a triangle flag note should be placed next to the “ITM” column of the Bill of Material. See Figure 3 below.

e. Quantities of a bulk item may be listed “AR” or as required.

Figure 3: Sample Bill of Material

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

3.4. Notes on Drawings

Information other than pictorial views and dimensions necessary for completing a drawing are classified as “notes”. The two types of note forms are General Notes and Local Notes. Notes on a drawing take precedence over specification requirements; hence, notes conflicting with references specifications shall not be placed on a drawing unless they are necessary for deviations from certain provisions of the specification.

3.4.1. Note Location

Notes of general character that do not require leaders to indicate where they apply, and for which provision has not been made in the supplementary blocks of the drawing format, shall be located in the following order of preference; See Figure 1 on page 8.

a. Adjacent to the lower left border to the left of the Tolerance block.

b. Adjacent to the upper left border

c. Adjacent to the right border between the Revision Block and Bill of Materials

3.4.2. Numbering of Notes

General notes are numbered consecutively, downward. Note numbers may be identified on the field of the drawing by placing the note number in a triangle flag at the general note location and in the field of the drawing, or in the Bill of Material, whichever location is more appropriate. If referencing notes on a separate sheet the flag should indicate which sheet the note is found.

3.4.3. Note Examples

The following notes are listed as representative examples and should be used on Engineering Drawings when applicable.

Significant information is to be inserted where blank(s) are indicated and, for most cases, the notations in brackets are for information only. (When not applicable, do not use in note). Dimension Notes



WELD PER _________ [State welding spec, e.g. ASME BPVC Section IX.]


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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual Surface Prep Notes








APPLICATION: ______________

APPROVED SOURCE OF SUPPLY: ______________ Miscellaneous Notes





3.4.4. Local Notes

Notes of local character, such as drill notes, thread notes, etc., that require leaders to indicate the features to which they apply, shall be located in the field of the drawing in positions adjacent to such features. Each note shall state the number of features to which it applies unless a leader is drawn to each feature.

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

3.4.5. General Dimensional Tolerance Notes

The general tolerances entered in the tolerance block portion of the Title Block; See Figure 1 of page 8, shall control all dimensions applied to the drawing, except those specifically labeled “Max,” “Min,” “Ref,” “Datum,” or “Basic”, or dimensions having tolerances applied directly thereto, or dimensions controlled by notes or documents invoked on the field of the drawing. Tolerance blocks may not be changed. If a new tolerance block is needed please consult Engineering Services.

3.5. Specification Callouts

All specifications that relate to a drawing should be placed in the Specifications portion of the Title Block with the exception of Software Specifications. See Figure 4 below:

Figure 4: Related Specifications

Normally, only the basic document number of a specification should be shown on the drawing, in which case, the latest issue in effect at the time of invitation to bid shall be imposed in all procurement actions.

Changes to the specification occurring subsequent to the time of invitation to bid shall not be imposed in current procurement actions unless the drawing is revised to show the new issue by basic document number, revision, amendment, and/or date and current procurement actions amended to specify the new drawing revision or Engineering Change Order (ECO).

If the basic document number, revision, amendment, and/or date of a specification are shown on a drawing, only that particular issue shall be imposed in all procurement actions.

Changes to the specification occurring subsequent to the time of invitation to bid shall not be imposed in either current or future procurement actions unless the drawing is revised to show the new issue by basic document number, revision, amendment, and/or date and current procurement actions amended to specify the new drawing revision or ECO.

Regardless of whether a specification is shown on the drawing by basic document number only or by a particular issue, superseding specifications (new number) shall not be imposed in either current or future procurement actions unless the drawing is revised to show the new basic document number and, if applicable, issue and current procurement actions amended to specify the new drawing revision or ECO.

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual


4.1. General

These drafting practices are to be employed in the preparation of engineering drawings by Raven-ATD personnel to achieve commonality throughout and result in legible reproductions at the least cost from original drawings.

Drawings must be complete and unambiguous in interpretation. Complete drawings contain or make reference to all data necessary for fabricating and installing the part and, when applicable, the necessary test requirements, procurement requirements and source.

Third-angle orthographic projection shall be used for mechanical engineering drawings. Although other types of projection, such as isometric, perspective, etc., are not prohibited, their use must be confined to an auxiliary view on a drawing of a complex part when such a view shall aid in visualizing the part.

Drawings need not have three views, (i.e., one or two views are permissible for objects that can be completely defined). Complementary notes or dimensions are acceptable in place of the additional views. The rule shall be that only those views shall be drawn that are necessary to convey the required characteristics of the part. Views, dimensions, etc., shall not extend into the margins of the drawing.

4.2. Lines

Acceptable quality of reproductions is dependent on the density and uniformity of line work (and lettering). Types of lines described herein are merely line conventions, but in every case, each type of line shall be opaque, of uniform width, and shall be used on all drawings other than diagrams, such as schematics, etc.

4.2.1. Visible Lines

Figure 5a: Visible Line Example

Visible lines or Outlines shall be used for all lines on the drawing representing visible lines on the object.

Visible lines are represented by solid black lines, 0.0098 in. thick.

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

4.2.2. Hidden Lines

Figure 5b: Hidden Line Example

Hidden lines shall consist of short dashes, evenly spaced. These lines are used to show the hidden features of a part. They shall always begin with a dash in contact with the line from which they begin, except when such a dash would form a continuation of a full line. Dashes shall touch at corners, and arcs shall begin with dashes on the tangent points.

Hidden lines are represented by broken black lines, 0.0071 in. thick.

4.2.3. Center Lines

Figure 5c: Center Line Example

Center lines shall be composed of long and short dashes, alternately and evenly spaced, with a long dash at each end. Center lines shall cross without voids.

