book i unit 6 section a the trashman new horizon college english

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Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Section A

The Trashman

New Horizon College English

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Objectives of section A

1. To get to understand the main idea and structure of the text.

2. To use new words and phrases to express yourselves about the theme reflected in the text.

3. To grasp some typical sentence patterns

4. To learn to write in a general statement-examples method.

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Text Understanding

Background Information

Words and Phrases



Post-class Tasks

Pre-class Tasks Checking

Difficult Sentences

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Pre-class Tasks Checking

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

1. Make a report of your searching about the waste management in a US city.

2. Use some words to describe the image you have about a trashman.


Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Trashmen, also called garbagemen or garbage collectors, sometimes prefer to be called “sanitation engineers” or “environmental engineers”.


These terms make their work seem more important since they are especially sensitive about their work, especially if they believe their job is not respected by society.

Background Information

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

IQ stands for “intelligence quotient”. Intelligence refers to how effective one’s mental ability is, including ability to understand, learn, recall, think and reason. An average IQ score is 100.


Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

, John Gardner, was a psychology educator.

he argued for the cause of people who are ignored in a wealthy society.

The quotation referred to in Passage AJohn Gardner

Born in 1912 in California,

Known for his clear thinking,

first appeared in the Saturday Evening Post December 1, 1962


Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Structure of the text

Text Understanding

Q & A


Structure Analysis

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6


The work of being a trashman

What the writer and Steve experienced during their exchanges with local people.


The writer’s attitude in face of the cold responses from the people they served.

Paras. Main Idea

1 1~3

2 4~11

3 12~13

4 14

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

General Statement + Examples

A. The Writing Model:

Text Study—Structure Analysis

Structure Analysis

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Most of people look down upon trash-men.

Text Study—Structure Analysis

The General Statement (the Main Idea)

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

1. Response to my greetings showed that people weren’t often friendly. (Paras.5 - 6) Examples ①-④

2. People look down on trash-men. (Paras.8 - 9) Examples ① -②

3. Things made Steve raged.

The Specific Examples

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Response to my greetings showed that people weren’t often friendly.



Occasionally, I got a direct reply from someone who looked me in the eye, smiled and responded.

Paras. 5 - 6


But most often the response was either nothing at all or a surprised stare.

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Response to my greetings showed that people weren’t often friendly.



Another woman stared at me. She seemed frightened as she turned coldly away.


One woman was startled as I came, she gathered her housecoat tightly about her & retreated quickly indoors.

Paras. 5 - 6


Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

People look down on trash-men.Viewpoint:


If you say “hello” to them, they stare at you in surprise. They do not realize we’re human.


Once I told a lady not to put ashes in her trash-can. She said, “Who are you to say what goes? You’re nothing but a trash-man.”

Paras. 8 - 9


Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

3. Things made Steve raged:

a. The way most people look at trash-man show that

they think a trash-man was ________; they don’t

realize trash-men are ______. (Para.6)

b. I didn’t tell anyone I’m a ___________. (Para.10)

c. A friend _____ at her kids, asking them to _______

from the trash-men. (Para.11)

garbage man


a monster

yelled stay away

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Two trash-men are very exhausted and raged because of their work as trash-man and people’s responses to their greeting. But they

still have their own attitudes towards the job.

Now use some words and phrases from the text to make lists of major points.


Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

• haul trash for 4 hours continuously• shoulder hurt wickedly• legs occasionally trembled• no joy in it• dump, lift, walk, lift

1. The work as a trash-man:

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

• nothing• a surprised stare• startled• retreat indoors• frightened• coldness

2. People’s response to greeting from a trash-man:

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

• nothing• do it for the money, not the only work he can do• not be ashamed of it, but not boast about it• not dirty• as good as we are

3. Steve’s attitude to his own work:

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• exercise• outdoors in clean air• not dirty on the job• essential task• leave this country a little cleaner• respect for trash-men

4. Author’s attitude to his own work:

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

1. Did the trashman expect joy in his job when he took it?

No, he didn’t.

Collecting garbage is dull work.

Q & A

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

2. According to Steve, why most people don’t understand trashmen?

Because they don’t understand the nature of trashmen’s work.

Q & A

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3. Was there any change in the trashman’s attitude towards his job? If any, what was that?

Yes. He took the job for the money at first. But later he found his job was as necessary as that of a police officer or a fire fighter.

Q & A

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

4. Why did the narrator change his mind to stay at the job?

Because he thought the job was good for him and necessary for people.

Q & A

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5.What is the purpose on quoting John Gardner’s words?

To stress the idea that all workmen should be treated equally no matter what their jobs are.

Q & A

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Difficult Sentences


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Paraphrase: Steve and I carried trash for four full hours without breaks, during which we only stopped to have a chat for about five minutes.

