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Beginners Teacher Guide November 2017

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Table of Contents Lesson Warm Up Story Activity Page

November 5 – Do What Is Right (based on 1 Samuel 2:30-36)

Play “The Reasons Why”

Adventures of the Faithful Five – Episode 10: Stomping on the Serpent

Make a Good Behavior poster


November 12 – Promise of a New Day (based on Jeremiah 31:27-34)

Sing “Standing on the Promises of God”

Adventures of the Faithful Five – Episode 11: Working for Freedom

Make a heart filled with God’s Word


November 19 – Awesome! (based on Psalm 66:1-9)

Do the movements to “God Makes Everything”

Adventures of the Faithful Five – Episode 12: Zapping the Rude Dude

Color God’s Creation


November 26 – Remember! (based on 1 Corinthians 11:23-34)

Sing “I Know It Was the Blood”

Adventures of the Faithful Five – Episode 13: The Police and the Community Come Together

Share a meal 9

Appendices Title Page

Appendix A How I Must Act Worksheet 11

Appendix B Good Behavior Poster 12

Appendix C Heart Template 13

Appendix D God’s Creation Coloring Page 14

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Lesson 10 – November 5, 2017 | 1 Samuel 2:30-36

Do What Is Right

Scripture Summary

Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phineas did not do their job as priests in a godly way. God was very unhappy with

their behavior. Eli knew his sons were being disobedient, but he did not do anything to stop them. As a

result, Eli and his family had to suffer a consequence.

Verse to Remember

Ask students to repeat the key verse after you. Be sure to say the verse in short phrases so it is easy for

students to remember and repeat. Suggested phrases are segmented below.

1 Samuel 2:30 | Those who honor me | I will honor, | and those who despise me | shall be treated with


Get Excited!

Below are the instructions for the warm-up activity.

Ask students the following questions to generate a brief discussion on the reasons why we do certain

things. Answers will vary but you should correct answers that are unreasonable.

Q1. Why do we have a bed time?

Q2. Why do we go to school?

Q3. Why do we go to church?

Q4. Why do we go to Chuck E. Cheese?

Read and Learn!

Read Adventures of the Faithful Five – Episode 10: Stomping on the Serpent aloud.

The Serpent was the evilest of all the villains. He had a powerful tail like a scorpion that he used as a weapon. He could whip his tail at speeds up to 100 miles per hour! The Serpent could also blend into any surface so victims would not know when they were entering a danger zone. His only downfall was his brain. The Serpent could be outsmarted because he did not think before he acted. Jahari is super good at reading, but he has trouble with math. He was still working on his last math problem when the rest of the Faithful Five came to his house. As soon as he finished, he put his packet in his homework folder, his homework folder in his backpack, and his backpack in his bedroom. King followed him back to the family room. Zakiyah pressed “pause” on the remote. The Faithful Five made a circle, joined hands, and landed in the year 2029. King guided them to Dawit’s (DAH-WEET) bedroom. Dawit was dreaming that he was talking to his teacher about how much wrapping paper he sold so far for the school fundraiser. He was excited because he believed he was going to raise enough money to earn a prize. The Serpent’s purpose was to steal, kill, and destroy. He liked to turn dreams into nightmares. If he could get to Dawit’s dream, he could influence Dawit to keep a little bit of the money he collected for

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himself to buy whatever toy he wanted from the dollar store. This way, Dawit would get a prize, no matter how much money he raised. He would also get into B-IIIIIIIG trouble with his parents because it would be stealing. “Do not steal” is one of God’s Commandments. The Faithful Five knew the Serpent would just go in for the attack, but if they could outsmart him, they could defeat him. They came up with a strategy to land on the Serpent’s body in five different places so he could not move. They just needed to hold him in place long enough for Dawit to finish his dream. The Faithful Five had to time their move perfectly with the Serpent’s pounce for the plan to work. When the Serpent started to raise up its head, Zakiyah began the countdown. “Three-two-one-jump.” The Faithful Five successfully held the Serpent in place until Dawit finished his dream. “You all think you are sss-o sss-mart,” hissed the Serpent. “Thi-sss is not over. We’ll meet again.” Then the Serpent slithered away. The Faithful Five joined hands to return home. Zakiyah pressed “play” on the remote and everything was

back to normal. “See you guys next week,” said Mekhai. “Only one more mission to go.”

Rise Up!

Answers to questions in What Do You Think are underlined. Use flash cards to help students identify

letters. Also emphasize the sounds of the letters. This exercise is the superhero challenge.

