bee (earlington, ky.). (earlington, ky) 1906-12-13 [p 6]

i 1r x 0 a TkiE B1aE EAR INGToNfK r J I tItl tl J 31 f J C t Ii til I e1iqK exsaextsitsetsessw- sxeC NASALE IUC f HAVE JUST ECE1VEQ t j 11II A SHIPMENT OF HANDSOMELY DECORATED CHINA IN VARIOUS DESIGNS INCLUDING F i 1 i x i 4 j t i w f i 4 r Cake Plates Oat Meal Bowls Vegetable Bowls r A < I 1 J > u 1ff t j Dinner Plates Salad Bowls FrQlt1 ff I r 14 I v I f I i Meat Dishes Berry Bowls x i > 111 l d r I T i l S t V y pA v s isI 1i Undoubtedly the greatest bargains ever offered in peeosware Eyery piece J I i ki gYj t em e I 11111jj > r J D UNK RS N r f t > t r 1 > I 4 f 1 J > Jf i J t r f r I j 1o l- j Madisonvillc Kentucky AWWV > t- d iJ- J PhoneZ22 W Center St 01 i 1iJ I I ill t I Itt 41 L IL ea II a 6 c Co aIoaa c a e a a CILIILIfo CA C IL 1oo ia1oa Iloo IIoIII ioa 4 a ra So I if l i t SIURGISNEWSt s ift B4tH and Industry as Seen Correspondenta s u ii aOSSIlFBOK RUBY TOWN r I SturgiB t Ky Dec 10S11ecla- ltGeoicC Hughep li well known i bgeine man of Sturgis died at his L home 6h Adams street Sunday after noon at B oclock of typhoid fever Mr Hu heir was stricken with the Jever over a month ago and from the i cifirst rout little hope was entertained by 1 1 family or his friends for his recovery He belonged to one of the 3i s oldest and best families of the coun jtyand was the largest stockholder I Dr the WhltsellNorthern Hard Bare QoThe funeral services were ti Conducted by Rev Barbee of the Cumberland Presbyterian church o- ffOweueboro at two oclock Monday afternoon after which the remains were laid to rest in the beautiful Knights of Pythias cemetery under J J the Auspices of that order of which foe deceased was a member But just a year a ohe was married to S Miss Hattie Cullen who survives Jrlm i HO was 47 years old beenlr J re a thiblscongreRaUon to a very 1ft lnteresting series of sermons for the PM f f w months at the Presbyterian otonr4l bfrom the book of Genises- ftfarbBkb the coming new year he e + Willtokpup the book of Exodus Ihe8flsermons have proveli very oft r tin g the lovely little church with n f pprtciative listeners every Sab t thf j Quite a number of loads of tobae 1 pi palled through on route to Mor g and Umontown markets this ind last week The people of t rgi8 to all appearances glad t h I tbey have no tobacco houses to- W burn They have trouble enough of Jtp 8rbwn Without looking for any l from the night raiders n V Miss Georgia L Floyd and Mr t i iJfpe A Ballard wore married at the r Christian church Henshaw Wednesday evening Dec 12 The t couple are popular young Society people qf Heushaw After a r Tjrief honeymoon in tup South they innnyr Ltuoky roaKnlflcent new West Ken Bote1 under the management Mi O B ShuteB formerly of iPwsil btbJUI i xwstfpd their flew Wifn i tin1t W U11R 1 t rj ir8t fl If 17 j t N 1r tlt > ti p- Et I J f i t c I t II T j < j I Ji cj 7 I < t I t 9 d sxse9s t essae Ka e 11sxe sst e < L T I L r aro t in Qt1 pf he load of passengers Wednesday It is the only one In the city and is a beautyOne nt the employes of West Kentucky Coal Co was given the G B in groal style one day last week for trying to organize for the union He had slipped in as a non ¬ union man of course but his die ¬ guise was of short duration In making mention of the may new buildings receiving finishing touches in Sturgis last week the new brick machine shop of James Caldwell on Main street was over ¬ looked This building is a large one and a credit to the town Dr D M Sloan of Grove Center who has beenln Arkansas on a deer hunt the month returned home Wednesday last week The doctor reports having had a successful hunt killing several deer and plenty of turkey Misses Lucy Garner Mary Hicks and Dona Bradbum and Capt Jo Boyd Col Woodford Smith and Lieutenant ErJ Daugherty made up the merry party to attend the opera at Evansville Monday nignt E P Hughes of Louisville at ¬ tended the funeral service of his uncle the late G O Hughes Mon ¬ day Mr and Mrs Curtis Hope well of Princeton Ind also at ¬ tended the funeral Mr and Mrs Will Moore of Nash ¬ ville visited his parents last week at Grove Center Mr Moore was formerly a Sturgis clerk but now in the general I C railroad office at NashvilleMr W Whitsell of Provi ¬ dence the retired president of the WhitsellNorthern Hardware Co attended the funeral of the late G C Hughes who was his successor > Mr and Mrs Hez Cullen of VVheatoroft attended the funeral of Mr George Hughes Monday Mc Cullen was at one time associated in business with Mr Hughes Chief Civil Engineer Cbas Stnck land of the West Kentucky Coal Co and his assistant Henry Size more were called to Wheatcroft qn mine matters this week t Mr MoKeaig who buta spurt time ago moved West has written to his friends here of his intention of coming back At last there Is no place like old Kentucky- P C DIxot Louisville state