august 2016 nl4 - clover · proverbs 3:5-6...

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Issue 7 ~ AUGUST 2016

We are passionate followers of JESUS, making disciples by eagerly connecting the community with the faith, hope, and love that transforms.

TRANSITIONS What do you think about the transitions of life? Do you like them or do

you find them to be difficult? Specifically, how do you like moving?

Barb and I and my daughter Tabitha are going through a major transition right now and I can

say honestly, I’m not really enjoying it because it is difficult physically, mentally and emotionally.

We are moving out of our home, the home we have lived in for 10 years, the home my parents lived

in for 20 years and the home my aunt and uncle lived in for 15 years, and into what, I’m not sure!

Here is the short version of our moving story. Five years ago, Barb and I committed to selling

our home so that we could make a generous donation to St. Paul’s “For the Sake of the Future”

Capital Campaign. We were sure, and still are, that this is what the Lord asked us to do. We thought

the house would sell right away, our realtor thought the same, but God had different plans about the

timing. At the end of this month we should finally close on the sale of our home. The timing is

finally right. Why now?

Two years ago, our daughter Tabitha went through a very difficult divorce. She made the

transition back to live with us and thank God we still had our home which could accommodate her

belongs including her art studio and two cats. The transition was difficult but good. The Lord

brought a wonderful young Christian man into her life and they are getting married in December.

They have bought a home and she now has a place to take her belongings and two cats. Our youngest

daughter, Hannah, has graduated from UF, has taught for a year in Gainesville, and is on her own.

No more need for such a large home. Thank you, Lord, You are good and Your timing is perfect.

But we are not sure where we are going to live long-term. Temporarily, we will be living in a

rental home, thanks to Randy and Lynn Andersen who have one available. Nick and Candace Moss

have been living there during their transition from one house to another. They will be moving out the

day before we move in! We are trying to purchase a home in the Carrillon Lakes neighborhood, but

there are delays in the closing and we are not sure how long this will take or if it will happen at all!

So our belongings are going into storage—another difficult transition. What is God teaching us

through these transitions? Here are a few lessons from God’s Word that apply:

God is trustworthy in my transitions.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV) 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own

understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

God wants me to patiently wait and He will give the strength we need to get through transitions.

Isaiah 40:31 (ESV) 31 but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall

mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Don’t get too attached to my possessions, they can get in the way of healthy transitions.

Luke 12:15 (NASB77) 15

And He said to them, “Beware, and be on your guard against every

form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions.”

C.S Lewis wrote this about a “Move”...

“By nature I demand from the arrangements of this world just that permanence which God has expressly refused to give them. It is not merely the nuisance and expense of any big change in one’s way of life that I dread. It is also the psychological uprooting and the feeling—to me, as to you, intensely unwelcome—of having ended a chapter. One more portion of oneself slipping away into the past! I would like everything to be immemorial—to have the same old horizons, the same garden, the same smells and sounds, always there, changeless. The old wine is to me always better. That is, I desire the ‘abiding city’ (Hebrews 13:14) where I well know it is not and ought not to be found. I suppose all these changes should prepare us for the far greater change which has drawn nearer ever since I began this letter. We must ‘sit light’ not only to life itself but to all its phases. The useless word is ‘Encore!’” —Pastor Ron Pennekamp

August 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Connecting at St. Paul

Connecting is published monthly by

St. Paul Lutheran Church 4450 Harden Blvd.

Lakeland, FL 33813



Ron Pennekamp


Zong Yang

♦ MINISTER OF MUSIC Gloria Klockziem




Peter Herbert


Robert Boyd


Cynthia McBride-Tillman


Sunday Morning 8:30am Worship 9:45-10:45am—

Children’s Ministries & Adult Community Groups

ten47am Contemporary Worship & Children’s Church

Communion Weekends 1st, 3rd, 5th

Mid-week Service 6:30pm Wednesdays

♦ HMONG SERVICES Sunday Morning

9am Choir & Bible Study 10:45am Worship



scan for website


The dictionary defines generosity as “the quality of being kind and generous . . . that

often overwhelms friends and neighbors.” It’s no wonder why Jesus said, “It is more blessed

to give than to receive.”

Whenever someone contributes to the needs of others because they are motivated by a

care and concern for that need, God’s love is clearly and powerfully conveyed with an

authentic witness.

Christian songwriter Michael Card says it this way: “With Christ as your only posses-

sion, then giving becomes our delight.” For sure, there is a sense of satisfaction in giving that

only the giver can know.

The dictionary also lists parallel words for ‘generosity.’ These synonyms include con-

cepts that many hold as positive values: liberality, lavishness, free-handedness, magnanimous,

unselfishness, abundance and plentifulness all describe a ‘fullness’ that our Father in Heaven

wants for His children.

