be green and live green by students from quercus school urb. el encinar - salamanca click to...

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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I’m your mother. My name is Nature. You can also call me the Earth. People say I’m the blue planet. I want to continue being blue and green and I feel that all of human beings, animals and plants are my lovely children. I feel happy taking care of you. Do you think I’m a wonderful world?.................... You are right but now I am ill and you have learnt here, in Lecaroz, how to help me get better. Do you want to help me like sons and daughters help her mother? These are my problems.

My name is WHALE. I´m the biggest animal on the Earth but I am peaceful. I live in the ocean and some people are killing me because of my meat and fat. I need clean and cold water to survive. I feel in danger.

My name is POLAR BEAR and you know I need ice to live but ice is melting because of global warming. I wear a beautiful fur coat and people like it so I and even my babies are being killed.

I live in Africa and I have close relatives in Asia with smaller ears than me. My life is hard and some people kill me because of my ivory tusk: I’m an elephant.

I’m living in your country. We are only a few and I will disappear if you don`t help me. Have you got cat pets at home?........................... Do you like them?..........................

I’m the biggest wild cat in Spain. My name is LIYNX.

How can we help them to survive? Don’t give me a quick answer: Think about it and do


I’m multicoloured but especially green: My name is FLORA: flowers, plants, trees and forests. People say I’m very beautiful as you can see in this valley of Batzan. Surely you know that I’m being destroyed in the Amazone, where I am called “rainforest”.Here in Spain, your country, my forests are burnt every summer.

Let me say that I’m like an onion. Why? Because I have several layers; one of them is the ozone layer that has got a big hole which is destroying it. Do you know why I’m so important for you? I protect you from the UV sun rays. Let me introduce myself: my name is ATMOSPHERE. I’m the air you breath and if you want to breath fresh air avoid pollution.

My name is greenhouse effect. I’m necessary to keep the Earth warm but now I have a problem: There is too much CO2 in my body, I need to get on diet and loose tones of CO2. If I am not balanced the effects will be terrible for Nature.

I need to be balanced to keep the adequate temperature but I’m getting warmer and warmer because pollution is increasing. The consequences are: ice melting, crazy weather with storms, floods and droughts and sea level is raising. You call me GLOBAL WARMING OR CLIMATE CHANGE.


Do you think I’m still a wonderful world? I feel worse and worse every day!

I feel you love me! Thanks! But I harm you provoking the global warming with its terrible consequences: I pollute everything and everywhere.: air, water and land. We are living a fatal attraction.


I am under the ground and I am a very expensive black liquid. All countries in the world want to have me because I make them rich,

but I don´t live in Spain. I can produce a lot of energy but not a renewable energy. I pollute a lot. I am OIL.

My name is GAS. I’m a non-renewable energy too. I have no colour. I`m expensive because I have to travel

to your home from very far places. I also pollute Nature but a bit less than other fossil fuels.

I’m not a green energy. I give you cheap energy but the most polluting. I’m a very hard black mineral. You can find me in Spain especially in the north : Asturias and León. I liver under the ground and people who take me out are called miners: this is a very dangerous job. My name is COAL.

My name is NUCLEAR ENERGY. I produce a lot of energy but everybody is afraid of me because I`m dangerous and my waste is radioactive for thousands of year. I’m also a non-renewable energy and I have caused big disasters along the world: Chernobil, Fukusima… with terrible consequences on people’s health.

But there is still hope because I’ve being told that renewable energies are

becoming in fashion, and I feel better with them.

The Earth is one of my eight planets and life depends on me giving you heat and light. I am the most renewable of green energies. I am the SUN and produce solar energy. Surely you have seen many solar panels on the houses or in solar parks in the countryside. People complain because they say I’m expensive, and that is true at the beginning because photovoltaic technology is expensive, but you don’t have to pay for the electricity bills any more.

I am WIND ENERGY and I’m renewable and green. You can find me anywhere it’s windy, especially high in the mountains. I have some enemies who say that I`m noisy, expensive and with a negative environmental impact. Do you agree? What about my positive things: I don’t pollute and I am a clean energy. Some of my defenders say that if wind parks are set offshore in the sea my impact is smaller.