Very short center lines may be unbroken if there is no confusion with other lines. Center lines shall also be used to indicate the travel of a center.

Center lines are represented by broken black lines, 0.0071 in. thick.

4.2.4. Leaders

Figure 5d: Leader Example

Leaders shall be used to indicate a part or portion to which a number, note, or other reference applies and shall be an unbroken line terminating in an arrowhead, dot, or wavy line. Arrowheads should always terminate at a line; dots should be within the outline of an object. Leader tails shall be .18 long and horizontal in nature.

Leaders are represented by solid black lines, 0.0071 in. thick.

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4.2.5. Dimension Lines

Figure 5e: Dimension & Extension Line Examples

Dimension lines shall terminate in arrowheads at each end. They shall be unbroken except where space is required for the dimension. The proper method of showing dimensions and tolerances is explained in section 1.7 of ANSI Y14.5M-2009.

Dimension lines are represented by solid black lines, 0.0071 in. thick.

4.2.6. Extension Lines

Extension lines are used to indicate the extension of a surface or to point to a location outside the part outline. They start with a short, visible gap from the outline of the part and are usually perpendicular to their associated dimension lines.

Extension lines are represented by solid black lines, 0.0071 in. thick.

4.2.7. Sectioning Lines and Break-out Lines

Figure 5f: Sectioning & Break-out Line Examples

Sectioning and Break-out lines shall be used to indicate the exposed surfaces of an object in a sectional view or a break-out detail. They are generally full lines similar to visible lines, but may vary with the kind of material shown in the section.

Sectioning and Break-out lines are represented by solid black lines, 0.0098 in. thick.

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4.2.8. Break Lines

Figure 5g: Break Line Example

Break lines shall be indicated with a full ruled line consisting of short dashes, evenly spaced with a small zigzag in the center. When used to shorten the length of an object, break lines will be separated by a 0.125 gap.

Break lines are represented by broken black lines, 0.0071 in. thick.

4.2.9. Phantom Lines

Figure 5h: Phantom Line Example

Phantom lines shall be used to indicate the alternate position of parts of the item delineated, repeated detail or the relative position of an absent part and shall be composed of alternating one long and two short dashes, evenly spaced, with a long dash at each end.

Phantom lines are represented by broken black lines, 0.0071 in. thick.

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4.2.10. Cutting Plane or Viewing Plane Lines

Figure 5j: Cutting Plane Line Example

Cutting plane lines shall be used to indicate a plane or planes in which a section is taken, and shall be composed of alternating one long and two short dashes, evenly spaced, with a long dash at each end. Section views will be labeled as indicated by the letter of the cutting plane.

Figure 5k: Viewing Plane Line Example

Viewing plane lines shall be used to indicate the plane or planes from which a surface or surfaces are viewed, and shall be composed of alternating one long and two short dashes, evenly spaced, with a long dash at each end. Alternate views will be labeled as indicated by the letter of the viewing plane.

Cutting & Viewing plane lines are represented by broken black lines, 0.0138 in. thick.

4.2.11. Material Hatch Lines

Figure 5l: Material Hatch Line Example

Material hatch lines shall be used to indicate the material of an object, exposed as part of a section cut or break-out section. Cast iron shall be used regardless of material unless essential for clarity, material from which the parts are made should be indicated by conventions given in ANSI Y14.2M.

Material hatch lines are represented by solid black lines, 0.0071 in. thick.

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4.3. Lettering and Numerals

All lettering shall be uppercase (capital letters). Numbers shall be Arabic numerals. The lettering and numerals shall always be placed in a horizontal reading position as far as practicable. Other than this, lettering shall be in a horizontal reading position when the drawing is rotated 90° clockwise. Legible lettering is essential for reproductions. Letters and/or numerals shall not run together.

4.3.1. Style

Other than being uppercase and placed in a horizontal reading position, all lettering shall be of Arial font when applicable; lettering of legacy AutoCAD drawing shall be ROMANS.

4.3.2. Height

Lettering heights shall be as follows:

Drawing Feature Text Height

Drawing Number in the Title Block .156

Drawing Titles, Section titles, & Detail Titles .156

Zone letters on the field of the drawing. .156

Drawing subtitle, border, lettering, and numerals .0938

Table text (e.g. Bill of Materials, revision table) .0938

Dimensions, tolerances, limits, notes, subtitles, tables, and revisions. .0938

Used on, and related specifications. .0607

Note: use of fit text is not allowed.

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4.4. Scale

Drawings shall be made to full scale, unless the parts (or assemblies) are too large to permit it, or so small and complex that drawing to an enlarged scale is essential for clarity. When the main views of large parts are drawn to a reduced scale, the detail views created to clarify detail should be made to full scale whenever possible. When the part has been drawn to an enlarged scale for clarity, it is not necessary to make an actual –size view.

All drawings will be generated at a scale that will fit on Raven’s standard Title Block. Only standard scales are acceptable. Some of these scales are 4:1, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, 1:12, and 1:16. The scale must be entered in the Title Block in the format of “Scale X:X”.

To maintain consistency with Title Block callout for scale, detail views, when they differ from the noted scale on the Title Block, shall be noted thus:



4.5. Positioning the Part on the Drawing

Installations shall usually be positioned on the drawing as they would be seen when viewed from the left side or top side of the equipment with its forward end pointing unless clarity can be greatly improved by a position that results in fewer hidden lines and foreshortened projections, then that position should be used, and the above rule should be disregarded. Such instances would be a door or door jamb which installs on the right side being drawn with the forward portion to the right, or a number of items installed on the forward side of a panel being drawn looking at the forward side.

Parts and minor assemblies are not necessarily drawn in the position they assume in the equipment. They may be drawn with tome surface, side, or reference line parallel or perpendicular to the lower border of the drawing. Lathe-turned parts are usually drawn with the larger diameters to the left.