•1. Steve and I hauled trash for four solid hours continuously, except for about five minutes when we stopped to talk.(Para.1)

Translation: 我和史蒂夫已拖运垃圾整整4 个小时了,中间只停下来说了约 5 分钟的话。

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

2. My shoulder hurt wickedly each time I put another full barrel on it, and my legs occasionally

trembled as I was heading to the street… (Para.1)这是一个由 and 连接的并列句, each time I put another full barrel on it 和 as I was heading to the street 作时间状语从句。

each time: every time, whenever 每逢,每当

每次伤风感冒,我的背就疼。 Each time I catch a cold, I have a pain in my


Each time when I put another full barrel of trash on my shoulder, it hurt me badly and sometimes my legs even shook as I was walking to the street…每次我将满满一桶垃圾扛上肩,肩膀就痛得厉害,有时候扛着垃圾朝街上走,腿都打颤……

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Paraphrase: I thought their staying at home might provide more chances for exchanging greetings as I went around collecting trash from door to door today.

3. I thought this might mean more exchanges as I made the rounds today.(Para.3)

Translation: 我心里琢磨,这可能意味着我挨家挨户收垃圾时可以和人们多搭上几句话了。

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Paraphrase: Before I understood that saying hello wasn’t something that was commonly done, I said hello to many people.

4. I said hello in quite a few yards before the message registered that this wasn’t normally done.(Para.5)

Translation: 直到我在几家院子里问候了几次之后,才意识到这么做是不常见的。

“The message” here refers to “that this wasn’t normally done”. The response the greeted people made to his greetings helped him understand that he was doing something other trashmen never did and were not expected to do.

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Paraphrase: If you say hello to them, they will get surprised and stare at you without words.

5. Say ‘hello’ and they stare at you in surprise.(Para.8)

Here “and” is used to introduce a result. When used in this sense, the sentence begins with a verb and equals an “if…” sentence.

e.g.e.g. Move again and I will kill you.(=If you move again, I will kill you.)

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Paraphrase: How dare you say I should not put the ashes in the trashcan? You are only a trashman.

6. Who are you to say what goes? You’re nothing but a trashman.(Para.9)

Translation: 我倒什么你管得着么,你算什么东西?你不过是个垃圾工罢了。

who are you to say…

what right do you have to say… 你有什么权利说 ······

e.g. Who are you to say I’m fired? You are not my boss at all. 你有什么权利说我被解雇了?你又不是我老板。

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

7. Frankly, I’m proud. (para.13)

frankly: to be honest 在句中作插入语,表 示说话人的态度或说明整个句子。

1) Frankly, I think you have very little chance of

getting the job.

2)Obviously, online application for employment has both advantages and disadvantages.

显然,网上求职有优点也有缺点 .

说实话 , 你要获得这个工作的机会是微乎其微的。。

apparently, obviously, honestly, certainly, fortunately, naturally 等


Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

8. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water…(para.14)

The sentence has been take from the following quotation: “ The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because philosophy is an exalted activity, will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water.”

Paraphrase: Neither its pipes nor its theories will stand up to inspection because of low quality…

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

8. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water…(para.14)

e.g. He neither drinks nor smokes. 他不喝酒,也不抽烟

neither… nor…: not… and not…

Note that in “neither…nor” structure, the agreement between the subject and predict is decided by what follows “nor”. For example:

Neither Jane nor her colleagues were at the meeting. 简和她的同事均未出席会议。

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

1. Either you or I _______ going there tomorrow.

2. Neither he nor you ____ going to buy the book.

3. _____ either you or I going to Beijing next week?

4. Neither mum nor sisters _____ at home last


5. Either you or she _____ good at drawing.

6. Neither I nor he _____ to school by bike.

A mini-test






Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Chinese to English

Word Replacing

Word Using

New Words and Phrases

Translation and Sentences Making

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Translation and Sentences Making

1. 朝街上走

2. ( 时间 ) 过得飞快

3. 看起来和善的

4. 长时间的聊天

5. 相互问候

6. 逐一巡查,访问 7. 赶忙退进屋里

to head to the street

to fly by

to look approachable

lengthy talks

to exchange greetings

to make the rounds

to retreat quickly indoors

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

8. 冷冷地转身走了

9. 驾车去垃圾场的路上 10. 惊恐地看着你 11. 为 ······ 感到羞耻 12. 吹嘘 ······

13. 不像某人认为的那样 14. 没有什么坏处

15. 轻视 , 看不起 16. 更进一步 17. 忘记带 ······ ;留下 ······

to turn coldly away on the long ride to the dump to stare at you in surprise to be ashamed of… to boast about/of… contrary to what sb thinks not to do any harm to look down on/upon to go a step further to leave… behind

