aws tech trg- aws common errors

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Productivity Solutions,

Product & Marketing

Abacus WorkSpaceTechnical Training21st to 23rd Oct 2013Topic: Known issues

Associated work-around End user experience impact


Errors during installation


Pulse Failed to Start

Issue: Users trying to install Abacus WorkSpace get the message

"Pulse Failed to Start”

Solution 1: • If the customer is runningWindows XP SP1 or SP2, advisethem that they are using an unsupported OS, and must upgrade to SP3.

Solution 2:If the customer is using a supported OS, try deleting

• Windows temp files in C:\Windows\Temp • User temp files for Windows Vista/7/8

C:\Users\<WinUser>\AppData\Local\Temp• User temp files for Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\<WinUser>\Local After that re-run the installer.


Pulse Communication Wizard – HTTP error occurred (401)

Issue: While trying to run the Abacus WorkSpace installation you get the error: "HTTP error occurred 401”.

Solution 1: Check if the user is behind a proxy.

Then check network access to Port 443 with the command:

telnet 443


Solution 2: Rename the program folder.

Windows Vista/7/8 %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Abacus WorkSpace

Windows XP%PROGRAMFILES%\Abacus WorkSpace

Windows XP 64bit%PROGRAMFILES%(x86)\Abacus WorkSpace

Then, run the installer.

Pulse Communication Wizard – HTTP error occurred (401)(Cont..)


Pulse Communication Wizard – HTTP error occurred (401)(Cont..)

Solution 3: • Try to remove any previous trace of a Abacus WorkSpace installation on the system.


• To check previous directories check the .abacusworkspace.locator file%WINDIR%\.abacusworkspace.locator

• Try to rename the following folders and files:Windows Vista/7/8

%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Abacus WorkSpaceWindows XP

%PROGRAMFILES%\Abacus WorkSpaceWindows XP 64bit

%PROGRAMFILES%(x86)\Abacus WorkSpace

After that, run the latest installer to finish the installation.


“Pulse-explorer executable launcher unable to locate companion shared library”

Issue: • While trying to install Abacus WorkSpace you get the error "Pulse-explorer executable launcher unable to locate companion shared library".

• After Clicking OK you receive"Pulse Failed to Start“

• The files extracted during the installation are corrupted or invalid.


“Pulse-explorer executable launcher unable to locate companion shared library” (Cont..)

Solution : • Browse to the AWS install folder

Windows Vista/7/8%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Abacus WorkSpace

Windows XP%PROGRAMFILES%\Abacus WorkSpace

• Delete the full Abacus WorkSpace folder • Run the installer again

Note: If the issue persists, consider deleting the temp files before running the installer (default is as below)

Windows Vista/7/8C:\Users\<WinUser>\AppData\Local\Temp

Windows XPC:\Documents and Settings\<WinUser>\Local Settings\Temp


“Pulse could not perform the request” and “Cannot transition from a state other than the current state”

Solution :• Run the installer again. • We may need to push a new blueprint and / or delete temporary files

Issue: When running the installer, the “Pulse could not perform…” error message pops-up. After clicking “Next”, the “Cannot transition from a state…” message pops-up. It is not possible to continue from this point.


Unexpected Error Occurred While Preparing to Install and/or Launch Selected Profile

Issue: While installing Abacus WorkSpace, you get the below error message, "Unexpected Error Occurred While Preparing to Install and/or Launch Selected Profile".


Unexpected Error Occurred While Preparing to Install and/or Launch Selected Profile (Cont…)

Solution: The user was unable to retrieve the binaries from This could be for several reasons:

� The connection was very slow and several binaries failed to download • Click "Back" then Click "Install" again. • Click "Show Details" to see if the files are being downloaded. • If this continues to fail consider downloading the Prepackaged Installer on fast connections or shipping a USB Drive for slower connections.

� The user does not have access to the DNS • Open a DOS prompt and make sure a ping to resolves (the IP will vary as it is akamai hosted). • Check with the IT to verify their proxy and / or firewall is allowing traffic to that DNS on port 80.

• If this continues to fail consider downloading the Prepackaged Installer on fast connections or shipping a USB Drive for slower connections.


Solution (cont..)� The user is on Shared Cache and cannot access the server

• Browse to C:\Windows and open the .abacusworkspace.locatorfile. If the file contains a line com.genuitec.pulse.client.sharedcache.location=shared cache location then they are shared cache

• Note the shared cache location and verify that the user has access to it.

• If there is no reference to sharedcache in the locator file then the user is not using Shared Cache and this would not be the problem cause.

� An Antivirus / Firewalls could be blocking the internet access for the installer. Advise the customer to create an exception for “pulse-explorer.exe”, or momentarily disable it while installing.

Unexpected Error Occurred While Preparing to Install and/or Launch Selected Profile (Cont…)


Direct Connection - Pulse Communications Wizard "Unable to Connect to Server"

Issue:While running the Abacus WorkSpace installation you get the below pop up with the message "Unable to Connect to Server“

Solution: • User cannot reach Check connectivity to provisioning site.