4.5.1. Picturization

Unnecessary detail shall be omitted from all views and sections if clarity is not sacrificed and if drafting time is reduced.

Figure 6a: Section Example

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4.5.2. Sections

a. A sectional view shall be made through an outside view and not through another sectional view.

b. The location of a section is indicated by a cutting plane with reference letters and arrowheads showing the direction in which the section is viewed. Refer to section 2.4.10 Cutting Plane or Viewing Plane Lines above.

c. Sectional views shall not project directly ahead of the cutting-plane arrowheads and should be as near as practicable to the portion of the drawing that they clarify.

d. The axis of sectional views may be rotated to enhance clarity. If views are rotated the angle and direction of rotation must be given, as noted below:


[ROTATED XX° ANTI-CLOCKWISE][SCALE X:X] (If different from sheet scale)

e. Visible and invisible outlines beyond the cutting plane should not be shown unless necessary for clarifications.

f. Shafts and fasteners which are in a cutting plane should not be sectioned nor should they be cross-hatched.

g. When sections are remotely located, zone information and sheet shall be added to both locations (i.e., from where the section is taken and to the location where the section detail is shown), refer to section 4.5.6 Locating Sections, Views and Details on page 28.

Figure 6b: Remote Section Example

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Projected views which are shown along common center lines to their origin need not be identified. Views located ahead of the viewing plane arrowheads are prohibited.

“Transported” views or sections are those which are not direct projections. They must be identified where shown, by letters, and at their origin by viewing plane lines and letters.

Views may be rotated. If views are rotated the angle and direction of rotation must be given, as noted below:


[ROTATED XX° ANTI-CLOCKWISE][SCALE X:X] (If different from sheet scale)

4.5.4. Details

A detail is a partial view which shows a portion of another view in the same plane and will usually depict greater detail. Details should not be rotated.

Figure 6c: Detail Example

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4.5.5. Identification of Sections, Views and Details

Identifying letters for sections, views, and details are assigned in alphabetical sequence as follows. After “Z”, begin: “AA”, “AB”, etc.

a. For sections cuts and viewing planes, such as Section B-B in Figure 6a on page 26, use hyphenated letters.

b. For encircled details such as Detail C in Figure 6c on page 27, use single letters.

The letters “I”, “O”, “Q”, and “X” either as a single letter or as a double letter entry shall never be used. A designated letter or combination of letters on a released drawing shall not be used for another section, view, or detail on the same drawing.

4.5.6. Locating Sections, Views and Details

On multi-sheet drawings when a view, section or detail appears on sheet other than the sheet it is originally derived from; a view, section, or detail and the portion of the drawing it clarifies shall be cross-referenced as follows:

Figure 6d: Locating Balloon Example

Locating Balloons should be 0.25 in diameter containing space for three characters of size 0.938 both above and below the hemisphere line.

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5.1. Detail Drawings

A detail drawing shows all the information necessary for fabricating an item, including the material from which it is made and those finishes, protective coatings, and processes required to fabricate the end product. Only one item shall be presented per drawing.

In the case of inseparable parts (such as those welded, riveted, bonded, or brazed, etc.) which form an integral unit (part) not capable of being disassembled for replacement, refer to section 5.3 Weldments & Inseparable Assembly Drawings on page 30.

In the case of family drawings for parts of a similar nature that share the same detail views, refer to section 5.9 Tabulated or Configuration Drawings on page 33.

Multi-detail drawings are not allowed. Raven-ATD requires a unique drawing number per part so that each part can be individually estimated by fabricators and identified for inspection and configuration tracking.

5.2. Assembly Drawings

An assembly drawing shows two or more separable parts joined to form a stockable item or a group of assemblies required to form an assembly of higher order. Assembly drawings should include a Bill of Materials with balloons pointing to all parts with a number value quantity. Balloons may be stacked when it improves clarity such as bolted connections.

Figure 7: Assembly Drawing Example

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5.3. Weldments & Inseparable Assembly Drawings

A weldment or inseparable assembly drawing delineates items which are separately fabricated and are permanently joined together (e.g. welded, brazed, over-molded, bonded etc.) to form an integral unit (part) not capable of being readily disassembled. A weldment or inseparable assembly drawing may be prepared in lieu of individual mono-detail drawings for inseparable assemblies intended to be procured and replaced as a unit, where (except for standard hardware) the separate parts are of similar or compatible materials.

A weldment or inseparable assembly drawing shall fully define the end product or detail assembly as assembled. Pieces of the inseparable assembly may be detailed either on separate detail drawings or on the inseparable assembly drawing itself. In the case of weldments, the parts shall not be individually detailed on separate drawings (due to the consumable material allowance that would have to be shown on detail drawings), except in cases where extensive machining might be necessary.

Figure 8: Weldment Drawing Example

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5.4. System Drawings

System Drawings are simplified graphical representation of how different kits should be assembled together on equipment. Individual kits should be grouped together by a border consisting of hidden lines. Connections between cables should be indicated as close as possible for clarity or by a dashed line when applicable.

Figure 9: System Drawing Example

5.5. Vendor Part Drawings

Vendor part drawings are prepared to record the characteristics of a vendor-designed and manufactured part (or assembly). This type of drawing may also be used to document Raven parts that are sent to a unique vendor to perform a specific operation because of special equipment and/or hardware available there. Such characteristics are size, shape, mounting dimensions, and other design requirements, including tests, when applicable, that could be obtained from the vendor’s manufacturing drawings if they were made available. All vendor part drawings shall include the note listed in section Vendor Item Control Notes on page 17.

