bonesmore bones lots of bones tons of bones zillions of bones 10 20 30 40 50

Post on 19-Dec-2015






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Bones MoreBones

Lots of Bones

Tons ofBones

Zillions of bones

10 10 10 10 10

20 20 20 20 20

30 30 30 30 30

40 40 40 40 40

50 50 50 50 50

Suzi Lillibridge

Bone & More Bones

Located across the top and front of the chest: providesStructure for shoulders and upper body – C_______

What is it called when you straighten a joint or increasethe joint angle ?

Located in the head; protects the brains!

How many bones are there in the body?

The upper leg bone; gives the leg support Longest, heaviest bone in the body

Located in the lower leg; gives support to lower leg.Smallest bone in lower leg

The upper bone in the arm: Provides structure for upper


Where two or more bones meet is called a J_____

Located between the upper and lower leg bones:

covers the knee joint

The hip bones;provides support for the legs

Located in the center of chest;protects heart and other internal organs;supports chest

Located on the upper part of the back:protects internal organs andsupport the chest- S ____________


Located in the lower leg;gives support to lowerleg. Largest bonein lower leg

Located in the center of the back; protectsspinal cord and supportsupper body

To develop strong bones in the body it is important to:

Osteoporosis occurs when:

A strong skeletal system plays a key role by:

Bone density can be continually improved during a person’s life by leading a lifestyle that includes:

The majority of bone density is developed by the end of the:

Bending a joint or reducing the joint angle is called:

Which exercise wouldstrengthen the humerous?a.skipping b. bicyclingc. curl-ups d. Push ups

Which food(s) is not high in calcium and will

not improve bone density

a.Fruits b. Dark green, leafy vegetables

c. Nuts d. Dairy products

Name 2 common joints that play a major role in movements necessary for a physical active life style.

Which two bones lay side by side?

• Do weight bearing activitiesand eat a healthy diet rich in calcium every day!

• Teenage years

Located in the chest; protects internal organsand support upper body

•loss of bone density causing bones to deteriorate and become weak

•Eat foods that have calcium

•and get daily exercise


•Ulna and Radius

Fruits unless it is orange juice that is calcium fortified!

• Ball and socket and hinge joint

•push ups

Providing structure, protecting the internalorgans and decreasing the chance ofbroken bones









•Vertebrae (backbone)




•Patella (kneecap)


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