• Also you can click Cancel on the window.

• Then verify that there is no "Pulse" option under Start > Programs. If there is, uninstall it.


An Error Has Occurred (During Installation)

Issue: While trying to run the Abacus WorkSpace installation you get the error:

"An error has occurred. See the log file...“

Solution 1:• Run the installer again

Solution 2: • Reinstall using the Seed Installer


7 Zip Errors

Issue: When trying to install Abacus WorkSpace you get an error about 7-zip

Solution: • The installer is corrupted. Re-download the installer. If the error occurs again it will be necessary to delete the temporary files.

• Make sure Hidden Files and Folders is set to "Show...“ This can be done under My Computer: Tools > Folder Options theView Tab.


7 Zip Errors

Solution (cont…): • Browse to

Windows Vista/7/8C:\Users\<WinUser>\AppData\Local\Temp

Windows XPC:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp

NOTE: You can go there directly by typing %temp% in the RUN box

• Delete the contents of the folder.

• If you receive an "in use" error, end the task “pulse-explorer.exe” or reboot the computer


Failure Initializing Installer

Issue: While installing Abacus WorkSpace you get the error:

"An unexpected failure occurred initializing the installer."

Solution 1: Make sure the folder...\Abacus WorkSpace\Common\Configuration\v2\org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine\profileRegistryhas read/write permissions.

Solution 2: Delete the profile Registry folder.


Error Preparing Installer

Issue: While installing Abacus WorkSpaceyou get the error:

"Could not find requested software []."

Solution: Rename both Abacus WorkSpacefolders and run the installer again.


Failed to load the JNI shared library ".../jvm.dll"

Issue: While installing Abacus WorkSpace you get the error "Failed to load the JNI shared library '.../jvm.dll". After Clicking OK you receive "Pulse Failed to Start“

Solution 1: Verify that the file does exist in the specified path (as above). If it is not there, check the Anti-virus settings.

Solution 2: Launch the installer running as administrator, and set abacusworkspace.exe to run as administrator.


Errors during launch


S02 Error

Issue: Application sidebar grayed out after 1st launch when getting an S02 error.

Solution: Click “Next” to clear the LNIATA (OAA)


Profile page prompts each time Abacus WorkSpace is launched

Issue: Profile page prompts each time Abacus WorkSpace is launched.

Solution 1: Make sure both Abacus WorkSpacefolders have read/write permissions.

Solution 2: If that does not work, try launching Abacus WorkSpace as admin.

(Right click > Run As Administrator)


JVM Terminated - Exit code= n

Issue: While trying to launch Abacus WorkSpace you get the error: "JVM Terminated - Exit code= -1” or “JVM Terminated - Exit code= 13”This error message indicates a problem/corruption with the Java installation.

Solution 1: If Java is installed, test the installation. Reinstall / uninstall as needed. ( by clicking on the “Test the version of Java your browser is using”)

Solution 2: Reinstall Abacus WorkSpace to replace the bundled JVM


An Error Has Occurred (During Launch)

Solution 1: The current Windows user does not have full rights on the Abacus WorkSpacefolder. Check that the Abacus WorkSpace folder has full rights before re installing

Solution 2: Rename the user folder for the affected agent under: Windows Vista/7/8C:\Users\<WinUser>\Abacus WorkSpace\Settings\<PCC_EPR>

Windows XPC:\Documents and Settings\<WinUser>\Abacus WorkSpace\Settings\<PCC_EPR>

Solution 3: Reinstall Abacus WorkSpace to a custom path where the user has full rights.

Issue: While trying to launch Abacus WorkSpaceyou get the error: "An error has occurred. See the log file....”


User preference location not available

Issue: When launching Abacus WorkSpace this error comes up prior to the login screen.

Solution 1: Grand read/write permissions to both Abacus WorkSpace folders.

Solution 2: • Edit user's config.ini file located by default under: Windows Vista/7/8

C:\Users\<WinUser>\Abacus WorkSpaceWindows XP

C:\Program Files\Abacus WorkSpace\Profiles\PCC_EPR\configuration\• Look for @user.home and replace it with:Windows Vista/7/8

C\:\\Users\\<WinUser> Windows XP

C\:\\Documents and settings\\<WinUser>

Keep in mind you need to follow the logic: {Driver



Solution 3: • Reinstall Abacus WorkSpace to a custom path where the user has full rights.

• Use the .abacusworkspace.locator file to redirect the installation

User preference location not available (Cont…)


This application is already in use

Issue: The file …\Settings\PCC_EPR\.metadata\.lock cannot be accessed. This can be due to another instance of the application being open or the user settings directory is inaccessible.

Solution 1: End the abacusworkspace.exe process from the task manager.

Solution 2: Reboot the computer.