secretary of the Y M C A was here week looking after the completion of the note biUlditip at IMr j t rf r I t j- r Y s p f j 1 tie daughter Dorothy visited the parentSof Dr Humphrey at their nice home iu the country last week Mrs T BY Clore of Sebree has been the guest for the past week of Mrs J J JRudy of this place and Mrs Sam P Sturgis of DaKoven I Boy Barbee u f Owensboro protiched to the Cumberland Presby terian congregation here at the Methodist church Friday evening ExCongressman H D Allen County Attorney G Talbott Berry and Sheriff Mort Quirey of Morgan field attended court here Friday Editor HL Mosgrove of the NewsDemocrat writes back a bril ¬ liant description of Gulfport Miss the new white cIty by the sea The Ladies Magazine Club will be entertained by Mrs Burnett Goad at her beautiful home on Main street Saturday evening Miss May Ida Turley of Fredonia JKyM who has been the guest of the Misses Garner the past few weeks returned home Friday Mr R P Morris of Paducah Ky is the guest this Week of his daugh ¬ ter Mrs C B Shutes at the West KentuckyHotelMrs of Prince ¬ ton Ind arrived Saturday evening to attend the bedside of her brother Geo Hughes Mr and MrsJ S Moore qf Grove Center were the guests of their daughter Mrs N 13 Calmes last week Dr O H Urockmyer of Louis yule Is the guettt of his former partner Dr Morkwell this week Miss Margurite Brisco of Morgan field was the guest of Misses Bes ¬ sie and Alineda Hedges last week Prof HW C Ainley of the West Kentucky College made a business trip to Paducah last week Mrs H H Smith spent several days last week with her Husbands parents at Repton Ky Elijah Hughes Geo Cullen and Mrs Hattie Hughes went to Mor ganfleld Wednesday Miss Nora Parris 05 Grpve Con ¬ ter was the guest of Miss Grace Stnf h last week I Mrs Casey Graves of Morgan field was the guest of Mrs Arch I3ertyiastvpeokMrs a prominent gralnmeu of town went tq Morgan field Tuesday 1 t1lSlifpe y t ae 11eet Ki ntuoky J i i F > i v 1tr ryk f 1iif l I 0 Mdy1hl store manager to Evansville ThursdayChurch Tate of Madlsonville was visiting old friends in Sturgis Tues ¬ dayWnller Nunn now of Wheatcroft visited his parrots here Sunday WIH Ebony returned from a Southern trip this week Mice Note Wilt Chancellor cut 232 feet with one of the now LongWall machines one day last wft < k uteaninirr 4928 while win Maddox was iv close sec- ond with 216 feet or S61 Instead of these machines reducing the de mand for labor and the cause of throwing as was predicted many poor mop idle it has proven a bon to the laboring element as well as to the company not only increasing the demand for labor but has en- abled ¬ the operators to give better wages because of the fact of being better able to fill all contracts with promptnessSupt Mines Forest Davis IB havingnew machinery put in that Will greatly improve the present- systemof supplying boiler fuel and taking away the ashes All this will he done by machinery Joo Barr who has charge of the blacksmith shop in now assisted by Mr Thompson and they j et along like a pair of twins Last week was the banner week at collieryncusJneo the strike running four thousand tons of coal Mr Chandler chief of the elee trical department is kept busy with a large force all the Supt CJ Bucher was In Wheat croft the fir tof the weak rushing the new tipple work there Buck Wallace the holster al ¬ theyhave Henry Delany and Jno Martin took Sunday a pleasure trip Gray Hair llcstoreflto Its Natural Color r r ARMSTRONGS tJftinNTAL HAIR REJUVEN ATOH baappliedaLhome It pruvents m gray and restores dayfor Ail application twice or throe times a month foralifetume One wall a one or two I but will last a gentleman sis months potagepaid Tilalplcdrocregulareiosp tlf 1 t 6o1Ves pad Street w tlcCt tI tit X X a N s 0 1 d 1 if 1 1 J t ht i r 3 1 i a y t 1 i n past Win went ¬ ¬ time H ittfaIiJqiIIIi11 irl Mr Ewlec Yesssis Steedart fli Geed 4 Zs Arm Sts Htha ZEMQ POSITIVELYCURES ANY FORM OF SKIN OR SCALP DISEASE READ ML YOUNGS LETTER 1 I iTtw EW ROSE ifEpi 1NE Co St Louis MoSTONEFORT ILL April 3 1905 picturebefore d 1dollarswilh j ST BERNARD DRUG STORE Earlinffton Ky 1c L J1VEJ1 rACTGWES i 1 1 vrtM Jxjn < iy jtif tn t t M >r linn 1u re < o In n line j 11 t t J lrc U r a Iitd WWflJII a good shoe i Ii i vifu Ut t tJlQ r 71t li1 iUctvstitlcn n t Co to ianufcrpiamprid II liriil y Iv pdinfjTOt ii tI nitittcroiily tjiat I Want j tty thatV ° r f- itliu k i tpyi tctr 4 REV WALTER GRIFFITH i V5iVv SUverton Texas 1i t- r S GoilJ tffc superiiMty of Diamond Brand shoes be J niiiru Cs nvHicin Iystowii1 You arc just as nnxipus t r furY sit chars t3 RevGri it1i andit b llUftllr wur h yuf tz iii itofnciscr iat ypuvUdilcf supply themy iv < Ask yourdoaltr foV Diqriiond Brand Slides t A ll4M1WO f2f lYE AfflY X11 DYNE SOE1 7 ft9N Any OTffERbQlff IN 7f PlSrST i 1 f Ci1iClURE FORTHE tie 01 ra r- SJ qo r J I NJily

