bee (earlington, ky.). (earlington, ky) 1906-04-19 [p...

Post on 22-Sep-2020






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1 Q




Kust le Built at a Spectral Vime andifZt In a Special Way to Be

It Right

i When a Chinaman has decided toJ build himself a house the first person

he consults la not an architect but a

wIzardS examines the siteand marks the exact spot for the iron

neveltILcedueera aspect Is highly desirable Onlythe houses of the emperor and of highgoverning officials may front duesouth

The wizard of gcomancer next pre¬

scribes te cactslze of the front doory An inch too much or too little mighta have disastrous consequences-

A screen of wood or of bricks mustbe erected about three yards In frontof the door Tilts Is to keep Out anyevil breath Not human breath normysterIous ¬

ItY screenrho for

the kitchen fireplace This also mustnot face south because the south rep-resents


fire and the kitchen fire andthe south fire wprkinp together wouldbe EO powerful that the house WouIUjust naturally burn up

llavlngsottledtlQ question of placethe wizard figures out a timework may be begun with some wJlenIof safety For instance If the earthgod should be atjionfc when the work-men began digging they might sUck aspade Into his august cranium andpayThedie out

The wouldbe builder must also findout whether It is a year when he mawith safety begin anything There anlots of these unlucky years A ma-


must not be married for Instancewhen his age Is 24 or 26 or any evennumberyearJohn

t months for there are only two out olthe 12 which are favorable to hiS un ¬

dertaking new things Then his yellowroad days or good ones must be deter ¬

mined There are more black roaddays than yellow ones so the ausplclous moments for starting his housepre finally reduced to a pretty limitedDumber

But that Isnt all The lucky days olthe whole family must next bo figuredout compared with Johns own yellowdofi theront door in place for building the

kitchen fireplace and so on aro thenr decided on and after

eeveral months for the auspicious dayto arrive John can at last begin work

Take tho ramify paperTtt BEG0

Tke Musical Event t

TernpleTheafraMay81ONE NIGHT ONLY

The Celebrated

Schubert Symphony Club

and Lady QuartetteAssisted tlin Celebrated Yuun

Am6duan Violin Virtuoso


In H d lig htful program entirelyfret from dullness and tsonKiRtfnir ofL fly Quantities Vldlln HUH Yuun 1 iSolon Mandolin And Gin tar OlubComic anti Serious Reading riteetc etc This is a musical Mitertftlmnent tlmt IH wnjoyahlo alike tnthe musician and tint masses PriceCK aGo and 25c Dont miss tbltrout Sec our inIt N81thry


Timo of departure of Illinois Cen ¬

tral trains from Nofttmville Ky

UOUNDI pmaa mS

No 198 local frt 128 p m< SOUTH BOUND

No 101 T408 uVmNo 103 140 amNo 121 local pans 128 p mNo 195 local frt 840 am


KtTectlve Sunday Dec 10


mNoNo 92 055 am815amNo

SOUTH BOUNDi407pmNopmNoNo 71 1015 a ni


CASTORIAorTill Kind You Have Always Bough

Bears theSignature itM

Beginning Saturday prn 7th andConUn es Until

April 21stL L Brown Domestic 6c per yard Hope Bleach 712c per pard The

best yet List year we thought we had great bargams this year we hateoutdone every effort of the past His wonderful what values wet oter bnv

neverything throughoutjour entire stock

J <


It will probably be many many years

comesbeforeboring horse out of business I utthmotorists declare that the fate of thcltyanlmallIs

theIcoi1tensilver trimmed harness will haveseek some other means ot earning oatsand hay

Kansas City says the Star is perhapsitc game But It is truehero as elsewhere that manystabsrgradjoutIMy dear remarks the head of thefamily I am thinking of buying anautomobile Its Just an experimentyou know Of course we will keep thehorses and use them principally