The first letter is the first letter in the body part you use to smell. N

The second letter is in “cop” but not “cap.” O

The third letter is the first letter in “reward.” R

The fourth letter is the last letter in the body part you use to see. E

The fifth letter is the first letter in “consequence.” C

The sixth letter is the double letter in the body part covered by your shoes. E

The seventh letter is the first letter in the name of the day set aside for worship and rest. S

The eighth letter is the same letter as the seventh letter. S

Bonus: Is the answer a reward or consequence? a consequence

Complete the Superhero Challenge if time permits.

Tell students the Faithful Five need your help in figuring out whether the behavior listed in the middle of

the circle will lead to a reward or consequence. When I hold up the flash card, identify the letter for

each clue. Then put all the letters together to get the answer.

Below are the instructions for the Time to Create activity – Good Behavior Poster.

Materials needed: Copies of the Good Behavior poster in Appendix B, crayons

Instructions: Review the behaviors on the poster. Allow students to decorate the poster. Encourage

them to use a different color for each behavior.

Close the lesson with prayer.

Lord, help us be good examples of acceptable behavior. Make us strong against bad influences. In Jesus’

Name, we pray. Amen!

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Lesson 11 – November 12, 2017 | Jeremiah 31:27-34

Promise of a New Day

Scripture Summary

The Israelites had been breaking their promise to follow God’s laws. They suffered the consequences for

their disobedience. Now God wanted to make a new promise. This time, God did not leave it up to the

people to create love and obedience in their hearts. Everyone, from the person who had a little money to the person who had a lot of money, would know God’s laws for themselves.

Verse to Remember

Ask students to repeat the key verse after you. Be sure to say the verse in short phrases so it is easy for

students to remember and repeat. Suggested phrases are segmented below.

Jeremiah 31:33 | I will put my law within them, | and I will write it on their hearts; | and I will be their

God, | and they shall be my people.

Get Excited!

Below are the instructions for the warm-up activity.

Allow students to sing along with “Standing on the Promises of God” YouTube video


Read and Learn!

Read Adventures of the Faithful Five – Episode 11: “Working for Freedom” aloud.

Mekhai, Zakiyah, Jahari, Ashanti, and Nevaeh went to the voting precincts with their parents on this past Tuesday because it was election day. Their teacher gave them an assignment to learn something about the Voting Rights Act. This was supposed to be the week they completed their last mission against a villain, but the school project needed to be done first. Ashanti found a book about the summer of 1964. It is known as Freedom Summer. “Wow,” said Zakiyah. “That’s a looong time ago. My mother was born in 1981 and that’s way older than she is.” The book was about what members of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party did at the Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Fannie Lou Hamer, a woman with deep faith and known for her gospel singing at rallies, was speaking to the Credentials Committee at the 1964 Democratic National Convention. She told them how she was badly beaten in jail because she was involved in the Mississippi Summer Project. Mrs. Hamer was trying to get her Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party seated as delegates at the convention. The convention officials only offered them two seats. They turned down the offer. Mrs. Hamer said, “We didn’t come all this way for no two seats.” The terrible events that happened in Freedom Summer showed the need to get rid of the unfair treatment of African-American people. The lawmakers changed their attitude about the unfair laws. Some of them were Christians so they knew God’s laws too.

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Soon after that summer, the lawmakers passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Ashanti checked out the book from the library so the Faithful Five could share it at school. The Faithful Five learned how Mrs. Hamer and others went through a lot so we can have the right to vote.

Rise Up!

Answers to questions in What Do You Think are underlined.

God was disappointed with Israel and Judah.

In the new agreement God made sure the people knew his laws for themselves. True False

What did the Faithful Five learn about their right to vote? Fannie Lou Hamer and others went through a

lot so we can have the right to vote.

Complete the Superhero Challenge if time permits.

Tell students the Faithful Five know the best way to obey God’s rules is to know God’s word by heart.

Can you help them name the Ten Commandments? (Refer to the Ten Commandments Tablet template

from the October 15, 2017 lesson for answers.)

Below are the instructions for the Time to Create activity – Heart Filled with God’s Word

Materials needed: copies of the Heart Template in Appendix C, glue, crayons, ribbon or yarn, hole punch

Instructions: Cut out the heart pattern and the verse to remember for each student in advance. Allow

students to decorate their hearts. Then ask them to glue the verse to remember in the middle of the

heart. Punch a hole at the top of the heart and cut a piece of ribbon or yarn long enough to hang the

heart around the student’s neck.