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Post on 15-Jan-2022




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0a TkiE B1aE EAR INGToNfK r

JI tItl tl

J 31




e1iqK exsaextsitsetsessw-





i 1i x i 4 jt i w

f i

4 r Cake Plates Oat Meal Bowls Vegetable Bowls r A<

I 1J > u

1ff tj

Dinner Plates Salad Bowls FrQlt1 ffI r 14

I v I fI

i Meat Dishes Berry Bowls x i > 111 ld r I T

i lS t V



v s isI1i

Undoubtedly the greatest bargains ever offered in peeosware Eyery pieceJ

I ikigYjt em e I





t > tr1 >





J> Jfi J


r I

j 1o l-j Madisonvillc Kentucky


> t-d

iJ-J PhoneZ22 W Center St

01i 1iJ I I illt I

Itt 41L IL e a II a 6 c Co aIoaa c ae a a CILIILIfo CA C IL 1oo ia1oa Iloo IIoIII ioa 4 a ra So

I if



s ift B4tH and Industry as Seen




SturgiB t Ky Dec 10S11ecla-ltGeoicC Hughep li well known

i bgeine man of Sturgis died at hisL home 6h Adams street Sunday after

noon at B oclock of typhoid feverMr Hu heir was stricken with theJever over a month ago and from the

i cifirst rout little hope was entertainedby 1 1 family or his friends for hisrecovery He belonged to one of the

3i s oldest and best families of the counjtyand was the largest stockholder

I Dr the WhltsellNorthern HardBare QoThe funeral services were

ti Conducted by Rev Barbee of theCumberland Presbyterian church o-

ffOweueboro at two oclock Mondayafternoon after which the remainswere laid to rest in the beautifulKnights of Pythias cemetery under

J J the Auspices of that order of whichfoe deceased was a member Butjust a year a ohe was married to

