bible jeopardy final bible jeopardy losing my religion the feminine mystique with friends like these...

Post on 11-Dec-2015






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Bible JeopardyBible Jeopardy

Final Bible Jeopardy

Losing My Religion

The Feminine Mystique

With Friends

Like These

Wholly Holy Moses

$uper Prophet$

100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500

Losing My Religion Losing My Religion

10010099 were safe, but life and limb were risked to save 1.

Losing My Religion 200

They wandered for forty years and never stopped once to ask for directions.

Losing My Religion 300

After searching for three days they found Jesus in the Temple astounding the rabbis.

Losing My Religion400

A woman swept her house until she found this and then she partied with her neighbours to celebrate her find.

Losing My Religion500

He washed his eyes in the Blue Pool and then found Jesus to thank him.

The Feminine Mystique 100

She used her tears to wash Jesus’ feet and her hair to dry them.

The Feminine Mystique 200

She chose to sit by Jesus like a disciple while her sister slaved away in the kitchen.

The Feminine Mystique 300

She wiped the face of Jesus on his way to the cross.

The Feminine Mystique 400

She led the Hebrews in a victory dance on the safe side of the Red Sea.

The Feminine Mystique 500

She chose to stay with her mother-in-law Naomi, worshipped Yahweh, married Moab and became an ancestor of David.

With Friends Like These 100

This Apostle denied Jesus three times before the cock crew.

This wildcat Apostle made a deal to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.

With Friends Like These 200

This doubting Apostle wanted to touch the Risen Jesus’ wounds.

With Friends Like These 300

These two fishy “J” Apostles were the sons of Zebedee.

With Friends Like These 400

This Apostle was Peter’s younger brother. He first introduced Peter to Jesus.

With Friends Like These 500

Wholly, Holy Moses 100

While tending Jethro’s sheep, Moses heard God’s voice coming from this “euonymus alata compactus.”

Wholly, Holy Moses 200

Baby Moses cruised down the Nile in one of these.

Wholly, Holy Moses 300

Moses built this to carry the Ten Commandments. Later on in the movies, Raiders tried to find it.

Wholly, Holy Moses 400

This last plague convinced Pharaoh to release the Hebrews.

He was Moses’ spokesperson and brother.

Wholly, Holy Moses 500

$uper Prophet$ $uper Prophet$ 100100

His den was cosy but he wasn’t safe “lion” around there.

$uper Prophet$ 200

He foretold that the Messiah would be from the House of David and be born of a virgin.

$uper Prophet$ 300

A bullfrog was once named after this prophet.

$uper Prophet$ 400

This prophet’s message became a #1 hit for the Byrds in the 1960’s.

$uper Prophet$ 500

He too tried to console captive Israel in Babylon, but it wasn’t “easy” for him.



FINAL JEOPARDYHis jealous brothers sold him to slave traders, but he soon rose to Technicolor prominence in Egypt.

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