Close the lesson with prayer.

Lord, thank you for your grace and mercy. Help us as we try to follow your law. In Jesus’ name, we pray.


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Lesson 12 – November 19, 2017 | Psalm 66: 1-9


Scripture Summary

This psalm is a hymn about the awesome things God did for the Israelites. God helped the Israelites

cross the Red Sea with Moses to save them from the Egyptian army. God also helped the Israelites cross

the Jordan River with Joshua before they entered the promised land. The Israelites wanted everyone to

give God praise and thanks.

Verse to Remember

Ask students to repeat the key verse after you. Be sure to say the verse in short phrases so it is easy for

students to remember and repeat. Suggested phrases are segmented below.

Psalm 66:5 | Come and see what God has done; he is awesome in his deeds among mortals.

Get Excited!

Below are the instructions for the warm-up activity.

Allow students to do the movements to “God Makes Everything” YouTube video


Read and Learn!

Read Adventures of the Faithful Five – Episode 12: Zapping the Rude Dude aloud.

Manners will carry you a long way. But the Rude Dude thought disobeying rules was the best way to make an impression on someone. He was the youngest of all the villains and showed no respect for elders or people in authority. The Faithful Five had to keep the Rude Dude from influencing other children to be disobedient. Zakiyah asked if anyone else wanted to control the remote for the final mission. Ashanti said, “I do,” so Zakiyah gave her the remote. Before Ashanti could press the “pause” button, King barked once. “Yes, we did our homework,” they responded in unison. Then King barked two times. “Yes, we did our chores.” Then King let out a cute little howl. Ashanti could finally press “pause” on the remote. The Faithful Five made a circle, joined hands, and landed in the year 2030. King led them to the school parking lot where Ebony’s class was getting on the bus for a field trip to the aquarium. Ebony could sometimes be a class clown and very disrespectful to her teacher, but she was trying very hard to stay out of trouble. She asked God every night to help her. Ebony really wanted to see all the fish at the aquarium because she thought fish were the most beautiful creatures God created. The Rude Dude liked to control his victims with temptations. He designed a helmet to keep his head filled with rude acts. He also carried a cane that contained a very small laser to target his victims’ hearts. Ebony’s teacher asked her to sit in the first seat behind the bus driver. Ebony wanted to sit in the back because she thought it would make the bus ride more fun. The Rude Dude knew Ebony wanted to say, “No! That’s not fair. Why do I have to sit in the front? I want to sit in the back.” All the Rude Dude had to do was zap Ebony with his laser to make Ebony’s urge to be rude a little stronger. The Faithful Five joined together to block the laser

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beam and it zapped the Rude Dude in his head, knocking him to the ground. Ebony was able to think about the best words to use so she said, “Miss Perry, Can I sit in the back. I promise to behave.” Miss Perry liked the way Ebony respectfully asked to sit in another seat. She let Ebony sit in the back, but also let her know she would have to come to the front seat if she started to misbehave. The Rude Dude crawled away from embarrassment. He did not like being defeated.

The Faithful Five joined hands to return home. Ashanti pressed “play” on the remote and everything was

back to normal. The Faithful Five thought their five-mission challenge was awesome! Nevaeh said, “I’m

glad children are learning how to keep God’s laws by knowing the difference between right and wrong.”

Jahari said, “We have the high score in this battle: Faithful Five – 5, Five Villains – 0.” They all smiled and

threw their hands up in the air for victory.

Rise Up!

Answers to questions in What Do You Think are underlined.

God helped the Israelites cross the Red Sea with Moses.

God helped the Israelites cross the Jordan River with Joshua.

Who did the Faithful Five defeat in this mission? The Rude Dude

Why was the Rude Dude a villain? He showed no respect for elders or persons in authority.

Complete the Superhero Challenge if time permits.

Tell students the Faithful Five are planning a flash mob dance to show the awesomeness of God. Help

them pick a song for the dance, a place to share the dance, a few movements for the dance, something

to wear for the dance, and a few “Our God is so awesome he …” statements to introduce the dance.

Below are the instructions for the Time to Create activity – God’s Creation Coloring Page.

Materials needed: copies of the Creation Coloring Page in Appendix D, crayons or markers

Instructions: Allow students to color the worksheet with as much creativity as possible.

Close the lesson with prayer.

Lord, you are awesome and worthy of our praise. We honor you for your mighty acts. Please forgive us

when we do not give you the praise you deserve. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!