Solution 3: Manually delete the .lock file located in the user settings folder


The abacusworkspace executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library

Issue:After clicking on the Abacus WorkSpace icon, you get the error shown

Solution 1: The abacusworkspace.ini file located under C:\Program Files\Abacus WorkSpace\Profiles\PCC_EPR\ could be corrupted or missing. You can replace it with the one from another after modifying it to match the affected user’s paths.

Solution 2:The abacusworkspace.exe file is trying to run from an invalid location (i.e. Desktop). Check its location and restore the *.exe file to the correct one.


“Unable to launch the application”

Issue: Abacus WorkSpace was unable to launch the Abacus VPN

Solution:Click on the “Details” button for more information regarding the cause of this issue. The most common are:

• An Antivirus, Firewall, or Proxy is blocking Javaws.exe. • is not accessible. • The Java cache is not enabled or is corrupted. • The installed Java is corrupted


Partially Connected

Issue: While running Abacus WorkSpace you get one of these messages on the bottom right side.

Web content not available

Solution: • Connection to the web content is not available.

• Test access to and general Internet connection reliability.

Host connection not available

Solution: • Host connectivity has been lost while the agent is in Abacus WorkSpace.

• Verify the Abacus WorkSpacehas not been closed. Close and Open Abacus WorkSpace. Check for other errors.


Safe Mode

Issue: After you open Abacus WorkSpaceand sign in you get the pop up with the message: "Safe Mode"

Causes : • User does not have access to

• User does not have access to

• Siteminder is down.


Safe Mode (Cont…)

Solution: • Check if an antivirus/firewall is blocking the internet access for the application.

• Check if there is an invalid proxy configured in Abacus WorkSpace

• Test access to

• Test access to

• If a large number of sites are reporting issues, Siteminder could be down.

• Check the system date and time and confirm that they are set correctly

• Close Abacus WorkSpace and re-launch it.

Note:The “Tools > Options” menu will not show while in safe mode.


Unable to Sign-In Issue: After clicking on Sign In, the agent is getting a message “Unable to Sign-In”

Solution 1: Check the system date and time.

Solution 2: Make sure the customer has access to You can test from the Command Prompt with: telnet 443

Solution 3: Make sure no antivirus/antispyware is blocking abacusworkspace.exe from connecting to the internet.

Solution 4: Make sure the system date and time are correct


Abacus WorkSpace is unable to launch due to connection issues

Issue: When launching Abacus WorkSpace you get the above error

Solution: Check that the Abacus VPN is running and with no errors. If there are no error messages, quit and re-launch the Abacus VPN

Note: If the user has selected TASharing, they might get to the emulator, and see the error message “HOST UNREACHABLE”


An unauthorized user configuration has been detected...

Issue: • When launching Abacus WorkSpace you get the above error• One or more of the Abacus WorkSpace plugins is corrupted / damaged

Solution 1: Replace the affected plug-ins (shown in the error message) with working ones from another computer. Files are located by default under:

Windows Vista/7/8C:\Users\<WinUser>\AppData\Local\Abacus WorkSpace\Common\plugins

Windows XPC:\Program Files\Abacus WorkSpace\Common\plugins


Solution 2:Grant full control over the Abacus WorkSpace installation path

Windows Vista/7/8C:\Users\<WinUser>\AppData\Local\Abacus WorkSpace

Windows XPC:\Program Files\Abacus WorkSpace

Solution 3:• Reinstall the application into a new folder. • Windows "Users" group must have full control over the Abacus WorkSpace folder.

An unauthorized user configuration has been detected... (Cont…)


S01 Error

Issue: The LNIATA configured in Abacus WorkSpace is invalid.

Solution: Input a valid LNIATA under Tools > Options > Connection > LNIATA.


Login Freeze

Issue: After logging into Abacus WorkSpace, the agent's credentials get grayed out and the login screen freezes

Solution 1: • Look for an Antivirus / Firewall that could be blocking abacusworkspace.exe

• Instruct the customer to create an exception in their security software

Solution 2: • Modify the Abacus WorkSpace shortcut. • In the target add the following parameter at the end "-clean“. After that the target should look like this

Example:“C:\Users\<WinUser>\AppData\Local\Abacus WorkSpace\Profiles\PCC_EPR\abacusworkspace.exe" –clean

Note: Make sure you remove the above parameter from the shortcut after the customer is logged in to Abacus WorkSpace


Entry Point Not Found / KERNEL32.dll Error

Issue:After launching Abacus WorkSpace you get the error message: "The procedure entry point DecodePointer could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll“

Solution:• Customer is using an unsupported Operating System (OS)• Have them update to Windows XP Service Pack 3 or newer.


Null pointer Exception in Encode/Decode

Issue:When selecting Encode/Decode in Abacus WorkSpace this error message appears

Solution:• Rename the .metadata folder by default under:

Windows Vista/7/8C:\Users\<WinUser>\Abacus WorkSpace\Settings\PCC_EPR

Windows XPC:\Documents and Settings\<WinUser>\Abacus WorkSpace\Settings\PCC_EPR

• The folder needs to be renamed by adding characters to left of the “.“ (Example: bkp.metadata)

Thank You

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