awabakal march newsletter

Post on 20-Mar-2016






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N E W S F O R O U R C O M M U N I T Y M A R C H 2 0 1 4 . . .N E W S F O R O U R C O M M U N I T Y M A R C H 2 0 1 4 . . .


Welcome to the March edition of the Awabakal Newsletter. So much has happened in the previous few months, making it a really exciting time to be a part of the Awabakal team.

We are about to undertake a massive refurbishment of the medical centre in Samdon Street, making it one of the most cutting edge facilities specialising in the provision of Aboriginal-specific health care services in the country.

We are committed to ensuring the local community have improved access to a medical centre that has been designed with the specific needs of the local community in mind. It will feature new equipment, treatment rooms and will allow the medical and social support services to be offered, under one roof.

This will enable the community to receive more tailored health care, as well as allowing the health workers and doctors, to deliver more integrated care.

One of the other major developments for the co-op has been the manufacture of our purpose-built medical truck which will support the outreach services of the medical centre as well as the Deadly Choices health promotion team.

The truck will underpin the great work our people are doing in the community through clinics, community days and Deadly Choices events. It is anticipated the truck will be ready to go sometime in May.

I would also like to take this opportunity to recognise the hard work the team at Disability and Community Services have undertaken over the last few months, to meet the Community Care Common Standards. An impressive amount of work has been done in this area to ensure Awabakal are meeting and exceeding the conformance obligations around our services. The team have demonstrated their commitment to a continuous improvement approach to service management, planning and delivery. Well done team.

There are so many positive things taking place within Awabakal that are making a real difference in community. I thank you all for your continued support and engagement throughout this time of change and look forward to delivering better, more effective programs and services to you in the future.

Don MacAskill

A Message from the CEO

There are so many positive things taking place within

Awabakal that are making a

real difference in community

Don MacAskill, Chief Executive Officer

Awabakal Newcastle Aboriginal Co-Operative recently announced a partnership with the Newcastle Knights which will strengthen our already strong ties with the club.

Two high-profile Knights players, Tyrone Roberts and Tima Tahu are role models for our Deadly Choices brand, and work hard within the community to champion the message of making healthy choices in your life, be it diet, exercise or having healthy relationships.

The recent Festival of Indigenous Rugby League, which took place from the 5th February, was a resounding success for the co-op and the partnership, with Awabakal’s Deadly Choices logo enjoying pride of place on the chest of the Newcastle Knight’s Indigenous strip, as they took on the First Nations Goannas for the major game on Saturday.

The festival included several different events which engaged the community and celebrated the very best of rugby league talent from community. From community events, to football matches, the men and women who represent the best of the sporting community, came together to celebrate those who make deadly choices in their lives.

The Deadly Choices team worked hard throughout the festival to ensure they could meet and greet the masses of people who passed through the DC marquee, playing games and learning about healthy habits in order to receive a Deadly Choices pack.

Awabakal is looking forward to exploring the many opportunities the partnership with the Knights will bring to community, and we look forward to continuing to celebrating the achievements of Aboriginal people in our community, be it sporting, academic or social achievement.

Awabakal in partnership with the Newcastle Knights

A new lease on life for the medical centre

The staff and management are proud to announce the refurbishment of the Awabakal Aboriginal Primary Health Care Centre. The refurbishment will see the medical and support services, such as dental, mental health and chronic care, delivered out of one state-of-the-art facility. This means patients will receive more tailored and holistic care, in one convenient location. The proposed floor plan details the creation of two triage rooms, four consult rooms, two purpose-built dental rooms, and a comfy and private waiting room.

Awabakal is committed to providing community with first-class health and wellbeing services, delivered through a facility that uses the most up to date medical equipment. This is important for our community.

As the need for specialised Aboriginal health services grows, it is essential we can meet this need and deliver first-class primary health and medical care. By refurbishing the existing site, we are maximising the potential to engage with staff and community, to ensure we are moving towards better service delivery.

The new building is being designed with future growth in mind. Ensuring there is room for the future development of services and programs from the site.

It is expected works will begin on site in April, lasting approximately five to six months. We will be keeping the community up to date with the building developments, and ensuring there is minimal disruption to the provision of services. We thank you for your patience throughout this process and hope you appreciate the benefit this will provide to you, the community on completition.

Improving our service delivery to our communityThe team at Disability and Community Services have undertaken a huge amount of work in the last few months in order to meet the Community Care Common Standards. An impressive amount of work has been done

in this area to ensure all Awabakal services

and programs are meeting the conformance

obligations set by the government standards,

best practice and the requirements of our

funding bodies.

The team have demonstrated their commitment

to a continuous improvement approach to

service management, planning and delivery.

This means the community will enjoy improved

access to the service, as well as improved and

more streamlined service.

Not only did the team meet the standards,

they also implemented management systems

and procedures so thoroughly, the compliance

team have stated there is no need for further

observation of the service. Well done team.

22nd March Deadly Choices Community Day at Hunter Sports High School

25th May Deadly Choices Community Day at King Park, Raymond Terrace

27th May-3rd June Reconciliation Week

6th-13th July NAIDOC Week


Increase in the amount of GP Management Plans conducted for 2013

Increase in the amount of Health Assessments conducted for 2013

Increase in the amount of Team Care Plans conducted for 2013

Number of local Aboriginal people who are registered users of the Awabakal Aboriginal Primary Health Care Centre.

Percentage of people surveyed who identified as having a family history of Chronic Disease at the Knock Out

Awabakal has contracted a local supplier to custom build our Primary Health Care Centre and Deadly Choices teams a mobile clinic that will support our current outreach clinics, community days and school visits.

The clinic will be staffed with a GP, Nurse and/or Aboriginal Health Worker and services provided will include, health checks, hearing tests and chronic care advice and referrals. The mobile clinic will also assist our Deadly Choices team in delivering important messages about healthy lifestyle choices to the community. It is anticipated that the truck will be delivered and operational sometime in May. This is an exciting development for Awabakal and will allow us to fulfil our mission to deliver better, and more tailored health care to the community.

Custom built medical truck

Service Snapshot Medical Centre






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