God established an ancient system to care for the poor, the foreigners, widows and the

orphans. Mercy and justice in dealing with others, especially those on the margins of society,

was an instruction with a promise of great value. Over time, acts of charity demonstrated by

many cultures differentiated Christian charity, because it did not seek its own benefit. Its

motivation stemmed from the needs of others.

The value from generosity is not limited to recipients, whether poor, marginalized or

otherwise. Anyone who has experienced the kindness of others can affirm that the principal

impact of generosity’s value is experienced by the one who shares.

Social and psychological sciences have ample evidence that happiness correlates to

taking advantage of the opportunities to live outside of self. The value of generosity surrounds

life with joy and meaning.

For more information, contact Jim Pennington, SPLC Gift Planning Counselor, at

863-370-0305 or


Brothers and sisters in Christ, I would like to give you an update on Richard Her who enrolled at the Seminary in St. Louis, four years ago. Through all the prayers and financial support from our St. Paul family, Richard Her received a Call this spring, to serve as senior Pastor at the Hmong Evangelical Lutheran Church in St. Paul, Minnesota. Pastor Her was ordained and installed on June 26, 2016. To God be the glory! Our Hmong congregation is growing and by the grace of God we baptized 14 people in March and 5 in May for a total of 19 baptisms and 16 confirmed. Please keep the Hmong Ministry in your prayers.

—Pastor Yang

HERITAGE WILL BEGIN again on Tuesday,

August 16, at 9:00am

in the Ministry Center

Conference Room.

Pastor Trinklein will

con#nue teaching,

with chapter 21 of THE

STORY, where we le+

off at the beginning of

the summer. YOU ARE


even if you have not

a4ended "THE STORY"

before, this is a good

#me to join the study

of The New Testament

with your St. Paul

friends. Come and be a

part of our group on

Tuesday mornings.

Natural ability is a great gift. At St. Paul Lutheran School (SPLS) we find that all children have some special innate positive qualities that distinguish them from their peers. And it would be natural for parents and teachers alike to see those natural gifts as the key to a child’s long-term success and happiness.

At SPLS, we help children discover and enhance these gifts. However, we know something else about children. There is a trait that is perhaps a more important factor in a child’s future and that is something folks call grit.

Variously defined as firmness of character; indomitable spirit or perseverance and passion for long-term goals, grit is a quality in children that is often overlooked. However, University of Pennsylvania psychologist Angela Duckworth says it is a “better indicator of future earnings and happiness that either IQ or talent.” Wow! That looks like something worth focusing on in both school and home. That is why SPLS has chosen “Got G.R.I.T.?” as our 2016-2017 school year theme.

A quick scan of Google Images produces multiple examples of acronyms for grit. “R” might represent resilience or resolve. “I” might mean indomitable or instinct. But almost always the “T” stands for tenacity. And this is at the heart of what we mean by grit. Tenacity is the quality of not giving up, sticking with things even when circum-stances would make it easy to quit. And tenacity is a trait that may be less and less evident in young people steeped in the ease and speed of this 21st century world.

We have chosen responsibility and integrity as the words represented by “R” and “I.” Responsibility focuses on a child’s understanding that no one else is in charge of their choices, their product, their effort or their attitude. It is so easy to make excuses or transfer culpability to another. A child who takes responsibility seriously does not attempt to deflect, but instead faces reality.

Life is full of so many opportunities to take short cuts and to be less than forth-right. At SPLS, we believe cultivating integrity is so important for young people. Doing what you say you will, only taking credit for work that is your own, and admitting mistakes are all part of showing integrity.

So that leaves “G.” In the world “G” might stand for growth, for getting along with others or that basic concept of fearlessness known as guts. At SPLS, however, the “G” is the secret weapon that those who trust God have that others lack. And that is God’s grace shown through the work of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

To have grit implies that defeats, errors, and failures do not cause a person to quit but rather to try again. That is tenacity. And grace makes that possible.

To have grit means that taking responsibility and showing integrity do not crush our spirit or label us as losers. Knowing a loving God who is aware of our frailties and short-comings and who has prepared a solution makes it possible for us to be honest with ourselves and with others about who we are. God’s grace does not lead us to despair and waving the white flag of surrender, instead it gives us a clear opportunity to start again, to be guided by our love for God toward improvement and growth, and to keep trying, seeing a bright future ahead.

So we ask ourselves, as SPLS teachers and staff, “Got G.R.I.T.?” And we will ask the same of our students. We know that none of us have this wrapped up, but asking the question sets a goal before us. One that research says will set us on a path toward a greater likelihood of success and happiness. But even more importantly, the path will lead us to spiritual peace and confidence here on earth and the sure promise of eternity with our great God.