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Lesson 13 – November 26, 2017 | 1 Corinthians 11: 23-34


Scripture Summary

King David wanted to build a temple to honor God and to properly store the ark. God sent the prophet,

Nathan to give David a message about the plans God had for him. God did want David to build the

temple. David’s son, Solomon would be the one to build the temple. God promised to always love

David’s family, no matter what, like a father loves his children, even when they would be punished for

breaking God’s rules.

Verse to Remember

Ask students to repeat the key verse after you. Be sure to say the verse in short phrases so it is easy for

students to remember and repeat. Suggested phrases are segmented below.

Psalm 89:28 | Forever I will keep | my steadfast love for him, | and my covenant with him | will stand


Get Excited!

Below are the instructions for the warm-up activity.

Teach students the first verse to “I Know It Was the Blood.” The lyrics are below. Then allow them to

sing and clap to the song.

I know it was the blood.

I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood for me. One day when I was lost, Jesus died on the cross.

I know it was the blood for me

Read and Learn!

Read Adventures of the Faithful Five – Episode 13: “The Police and the Community Come Together”


The missionaries were organizing a “Black Lives Matter” rally at the church. The Faithful Five made posters to hold while they were walking in the march with their parents. “Today’s rally reminds me of the Freedom Summer of 1964 and a movie I watched with my dad called ‘Glory Road,’” said Mekhai. Glory Road was about the 1966 NCAA Division 1 Championship basketball game between the University of Kentucky Wildcats and the Texas Western Miners. Adolph Rupp was the coach for the Kentucky Wildcats. He was white and once vowed that a black would never play at Kentucky. Don Haskins was the coach of the Texas Western Miners. He was also white, but he recruited black players to be on his team. The black players and the white players for Texas Western did not get along at first, but as they learned

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how to play as a team, they learned how to respect and be kind to one another. Sometimes the Texas Western team was treated badly because of the prejudice some white people had toward black people. Mekhai’s dad told him that we still have movements like Black Lives Matter today for the same reason. Coach Haskins put five black players in the starting lineup. No college coach had ever done that in NCAA Championship history. Coach Haskins only played his black players the entire game. The white players on the Texas Western team wanted to play in the championship game, but they understood the message Coach Haskins was trying to send to the world. Texas Western won the national title with a 72-65 victory. The 1966 NCAA Championship game helped to change the minds of coaches, including Adolph Rupp.

Zakiyah said, “I saw Glory Road too. I like how the black and white players on the Texas Western team

learned to get along with each other.” Ashanti turned to her father and said, “Dad, can we invite the

police officers to church on Sunday. We have communion. Isn’t that the time to come together in love?

Jesus died for them too, right?” Ashanti’s father kissed her forehead and said, “That’s a great idea

sweetie. I know God is very happy with you right now. I will talk to the pastor to see if we can make this


Rise Up!

Answers to questions in What Do You Think are underlined.

What is the communion table? It is a place where believers come together in love.

How did Ashanti want to bring the police officers and the community together? Ashanti wanted the

police officers and the community to take communion together.

Complete the Superhero Challenge if time permits.

Tell students the Faithful Five have been learning about God’s promises. They want to come up with a

pledge that will remind them of their responsibility to obey God’s rules. Help them write the pledge.

(You can come up with one pledge as a class or several pledges in small groups. Write the final product(s)

on flip chart paper to post in the classroom.)

Below are the instructions for the Time to Create activity – Share a Meal

Materials needed: wrapping paper, healthy foods for a continental breakfast, napkins, plates, plastic


Instructions: Make nice placemats with the wrapping paper before class. You will need one placemat

for each student. Place the healthy continental breakfast foods in the center of the table. Bless the

food then teach students how to ask for and pass the dishes they want. Start a light conversation on

how God gets happy when we get along with each other.

Close the lesson with prayer.

Lord, Thank you for your love. Remind us to treat others as we want to be treated. In Jesus’ name we

pray, Amen.

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Appendix A | How I Must Act Worksheet

WHEN I WENT TO I showed my

best behavior

I will do better

next time

what I did well and

what I can do better

the movies


visit someone’s



eat in a restaurant


roller skating or

somewhere else for



Image credits:

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Appendix B | Good Behavior Poster


Hands are for high fives and handshakes

Feet are for walking and leaping

Words are for helping and healing

Teeth are for smiling and eating

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Appendix C | Heart Template

I will put my law within them,

and I will write it on their hearts;

and I will be their God

and they shall be my people.

Jeremiah 31:33

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Appendix D | God’s Creation Coloring Page

Image credit:

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