austria, prussia and russia. austria and the habsburgs

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Austria, Prussia and RussiaAustria, Prussia and Russia


And the HabsburgsAnd the Habsburgs

HabsburgsHabsburgs Habsburgs look to east for more power Bohemia

• 30 years War, Phase 1

• AbsoluteAbsolute control• New nobility made up of Catholics loyal to

Habsburg rule

• Peasant life miserable

Turn towards Hungary

OttomansOttomans Muslim rulers from the south Tolerant of other religions

• MilletMillet• smaller areas under local control

• paid tax straight to the Sultan

JanissariesJanissaries• Christian boys taken as slaves and trained

to be soldiers and officials for Sultan

Habsburgs v. OttomansHabsburgs v. Ottomans 1527 Suleiman almost takes Vienna 1683 Ottomans attack Vienna again

• Habsburgs and coalition hold off• Counter attack as Ottomans retreat

1687 Battle of ZentaBattle of Zenta• major defeat for Ottomans 30,000 dead v. 500

1689 Peace of KarlowitzPeace of Karlowitz• Habsburgs get Hungary

Habsburgs and Hungary 1713 Pragmatic SanctionPragmatic Sanction

• Single Habsburg ruler would always control Austria, Bohemia and Hungary

Hungarian nobility used to independence and tolerance of past Ottoman rule• Resist Habsburg absolutism

• Nationalist Pride

• Have ally in Turkey

• Compromise…Habsburg rule but still independent in respects


And the HohenzollernAnd the Hohenzollern

Frederick WilliamFrederick William The Great ElectorThe Great Elector

R. 1640 - 1688 Elector of Brandenburg Gains title over Prussia Traditionally powerless Uses political wit and force to unite areas JunkersJunkers

• nobility and landowning class of Prussia

Creates standing army of 30,000

Elector Fred III (King Frederick I)

Useless More worried about palace

than people Treaty of Utrecht

• Gains title from HRE for helping in War of Spanish Succession

• Officially becomes King of Prussia

King Frederick William I (r. 1713 - 1740)

Military FreakFreak Models Prussian society

after the militarymilitary Felt Prussia needed to be

respected militarily to get a say in world politics

Standing army 83,000

Frederick II Frederick II “The Great”“The Great” (1740 - 1786)(1740 - 1786)

“First servant of the state.” Enlightened Despot Religious tolerance 1772 First Partition of 1772 First Partition of

PolandPoland• splits Poland with Russia

• unifies Brandenburg and Prussia

RussiaRussiaAnd the RomanovsAnd the Romanovs

Russia did not develop at the same pace or time as the rest of Europe. Why?

Russia looked to the Greek Orthodox Church at Constantinople, not Rome

Mongol invasions from 1240-1580• Asiatic invaders• Ivan III through out the Mongols in 1580

Russian Geography • No ice free ports

Russia’s non-Europeness

Women were secluded, wore veils Men bearded, skirted garments Churchmen feared western influence

• “Abhorred of God is anyone who loves geometry; it is a spiritual sin” Quote from a Russian Bishop

Ivan IV 1533-1584 “Terrible”

First to assume the Title of Tsar

Time of troubles 1604-1613

Russian nobles elected series of Tsars and demanded certain assurances of their own liberties

Came to an end with the election of the young Michael Romanov 1613


Life worsened Punishment for killing Serf 1675 allowed serf to be sold off the land Steven Razin 1667 led Serf revolt- executed

in 1671

Russian Orthodox Church Crisis

Russians looked to Patriarch in Constantinople Constantinople conquered by Muslim Turks Russia set up independent Patriarch in 1589 After 1700 no new Patriarch was appointed Procurator of the Holy Synod

• Government Official

Peter the Great 1682-1725

Westernizer As a young man Peter

spent a year in western Europe

1697-1698 recruited 1000 technical experts• Don’t copy, compete

Streltsi Rebellion 1698

Form of Feudal rebellion Streltsi were the Royal guard, tried to

overthrow Peter while he was away in the west

Rebellion stopped• Peter killed 5 rebels with his own hands

Windows on the west

Peter sought ice free ports on the Baltic or Black sea

Brought Russia into conflict with Sweden Great Northern War 1709-1721 Charles XII king of Sweden

• Narva 1700 Russ. 40k; Swed 8K Swed win• Peter learns lesson;westernize or die

• Poltava 1709; Russia wins• 1721 treaty of Nystadt; Russia gets windows on the


Peter modernized government

Administration- gubernii• Broke Russia into 10 administrative territories

Peter against all old

Required all gentry to put sons in school Simplified russian alphabet Prepared Russian book of etiquette Made men shave beards (barber king) When Peter’s son threatened to return to old

ways (Slavophile) Peter ended up having him executed


It is not simply that he Europeanized Russia and conquered a place on the Baltic-these developments might have occurred in any case. It is the methods he used that set the character of his empire.

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