Grace. Responsibility. Integrity. Tenacity. Got G.R.I.T.? —Robert C. Boyd, SPLS Principal



The 66th

Regular Conven#on of the Lutheran

Church Missouri Synod was held in Milwaukee,

WI, July 9-14. Our Early Childhood Director,

Cynthia Tillman a4ended this conference and

was selected to represent our district as an

advisory delegate. Above, Ms. Tillman is

pictured with our FL-GA District President Rev.

Gregory Walton; our previous Senior Pastor,

Rev. Dr. Dennis Goff, and President of the

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Rev. Dr.

Ma4hew C. Harrison. We praise God for her

wonderful experience.

New Seasons Begin in Choir/Bells Choirs make a huge commitment to the life of worship at church. Therefore, we divide our year into ‘seasons.’ The first season will go from Sept. 7 – Nov. 6. It’s our turn to host the Reformation Service this year. This season will include singing at 3pm on Oct. 30 with other Lutheran choirs. It’s always a grand time to sing with lots of voices and to get to know singers from Lutheran congregations in our area.

Choir rehearsals begin Sept. 7, 6:30–7:30pm in the Music Suite. Soprano and Alto voices are especially needed! Come and join us in singing praises and leading our people in worship at the 8:30 service! Interested? Willing? See Gloria Klockziem at the organ bench after worship on Sunday!

�BELL RINGERS: Our Bells of Joy has been a full

four octave choir for many years. This past spring, THREE of our usual ringers have moved away! One more is moving this fall. We are in need of FOUR new ringers. It’s a good time to come and learn to ring. You won’t be the only new one in this advanced group. If you can count to four, we can teach you to ring; although, prior music instruction does help in learning. We meet on Wednesdays, starting in November, from 5-6pm at the bell tables in the Worship Center and we play for the 8:30 worship at least once a month. If you are interested or want to ‘volunteer’ a shy friend, please see Gloria Klockziem at the organ bench after 8:30 worship.


Luther is up and moving! It’s only SIX AM! Does he

want to start our Bible study this early? At least let me get the coffee brewing! So up we are and heading for the kitchen for a cup of good Lutheran coffee because it’s heavenly! Luther stops waging his tail. Not funny, huh?

As the coffee maker gurgles, I started thinking about what endures in our lives. Right then, Luther nudges me with his cold, wet nose. Oh yeah, I need to be praying about this because I need to write a sermon message about this very thing! Thanks for the heads up, boy!

I thought about how great life is walking with God the Father and what has lasted through the years…what has endured. First off and foremost, Jesus Christ has endured. Once Jesus took hold of me, my life changed rather dramatically.

For as far back as I can remember, I was always blessed with a strong sense of right and wrong. I had a very strong conscience. I was not one to bully, to be obnoxious or mean or to cause prob-lems for others. As I got older, I started to realize that my strong conscience was the influence and voice of the Holy Spirit working in my life, guiding me. I learned to listen to that still small voice in my head telling me what was right and wrong. Did I always get it right? Far from it! I missed the mark on many things. If I had lis-tened, I never would have taken up some of the activities I did. If I had truly always listened, I would have gone to Concordia Semi-nary in St. Louis in 1991.

But I learned to listen to my conscience. But I learned the hard and painful way. Sometimes, this is how God has to get to us…the hard and painful way. This is what happens to all of us at some time in our lives. Look around. People everywhere are hurting. In some ways, these are very difficult times we live in. But as much as we struggle with everyday life and the challenges we are given to work through, the enduring love of our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is what we need to get us through. Jesus is always there for us. Jesus is always holding us and loving us. Always…His love endures forever!

“THE STORY” RESUMES Discover the Greatest Story Ever Told

On August 14, we will resume our church-wide study of discovering the Bible in

story form using the book “The Story.” This book takes the Bible and puts it in

chronological form. It condenses parts that we usually get lost in and it focuses on the

redemp#ve plan of God beginning with Crea#on and ending with the return of Christ

on the Last Day.

We began in January by reading a chapter each week. Our Sunday sermons

focused on the events of that par#cular week’s chapter. Bible study groups were

formed to study materials that helped us gain greater understanding and ways to

apply what we learned. Then we took a summer break a+er reading chapter 20,

which got us through most of the Old Testament.

On Sunday, August 14, we will con#nue our journey with Chapter 21. Whether

you have read the first 20 chapters or not, we encourage you to read Chapter 21

before that Sunday. Books can s#ll be purchased for $5 at the Welcome Center and

Study groups will resume during the Sunday Bible study hour (9:45-10:45am).

It’s always the perfect #me to be in God’s Word. Please join us!

