boost your self esteem in 15 minutes!

Post on 23-Jan-2018



Self Improvement



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Boost Your Self Esteem…In 15 Minutes!

Welcome! Hey! This is a super-quick free course to help you boost your self-esteem. Just before we get into it, let me introduce myself…

I’m Louisa. Hey!I used to have really bad self esteem – I was totally unconfident, I knew I wasn't getting the most out of life, and I didn't know where to head. But now I've turned it around and I feel better than I ever have before. If you want a quick boost or a total self-esteem overhaul, you’re in the right place.REMEMBER: You have the power to turn your self esteem around!

What is self esteem?Our self esteem is the amount of value we give ourselves, based on a scale of worth we use to evaluate ourselves and others. These values vary from person to person. Whilst others might rate us as being of high value, often we can consider ourselves to be of much lower value.

If we continue to think negatively about ourselves, this then becomes habit. Low self esteem (placing little value on ourselves) is the result of this.

Why do we get low self esteem? This could be for many reasons: Being judged by others, for example people thinking we’re not worthy of respect. Being valued by others only when we achieve, or only when we pretend to be what they want us to be, for example our friends who only seem to want to spend time with us if we pretend to fit in, not when we’re being ourselves. People who mean a lot to us putting us down, for example a partner or close friend insulting us.

Being judged or put down by others, even if it was a long time ago. And even the messages our parents communicated with us about how much we were worth when we were kids, for example, ‘your sister does better than you’, or us not feeling that our parents loved us or wanted to spend time with us. And underlying them all, is that we don’t have a stable idea of who we are at the deepest level.

This makes us feel.... Angry

Lost FrustratedDepressed






And we’ll have negative thoughts like... There’s something wrong with me

I’m so stupid I’m worthless I’m a failure

They all hate me They’re so much better than me

I should be much more _____, or I should be less ____ I am not good at anything I’ll never be successful

This might make us: Try to please other people all the time Get defensive when we feel criticized

Either underachieve, because it doesn’t seem worth the effort Or work harder to achieve really well to gain other people’s approval

Avoid certain people and situations Neglect our emotional needs

Abuse ourselves

Some people used to have good self esteem... then lose it. So how do we lose our self esteem? Think about this. What are the labels we give ourselves that help us feel good?

Successful, or defining ourselves by our job Good-looking Rich A good parent A religious person Intelligent

What labels do you give yourself to make yourself feel good?

But what happens when our life circumstances change, and these labels fall apart? What then?

Who are we?

The key to instant self esteem is to realize that we’re much more than a list of qualities.Our worth is based on much more than:

Are we successful or unsuccessful?

Are we rich or broke?

Are we pretty or ugly?

So… what is it based on?

Okay, I’m about to ask you a slightly random question….

Imagine a little baby that has just been born. Do you think this baby deserves to be loved and accepted?

Of course!

Now think about it. This baby hasn’t done anything to earn that love or acceptance. It hasn’t achieved anything. It isn’t successful. It isn’t rich. It doesn’t know much about anything.

And yet, it still deserves love.

This is where we see the sanctity of human life. Where we see how precious it really is. Where we look at those tiny little fingers and toes and marvel at the miracle life is. Precious, special, deserving of love and affection.

But over time, this magic wears off. The baby becomes a child, and demands are placed upon him or her – to achieve, to be this, to be that.

That unconditional love and acceptance they once felt are gone, and now they feel they have to be a certain way or live up to a certain standard to be loved.

This is a tragedy…

And it happens to all of us. We go through our lives, never quite being able to match up. Always comparing ourselves to others. Worrying if deep down we’re not worth all that much.

And it makes us miserable.

But we can turn this around...…by getting in touch with that part of ourselves, that part we had when we were babies, was WORTHY of love without having to BE anything, DO anything, or PROVE anything.

All we had to do was exist.

You do NOT have to wait to value yourself until you achieve something great, or you finally get that promotion, or any othertime or achievement or milestone. The time to value yourself is… RIGHT NOW!

And that’s what I want to tell you right now...

All you need to do to win your own approval, love and affection is…to exist!

And you’re doing that, every single moment of every single day. Our lives are so much more precious than these labels we stick on them, or comparing ourselves to other people and seeing how we match up. We’re worth so much more!

Here are some messages about your essential worth I want to share with you. Take some time to read them and let them sink in…

You’re naturally valuable!

You don’t have to please anybody to be worth anything.

You’re more precious (in a good way!) than you could ever imagine.

Your own love, affection and approval is the most powerful love you can ever receive.

Low self esteem is created by the narration that goes on in your head, and you have the power to change that over time.

You are the answer to your own problems.

Even though other people may not see your value, you must choose to see your own inherent value.

You do not become worthy of love and approval by achieving – you are already worthy of love and approval, just for being you.

Don’t chase after approval from other people. You’re worth so much more than that.

So how can we put this into action in our life?

AffirmationsOur own self-critical thoughts can cause our self esteem to stay low, because we keep thinking in the old destructive patterns that pull us down. But there’s good news!Daily affirmations help you reprogram your belief system, from judging yourself based on labels, to valuing the core of yourself.

Examples of powerful affirmations include: I have the power to make positive changes in my life. I do not have to be perfect to be worthy of my own love and approval. Life can be full of ups and downs, but I’m strong enough to meet any challenge.

I’ve included a free printable worksheet to help you put this into action. Click Affirmations below this presentation to download.

GratitudeThe practice of gratitude truly has transformed the way I look at my life. It helped me to look for the positive things, and to get out of the negative mind lock low self esteem had me caught in. I know it can do the same for you.I’ve made a free printable worksheet to help you inject gratitude into your life. Click Gratitude below this presentation to get your free copy.

Goal SettingWhen I had low self esteem I was going through life passively, being pushed around by life. I knew I needed to get active, but I didn’t know how.That was until I discovered goal setting. Setting goals for yourlife helps you get active. By stepping out and actively planning the life you want helps you pump up your personal power and step into your natural greatness.To get started on your own goal setting, click Goal Settingbelow.

Let’s do this together!

Low self esteem is a monster many of us have to face, but remember, there’s nothing wrong with you, despite what your thoughts might say! Low self esteem is not really about who we are, it is just about the thought processes that pull us down.

When you’re going through low self esteem, it can feel like you’re alone and isolated, but that’s just not true.

And thankfully, through gratitude, goal setting, and affirmations, we can flip the script and build our own self esteem from the ground up.I’m so glad we’re on this journey together. Let’s do this!


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