S Miss Hattie Cullen who survivesJrlm i HO was 47 years oldbeenlrJ reathiblscongreRaUon to a very

1ft lnteresting series of sermons for thePMf f w months at the Presbyterianotonr4lbfrom the book of Genises-ftfarbBkb the coming new year he

e+ Willtokpup the book of ExodusIhe8flsermons have proveli veryoftr ting the lovely little church with

n f pprtciative listeners every Sab

t thfj Quite a number of loads of tobae

1 pi palled through on route to Morg and Umontown marketsthis ind last week The people of

t rgi8 to all appearances gladt h I tbey have no tobacco houses to-


burn They have trouble enough ofJtp 8rbwn Without looking for any

l from the night raidersnV Miss Georgia L Floyd and Mr

t i iJfpe A Ballard wore married at ther Christian church Henshaw

Wednesday evening Dec 12 Thet couple are popular young

Society people qf Heushaw After ar

Tjrief honeymoon in tup South theyinnnyrLtuoky roaKnlflcent new West Ken

Bote1 under the managementMi O B ShuteB formerly of

iPwsilbtbJUI i xwstfpd theirflew Wifn i tin1t W U11R

1 t rj ir8tfl If

17 jt N 1r tlt >

ti p-


J f i tc I

t IIT j <

jI Ji cj

7 I< t


t 9 d sxse9s t essae Ka e 11sxe sst e












load of passengers Wednesday Itis the only one In the city and is a

beautyOnent the employes of West

Kentucky Coal Co was given theG B in groal style one day lastweek for trying to organize for theunion He had slipped in as a non ¬

union man of course but his die ¬

guise was of short duration

In making mention of the maynew buildings receiving finishingtouches in Sturgis last week thenew brick machine shop of JamesCaldwell on Main street was over¬

looked This building is a large oneand a credit to the town

Dr D M Sloan of Grove Centerwho has beenln Arkansas on a deerhunt the month returned homeWednesday last week The doctorreports having had a successfulhunt killing several deer andplenty of turkey

Misses Lucy Garner Mary Hicksand Dona Bradbum and Capt JoBoyd Col Woodford Smith andLieutenant ErJ Daugherty madeup the merry party to attend theopera at Evansville Monday nignt

E P Hughes of Louisville at ¬

tended the funeral service of hisuncle the late G O Hughes Mon ¬

day Mr and Mrs Curtis Hopewell of Princeton Ind also at ¬

tended the funeralMr and Mrs Will Moore of Nash ¬

ville visited his parents last weekat Grove Center Mr Moore wasformerly a Sturgis clerk but now inthe general I C railroad office atNashvilleMr

W Whitsell of Provi ¬

dence the retired president of theWhitsellNorthern Hardware Coattended the funeral of the late GC Hughes who was his successor> Mr and Mrs Hez Cullen ofVVheatoroft attended the funeral ofMr George Hughes Monday McCullen was at one time associatedin business with Mr Hughes

Chief Civil Engineer Cbas Stnckland of the West Kentucky CoalCo and his assistant Henry Sizemore were called to Wheatcroft qnmine matters this week

tMr MoKeaig who buta spurt

time ago moved West has writtento his friends here of his intentionof coming back At last there Is noplace like old Kentucky-

P C DIxot Louisville statesecretary of the Y M C A washere week looking after thecompletion of the note biUlditip atIMrj

trf r

I tj-

rY sp

f j1

tie daughter Dorothy visited theparentSof Dr Humphrey at theirnice home iu the country last week

Mrs T BY Clore of Sebree hasbeen the guest for the past week ofMrs J J JRudy of this place andMrs Sam P Sturgis of DaKoven I

Boy Barbee u f Owensboroprotiched to the Cumberland Presbyterian congregation here at theMethodist church Friday evening

ExCongressman H D AllenCounty Attorney G Talbott Berryand Sheriff Mort Quirey of Morganfield attended court here Friday

Editor HL Mosgrove of theNewsDemocrat writes back a bril ¬

liant description of Gulfport Missthe new white cIty by the sea

The Ladies Magazine Club will beentertained by Mrs Burnett Goadat her beautiful home on Mainstreet Saturday evening

Miss May Ida Turley of FredoniaJKyM who has been the guest of theMisses Garner the past few weeksreturned home Friday