As you go through your day, God will put people and situa-tions in front of you. Why? Because you are His and he wants you to serve Him by helping others. Even if you just go about your day passing on nice thoughts and comments to others, you are showing God’s love. And remember, Jesus is with you when these moments happen. He is always there and He will give you what you need to know and say. Just listen to that still small voice in your head, because Jesus is talking to you, guiding you through the Holy Spirit to reach out to others.

We all know this. We preach about it in services, we discuss it in classes. But what does it feel like to reach out to others in the name of Jesus Christ our risen Lord? Is it difficult? Nope. Is it stressful? It can be if you are not letting yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit. It can be something as simple as telling someone you care enough to really pray for them. Not just a simple “I will keep you in prayer”, but to really pray for that person, heart and soul. Even do it right then! There is no time like the present!

How can you go wrong? God is with you and you are show-ing His love to others. Whether it be your family, best friend, neighbor or someone who you just encountered, if God needs you to reach out to them, don’t shy away. Know that you are in the best hands ever! Jesus has your back!

Martin Luther stated, “You should not imagine that the life of a Christian is something stationary and inactive. On the contrary, it is a transition and a progress from vices to virtues, from bright-ness to brightness, from goodness to goodness.” We can take this to mean that we, as Christians, should always keep this is in mind as we go through the day. Take the opportunities as our Lord presents them, to be an ambassador for Christ…willing to share our joy in the risen Lord with others.

May God the Father bless you in the one, true, enduring faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and don’t forget to share this with all! Doing God’s work is the best!

Come on Luther, time for a walk. Let’s see who we come across today.

—In Christ, Peter Herbert

Connecting at St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 2016

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 7AM-6PM

SUMMER CAMP 8:30-12 MS VB Camp

2 7AM-6PM

SUMMER CAMP 8:30-12 MS VB Camp 5:30 Signing Class 6:30 Trustees

3 7AM-6PM

SUMMER CAMP 8:30-12 MS VB Camp

6pm CancerCare 6:30 ALA-NON 6:30 WORSHIP-C

4 7AM-6PM

SUMMER CAMP 8:30-12 MS VB Camp 6pm Church Properties


SUMMER CAMP 8am Bulletins

6 8am-12pm Work Day 6pm Seeking His Face

7 8:30 WORSHIP -C 9:30 Hmong Bible Study

9:30 NYG Breakfast 9:45-10:45 CM 10:45 Hmong Worship

ten47 WORSHIP -C


9 11:30 Lunch Bunch

@ Cheddar’s 5:30 Signing Class

6pm Min. Architects 6:30 Lay Ministers

10 8am Teacher Mtgs 6:30 ALA-NON 6:30 WORSHIP-C

11 7:15am Men's Group

8am Teacher Mtgs 5pm HR & Finance 6:30 Katie’s Ladies 7pm Marty’s Men

12 8am Bulletins 8am Teacher Mtgs 8am Teacher Breakfast

13 6pm Seeking His Face




8:30 WORSHIP 9:30 Hmong Bible Study

9:45-10:45 CM 10:45 Hmong Worship


15 10am All Staff


6:30 Knitting Ministry

16 9am Heritage 10:30 Prayer Group 4:30-5:30 ECEC


5:30-7:30 BACK 2 SCHOOL BASH

5:30 Signing Class

17 6:30 ALA-NON 6:30 WORSHIP

18 7:15am Men's Group SPL SCHOOL BEGINS

Middle School Retreat

19 8am Bulletins Middle School Retreat

20 6pm Seeking His Face

21 8:30 WORSHIP-C 9:30 Hmong Bible Study

9:45-10:45 CM 10:45 Hmong Worship


12pm Hmong Potluck

22 12pm Esther Circle

23 9am Heritage 10:30 Prayer Group 5:30 Signing Class

6:30 School Board

24 8:25 CHAPEL K-8 9:15 CHAPEL PK 9:45 CHAPEL ECEC 6:30 ALA-NON 6:30 WORSHIP-C

25 7:15am Men's Group

26 8am Bulletins

27 6pm Seeking His Face

28 8:30 WORSHIP 9:30 Hmong Bible Study

9:45-10:45 CM 10:45 Hmong Worship



30 9am Heritage 10:30 Prayer Group

31 8:25 CHAPEL K-8 6:30 ALA-NON 6:30 WORSHIP

SEPTEMBER Newsletter articles due.

What an AWESOME experience our youth had in New Orleans! We are thankful that everything went well and that our youth returned safely. The Youth would like to

thank everyone for all their support by hosting a “Thank You Breakfast” on August 7th at 9:30am in the Fellowship Center. Everyone is invited to attend. Youth will share stories of their NYG experience.






PERMIT NO. 85 4450 Harden Boulevard, Lakeland, FL 33813

School Opening Service is August 21 at 10:47 AM

Ages 15 months - 8th Grade

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