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5.6. Source Control Drawings

A source control drawing shall be used to limit procurement of a vendor-designed and manufactured part (or assembly) to that source or sources that exclusively provide the performance, installation, and interchangeable characteristics of the part selected and tested for a specific application.

When applicable, the manufacturer’s supplied drawing should be included in an unaltered state as part of the source control drawing. In the event the vendor claims proprietary rights and refuses to provide the manufacturing drawing, they shall be requested to furnish an outline drawing of the part sufficient to include the requirements necessary.

In the event the vendor shall not provide drawings as described above or the items is simple enough to not need drawings, the source control drawing shall include the description of the part as required to fulfill specification needs.

All source control drawings shall include the vendor’s name and address when available, and the note listed in section Source Control Notes on page 17.

5.6.1. Releasing Parts Without Drawings

Source Controlled parts may be released without a drawing. If a part is to be released without a drawing it must go through the ECO process. The manufacturer’s name and manufacturer’s part number must be included on the ECO and the part number must not be revised.

If the manufacturer’s part number needs to be revised, a new Raven part number must be pulled.

5.7. Modification Drawings

Modification drawings delineate changes to delivered items, stockable items, assemblies, installations, or systems. Drawings are prepared to add, remove, or rework items, equipment, installations, or systems to satisfy the using activity’s requirements. They also incorporate mandatory changes in delivered equipment. A modification drawing shall be identified by the word “MODIFICATION” as the first noun phrase in the title of the drawing. The part or assembly item number that the modification is being made from should appear in the “Materials” field of the Title Block.

5.8. Cable Drawings

Cable drawings are prepared to depict schematics, wiring diagrams, cable interconnections, and detailed cable assembly drawings.

5.9. Installation Sheets and Manuals

Installation sheets and manuals are documents that give written detail on how to install, operate, maintain, or replace parts or assemblies.

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5.10. Tabulated or Configuration Drawings

A tabulated drawing depicts similar items with differences in characteristics such as dimensions, material, finish, and other requirements. These differences are tabulated on the drawing, the fixed characteristics depicted once.

Pictorial differences that are not clear should be shown in views or details and should be properly labeled. A tabulated drawing precludes the preparation of an individual drawing for each item.

Figure 10: Tabulated Drawing Example

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6.1. Part Numbering

Each detail part, subassembly, etc., shall be identified by a part number which is designated in three parts: three digit Category, four digit Sub-Category and three digit Number

Figure 11a: Part Number Example

Category numbers are comprised of three significant digits. The category may be any number from 001 to 999 as categorized in section 6.1.1 Category Assignment on page 35.

Sub-Category numbers are comprised of four significant digits. The sub-category may be any number from 0000 to 9999 as defined in section 6.1.2 Sub-Category Assignment on page 35. These numbers may represent project numbers, product families or be consecutively assigned.

Part Numbers are assigned consecutively based on the sub-category. When assigning a part number it will be registered in the “Card File” located on the Raven-ATD server at H:\Sioux Falls\DRAFTING\CARD FILE. When registering a new part number both the entire part number and nomenclature must be placed in the excel file as shown in Figure 11b below. For more information please refer to EN-WI0006 work instruction.

Figure 11b: Sample Card File entry.

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6.1.1. Category Assignment

Categories 001 to 099 are reserved for “paper drawings” such as Specifications, standards, installation manuals, customer literature, etc., and end items.

Categories 100 to 199 are reserved for fabricated items.

Categories 200 to 299 are reserved for raw materials.

Categories 300 to 399 are reserved for mechanical components (usually purchased).

Categories 400 to 499 are reserved for electro-mechanical components (usually purchased).

Categories 500 to 599 are reserved for electrical components (usually purchased).

Categories 600 to 699 are reserved for purchased end items. These are items that are purchased and re-sold as part of a Raven end item. They may be modified by Raven, in which case, the category number will be different on the modified item than on the purchased item.

See Work Instruction EN-WI0006 for a detailed list of current Category and Sub-Category assignments.

6.1.2. Sub-Category Assignment

Sub-Categories 0001 to 0009 are reserved for operation standards and practices. Therefore, the sub-category and identifier numbers will be consecutively assigned.

Sub-Categories 0010 to 0099 are reserved for end items, and supporting data. Here the sub-categories will correspond to a project number, which is consecutively assigned by Engineering Services.

Sub-Categories 0100 to 0199 are reserved for fabrication parts particular or exclusive to its end item. Also, the sub-categories will correspond to the project number assigned its end item. The identifier will be consecutively assigned.

Sub-Categories 0200 to 0699 are reserved for raw materials, typically electro-mechanical, mechanical, electrical components, and assemblies which are all purchased. In this case the sub-categories and identifiers will be used to represent the part’s characteristics. Attempts shall be made to attach meaningful assignments to each digit of the sub-category number for categories 0200 and above.

6.1.3. Special Case Assignments

There are a few cases where we use letters in part number assignments. The most notable of these is for John Deere. John Deere requires that our part number match theirs. To facilitate this all John Deere parts will start with JD (e.g. JDB, JD0, ect.)

There are some cases where the part number will be followed by letters. These letters signify which version of a configurable part is being used. Such letters can indicate software, unlocks, or branding.

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7.1. General Requirements

The use of Engineering Change Orders (ECO) for the purpose of revising released drawings is the accepted method of changing drawings. ECO’s are initiated via SharePoint on the Raven-ATD intranet.

After an ECO is started, it is the responsibility of that project design activity to assign numbering and maintain the documentation system. The approved ECO is considered an official part of the original drawing and shall always be available to others, even after incorporation. With this system, reference to ECO in the Revision Block of drawings is permitted in place of the usual detailed listing of changes.

7.1.1. Product Codes

Product codes are used to cross reference items to a particular Raven-ATD project. These codes are used in AS 400 to help facilitate tracking of items through the development and ECO process, as well as accounting purposes. It is critical that the correct product codes are used and associated correctly.

