blog skins 164477

Post on 14-May-2017






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left:0; border:0px ;"> <img src=""> </div> <div id="blog posts" style="position:absolute; padding:10px; z-index:2; left:37px; top:539px; width:380; overflow:auto; filter:alpha(opacity=80);"> <Blogger> <div class="head"><$BlogItemTitle$></div> <$BlogItemBody$><p> <div align="right"> <img src=""></div><br> <div align="right"><b><$BlogItemDateTime$></b><br> <div align="right"><BlogDateHeader><$BlogDateHeaderDate$></BlogDateHeader><br></div> && i think of u every night~<br><br> </div><br> </Blogger> </div> <div id="profile bar?! holy cow!" style="position:absolute; left:508px; top:265px; width:250px; z-index:1; padding:10px; overflow: auto; filter:alpha(opacity=100);"> <br> <br> <br> <div class="profile">the ROCKER</div> <div class="profileunder"></div><br> <br> write who u are here!<br> give ur readers/fans in depth info<br> of ur everyday life!<br> <p> <div class="profile">adores</div> <div class="profileunder"></div><br> write who/what u adore most, think of every night<br> before u go to sleep right here!<br> drop that massive hint to ur crush lol<br> <p> <div class="profile">irks</div> <div class="profileunder"></div><br> zomg now u have ur very own flaming ground!<br> actually most blogs have this lol<br> release all the steam hatred and what not here<br> start a new WW and let the flaming begin!<br> <p> <div class="profile">jukebox</div> <div class="profileunder"></div><br> music in ur blog?<br> recommended imeem<br> well until it becomes 30 sec....<br> but hey there are other music players out there<br> recommended width 225px no longer than that...<br> include whatever height that makes u happy<br> <p> <div class="profile">wishes</div> <div class="profileunder"></div><br> lets see....<br> i wish for a good amplifier<br> k is this a good example?<br> sheesh i dont think people will view this stuff here<br> anyway.....<Br> wheee im talking to myself<br> <p> <div class="profile">speak up!</div> <div class="profileunder"></div><br> give ur readers/fans a chance to voice out their thoughts!<br> cbox recommended<br> width and height to ur preference<br> just dont go over the limit or<br> an ugly scrollbar will appear at the profile area<br> <p> <div class="profile">homies</div> <div class="profileunder"></div><br> link ur friends!<br> friends are what make u <strong>STRONG!</strong> muahahaha<br> right?<br> <p> <div class="profile">credits</div> <div class="profileunder"></div><br> <br> maker : <a href="">obi64</a><br> images created with adobe photoshop CS (yeah finally)<br> also with the help of dreamweaver MX<br> image hoster: <a href="">photobucket</a><br> brushes : <a href="">coolwing</a> <a href="">ebonymusic</a> <a href="">colorfilter</a><br> various fonts: <a href="">urbanfonts</a><br> pictures: TGM,yahama and taiki<br> Cursors by <a href="">dorischu</a><br> <p> <div class="profile">time travel</div> <div class="profileunder"></div><br> <br> <BloggerArchives> <a href='<$BlogArchiveURL$>'><$BlogArchiveName$></a><br> </BloggerArchives> <p></div> <div id="announcement" style="position:absolute; width:300px; height:115px; z-index:3; left: 407px; top: 57px;"><marquee direction="left">best viewed in utf-8 and please tag before u leave!</marquee></div> </body> </html>

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