big bang and starlight travel

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Larry Kisner

Arizona Origin Science Association

World View Outreach Church

Big Bang?God Created

TopicsHow did the universe begin?

Is the Big Bang the Answer?

Did the Big Bang happen

or is it coming?

What about the Starlight and Time Problem?

Credits: Adapted from presentations

by Mike Riddle and Dr. Russ Humphries

Big Bang – Then What?

Questions for Evolutionists

Origin of the Universe

1. What specific evidence supports the claim of a natural origin of the universe?

2. Explain how something can come from nothing in contradiction to the first law of thermodynamics.

3. What is the evidence that the universe increased in its order and complexity after the big bang in contradiction to the second law of thermodynamics.

Two Models

Biblical model God spoke the universe into existence

Young universe

God created the stars

Evolution / Theistic evolution Big Bang

Universe 12 – 15 billion years old

Stellar formation (natural processes)

Evaluating the Evidence

Evidence against one position is

support for the other position

What is the actual evidence

To support creation or evolution

Evidence against evolution is

Support for creation

If the cosmos is so young,

how can we see so much of it?

A Young-EarthCosmology

Farthest Galaxy seen:14 Billion Light-years

If light traveled that distance at today's speed, would it have had time to get here?

By Dr. Russell Humphries

Earlier creationist

theories were not adequate

1. Light createdin transit

2. Speed of lighthas decreased

Theory Problems

Fictional history in the skyNo scientific explanations

Data against itTheory unclear

Neither explains other phenomenaNeither gives decisive biblical basis

The Bible + relativity

= different clock rates

Earth near center of universe

Clocks slower near center

Enough time to see stars

Billions of years



This newer creationist theory

starts from a Biblical basis

Biblical assumption gives a different cosmology

Big bang theory uses a non-biblical assumption

The Big-bang assumption needs scrutiny

ho mo ge ne ous : uniform composition throughout

Big bang theories assume

the cosmos is the same everywhere

“ ... our position in space is [not]specially distinguished in any way…this assumption ... [implies] that …the universe is approximatelyspatially homogeneous .”

— Stephen Hawking & George Ellis,The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time

The assumption means the cosmos

would have no edge or center

"In popular literature ...the universe ... has acenter and an edge.

"This is wrong ...[It] has no center and edge."

— Edward R. Harrison, Cosmology


of Matter


of Matter

The Public's Big Bang:

―Island‖ universe

Big Bang theorists imagine

that matter fills all space

The Experts’ Big Bang:

Travel infinitely—

you’ll never find space

without galaxies

No edge of matter

—no center !

(Window frame)

But the Bible says there is a center



And God said, “Let

there be an expanse

in the midst of the

waters…”—Genesis 1:6




The Earth is near the center

[God] separated the

waters which were

below the expanse from

the waters which were

above the expanse… —Genesis 1:7

Became the Earth

(Genesis 1:9,10)

―Island‖ universe with Earth near center

The expanse is big

“Let there be lights in

the expanse of the

heavens …to give light

on the earth” … and it

was so. —Genesis 1:14,15

―Island‖ universe with Earth near center

The expanse is big

“Let there be lights in

the expanse of the

heavens …to give light

on the earth” … and it

was so. —Genesis 1:14,15

A center makes gravity important

Big Bang Cosmos Biblical Cosmos

Matter fills all space Island Universe

No net force Net force toward center

In the Biblical cosmos,we must reckon with gravity

Scripture says gravity affects the cosmos

For as the heavens are

higher than the earth…—Isaiah 55:9




Big Bang







Scientists agree: gravity affects time

Gravitational time dilation

— Lower clocks tick slower

Shown by experiment

Predicted by Einstein



If today's cosmos is an “island”,clocks near its center tick ~ 2% slower

2 % Slower


20 Billionlight-years

Insignificant today, but what about the past?

Billions of years

In the past,

the cosmos was smaller

Evidence for expansion:Scientific: Red shift of light from galaxies

Biblical: 17 verses in Old Testament, such as:

Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain

And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.

— Isaiah 40:22

When the cosmos was smaller,

clocks at the center were very slow

1 Day

Billionsof years

0.5 Billionlight-years

This happened on the fourth day of creation

During six days on earth, billions

of years elapsed in the distant sky

Age of Universewhen Adam saw it

= 6 days, E.S.T.(Earth Standard Time)

So light from distant galaxies could reach us,and distant objects would appear to be "old."

This theory follows

straightforwardly from the Bible

+ =

+ =

―Island‖ Cosmos

Unbounded Cosmos

Relativity ―White-hole‖ Theory

Relativity Big-bang Theories



The basics of this theory

are scientifically sound

If the cosmos is an “island”

— clock rates must be different

If the cosmos has expanded

— clock rates must have been very different

From all the science we know,

these conclusions are unavoidable !

God used relativity

to let us see a young universe


Enough time to see galaxies

Clocks on earth slow during 4th day


Book and video explain much more

The meaning of “very good” in Genesis 1:31

Death before sin

The Genesis Flood was not worldwide

Colossians 1:16 “all” does not mean all


What do the heavens declare: God or


The authority of Scripture

God’s creation was not 6-days

Implications of the Big Bang

Big Bang or Big Deception

The big bang is NOT a fact

Most evidence contradicts the big bang

Many scientists (including astronomers)

disagree with the big bang

The Bible does NOT teach the big bang

The Bible teaches a young earth (universe)

which agrees with science

Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath

created these things, that bringeth out their

host by number:…

Isaiah 40:26

And God made two great lights; the greater

light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule

the night: he made the stars also.

Genesis 1:16

The Origin of the Universe

When I consider thy heavens, the work

of thy fingers, the moon and the stars,

which thou hast ordained;

Psalms 8:3

(Ps 19:1) The heavens declare the glory

of God

(Ps 33:6) By the word of the Lord were

the heavens made; and all the host of

them …

(Ps 148:5) … for he commanded, and

they were created

(Ex 20:11) For in six days…

The Origin of the Universe

I, even my hands, have stretched out

the heavens, and all their hosts have I

commanded (Is 45:12)

Thou, even thou, are Lord alone; thou

hast made heaven, the heaven of

heavens, with all their host…

Nehemiah 9:6

The Origin of the Universe

(John 1:3) All things were made by him…

(Rev 4:11) …for thou hast created all

things, and for thy pleasure they are

and were created

17 times the Bible declares that God stretched

the heavens

2 Sam 22:10 Job 37:18 Isaiah 51:13

Psalm 18:9 Isaiah 40:22 Jeremiah 10:12

Psalm 104:2 Isaiah 42:5 Jeremiah 51:15

Psalm 144:5 Isaiah 44:24 Ezekiel 1:22

Job 9:8 Isaiah 45:12 Zechariah 12:1

Job 26:7 Isaiah 48:13

Nothing Too Difficult for God

God created trees mature with fruit

God created mature animals

God created Adam mature

Jesus fed the 5,000

Jesus turned water into wine

Jesus withered the fig tree (Matt 21:18-19)

Instant learning of language (Tower of Babel)

Instant healing of soldier’s ear (Luke 22:51)

Creation was “very good” (Gen 1:31)

A God of Miracles

What Did Jesus Say

Jesus confirmed Moses: John 5:46-47

God wrote it down for Moses: Ex. 20:11

Jesus confirmed Abel: Matt 23:35

Jesus confirmed the Flood: Matt 24:37-39

Jesus confirmed creation: Mark 10:6

Jesus is the Creator

John 1:1-3, Col 1:16, Heb 1:1-3, Eph 3:9

Why do you believe the Resurrection if

you don’t believe the Creation ?

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