Figure 12: Product Codes – for a current list see AS 400 Item Master Inquiry

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7.1.2. Lifecycles

Lifecycle processes are used by Raven-ATD to manage and perform the stages of a drawing’s lifecycle. These processes are used to acquire, supply, develop, operate, and maintain engineering drawings, spanning the life of the drawing or component from conception to termination of use.

The lifecycle of a drawing denotes how far along the production cycle a particular item is. There are four (4) unique lifecycles that a product can fall into:

a. Pre-Production

Pre-Production lifecycle is used for any drawings pertaining to the research and development of engineering drawings. They are often used internally in the engineering group. During the pre-production lifecycle, revisions and changes are made informally through the project team.

b. Released

Released lifecycle is used for any drawing that has passed the research and development phase and is ready to be sent to production for manufacture. From this point forward any changes to the drawing must be made through an ECO for documentation and tracking.

c. Superseded

Superseded lifecycle is used for drawings that have a new version replacing them. The superseded drawing is kept on file in case of replacement parts, reordered parts or other warranty purposes.

d. Obsolete

Obsolete lifecycle is used when the engineering drawing is no longer needed and is no longer supported. Obsoleted files are kept in record but will have no further actions taken on them.

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7.2. Format Sample

For an in depth work instruction on how to fill out the ECO form please review WI-EN0060. The following minimum information should be included on ECO forms:

Figure 13.1: Sample ECO Form

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1. ECO NUMBER : This number is automatically assigned by SharePoint when the ECO is created.

2. REQUESTER : The initials of the engineer requesting the change.

3. DRAFTER : The designer / drafter will enter their initials in this space when they begin work on the ECO.

4. PROJECT TITLE : The engineer will enter the title of the project this ECO pertains to.

5. DATE SUBMITTED : This field is automatically populated by SharePoint when the ECO is created.

6. DESCRIPTION : The engineer will write a brief description of the changes that are needed to satisfy this ECO.

7. ASSIGNED TO : The engineer will list all product centers this change affects.

8. PROD CODE : The engineer will enter the product code that the line item pertains to, refer to section 7.1.1 Product Codes, on page 36.

9. PART NUMBER : This is the 10 digit part number for the part being changed; refer to section 6.1 Part Numbering, on page 34

10. PART TITLE : This is the printed Title of the part being changed; refer to section 3.1 Drawing Title, on page 13.

11. RAW MAT’L : This is the disposition of what to do with the raw materials.

12. IN HOUSE : This is the disposition of what to do with the items in house

13. FIELD RETURN : This field is for if field returns are expected

14. QPL : Engineering will enter the QPL of the part being changed. In addition they will click one of the radio buttons below to indicate if this is a new part or a revision to an existing part.

15. SELLABLE ITEM : The engineer will choose one of the three radio button options based on if the item is sellable, not sellable, or a repair only.

16. REVISION DETAILS : If the engineer chose the revision radio button from (Item 14) this section will appear. The engineer will follow the prompts and complete each section.

17. REDLINE ATTACHMENT : The engineer will attach a file in this are if necessary to outline all redlines needed on a particular drawing.

18. UPDATED ATTACHMENT : After all changes have been completed the designer / drafter will attach the updated PDF of the drawing to the eco in this location, awaiting approvals.

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Figure 13.2: Sample ECO Form Continued

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19. EFFECTIVITY DATE: The engineer will fill in this section, if necessary, to outline when the completed changes of a particular drawing are to take effect.

20. DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS : This area is where the engineer will advise manufacturing on what to do with existing product, (such dispositions may be to use as is, scrap, rework, etc.)

21. REASON : Engineering will complete this section with a more in depth reason for why this ECO needs to be completed.

22. DRAFTING : When drafting is complete the drafter will use SharePoint to indicate that this portion is complete. This will auto-populate the initials and time/date of the approval, sending a notification to the next group for approvals.

23. ENGINEERING : When engineering has checked over the revisions, the engineer will use SharePoint to indicate that this portion is complete. This will auto-populate the initials and time/date of the approval, sending a notification to the next group for approvals.

24. PRODUCT MANAGEMENT : If applicable, when the product manager has checked over the revisions, the product manager will use SharePoint to indicate that this portion is complete. This will auto-populate the initials and time/date of the approval, sending a notification to the next group for approvals.

25. SERVICE : If applicable, when the service manager has checked over the revisions, the service manager will use SharePoint to indicate that this portion is complete. This will auto-populate the initials and time/date of the approval, sending a notification to the next group for approvals.

26. ENGINEERING MGR. : When the engineering manager has checked over the revisions, the engineering manager will use SharePoint to indicate that this portion is complete. This will auto-populate the initials and time/date of the approval, sending a notification to the next group for approvals.

27. MANUFACTURING : If applicable, when manufacturing has checked over the revisions, manufacturing will use SharePoint to indicate that this portion is complete. This will auto-populate the initials and time/date of the approval, sending a notification to the next group for approvals.

28. MANUFACTURING ENGINEER : If applicable, when the manufacturing engineer has checked over the revisions, the manufacturing engineer will use SharePoint to indicate that this portion is complete. This will auto-populate the initials and time/date of the approval, sending a notification to the next group for approvals.

29. SOURCING : When sourcing has checked over the revisions, they will use SharePoint to indicate that this portion is complete. This will auto-populate the initials and time/date of the approval, sending a notification to drafting for closure.

30. DRAFTING/CLOSURE : Drafting will add approver initials to the drawings and publish them to the appropriate folders. Initials and time/date will auto-populate in SharePoint once the ECO is closed.