Translation and Sentences Making

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

o 整整四小时持续不停地运送垃圾

o 想象不到其中的乐趣

o 直视某人

o 肯定会倒霉

Chinese to English

haul trash for four solid hours continuously

cannot image there will be joy in it

look sb. in the eye

be in for trouble

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

exchange greetings that go with civilized ways

The theory will not hold water.

call for respect for both the economists and the trashmen

o 有礼貌地互相问好

o 这理论将行不通 。

o 要求既尊重经济学家,也尊敬垃圾清理工

Chinese to English

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Word Replacing

1. They visited a number of different sections of the shopping center.

made the rounds

2. I like the way the blue carpet matches the golden curtains.

goes with

3. The man sat down and asked for some beer.

called for

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Word Replacing

4. You say I’m fired? Thanks. I didn’t want to do the job for long.

stay at

3. She shouldn’t have married him as she has a poor opinion of him.

looks down on/upon

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

1. continuously(para.1)

adv. adv. Without stopping

Word Using

e.g. It has rained continuously here for 3 days.


adj. continuous: happening or existing without stopping

e.g. The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. 大脑需要不断供血。

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

2. image (para.2)

vt. make a copy of the form of sth.;

make a picture of

image: vt. 想象,设想 image: n. 图象,映像,形象 imagine: vt. 想象,设想 , 料想

1)You can hardly image what our life will be without cell phones.


Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

2) Put yourself in his position, and imagine what you would do.你要处于他的地位,想想你会怎么办。

3)We must not do anything that would harm our image.


Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

imagine— 想象imaginable— 能想象的,可想象到的imaginary— 假象的,虚构的imaginative— 富有想象力的- All the troubles are_______________

- an ___________writer

- every means_________

- I didn’t___________ becoming a writer in my






Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

3. go with (para.3)

match; suit 与 ······ 相配(协调),和 ······ 一起存在

1)I want to buy a new tie ______________________. 我想买一条新领带与这套咖啡色西装相


to go with this brown suit

2)Money doesn’t always ________________. 有钱不一定幸福。

go with happiness

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

4. register (para.5) v. 显示,记录,登记,挂号邮寄1)汶川地震是里氏 8 级。

Wenchuan earthquake registered 8.0 points on the Richter scale.

2) 你最好还是挂号邮寄这封信。 You’d better register this letter.

3) 他没有向当地卫生院登记。 He failed to register with the local health centre.

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

5. rage (para.7) v. shout angrily at someone

“I can’t see it’s any of your business,” he raged.

“ 这不关你的事,” 他气呼呼地说。n. a strong feeling of anger

She flew into a rage. n. fashion 3G mobiles become the rage among the youth.


3G 手机在年轻人中很流行。

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

6. boast about/of (para.10) speak too proudly of

e.g. e.g. It’s disgusting to hear him boasting about/of his new car.

Translate: 他因考试得高分而洋洋得意。He boasts of having got a high score on the exam.


Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

7. originally (para.12) origin: n. 起源,来源 originate: v. 起源,创始 original: a. 最初的,有创造性的 originally: adv. 最初,原先

1) 谁是这座房子最早的主人?

2) 你知道在圣诞节互赠礼品这一风俗的来源吗?

3) 我不得不放弃我原先计划好的那条路线。 4) 他们萍水相逢成知己。

1) Who was the original owner of this house?2) Do you know the origin of the custom of giving presents at Christmas?3) I had to abandon the route I had originally planned.4) Their friendship originated in a chance meeting.

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Summary of the Text

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Both Steve and I are _________ after four hours’ continuous hard work. The work as a trash-man is boring and ____. Dump. Lift. Walk. Lift. On Saturday, we want to exchange greetings with people. However, we’re __________ by the way we are treated with. Most of people _____________ us.

They think the job of trash-men is dirty, so ___ trash-men. As a matter of fact, trash-men have done an _________ work. It’s trash-men who make the country cleaner and more beautiful! People should _______ others whether he is an economist or a trash-man.







look down upon

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Structure analysis

Tasks for writing


Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

A general statement

example1 example2 example3 example4

A general statement supported by examples

Structure analysis

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6


Yesterday was an awful day for me when everything I did went wrong. (General statement) I didn’t hear my alarm clock and arrived late for work. (Example 1) I didn’t read my diary properly and forgot to get to an important meeting with my boss. (Example 2) During the coffee break, I dropped my coffee cup and spoilt my new skirt. (Example 3)

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

At lunch time, I left my purse on the bus and lost all the money in it. (Example 4) Then I didn’t notice a sign on a door that said “Wet Paint” and I spoilt my jacket. (Example 5) When I got home I couldn’t get into my flat because I had left my key in my office. (Example 6) It was simply an awful day! (Conclusion)

Book IUnit 6Book IUnit 6

Write a paragraph on one of the following topics.

1. Students have different ways to learn English.

2. Computer presents a vivid world in front of us.

Tasks for writing

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