I need water to be produced. Ladies and gentlemen let me introduce myself: call me HYDRO ENERGY. Do you know that I am abundantly produced in Salamanca using the water of the river Tormes and Duero? I think I was the first renewable energy used to produce electricity.


Mother Nature! I beg your pardon for my negative environmental impact but consider my advantages: green and cheap energy, I am used to water the land and grow vegetables, and sometimes I create new beautiful landscapes to be used as tourist resources where you can practice water sports.

It’s my turn. I am the less known of the renewable energies. My name is TIDAL ENERGY. I produce energy from tides, so my environment is the ocean and sea. I’m a form of hydro energy that converts the energy of tides into electricity. I was already used long time ago by the Romans and in the Middle Ages. I am not used very much at the moment, but scientists say I have a potential use in the future because tides are more predictable than wind and solar energy.

I am GEOTHERMAL ENERGY. Have you ever seen pictures of a volcano or a geyser? If so, then you've seen me in action! "Geo" means "from the earth," and "thermal" means "heat," so this type of energy is found under the earth. The hot lava from a volcano and the hot steam from a geyser, both come from underground heat and we can use that type of heat in our homes.

Have you wonder what you can do individually to make the world green? Are you ready to accept some compromises in your daily life.


My name is WASTE. But what do I mean?Waste is something that after using it we don`t need and throw. I have other names: trash, garbage, rubbish and refuse. I am produced everywhere: industries, hospitals, schools, homes, gardens… and by everybody. I can be organic waste, toxic, plastic, paper, metal or glass.

Did you know this? Europe creates about over 1.8 billion tons of waste each year. This means each person creates about 9 kilos a day.

How to manage this is a big problem. The culture of the 3-Rs is the solution. Please, pay attention.

Hello, my name is REDUCE. I’m the first R. The easiest way to solve the waste problem is don’t produce so much waste. This mean don’t buy unnecessary things and save electricity, water, paper etc. Doing this you have advantages: you save money, you don`t pollute and you help to keep natural resources..

After my sister Reduce , let me introduce myself: I’m REUSE, the second R. My name means to use things again and again, after they have been used for the first time. You are green if you don’t buy disposable things: plastic bags, glasses and bottles, paper towels and napkins etc. You can reuse things donating clothes, toys, books, furniture to other people. Whatever you do with your things is better than throwing them away.

I’m RECLYCLE, the third R. Another way of being green is putting each waste into the correct container. Remember! The green container is for glass. The blue container is for paper and cardboard, and the yellow container is for plastic and tins. Organic waste goes to the rubbish bin. Take toxic waste to a recycling centre. We call it “punto limpio”. If you practice the culture of the 3-Rs you deserve a big hug from me and my sisters . Nature thanks you to be green.


EGO: I’m EGO and I feel the most important being in the world. Who are you?

ECO: My name is ECO a I feel a part of the world. I love to share the planet with the rest of human beings, animals and plants.

EGO: Ohhhh! I don’t care about them. I love having a lot of things. I’m crazy about shopping, and when I am tired of something I throw it away.

ECO: Really? Do you feel well being so selfish? I’m just the opposite. I buy only what I need and I like sharing my things with others. For example I donate my clothes, toys, books and everything I don’t need.

EGO: Oh, what a nonsense! Who else is like you? I love going everywhere by car, having the newest mobile phone and the best clothes.

ECO: Sorry for you! No, sorry for the Earth, I mean for everybody because you are destroying the planet. Would you like to be the last being on the earth? Would you like to live these situations: no water for swimming pools, very expensive electricity, new diseases …

EGO: You are frightening me! Is the situation so bad? Tell me what I can do because I want to live comfortably.

ECO: There are many things you can do to live in a green and comfortable way. To start, practice the culture of the 3Rs and follow these tips.


ENERGY WEEK FROM 28.09. - 2.10. 2015

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