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8.1. Revision Identification

Revisions shall be identified by symbols in the field of the drawing, (refer to section 8.3, Revision Recording on page 43) cross-referenced to the revision zone area of the Revision Block. Revisions shall be by alphabetical letter and order, except that letters “I”, “O”, “Q”, “X” shall not be used as revision symbols.

8.2. Revision Letters

Revisions fall under two (2) categories, major revisions and minor revisions.

Major revisions are those changes that revise the form, fit, or function of current drawings (e.g., adding or removing parts {excluding packaging, or non-branded labels}, changing specs). Major revisions will go up one letter level, from “A” to “B” to “C” etc.When reverting back to a previous revision, the drawing shall advance to the next full revision.

Minor revisions are those changes that do not revise the form, fit, or function of current drawings (e.g., spelling errors, packaging changes, non-branded label changes, note clarifications). Minor revisions will go up one number level, from “A” to “A1” to “A2” or from “B” to “B1” etc.

8.3. Revision of Multi-sheet Drawings

There is only one acceptable method of recording changes to multi-sheet drawings.

Revisions to any sheet(s) shall be recorded in the revision zone area of the Revision Block on sheet 1, and reference shall be made to the sheet(s) affected prior to the zone location, (refer to Figure 14 below). Level of revision shall be changed on each drawing sheet, regardless if that particular sheet is affected. The Revision Block shall only appear on sheet 1 of a multi-sheet drawing.

Figure 14: Multi-Drawing Revision Zone Example

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8.4. Revision Recording

When changes are made to a drawing through an ECO the ECO number must be included in the Revision Block, the date the revision is approved and the engineer responsible for the change.

Revision descriptions may be generic or specific depending on the extents of the changes. Generally, if the description can fit on two (2) lines of text it is preferable to have specific descriptions.

A symbol with the letter revision the drawing is being made to (e.g., “D”) enclosed in a hexagon shall appear in the field of drawings at the point of revision. The same symbol may appear more than once if the field of a drawing and shall appear at each location a revision takes places, refer to Figure 15 below.

Figure 15: Sample Revision Symbols.

8.5. Revision of Legacy Drawings

Revision of legacy drawings shall follow all applicable standards covered in this document. Legacy drawings may be converted to Solidworks at the time an ECO changes the drawing. This decision will be made on a case by case basis by Engineering Services.

The revision description in the Revision Block will state that the drawing was converted to Solidworks and shall be treated as a pre-production drawing for review purposes. All legacy drawings converted to Solidworks should have all information on them reviewed for accuracy.

8.6. Archiving

Drawings, ECOs, OEM approvals, and all other documentation shall be archived after approvals. Following are some sample archiving methods:

a. Solidworks drawings are stored and archived in Workgroup Product Data Management (WPDM). The WPDM archive is backed up by IT on a daily basis.

b. Non-Solidworks drawings are archived by storing the drawing and associated PDF in a folder containing the part number and revision letter of the drawing. The folder is stored on the H:\Sioux Falls server. If the drawing is currently undergoing the ECO process it is placed in the 1WRK folder. If the ECO process is complete it is moved to the 1DWG folder.

c. ECOs are stored and maintained by SharePoint on the Raven-ATD intranet service.

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8.7. Typical Drawing Flow

Figure 16: Typical Drawing Flow for ECOs

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9.1. Dimensioning and Tolerancing

The dimensioning and Tolerancing for all types of drawings shall be in accordance with ANSI Y14.5M-2009 (or later revisions). Copies are available from

American National Standards Institute1430 BroadwayNew York, NY 10018

American Society of Mechanical Engineers345 E. 47th StreetNew York, NY 10117

a. Dimension units shall be English (imperial) unless required metric. If both types are required on a drawing, metric dimensions shall be included in brackets [ ] under their English counterparts.

b. Dimensions shall be chosen and placed on drawings based on the parts interrelationship with mating parts, not to insignificant theoretical center lines.

c. Primary, secondary and tertiary datum features shall be labeled in alphabetical order when creating new drawings.

d. Drawings should contain a minimum of reference dimensions.

9.2. Converting Dimensioning

Following is a table of selected conversion factors. If further conversion factors are needed, the references outlined in section 9.9 Standards and Specification Index on page 48 can be useful.

Figure 17: Conversion Formulas

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9.2.1. Metric Dimensions

When metric dimensioning is to be used, the document ASTM E380-91a, Standard Practice for Use of the International System of Units (SI) gives specific information and conversion factors. SI base units are seven well-defined units that are regarded as dimensionally independent. They are as follows:

Figure 18: Metric Units

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9.2.2. Unit Rounding General Rounding Rules

When a figure is to be rounded to fewer digits than the total number available and the first digit discarded is less than 5, the last digit retained should not be changed. For example, 3.1415926, if rounded to two decimal places, would be 3.14; if rounded to one decimal place, 3.1.

When the first digit discarded is 5 or greater, the last digit retained should be increased by one unit. For example, 3.1415926, if rounded to three decimal places, would be 3.142; if rounded to four decimal places, 3.1416. Rounding Toleranced Dimensions

The use of the exact relation 1 inch = 25.4 millimeters generally produces more than the required number of significant digits. To round both the dimension and the tolerances, first convert the values to the necessary units. When converting from inches to millimeters, multiply by 25.4 for a product; when converting from millimeters to inches, divide by 25.4 for a quotient.

Next, take the total tolerance (i.e., the total value between the maximum and minimum limits) and from the respective table below find the correct number of decimal places. Round both the dimension and the tolerances to the number of decimal places indicated. However, care must be taken so that the rounded tolerances fall inside the original tolerance values as explained in section Precision Rounding on page 48.