Mr R P Morris of Paducah Kyis the guest this Week of his daugh ¬

ter Mrs C B Shutes at the WestKentuckyHotelMrs

of Prince ¬

ton Ind arrived Saturday eveningto attend the bedside of her brotherGeo Hughes

Mr and MrsJ S Moore qfGrove Center were the guests oftheir daughter Mrs N 13 Calmeslast week

Dr O H Urockmyer of Louisyule Is the guettt of his formerpartner Dr Morkwell thisweek

Miss Margurite Brisco of Morganfield was the guest of Misses Bes¬

sie and Alineda Hedges last weekProf H W C Ainley of the West

Kentucky College made a businesstrip to Paducah last week

Mrs H H Smith spent severaldays last week with her Husbandsparents at Repton Ky

Elijah Hughes Geo Cullen andMrs Hattie Hughes went to Morganfleld Wednesday

Miss Nora Parris 05 Grpve Con ¬

ter was the guest of Miss GraceStnf h last week I

Mrs Casey Graves of Morganfield was the guest of Mrs Arch

I3ertyiastvpeokMrsa prominent

gralnmeu of town went tq Morganfield Tuesday

1 t1lSlifpey t ae 11eet Ki ntuoky

J i i F> i v

1trrykf 1iif l

I 0


store manager to EvansvilleThursdayChurch

Tate of Madlsonville wasvisiting old friends in Sturgis Tues ¬

dayWnllerNunn now of Wheatcroft

visited his parrots here SundayWIH Ebony returned from a

Southern trip this week

Mice NoteWilt Chancellor cut 232 feet with

one of the now LongWall machinesone day last wft < k uteaninirr 4928while win Maddox was iv close sec-

ond with 216 feet or S61 Insteadof these machines reducing the demand for labor and the cause ofthrowing as was predicted manypoor mop idle it has proven a bonto the laboring element as well asto the company not only increasingthe demand for labor but has en-


the operators to give betterwages because of the fact of beingbetter able to fill all contracts with

promptnessSuptMines Forest Davis IB

havingnew machinery put in thatWill greatly improve the present-systemof supplying boiler fuel andtaking away the ashes All this willhe done by machinery

Joo Barr who has charge of theblacksmith shop in now assisted byMr Thompson and they j et alonglike a pair of twins

Last week was the banner weekat collieryncusJneo the strikerunning four thousand tons of coal

Mr Chandler chief of the eleetrical department is kept busywith a large force all the

Supt CJ Bucher was In Wheatcroft the fir tof the weak rushingthe new tipple work there

Buck Wallace the holster al¬theyhaveHenry Delany and Jno Martin

took Sunday a pleasure trip

Gray Hairllcstoreflto Its Natural Color

r r


baappliedaLhomeIt pruvents m gray and restoresdayforAil application twice or throe times a monthforalifetumeOne wall a one or two I

but will last a gentleman sis monthspotagepaid Tilalplcdrocregulareiosp

tlf 1

t 6o1Ves pad Street w tlcCt tI

tit XX a N s

01 d 1if 1 1 J





a y











irlMr Ewlec Yesssis Steedart fli Geed4 Zs Arm Sts Htha










E W ROSE ifEpi 1NE Co St Louis MoSTONEFORT ILL April 3 1905picturebefored




1 vrtM Jxjn < iy jtif tn t t M >r linn 1u re < o In n line j11

tt J lrc U r a Iitd WWflJII a good shoei Ii i vifu Ut t tJlQ r 71tli1 iUctvstitlcn n t Co to ianufcrpiamprid

IIliriil y Iv pdinfjTOt ii tI nitittcroiily tjiat I Want jttythatV °

r f-itliuk i tpyitctr 4 REV WALTER GRIFFITH i

V5iVv SUverton Texas 1i t-r

SGoilJ tffc superiiMty of Diamond Brand shoes be J

niiiru Cs nvHicin Iystowii1 You arc just as nnxipus t rfurY sit chars t3 RevGriit1i andit b llUftllr wur hyuf tz iii itofnciscr iat ypuvUdilcf supply themyiv <

Ask yourdoaltr foV Diqriiond Brand Slidest

A ll4M1WOf2flYEAfflY X11 DYNE SOE1 7 ft9N Any

OTffERbQlff IN 7f PlSrST i


f Ci1iClURE FORTHE tie 01ra r-


J INJily