Mercy no John we mustnt give upthe horses says the wife

For a week or two they are too buslearning bow to drive the new

think abbut the horses Then someafternoon a sense of duty more

than anything else compels them to

baysbroughtsomehoandthey seem to poke along and there issomething lacking about the ride Nel ¬

ther one mentions It but before tonganother and then another motor car

thhorses ehaRare giving attention to now Is the roll ¬

ability of a car and what will botheminimum cost of repairs Formerly thefirst question asked was How fastFan It go Now the inquiry is Hofar and how cheap will it go This Isespecially true in this vicinity wherthe roads are narrow and there aremany turns Twenty miles an hour Isas fast as anybody cares to go and al ¬

most any car will dothat

Expensive TransactionForty years after the Bodleian li¬

brary at Oxford had received a copyof the first folio Shakespearethatto say In 16G4the librarian ofinstitution clearing out some faFper uous books dumped theolio In the lot and accepted 120the parcel Now the Bodleian has achance of buying it backagalntof


Pleasure IB often pain


DalJ3ServIceandSleepingTheeof the South Including

New Orleans Vicksburg

Bulfport Miss Hammond La

Gulft0pew line Great Southern Hotel Regular oceansteamship sailing from New Orleans for MexicoCentral America Panama West Indies and Eu>

rope Send or call for descriptive matter in reBard to the above

OrleanseHavana Cuba is bet reached via the IllinoisCentrrl through service to New Orleans and thenew odean line twinscrew nineteen knot

S t S > Prlnce Arthuri

leaving New Orleans Wednesday at 400 p5m and arriving at liavraS at sunrise Friday mornJng

Hot Springs Ark FloridaDaily Sleeping Cat without change Chicago tofromyrThrough Dlxlo4lyert Sleeping Car Line St

Louis to Jacksonville via Nrshvllle Chattanoogaand Atlanta

Mexico CaliforniathX e II

pices of Raymond Whitcomb will leave Chlcajlgo Fridays Feb and and and 33rd forCalifornia the last to include a stopover at NewOrleans for the Mardi Gras j tire trips made inspecial private vestibule trains of finest Pullmanswith dining car service 1 ascinating trips com +

plete in detail8I11CnoiaCentral Weekly Excursions to Callfor

nla Excursion cars through lo Los Angeles andSan Francisco as follows Via New Orleans andthe Southern Route every Friday from Chicagoevery Tuesday from Cincinnati and Loul vllleiVia Omaha end the Scenic Route every

wday from Chicago

concerningaileof the above can be hadof agents of the IllinoisCentral and connecting lines or by addressing the i

either of the undersigned I

lOS BIGGS D P A CincinnatiF W HARLOW D P A Louisville I


f Chicago Chi-

cagoa0 B WRKI


Will receive prompt attention at this office Estimate s


furnished upon application I


Y + + + 4 + or 4 orI 4s v

< + S + + + + + t + + at tI

fiJIi Paint il


Saving and-


r iv1




fsit J

quality that counts The life of the best paint is+ fully twice that of the inferior grads while theItitf

practically the same cost as the low the saving is inE3 fact a notable one This is a saving we endeavor 1

t gljityendeavor to make the price as low as possible VVeJt carry I n > JB

1 She rV 1111 =Wiilicfus

Paintsw iIf you buy anything in this line that costs less than rI

these paints you will get less than you pay for3 Cheap paints contain cheap pigment and a little oilweightGthe cheaper paints and you will need no further

argument These paints are in fact so heavy that M

as a rule a pint of oil should be added to each gallon3 which decreases the cost still further No matter

+what you may need in paints this spring it will pay

w you to see us about i-

tGardiner Bowmer1 1+Druggistsw

+ + + + t orto +or

1 sa or c or + orit4iD rwwrd w + w w w a

fAS y HAKE S8 loom End and Rarain Sale l


AIIlOOmtnUlj811COeSI yU1 iwiglu ann unoer at

rate of 1 c per yard longer lengths 3c per yd

Look for the Rid Tickets they denote a saving of 50 per centsomethingtothem the greatest values for their money j < V

Lt <Iou r1rlOt A t1CDrcI tO M1SJSLL IE cl r

1 Y

i i9r it ii i-

r a



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