Figure 19: Rounding Tolerance Tables

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When converted, tolerances must never exceed the originally specified limits (as in the case where the “converted” parts are to be inspected by gages made for the original parts). The round-off must be such that the new dimensions shall lie inside the original tolerance limits. This may be accomplished by converting the maximum and minimum limits exactly, and then rounding the upper limit to the next lower value and rounding the lower limit to the next higher value.

9.3. Standards and Specifications Index

The following is a list of recognized standards cited and/or resources used in the preparation of this manual. Unless otherwise indicated the latest edition shall apply. Where there are Y14 Engineering Drawing and related documentation practices.

Decimal Inch Drawing Sheet Size and Format.....................................................................................Y14.1-2012Metric Drawing Sheet Size and Format ............................................................................................Y14.1M-2012Line Conventions and Lettering ...........................................................................................................Y14.2-2008Multi-view and Sectional View Drawings................................................................................Y14.3-2003 (R2008)Pictorial Drawing .................................................................................................................Y14.4M-1989 (R2009)Dimensioning and Tolerancing ............................................................................................................Y14.5-2009Screw Thread Representation ...............................................................................................Y14.6-2001 (R2007)Gear Drawing Standards — Part 1 for Spur, Helical, Double Helical and Rack ..................Y14.7.1-1971 (R2003)Gear and Spline Drawing Standards Part 2 — Bevel and Hypoid Gears.............................Y14.7.2-1978 (R2004)Castings, Forgings, and Molded Parts .................................................................................................Y14.8-2009Mechanical Spring Representation ...................................................................................Y14.13M-1981 (R2003)Optical Parts .....................................................................................................................Y14.18M-1986 (R2003)Types and Applications of Engineering Drawings ................................................................Y14.24-1999 (R2009)Associated Lists.................................................................................................................................Y14.34-2008Revision of Engineering Drawings and Associated Documents.........................................Y14.35M-1997 (R2008)Surface Texture Symbols..................................................................................................Y14.36M-1996 (R2008)Composite Part Drawings ..................................................................................................................Y14.37-2012Abbreviations and Acronyms for Use on Drawings and Related Documents .....................................Y14.38-2007Digital Product Definition Data Practices ...........................................................................................Y14.41-2012Digital Approval Systems......................................................................................................Y14.42-2002 (R2008)Dimensioning and Tolerancing Principles for Gages and Fixtures .....................................................Y14.43-2011Reference Designations for Electrical and Electronics Parts and Equipment ....................................Y14.44-2008Engineering Drawing Practices ..........................................................................................Y14.100-2004 (R2013)Mechanical and Acoustical Elements as Used in Schematic Diagrams ...............................Y32.18-1972 (R2008)

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual


ACT Actuator BLKHD BulkheadADAPT Adapter BSHG Bushing

ADD Addition BTRFLY ButterflyADH Adhesive BTNHD Button HeadAJT Adjustable, Adjusting, Adjust CAL Calibrate, Calibration

AGTR Agitator CAP CapacitorALIGN Alignment CAPTY CapacityALTN Alternate CARTG Cartridge

AC Alternating Current CIH Case (Brand)ALTNR Alternator CASS Cassette

AL Aluminum CASTG CastingAMB Ambient CATH CathodeAMP Amperage, Ampere CTR Center

AMPL Amplifier CER CeramicANG Angle CHAM ChamferNH3 Anhydrous CHAN Channel

ANDZ Anodize, Anodized CHAR CharacterANT Antenna CHGR Charger

APPAR Apparatus CHAS ChassisAPPL Application CHEM Chemical

APPROX Approximate CHRM ChromiumARM Armature CIRC CircularART Article CIRCUM Circumference

ATWRK Artwork CLEAR ClearanceASB Asbestos COAX Coaxial

ASSY Assembly CMND CommandATHRZ Authorize, Authorization CMPCT CompactAUTBM Autoboom CMPSTN CompensationAUTO Automatic CMPSTR CompensatorAUX Auxiliary CPLT CompleteBCK Back, Backing CMPD Compound

BCKSHL Backshell CMPRSR CompressorBAL Balance CMPTR Computer

BSPLT Baseplate CDNSR CondenserBAT Battery CONDTR ConductorBRG Bearing CONN Connector, ConnectingBRD Board CONS Console

BPVC Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code CONTNR ContainerB.C. Bolt Circle CONT Continue, ContinuousBM Boom CONT Control

BSTR Booster CNTLR ControllerBTM Bottom CNVRSN ConversionBRKT Bracket CONVRT Converter,BRZG Brazing CBORE CounterboreBRKR Breaker CDRILL Counterdrill

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

CPLR Coupler EXTNL ExternalCPLG Coupling EXTRD Extrude, Extruded

CRNKCS Crankcase FAB FabricateCRNKSFT Crankshaft FCPLT Faceplate

CRNT Current FMEA Failure Mode Effect AnalysisCSHN Cushion, Cushioned FSTNR FastenerCYL Cylinder FDBCK Feedback


Demountable F FemaleDEPT Department FNPT Female National Pipe ThreadDSN Design FLTR Filter

DFMEA Design FMEA FNSH FinishDIAG Diagram FTG FittingDIA Diameter FIXT Fixture

DIAPH Diaphragm FLNG FlangeDIFF Differential FLEX FlexibleDFSR Diffuser FLWMTR FlowmeterDIG Digital FLUOR FluorescentDIM Dimension FTSW Footswitch

DISCRG Discharge FRM FrameDISP Display FREQ Frequency

DISTR Distribute FRC FrictionDISTN Distribution GALV GalvanizeDIST Distributor, GSKT GasketDBL Double GA GaugeDWG Drawing GEN GeneralDRV Drive, Driver GNRTR GeneratorDUP Duplicate GD&T Geometric Dimension & ToleranceECC Eccentric GRD Grade

EJECT Ejection, Ejector GRAN GranularELEC Electric, Electronic GND Grind, GrinderELEM Element GROM GrommetELEV Elevation GRND Ground

ELONG Elongation GUID GuidanceEMER Emergency HDL HandleENCAP Encapsulate, Encapsulating HDLR HandlerENCL Enclosure HDW HardwareENCD Encoder HARN HarnessECN Engineering Change Notice HDR HeaderECO Engineering Change Order HTR HeaterECR Engineering Change Request HVY Heavy

EQUIP Equipment HGT HeightEXCH Exchange, Exchanger HEX HexagonEXH Exhaust HORIZ HorizontalEXP Experiment HSG Housing

EXTNS Extension HYD HydraulicEXTR Exterior HYDGN Hydrogen

IN Inch MIL MilitaryINDTR Indicator MISC Miscellaneous

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

IND Inductor MIX MixtureINDL Industrial MOD Modification, ModifiedINFO Information MDLTR Modulator

INGRED Ingredient MON MonitorINJ Inject, Injection MOBO MotherboardID Inside Diameter MNTG MountingIR Inside Radius MULT Multiple

INST Install, Installation NPT National Pipe ThreadINSUL Insulate, Insulating NEG Negative

INTRCHG Interchangeable NH New HollandINTRFC Interface NOZ NozzleINTRL Internal NYL Nylon

ITM Item OBS ObsoleteJD John Deere OPER Operator, Operation

JCT Junction OPT OpticalKYBRD Keyboard ORG O-Ring

LAB Laboratory OSC OscillatorLAM Laminate OD Outside DiameterLMC Least Material Condition OR Outside Radius

L Left OVLY OverlayLVL Level OXY OxygenLIC License PKG PackageLT Light PARA Parallel

LGTBR Lightbar PRTCL ParticleLIN Linear PSVT PassivateLIQ Liquid PTRN PatternLIT Literature PCT Percent

LKNT Locknut PHL PhillipsLG Long PHY Physical

LWR Lower PCS PiecesMACH Machine PLCMT PlacementMAG Magnet PLNTR Planter

MAINT Maintenance PLAS PlasticM Male PLT Plate

MNPT Male National Pipe Thread PLTFM PlatformMNFLD Manifold PLAT Platinum

MAN Manual PNEU PneumaticMFG Manufacture PLSH Polish, PolishedMATL Material POLY PolypropyleneMMC Maximum Material Condition PORT PortableMECH Mechanical POSN PositionMED Medium POS Positive

MBRN Membrane POT PotentiometerMEM Memory PWR PowerPG Powerglide SEP Separate

PREC Precision SEQ SequencePRESS Pressure SER Serial

PC Printed Circuit SERV Service

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

PCB Printed Circuit Board STNG SettingPWB Printed Wiring Board SHT Sheet

PFMEA Process FMEA SHLD Shield, ShieldedPPAP Production Part Approval Process SHIP Shipping

PRGRM Program, Programming SHLDR ShoulderPRPLD Propelled SLKSCRN Silkscreen, SilkscreenedPROP Proportional SIM Simulator, SimulateQPL Quality Planning Level SNGL SingleQTY Quantity SLV SleeveRAD Radius SLTD Slotted

RCVD Received SM SmallRCVR Receiver SKT SocketRCPT Receptacle SCH Socket HeadRECT Rectangle SFTWR SoftwareRCTF Rectifier SOL SolenoidRDCR Reducer SPC Spacing, Space, SpacerREF Reference SPEC Specification

REGSTRN Registration SPDMTR SpeedometerREG Regular SPHER Spherical

RGLTR Regulator SPYR SprayerRNFRC Reinforce, Reinforcement SPR SpringRLSE Release SPRKT SprocketRLF Relief SQR Square

REPL Replicate STBZR StabilizerREQ Requirement, Require STKG Stacking

RSVR Reservoir SS Stainless SteelRES Resistor STD Standard

RTNR Retainer STDOF StandoffRVS Reverse STAT StationREV Revision STEER Steering

R Right STK StockRTRY Rotary STR StraightRNDH Roundhead STRL StructuralSDLE Saddle STYRF Styrofoam

SCHED Schedule SUBASSY SubassemblySCHEM Schematic SBSTRT SubstrateSCRN Screen SPLY Supply, SuppliedSCW Screw SUPPSR SuppressorSEC Section SWGLK Swagelok

SECT Section SW SwitchSEG Segment SWBX Switchbox

SNSR Sensor SWVL SwivelSYNTH Synthetic TRBLSHT Troubleshooting

SYS System TBG TubingTACH Tachometer TURB TurbineTECH Technical UG UltraglideTEF Teflon ULTSN UltrasonicTEL Telephone UNC Unified Coarse Threads

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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

TV Television UNF Unified Fine ThreadsTEMP Temperature UNIV UniversalTMPL Template UPDT Update, UpdatedTNTV Tentative UPGRD Upgrade, UpgradedTERM Terminal UPR UpperTHRM Thermal VAC Vacuum

THRMCPL Thermocouple VLV ValveTHMOTR Thermometer VAR VariableTHMOST Thermostat VENT Ventilator

THK Thick VRSTL VersatileTHRD Thread, Threaded VERT VerticalTHRTL Throttle, Throttling VIB Vibrate, VibrationTHRU Through VISC Viscosity

TLRNC Tolerance VOL VolumeTRQ Torque WRNG Warning

XDCR Transducer WRTY WarrantyXFR Transfer WLDMT Weldment

XFMR Transformer WND WindowsXSTR Transistor WNDSHD Windshield

XLCNT Translucent WRG WiringXMTR Transmitter W/ WithXPLTR Transplanter W/O Without

XRANSPT Transportation

See Work Instruction RT-WI0016 for a full list of Raven - ATD acronyms.

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